Here's your classic Rightie with her 'Some of my best friends are Negroes!' story..
It’s so bizarre hearing
Posted by observer on February 14, 2025, 11:58 am
screaming meme’s [sic] yelling at us that (because they can’t have their way with us) they are going to fight, fight, fight - in the streets in the courts, in the media! Question: what do they have for weapons?
Ignorance? Hatred? Numbers? Magic?
Shivering in my boots! Reminds me of the time, unprovoked by anything I said or did but by my skin color, a black woman said to me, “if you knew what we say about you in back rooms, you’d be terrified.”. Without giving it a thought, my big mouth replied, “ that’ll be the day when threats like that worry me.” We never spoke again. She was new to the group and I was giving her a ride to a social get together. Our two kids, mine pale as a ghost, hers as black as coal had often played together as good friends.
I have a lot of black friends, women I trust and admire as much as any white friends. In my experience, my threatener was an anomaly - JUST LIKE THE CONGRESSIONAL HOLLERERS who would like us to care about what they think.
First, what does Sophia think is important?
That's right, not the arguments against Trump (including his criminality and treason) but 'What're they going to do about it!?' Morality doesn't even enter the question. How could it? Their Dear Leader is the most immoral in American history! And they must protect him!
Her hatred towards a woman she once gave a ride to - note the strange, race-based descriptions of their kids - who told her a truth about blacks and whites in America is revealing indeed. Why take the comments as a 'threat' unless they applied to her?
One assumes that the black women she 'trusts and admires' these days are all much more subservient to Whitey, or at least more close-mouthed about black-white reality. 'Don't talk race to her, she voted for Trump.'
She doesn't seem to have any idea how odious herself or her ideas about 'race' are..