Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/25/2019 8:47 pm | #1 |
What would it take for you to change your views on God/religion ?? I don't mean the details of any particular denomination, but your basic belief or lack of belief in God(s).
For Non-believers:
1- Would it require a visit from God to make you believe ? ?
2 - What would convince you that someone claiming to be God is really God ??
3- Could anything other than a visit from God change your mind ??
4- Did you EVER believe ??
For Believers:
1- What might convince a believer to stop believing ??
2- Have your beliefs evolved significantly over time ??
3- Were you taught to believe what you currently believe or did you come about your beliefs over time and life experience ??
4- How much do your beliefs influence your life and your choices ??
For everyone:
1- Do you consider yourself a Strong Believer, a Casual Believer, an Atheist, or an Agnostic ??
2- How strong are your beliefs or non-belief ??
3- Does your belief or non-belief define you in any way ??
4- If you were to significantly change your beliefs (or lack of), would you be okay with that ??
There are NO right or wrong answers, just YOUR answers.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/26/2019 5:22 pm | #2 |
What? NO ONE is interested in this topic ??
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 5/27/2019 12:17 am | #3 |
A tangible, permanent, irrefutable epiphany that was not unique just to me.
If I was to measure strength of faith inspired by Xistians I know, I would not believe. Could not believe. I know a few Christians who cancel out the Xistian influence.
If I was to measure strength of faith inspired by atheists and agnostics I know, my inclination would be to believe. I know many and they're good people. Their works mean more and do more good than prayers of others who give and do next to nothing.
I am a driven and in many ways tormented individual. I pursue things with great tenacity that never quits. In search of faith and answers I learned Greek and Hebrew, to read scripture in original language. I still don't have answers I seek and want, but there is some understanding. I know where it came from, when and how. I consider it a work in progress.
Posted by Amadeus ![]() 5/29/2019 5:06 pm | #4 |
For Believers:
1- What might convince a believer to stop believing ??
That's a very good question. I am not sure. There might be evidence that would sway me toward not believing, but I am not sure anything could close the door.
2- Have your beliefs evolved significantly over time ??
Yes. I used to belong to a fringe sect of 7th Day that many refer to as a cult. My beliefs have changed quite a bit over time.
3- Were you taught to believe what you currently believe or did you come about your beliefs over time and life experience ??
It was a combination of learning about other faiths and learning (through experience) the failings of the faith I had been raised in. Later, I extrapolated that to an understanding of the way that all organized faith ultimately must fail each individual believer.
4- How much do your beliefs influence your life and your choices ??
They have a great deal of influence, but in a general way, not a specific way. My previous faith had a great deal of influence in very specific ways (Sabbath restrictions, clean vs. unclean foods, etc.). Now, I am much more concerned with goodness as opposed to evil, and with understanding how my choices impact others.
For everyone:
1- Do you consider yourself a Strong Believer, a Casual Believer, an Atheist, or an Agnostic??
2- How strong are your beliefs or non-belief ??
Strong. Um... strong like lumberjack. LOL. I don't know what kind of scale you want to use here. Strength may not be the right word. They are inherent. They are intrinsic to who I am. Strength implies something that can be tested to breaking. My beliefs aren't like that. They do not serve that purpose. I try to live as an expression of them.
3- Does your belief or non-belief define you in any way ??
Well, see the answer to #2.
4- If you were to significantly change your beliefs (or lack of), would you be okay with that ??
I would have to be, since it would be me changing them (by definition, considering your question). I have done it before, and the experience was definitely mind expanding. And humbling. I recommend it.
There are NO right or wrong answers, just YOUR answers.
Wrong! My answers are the ONLY right answers! LOL, just kidding.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 6/02/2019 10:27 pm | #5 |
Thanks Amadeus.
What is 7th Day ?? I've never heard of it.
Posted by Amadeus ![]() 6/04/2019 10:56 am | #6 |
7th Day Adventist.
See here for what that is:
My specific sub-cult was called the Worldwide Church of God.
If you listen to NPR and have heard Snap Judgment, the host (Glynn Washington) and I went to the same WWCG congregation growing up. We remain good friends.
Posted by greenman ![]() 6/04/2019 3:26 pm | #7 |
For Non-believers:
1- Would it require a visit from God to make you believe ? ? - Pretty much, although I have certain beliefs of my own which are polytheistic. I still see religion as something humans create for themselves, though.
2 - What would convince you that someone claiming to be God is really God ?? - a hell of a lot, believe me...
3- Could anything other than a visit from God change your mind ?? - Miraculous events clearly performed by a Deity who appears to everyone at once? That'd do it, I guess...and I've always wondered, if there was ONE God who wanted everyone to worship him, why he didn't do that.
4- Did you EVER believe ?? - Oh yeah, back in the late '60s - early '70s I went to Bible Study, saw Hal Lindsey speak, read 'Late, Great Planet Earth,' all that sh*t. Until I realized Evangelicals were complete phonies.
For everyone:
1- Do you consider yourself a Strong Believer, a Casual Believer, an Atheist, or an Agnostic ?? - Casual believer, I suppose. With Agnostic leanings.
2- How strong are your beliefs or non-belief ?? - Moderate
3- Does your belief or non-belief define you in any way ?? - I don't think so. I consider religion to be a private matter.
4- If you were to significantly change your beliefs (or lack of), would you be okay with that ?? - Hard to say, without knowing the circumstances.
There are NO right or wrong answers, just YOUR answers.