Posted by greenman ![]() 3/10/2024 8:50 am | #211 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Without us, or our responses, they're turning on and eating each other. It's really kinda funny.
Let them wallow in it…
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/12/2024 3:18 pm | #212 |
Here’s an idiot who thinks he’s clever..
A Parable of Two Bank Robbers
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 12, 2024, 3:01 pm
Two bank robbers robbed different branches of the same bank.
Each made away with $40,000.
"Robber T" was caught, but he refused to give the money back to the bank. The DOJ prosecuted Robber T with 40 counts of robbery, one count for each $1,000 stolen.
"Robber B" got wind that Robber T had been located and prosecuted, and he became scared that he would also be found and prosecuted, so he returned the money to the bank and voluntarily turned himself in to the authorities.
The DOJ dismissed all charges against Robber B, stating that he was mentally impaired at the time of the robbery.
The media reported the details of Robber T's case, but remained silent on matters pertaining to Robber B.
Can you figure out the identity of each Robber based on information you have obtained in this parable and from the media?
The reward is $1.23 for correct answers. The extra 23 cents is to partially make up for inflation over the past 3 years.
‘Parable,’ lol. It’s about Biden and Trump, but had no link whatever to reality.
First, Biden didn’t ’rob a bank.’ He’s not been plausibly accused of ANY crime, much less has any evidence been produced against him,
any charges filed, any conviction obtained.
Meanwhile, Trump has been indicted on multiple civil AND criminal charges. He’s lost two civil suits; he’s still on the hook for serious criminal offenses including an attempt to overturn the results of a federal election.
Even in terms of alleged theft of documents, the characterization of Biden’s ‘offenses’ is false and ridiculous.
At best this is a fake equivalency; at worst it’s an absurd and stinking pile of BS.
Only a moron could’ve posted it. One determined to support criminal Trump NO MATTER WHAT.
Last edited by greenman (3/12/2024 3:38 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/12/2024 9:08 pm | #213 |
A corrected parable is that robber A did as charged and is facing criminal prosecution while "robber" B accidentally took some pens home from working at the bank by mistake. When discovered, he called the bank, returned the pens, and allowed the police to search his home and other property for other pens he may have brought home by accident. One other was found and returned.
In the meantime, robber A continues to claim that he DIDN'T steal anything, the money was his all along, and he's likely still got some stolen cash hidden elsewhere that he refuses to give back or admit.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/13/2024 7:21 am | #214 |
Very well-corrected! ;)
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/16/2024 11:41 am | #215 |
How dishonest is SES/CE0802?
THIS dishonest:
That question really needed to be asked?
Posted by CE0802 on March 16, 2024, 8:11 am, in reply to "Is it ethical…."
Why would you think that anyone would say that it WAS ethical for a News station to knowingly broadcast lies?
Very strange question.
Very dishonest answer, since this assclown gets his news (apparently) largely from Fox, which lies and disinforms CONSISTENTLY.
He may be the most disingenuous poster I’ve ever read - and laughed at.
What a fool.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/16/2024 1:45 pm | #216 |
I see that the post by ‘AM/PM’ was removed, assuming that was Heavy Hemi?
Something wrong with a board which considers SES/OU812 a serious poster and Hemi a cancelled poster.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/19/2024 9:01 am | #217 |
In response to a Sia hypothetical related to Israel and Gaza, the Sealion responded:
Just like those who suggest that Israel should have just taken the
Posted by Sprout on March 19, 2024, 5:01 am, in reply to "So, I guess that America shouldn't have been so upset nor fought to bring down al Quaida in 2001?"
less than 2 thousand dead last fall and not invaded Gaza...
It all depends on whose ox is gored.
It it's people who you identify with who die, it's important. If it's people you do not identify with who die, its less important.
Especially its people whom you can emotionally dehumanize entirely by classifying them as merely a "fetus" instead of a human.
Yes, with a different hypothetical full of his usual equivocations.
And an attack on abortion rights, even more offtopic.
Note the highly situational morality, too…
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/20/2024 11:37 am | #218 |
This is more nonsense, from a supposedly ‘Christian’ poster who DNR’d me for questioning her..
That’s right, not by human standards.
Posted by observer on March 19, 2024, 11:26 pm, in reply to "Not by human standards...."
Human standards allow all kinds of evil in the name of love, and things get worse not better because man does not understand that He cannot be God. He cannot solve the problems of the world, can’t even solve his own problems, too proud to seek God’s help, to admit that He exists, to even try to honor Him, and so instead blasphemes Him as if there were no consequence.
Hubris, not humility, is his standard. It doesn’t work and never has.
A loving God sacrificed His Son, for God so loved the world.
Didn’t God create the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? Didn’t Adam and Eve eat of it, against his stern prohibition (then why PUT the Tree in the Garden, especially since, if God were omniscient, he would’ve KNOWN that mankind would eat of the Tree?)? Then did they not have God’s own understanding of good and evil? And how is our knowledge of good and evil so inferior to God’s?
Most of her argument here seems to be ‘Man does this, doesn’t do that, can’t do much of anything, he needs to let God do everything’ which is malarkey, especially if (as seems likely) God doesn’t actually exist.
Finally, why did he sacrifice his Son to save the world (or, such parts of it as believed in Jesus as the Christ) from himself? I’ve never seen a Christian give a coherent answer to that. How is that ‘love?’ It is an ancient and barbaric blood sacrifice, is what it is.
Nonsense from 2-3000 years ago is still nonsense. At least Akhenaton’s worship of the Aten (the Solar Disk) made some sense, as George Carlin once laid out pretty clearly in his lecture on sun worship..
Basically her, and many Christians’ argument is ‘Believe, don’t question, go to Heaven, end of story. Oh, and vote Republican!’
Last edited by greenman (3/20/2024 11:42 am)
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/20/2024 1:41 pm | #219 | you think she noticed?
So many points of view, so many differing ideas about reality.
Posted by observer on March 20, 2024, 11:07 am
I don’t go to websites to engage the proponents of povs that I consider to be untrue. Why would I? Yet, the majority of posters here, a Religion and Ethics bbs, come merely to agitate Christians and Christianity. I don’t get it. What a waste of time.
Things aren’t ‘untrue’ simply because you think they are, my dear..
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/20/2024 3:54 pm | #220 |
The witch also apparently believes that ONLY Christianity exists!
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/20/2024 6:15 pm | #221 |
To her, ‘discussion’ means poring over the details of her faith as she sees it.
She’s incapable of dealing with those who disagree with her faith, or who reject it entirely.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/20/2024 6:19 pm | #222 |
And then there’s Ken…
This is a place where we discuss religion. Pro-religion and anti-religion posts are welcome.
Posted by Ken C on March 20, 2024, 4:13 pm, in reply to "So many points of view, so many differing ideas about reality."
Even with "Religion" in the title, that does not mean this is only a Pro-religion forum.
I try to be impartial and not criticize religion, but I still allow others to criticize and refute religion.
Now I mainly post about morals and ethics.
Except that when a religious poster DNRs you, the discussion between you cannot continue.
Comical to pretend your board is about ‘discussion’ when you support 25 DNRs..
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/29/2024 9:19 pm | #223 |
One of the dumbest, most racist, most hypocritical posts I’ver seen..smh
Racist black Baltimore mayor says on national propaganda media
Posted by GOG on 3/28/2024, 2:58 pm
that his entire focus is based upon hating whites and making whites uncomfortable. Imagine a white mayor saying such against blacks. Can one hear the hue and cry.
Baltimore is a city on the decline. Like most blue cities, crime, permissiveness, and radical leftist ideology have turned Camelot into an outhouse. The mayor fails to address that the thousands of black teen rampaging through the city streets might make responsible blacks uncomfortable. The racist pig is wholly unsuited to be mayor of a city populated by blacks and whites. The DEI bridge collapse will see the local economy take a deep dive. I say DEI because Synergy Marine owns the vessel. DEI is a virtue signaling tenet of its corporate hiring policy, as stated on its website. It owns the ship, which in 2016 took out a cement dock through captain errors. Just realize those hired because of race, gender, and sexual self misidentification, might be your surgeon, aircraft pilot, nuke operator, president, and might not be qualified. Indeed many are not.
Idiot Boy buys the entire right-wing line…DEI to blame, mayor a ‘racist’ for protesting racism, blah, blah, blah.
And all from a SELF-ADMITTED racist!
Pathetic and despicable. Of course Mongo provides a home for this loser..
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/30/2024 8:49 am | #224 |
Yeah, that's disgusting and also expected from the likes of GOG.
Makes me glad that I don't even look in there anymore.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/03/2024 2:08 pm | #225 |
This is the kind of POS fossil-fuel f---wit Otis is:
John Sinclair
Posted by Otis Campbell on April 2, 2024, 8:09 pm
Dead…….finally some good news! Fruitcake nut loop, ran rampant in Detroit area in 60’s with his Utopian nonsense and foul mouth.
Not sure what this Trump nut's problem with Sinclair was, but Sinclair was the poet laureate of MC5, one of the greatest rock bands America ever produced. He did years in prison due to pot and the fact that he was a leftist who opposed the Vietnam War. And apparently that out a twist in ol' Otis' shorts.
Last edited by greenman (4/09/2024 8:50 am)
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/10/2024 6:05 pm | #226 |
Related is SES' latest anti-climate change idiocy:
Global Warmi...uh, Climate Change IS real. So says the lady on "The View". So you KNOW it's true.
Posted by CE0802 on April 10, 2024, 12:07 pm
The earthquake in New Jersey.
The eclipse.
And the coming emergence of the Cicadas.
Obviously, Climate Change IS happening.
Typical zealot lunacy. lmao
Not only is this jackass still pretending there's a difference between global warming and climate change ('liberals changed the name to confuse us!') but then somebody says something stupid on The View,' and this anti-science imbecile starts spewing out nonsense blaming 'liberals' (which is what the word 'zealot' really meant there).
Politicizing science ALWAYS makes a poster look like a douchebuffoon..
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/11/2024 11:49 am | #227 |
Unsurprisingly, Born to Farm is pushing programs which attempt to inject the Christian religion into the public schools:
Long post basically bragging about how they've been slipping evangelical Christianity into the public schools in a 'court -approved' way, after hours.
He claims that this is starting to infest the public schools even in Columbus, which I find disgusting. You KNOW there's both a religious and political component to this; pushing Columbus to the Red side is no doubt a goal of these people.
Use your damned churches to teach religion. Don't use our public schools!
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/11/2024 3:25 pm | #228 |
I totally agree!
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 4/11/2024 9:20 pm | #229 |
SES is an AH that sh!ts in every room he enters.
He thinks ridiculing me about big bugs is funny. He is unaware of the
record specimens being caught... literally everywhere. Additional CO2
in the atmosphere increases oxygen density, most profoundly in the
tropics. The huge insects during the Carboniferous period achieved great
sizes because of oxygen density. Is there a connection now?
I stay on top of those discoveries. These record specimens aren't profoundly bigger.
But 18cm Titanus giganteus, 14cm Megasoma actaeon, 13cm Goliathus goliath,
20cm Dynastes hercules.... have been taken in recent years.
These are just a few species in which new records are set. El Stupido
puts the FUN in dysFUNctional.
The BtF advocacy for indoctrination of (his) Christianity in public schools is despicable,
especially if it is compulsory and taught during the curricular day. I'd raise holy hell
about that, and somebody should. Did you notice kids there only get music once per
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (4/11/2024 9:28 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/12/2024 9:27 am | #230 |
I'd sure want to know more about that Christian group, who backs them, what are their politics, and what are their goals.
Their little sessions, if permitted, should be monitored by objective observers. This should NOT be an excuse for indoctrination.
Because we all know a big chunk of the Evangelicals are Dominionists, and want a national takeover.
Last edited by greenman (4/12/2024 9:27 am)
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/12/2024 1:38 pm | #231 |
Here's scott over on White Whine with a thoughtful (ha!) analysis of OJ's influence on America:
he was blm's ticket to adverse manipulation of the law [HUH??]
Posted by scott on April 12, 2024, 12:20 pm, in reply to "O J Simpson died trying to find his ex-wife's killer."
they got away with outright murder too. [no mention here of cops getting away with murder, oddly]
Wow. Is that guy good at connecting unconnected things, or what? lol
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/14/2024 7:00 pm | #232 |
Yeah, Scott is not a dummy but he sure makes a LOT of incorrect connections. So do lots of fervent believers. They are taken in by nonsense in the bible to where they see all kinds of magical/spiritual connections to things around them, so it's no surprise they buy into dumb assumptions on things that they see and read, making false connections they immediately believe.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/15/2024 7:02 am | #233 |
Trump has fed on American superstition and love of conspiracies well, starting I think with his absurd myth of Obama the African, not a real citizen. When he got millions to believe that nonsense, he realized he could make those people believe ANYTHING.
All a con man needs is confidence and a scam. Trump had both.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/19/2024 11:28 am | #234 |
Why isn't this whole thread political? Does Ken even LOOK at this board anymore?
Why is it against the law to pay Hush Money ? - Lucky April 18, 2024, 10:12 am
It's illegal under specific campaign violation laws and other political considerations that can't be - Sia April 18, 2024, 3:38 pm
Most of the charges fall under falsifying business records so as to hide the payments - Sia April 18, 2024, 6:46 pm
depends on where the funds came from - Trish April 18, 2024, 1:14 pm
(Political comments deleted by Admin) - x April 18, 2024, 11:15 am
Insurance and wife are not in the running. - GOG April 18, 2024, 12:27 pm
does repeated infidelity not matter to you? - Trish April 18, 2024, 1:16 pm
Double standard... - Sprout April 19, 2024, 5:34 am
Very Well Said !!! Thanks!! - Deanna April 19, 2024, 8:14 am
"Morality matters" - CE0802 April 18, 2024, 6:49 pm
Right on! Pedo Pete. - GOG April 19, 2024, 6:14 am
More FAKE NEWS - KR April 19, 2024, 6:05 am
No. He is not my spouse. It’s no one’s business except his, his wife’s, - GOG April 18, 2024, 6:03 pm
Additionally the hush money was used to hide potentially damaging information - Pikes Peak 14115 April 18, 2024, 3:53 pm
A lot more common than you may think.... - Sprout April 19, 2024, 5:37 am
Would all NDA's be the same? - Sprout April 18, 2024, 11:34 am
Anyone can see it is a selective attack. - GOG April 18, 2024, 12:29 pm
My favorite jokes were SES talking about the importance of 'morality' (as if he even knows what that means!) and GOG's vicious 'pedo Pete' comment (hint, Ken, that's what political s--tboards look like).
What a bad board that's become. Of course, when the operator quits on you...
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/20/2024 7:05 am | #235 |
I'd just like to add:
Ken Chanaud is a god-damned coward.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/20/2024 7:23 am | #236 |
greenman wrote:
Why isn't this whole thread political? Does Ken even LOOK at this board anymore?
Why is it against the law to pay Hush Money ? - Lucky April 18, 2024, 10:12 am
It's illegal under specific campaign violation laws and other political considerations that can't be - Sia April 18, 2024, 3:38 pm
Most of the charges fall under falsifying business records so as to hide the payments - Sia April 18, 2024, 6:46 pm
depends on where the funds came from - Trish April 18, 2024, 1:14 pm
(Political comments deleted by Admin) - x April 18, 2024, 11:15 am
Insurance and wife are not in the running. - GOG April 18, 2024, 12:27 pm
does repeated infidelity not matter to you? - Trish April 18, 2024, 1:16 pm
Double standard... - Sprout April 19, 2024, 5:34 am
Very Well Said !!! Thanks!! - Deanna April 19, 2024, 8:14 am
"Morality matters" - CE0802 April 18, 2024, 6:49 pm
Right on! Pedo Pete. - GOG April 19, 2024, 6:14 am
More FAKE NEWS - KR April 19, 2024, 6:05 am
No. He is not my spouse. It’s no one’s business except his, his wife’s, - GOG April 18, 2024, 6:03 pm
Additionally the hush money was used to hide potentially damaging information - Pikes Peak 14115 April 18, 2024, 3:53 pm
A lot more common than you may think.... - Sprout April 19, 2024, 5:37 am
Would all NDA's be the same? - Sprout April 18, 2024, 11:34 am
Anyone can see it is a selective attack. - GOG April 18, 2024, 12:29 pm
My favorite jokes were SES talking about the importance of 'morality' (as if he even knows what that means!) and GOG's vicious 'pedo Pete' comment (hint, Ken, that's what political s--tboards look like).
What a bad board that's become. Of course, when the operator quits on you...
I see that Kenniboi locked the thread as 'political' after all. Maybe he DOES pay attention to my suggestions! lol
Last edited by greenman (4/20/2024 7:27 am)
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/22/2024 10:52 am | #237 |
Loony-tunes lost track of time and space again. The other day it was 'UFOs infesting the moon,' today it's this absurdity:
Today 61 years ago President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was brutally
Posted by GOG on April 22, 2024, 8:33 am
murdered by the US Deep State. And by a foreign ally. From Camelot to……well you get the picture. RIP. The last actual President of the United States. Which is why he was bumped off. From then to now the collection of misfits are puppets. “Mr. President, just sign on the dotted line….. Or else.
It was Nov. 22, 1963, you loony. I remember the day.
He was murdered by a deranged ex-military creep, possibly in league with persons unknown (CIA? organized crime?) from the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas.
Get help for your mental illness!
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/22/2024 9:45 pm | #238 |
He's a dimwit and he's declining fast...
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/24/2024 7:21 am | #239 |
Speaking of dimwits..
Even when Deanna actually says something funny (in reply to Mugwump's criticism of monotheism), she STILL gets it wrong in the
Awww You Are Anti-Akhenaten!!!
Posted by Deanna on April 23, 2024, 7:30 pm, in reply to "The world would be a better place without Monotheism"
He believed in ONE god!! And the Egyptians tore down most anything that Akhenaten built during his reign and destroyed it....
So your ideas and History still prevail??
The Egyptians tore down the Aten religion after his death because he tried to make it the ONE religion of Egypt, and tear down all of the other deities (starting with Amun, the biggest God with the richest and most powerful priests) and their temples.
Intolerance was what monotheism was all about right from the beginning, hon! Just like Christianity when it became Rome's religion...
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 4/24/2024 11:16 am | #240 |
greenman wrote:
Speaking of dimwits..
Even when Deanna actually says something funny (in reply to Mugwump's criticism of monotheism), she STILL gets it wrong in the
Awww You Are Anti-Akhenaten!!!
Posted by Deanna on April 23, 2024, 7:30 pm, in reply to "The world would be a better place without Monotheism"
He believed in ONE god!! And the Egyptians tore down most anything that Akhenaten built during his reign and destroyed it....
So your ideas and History still prevail??
The Egyptians tore down the Aten religion after his death because he tried to make it the ONE religion of Egypt, and tear down all of the other deities (starting with Amun, the biggest God with the richest and most powerful priests) and their temples.
Intolerance was what monotheism was all about right from the beginning, hon! Just like Christianity when it became Rome's religion...
Predictably Deanna has no idea. She and Observer throw their "expertise" around like garbage.
Observer suggested I stew in juices, and it will affect my church music. I don't stew in juices, and let nothing interfere with giving the absolute best music I can. THAT coming from somebody who never heard me, knows NOTHING about music, is a narrow, judgmental height of hubris. All because I don't think HER way about religion, Christianity, and especially politics! You know their "faith" and politics are inseparable. They exemplify the worst of rightism. They are both financially secure and in Osteen-like prosperity ministry reasoning, attribute that to God rewarding their faith. That of course had no part in Christianity, and makes them people not worth knowing.