Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 12/12/2019 11:44 am | #211 |
Poppet wrote:
The board's about to become utterly unusable, anyway: GOG and jb will be back after the turn of the year. One glance at poor Woodbine's board reveals what's in store. Of course, that will likely drive away some of the current problem at least there's that.
I want to go against the trend here a bit, though: while I seldom agree with anything (political) that Deanna posts, I've never had anything but a cordial relationship with her. She's neither malicious nor in need of a psychiatrist.
That was a truly great forum once, and one I often tried to defend against bad actors, politics trolls, and other undesirables. All this makes me sad, frankly. But I can't see it being a viable place for rational, adult discourse any time soon.
Deanna sits on the right hand of M himself, and anything he writes, she LOLOLOL agrees with. Anything he ridicules, she LOLOL agrees with and ridicules too, more or less parroting what he wrote. When he set sights on me, so did she. Tag team. She is to him what Salacious Crumb is to Jabba. GOG and jb are permanently locked in the superstition of their delusions, and discussion of anything with either is not possible. SES is not only in his own world, but surrounded by "democrats," which I cannot imagine is a worse possible hell on earth for him. Little wonder his online presence is more pickled in its own poison than ever. Poor yome is one of those just a few steps past the "salvation message," and content to stay there. Occasionally trolls, and then says "just kidding. it was a joke."
Ken wants a conservative balance. He won't get it with that crowd. IMO there is not one conservative among them. They're all extremists, where anything left of them is liberal and to be ridiculed and despised. Any political topic attracts them like flies. Any deeper or substantive topic is ignored, for they have nothing to add. They complain we're nothing but liberals who run off conservatives. We ran them off, but they're not conservatives either. They're trolls. Trolls hate.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 12/12/2019 4:19 pm | #212 |
Poppet, I'm glad that you have never gotten anything but cordial behavior from Dee Dee, but you are obviously not aware of just how hateful and nasty she is to those of us whom she hates -- without cause, BTW.
Her past behavior and attitudes towards me were reprehensible. Everything she participates in is not always upfront and public, much of it is behind the scenes where she's one of THE nastiest, most malicious people I've ever encountered online or off -- towards those she hates. She and I have mutual friends. The crap she did and outrageous lies she said about me were EXTREMELY malicious and hateful.
Why do you think I despise her so ?? Because she's DUMB ?? Nope... Although she IS quite dense and annoying, but she's also EXTREMELY malicious, even if she doesn't dish it up to you. That she's never done anything to you doesn't mean anything other than she's never done anything to you.
Posted by Poppet 12/12/2019 5:13 pm | #213 |
Hey, no problem with either of you having a different opinion of Deanna. I just thought it behooved me to point out that my own experiences have been different. No two paths are identical. I know most of you have less of a problem with Heavy Hemi than I do.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 12/12/2019 6:12 pm | #214 |
Poppet wrote:
Hey, no problem with either of you having a different opinion of Deanna. I just thought it behooved me to point out that my own experiences have been different. No two paths are identical. I know most of you have less of a problem with Heavy Hemi than I do.
Precisely... I totally get where you're coming from and I agree with you that individual pathways diverge somewhat with various individual posters. No one opinion of others is the "right one", particularly since we all have such different experiences that color our opinions. At least we all basically agree on the facts. That's more important anyway. :-)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 12/12/2019 6:23 pm | #215 |
Trish aka Loresinger wrote:
so here are my reflections. After WEEKs of little movemtent on the MF board (initials approrpriate), suddenly those menbers are showing up on R&E. We are having generally decent conversations. SO WTF. Go back to your hole.. It's what you wanted. Deanna is an a##wipe, low-life, trailer trash hyena. And since no one just come here to spy, well no one will know
Nailed it. Dee Dee is a lot of those things, but she's actually not "trailer trash", at least as far as the term is commonly understood to mean. She has a standard "middle class" life and upbringing. She was a nurse in her prime earning years as well as once owning a Mom & Pop store with her husband back in the day. However, she's MUCH OLDER than the rest of us. She has stepped firmly into her 80s and is obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Posted by greenman ![]() 12/12/2019 6:31 pm | #216 |
Poppet wrote:
Hey, no problem with either of you having a different opinion of Deanna. I just thought it behooved me to point out that my own experiences have been different. No two paths are identical. I know most of you have less of a problem with Heavy Hemi than I do.
I know you committed yourself to that board and made an effort to get along with the people there, which is to your credit. Others of us...haven't been as committed, or simply had worse experiences. You know what I think of that core group, and saw how they treated me, but then maybe my initial approach was less tolerant of their politics.
I know you get along pretty well with yome, who's become less and less of a favorite of mine, but again...we all have different experiences. HH is someone I used to get along with, but began crossing swords with more and more, so we're more similar there.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 12/12/2019 6:43 pm | #217 |
I thought Poppet was talking about R&E when she was talking about it being a great board once that she supported ??
Agreed on HH. I've never had any real issues with him other than his abhorrent behavior towards a few others that I didn't particularly appreciate. However, he's gone and jumped the shark in the last several months with taking things too far and making threats against people IRL.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 12/12/2019 7:12 pm | #218 |
M apparently tired of D's morning noon and night tweets, G's weather modification conspiracy theories, and other, largely one line nonsense. He snoop here day after day, finding no mud about him and his to carry back. Darn if we weren't conversing about higher, better things. So he had to pay an R&E visit and be himself just enough to be called out, and stir the pot. Material we posted here in discussion found its way back to his nest and R&E.
What's carried back to the nest, destroys the nest.
So much for religion and ethics on religion and ethics.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/12/2019 7:14 pm)
Posted by Poppet 12/12/2019 8:35 pm | #219 |
Siagiah wrote:
I thought Poppet was talking about R&E when she was talking about it being a great board once that she supported ??
Agreed on HH. I've never had any real issues with him other than his abhorrent behavior towards a few others that I didn't particularly appreciate. However, he's gone and jumped the shark in the last several months with taking things too far and making threats against people IRL.
She was. I was in at the very beginning of R&E, and it was something of a home for me online for a good few years.
Heavy Hemi (who's wandered in again at R&E with some obsessive nonsense about Russian agents, ignoring his ban) is clearly insane. He's got such deep and serious anger issues that I will be very surprised indeed if it doesn't end in self-harm. Disappointed, too...but that's just me. ;)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 12/12/2019 9:33 pm | #220 |
I cannot fathom WHY he's so damned angry, but it's unhealthy, to say the very least. I hope that he figures it out and simmers himself down.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 12/13/2019 12:09 am | #221 |
R&E is in degenerative free fall.
Heavy outbreak of troll wars.
I seriously feel a need to shower.
Posted by greenman ![]() 12/13/2019 10:04 am | #222 |
Poppet wrote:
Siagiah wrote:
I thought Poppet was talking about R&E when she was talking about it being a great board once that she supported ??
Agreed on HH. I've never had any real issues with him other than his abhorrent behavior towards a few others that I didn't particularly appreciate. However, he's gone and jumped the shark in the last several months with taking things too far and making threats against people IRL.
She was. I was in at the very beginning of R&E, and it was something of a home for me online for a good few years.
Heavy Hemi (who's wandered in again at R&E with some obsessive nonsense about Russian agents, ignoring his ban) is clearly insane. He's got such deep and serious anger issues that I will be very surprised indeed if it doesn't end in self-harm. Disappointed, too...but that's just me. ;)
My apologies for misunderstanding your reference, Poppet. I know you made an effort to get along on the White Board as well, but it's R & E that was once the better board full of intelligent discussion which you, and many of us, enjoyed. Should've realized that's what you meant.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 12/13/2019 7:15 pm | #223 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
R&E is in degenerative free fall.
Heavy outbreak of troll wars.
I seriously feel a need to shower.
No surprise there. I shut it off and went to bed. Was exhausted from chasing Evvy around all day anyway. Poor Ken. He doesn't deserve the nonsense constantly dished out there. WHY doesn't he recognize who the trolls actually are ??
Posted by greenman ![]() 12/15/2019 3:23 pm | #224 |
Siagiah wrote:
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
R&E is in degenerative free fall.
Heavy outbreak of troll wars.
I seriously feel a need to shower.==================================================================
No surprise there. I shut it off and went to bed. Was exhausted from chasing Evvy around all day anyway. Poor Ken. He doesn't deserve the nonsense constantly dished out there. WHY doesn't he recognize who the trolls actually are ??
Guess he's gotta do his thing while you do yours. I think you're doing a better job, frankly, but it's his board. Would be a shame to see it continue to decline, but there you are...the quality of a board is determined by the participants thereon. Right?
And, if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas...
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 12/16/2019 2:17 am | #225 |
Yep. Every board is the sum of its participants. If a participant is constantly a problem, then the board suffers. It's not fair to everyone else who behaves and supports a board.
But, LYS, it's his board to run as he pleases.
Posted by Poppet 12/16/2019 11:07 am | #226 |
greenman) wrote:
My apologies for misunderstanding your reference, Poppet. I know you made an effort to get along on the White Board as well, but it's R & E that was once the better board full of intelligent discussion which you, and many of us, enjoyed. Should've realized that's what you meant.
No worries! I did indeed try to get along on the white board, as there are some people there I enjoyed conversing with. Moreover, my years-ago, truly nasty feud with Mondo wasn't good fr either of us, and I appreciated the truce we'd forged. I couldn't care less what happens to it now. R&E is another matter, and it bums me out what i's become.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 12/16/2019 9:56 pm | #227 |
Poppet wrote:
greenman) wrote:
My apologies for misunderstanding your reference, Poppet. I know you made an effort to get along on the White Board as well, but it's R & E that was once the better board full of intelligent discussion which you, and many of us, enjoyed. Should've realized that's what you meant.
No worries! I did indeed try to get along on the white board, as there are some people there I enjoyed conversing with. Moreover, my years-ago, truly nasty feud with Mondo wasn't good fr either of us, and I appreciated the truce we'd forged. I couldn't care less what happens to it now. R&E is another matter, and it bums me out what i's become.
MF is happy being Asking incognito at R&E, unrecognized by the less experienced. Movement from ww to R&E sure lowered quality of topics and posts.
So who's left on ww? Mostly D and DFM? Once in a while GOG or yome?
Posted by greenman ![]() 12/18/2019 4:35 pm | #228 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Poppet wrote:
greenman) wrote:
My apologies for misunderstanding your reference, Poppet. I know you made an effort to get along on the White Board as well, but it's R & E that was once the better board full of intelligent discussion which you, and many of us, enjoyed. Should've realized that's what you meant.
No worries! I did indeed try to get along on the white board, as there are some people there I enjoyed conversing with. Moreover, my years-ago, truly nasty feud with Mondo wasn't good fr either of us, and I appreciated the truce we'd forged. I couldn't care less what happens to it now. R&E is another matter, and it bums me out what i's become.
MF is happy being Asking incognito at R&E, unrecognized by the less experienced. Movement from ww to R&E sure lowered quality of topics and posts.
So who's left on ww? Mostly D and DFM? Once in a while GOG or yome?
"Lowered the quality" is putting it mildly. Just looked in to see Crazy Deanna has posted, adoringly, the hysterical ravings of one of Trump's defenders in the House of Reps. Barry Loudermilk (R-Hyperbole) has compared the impeachment of Trump to the trial of Jesus in the New Testament.
Not even kidding. This is Trumpsanity, friends.
Apparently David's rantings against Israel's perceived 'enemies' wasn't over-the-top crazy
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 12/19/2019 6:49 pm | #229 |
I saw that earlier. I found it so despicable and abhorrent that I had to shut it all down lest I post exactly what I was thinking at that moment.
Instead, I watched the "Furchester Hotel" with Evelyn. Her favorite Sesame Street characters- Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Grover. Much more enjoyable than reading outrageously abhorrent remarks from a total DITZ.
I've looked in on R&E less and less over the last few months with all of the idiocy going on there. It's just going to get worse come January.
Posted by greenman ![]() 12/19/2019 8:56 pm | #230 |
Siagiah wrote:
I saw that earlier. I found it so despicable and abhorrent that I had to shut it all down lest I post exactly what I was thinking at that moment.
Instead, I watched the "Furchester Hotel" with Evelyn. Her favorite Sesame Street characters- Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Grover. Much more enjoyable than reading outrageously abhorrent remarks from a total DITZ.
I've looked in on R&E less and less over the last few months with all of the idiocy going on there. It's just going to get worse come January.
Am sorry to say I have not seen that one, but it's got to be a more enjoyable way to spend time - and probably comes in at a much higher intellectual level, too. Especially when you watch it with someone whose favorite it is...
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 12/21/2019 12:28 am | #231 |
Yes, far higher intellectual level than reading anything from the DITZ and crew. Far more enjoyable to cuddle a sweet little girl who's TOTALLY enjoying a silly, but well made program about Sesame Street puppets that run a crazy hotel and the "catastrophe's" they experience in every episode. She's so into watching her favorites and giggles happily throughout. It's MORE than worth it to spend a few hours watching something silly while enjoying her enjoyment.
Of course, I'd likely never watch such a show if it wasn't for Evvy loving it, but it still remains better than reading anything certain idjits have to say.
If you ever have a reason to entertain a little one, look it up on Netflix. Look up "Fraggle Rock" too. For silly kids' shows, they are well made and actually have plots and toss in snippets of more adult humor hidden inside that go right over the child's head, but keep the parent/grandparent willing to keep watching too.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 6/29/2022 12:37 am | #232 |
We should use this old thread again too. Full of all kinds of stuff from a couple of years ago. Almost quaint now. LOL