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Posted by greenman
1/09/2025 9:54 pm

Siagiah wrote:

What's worse is that Ken isn't even enforcing his OWN rules, deleting violations, or even showing up to moderate basically.  As expected. He always had other people to do the "grunt work" that he is either too busy or too "good" for.  Pathetic.

Figures that would happen. It's all Scott, DFM and that idiot GOG.  All right-wing crap.

Posted by Siagiah
1/10/2025 3:34 am

OMG! dfm REPOSTED his political crap with a chart AFTER someone removed it last night!

I looked again last night and dfm's political post was gone, now it is back!

Now there is NO DOUBT that he figures that rules DON'T MATTER and that Ken is without authority on his own board. The ULTIMATE F.U.!!!

WOW, JUST WOW!! So, will Ken confront him? Probably not!

Wagers anyone?

Posted by Siagiah
1/10/2025 9:57 am

and here it is... Unbelievable.  The first one was removed, but he reposted it and it is STILL THERE.  He is such an @ss!


Posted by Trish
1/10/2025 10:49 am

I find it stunning that the same individuals who complained about distain toward Trump and republicans show as much (if not more) hatred toward Democrats. Mote? Eye?

Posted by Siagiah
1/10/2025 11:58 am

Still, no sign of dfm being chastised for it.  Others would be facing a time out for doing the same thing.  It's one thing to post something "illegal". entirely another to repost it AFTER it has been removed by an admin.

Posted by Siagiah
1/10/2025 12:02 pm

Trish wrote:

I find it stunning that the same individuals who complained about distain toward Trump and republicans show as much (if not more) hatred toward Democrats. Mote? Eye?


Do we ever expect different from hypocritical GOPhers?  I don't.

When I posted there, I didn't post anti-dt nor pro-Biden. Not even "sneaky references".   If I was still posting there, I still wouldn't do either now since the RULES clearly say NO POLITICS.

Some people are ABOVE the law, just like their hero, dt.


Posted by Siagiah
1/10/2025 5:23 pm


The song Imagine is grossly misunderstood by mostly Christians.  It is a longing for peace on earth and love for all mankind without  religion, threats of hell, or the rewards of heaven to get there because he believed that religion, borders, and politics separated people far too much and made them less likely to see each other as brothers and sisters. 


Why would someone whose big calling card is that they are known as a Christian....

Posted by BornToFarm on January 10, 2025, 11:43 am

  have "Imagine" sung at their funeral. That is sort of the atheist national anthem. Is that how he wants to be remembered?

Maybe he requested "I can only Imagine" and they got it wrong?

Just so disappointing. I would have thought he would have requested "Victory in Jesus" or something more appropriate.


The song IMAGINE by Lennon is NOT anti-religious.  It is about PEACE and GOODNESS ON EARTH without it being just about an afterlife, but about a good soul that does good for goodness's sake.  The things that divide humanity are nearly always religion, politics, and land boundaries. Religion topping the list of divisive things.

Is Imagine anti-religion? 
 The “anti-religious” part is because of the first verse (imagine no heaven). What he is actually saying is that even if there is an afterlife, don't worry about it. Live for today, and work to make this your beautiful world where the vast sky is the limit.

What did John Lennon think of God?  
I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong.

What is the message of John Lennon's Imagine?  
The central theme of “Imagine,” co-written by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, is to encourage the listener to imagine a world at peace without the divisions of religion, countries or material possessions. It's NOT a political song—it doesn't espouse any political philosophy. It simply encourages peace

What is the symbolism in Imagine by John Lennon?  
The title of the song says it all, 'Imagine'. Lennon himself is trying to envision a world freed of the things which divide us as people and he's quite literal in the lyrics. Religion divides us, wealth divides us, fear divides us. It is a utopian vision, but it is his vision, his imagination at work.


Posted by greenman
1/11/2025 11:11 am

That board and most of its denizens are wack. Born toFarm is always going to come down on the side of Conservative Evangelism and Conservative politics, just as DFM is always going to make grand pronunciamentos and GOG to express crazy paranoia and conspiracy theories.  They are who they are.

I'd have disciplined/banned all of them, but it's not my problem.

I don't go through Yellow to get to Blue anymore, so I barely look at it. I'm much happier that way...

Posted by Trish
1/11/2025 12:26 pm

There were at least 4 other pieces of music that were ones Born to Farm would approve of. No mention of those... 

It's the man's funeral. Let him rest in peace.

Posted by greenman
1/11/2025 1:41 pm

Well said, Trish. I think there were political overtones for BtF here; I doubt he's a fan of Carter. Sad.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/11/2025 2:47 pm

Embrace of the convicted felon by American Christian Nationalists begs explanation. That offered, that these are the "last days" and the felon is fulfilling Bible prophecy as recorded in Revelation, because a group of wealthy televangerlists said so, defies reason. 

They cheer for the felon as if he is the second coming of the Messiah. They voted for him for the same reason. If would be difficult to find a less religious, more selfish and conceited man, and they justify that by saying God is using him. Just like God used evil men in the OT to advance His will and plan. 

Some say God has great plans for the felon, and expect some epiphany where the old man has a come to Jesus experience that turns him good. 

OTOH Carter lived a Christian life. He was elected to cleanse the presidency of the stain of lies left by the Nixon administration. Americans wanted transparency and honesty, and they got it with and from Carter. 

However, collapse of the Iranian Shah, despised throughout the Arab world for his cruelty, led to mass protests against America because we unconditionally backed the Shah. America became their enemy, and trouble we have in the Middle East ever since sprang from this relationship. 

Unification of OPEC led to the overnight doubling of the price of oil, and gas. Since that happened during the Carter presidency, he was blamed. He was ineffective to combat that, as would be any president. That led directly to massive double digit inflation that also rippled into the housing market as the bad practice of balloon loans and foreclosures exploded. Short sighted Americans blamed Carter.

The American Christian Nationalists dislike of Carter is rooted on that gross misunderstanding. They misunderstand this history as zealously as they misinterpret their Bibles in support of a resurrection of Nixon, in the form of his student, the convicted felon, and exactly the same mob of power mad, corrupt Republicans whose diplomacy depends on strong arm threats using the world's most expensive military. 

Their lack of grace in the wake of Carter's death and funeral clearly shows that the period of grace that Christ ushered in is meaningless to them. They are mean people, just like the newly elected leader they follow and cheer. The felon was treated like the baby paraiah he is at the funeral. It appeared that Obama was the only one to briefly share a laugh with him, and that was because they sat next to each other. For the other two hours beyond those thirty seconds, the felon was deliberately passed over and ignored. 

R&E became a window into the world of American Christian Nationalism. They don 't tolerate any belief different from their own, with the one exception of Jewish zionism, and they have their token Jew expert on the climate. 

Carter's post president Christian life also reflects another American Christian Nationalist belief; a person can't be saved by his good works. Only recitation of their narrow belief, that Jesus is the Son of God, and salvation must pass through Him by utterance of those words, does salvation occur. That justifies their being mean and mean spirited with any and all who do not believe as they. That's why I no longer read or post anything on R&E. 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/11/2025 2:57 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/11/2025 3:07 pm

Trish wrote:

There were at least 4 other pieces of music that were ones Born to Farm would approve of. No mention of those... 

It's the man's funeral. Let him rest in peace.


Carter chose every single part of his funeral, music and all.  He knew what the song was about, understood Lennon's intention, and wanted the song because of its message of PEACE without divisions.


Posted by greenman
1/11/2025 5:13 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Embrace of the convicted felon by American Christian Nationalists begs explanation. That offered, that these are the "last days" and the felon is fulfilling Bible prophecy as recorded in Revelation, because a group of wealthy televangerlists said so, defies reason. 

They cheer for the felon as if he is the second coming of the Messiah. They voted for him for the same reason. If would be difficult to find a less religious, more selfish and conceited man, and they justify that by saying God is using him. Just like God used evil men in the OT to advance His will and plan. 

Some say God has great plans for the felon, and expect some epiphany where the old man has a come to Jesus experience that turns him good. 

OTOH Carter lived a Christian life. He was elected to cleanse the presidency of the stain of lies left by the Nixon administration. Americans wanted transparency and honesty, and they got it with and from Carter. 

However, collapse of the Iranian Shah, despised throughout the Arab world for his cruelty, led to mass protests against America because we unconditionally backed the Shah. America became their enemy, and trouble we have in the Middle East ever since sprang from this relationship. 

Unification of OPEC led to the overnight doubling of the price of oil, and gas. Since that happened during the Carter presidency, he was blamed. He was ineffective to combat that, as would be any president. That led directly to massive double digit inflation that also rippled into the housing market as the bad practice of balloon loans and foreclosures exploded. Short sighted Americans blamed Carter.

The American Christian Nationalists dislike of Carter is rooted on that gross misunderstanding. They misunderstand this history as zealously as they misinterpret their Bibles in support of a resurrection of Nixon, in the form of his student, the convicted felon, and exactly the same mob of power mad, corrupt Republicans whose diplomacy depends on strong arm threats using the world's most expensive military. 

Their lack of grace in the wake of Carter's death and funeral clearly shows that the period of grace that Christ ushered in is meaningless to them. They are mean people, just like the newly elected leader they follow and cheer. The felon was treated like the baby paraiah he is at the funeral. It appeared that Obama was the only one to briefly share a laugh with him, and that was because they sat next to each other. For the other two hours beyond those thirty seconds, the felon was deliberately passed over and ignored. 

R&E became a window into the world of American Christian Nationalism. They don 't tolerate any belief different from their own, with the one exception of Jewish zionism, and they have their token Jew expert on the climate. 

Carter's post president Christian life also reflects another American Christian Nationalist belief; a person can't be saved by his good works. Only recitation of their narrow belief, that Jesus is the Son of God, and salvation must pass through Him by utterance of those words, does salvation occur. That justifies their being mean and mean spirited with any and all who do not believe as they. That's why I no longer read or post anything on R&E. 


My feeling is that, if there were a Christian identify linked to Trump, it would be Antichrist.

Not my belief system, but it would be consistent with Christian teaching..

Posted by Siagiah
1/11/2025 6:43 pm

greenman wrote:

  My feeling is that, if there were a Christian identify linked to Trump, it would be Antichrist.

Not my belief system, but it would be consistent with Christian teaching..



I can't believe that they haven't already figured that out!


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/11/2025 11:20 pm

Siagiah wrote:

greenman wrote:

  My feeling is that, if there were a Christian identify linked to Trump, it would be Antichrist.

Not my belief system, but it would be consistent with Christian teaching..



I can't believe that they haven't already figured that out!


I would "think" that too. History has a long line of streetcorner preachers preaching last days sermons. This has been going on since shorttly after Christ's death. Every single one of them was wrong. Nobody knows when these last days are. They look for signs because Jesus and Paul said there would be signs. However I think many project their wishful thinking into interpretation, including vision and awareness of last day signs. 

The Parable of the Talents addresses what people do with the talents, tasks, trusts, and responsibilities they're given. It's more important than watching for the last day signs. Woe to the ones who do nothing but sit on it, protecting it from.. what? Do something with what you have been given. Don't just sit on it. 

The convicted felon identifies more with the antichrist, if he identifies with any Biblical character. All that matters to me is he's not a good person, so I won't follow him. 

Rather than live as if these are the last days, I chose to live, helping people as I can, following the example Jesus set.. When an American Christian Nationalist tells me works like that won't get me to heaven, I don't care. I don't do good things to save myself and get to heaven. I do them because people need them. God knows I am in no position to help everyone who needs help. I do what I can. I think most people are like that. I hope more people are like that. 

Seems to me too many American Christian Nationalists strive for salvation and eternal life in heaven by uttering the sacred words, and getting others to utter them too. Once uttered, they're safe, and they can and do return to being the mean spirited, mean tempered beings they were before. 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/11/2025 11:23 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/12/2025 12:20 am

All true! However, what I'd meant was that I'm surprised that more Christians haven't recognized dt as the anti-Christ.

Posted by greenman
1/12/2025 12:42 pm

Siagiah wrote:

All true! However, what I'd meant was that I'm surprised that more Christians haven't recognized dt as the anti-Christ.

Doesn't Revelation say that many would be deceived? That part seems to have come true..

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/13/2025 1:36 am

greenman wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

All true! However, what I'd meant was that I'm surprised that more Christians haven't recognized dt as the anti-Christ.

Doesn't Revelation say that many would be deceived? That part seems to have come true..

It does! To trump means to concoct with intent to deceive. 
You can't talk 'ligion with a MAGA base, where ever they congregate


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/19/2025 11:23 am

I just looked in on R&E. What a MESS!  Devolution has blossomed into a major player there.  Add DFM, GOG, and scott as the other major players and WTF? 

It's just sad seeing how far down R&E has dropped. 

Over the last 2 years, but especially in the last year, participation has flat-lined with so many former members leaving and the worst members essentially taking over....  I'm not even including the one (jb) who used to be the major irritant who trashed or hijacked  EVERY thread.  Even HE has dropped off.

Once upon a time, there were multiple religious beliefs and non-beliefs discussing ethics, religion, and current events.  Now, there is ONE viewpoint "allowed".  If you don't agree, you WILL be driven out one way or another. 

That makes me sad because it used to be a vibrant, interesting place to yap, read, and learn with a great mix of viewpoints. 

No more. 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/19/2025 4:07 pm

Fvck around, Find out

It isn't just ofher faiths they drive away. They drive away any Christian belief or faith
not exactly aligned and in accordance with their own, because they believe theirs is
is the only way. There is no room for the many different Biblical interpretations, or the
many different Bibles, or the many different churches within the Christian community.
Their discussions are boring, and their attacks on other mean and mean spirited. 

When they post examples of music they want others to hear and agree with 
adoration, it is mostly contemporary Nationalist Christian swill written and performed
by second rate players who countryfy it with drawls and gutteral, seductive sounding 
attacks and cool sounding dropt consonants. Mostly this is just poor execution with 
very little musicality. It is a result of industrial intent to make money, and not to lift and 
move people emotionally and spiritually. 

When SJW or I posted something musical, I think most times the R&E Christian Nationalists
didn't even bother to listen So when I wrote something outside music, I was told to stick
to what I know, and for the both of us, our music was ignored. 

To be ignored, and when addressed at all, treated badly. Any wonder why I left? 
I don't know about SJW. I have not looked at R&E since September. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/19/2025 4:56 pm

While agree that Devo is a waste of time, WHO the hell does DFM think he is to say such a thing on someone else's board? Does he mean something of value like DFM's stupid YouTube videos?

Posted by greenman
1/20/2025 12:49 pm

Since I don't go through there on the way to Blue, I don't see it much anymore.

I like it that way. It was garbage when last I looked.

Posted by Siagiah
1/20/2025 2:36 pm

greenman wrote:

Since I don't go through there on the way to Blue, I don't see it much anymore.

I like it that way. It was garbage when last I looked.


Yeah, I shouldn't look in ever. It's not like I'm ever going back. 

Posted by Trish
1/21/2025 11:39 am

Siagiah wrote:

While agree that Devo is a waste of time, WHO the hell does DFM think he is to say such a thing on someone else's board? Does he mean something of value like DFM's stupid YouTube videos?

In David's defense, he only verbalized what others have said (and what Devo has been warned about a thousand times). I never open David's videos because he doesn't talk about them... kinda dumb

Last edited by Trish (1/21/2025 11:40 am)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/22/2025 5:14 pm

Trish wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

While agree that Devo is a waste of time, WHO the hell does DFM think he is to say such a thing on someone else's board? Does he mean something of value like DFM's stupid YouTube videos?

In David's defense, he only verbalized what others have said (and what Devo has been warned about a thousand times). I never open David's videos because he doesn't talk about them... kinda dumb

What's left at R&E are different kinds of poison sitting on the same shelf. Toxic to touch or open them. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/24/2025 2:38 am

What is left is that plus a crapload of DELIBERATE political VIOLATIONS!

It is amazing how when the cat is busy, the mice constantly break the rules. When the too busy cat returns, it is just ignored.

Posted by Siagiah
1/29/2025 7:16 pm

IGNORANT IDIOTS, the lot of them on R&E!

That's ONE reason why I will never go back there. I don't care to associate with MORONS who are to BLAME for what is going on right now.

The other reason is Ken C, who hasn't taken an OUNCE of personal responsibility for the STUPID things that he did that blew up in his face when he refused to listen to anything but what HE wanted.

He thinks that HE is an innocent victim who owes NO APOLOGIES or EXPLANATIONS for absolutely CLUELESS decisions that LITERALLY CAUSED the rift between us in spite of being specifically warned that it would result in exactly that if he did what he said he was thinking of doing... and then did.

It is now irreparable because HE cannot and will not take ANY responsibility for it --- when HE CAUSED IT with his stupid, ill-considered decisions that it appears that scott pushed him into doing.

He is beyond self-absorbed, self-righteous, and CLUELESS about other people's feelings and what betrayal ACTUALLY looks like when he does it.

On top of that, during the LA wildfire discussions, not once did he express the slightest concern for anyone aside of himself and worries about how it might harm the local economy (IOW, HIS work). I've never seen such a lack of concern for others.

This is the rest of my opinion from what I posted and later deleted on the main board because I'd forgotten where I was posting it.


Posted by Poppet
1/29/2025 10:47 pm

Trish wrote:

In David's defense, he only verbalized what others have said (and what Devo has been warned about a thousand times). 

As I have said over there, at least Devo posts on-topic...instead of thinly-disguised (at best) political comments. Yes, I wish he wasn't so repetitive and I wish he'd actually engage more, but NOT being politics on R&E goes a long way with me. Devo is one of the few posters I actually reply to on R&E any more...which makes it all the more amusing that he never replies to me.

Posted by Siagiah
1/30/2025 6:06 pm

WHY?  because someone STILL can't mind his own business.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/30/2025 7:10 pm

Poppet wrote:

Trish wrote:

In David's defense, he only verbalized what others have said (and what Devo has been warned about a thousand times). 

As I have said over there, at least Devo posts on-topic...instead of thinly-disguised (at best) political comments. Yes, I wish he wasn't so repetitive and I wish he'd actually engage more, but NOT being politics on R&E goes a long way with me. Devo is one of the few posters I actually reply to on R&E any more...which makes it all the more amusing that he never replies to me.

What is a one way, one sided conversation?

A clanging bell never strays from its one and only topic. Whether it shifts or swings left or right, the peal in any direction is the same in every direction. It only responds when somebody pulls its rope or chain. Don't know if that is an admirable quality. The living clanging bell is sentient enough to hear itself. But it speaks mostly for its own entertainment and amusement. It is dumb by design of its creators, and if we have creators or a creator, if we don't respond. we are likely comparatively as dumb. We must be excruciatingly boring to our creators, othewise it or they would be more interested in conversation. Holy books aren't conversations. They're dictations, and to only rely on them for guidence discounts our questions and comments which turn a dictation into discussion. 

You and I have conversations. We emerge better for them. In RL we seek conversation. Dictation is dumb the first time heard, and declines from there. Best to
leave the living clanging bell hung still, rope and chain untouched.


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

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