I know that it's a TV show, but "Supernatural" is one of my favorites

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Posted by Siagiah
5/08/2019 12:07 am

I know that it's a TV show, but "Supernatural" is one of my favorites and it causes me to wonder sometimes if any of the stuff on the show could possibly be real ?? 

The show has 18+ seasons so it's morphed quite a bit over the years, but the basic concepts revolve around heaven, hell, demons, angels, and assorted monsters.  The two brothers spent their lives "hunting" evil and working on the side of good.  They were involved with angels and demons.  Met God, who was the writer of the books about their lives.  It's too complicated to try to explain 18 seasons, but the basics are good vs evil...

It's a lot like the old show CHARMED, from the late 90s, early 2000s where the 3 main characters were "Charmed Witches", the most powerful in the world.  They also dealt with demons, angels, monsters of many varieties, the Underworld where evil reined, and some kind of Heavens where the good guys reigned.

I enjoy that kind of thing.  I'd LOVE to have magical powers.  I'd NOT enjoy constantly having to fight evil demons though. 

Do you think any of it could be real ??  In both shows, good vs evil takes great care to keep their activities hidden from "normal humans"... I don't think that any of that stuff actually exists for real, but then again, it certainly could … ??

Your thoughts on any of this stuff ?? 


Posted by Siagiah
6/14/2019 8:39 pm

Trish aka Loresinger wrote:

There are producers who reach out to various communities for input to make their show more "real". I know it  happened with Charmed several times in the Wiccan community. Now, did they get it ALL right? Of course not, but I hate when people nit pick over fictional entertainment. 


Oh, me too! For crissakes, fictional entertainment, particularly when it involves supernatural situations, can't possibly "get it wrong OR right" when NO ONE actually knows if most of the creatures and situations are even real.


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