Direct, personal impact from Trump and/or Trump policy

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Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
6/08/2019 10:39 am

This rant portion began in Cottonwood Pass, under General. It was moved here because of its political nature. 

Thursday, we did a concert commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Next year will be in Normandy, doing the concert there. I was horrified by Trump's speech at the cemetery. What he said about Mueller, the investigation, the witch hunt, and his persecutors made me ashamed of the American POTUS. The thought of the tens of thousands of Americans who died on D-Day, so that Donald Trump could say “Let me tell you, he [Mueller] made such a fool out of himself,” on the 75th anniversary of the battle, turns the stomach.

Is there any question Trump was a coward draft dodger? He didn't not go to Vietnam because he objected to the war. He was never, ever part of that protest community. He was a coward who didn't want to risk being hurt or killed. He was a spoiled boy with a rich daddy, living a high life off daddy's money, carousing, schmoozing, groping, f*cking, and being wholly unaccountable and uncontributing to any kind of betterment. When were the fictitious bone spurs removed, so he could continue to play rich boy tennis, soccer, and screw females around the NYC area, while avoiding the draft?

So at the concert, an outdoor event, first time ever, we had a protester. A Trumpeon with an American flag who stood up and walked around swearing about Mueller, the witch hunt, Pelosi, Clinton, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Holder, and Obama. "F them all!" He called the people tried and convicted for Mueller Investigation crimes, political prisoners. People in the audience CLAPPED! Some took issue with his language, but not what he was ranting about. Finally he was escorted away.

I never, ever saw such a demonstration at a concert. Never expected to. 

Then there's the combination of Trump and DeVos who undid a bunch of forgiven student loans from bad, junk, and trash colleges. Trump gave bill collectors license to pester and harass debtors and defaulters all hours of day and night. Dottir is one. Unbelievable harassment.

For the record, she attended Savannah College of Art and Design. The package signed for was a combination of grants and loans. Turned out they were all loans at high interest. No grants at all. I consider it a bait and switch fraud. But what is more was her educational experience there.

She had to take nothing but "art history" classes and did nothing in her major- gaming art animation. Her instructor was worse than bad, and nobody in the classes got higher than C grades. I know art history is important. But she had nothing else but these art history classes! So her education was questionable. In fact, it was useless. 

Dottir had a room mate- a "Black" girl who had no talent, no discipline, a full scholarship, and a thug boyfriend who came over every day to f*ck. He always carried weapons- guns. He was NOT a student, either. The girl stole my daughter's food and art supplies, and even used her washcloth to wipe her ass with after shitting. The girl threatened my daughter if she told anyone about her boyfriend.

The "dorm" was an old motel. The room was a studio with two beds and a bathroom. When the Black girl and her BF f*cked, and there's no other word for it, it was literally in the bed right beside dottir's. They had no shame, no sense of respect for my dottir. The lack of privacy didn't bother them at all. 

When I found out, I was livid pissed off. I went there and we had a face to face, college and I. Dottir was moved! Nothing happened to the Black girl, who was flunking all her classes due to non attendance. Dottir was moved into another untenable situation, this time with a druggie. So she left the school dejected, never to go back, and came home to regroup. She went through hell at that "screwl." I am on record refusing to pay for this "experience," and why. The loans were forgiven... until now.

So I have a real, tangible reason to loathe Trump and DeVos... 

I have to wonder if this order applies to any students sucked in by Trump University? Is this order a kind of revenge or payback because he lost on a fraud? National proliferation of junk colleges was a way for private, for-profit to access another teat of the old government cash cow- this one through loans and grants, formerly designated for use only in public colleges and universities. "For profit" are two of the dirtiest words in our time. Some things simply should not be for profit, and this is one. 

Savannah College of Art and Design is a fraud, as bad ot worse than Trump University. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
6/08/2019 2:17 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

This rant portion began in Cottonwood Pass, under General. It was moved here because of its political nature. 

Thursday, we did a concert commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Next year will be in Normandy, doing the concert there. I was horrified by Trump's speech at the cemetery. What he said about Mueller, the investigation, the witch hunt, and his persecutors made me ashamed of the American POTUS. The thought of the tens of thousands of Americans who died on D-Day, so that Donald Trump could say “Let me tell you, he [Mueller] made such a fool out of himself,” on the 75th anniversary of the battle, turns the stomach.

Is there any question Trump was a coward draft dodger? He didn't not go to Vietnam because he objected to the war. He was never, ever part of that protest community. He was a coward who didn't want to risk being hurt or killed. He was a spoiled boy with a rich daddy, living a high life off daddy's money, carousing, schmoozing, groping, f*cking, and being wholly unaccountable and uncontributing to any kind of betterment. When were the fictitious bone spurs removed, so he could continue to play rich boy tennis, soccer, and screw females around the NYC area, while avoiding the draft?

So at the concert, an outdoor event, first time ever, we had a protester. A Trumpeon with an American flag who stood up and walked around swearing about Mueller, the witch hunt, Pelosi, Clinton, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Holder, and Obama. "F them all!" He called the people tried and convicted for Mueller Investigation crimes, political prisoners. People in the audience CLAPPED! Some took issue with his language, but not what he was ranting about. Finally he was escorted away.

I never, ever saw such a demonstration at a concert. Never expected to. 

Then there's the combination of Trump and DeVos who undid a bunch of forgiven student loans from bad, junk, and trash colleges. Trump gave bill collectors license to pester and harass debtors and defaulters all hours of day and night. Dottir is one. Unbelievable harassment.

For the record, she attended Savannah College of Art and Design. The package signed for was a combination of grants and loans. Turned out they were all loans at high interest. No grants at all. I consider it a bait and switch fraud. But what is more was her educational experience there.

She had to take nothing but "art history" classes and did nothing in her major- gaming art animation. Her instructor was worse than bad, and nobody in the classes got higher than C grades. I know art history is important. But she had nothing else but these art history classes! So her education was questionable. In fact, it was useless. 

Dottir had a room mate- a "Black" girl who had no talent, no discipline, a full scholarship, and a thug boyfriend who came over every day to f*ck. He always carried weapons- guns. He was NOT a student, either. The girl stole my daughter's food and art supplies, and even used her washcloth to wipe her ass with after shitting. The girl threatened my daughter if she told anyone about her boyfriend.

The "dorm" was an old motel. The room was a studio with two beds and a bathroom. When the Black girl and her BF f*cked, and there's no other word for it, it was literally in the bed right beside dottir's. They had no shame, no sense of respect for my dottir. The lack of privacy didn't bother them at all. 

When I found out, I was livid pissed off. I went there and we had a face to face, college and I. Dottir was moved! Nothing happened to the Black girl, who was flunking all her classes due to non attendance. Dottir was moved into another untenable situation, this time with a druggie. So she left the school dejected, never to go back, and came home to regroup. She went through hell at that "screwl." I am on record refusing to pay for this "experience," and why. The loans were forgiven... until now.

So I have a real, tangible reason to loathe Trump and DeVos... 

I have to wonder if this order applies to any students sucked in by Trump University? Is this order a kind of revenge or payback because he lost on a fraud? National proliferation of junk colleges was a way for private, for-profit to access another teat of the old government cash cow- this one through loans and grants, formerly designated for use only in public colleges and universities. "For profit" are two of the dirtiest words in our time. Some things simply should not be for profit, and this is one. 

Savannah College of Art and Design is a fraud, as bad ot worse than Trump University. 


WOW, that's just horrible !!!! Both the situation at the concert AND what happened to Emily. 

As for Em, I hope that can be resolved and the loan will be forgiven again.  HOW can they reverse such a decision ???

As for the concert, what INCORRIGIBLE behavior !!  tRUMP hasn't an OUNCE of class... NOT.ONE.OUNCE.  Obviously, neither do his supporters.



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