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Posted by Siagiah
8/26/2019 11:29 pm

Yes, he sure does... and greenman is getting a warning from Ken for his reactions to it all.   Ken doesn't seem to understand that greenman is striking out because he (Ken) has failed to STOP the crap mongo does there and ALLOWS jb & DFM to libel him and get away with it.

Posted by greenman Online!
8/27/2019 9:24 am

Siagiah wrote:

I hope that Ken does DO something, but seriously, you need to chill a bit. 

My best advice, unsolicited as it is = please don't even go look on the idjit mongo's board to see what he's saying because he gets off on it upsetting folks.  When he knows you're peeking in, he just posts more crap and the more upset you get on R&E, the harder he pushes you.  Don't open the posts. 

IOW, you are making him HAPPY by getting so upset that you're striking out in anger and getting so wound up.  I used to let him do that to me until Merlin gave me the best advice ever...

Paraphrased in long form:  you choose to accept other people's insults and let them upset or harm you by taking them in.  Instead, reject them by considering the source.  Given how little respect you have for him, that's how much importance you should attach to his words and how much you should allow them to affect or upset you.

mongo has NO power to upset you that you don't grant him.  Stop granting him power over you.  Begin by not even going to look to see what he says on his own board and not opening anything he posts.  After awhile, it will become easier and easier to just roll your eyes instead of getting so angry.


This is all very good advice, Sia, and I aim to take it.

I contacted Ken again and apologized for my earlier, angrier post while laying out a few grievances as well.  I do believe that SES and DFM are held to a different standard - both can be very unpleasant, SES uses profanity constantly (including in subject lines) and is abusive, and I've been slandered repeatedly by David, who has called me an 'anti-Semite' and 'terrorist sympathizer.'  I don't take that lightly.

But you're dead right about Mongo, and I've told Ken I'd take some time off and not cause problems when and if I return to his board.  Everyone should ignore Mongo's sockpuppets, Ken suggested that as well and I aim to abide by it.  I'll notifiy Ken, instead, per his request.

Thanks again!

Posted by Siagiah
8/27/2019 10:40 am

I'm so glad to read this !!   and delighted to see that you laughed at yome's "asshat" pix. 

When I first saw it, you were still SO PISSED OFF that I figured it was going to set you off again.  Regardless of what he says, he IS a nasty troll and I rather doubt his claim that he was just trying to amuse since he sarcastically posted to Ken's warning, which is usually a HUGE no/no.   He's lucky that Ken took it differently.

You might want to treat SES and DFM the same way, only allowing as much concern about their nastiness and name-calling as you assign value to them, as people.  Since you don't "value" either one, who cares what BS they throw at you ??  You KNOW it's not true, so their words are just noise.


Posted by greenman Online!
8/27/2019 12:03 pm

Yeah, another good point.  Not locking them out, but will consider carefully what I post to them - and everyone, I hope.

Let Mongo make of that what he will, he simply no longer matters.  Ignoring him is just a matter of adjusting the signal-to-noise ration on the board...

Posted by Siagiah
8/27/2019 2:12 pm

greenman wrote:

Yeah, another good point.  Not locking them out, but will consider carefully what I post to them - and everyone, I hope.

Let Mongo make of that what he will, he simply no longer matters.  Ignoring him is just a matter of adjusting the signal-to-noise ration on the board...


YES, that's the ticket !!  The proof is in the puddin'.  How often do you see Merlin "upset" by the noise made by folks he doesn't respect or care about personally ??  Answer, NEVER.  Years ago, I asked him how he does that and he gave me the same advice.  It works.   You never see me blow up about it anymore. (I used to explode regularly about the crap dished out to me.  Now I couldn't care less what idjits say or think)  I only call attention to the trolling so Ken can take care of it and so he'll see WHY certain folks are so bad for business.  Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother doing that.

Picture them sitting there just waiting for you to explode, glee on their faces at what's coming when you do and then the disappointment in them when you don't react because you recognize that their nonsense simply doesn't matter one bit because you've considered the source as unworthy of reaction.

What also works is tuning OUT and going elsewhere to post, read, watch TV, have a beer, or do something fun when you can feel any disturbance starting within.  Walk away FIRST when you feel it welling up instead of reacting and you'll be surprised how much upset you can avoid by NOT BITING nor sticking around getting increasingly incensed as the trolls step it up.   In no time, you'll be able to just skip by their posts unopened and no longer have to "leave the room".

Step ONE is NEVER going to the source of most anger's board to see what they might be spouting off. 

If you're bubbling over with fury, well, you know where you can bitch and be listened to privately without those who enjoy the upset they've caused getting to enjoy it. 

Those things HELP a lot in keeping you balanced and free of the nonsense drama.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/27/2019 10:39 pm

If MF wants to gamble against what we have, fine.

BTW  much material we discuss makes its way through him onto his board. This latest made its way onto Ken's board. Think of it as a bug tracking RAID back to his nest. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/27/2019 10:48 pm

greenman wrote:

Yeah, another good point.  Not locking them out, but will consider carefully what I post to them - and everyone, I hope.

Let Mongo make of that what he will, he simply no longer matters.  Ignoring him is just a matter of adjusting the signal-to-noise ration on the board...

In addition to DFM and SES, consider ignoring any "new name" that appears. MF hides behind many names. Lack of registration enables MF. He can't post here. Can't enter here. He tried. Best he can do is copy what we write, and take it back to his nest for ridicule. Like I said, think of it as a bug taking the RAID back to his nest. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
8/28/2019 9:42 am

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

If MF wants to gamble against what we have, fine.

BTW  much material we discuss makes its way through him onto his board. This latest made its way onto Ken's board. Think of it as a bug tracking RAID back to his nest. 


Did it ?  I guess Ken already deleted it.  What showed up ?  The good advice ?   LOL.  Well, maybe it helped others who get angry about you-know-who's CRAP

Posted by Siagiah
8/28/2019 9:42 am

Trish aka Loresinger wrote:

He reminds me of a certain politican who is all hunky dorey about someone until they disagree with him. Then, until they apologize or show a huge effort to fix the "misunderstanding"  he becomes a petulant child desperately in need of a long time out


Spot on !!

Posted by greenman Online!
8/28/2019 10:10 am

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

greenman wrote:

Yeah, another good point.  Not locking them out, but will consider carefully what I post to them - and everyone, I hope.

Let Mongo make of that what he will, he simply no longer matters.  Ignoring him is just a matter of adjusting the signal-to-noise ration on the board...

In addition to DFM and SES, consider ignoring any "new name" that appears. MF hides behind many names. Lack of registration enables MF. He can't post here. Can't enter here. He tried. Best he can do is copy what we write, and take it back to his nest for ridicule. Like I said, think of it as a bug taking the RAID back to his nest. 

Quite right, Pikes.  It's pretty easy to spot him, especially when he's stalking HH while protesting that HH is stalking he's doing on R & E as we speak, using nicks 'Question' and 'Answer.'

The hypocrisy apparently either doesn't matter or hasn't occurred to him.  lol

Posted by Siagiah
8/28/2019 11:16 am

greenman wrote:

 Quite right, Pikes.  It's pretty easy to spot him, especially when he's stalking HH while protesting that HH is stalking he's doing on R & E as we speak, using nicks 'Question' and 'Answer.'

The hypocrisy apparently either doesn't matter or hasn't occurred to him.  lol


Malignant narcissists, such as tRUMP and mongo, are ENTITLED to flaunt rules that others are expected to obey.  Rules do not apply to them.  Hypocrisy does not apply to them.  They are special and above what "lesser beings" are expected to obey.  Even if they do hateful things to others, if someone repays them with the same, they are OUTRAGED and explode in fury at the sheer audacity of someone doing unto them what they've done unto others.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/28/2019 11:55 am

Siagiah wrote:

greenman wrote:

 Quite right, Pikes.  It's pretty easy to spot him, especially when he's stalking HH while protesting that HH is stalking he's doing on R & E as we speak, using nicks 'Question' and 'Answer.'

The hypocrisy apparently either doesn't matter or hasn't occurred to him.  lol


Malignant narcissists, such as tRUMP and mongo, are ENTITLED to[size=125] flaunt [/size]rules that others are expected to obey.  Rules do not apply to them.  Hypocrisy does not apply to them.  They are special and above what "lesser beings" are expected to obey.  Even if they do hateful things to others, if someone repays them with the same, they are OUTRAGED and explode in fury at the sheer audacity of someone doing unto them what they've done unto others.

Genius! We have a new word, to hypocritically describe open mockery of rules and law by a dilettante. Trump and MF are the first described dilettants of this practice. 

Flauntulence ME - 1. A meaningless, smelly emission of gas by a biological organism from an orifice of the alimentary canal intended to have meaning, but decidedly lacking any. 2. Any verbal effort, written or spoken, of communication by an internet troll. 3. Meaningless, irrelevant speech with characteristics of flatulence, directed toward the face. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (8/28/2019 12:04 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Poppet
8/28/2019 1:07 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Flauntulence ME - 1. A meaningless, smelly emission of gas by a biological organism from an orifice of the alimentary canal intended to have meaning, but decidedly lacking any. 2. Any verbal effort, written or spoken, of communication by an internet troll. 3. Meaningless, irrelevant speech with characteristics of flatulence, directed toward the face. 

Pure gold, that one...

Posted by greenman Online!
9/03/2019 7:28 am

Clear and obvious THREAT by Mongo, made to Trish on his vile board:

Mondo Fuego™
Trish, I don't know if you know anyone that this would apply
Mon Sep 2, 2019 11:42pm68.114.132.44 

to, but I was recently reading about how people who file frivolous lawsuits can end up with a counter-suit which could drain their resources and cause them to have to pay damages and all costs.

The information went on to indicate that people who file frivolous criminal charges could end up with a rather sizeable malicious prosecution lawsuit against them and cause them to have to pay damages and all costs.

Sometimes, if they are involved in a conspiracy, their cohorts could also be implicated.

This is useful information that everyone should be aware of.

Last edited by greenman (9/03/2019 7:28 am)

Posted by Siagiah
9/03/2019 9:55 am

LMAO... Well, it looks like he's worried about what's coming his way.  Surprised if he hasn't already been notified by some of his victim's lawyers.  If not, he's going to FREAK when he is because NONE of the lawsuits and criminal charges coming are frivolous.  NONE of 'em.

Posted by Siagiah
9/03/2019 4:27 pm

LOL... Apparently.  Oh well, are you the only Blue that really ever goes over there anymore ??

Must be almost dead over there since Merlin, Poppet, and Greenman left ? 


Posted by greenman Online!
9/03/2019 4:39 pm

Trish aka Loresinger wrote:

=19.5pxapparently he thinks I'm his friggen secretary

[size=150]lol...saw your reply, funny.  Apparently since he can't reply on these boards, or count on anyone telling the folks here about his threats, he's trying to make it YOUR job.

Pathetic, as always...[/size]

Last edited by greenman (9/03/2019 4:39 pm)

Posted by greenman Online!
9/03/2019 4:40 pm

Hmmm, what's with the font size controls?

Posted by Siagiah
9/03/2019 6:03 pm

The mixed font size controls happen when you mix different sizes in the same post without at least one line space between the groups. 

If you use the POST REPLY function directly under the threads (on the right) instead of the QUICK POST in the simple posting box on the left under the posts, you can use PREVIEW to see if it has happened and fix it before posting.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/03/2019 8:21 pm

greenman wrote:

Clear and obvious THREAT by Mongo, made to Trish on his vile board:

Mondo Fuego™
Trish, I don't know if you know anyone that this would apply
Mon Sep 2, 2019 11:42pm68.114.132.44 

to, but I was recently reading about how people who file frivolous lawsuits can end up with a counter-suit which could drain their resources and cause them to have to pay damages and all costs.

The information went on to indicate that people who file frivolous criminal charges could end up with a rather sizeable malicious prosecution lawsuit against them and cause them to have to pay damages and all costs.

Sometimes, if they are involved in a conspiracy, their cohorts could also be implicated.

This is useful information that everyone should be aware of.

MF practicing law. ROFLMFAO!
Its not his base he need to impress. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Poppet
9/04/2019 10:19 am

Siagiah wrote:

LOL... Apparently.  Oh well, are you the only Blue that really ever goes over there anymore ??

Must be almost dead over there since Merlin, Poppet, and Greenman left ? 


I can't imagine even popping in to find out. The small handful of reasonable, non-AH posers there certainly didn't bother to speak up when Mondo started coming completely unglued. Screw 'em...

Posted by greenman Online!
9/04/2019 2:14 pm

Poppet wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

LOL... Apparently.  Oh well, are you the only Blue that really ever goes over there anymore ??

Must be almost dead over there since Merlin, Poppet, and Greenman left ? 


I can't imagine even popping in to find out. The small handful of reasonable, non-AH posers there certainly didn't bother to speak up when Mondo started coming completely unglued. Screw 'em...

Mostly I just laugh to myself on the rare occasions I look in, I only posted this comment because it seemed a significant threat directed at Pikes and others.

The lunacy I see when I do drop in only reinforces my belief that NOT posting there was the correct choice...

Posted by Siagiah
9/04/2019 6:12 pm

Have they started "eating their own" ??  Or did some "new targets" suddenly sign up ?? 



Posted by greenman Online!
9/04/2019 6:34 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Have they started "eating their own" ??  Or did some "new targets" suddenly sign up ?? 



The major new target seems to be 'True Grit,' who's giving them hell.  GOG, of course, is stinking up most threads with his crazy conspiracy nonsense, including the belief that the current hurricane was somehow the result of 'geoengineering.'  Great stuff!  lol


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/04/2019 6:49 pm

greenman wrote:

Poppet wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

LOL... Apparently.  Oh well, are you the only Blue that really ever goes over there anymore ??

Must be almost dead over there since Merlin, Poppet, and Greenman left ? 


I can't imagine even popping in to find out. The small handful of reasonable, non-AH posers there certainly didn't bother to speak up when Mondo started coming completely unglued. Screw 'em...

Mostly I just laugh to myself on the rare occasions I look in, I only posted this comment because it seemed a significant threat directed at Pikes and others.

The lunacy I see when I do drop in only reinforces my belief that NOT posting there was the correct choice...

MF is practising a version of CMA. He knows what he did, and didn't think he would or could be caught. He should never have published real names of people with malicious intent to cause harm. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
9/11/2019 9:26 am

Another racist message ('Buh-buh-but I'm not a RAYYYCISSS!') from that piece of filth Ted, another reason I was glad to leave Mongo's board.  This is something he swore he didn't do, and that if he did, it wasn't racist, when I called him on it REPEATEDLY:
Master Beto demands YOU allow illegals to live in YOUR home!

Tue Sep 10, 2019 6:15pm  

“Here’s a tough thing to talk about though we must. Rich people are going to have to allow — or be forced to allow — lower income people to live near them. Which is what we fail to do in this country right now. We force lower income working Americans to drive 1, 2, 3 hours in either direction to get to their jobs. Very often minimum wage jobs that they’re working 2 or 3 of them right now. What if, as we propose to do, we invested in housing that was closer to where you work. Very often mixed income housing meaning the very wealthiest are living next to those who are not the very wealthiest in this country.”

And they have a right to bone your daughters too. And your wife if she's not too ugly.

And anyone who squeals is raaaaaaaaycisssssss...


Ask a Swede who's not afraid to speak the truth aloud.

Or anyone who lived in USSR after the Communists took over and decide everyone was "entitled" to 300sq ft of residential living area... so if YOU had a 3000 sq ft home, YOU were about to get some houseguests!

And the Unhomed moved right on in, crapped in your bathroom, cooked in your kitchen and slept in your bedroom, living room, what have you after the house was particioned with cardboard "walls"

Yes indeed.

THIS is how lefties intend to "solve" the "Homeless" problem.

You first, DiFi. Newsome. Master Beto..

Last edited by greenman (9/11/2019 9:27 am)

Posted by Siagiah
9/11/2019 5:25 pm

There are apparently a few racist scumbags over there.

Better there than here or on Simple Blue


Posted by greenman Online!
9/11/2019 5:55 pm

Trish aka Loresinger wrote:

Yeah I called out the obvious misrepresentation in the subject line - which was, of course, ignored. Ted is scum

You're fighting the good fight, Trish.  But given how offensive some of the attacks on you are, I wouldn't blame you for leaving.  The core elements there really are pigs, starting with the one in charge of the pen...

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/17/2019 10:25 pm

It came to my attention that parts of posts I write continue to be copied, pasted, and posted elsewhere for ridicule. Apparently I have a questionable fascination with genitals in the opinion of some child-minds, incapable of holding adult discussion without perversion. 

Truth of the post speaks for itself and has nothing to do with intent of those responsible, or the ridicule in response. Because in past discussions, my real name was used along with some very damaging and disturbing accusations, this ridicule is a continuation of libel by those responsible. Therefore they were saved and forwarded to the proper authorities.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
9/18/2019 8:52 am

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

It came to my attention that parts of posts I write continue to be copied, pasted, and posted elsewhere for ridicule. Apparently I have a questionable fascination with genitals in the opinion of some child-minds, incapable of holding adult discussion without perversion. 

Truth of the post speaks for itself and has nothing to do with intent of those responsible, or the ridicule in response. Because in past discussions, my real name was used along with some very damaging and disturbing accusations, this ridicule is a continuation of libel by those responsible. Therefore they were saved and forwarded to the proper authorities.

That board's a sickening mess.  Having gotten rid of most of their quality moderate and liberal posters, and once again regained their predominately right-wing echo-chamber, you'd think they'd be happy.  But the attacks on the blue and yellow boards continue unabated; Mongo seems unable to live and let live, no matter the circumstances.  He gave me a 'one-week timeout' which has continued permanently, and yet the other day commented about how good it was that I wasn't around - as if I'd just left of my own accord.  And then there are all the sockpuppets...

Crazy people.  And he's the craziest and most hate-filled of them all.  He deserves whatever punishments he has to face.


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