The full video of Senator Feinstein with the New Deal kids.

Posted by Siagiah
2/26/2019 1:10 pm

 I watched the short exchange videos all over the web and didn't find her to be rude or dismissive.  Just realistic and matter of fact. I wanted to see the whole thing so I searched for this full exchange to see if Senator Feinstein was dismissive, rude, or said anything untoward to that group anywhere else NOT included in the short clip to explain why so many are criticizing her.  She didn't, IMHO. 

She was straightforward.  She stood up for herself when the kids fired off clichés and insisted that she was wrong. She told them WHY the "green new deal" wasn't going to fly (it would never pass the senate as written and there was NO money to pay for it).  The kids insisted that money taken from the military could pay for it. She explained that it doesn't work that way and that those things are also important. She told them that even if the Green New Deal passed, that the situation was NOT going to change in 10 years time when the kids told her that we had "12 years to turn it around".

She explained WHY her plan was better and more affordable.  She was simply spelling out the realities that the extremely enthusiastic kids didn't seem to recognize.  Youngun's seldom do recognize "realities", which is why they are often the catalyst to progress as they don't see the barriers and push forward.  We need both experience AND enthusiasm to get anything done and both have to hear & listen to one another.  The problem with that situation was that the kids WEREN'T listening to the experience but dismissed it.

Anyway, I found that some of the children were rude, dismissive, and arrogant TOWARDS HER.  They readily dismissed her explanations if she was some ignorant bimbo who didn't have a clue and didn't care either.  That's just not true.  She obviously DOES care since she has her own proposals that she believes WILL have a shot at passing the Senate and being funded.

I'm not a fan of Feinstein, but what's right is right.  She wasn't the one who was a jerk like so many are trying to color her.  Could she have handled herself better?  Well, of course, but showing only a small clip of the exchanges does not do the situation ANY justice,


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