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Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/14/2024 8:24 pm

To this day I don't understand "banning you for life."

When Mondo and I patched fences, I was glad. However he then pursued primarily Merlin and Sia to a point where it consumed him. He seemed less interested in discussing music and other common topics. In fact, essentially non interested. Every time Merlin posted, Mondo responded with sharp criticism, disparagement, and contempt. When he mentioned Sia, it was worse. For quite a while I looked the other way, and took occasion to suggest calming it down- mostly by finding something else to discuss. Like our common interests in music.
I kinda took the position, well that's between Mondo and Merlin, or that's between Mondo and Sia. It hurt me to see people I know and respect so relentlessly criticized and disparaged. 

Mondo clearly preferred that kind of exchange more than our common interests. Finally, and reluctantly, unable to broker any kind of truce, I could not let it go on. I felt like a hypocrite and backstabber, and so asked for the DNR to be reinstated. 

That was extremely unfortunate. Mondo has good things to offer, just like Merlin and Sia. He chose not to develop those good things.To this day I have no ill will against him.

As for the xtian thinkers, writers, and philosophers, it was their collective opinion I was mistaken, misinformed, and incapable of a cogent argument, simply because I didn't believe "their way." They questioned my Christianity. That is my choice and right, not theirs. I didn't and don't question theirs, except to say how they think and believe is not for me. That doesn't make me a lesser Christian or a non Christian. 

Because my belief isn't rooted solely in the Bible, I am wrong, and not really a Christian. It was unthinkable to them, that anyone's relationship with God be unique and individual. I was very clear that my beliefs and observations in the science world reinforced my faith and belief in ways the Bible can't and doesn't. It works for me. 

Somewhere in their growth and development the idea the Bible is not just the ultimate authority, but the only authority, became their belief. 

Which Bible? What version? From what period of time? On this day many different Bibles exist. When you examine how the Bibles came to be, it raises more questions than answers, and it raises doubts. Of course the authority was THEIR Bible. 

What resolved it for me was the personal relationship with God. :Like a fingerprint, or voiceprint, or DNA, each and every one is unique. That can account for the differences. God doesn't preach sermons. Nowhere in the Bible does He speak to a crowd. Always one to one. If that is consistent there, then it must be here. 

Fellowship is the opportunity to compare notes. Not all will be the same. Some things we find the same. In others differences exist that may or may not apply to us commonly. 

Rather than build discussion and fellowship based on what we had in common, they chose to magnify the differences into cause and reason to cease discussion and sever fellowship. For justification, they picked and chose Bible verses to use as weapons, and many times they deliberately ignored what immediately followed in those verses, which effectively changed meaning and undid their intent. It was the weaponization they pursued; were after. What they wanted. What THEY wanted. What they WANTED. 

They broke it off with and from me. Nothing I wrote was interesting. I was incapable of cogent thought, and was told to stick to what I know- music pieces they seldom read. They treated SJW, a more accomplished musician than me, with contempt. 

DFM is the same way about climate. He is too much of an authority to be questioned.

They shut me down, and then told me to shut up. I did. They made their bed. Now they must lie in it. . 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/15/2024 11:47 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
12/14/2024 11:06 pm

greenman wrote:

Stupidest thing Kenniboi ever posted? Got to be right up there..

Does Sia from the Blue Board seem like a reasonable person?

Posted by Ken C on December 14, 2024, 2:10 pm, in reply to "Does Sia from the Blue Board seem like a reasonable person? I posted a request for a peace agreeme"

Does Sia from the Blue Board seem like a reasonable person?

I posted a request for a peace agreement between our boards here:

Sia responded by saying I am no longer her friend here:

Mondo warned me about Sia a long time ago. I should have listened to Mondo's advice.
Or listen to the space aliens, Ken, they are talking to you! They, like DFM, Mongo and GOG, have your and your increasingly pathetic little board's interests at heart!



He posted THAT ???

Well, it appears that I should have listened to those who warned me what a F*UCKING ASS*HOLE and HYPOCRITE that Ken is.

For someone who supposedly wanted "peace" (when there WAS NO WAR going on) he sure proved what a liar he is!

EDIT: I finally went to see what this was about and noticed that the usual crew were AHs, but also that BtF was decent and followed his Christian beliefs (thanks BtF for always being true to your beliefs) and that Otis handed ken his arse on a platter calling him unreasonable.  LOL.  (thanks Otis!)


Last edited by Siagiah (12/16/2024 1:49 am)

Posted by Siagiah
12/16/2024 1:31 am

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

When Mondo and I patched fences, I was glad. However he then pursued primarily Merlin and Sia to a point where it consumed him. He seemed less interested in discussing music and other common topics. In fact, essentially non interested. Every time Merlin posted, Mondo responded with sharp criticism, disparagement, and contempt. When he mentioned Sia, it was worse. For quite a while I looked the other way, and took occasion to suggest calming it down- mostly by finding something else to discuss. Like our common interests in music. I kinda took the position, well that's between Mondo and Merlin, or that's between Mondo and Sia. It hurt me to see people I know and respect so relentlessly criticized and disparaged. 

Mondo clearly preferred that kind of exchange more than our common interests. Finally, and reluctantly, unable to broker any kind of truce, I could not let it go on. I felt like a hypocrite and backstabber, and so asked for the DNR to be reinstated. 

That was extremely unfortunate. Mondo has good things to offer, just like Merlin and Sia. He chose not to develop those good things.To this day I have no ill will against him.



Admittedly, I was secretly glad when you finally terminated that tolerance of mongo's horrific treatment of Merlin and me.  It was hurtful to me that you ignored it completely in public, even though the entire time I encouraged you to follow your beliefs and never complained to you about it since it was "my problem" and not yours.

I've never expected anyone to stop being friends with someone I disliked or to publicly bash them on my behalf.  That is a totally selfish and unreasonable expectation of anyone, especially to force a choice or showdown. 

At the same time, it is also difficult to watch a friend never speak up to the antagonist to at least protest that their target(s) are their friends too.  That can be construed by the antagonist as silent approval of whatever ugly behavior they are doing.

As for ken's banishment of greenman "for life", I privately said to him that it seemed unfair since others behaved the same way yet were still on his board. 

I  asked him a number of times to give it some thought, particularly after ken admitted that he had FORGOTTEN why he'd banned him for life in the first place. That made it obvious that it was a personality clash with private arguments that was behind the lifetime ban and NOT specific misbehavior on his board that warranted it. 

I didn't hound him, I just took the opportunity when he constantly complained to me about how greenman disliked him so much and said so here. To me, it was obvious WHY greenman disliked him that much, but it never occurred to ken that maybe ken earned his dislike.

I appealed to his sense of fairness and eventually, he decided that he'd give him another chance.  Except that he didn't.  He banned him again AFTER greenman had stormed off, furious about yet ANOTHER unfair decision about disagreements between greenman and gog.  It was grossly unfair, once again, and directly related to ken being unable to handle greenman's anger at him for treating him unfairly all over again.  It was about greenman's private  behaviaor and once again, NOT about his behavior on R&E.  Yes, greenman said some ugly things to others, who ALSO said ugly things to him.

Ken and I had some lengthy discussions about his endless requests that we either :
kill this board;
take it to private email;
give him a nonexistent DNR against greenman;
or ban ANY criticism of him, R&E, and all of his participants from being posted on this board

Ummm, NO!

He complained that HE had certain rules that HE always followed on R&E and that I was somehow unreasonable not to follow HIS rules over here.  (Even though the Blue DISCUSSION board does follow similar rules, same as his discussion board does).  

He claimed that I was NOT being his friend or reasonable by not giving him what he repeatedly, ad nauseum, demanded in spite of my explaining, in detail, WHY his requests were unreasonable and WHY I was refusing to do them.

Finally, I blew up at him after something like his 20th demand that I do what he wanted, totally ignoring everything I'd already explained 20+ times to him.

It is CLEAR to me that ken IS "that kind of person" who expects everyone who he is friendly with to hate whomever he hates and to do whatever HE wants to remain friends with him.

Truth is, he hasn't a CLUE what being someone's friend even is.  I did everything I could to help him with his board because he was "too busy" even when I was mad at him for his endless crap.  I never betrayed him.

I warned him that scott was blowing smoke up his butt, driving posters away, and appeared to be trying to take control.  Ken told me that if I'd given him what he'd wanted over here (see above) that he would have listened to me instead of to scott's endless complaints about this board and (what I believe is pretend) concern for him, thus proving that my concerns were well founded.

Well, push came to shove and ken told me not to post for the rest of the year on R&E because I'd hurt his feelings and refused to do what he wanted. 

I had helped him for literally YEARS and never once complained that he didn't always agree with my views on certain posts. Never targeted anyone based on MY opinions on them.  Reported both friend and foe when they broke his rules. Never once asked him to change or bend his rules to my views.  NEVER BROKEN HIS RULES.

But I "hurt his feelings" in a private email, so that justified his request that I not post there for a month. A BAN FOR HURTING HIS FEELINGS?  Hmmm, just like what he did to greenman and others.  He's a FRAUD. You can break his rules all the time as long as you are nice to him as proven with his refusal to do anything about scott, observer, dfm, gog, and so on CONSTANTLY breaking his rules.

He even banned jb because jb ANNOYED him via email. NOT for cause, but for PERSONAL REASONS.  Same as me, same as greenman.

So F*CK him!  I'll NEVER post there again.  EVER.  He is the worst kind of whiner, the kind who does sh*t to people but then gets upset when they are angry and hurt his widdle boy feelings by telling him the truth about himself.


Posted by Siagiah
12/16/2024 1:32 am

wow!! 21 guests online since I changed my mind about blocking views here and opened it back up.

Pathetic, really.


Posted by greenman
12/16/2024 9:07 am

"As for ken's banishment of greenman "for life", I privately said to him that it seemed unfair since others behaved the same way yet were still on his board.

I  asked him a number of times to give it some thought, particularly after ken admitted that he had FORGOTTEN why he'd banned him for life in the first place. That made it obvious that it was a personality clash with private arguments that was behind the lifetime ban and NOT specific misbehavior on his board that warranted it.

I didn't hound him, I just took the opportunity when he constantly complained to me about how greenman disliked him so much and said so here. To me, it was obvious WHY greenman disliked him that much, but it never occurred to ken that maybe ken earned his dislike.

I appealed to his sense of fairness and eventually, he decided that he'd give him another chance.  Except that he didn't.  He banned him again AFTER greenman had stormed off, furious about yet ANOTHER unfair decision about disagreements between greenman and gog.  It was grossly unfair, once again, and directly related to ken being unable to handle greenman's anger at him for treating him unfairly all over again.  It was about greenman's private  behaviaor and once again, NOT about his behavior on R&E.  Yes, greenman said some ugly things to others, who ALSO said ugly things to him."


A pretty fair summation.

The original problem was that Ken banned me for 7 MONTHS over some silly thing with GOG over DNRs, and yes, I said some fairly harsh things to Ken OFFLINE.  But as the year went on, I thought 'Well, I'll try and be a little more reasonable and not make a further fuss.' Ken said eventually he'd let EVERYONE back on after  the first of the year, so I thought 'Cool.' 

Then he banned me permanently instead.

At that point I just said 'Whatever.' It made no sense. 

My return was no better, despite all your efforts on my behalf, so I walked away.  He then banned me after I'd left, so I guess that made him feel better.  smh

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/16/2024 12:04 pm

Mondo took advantage of our cease fire peace accord to relentlessly pursue and disparage you and Merlin. I remained silent, except I wrote to him directly, asking him to stop. When that failed, I tried to steer conversations to positive and productive topics. But he was consumed with a need to go after you and Merlin anytime you posted anything. :Let's say that was indirectly a test of friendship. What friend would ask another to approve of disparagement by silence? A friend would not do that... ask that. I was patient. But finally, I could not let it continue. 

Ken wants this board gone. I do too. But there is a need for it, seen in people who post on R&E, and drive away any discussion of which they disapprove.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
12/16/2024 10:42 pm

F***ing GOG accused me of posting his photo WITHOUT his permission.

That is absolutely BULLSH*T.  He was fighting with HH over a photo that HH had posted that GOG insisted was him.  So he sent me a copy of a pix of himself to show how similar that pix were to prove it and ASKED ME to post it to prove that HH had stolen one of his pix and posted it.  (he couldn't post pix then)  So, I did.  I didn't think the photos looked anything alike, but he sure did.

So his LIE that I posted his pix without permission is pure B.S.  Since he's accused me of it and convinced several that I DID that, perhaps I WILL do it since I've already been convicted.


Posted by greenman
12/17/2024 10:24 am


Kenniboi has taken down the link to the Blue Board.

Apparently another petty act of revenge...

Posted by Siagiah
12/17/2024 10:29 am

greenman wrote:


Kenniboi has taken down the link to the Blue Board.

Apparently another petty act of revenge...



GOOD!  Now those who went here or to the Blue board via R&E won't know the route anymore without having to hunt us down in the giant list of forums and boards on Boardhost.

BTW, Ken can no longer post here, but so far, his log in to the Blue message board remains intact.  I may delete that now too given his childish behavior.



Posted by Siagiah
12/17/2024 10:46 am

Ken STILL can't resist reading over here in spite of declaring that he wouldn't anymore.  I find that incredibly amusing.

He was all over this board over the weekend, which is likely WHY he decided to revive his idiotic "peace agreement" B.S. over on white whine. 

At the TIME, he was still able to respond here, so there was NO REASON for him to go there to start more trouble.  But he did. So, I removed his log in here since he obviously decided that he didn't need it.

I also find it incredibly amusing that he thinks that I have a thin skin as HE so obviously does. Trying to "get me" by posting that crap over on white whine was an act of desperation by someone who MISTAKENLY though that I would actually care what anyone over there had to say.  It's not like I didn't already know who would attack and trash me and who likely would not. 

What he apparently didn't realize is that I would have NEVER seen it if you or someone else hadn't shared it  because I DON'T bother with white whine at all and now don't open R&E either.  So, degrading himself wasn't worth the loss of his "image".

I couldn't care LESS what people whom I dislike that intensely think about me.  He would have to get people I DO care what they think to trash me to "get to me". 

I was angry at HIS behavior because, even as angry as I was at him, I didn't despise him then, I just no longer considered him a friend, which still left room for that feeling to change. 

So that he DID that infuriated me.  I no longer care ONE BIT about him and actively consider him an enemy now.


Posted by Siagiah
12/17/2024 2:05 pm

Bottom line is that KEN CAUSED A BOARD WAR that he repeatedly claimed HE DIDN’T WANT.

Great job dingbat!

You (ken) wouldn't take no for an answer and wound up being RESPONSIBLE for STARTING an actual board war that no one wanted and didn't have to happen

All because you are incapable of understanding what most other humans immediately recognize. Well, those who are NOT on the autism spectrum, that is.

NO ONE appreciates having someone attempt to twist their arms or "shame them" into doing something the other wants like YOU did. Especially when you were TOLD not to DO IT else the results would be really awful.  You did it anyway, posting it on your board and WORSE, posting it on white whine a MONTH after the fact. 

There was NO WAR going on until you posted that on white whine just to START more trouble.  You COULD have had your say HERE.  You still had your log in then, because I preserved it to be FAIR.  No more.  You made your choice to ignore that opportunity in favor of causing more trouble on white whine.

So sit on it and rotate.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/17/2024 3:11 pm

Some may be happy about this mess.

Merlin used to post the same articles on CGD and R&E because there were people there, not on Blue, who might enjoy the read, and I believe did. But there were others, always on R&E who didn't. They epitomized online bravery writing things they would never say to another person in real life, face to face. Merlin's gone now. Health issues, and prolly some good doses of discouragement. 

I dual posted on CGD and R&E for the same reason. But now there isn't anybody there who would read a post I wrote. So why bother? 

This observation of gold fusion from collision of two neutron stars is powerful testimony of God's power for me, and this isn't in the Bible. It forces a realization that band of gold we wear on a finger pledging our heart to another can only come from a neutron star supernova. We're wearing a little piece of neutron star! If that isn't an OMG, what is? 
DFM responded, saying gold is fused on earth every time a nuclear device is detonated. Not even close. Best we can do is fuse a few pounds of hydrogen into a helium isotope. I thought he was a scientist?

The others didn't read. The idea isn't Biblical or Bible supported, and what we need to know about God is only available in the Bible. Anyone who believes outside that definition is not and cannot be a Christian. They said so. There I am... in their eyes. 

I described how gravity bends space and time, so parallels meet. Planets and stars are spherical because that is physical factoring to its LCD. That creates two singularities, one at each pole. If linear, an alpha and omega. If considered an axis, the poles are one singularity. We emerged from a Big Bang, which is as far as I am concerned, a pretty good explanation for creation. The universe will someday in a distant future, converge. Pretty good model of the alpha and omega. Oh, but that isn't in the Bible. So according to some, anyone who believes that cannot be a true believer and a Christian, because that is dependent on small, key phrases only in the Bible. So because that singularity, Big Bang, alpha and omega timeline reinforces my faith, I am a hypocrite? Nor can I argue the point cogently? 

I was told to shut up. Not to write about any of this, because THEY were the authorities and said it is wrong. Not just wrong for me, but for everybody. I didn't force my observations on them. I expressed what I believe, and how it worked for me. Because that isn't the same as theirs, I can't be a believer... not a true believer...  I tried to build on what we have in common. I was told we have nothing in common. Finally they said they were breaking off communication with me. My absence from R&E is THEIR choice. I am simply enforcing it. 

So why write in a forum where nobody reads your posts, or cares to read your posts? Why write in a forum where you're told you're wrong, they're right, and that's that?

I thought those were interesting ideas, and right in line with intended discussions of religion and ethics. Not everybody has them. I would have welcomed Quantafire's opinions. I am an amateur layman. He has expertise with which he corrected me several times to make me a better thinker. Since then I took an MIT online course on Black Holes, Quasars, and Cosmology, which tightened down my thinking and understanding. 

They, the xtian representation on R&E didn't have to be so nasty about it. They chose to be, and they did it enough times to wear out my patience and desire. Well, they can have the place all to themselves, because the interesting people who might likewise find the topics interesting, and in fact did, are on Blue. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/17/2024 4:52 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
12/17/2024 4:14 pm

I'm certainly not happy about it.  I'm so tired of the crap that has infested a board I used to hold in reverence.  And the invasion from White Whine - the worst board on Boardhost - had accelerated the failure.

The political, anti-science, anti-intelligent posting there, highlighted by the fanatical DFM and the insane GOG, had made it a board for morons.

Plus, the 'religion' posting is virtually ALL evangelical Christian BS and linked heavily to the incoming Trump Regime.

Despicable!  And it's at Ken's feet!

Posted by Trish
12/17/2024 5:11 pm

in facing a New Year, I have been thinking about how to leave all the BS in the past where it belongs (it only makes my BP go up, LOL). 

We have this wonderful space, and we like it. We get along mostly, even when we disagree (hey, adulting).

There are still going to be things we want to bitch about, but stop paying attention (or giving attention) to things that drive with negativity at the helm. It's like a child. They crave attention but seek it in all the wrong ways. 

I could feel sorry for some of these folks if it weren't for the bad blood. But its not necessary. They seem fully adept at having their pity hand-wringing or back-patting parties. 

Occasionally, I will continue to post if something grabs my interest or is grossly wrong (Deede). But I am not engaging beyond that. 

It feels good not to moderate anymore. It was past due. 

Trust you all are well and starting to have holiday fun. 

Oh BTW if anyone here contributed to the fundraiser, I wanted to offer my gratitude. I am buckling in for the bills.

Last edited by Trish (12/17/2024 5:12 pm)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/17/2024 5:35 pm

greenman wrote:

I'm certainly not happy about it. I'm so tired of the crap that has infested a board I used to hold in reverence. And the invasion from White Whine - the worst board on Boardhost - had accelerated the failure.

The political, anti-science, anti-intelligent posting there, highlighted by the fanatical DFM and the insane GOG, had made it a board for morons.

Plus, the 'religion' posting is virtually ALL evangelical Christian BS and linked heavily to the incoming Trump Regime.

Despicable! And it's at Ken's feet!

There're  a pair of authorities.
The xtian mob say if God can use despots like Hitler, Stalin, Putin and Felon to advance His will, He can do anything. Use anybody. The Bible is full of horrible rulers who murdered and swindled. What about the people they crimed against? So seated at the table of salvation will be the worst despot rulers, but the uninteresting people they bloodied are the mob in the hall and overflow room? Thank you very much, I'd rather eat with the mob. 

This xtian fellowship turned religion into superstition. They have the hall all to themselves. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
12/17/2024 9:11 pm

Trish wrote:

in facing a New Year, I have been thinking about how to leave all the BS in the past where it belongs (it only makes my BP go up, LOL). 

We have this wonderful space, and we like it. We get along mostly, even when we disagree (hey, adulting).

There are still going to be things we want to bitch about, but stop paying attention (or giving attention) to things that drive with negativity at the helm. It's like a child. They crave attention but seek it in all the wrong ways. 

I could feel sorry for some of these folks if it weren't for the bad blood. But its not necessary. They seem fully adept at having their pity hand-wringing or back-patting parties. 

Occasionally, I will continue to post if something grabs my interest or is grossly wrong (Deede). But I am not engaging beyond that. 

It feels good not to moderate anymore. It was past due. 

Trust you all are well and starting to have holiday fun. 

Oh BTW if anyone here contributed to the fundraiser, I wanted to offer my gratitude. I am buckling in for the bills.


You have a fundraiser?  Where? 

I fully get why you had to quit moderating R&E.  It is frustrating beyond belief to see how many times the regulars deliberatelybreak the rules there and never get more than it deleted. Only to do it again later. It is like herding cats!

I do hope that you'll continue to hang out here and on main Blue. You are a positive contribution!


Posted by Siagiah
12/17/2024 11:12 pm

I found it and donated.

Trish Go Fund Me

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/18/2024 1:32 am

Siagiah wrote:

Trish wrote:

in facing a New Year, I have been thinking about how to leave all the BS in the past where it belongs (it only makes my BP go up, LOL). 

We have this wonderful space, and we like it. We get along mostly, even when we disagree (hey, adulting).

There are still going to be things we want to bitch about, but stop paying attention (or giving attention) to things that drive with negativity at the helm. It's like a child. They crave attention but seek it in all the wrong ways. 

I could feel sorry for some of these folks if it weren't for the bad blood. But its not necessary. They seem fully adept at having their pity hand-wringing or back-patting parties. 

Occasionally, I will continue to post if something grabs my interest or is grossly wrong (Deede). But I am not engaging beyond that. 

It feels good not to moderate anymore. It was past due. 

Trust you all are well and starting to have holiday fun. 

Oh BTW if anyone here contributed to the fundraiser, I wanted to offer my gratitude. I am buckling in for the bills.


You have a fundraiser?  Where? 

I fully get why you had to quit moderating R&E. It is frustrating beyond belief to see how many times the regulars deliberatelybreak the rules there and never get more than it deleted. Only to do it again later. It is like herding cats!

I do hope that you'll continue to hang out here and on main Blue. You are a positive contribution!


I second that. Before we went to registration, every day we had messes to clean up. Those responsible came from ONE place, and they went out of their way to disrupt in ways that sometimes took detailed, painstaking examination to find and clean. Do any of us have that kind of time to waste? On that? . 

This is a very poor place for a fund raiser. We don't get much traffic, and most is repeat. I am sure you have it going on elsewhere, with much more visibility. I think we'll see many more in the months and years ahead when more people begin to financially sink due to the unthinkable choice they made for leadership, based on what they want, and aren't gonna get. They were had. One comfort, if there is one, is you're not alone., 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/18/2024 1:34 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
12/21/2024 1:40 pm

Strangely enough, we get a crap ton of traffic from Boardhost peeps.  Sure, many are repeat, but not all. 

Either way, it's just ONE place where it is.  I put it on my Facebook page and 2 of my friends/family contributed already.  I asked my sisters to put it on their church prayer chain so I'm hoping that it can go nationwide and get more eyeballs on it from people I don't even know.


Posted by Siagiah
12/23/2024 9:41 pm

Just laughing aloud right now.  I was curious about a post cited here from R&E and found this little nugget.  LOL


Message Thread 

  • ATTN: Ken C - Devo
  • Posted by Devo on December 19, 2024, 10:01 am 
  • Why did you ban me from this board? Did you find my posts to be offensive or something? Thank you. 
  • *********

    • Devo is not banned. I did ban a troll named "Homosexual". - Ken C
    • Posted by Ken C on December 19, 2024, 8:54 pm, in reply to "ATTN: Ken C"
    • Homosexuals, Gays, and Lesbians are welcome here. Trolls are not welcome.
    • Anyone who gets a message saying their are banned should email me their IP address so I can check it out. My email address is at the top of the board.
    • **********


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/23/2024 10:39 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Just laughing aloud right now.  I was curious about a post cited here from R&E and found this little nugget.  LOL


Message Thread 

  • ATTN: Ken C - Devo
  • Posted by Devo on December 19, 2024, 10:01 am 
  • Why did you ban me from this board? Did you find my posts to be offensive or something? Thank you. 
  • *********

    • Devo is not banned. I did ban a troll named "Homosexual". - Ken C
    • Posted by Ken C on December 19, 2024, 8:54 pm, in reply to "ATTN: Ken C"
    • Homosexuals, Gays, and Lesbians are welcome here. Trolls are not welcome.
    • Anyone who gets a message saying their are banned should email me their IP address so I can check it out. My email address is at the top of the board.
    • **********


So let me get this str8.
A troll named named Homosexual was banned from R&E.
Simultaneously Devo was banned, because he said he is homosexual. 
Correction. He said he is Homosexual. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
12/25/2024 3:37 pm

And the final equation:

Devo = 'Homosexual' = troll

ps - I have no interest in whether or not Devo is a homosexual.

Last edited by greenman (12/25/2024 3:39 pm)

Posted by greenman
12/25/2024 3:41 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Just laughing aloud right now.  I was curious about a post cited here from R&E and found this little nugget.  LOL


Message Thread 

  • ATTN: Ken C - Devo
  • Posted by Devo on December 19, 2024, 10:01 am 
  • Why did you ban me from this board? Did you find my posts to be offensive or something? Thank you. 
  • *********

    • Devo is not banned. I did ban a troll named "Homosexual". - Ken C
    • Posted by Ken C on December 19, 2024, 8:54 pm, in reply to "ATTN: Ken C"
    • Homosexuals, Gays, and Lesbians are welcome here. Trolls are not welcome.
    • Anyone who gets a message saying their are banned should email me their IP address so I can check it out. My email address is at the top of the board.
    • **********


Which is why I always assumed that Devo was that other Woodbine board troll (can't think of his name) who always suggested that other posters were homosexuals.  And that both were probably Mark.

Posted by Siagiah
12/26/2024 1:03 am

Islar Gepin?

The whole pile of originals there seemed to be trolls.

Are you a homosexual?

I'm .......leaving.

Do you believe in evolution?

The entire transwoman character, Thrinxy and his/her bazillion "friends"

Posted by Siagiah
12/26/2024 1:41 am

This is PRECISELY what DFM did to drive Sir Real off R&E.

It will be tolerated too. Just unbelievable!

Mugwump is a lying anti-semite.

Posted by DFM on December 25, 2024, 10:11 pm,
in reply to "Mugwump has a detailed"

Posted by Siagiah
12/30/2024 2:52 pm

Just unbelievable!  I tired of copying text. The gist of it all is clear.  They are now after both Trish and Mugwump.

Oh, Trish, it matters not. I can be mean-spirited and provoke hostility.

 Posted by Mugwump on December 28, 2024, 2:01 pm, in reply to "That was not an answer. I didn't ask for a sermon"

 How awful it would be if before doing so I claimed to be blessed with the loving heart bestowed upon by JC (the boss's son) et al.  

Message Thread | This response ↓ 


Posted by greenman
12/30/2024 3:47 pm

DFM is a filthy Zionist propagandist who keeps posting pro-Jewish, pro-Zionist propaganda on Ken's Pissboard at every opportunity.

He's the worst human being on these boards..

Posted by Siagiah
12/30/2024 7:38 pm

What's worse is that Ken isn't even enforcing his OWN rules, deleting violations, or even showing up to moderate basically.  As expected. He always had other people to do the "grunt work" that he is either too busy or too "good" for.

Posted by Siagiah
1/09/2025 8:59 pm

I wonder if Ken C will bother to moderate this thread and once again, DFM will get away with bringing politics AND LIES into it.  Unemployment is the LOWEST it's been in over 50 years!

Does anyone know what the Unemployed % is now

 Posted by Lucky on January 9, 2025, 5:46 am

  Do you think the more unemployed people there are the more homeless there is.

Myself I feel a big % of the homeless people at this time chose that type of life . The jobless rate is the lowest in my lifetime but some people just don’t want to comment their life to the workforce . We are a free country and if you want to be a panhandler that’s your right. I do feel for people who end up homeless with no Job if it was not their fault .


Message Thread

  • Does anyone know what the Unemployed % is now - Lucky January 9, 2025, 5:46 am

Posted by greenman
1/09/2025 9:53 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Islar Gepin?

The whole pile of originals there seemed to be trolls.

Are you a homosexual?

I'm .......leaving.

Do you believe in evolution?

The entire transwoman character, Thrinxy and his/her bazillion "friends"

Islar Gepen! Yes.  What an annoying character that was.  I liked Woodbine and that elderly gentleman from New Zealand, really nobody else there.  Odd little board which our crowd reduced to a shambles, pretty much..


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