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Posted by SJW
11/15/2024 9:23 am

As I've said before, I think of Gog as having to chew his way through the restraining straps each morning in order to
post. What a waste of strait jackets!

Posted by Siagiah
11/15/2024 11:37 am

Well, he is quite the character, that's for sure.  Aside of anyone he lives nearby actually buying into his nonsense, he's relatively harmless while ANNOYING as all get out~!!

I see that Trish has had her fill of him and is looking for a long "time-out" for GOG and Devo.  They DO both deserve it IMHO.  But who knows if Ken agrees?


Posted by greenman
11/15/2024 1:53 pm

I don't see it as 'harmless' when someone:

Lies about other posters

Attacks other boards

Object to every complaint the Mods make

Posts disinformation

Makes political posts while complaining about others doing so

Acts in a crazy and paranoid manner

Abuses others' religious beliefs while pushing his own

Posted by greenman
11/16/2024 2:05 pm

Once AGAIN this hypocritical CRAZY violates the politics rule himself:

RFK, Jr. drives pharma stock prices to 15 year low.

Posted by GOG on November 16, 2024, 8:33 am

How sweet it is. He is gonna root out the money changers from the temple. Pink slips for HHS, FDA, NIH, NHS, CDC, all of Covid fraudsters bye bye.

..and as usual,while complaining about any 'Liberal' who does so.

Does Ken even notice?

Posted by Siagiah
11/16/2024 4:50 pm

greenman wrote:

I don't see it as 'harmless' when someone:

Lies about other posters

Attacks other boards

Object to every complaint the Mods make

Posts disinformation

Makes political posts while complaining about others doing so

Acts in a crazy and paranoid manner

Abuses others' religious beliefs while pushing his own


Okay, good points

Posted by Siagiah
11/16/2024 4:53 pm

greenman wrote:

Once AGAIN this hypocritical CRAZY violates the politics rule himself:

RFK, Jr. drives pharma stock prices to 15 year low.

Posted by GOG on November 16, 2024, 8:33 am

How sweet it is. He is gonna root out the money changers from the temple. Pink slips for HHS, FDA, NIH, NHS, CDC, all of Covid fraudsters bye bye.

..and as usual,while complaining about any 'Liberal' who does so.

Does Ken even notice?


IDK? He depends on some of us to email him, especially since Trish is still in ICU and has minimal energy.

Also, I believe he is considering what to do about the troublemakers and constant repeaters like GOG and Devo.

Posted by Siagiah
11/17/2024 8:42 am

Trish wrote:

These folk know how to sneak in stuff, and I have only so much time and energy for this crap. 


I didn't know that you wanted that to be public before Ken had time to consider it all ???

Posted by greenman
11/17/2024 11:35 am

Ken had had years to consider this stuff.  That is, if he wanted to, or cared.

As it is the board is dominated by weasels.

Posted by greenman
11/18/2024 12:07 pm

Another blatantly political post by GOG

Son of the Ugandan President say US deep state is Israel and everyone knows

Posted by GOG on November 18, 2024, 7:56 am

it except America. JFK’s murder through 9/11 con job [disinformation] to the Ukrainian existential threat to the US. Subverted and used

Not only crazy and paranoid, but deeply and obviously political.  And, one could argue, anti-Semitic as well.

Could this clown be a bigger hypocrite if you PAID him?  smh

Posted by greenman
11/20/2024 9:11 am

Some comedy this time:

They savage me. They banned me. Blackballed.

Posted by GOG on November 19, 2024, 7:44 pm, in reply to "Well, that's a major step, Ken...and shows your integrity..."

Maligned. Eviscerated. I’ll forgive when that board drops it snobby firewall. And enters into a true democratic free speech forum.

Poor GOG; always the victims, never the problem, at least in his own mind.

Does he really think anyone seeks his 'forgiveness,' or would let down a barrier that keeps posters like him out?  Look at what he's done to Yellow!

As to 'democratic free speech,' we all know what he means by that - 'I get to say whatever I want about you, but you have to respect everything I say, no matter how crazy!'


Posted by Siagiah
11/21/2024 6:07 pm

greenman wrote:

Some comedy this time:

They savage me. They banned me. Blackballed.

Posted by GOG on November 19, 2024, 7:44 pm, in reply to "Well, that's a major step, Ken...and shows your integrity..."

Maligned. Eviscerated. I’ll forgive when that board drops it snobby firewall. And enters into a true democratic free speech forum.

Poor GOG; always the victims, never the problem, at least in his own mind.

Does he really think anyone seeks his 'forgiveness,' or would let down a barrier that keeps posters like him out? Look at what he's done to Yellow!

As to 'democratic free speech,' we all know what he means by that - 'I get to say whatever I want about you, but you have to respect everything I say, no matter how crazy!'


Yeah, I saw that and laughed out loud.  Like ANYONE wants him around... Well, aside of Ken who prefers diversity to peace.



Posted by greenman
11/22/2024 7:47 am

He's evidently reading these boards, since he's on White Whine running his mouth about me.  Claiming that I was 'threatening' TW, who lied about me, and supporting the latter's right-wing views.

I won't bother to repost his nonsense. Of no importance..

Posted by Siagiah
11/22/2024 9:47 am

greenman wrote:

He's evidently reading these boards, since he's on White Whine running his mouth about me.  Claiming that I was 'threatening' TW, who lied about me, and supporting the latter's right-wing views.

I won't bother to repost his nonsense. Of no importance..


In all fairness, TW was simply expressing his opinion when he said what he did.

I think he was wrong, but it was his incorrect opinion, not an intentional lie.

Ken claims that I LIED about him in my "opinion about his behavior" posts here.

Accusations that someone lied shouldn't be tossed out without true cause. 

Just saying because I am VERY ANGRY that Ken claimed I lied about him in this discussion TWICE this year. NOT TRUE!!

If he believes I lied about him,, he should be SPECIFIC so i can defend against the accusation or concede if he's right.

The same applies to TW. If his expressed OPINION offends you, spell it out to show it is a declared LIE or it's an incorrect or unfair opinion.

Posted by greenman
11/22/2024 1:10 pm

He called me a racist, it was simple as that.

I'm not tolerating that from HIM.

Posted by greenman
11/22/2024 1:20 pm

His initial post (in answer to you) included this (which I already quoted elsewhere):
'it's just plain stupid to let people into this nation that come from cultures and societies that are not compatible with ours.'

I felt that was racist, and titled my followup 'Racist crap,' because it seemed the same ol' same ol' from the Trumpublicans. That was my opinion.

His next post was entitled 'Racist crap is what you spew forth. People who seem to have no facts on their side.'

That was a vicious personal lie, not just 'his opinion.' I simply suggested he wouldn't dare say stuff like that to my face (or anyone's, I suppose).


Last edited by greenman (11/22/2024 1:22 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
11/22/2024 4:11 pm

greenman wrote:

He called me a racist, it was simple as that.

I'm not tolerating that from HIM.


Maybe I was looking in the wrong place?

I've had a lot on my mind lately.

Posted by greenman
11/22/2024 5:50 pm

This s--thead has attacked me on White Whine, and yet:

New rule suggested. Other forum hosts should not be allowed to

Posted by GOG on November 22, 2024, 2:15 pm

do fishing on this board. It’s about as sinister as it gets.

Obvious attack on Sia by Yellow's biggest troll, disinformation poster, abuser and paranoiac.

Fish for a nautical mine, you twisted freak!

Posted by greenman
11/25/2024 11:12 am

Comically political by the hypocrite:

Ellen Degeneres is alledged to have fled to the UK.

Posted by GOG on November 25, 2024, 7:19 am

While her cover story might resonate with some, the underlying back story has to do with P. DIddy, Anne Heche, and the Hollywood decadence. Stay tuned. And one might question others fleeing under a public false rubric. Tommy Hanks?
Pure politics from this treacherous little two-face.  He's pretended to oppose Trump in the past, but absolutely supports him and his hate politics.

Does he know what 'rubric' means?

Posted by Siagiah
11/25/2024 12:50 pm

He is a gossip queen in more ways than one. 

Posted by greenman
11/25/2024 4:33 pm

I love his obsession with the British Royals.  Most don't care about those people, but he's obsessed with the 'bad behavior' of Harry and Meghan..lol

Posted by Siagiah
11/25/2024 6:30 pm

Yeah, he's a queen and he LOVES gossip from the UK, especially if it trashes Meghan. 



Posted by SJW
11/25/2024 6:34 pm

Am I wrong, or is BorntoFarm the only true Christian on R&E. He's recently tough on Devo and his games and also on GOG for talking and not living their purported faith. Also, dealing with David he worked to answer a question, unlike Scotty-Boy, who appeared to be playing Billy Sunday (or was it Aimee McPherson?)

Posted by Siagiah
11/25/2024 10:29 pm

BtF absolutely lives and believes his faith according to the expectations preached in Christian churches. 

That's more than I can say about ALL of the others there who make claims about their faith.

None of us can KNOW someone else's heart, but actions DO speak louder than words, so I'd say that your belief is as correct as far as I can tell from the ACTIONS of others.


Posted by greenman
11/26/2024 8:22 am

SJW wrote:

Am I wrong, or is BorntoFarm the only true Christian on R&E. He's recently tough on Devo and his games and also on GOG for talking and not living their purported faith. Also, dealing with David he worked to answer a question, unlike Scotty-Boy, who appeared to be playing Billy Sunday (or was it Aimee McPherson?)

Kudos to him, he's the only one in the way of GOG and DEVO's absurdities and inclination to control that board.

I don't like his politics, but I think BtF's religion is sincere.

Posted by greenman
11/26/2024 8:26 am

And BTW:

Mark = Devo = asshat

I thought you…[Trish]

Posted by mark on November 26, 2024, 1:21 am, in reply to "I've seen similarly long dissertations"



“I’ve reached my BS limit.

For those who remain with whom I enjoy discussion, you know where to find me.”

Did you mean they could find you here? On the board you dis?

Who is this gof [sic] you speak of? Do you believe he/she/it exists?

It appears there is plenty of BS left in you yet.

Never liked that guy. He was a rude jerk and fake Christian on Woodbine's board, too. Supposedly Australian.

Last edited by greenman (11/26/2024 8:29 am)

Posted by Siagiah
11/26/2024 12:40 pm

Agreed. Remember how he behaved as "Sum" ?? He was a complete AH.

Trish was talking about leaving her "JOB" as a moderator there, NOT leaving the board behind entirely. 

Mark knows how to read.  He's just being a dick.


Posted by greenman
12/05/2024 2:36 pm

How loonynand obsessed is GOG?  This much..

Prince Harry must be tossed out of the US. A subversive operator

Posted by GOG on December 5, 2024, 9:20 am

working to destroy the First Amendment. One sees what has occurred in the UK. The tentacles of deceit extend from Montecito all the way up into US Government at the highest levels. He and his narcissistic wife are a psyops. Their Archewell charity is a front. Let’s see his visa application for US entry. Heritage Foundation has sought what is a public record only to be thwarted at the highest levels of government. The issue? Did he use drugs. Did he lie on the app? If so, kick him back to England. The latest outrage is “charitable donation of $250,000 to Ashley Biden’s charity. Did that purchase visa protection? Hopefully he and his diva wife move to Portugal. The NYT interview of the royal doofus by Sorkin this AM revealed his disdain for free speech. Poster child for WEF/Globalists.

lol..now that's a bull-goose loony right there...

Posted by Siagiah
12/05/2024 2:48 pm

Yeah, that is pretty obsessed. It must suck being him!

Posted by SJW
12/09/2024 11:40 am

The R & E board has become the GOG & DFM board. Just checked. Out of 165 total posts, 80 were from one or the other of the two. As a result, that board seems increasingly pointless since the last kerfluffle.
If that's what Ken wanted....well, he's got it.

Posted by greenman
12/09/2024 3:17 pm

Agreed. DFM's pro-Zionist posts attacking anyone who questions Israel's 'right' to control the Middle East, combined with GOG's paranoid religious and political posts, make for an almost unusable board.

What a shame Ken let it come to that..

Last edited by greenman (12/09/2024 3:17 pm)


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