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With the exception of "The Back Alley", CIVIL DISCUSSION IS EXPECTED
FYI, I merged multiple threads if you're looking for anything you don't see.
You seem to have confused Mongo, or else he's just taking the opportunity to lie and smear this board once again, which is more likely:
Mondo Fuego™
SchizoSia has deleted 2 more slander pages ...
Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:38pm68.114.132.44
... down from 12 pages to 1 page.
Really running scared.
Last edited by greenman (8/21/2019 2:09 pm)
Senile dementia ain't pretty...
Sheesh... What IS his problem ???
Why on earth would he think WE were worried about "slander" (which it would actually be LIBEL in writing) when we didn't write a SINGLE UNTRUE THING ?? Libel and slander require that what's said/written is NOT TRUE.
Someone sharing his words from his board and commenting on it is HARDLY libel or slander. SHEESH.
Crap... I see what's missing now... MOST of the really old thread that was about the CRAP that was happening on R&E.
Boardhost must have culled it when we reached the top limit for a thread when I merged them all ?? Damn... Gonna have to check those merge settings ??
I thought posts were unlimited, so maybe posts are, but the size of threads isn't unlimited ??
Siagiah wrote:
Sheesh... What IS his problem ???
Why on earth would he think WE were worried about "slander" (which it would actually be LIBEL in writing) when we didn't write a SINGLE UNTRUE THING ?? Libel and slander require that what's said/written is NOT TRUE.
Moreover, they require that the person libeled be identifiable...that is, that their real life name and.or other identifying information be directly and demonstrably associated with the false statements. While I happen to know Mondo's personal deets, they're in no way publically associated with his board or handle (apart from some people kowing his real first name, which is quite a common one). It is unlikely in the extreme that he could win a civil suit over anything said about "Mondo Fuego" online, to say nothing of such a complaint being taken seriously in a criminal court.
Poppet wrote:
Siagiah wrote:
Sheesh... What IS his problem ???
Why on earth would he think WE were worried about "slander" (which it would actually be LIBEL in writing) when we didn't write a SINGLE UNTRUE THING ?? Libel and slander require that what's said/written is NOT TRUE.
Moreover, they require that the person libeled be identifiable...that is, that their real life name and.or other identifying information be directly and demonstrably associated with the false statements. While I happen to know Mondo's personal deets, they're in no way publically associated with his board or handle (apart from some people kowing his real first name, which is quite a common one). It is unlikely in the extreme that he could win a civil suit over anything said about "Mondo Fuego" online, to say nothing of such a complaint being taken seriously in a criminal court.
Sia = I know his details too, but would NEVER, EVER, EVER post them publicly or do anything "in real life" to harm. That's just WRONG on EVERY LEVEL IMAGINABLE. That's why there's such an issue with what he's done to Pikes, especially. He's done several things to Pikes IN REAL LIFE using his REAL NAME to harm him and to me as well.
Mongo is just trying to offset the FACT of what he's done to Pikes and to me, in real life, by whining about us making fun of him using his fake name by running to his board with every tidbit of stuff we bait him with.
I know who he is in real life. Know a lot about him. But I can't and won't comment on his personal intrusions and attacks against me, other than to say they're under criminal investigation, I'm not the only complaint, and civil action will follow. He doesn't appear to know once he used a real name on a public board or site, and then continued disparagement of the representative nic, he identified that one, single person by real and alias identity, and so all his material becomes evidence of libel. He did that, and we have documentation and proof.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (8/21/2019 10:10 pm)
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
I know who he is in real life. Know a lot about him. But I can't and won't comment on his personal intrusions and attacks against me, other than to say they're under criminal investigation, I'm not the only complaint, and civil action will follow. He doesn't appear to know once he used a real name on a public board or site, and then continued disparagement of the representative nic, he identified that one, single person by real and alias identity, and so all his material becomes evidence of libel. He did that, and we have documentation and proof.
Sia = PLENTY of documentation and proof !!
Trish aka Loresinger wrote:
I think he's just upset because his negative press went away. Whatever will he complain about?
Same things.
Question is, to whom will he complain about them?
At least he will still have his bottle.
I'm REALLY upset that so MUCH of the thread got culled by Boardhost. If I'd known that merging enormous threads would result in parts going bye bye I never would have merged them.
It just seemed silly to have 3 separate threads covering a similar topic and keeping up with them. I figured that one GIANT thread would be more manageable.
Instead, we lost about 150 posts when I merged them. I WON'T do that again. Crap.
But WHO cares what mongo thinks about it ?? He can humor himself that it had ANYTHING to do with his nonsense, but I didn't even know that he was making a fuss over there until afterwards.
Plus, he apparently copied and posted enough of it that, IF ANYONE GIVES A RAT'S PATOOTIE, they can piece it all together that way. Sheesh. Besides, most of the missing thread posts weren't even about him.
It's quickly losing its humor to tease him since hearing about how he used some of our (truthful) posts to DELIBERATELY hurt some of his own posters dealing with serious medical issues in a pathetic attempt to garner sympathy (or outrage) for his own benefit. (the post about Eleanor's duplicity, whom I've since heard just had surgery and allowing that crap post to Otis to remain... WTF ??)
BTW, I was able to match up the IP of the hateful post to Otis directly to HH last night when HH registered to join the MESSAGE BOARD using a proxy from I'd actually been HOPING that it would have ensnared mongo as creating a "false flag" as Merlin speculated, but it didn't. It PROVED it was our first expectation. I'm very disappointed by that. I know that he can be pretty awful sometimes, but I never expected vile cruelty. Permalink
IP Address174.128.244.66
Country United States [US]
Region Colorado
City Denver
Coordinates of City 39.739150, -104.984700 (39°44'21"N 104°59'5"W)
ISP SharkTech
Local Time 22 Aug, 2019 10:52 AM (UTC -06:00)
Net Speed (COMP) Company/T1
IDD & Area Code (1) 303
ZIP Code 80002
Weather Station Denver (USCO0105)
Mobile Carrier-
Mobile Country Code - MCC-
Mobile Network Code - MNC-
Elevation 1606m
Usage Type (DCH) Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit
Anonymous Proxy Yes
Proxy Type (VPN) VPN Server
Proxy ASN 46844 SharkTech
Proxy Last Seen1 Day
Olson Time Zone America/Denver
Siagiah wrote:
I'm REALLY upset that so MUCH of the thread got culled by Boardhost. If I'd known that merging enormous threads would result in parts going bye bye I never would have merged them.
It just seemed silly to have 3 separate threads covering a similar topic and keeping up with them. I figured that one GIANT thread would be more manageable.
Instead, we lost about 150 posts when I merged them. I WON'T do that again. Crap.
But WHO cares what mongo thinks about it ?? He can humor himself that it had ANYTHING to do with his nonsense, but I didn't even know that he was making a fuss over there until afterwards.
Plus, he apparently copied and posted enough of it that, IF ANYONE GIVES A RAT'S PATOOTIE, they can piece it all together that way. Sheesh. Besides, most of the missing thread posts weren't even about him.
It's quickly losing its humor to tease him since hearing about how he used some of our (truthful) posts to DELIBERATELY hurt some of his own posters dealing with serious medical issues in a pathetic attempt to garner sympathy (or outrage) for his own benefit. (the post about Eleanor's duplicity, whom I've since heard just had surgery and allowing that crap post to Otis to remain... WTF ??)
BTW, I was able to match up the IP of the hateful post to Otis directly to HH last night when HH registered to join the MESSAGE BOARD using a proxy from I'd actually been HOPING that it would have ensnared mongo as creating a "false flag" as Merlin speculated, but it didn't. It PROVED it was our first expectation. I'm very disappointed by that. I know that he can be pretty awful sometimes, but I never expected vile cruelty.Permalink
IP Address174.128.244.66
Country United States [US]
Region Colorado
City Denver
Coordinates of City 39.739150, -104.984700 (39°44'21"N 104°59'5"W)
ISP SharkTech
Local Time 22 Aug, 2019 10:52 AM (UTC -06:00)
Net Speed (COMP) Company/T1
IDD & Area Code (1) 303
ZIP Code 80002
Weather Station Denver (USCO0105)
Mobile Carrier-
Mobile Country Code - MCC-
Mobile Network Code - MNC-
Elevation 1606m
Usage Type (DCH) Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit
Anonymous Proxy Yes
Proxy Type (VPN) VPN Server
Proxy ASN 46844 SharkTech
Proxy Last Seen1 Day
Olson Time Zone America/Denver
I think HH is still on R & E as 'civil war reenactor,' and has been taking it to SES, who deserves it....but I'm not posting to the guy. After what he (apparently) said to Poppet, I don't find him acceptable as a poster. Apparently Ken hasn't tracked him down yet, don't know if it's the same IP address or not but I wouldn't be surprised.
The enemy of my enemy, in this case, is not my friend. Although I'm furious at the lying and dissembling SES is doing over there. Such an arrogant ass!
Pretty sure you're correct. I can recognize the pattern between he & SES after all these years. The two of them were incorrigible together, punching each other and escalating things out of control.
HH uses a rotating proxy VPN. Since we can't see the IP, we can't KNOW for sure though. The nastiness isn't there, so who knows ? But it seems like him.
Mondo back at it again on R&E.
Posting as FACT and Sal Mander, which we saw too many times.
Contributes nothing but personal attack.
Did he put Merlin in "time out?" I recall some discussion there. If so, he's now in pursuit of Merlin on R&E, since he can't do it on CPD. Ken deleted posts, and more popped up. Ken sent IP information to me for the attorney and investigation.
Pikes: I'm glad that Ken sent it to you. Did you ask for it or did he remember from before ??
Trish: Now WHY did he do that ?? What a PUTZ. I don't think anyone was "sure" until you made a comment yesterday about "until your husband got sick" and then it became obvious that it was you. Of course, I already knew, so maybe that's why I noticed that little tidbit and figured that others would notice it too? IDK.
Siagiah wrote:
Pikes: I'm glad that Ken sent it to you. Did you ask for it or did he remember from before ??
Trish: Now WHY did he do that ?? What a PUTZ. I don't think anyone was "sure" until you made a comment yesterday about "until your husband got sick" and then it became obvious that it was you. Of course, I already knew, so maybe that's why I noticed that little tidbit and figured that others would notice it too? IDK.
I did not ask. Ken provided. More are showing up. Ken is being schooled about Mondo as we know all too well. The countless names, nics, and false addresses. It is sad how one deranged person can cause so much harm. He is utterly irresponsible.
Please lets not say any more other than he's under investigation.
We should not address any of what we know directly to him.
When he violates terms, stay silent about it. That material is going where it needs to go.
The less said about it, the better.
Trish aka Loresinger wrote:
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Please lets not say any more other than he's under investigation.
We should not address any of what we know directly to him.
When he violates terms, stay silent about it. That material is going where it needs to go.
The less said about it, the better.With mind do you want people to send you links or do you have that pretty well covered? I went ahead and gave Ken the heads up about Ralph this am.
The links are well covered. It is a courtesy to help Ken with the false names and rotating IP addresses Mondo uses.
Trish aka Loresinger wrote:
Yeah he took it on himself to "out" my new handle on R&E. I decided that it fit because I was testing the waters. The board HAS improved. So mouse is staying: say cheese!
I've been doing something similar for a few weeks, posting under my (very) old "apriori" handle. Ken's doing his best to counter various bad actors over there (with one obvious, long-running exception), and I want him to succeed.
Poppet wrote:
I've been doing something similar for a few weeks, posting under my (very) old "apriori" handle. Ken's doing his best to counter various bad actors over there (with one obvious, long-running exception), and I want him to succeed.
As do I.
Ken's ability to moderate his board is questionable at best. AGAIN, a troll attack when I logged on today, more of Mongo's sockpuppets, more attacks, etc.
I've had it with his board, and told him so offline in no uncertain terms. I've been smeared by DFM and SES repeatedly, and yet Ken's response was to warn me about 'language.' He lets Bauer practically run the place. He can't keep Mongo or his sockpuppets off-board in any real or permanent way.
And when I put up a post complaining about it and suggesting I'd leave, he took down the post. Still hasn't replied to my earlier e-mail, either.
Screw him. I'm out of there until they clean up that mess. It's as bad as ever, IMO.
Ken either needs to get some help or to go to registration.
I've suggested multiple times that he ask Trish, Amadeus, or someone he knows from RL to help him moderate because he's just too damned busy to do timely moderation now that mongo & his alter egos have declared war on his board since they can't get into Blue anymore. (I know that mongo et al will try to turn that into me trying to get control over there, but I DO NOT WANT more responsibility for any forum aside of the two blues !!)
Those of us who clue him in to what's happening there when he's not around are doing the best we can, but it's obviously not enough because he cannot respond quickly enough to keep his board clean of it and people are leaving or have already left.
Doesn't he wonder what ever happened to those who used to hang out there all the time who so rarely show up anymore ??
Registration would cure what ails his board and I think that most who frequent it would be fine with that, especially if it stopped the nonsense trolling. Ken would also like it because stopping trolls would be SO MUCH easier for him, EVEN if he allowed automatic registration without review.
I feel bad for him because he SO doesn't deserve this. At the same time, he allows it by not doing things he could do to stop it.
Thing is, if he gets upset enough about it, he may just trash his board and say goodbye if he doesn't want to do either of those two things. That would just suck for him.
mongo simply doesn't care how much trouble he causes others. It's all about him and his need to control and/or destroy other people's boards and personal lives.
I had posted an offline comment to his e-mail about a previous attack by Mongo, and expressed my sympathy for the hassle he has to put up with. I see where that got me...
No way of knowing if he got it or not. He only occasionally replies to emails.
Not sure that your recent posts on R&E are going to help anything ???
Most likely just going to get you banished too. Difference is that you won't crash there in disguise.
They're on purpose. Paying off a few scores, including Mongo, whose posts as 'Ralph' (good name: it's how I react to him and his posts) are STILL up on the board.
I noticed that some are still there with their "redirect links".
Ken asked me why I object to suspicious"redirect links" inside of posts ?? That don't appear like normal links added... But, seriously ??
Mongo's spewing on Ken's board yet again, disguised as 'Observer,' a fave sockpuppet of his. He's attacking me, of course, pretending I'm the problem and not himself.
I posted a call for Ken to DO something about the little menace, and I mean to leave that board if he will not. Mongo should be reported to his service provider, if not prosecuted. He's guilty of harassment.
I hope that Ken does DO something, but seriously, you need to chill a bit.
My best advice, unsolicited as it is = please don't even go look on the idjit mongo's board to see what he's saying because he gets off on it upsetting folks. When he knows you're peeking in, he just posts more crap and the more upset you get on R&E, the harder he pushes you. Don't open the posts.
IOW, you are making him HAPPY by getting so upset that you're striking out in anger and getting so wound up. I used to let him do that to me until Merlin gave me the best advice ever...
Paraphrased in long form: you choose to accept other people's insults and let them upset or harm you by taking them in. Instead, reject them by considering the source. Given how little respect you have for him, that's how much importance you should attach to his words and how much you should allow them to affect or upset you.
mongo has NO power to upset you that you don't grant him. Stop granting him power over you. Begin by not even going to look to see what he says on his own board and not opening anything he posts. After awhile, it will become easier and easier to just roll your eyes instead of getting so angry.
greenman wrote:
Mongo's spewing on Ken's board yet again, disguised as 'Observer,' a fave sockpuppet of his. He's attacking me, of course, pretending I'm the problem and not himself.
I posted a call for Ken to DO something about the little menace, and I mean to leave that board if he will not. Mongo should be reported to his service provider, if not prosecuted. He's guilty of harassment.
Be patient. He has a serious reckoning coming.