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9/15/2024 5:39 pm  #331

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

He services an elite group of clients who are used to the very custom services he provides.  Elderly women in Nashville would be lost without him.  He's provided satisfaction for many years.



9/17/2024 6:57 am  #332

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

BTW, and FWIW, kudos to Ken for locking that thread which GOG had stunk up with conspiracies.  Credit where credit is due.


     Thread Starter

9/17/2024 9:18 am  #333

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

greenman wrote:

He services an elite group of clients who are used to the very custom services he provides. Elderly women in Nashville would be lost without him. He's provided satisfaction for many years.






9/17/2024 9:19 am  #334

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

greenman wrote:

BTW, and FWIW, kudos to Ken for locking that thread which GOG had stunk up with conspiracies. Credit where credit is due.



TRUE.  You should post this over on the other thread.  He doesn't read this one I believe. 



9/18/2024 1:45 pm  #335

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Observer/Sophia's real politics (she usually hides them carefully when posting on Yellow):


Posted by observer on September 18, 2024, 1:34 pm

Thinking about the Kamala ”smiling, giggling fun” vs reports of the Kamala they worked for.

Loud, crass Trump we often see vs the thoughtful, kind person he’s reported to be by so many who know him.

Do we ever really know?

A kind, thoughtful Trump...who reports that? No one I've ever heard of who knows him and speaks honestly.

No, you never really seem to know much, hon.

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9/18/2024 8:02 pm  #336

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

She actually posted THAT on yellow???  For real???

It's gone now, but WOW.  Just WOW.  She really doesn't care ONE BIT about the rules there!



9/19/2024 6:58 am  #337

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Siagiah wrote:

She actually posted THAT on yellow???  For real???

It's gone now, but WOW.  Just WOW.  She really doesn't care ONE BIT about the rules there!


Naw, sorry, that was on White Whine. I thought the board name appeared, but I must not have copied that.

They've been ranting about Dems and Libs over there. Getting nervous as the execu...er, the election approaches...;)

Last edited by greenman (9/19/2024 6:59 am)

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9/19/2024 7:09 am  #338

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Thanks for explaining! 

That makes more sense.  She pushes the envelope, but that is much more than pushing it.  It's tearing it wide open!

Sad that it's at all believable given the way she flaunts the rules on yellow.



9/19/2024 12:14 pm  #339

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Racist bubble-brain Mongo attacking the intelligence of our VP while supporting Trump could NOT be more ridiculous..

For the same reason a monkey with a typewriter ...[A racist comparison to start with]

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 19, 2024, 10:39 am, in reply to "Why is it so difficult for Harris to discuss her policies?"
Edited by board administrator September 19, 2024, 10:42 am

... will never be able to write a Shakespeare play. [Not even the saying, which has taken on many forms over the years. Often as 'An infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of typewriters typing for an infinite amount of time could produce the entire works of Shakespeare.']

The substance just ain't there. [Nor with you.]

Your candidate is a CONVICTED CRIMINAL and a sex abuser. Also a tax cheat, serial liar, con man and traitor.

You were saying? lol

     Thread Starter

9/20/2024 11:38 am  #340

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Does Mayer post anything but propaganda and YouTube BS anymore?

‘You dared to strike at Israel, now they’ve sent you back 1,000 years’ – Arab commentator - DFM September 20, 2024, 8:54 am

Why We Don't Have Biblical-Scale Miracles Any More: - DFM September 20, 2024, 4:00 am

(no subject) - Christopher Blackwell September 19, 2024, 6:22 pm
George Robert Carruthers is an African-American inventor, physicist, and spac - Christopher Blackwell September 19, 2024, 6:27 pm

Israel MASSIVE Airstrikes Pound Hezbollah - DFM September 19, 2024, 5:19 pm
Only idiots get their news from YouTube. - KR September 19, 2024, 6:34 pm
Some people seem to spend their lives browsing YouTube and - Muqwump September 20, 2024, 7:36 am
Here are independent sources. - DFM September 19, 2024, 7:34 pm
It’s so odd that you criticize YouTube. It’s very woke. - GOG September 19, 2024, 7:25 pm

Look, I realize you're a Jew, but this endless Zionist propaganda is disgusting, given the mass slaughter going on in Gaza and elsewhere.

Like GOG and jb, another freak with an axe to grind.

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9/20/2024 5:50 pm  #341

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

If I had time, I would assemble all his predictions and claims and put them to the fire and see what stands the test. I'd say close to zero


9/20/2024 7:07 pm  #342

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Better yet, don't bother even reading his crap, instead save that time for something fun!  (if you had the time, of course)


9/22/2024 11:54 am  #343

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

This is how brainwashed Trumpsters/Faux Nooze listeners are:

Face it, Trish, Democrats are the ones trying to end any real democratic process...

Posted by TEXRA on September 22, 2024, 10:07 am

...they don't like the votes of real Americans who are conservative so they are flooding the country with illegals in order to render those votes meaningless. They will destroy and break the country with dependent illegals and violent criminals - along with many illegals on the terrorist watch list - for the power that Democrats crave.

Democrats are traitors.

Of course Tex is unusually stupid, but there's not an honest word in that screed.  And yet he's been mindwashed into believing it.  Absolute projection of Rightie behavior onto Dems by hatemongers and disinfo peddlers.

This is why Trump was elected.  Fight the stupidity!

     Thread Starter

9/22/2024 3:31 pm  #344

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

The millions and millions of illegals flooding America is a Trump lie. 

You can't tell Trump Republicans that. They don't believe it, 
They are also already committed to vote Trump no matter what. 
Exactly how many Repubicans defected from Trump to recognise the danger he poses,
and who plant to vote Harris / Walz may be significant. 6 Jan and the Trump lies about that 
appear to be the major turning point. 
I don't know what to think about the polls other than there're too many and they may be
best ignored. The fact they're all over the map tells maybe they're not very reliable. 
Best strategy is to consider the race close, and to work and press for as many people as
possible to vote Harris / Walz. We really will not survive another Trump presidency as a
democratic republic. 
TEXRA is an idiot. There is nobody in that camp worth talking to, which is why I no longer
read at R&E. Their take on religion is just as skewed and offensive as their belief in 
and of politics. 
They're so poorly informed, they've no clue what tariffs are and how they work. 
The inflation for which they blame Biden was sparked by the 20% tariffs dumb trump 
imposed before he left office. They say Biden kept the tariffs. True, but he let them expire.
As they expired, lo and behold, inflation stopt! 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

9/24/2024 10:06 am  #345

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

And yet idiots and the mindwashed continue to mouth his insipid praises.  Losers like, well, one of the usual suspects:

I can't stand Boe Jiden's speaking style.
[so what?]
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 24, 2024, 9:57 am

Syncopated, staccato blurts.

Oh, and it's always all about him and what "miracles" he has worked.  [which, especially compared to Trump, are notable.]

I will be so glad to see him gone from the White House ... "Secretary/Dockker" J-j-jill [childish misogyny as usual] too. Oh, and that dopehead son of his. We will need Orkin to fumigate it after the abuse it has suffered under his watch. [that would kill Trump, were  he to win the election..]

I would be so glad to see you gone from Boardhost, you simpering Trumpster imbecile.  And the fanatical nutjobs on your board, too.

Trump is a CONVICTED CRIMINAL but Mongo will vote for him.  That's how stupid Mongo is..

Last edited by greenman (9/24/2024 10:09 am)

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9/25/2024 11:39 am  #346

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

I see he has another childishly insulting comment out there today about our VP.

We know Mongo can't stand women (unless they're subservient), is a racist, and is a dumb Trump reactionary.  But the question is:

When (not if) Trump's thugs try to steal the election, will Mongo take Trump's side,
or America's?

I'm betting that, as one of the mindwashed, he'll come down on the Trump side.  I can't see Mongo, or most of the Trump Cult, supporting America.

Then, perhaps, we could start discussing the deportation of traitors..

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9/28/2024 12:10 pm  #347

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

The hits keep coming:

This guy is an arrogant AH ...[yes,
Mongo, you are]

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 28, 2024, 10:48 am

This guy is effin' insane. Nobody really gives a damn about what he thinks. [obviously you do!] Owning a basketball team doesn't mean jacqueschidt when it comes to making good political choices.[nor does being a self-imagined Nashville bigshot]


Couldn’t this doofus have just said ‘He’s voting against my guy so I just hates him?’ lol

What an idiot. Self-description, really.

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9/29/2024 7:48 am  #348

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Petty jealousy perhaps. I mean the guy is edging up on a 6 billion net worth


10/04/2024 1:42 pm  #349

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

This is right-wing ignorance and then some:

Mayorkas says that FEMA is out of money.

Posted by Arwen on October 3, 2024, 9:15 am

“We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting,” Mayorkas said. “FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season.”

Is it too late to get back the $8 billion Zelenskyy left with after campaigning with Harris last week? [false characterization]

Can we get back any of the billions that we spent on illegal immigrants since Biden/Harris took office? [or the money Trump spent on the Wall..oh,

Rhetorical questions, yes, but important ones with an election looming.[biased ones slanted in Trump’s favor]

Is it too late for Republicans to vote to fund FEMA? Because they idiotically voted AGAINST funding it back in 2021. Maybe your party ought to take responsibility once in awhile?

I also notice you DON’T mention massive funding of the Zionist genocide in the Middle East as wasted funds…smh

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10/08/2024 2:03 pm  #350

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

Mongo, predictably, is also Trump’s creature and will just mime, idiotically, anything the Fat Crook tells him to say:

Biden/Harris' Shameful Response to Hurricane Helene: 13 Days Late and Billion$ Short

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 8, 2024, 10:41 am

Criminal negligence.

The incompetent old coot finally crawled out from under his wet rock and lamely address the disaster.

And horse's ass KamKam has pathetically offered each victim $750 from a bankrupt federal budget, as if that would make all their problems go away.

Only a fool would vote this Admin back in for another 4 years.
Only a fool would vote in a FAILED ADMINISTRATION (Trump’s) or support a CONVICTED CRIMINAL (Trump) ever again - especially after he attempted to stage an INSURRECTION!

Nothing you claim about disaster relief is REMOTELY true, you aging imbecile; and it has been YOUR PARTY which has repeatedly voted AGAINST FEMA!

You must, like Trump, be ABSOLUTELY SENILE.

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10/08/2024 3:24 pm  #351

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

As much as I dislike mongo, I've never really considered him to be STUPID.  Yet, obviously, he is as dumb as a rock.  He believes obvious LIES and spouts them.


10/08/2024 5:33 pm  #352

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

He is deluded;  possibly demented due to age, possibly deranged due to some other reason.

Paranoia seems a likely diagnosis. Certainly he suffers from confirmation bias.

     Thread Starter

10/11/2024 6:33 pm  #353

Re: Answering Comments on Boards Where Bans Exist

This is presumably Mongo, a tissue of
lies about FEMA relief:

Hey, Biden, keep your damn $750. I can't buy food, water and shelter with it.

Posted by Western NC Resident on October 9, 2024, 7:27 pm

You idiot, my house is washed away. There are no grocery stores. There's no place to get water.

We need food, water and shelter.

Where the F have you been for the past 14 days?

Your idiot VP was on The View, then hob-nobbing with Stephen Colbert on The Late Night Show. AH Mayorkas was on the west coast attending an awards ceremony.
Vicious, stupid lies used to attack the VP and her running mate in the election.

Not a shred of truth from someone who is either drunk or demented.

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