Should we keep this forum as is? Or hunt for one that allows threaded

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Posted by Siagiah
5/05/2019 2:13 pm

Should we keep this forum as is? Or hunt for one that allows threaded posts that look similar to the old board?

OR like it currently appears?


Keep this forum as is? Look for a threaded style forum ?

Posted by Siagiah
5/05/2019 3:56 pm

If I may ask, who are the ones who've voted they don't care either way ??    Just so I can keep a running tally of who likes/dislikes/doesn't care in deciding whether to pursue a different venue.

I voted I'm not sure yet. 

I've looked at MANY venues, including Voy Forums, Bravenet, Freeforums, Proforums, and a dozen more.  There is only ONE that allows threaded posts in a forum setting and they charge a boatload to let us have it.


Posted by Siagiah
5/05/2019 11:45 pm

I do think that we can all get used to this format and use the quote function to attach our responses to what we are responding to. 

One thing about this format that I do like?  It prevents hit and run style posting that takes up space but adds next to nothing to a discussion.  It's also less likely to turn into food fights and monster threads. 

It also allows posters to add complete articles they are referencing with ease.  A small learning curve to recognize that you MUST add 2 spaces between paragraphs from online articles and to use the "post reply" function instead of the quick reply so that folks can preview is all that's needed.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/06/2019 6:36 pm

Any time a new idea becomes policy, an implementation dip" follows. 

Until constituents- stakeholders buy into it, the dip persists. Trick for management is NOT to panic and implement more changes intended to fix the dip, which in reality creates a string of more dips to pass through. Patience is needed to allow the first dip time to heal, which it will, if the changes and intent are good. In this case, they are. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
5/06/2019 6:54 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Any time a new idea becomes policy, an implementation dip" follows. 

Until constituents- stakeholders buy into it, the dip persists. Trick for management is NOT to panic and implement more changes intended to fix the dip, which in reality creates a string of more dips to pass through. Patience is needed to allow the first dip time to heal, which it will, if the changes and intent are good. In this case, they are. 


I'm asking only because I've been asked this question by posters as well as my own "getting used to" this style factor.   I figured I'd address that particular issue NOW rather than go too far ahead and then need to ask it.  That's all. 

I love this forum EXCEPT for the lack of threaded posts that fork off, like before, instead of all in a row.  Getting used to it is what's needed and remembering to use the QUOTE function if your post isn't directly after then one you're responding to too. 


Posted by Amadeus
5/06/2019 7:53 pm

I voted not sure yet. I prefer to see the tree of the whole thread, but I think that is partially just what I am used to. I remember, long ago, posting on other boards that didn't work like that, and I was able to get along just fine.

I think it will just take some time to get used to.


Posted by Siagiah
5/06/2019 9:27 pm

Amadeus wrote:

I voted not sure yet. I prefer to see the tree of the whole thread, but I think that is partially just what I am used to. I remember, long ago, posting on other boards that didn't work like that, and I was able to get along just fine.

I think it will just take some time to get used to.


I think you're right.  Prior to coming to Webapp forums, I ran two forums very similar to this style and we all loved it.  It took getting used to the threaded forums for me when I first joined in there.  Now, I'm SO used to it, that this feels awkward again.  But, I know that if folks use the quote function and take care to be clear what they are responding to (or simply start a new thread) then it will work out just fine. 

This forum offers so much more than the plain threaded forums ever can.  Plus, we have UNLIMITED BANDWIDTH, POSTS, and the ability to make the forum just as we like it (except for threaded posts) … I'm still looking around to see if there's ANY way that I can change the format here to allow for threaded posts.  If the possibility exists, I'll find it. 


Posted by Siagiah
5/08/2019 11:35 pm

Well, I contacted Boardhost to see if I can possibly write a new CSS that adds threaded posts within individual forum boards.

No can do.  To try to add threaded posts would mess up the whole platform according to the owners. 

FTR, we DO have a very simple message board that IS threaded, but it's pretty desolate and offers nothing else.  It's actually a bit more work than the simple Webapps were to post, but essentially the same otherwise.  It IS open for business and has been since February.  The link to it is at the bottom of this forum's INDEX page if anyone is interested in checking it out.

For now, it does not require registration to post on.  That may not last though because as soon as the annoying trolls who trashed our old forum discover it, it too, will be trashed and we'll either KILL IT or put registration limits on it.

In the meantime, have at it. 

I am very disappointed now about not being able to add threaded posts to our CSS platform.  I'd been studying up on it using BBCode and had figured out how I'd do it.  But it won't work according to Boardhost and would make THIS forum unstable and unusable. 




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