Laws may be ethical or unethical. Ethical laws could be unethically enforced. Laws could be both ethical and ethically enforced. Laws can be unethical and unethically enforced. The holocaust comes to mind. As to how one reacts, a lot depends on how desperate the person is, or how big the person would benefit by following even unethical law. None of us is entirely ethical, we vary in what we are usually ethical about, and what we are less ethical about. Being law-abiding does not imply ethics, or lack of it. It only suggests how much law we will obey.
Originally I used moral and immoral instead of ethics, and unethical. I consider morality and ethics to be the same, both implying considering a level of fairness to be considered about all that your decisions affect.
Some might disagree with me as to how they are related.
Last edited by Christopher Blackwell (11/24/2024 8:10 pm)