New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by greenman
11/23/2024 8:07 pm

That's how I feel. That board is such a dumpster fire it seems redundant to criticize it.

Who wants to be part of a board centered around GOG, Devo, and DFM?  Yikes!

Posted by Siagiah
11/23/2024 10:34 pm

OMG! Pikes, you'll hate this! What a JOKE! No wonder she and others there just don't GET your personal relationship with God as it should be, but listen to other people's interpretations instead of allowing themselves to understand directly!!

They only listen to other people's beliefs of what scripture means, just like the original Catholic Church who dictated what the bible said and prohibited members from reading or interpreting it by keeping it in Latin! 

NOW we know what a joke of an "enlightened" Christian she fancies herself to be.  She does NOT have a "personal relationship" with Jesus or God.  LOL

Religion and Ethics

What do you do to understand Biblical interpretation,

Posted by observer on November 23, 2024, 1:58 pm, in reply to "The community here is alright "

so that you know the correct meaning of passages? For example, why do you think in Matthew Jesus is telling them not to make oaths, but in other passages oaths are o.k.

In a Bible centered church the teaching involves our learning the true meaning of Scripture vs personal opinions

Posted by greenman
11/24/2024 10:09 am

Every Scripture  is personally interpreted by every believer, Church and religious leader. There's no such thing as 'objective meaning' if everything's being subjectively interpreted.

Ever try to argue with these people? If the plain meaning suits their purpose, then 'Oh, the meaning is obviously literal!'  If it doesn't (and it OFTEN doesn't), they frown and say 'Well, do you speak Greek? What about Aramaic? You have to study the original sources to get the correct interpretation...' 


I learned that a long time ago...

Last edited by greenman (11/24/2024 10:13 am)

Posted by Siagiah
11/24/2024 12:00 pm


Unless GOD, her/himself, specifically told the originator of the scripture (and it hasn't been corrupted since, which we KNOW it has), then their beliefs are TOTALLY based on subjective interpretations.

What a flippin' joke!


Posted by Siagiah
11/24/2024 12:46 pm

FYI the times here are an hour ahead because it doesn't adjust for Daylight Savings Time ending.

Posted by greenman
11/24/2024 2:53 pm

Comical how Devo has taken over Ken's board. Five out of seven posts?

lol..he's trying to take jb's position as 'most successful troll.'

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
11/24/2024 4:17 pm

Siagiah wrote:

OMG! Pikes, you'll hate this! What a JOKE! No wonder she and others there just don't GET your personal relationship with God as it should be, but listen to other people's interpretations instead of allowing themselves to understand directly!!

They only listen to other people's beliefs of what scripture means, just like the original Catholic Church who dictated what the bible said and prohibited members from reading or interpreting it by keeping it in Latin! 

NOW we know what a joke of an "enlightened" Christian she fancies herself to be.  She does NOT have a "personal relationship" with Jesus or God.  LOL

Religion and Ethics

What do you do to understand Biblical interpretation,

Posted by observer on November 23, 2024, 1:58 pm, in reply to "The community here is alright "

so that you know the correct meaning of passages? For example, why do you think in Matthew Jesus is telling them not to make oaths, but in other passages oaths are o.k.

In a Bible centered church the teaching involves our learning the true meaning of Scripture vs personal opinions

Zealots like that should never allow themselves or be allowed by church authority to teach anything Biblical to anyone because they fail to understand the first basic concept that  every human relationship with God is personal and unique, like fingerprints. There are common beliefs and values, and those define the many doctrines of the many Christian churches. For example, we don't murder. We don't commit adultery. We try to live a life in the model set by Jesus. Declaration of who they believe Jesus is means nothing if they do not embrace behaviors and attitudes in the model of Christ. 

Effort to convey this understanding to them is met with resistance, rejection, condemnation, ridicule and declaration the individual cannot make a rational argument. Those are the last words Observer, Mark and Scott said to me, and the last they will ever say to me. 

If and when allowed to "minister," they drive more people away than they "save" by attempting to convince them to follow their example. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
11/26/2024 12:46 pm

What a dick "Mark/Sum/Woodbine" is over on R&E making those hateful comments to Trish about her quitting as a moderator.

I'm glad to see that it's been deleted.  What a HATEFUL putz!


Posted by Trish
11/26/2024 4:54 pm

Wow missed the fun. You'd think he would be thrilled

Posted by Siagiah
11/26/2024 6:22 pm

This is what he wrote: copied from greenman

And BTW:  Mark = Devo = asshat

I thought you…[Trish]

Posted by mark on November 26, 2024, 1:21 am, in reply to "I've seen similarly long dissertations"


I’ve reached my BS limit.

For those who remain with whom I enjoy discussion, you know where to find me.”

Did you mean they could find you here? On the board you dis?

Who is this gof [sic] you speak of? Do you believe he/she/it exists?

It appears there is plenty of BS left in you yet.


Never liked that guy. He was a rude jerk and fake Christian on Woodbine's board, too. Supposedly Australian.

Last edited by greenman (Today 9:29 am)


Posted by Siagiah
11/26/2024 6:27 pm

It's amusing that Devo says he's leaving and instantly appearing are Islar and Mark.


Posted by greenman
11/27/2024 5:51 am

Siagiah wrote:

It's amusing that Devo says he's leaving and instantly appearing are Islar and Mark.


He has some whine up now on that board about being 'backstabbed' on other boards, etc. Nasty and sarcastic as usual.

It's funny when people confirm your opinion of them so quickly and effectively.

WWJD?  Probably not act like a pissy teenager..

Last edited by greenman (11/27/2024 5:52 am)

Posted by Siagiah
11/27/2024 12:18 pm

Back-stabbed?? How so? By whom?

Posted by greenman
11/27/2024 1:03 pm

I didn't copy it and now it's gone.

But the theme was 'Can anybody point me to a board where I can backstab other posters without them having a chance to answer?'

He was clearly targetting this board, must've come over and found he was being discussed.

Amazing how many of them are worried about being talked about.  One would think that they'd be comforted by the 'Rock of Ages' and unconcerned about personal discussions.

Posted by Siagiah
11/27/2024 6:05 pm

Who was whining? Devo? Mark? Islar? Or someone else?

Mark comes over here alla time so why would he be surprised that people he disses might diss him?

Also that we don't give a rat's patootie what he thinks? What I find amusing is that he/they care what we say/think.

Last edited by Siagiah (11/27/2024 6:07 pm)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
11/27/2024 8:58 pm

My last effort with Mark was to identify common interests and beliefs and build on them, instead of arguing differences. That was when he informed me we have nothing in common and he would from then on, ignore me. That was his call, not mine. 

Look at that long DNR list on the page bottom. That right there should tell anyone what goes on, or went on in conversations that became irreversibly inflammated. Sadly participants seem happiest when fighting and gang warring. They pick and nitpick right up to a line where Ken might say something and intervene, or not, and they do it habitually. They don't do that with each other. Only with people they dislike, or whom they haven't yet DNRed, or who DNRed them. 

Observer wrote that I should stick to music and only write about that. Why do that when nobody reads it? I am not adequalely informed about anything else to write intelligently. More than twice DFM wrote I must have flunked HS biology because of my definition of evolution as how life adapts to change in environment, and not to get too hung up on speciation. Scott wrote my understanding of Christianity is flawed and in disagreement with the basic MAGA American Christian Nationalist understanding. Gog? Told me to confront my doctors about how my covid-19 was treated, in favor of his conspiracy theories. Then there's Devo who trolls with the same material repeatedly. Ken is too busy with life, making ends meet to monitor the sh!tshow, and Trish was overwhelmed with demand and not enough authority to do what is needed. 

I am not a masochist. I didn't find the abuse pleasurable in any way, and when the dogpile occurred, that was enough. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (11/27/2024 9:28 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
12/02/2024 10:47 pm

Yeah, that was really sh*tty!  Even reporting the nasty pig-piling didn't bring about any reduction in it.  So, R&E lost you forever.  Trish is limited in what she can do aside of deletions.  She can't issue warnings or time outs. So they "won".  Not sure how driving posters away is considered winning by them, but apparently, it is.

Now one of them whines about being "discussed"?  LOL.  Poor baby. Whine to his pals that he gang-bangs with.


Posted by greenman
12/11/2024 4:28 pm

Scott's dumb political post:

I'm thinking the next president will deal quickly with these issues

Posted by scott on December 11, 2024, 1:03 pm, in reply to "Coach suspended for joining a federal lawsuit supporting women's rights."

Then move towards helping out citizens neglected by the various voices just looking for select treatment..

How's Trump gonna 'deal with it,' Scotty? By revoking the First Amdendment?

Will you still love him after he wrecks the economy?

What a moron.

Last edited by greenman (12/11/2024 6:49 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
12/12/2024 2:46 am

Not only is Scott a MORON, but he repeatedly and knowingly breaks Ken's rules!! He simply doesn't care about rules so he posts blatant politics constantly. So do others there and it is only going to get worse.

Clearly, that is the kind of poster Ken wants, the kind who blows smoke up his backside while deliberately undermining him at every turn.

Obviously, Ken is reaping what he has sown with his recent choices and too bad for him,, but he will have to live with them for a good long time.

I don't care what happens to R&E anymore.

Not my monkeys, not my circus.

Posted by Trish
12/12/2024 2:01 pm

I get upset, but with an open surgery wound and learning how to care for that and my osto bag I find my ",give a fu@k gene wanting

Posted by greenman
12/12/2024 2:17 pm

Understandable. Taking care of yourself is the important thing now and for the foreseeable future, Trish.

Wishing you well..

Posted by Siagiah
12/12/2024 2:30 pm

Trish wrote:

I get upset, but with an open surgery wound and learning how to care for that and my osto bag I find my ",give a fu@k gene wanting


I don't blame you one bit. I rarely bother looking in there anymore and no longer report rule violations that I see.

Eventually, other posters will either complain about Ken's failure to DO anything about it and/or they will start breaking the rules too.

It won't be long before it is a total sh*t show. I certainly don't wanna see that happen, but it's highly likely to turn into what Woodbine’s board looked like at the end before it went belly up.

Posted by Siagiah
12/13/2024 2:17 am

WOW! I just looked at R&E. It has gone full on political, led by you know who! The butt-kissing, phony Christian, of course!

Rules are for others. Scott is above them.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/13/2024 12:05 pm

I don't care what they say or do. I really don't. After all I am incapable of forming a cogent argument. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
12/13/2024 4:09 pm

Both Trish and SJW feel like their posts have disappeared.  They haven't.  They are simply on different threads than they were looking at.  There's more than one thread in the BACK ALLEY and one ongoing on the POLITICS board that are current and being added to regularly. 

SJW misplaced his on the GOG one he started in the Alley but  is looking for it here on the GROUSING thread instead. 

Trish posted hers HERE but is looking for it on the GOG one.

When there's more than one current thread going, you have to go to the INDEX to find the newest ones.  Either the Back Alley where you click on its index under The Back Alley - Unmoderated Discussion (the general link to see the entire index of posts in the Alley) OR the Politics board  clicking on the post- "Answering comments where bans exist" where another ongoing one by greenman is.

The Forum does NOT operate like the simple message board.  Within the forum are 11 separate boards, all with multiple discussions.

The newest discussions pop up to the top, same as on the message board but ONLY on their respective boards, wherever they might be posted.  However, the most recent thread posted to is the one that shows up beside its board name in the index.  That's why you have to open the actual BOARD to see all of the current threads and not just click on whichever one is showing up beside its board name.


Posted by Siagiah
12/13/2024 4:13 pm

greenman wrote:

Understandable. Taking care of yourself is the important thing now and for the foreseeable future, Trish.

Wishing you well..


Hear! Hear!


Posted by Siagiah
12/13/2024 4:21 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

I don't care what they say or do. I really don't. After all I am incapable of forming a cogent argument. 


You may not be important to them, but you are to us! Their loss, not yours, not ours.  Most of them are not the kind of folks I'm good with hanging out with.  But YOU are!


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/13/2024 11:58 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

I don't care what they say or do. I really don't. After all I am incapable of forming a cogent argument. 


You may not be important to them, but you are to us! Their loss, not yours, not ours.  Most of them are not the kind of folks I'm good with hanging out with.  But YOU are!


You and the Blue Crew treat me like a human being and a friend. They did not. 
We treat each other like human beings, and friends. They do not. 
I would not visit their establishment, even on free pay toilet Fridays


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
12/14/2024 7:52 am

Siagiah wrote:

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

I don't care what they say or do. I really don't. After all I am incapable of forming a cogent argument. 


You may not be important to them, but you are to us! Their loss, not yours, not ours.  Most of them are not the kind of folks I'm good with hanging out with.  But YOU are!


Amen to that!

Posted by greenman
12/14/2024 3:24 pm

Stupidest thing Kenniboi ever posted? Got to be right up there..

Does Sia from the Blue Board seem like a reasonable person?

Posted by Ken C on December 14, 2024, 2:10 pm, in reply to "Does Sia from the Blue Board seem like a reasonable person? I posted a request for a peace agreeme"

Does Sia from the Blue Board seem like a reasonable person?

I posted a request for a peace agreement between our boards here:

Sia responded by saying I am no longer her friend here:

Mondo warned me about Sia a long time ago. I should have listened to Mondo's advice.
Or listen to the space aliens, Ken, they are talking to you! They, like DFM, Mongo and GOG, have your and your increasingly pathetic little board's interests at heart!



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