Once inside the POLITICS FORUM, This is similar to what you'll see. Whatever topic interests you, click on its title to see the ENTIRE THREAD.
Choose a topic thread that interests you. In this example, it is SES's post.
You will also see how may replies it has and how many views by others (who may or may not be members because anyone can SEE the forum, only members can post though)
You can also see who posted the latest post and what time they did so.
New topics (in the last 24 hours) will have a yellow star on the folder. Posts that you've participated in with have DOTS in front of them so you know where you've posted.

To see the full contents of any given forum, always click on its TITLE and it will open a new page with every topic in the forum (as time goes on, it will expand to several pages). All of the forums are sorted by ACTIVITY, just like the old Webapps, so the newest topics will be up top.