Posted by greenman ![]() 12/10/2023 1:44 pm | #181 |
In fact when I just checked, there were 20 threads.
Six started by Bean, and
5 started by DFM.
No one could think that was a significant difference.
Except SES, who converted them to percentages to make the difference look greater.
He was still wrong: Bean 30%
DFM 25%
What an ass..
Last edited by greenman (12/10/2023 1:45 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 12/13/2023 12:38 pm | #182 |
Sea Lion battle! Looks like a couple of the big males going at it!
Do you enjoy life? - Devolution December 13, 2023, 7:05 am
Is there some reason you expect others to not enjoy life? - Sprout December 13, 2023, 7:07 am
Name some please - Devo December 13, 2023, 8:06 am
Mine... - Sprout December 13, 2023, 8:08 am
Why do you enjoy life? - Devo December 13, 2023, 8:18 am
Why wouldn't I? - Sprout December 13, 2023, 8:26 am
What goals, exactly? - Devo December 13, 2023, 9:19 am
AKA ‘How to have a thread with nothing but questions answering questions…’ lol
Posted by greenman ![]() 12/19/2023 9:36 am | #183 |
If oily geologist (supposedly) Otis isn’t the most brick-headed, Southwestern, Trump-adoring extremist simpleton out there, well, he’s probably a good ol’ buddy of that guy..
That’s why it all [sic] a hoax….
Posted by Deplorable Terrorist Otis on December 18, 2023, 6:02 pm, in reply to "How Temperature Data Have Been FAKED to Support Global Warming Theory."
Here in West Texas, the climate is arid to semi arid with average yearly temperatures between 52 degrees Fahrenheit to 94 degrees Fahrenheit and average between 5-15” of rainfall yearly. This has not changed in my lifetime but we are told the climate is changing! It’s not, only idiots and people who speak to butterflies say the climate is changing.
‘Waay-est Tex-ass wehthuh hain’t changed none in mah laaahff-taaahm, and that means all them Yankee smart-guy types is pissin’ intuh thuh wiiiyunnnd!’
And Mongo will clap and cheer like one of those wind-up mechanical monkeys with cymbals…smh
Last edited by greenman (12/19/2023 10:36 am)
Posted by greenman ![]() 12/19/2023 1:50 pm | #184 |
Another gem, this one from snarky (but definitely not ‘Know-it-all!’) Observer aka Sophia.
She’s quite good at pushing a far-right agenda while pretending she’s doing nothing more offensive than baking sugar cookies..
matter which know-it-all opinion prevails,
Posted by observer on December 19, 2023, 9:54 am
there is no accounting for the unknown, for that never-before-seen-in-history event. History is replete with such events. Yet, the
know-it-alls of all opinions assume the place of gods and presume to inform us of how it’s going to be. While I have due respect for informed opinion (vs extreme ideology) [perish the thought!] I am much more influenced by the humility of the truly wise. [and how, pray tell, do you recognize those folks?] We really don’t find that to be abundantly available in our progressive society. [there’s the key phrase!] What a shame for all of us. Unwilling to learn from history we think we know better. The obvious reality screams that such thinking does not work, but our hubris is so great that we willingly choose to be the frogs in the pot of simmering water, just coming to a full boil.
We are all slaves to what we believe. [well, YOU are] And what we believe is determined by what we fill our minds with. It’s a terrible thing when our minds are mere trash bins when there is so much of value that is freely available. [no one makes you listen to Fox News!] Just another opinion lacking humility.
Odd how OTHER peoples’ opinions are always the ones which lack humility, a quality our Sophia possesses in ENORMOUS quantities! Just ask her!
Posted by greenman ![]() 12/20/2023 12:34 pm | #185 |
Deanna Dipstick is the first to whine about
the Colorado ruling, I think. It’s predictably dumb and linked to another pet peeve:
The Day Before Colorado Supreme Court's Blooper...[sic]
Posted by Deanna on December 20, 2023, 10:55 am
Governor Polis introduced MANY wolves into the state to the dismay of ranchers and cattlemen......As, I have said before Colorado Democrats are destroying the state.......just watch!!
Only a Rightie could suggest that reintroducing native wildlife against the wishes of big ranchers was “destroying the state.”
Of course it goes without saying that most of them are anti-nature and anti-environment…
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 12/20/2023 1:40 pm | #186 |
Lady Giggle Box is an idiot.
Posted by greenman ![]() 12/20/2023 7:24 pm | #187 |
The attacks continue. If KDM isn’t the same right-wing IDIOT as TW, he sure sounds like him..
Totalitarian Ruling..... By: Bill O'Reilly [pervert and Rightie extremist]
Posted by KDM on the left coast on December 20, 2023, 5:02 pm
Unfortunately, the Colorado Supreme Court has ruled 4 to 3 that Donald Trump cannot be on that state's presidential ballot. This is a totalitarian decision that besmirches the state forever. [silly nonsense]
The judges ruled that the former president took part in an "insurrection" on January 6 and, therefore, is not eligible for political office.
But Mr. Trump has not been convicted of anything, so the court is abrogating his due process rights, which is unconstitutional and possibly a criminal action. In the USA, you are innocent until PROVEN guilty. That applies to the radical leftists masquerading as honest officers of the court in Colorado. [The Co court justly determined that Trump was ineligible for the ballot. It was not a ‘trial,’ IDIOT]
Judges cannot just convict a person of anything. The Colorado Supreme Court is violating Donald Trump's rights, and its abhorrent decision will be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.
The larger problem is a growing trend by leftist judges and prosecutors to simply ignore the Constitution. That is dangerous. Yes, the right to appeal is there but the massive expense to fight totalitarian rulings aids the corrupt forces. [Name one case, LIAR]
In the end, Donald Trump will be on the ballot in Colorado and the 49 other states.[In the end, the SOB will be in an orange prison jumpsuit]
Pure opinion, and based on the most extremist far-right politics.
What’s totalitarian’ is trying to stage an insurrection to overturn a legitimate election, WHICH TRUMP AND SUPPORTERS DID.
If you support Trump you are a traitor.
Posted by greenman ![]() 1/12/2024 4:33 pm | #188 |
Lunatic revisionism, GOG-style…
Not only was I censored, but there were ‘Karens’ who wanted
Posted by GOG on January 12, 2024, 12:02 pm, in reply to "Some of us knew a year in that the way they were dealing with COVID was pure..."
the unvaxxed to be imprisoned. Many of those pumped up with the Kickapoo juice now are dead. Karma. The entire episode was like a McCarthyite nightmare. One certainty is those involved in gain of function germ warfare upon us will be back with an enhanced version or an entirely new product. Their network is global. The profits are huge. The power an addiction. Billy Gates, has zero medical degrees, but their funding source, and the near center of what went down. This is the movie Contagion, non-fiction.
This the loony pushing a revisionist line with himself ‘vindicated’ by, well, something. This is you as Norman Bates, GOG.
Fortunately, you can’t literally stab people on a board..
Posted by greenman ![]() 1/22/2024 3:00 pm | #189 |
Mongo’s precious ‘friends’ on the White Whine Board:
They won't get me to watch. I hope the stadium collapses...
Posted by TEXRA on January 22, 2024, 10:11 am, in reply to "Now, for a good Stupor Bowl"
...enjoy the "black national anthem" NFL a$$holes.
That was in regard to the upcoming Super Bowl.
Yeah…REAL class there. Hard to believe anyone would criticize such inoffensive individuals! lol…smh
Posted by greenman ![]() 1/25/2024 7:51 am | #190 |
I include this post because I’m banned, through the ‘wonderful magic’ of DNRs, from responding to the poster..
It is unkind, unfair and dishonest
Posted by observer on January 24, 2024, 12:06 pm, in reply to "He calls them false. I call them different"
to claim that those whose beliefs are guided and informed - not by self, not by popular opinion, but by Scripture alone, in such a demeaning way as you continually do with personal attacks. At the same time you claim what is merely your opinion of the Biblical Jesus and at the same time demand respect for that unbiblical opinion. I respect your right to have an unbiblical opinion, while reserving the right to disagree with that clearly non Biblical opinion. It is strange to claim and irrational to claim Jesus but to discredit the source we have for knowing about Him, that He is God coming to earth, God’s son, and with the Holy Spirit, part of the Triune God. The Bible does not teach Jesus as just a really good guy. He is diminished by that opinion.
Yet another attack by one of the board’s self-appointed Christian ‘authorities’ on another Christian she refuses to admit to ‘the ranks.’ Any opinion contrary to hers is ‘un-Biblical’ and an insult to her beliefs, seemingly. When has Pikes attacked her personally, BTW? A more arrogant, insular, and self-righteous person would be hard to imagine.
And of course her and GOG’s posts are off-limits to me thanks to DNRs, of which there are now 26 COMBINATIONS registered. Nothing like facilitating public discussions!
Last edited by greenman (1/25/2024 7:52 am)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 1/25/2024 9:48 am | #191 |
She is a self righteous b*tch. She doesn't like not being THE final authority on Christianity. She is a bad 4joke and nothing more.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 1/25/2024 11:32 am | #192 |
Perhaps my occasional remarks about "Christian" behaviors I observe, like their open carry guns in church, prayer and praise for Donald Trump during prayer and praise time, hit a little close to home? She perceived that "attack:" on other Christians as a personal attack on her?
Yesterday she compared me with jb (bauer). That is one of the most offensive things she could ever write. If my posts come across to her as resembling his, then her perception is so skewed, it may be incurable. If comparable to jb, then it must also be close to GOG.
Because I used resonances of Saturn, the Sun, neutron stars and black holes to create pitch sets from which to compose electronic music? Because I did research on cold tolerance of palms in Colorado? That added something important to general information? Because I research butterflies and report shifts in range along with thousands of others to Ray Stanford for his assembly of national county dot maps, where extention of natural range can be tracked? Because these observations support climate change driven by global warming? Because I had the audacity to read many translations of the Bible and go to the extremes of learning Greek and Hebrew to understand what I missed in English? (Nothing! There are many Greek and Hebrew versions too!)
How in the world can any of this be comparable to jb's fixation on Bahai, NDE and ADE, or Gog's posts of Lunar and Martian advanced civilizations and chemtrail poisoning of his forests?
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/25/2024 11:33 am)
Posted by greenman ![]() 1/25/2024 4:23 pm | #193 |
She’s a right-winger, a Trump supporter. Most of the ‘Christians’ on R&E are. Right-wing politics, for them, go with their beliefs (opposition to ‘woke,’ support for Israel no matter what, homophobia and antichoice, etc.) and ‘liberals,’ as she identifies them in her silly post with various insignia, are traitors to the Faith.
Irrational, to put it mildly..
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 1/25/2024 6:29 pm | #194 |
LIS, she is a self-righteous b*tch who thinks she knows everything and has the right to speak for "god".
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 1/25/2024 9:28 pm | #195 |
Don't let her rudeness upset you one bit... Just consider the source.
Posted by greenman ![]() 1/27/2024 5:39 pm | #196 |
Kudos where they’re due, just in case some think this thread is overly negative..
So, I finally got it done and published as of yesterday..
Posted by scott on January 27, 2024, 12:02 pm
My book is finally out there! Hope hope you can buy one, it's worth more than that stop at the food cart of indigestion, I promise.
Congrats Scott, glad to see you’ve been published. Best wishes on your book’s success!
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 1/30/2024 8:57 pm | #197 |
I bought a copy of his book today. I hope that he is very successful. From what little I saw in the write-up on Amazon, he needs better marketing in explaining what the book is about. Also, it offers sample pages but there aren't any.
Posted by greenman ![]() 1/31/2024 11:48 am | #198 |
GOG disinformation on R&E:
Religion and Ethics
[ Post a Response | Religion and Ethics ]
Am I allowed to state BLM did it?
Posted by GOG on January 31, 2024, 8:13 am, in reply to "Re:Jackie Robinson statue found burned in trashcan "
It’s meant to rouse at least one side of the coin. Reminds me of racist graffiti upon college walls done by….well you get the drift.
It roused you, GOG, unsurprising since you’re an ADMITTED racist.
Where’s the source for this claim? Nowhere but in your own twisted mind, I reckon..
Posted by greenman ![]() 1/31/2024 11:55 am | #199 |
And let’s not forget his anti-vaxxerism:
Does that include volunteering to take booster number 8?
Posted by GOG on January 30, 2024, 10:47 am, in reply to "Seems irrelevant. I can’t do much about illness or accidents."
How many times have we seen this ‘Booster number eight’ crap directed at another poster? This guy is poison..
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 1/31/2024 5:09 pm | #200 |
GOG is a racist, sexist, misogynistic dimwit.
He knows EXACTLY what he is doing, skirting around the precise wording of the rules to say whatever he pleases, KNOWING it violates the spirit of the rules... JUST LIKE SES.
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/02/2024 9:21 am | #201 |
He sure does. Here’s another example in what without him might be a discussion of the Palestinian situation:
Our borders are wide open. Send them to Babylon.
Posted by GOG on February 2, 2024, 6:15 am, in reply to "Do you think the international community should force...."
Why not? And certainly more ethical an endeavor than that other mob coming in from the south.
Pure right-wing politics and bigotry..
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/02/2024 9:32 am | #202 |
A gem I noticed on Green Slime, highlighted by the hilarious Subject line/poster combo:
What IS Really Happening......
Posted by Deanna on 2/1/2024, 10:23 am
A post by Stephen Miller on X popped up this morning.....
155 House Democrats.....75% of their conference.....just voted AGAINST deporting criminal migrants who commit Social Security Fraud & rob our Seniors.....
Which is worst? The nationalistic jingoism,
the dubious ‘facts’ expressed, the mindless support for one-party fascism, or citing the repulsive neo-nazi Miller?
Yes, THIS is what these idiots think is ‘really happening,’ god help us..
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/09/2024 12:38 pm | #203 |
More Republican drivel from pig-boy Mongo:
Let's See - DOJ: Criminal Biden is too elderly & senile to be tried for crimes decades ago
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 9, 2024, 10:31 am
... but not too elderly & senile to be prexidunce, be in charge of the "nukular" football, and run again in 2024 for 4 more years? [He’s not in anyway ‘senile,’ nor did anyone say that was true]
Stolen classified documents [Another lie, no ‘stolen’ documents] in his unsecured garage and in a facility occupied by CCP. Yes, STOLEN. A Senator or VP has no legal right to have possession of classified documents.[Being unaware that he had kep some documents from his VP or Senatorial years doesn’t make them ‘stolen,’ you moron!]
But, let's charge President Trump with possession of classified documents?[Because he DID illegally retain documents, store them unsafely, did show them to foreigners with no clearance, and did have them taken by subpoena because he lied about them and refused to hand them over. You HYPOCRITICAL dimwit!]
And tape, and treason/insurrection, and corruption in office, and collusion with Putin, and…but enough about Mongo’s BDS..
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/20/2024 6:22 pm | #204 |
TEXRA at his ‘best…’
LIberalism is a radicalized religion. They worship their leaders like gods...
Posted by TEXRA on February 20, 2024, 3:39 pm, in reply to "The religion of climate….."
...and thou shalt not question their beliefs lest thou be a misinformer.
Projection? ignorance? Crass stupidity?
Yes, to all of the above…and thanks for the evidence that, to you slugs, politics and science are one and the same.
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/24/2024 9:40 am | #205 |
I’ll answer this here, since it seems to be a board-related question (though there’s an attack, too)..
Pisses me off!!
Posted by GOG on February 23, 2024, 7:48 pm
I was kicked off the yellow belly board for asking a question. A board policy question. Banned to April 1st, a rather kind gesture on hanging judge ken’s part given how draconian he can be. And told if it’s to be answered then I must give him my as-mail address as in e-mail him. Nope. Can no do.
SIA asks this very day a policy question and ken responds in kind. No admonishment. Nothing about she must e-mail him. Double standard. The snitch is given preferable treatment. I’m sorry to lay this on this board but I needed to get this off my chest.
Well, goody for you, I’m sure Mongo will enjoy it.
But in answer to your first claim, that your time-out was due to one question, no. Pretty sure that’s not the case, since I read Ken’s notice:
GOG, Please take a break from the forum until April 1st, 2024
Posted by Ken (Admin) on February 21, 2024, 12:31 am
Board Administrator
GOG, you keep violating the DNR rule. You were already warned twice this year.
If you think someone is violating one of your DNR's you should email me instead of posting false accusations on the forum. People who have a DNR are still allowed to post about the same topics, use the same phrases, and post in the same threads.
Please take a break from posting here until April 1st, 2024.
See? Just read it and you find out. You repeatedly violated DNR. And also, you were making racist posts and asking him questions on-board, which he doesn’t like, FWIW.
And maybe stop attacking Sia and calling her a ‘snitch’ when your violations are out there where anyone can see them, too. She has NOT been violating DNR, and she DOES raise points with Ken by e-mail. Maybe try emulating her?
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/24/2024 10:36 am | #206 |
I asked it on board for a very specific reason.
1- Sir Real got criticism from a poster for a thread loosely related to the now restricted topic.
2- I was actually uncertain as to the answer to my question.
So, it seemed reasonable to inquire on board rather than by email since the answer would be helpful for EVERYONE.
Also, so Ken didn't have to make ANOTHER post to clarify what he'd meant, potentially making it appear that he hadn't thought it through completely - to those inclined to level criticism of him.
Thus it was a courtesy post to him and others who might also be uncertain.
Also, GOG violated MY DNR against him no less than 5 times since his return and I complained about him constantly getting away with only a warning. He ignores warnings and keeps doing it.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/05/2024 2:30 pm | #207 |
For once I agree with a Texra post on White Whine..
J.K. Rowling is my new hero. She is taking the beating for opposing trans-genderism....
Posted by TEXRA on March 5, 2024, 8:24 am
...I love the quote, "That thing only evil, nasty bigots claim happens, and that never, ever happens, has happened. Again."
Rowling once again tells it like it is, criticizing the practice of allowing ‘men with dresses’ in women’s’ bathrooms. In this case a known sexual pervert was trying to take pictures of women in the stalls, and at least pretended to be transgender by way of explaining it to the cops.
At home? Pix on this person’s computer of kids and bestiality. Surprise!
I’ll bet that the imaginary Trans ‘person’ will be trying to make ‘her’ self out to be the victim, if this comes to trial…while Rowling will face more criticism.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/05/2024 4:01 pm | #208 |
Why do people take sides against Zionist Jews? Because of trash like this:
In WAR, it is permitted to kill all civilians who get in the way, so long as they
Posted by DFM on March 5, 2024, 12:37 pm, in reply to "By wiping our all Palestinians, right? "
are NOT deliberately targeted. Read the Geneva Conventions on the subject, IF you can read.
I haven’t read the Geneva Conventions, but I question whether they OK what’s cynically called ‘collateral damage.’ If they do, that sucks.
And who says the IDF isn’t ’deliberately targeting’ Palestinian civilians in any case?
What a scumbag. As his snotty closing comments further underline.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/09/2024 9:32 pm | #209 |
Hard to believe this idiot troll is still tolerated. Worse than jb’s trolling..
If you think about it, evolution is disgusting
Posted by Devolution on March 9, 2024, 1:36 pm
Saying we all came from apes is stupid and disgusting.
Absolutely idiotic. But disinformation and absurdity is becoming that board’s hallmark, I guess..
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 3/10/2024 1:13 am | #210 |
Without us, or our responses, they're turning on and eating each other. It's really kinda funny.