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Posted by greenman
10/30/2023 11:20 am

Sophia at it again with the Rightie politics ..

Jew haters around the world are showing their true colors.

Posted by observers on October 30, 2023, 8:26 am, in reply to "Get it thru your thick skulls.."

People who should know better are among them. American Jews are safer now in Saudi Arabia than they are on many many American university and college campuses and cities.

Nazis, Hamas, Mullahs,Hezbollah, and sympathizers are one and the same, an evil empire.
What extremist twaddle.

It was in reply to a personal attack on anyone not supporting Israel by Scalise, who continues to stink up the board.  As does pesky troll jb, suddenly obsessed with Israel.

The whole topic of Israel is highly political, but since it doesn’t mention American parties, it’s given a pass..

Posted by greenman
10/30/2023 1:21 pm

The indirect attacks continue:

The truth is largely denied by those who feel Jews don’t deserve a homeland

Posted by observer on October 30, 2023, 9:16 am, in reply to "Israel wanted to live in piece w/neighbors and they said no"

but should be displaced around the world always treated as second class persons. Evil.

Firstly, she doesn’t own or even know ‘the truth,’ and second, she ignores the evils committed by Israel for decades.

Finally, these are indirect attacks on people like myself and Sia whom she’s already (dishonestly) DNRed.

Just a slightly subtler version of Mongo.

Posted by Siagiah
10/31/2023 11:08 am

Shadow/Sophia/Observer is nothing but a pretentious, hypocritical waste of skin.

Posted by greenman
11/03/2023 12:12 pm

Mongo on the border:

Biden’s DHS Pulling Agents Off Child, Drug Trafficking Cases, So They Can Go Make Food for Illegals

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on November 3, 2023, 8:41 am

Biden’s DHS Pulling Agents Off Child, Drug Trafficking Cases, So They Can Go Make Food for Illegals

Portrait of an idiot: [no pic of Mongo included]

Grab the mayo and mustard folks. Border patrol is making sandwiches.

They are being pulled off of drug trafficking, child trafficking, and every other major crime they are hired to work on to make sandwiches for illegal immigrants crossing the border. That is what one border patrol agent brought to Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley’s attention. [extremist Republican]

In turn, Hawley brought the misuse of these agents to the attention of U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, who did not deny the claim in a recent hearing.

“Are there HSI special agents who are currently at the border having them pulled away from other cases?” Hawley asked of Mayorkas in a video shared on X. Mayorkas responded by diverting the answer in a wrong direction. [another attack on Mayorkas, who is hated by the far Right]

This is wild. Joe Biden's DHS is taking agents off child trafficking cases to make sandwiches for illegal aliens at the southern border.

— House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸 (@JudiciaryGOP) November 1, 2023

A “bait and switch” tactic, Mayorkas purposely answered to make it seem as if those special agents were pulled off these cases to cope with the unprecedented fentanyl problem at the border. But that wasn’t what Hawley was implying at all.

Mayorkas knew this. He was being purposefully deceptive in his response.

Hawley met the diversion with a direct accusation. “That’s not what the special agent is alleging,” he continued. “She said that they are being taken off of fentanyl [addiction], off of child exploitation cases, off of their other investigations into criminals to make sandwiches. That’s her quote. You are saying that this is a lie, that she’s wrong?”

Mayorkas sheepishly answered the senator’s claim while trying to reach for a reasonable answer: “Senator, we have a number of law enforcement priorities.”

Hawley responded, “Is making sandwiches one of them?"

Mayorkas, once again, tried to push off answering, denying by not saying anything definitive or concrete at all. Hawley refused to allow him to do so, rather forcing the secretary into a corner.

“Is she wrong?” Hawley continued. The special agent and whistleblower described 600 agents being pulled off of critical cases to go down to the border to "babysit" and make sandwiches for illegal immigrants. The question is a pertinent and fair one to ask. Senator Josh Hawley grilled Secretary Mayorkas over it.

“Senator, we use our personnel to achieve the maximum law enforcement objective possible. That is what we do …” replied Mayorkas.

Hawley, smirked, said, "So you are not going to deny it."

Mayorkas answered by stating how proud he was of his agents and agency.

Hawley could hardly believe his ears. “This is news. This is news.” Hawley hardly could contain his disgust. [very unbiased reporting here]

Secretary Mayorkas can’t deny it. As Hawley stated, “This is news.” But it is nothing new. The American people have come to expect this kind of nonsense from the Biden administration. Every agency is a joke.

We’ve been left vulnerable as a nation, unprotected at the hands of our own government. Illegals are coddled, comforted, and cashing in on an agenda that has nothing to do with righting our nation, but destroying it. [the Rightist agenda plainly stated]

This lunacy is just another example. Shame on Biden and his entire administration.


Here’s his heavily biased ‘source’ identified:

‘The Western Journal, previously known as Western Journalism, is an American conservative news and politics website based in Phoenix, Arizona. It was founded by political consultant Floyd Brown in 2008.’

Right-wing BS as expected..

Posted by Siagiah
11/03/2023 1:23 pm

Pure hogwash

Posted by greenman
11/04/2023 3:06 pm

Faced with a mild question about whether Trump bore some responsibility for the insurrection of 1/6/21, this was Mongo’s response (note the hilariously pretentious opening):

Quite actually ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on November 4, 2023, 8:50 am, in reply to "Was Trump irresponsible and therefore responsible?."

... Trump is not responsible for the actions of his supporters any more than I am responsible for yours.

See the dynamics?

There are none.
I don’t see any ‘dynamics’ in your answer, Mongo, just Denialism…lol


Posted by Siagiah
11/05/2023 8:03 pm

mongo is desperate for attention... Don't give it to him.  LOL

Posted by greenman
11/08/2023 9:49 am

Deanna posting nonsense on White Whine (which got dragged over to R&E by ultra-Jew DFM):

Interesting Data......In The Email......

Posted by Deanna on November 7, 2023, 8:47 pm
A very informative read...
A Jewish Boycott?

A short time ago, Iran's Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged the Muslim World to boycott anything and everything that originates with the Jewish people.

There’s a good deal more, seemingly designed to show Jewish ‘superiority’ over Muslims, but no one has been able to confirm her claim - not surprising, since apparently one of her personal e-mail echo chamber members sent it to her.

Yes, Khamenei has called for a boycott of Israel due to the bombardment.

No, he’s not called for a boycott of all things Jewish.

Deanna is NOT a trustworthy source. She is an extremist.

Posted by Siagiah
11/10/2023 4:06 pm

She is an idiotic giggle-box

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
11/10/2023 6:59 pm

Siagiah wrote:

She is an idiotic giggle-box

She is a Valley girl who never fully developed. Her mental faculties were arrested
sometime after puberty, and she's been in custody ever since.  


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
11/11/2023 10:06 am

This is why I objected to her foolish post being left up, along with the link to her right-wing extremist ‘friend’s’ website.

Ken’s explanation was ENTIRELY inadequate.

Posted by greenman
11/15/2023 11:44 am

CE0802’s new method of personal attack:

Call anyone criticizing Israel a ‘Jewaphobe’ (as far as I know a made-up word)..

I’ve complained to Ken after TWICE being abused by this creep.

He also fails to read or deliberately misinterprets others’ posts (not just mine)..

Posted by Siagiah
11/15/2023 7:33 pm

SES is a waste of skin. One of the most hateful people I've ever had the displeasure of encountering

Posted by greenman
11/25/2023 8:27 pm

I am being spoofed/lied about on R&E. Ken posted this in banning me for the rest of the year:

People here should not be posting things like "Why don’t you just DIE???". I thought you would get the message when some of your posts were deleted, but you kept posting the same type of abusive things over and over. I don't have time keep removing your abuse. Three strikes and you’re out.

I have not been posting “abusive things” on Ken’s board. I did not make the statement he claims I made.  Either someone is spoofing my posts somehow, or Ken is lying and trying to get rid of me.

Given the level of abuse (most of it ignored) on his board, this statement by him clearly suggests the latter.

If Ken doesn’t want me on the board, he should man up and say so, not stab me in the back like this.

Posted by greenman
11/26/2023 7:37 am


Ken sent me an e-mail which purports to show three posts attacking his pet troll, Devo. I have no recollection of making any such posts, and had, in fact, already resolved not to post to Devo AT ALL, again. If the time stamp is Eastern, I was watching the game. If Western, it was three hours later and I was asleep.  So figure it out.

I’ve told Ken it’s best if I just avoided his board. This is just the final straw. It’s become a cesspit of arguments, accusations, and petty grievances, and I was already beginning to run out of patience. Sooner or later I was bound to have more DNRs imposed on me, as GOG and Mongo will eventually be back.

Thanks to those who made an effort on my behalf, but It’s not a good fit.

Last edited by greenman (11/26/2023 7:39 am)

Posted by Siagiah
11/26/2023 8:07 am

Have you suggested to him that someone else made the remarks if you are certain that you did not?

Posted by greenman
11/26/2023 9:16 am

I have. He claims it was my address.

Posted by greenman
11/26/2023 5:54 pm

Even HAD i posted as claimed, how would his response have been appropriate?

Devo IS a troll, he’s an idiotic poster, and yet because he stays ‘on topic’ Ken, and others, accept and even defend him.

‘Just die’ would’ve been a post which at most would’ve called  for a caution or a couple days off.

And given the doubt over whether it was even my post, a caution and monitoring might’ve been more responsible.

But no, ‘Fire from the Hip Ken’ wants to show he’s tough on ‘offenders.’

I knew from the day I walked back onto the board I had a target on my back.

And here we are.

Posted by greenman
11/28/2023 5:59 pm

Here’s a fine example of Trumpist/Zionist ‘thinking’ from David the obsessed Jew:

Naive "honesty" and comic-book "morality" are NOT desirable attributes of a President.

Posted by DFM on November 28, 2023, 2:23 pm, in reply to "Jimmy Carter may not have been our best president but he was the most honest and the best morals "

Carter's greatest achievement was the Peace Treaty between Israel and Egypt.[Because it benefitted the Jews]

Carter's greatest failure was the lack of efforts to prevent the insane mullahs from taking over Iran. [Which we couldn’t have done without war] We pay for that stupidity [We don’t, maybe Israel does] daily. Carter believed that the Shah was "bad", [He was awful, actually] so he helped install [a lie, we had, however installed the Shah] a government that was far worse. Believing that the Shah was "bad" and neglecting to support him was comic-book morality at its stupidest. [David’s not big on ‘morality’ which doesn’t directly benefit the Zionist State]

Mayer is at his most fanatical and repulsive whenever he perceives a ‘threat’ to the nation which has his REAL allegiance, Israel.

Last edited by greenman (11/28/2023 6:02 pm)

Posted by greenman
12/02/2023 1:25 pm

A real classy act and ‘credit’ to the board..smh

Enjoy your day in pro-Hamas FantasyLand. I'm heading out.

Posted by CE0802 on December 2, 2023, 8:43 am, in reply to "So rather than address the content of my post, you poison the well"

I'm heading out to the local GOP Women's Christmas Party.

I hope it's a buffet.

Here’s hoping you stuff yourself until you burst, pig.

Posted by greenman
12/02/2023 7:18 pm

Further hysteria, permitted by Ken:

I live in ther eal [sic] world where people out [sic] ZERO stock in ANYTHING that comes out of the UN

Posted by CE0802 on December 2, 2023, 2:35 pm, in reply to "I don't know what fantasy world SES is living in that "

How many times has the UN passed Resolutions condemning Hamas?


Did the UN AT LEAST adopt a Resolution condemning the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas in Israel?


How many times has the UN condemned Israel?

More than 500 times.

Laughable that you think the UN has any validity whatsoever.

Politics is fine on Ken’s board, including the most extreme and dishonest posts. Just don’t mention ‘Trump’ or ‘Republicans’ and it’s all peachy..

Posted by greenman
12/02/2023 8:31 pm

Now turnip-head is violating the rules (nothing will be done):

Yeah, 'cause you're oh so brave. lol

Posted by CE0802 on December 2, 2023, 8:47 am, in reply to "You always have been, and always will be, a complete and utter coward."

You act like a 5 year old.

"Neener neener! You're a coward! Nah-nah booboo!"

Even worse than greenman.

Well, maybe not THAT bad. lol

What a p*ssy.  But again, I find myself banned.

Posted by Siagiah
12/02/2023 11:00 pm

I reported that a short while ago. I didn't notice that you had posted about it here.

I'm quite sure that it will be removed as soon as one of them reads the emailed report.

SES is a nasty POS.

Posted by greenman
12/04/2023 11:02 am

He deserves banning after this follow-up:

Why are people still believing Hamas propaganda?

Posted by CE0802 on December 4, 2023, 3:08 am, in reply to "Several"

Are people really this gullible?

Do they not see that the propagandists used the word "brand" intentionally, when even if this HAD happened, it wasn't "branded" on his face, and the word "brand" is used as an anti-Semitic swipe at Jews who actually WERE branded during the Holocaust.

Palestinian kid released from Israeli custody later shows up with both arms in casts - which was a lie, like ALL pro-Hamas propaganda.

Open your friggin' eyes.
He knows he can only get away with this s—t because it’s online.

I’d punch that jerk in the mouth if he called me ‘pro-Hamas’ to my face.  Fake tough guy.

Posted by Siagiah
12/04/2023 1:23 pm

Oh, he's a fake "tough guy" for sure.  He's totally afraid of other people seeing him for what he truly is.  A WORM.  He lies to everyone in his life and fears being found out by his family and especially his wife.  If she only knew what he REALLY thinks of her religion, she'd leave him.  So, he pretends.

He has admitted as much.  What a creep.


Posted by greenman
12/04/2023 2:26 pm

Unsurprising that professional Zionist DFM has now joined SES in pushing the Zionist line. This filthy piece of Zionist propaganda is particularly objectionable:

Pro-Hamas Mob Attacks Jews at Gal Gadot Event Outside Museum of Tolerance in LA

Posted by DFM on December 4, 2023, 11:04 am

Israeli actress Gal Gadot organized screening of terror group’s atrocities at venue dedicated to Holocaust victims.

By Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon [far-Right ‘news’ source]

A mob of pro-Hamas hooligans attacked peacefully protesting Jews on Wednesday outside the Museum of Tolerance-Beit HaShoah in Los Angeles.

The venue, dedicated to victims of the Holocaust, was hosting a screening of “Bearing Witness,” a short film comprising “extremely graphic and violent” footage of the murderous rampage Hamas terrorists perpetrated against Israeli civilians on October 7.

Israeli actress Gal Gadot reportedly helped organize the screening but did not attend.

The attack took place amid a dramatic surge in anti-Semitic violence across the country and throughout the world following the Hamas attack on Israel, which took the lives of more than 1,400 Israelis, mostly civilians.

An elderly Jewish man died this week after being “struck in the head by a megaphone wielded by a pro-Palestinian protestor” in Ventura County outside Los Angeles. Police are investigating his death as a homicide.

Two weeks earlier, Los Angeles police arrested a man who allegedly broke into a Jewish family’s home and threatened to kill them. The suspect, Daniel Garcia, was filmed yelling “Free Palestine” as police took him into custody.

Crucial context: The pro-terrorist goons were enraged by a film that provides irrefutable evidence of Hamas atrocities that many of the group’s supporters have dismissed as Israeli propaganda.

Journalist Jotam Confino, who viewed the footage last month, recalled the “indescribable” scenes of children running for their lives as Hamas terrorists chase after them with a hand grenade, terrorists executing civilians in their cars while yelling “Allahu Akbar,” and another terrorist screaming “Allahu Akbar” as he “frantically tries to behead a dead man with a shovel.”

“If anyone has any doubt about what happened, I truly don’t know what to say anymore,” Confino wrote.

Screaming ‘terrorist’ and ‘Hamas’ at pro-PALESTINE protestors upset by showing of this atrocity film is what you’d expect of an pro-Israeli propaganda source. How do these posters get away with this disinformation??

Posted by greenman
12/08/2023 10:30 am

SES takes a turn as chief Zionist propaganda officer and denier:

Did you?

Posted by CE0802 on December 7, 2023, 3:37 pm, in reply to "Did you actually bother to read the article?"

So you think the IDF intentionally targeted journalists.

The same way you think the IDF is intentionally targeting "palestinians".

Which you think is "genocide" of the "palestinians".

Therefore, you probably also think the IDF is committing genocide of journalists. [an imaginary thing he made up]

See what happens when you throw out anti-Semitic bullsh*t non-stop?  [Bean has done no such thing]

Give it a rest already. We all know where you stand. In a huge pile of anti-Semitic bullsh*t.

This to him is ‘logic.’ Note that nothing really makes sense, is logical, or offers a SHRED of evidence for or against.

And yet I’ll bet he thinks he really scored a ‘win’ here against Bean…smh

When board rules against personal abuse are ignored, this is what happens..

Posted by greenman
12/10/2023 10:27 am

And now he’s board moderator, telling everyone about the ‘unofficial board rule’ that ‘one person shouldn’t start too many threads’ and how that applies to the poster, Bean, whose posts he doesn’t like.

What a manipulative creep.

Posted by Siagiah
12/10/2023 11:53 am

greenman wrote:

And now he’s board moderator, telling everyone about the ‘unofficial board rule’ that ‘one person shouldn’t start too many threads’ and how that applies to the poster, Bean, whose posts he doesn’t like.

What a manipulative creep.


Reported a bit ago

Posted by greenman
12/10/2023 1:38 pm

He’s still obsessed with being ‘right’ about a rule which doesn’t exist, except in his mind…

Nope. Bean has 35% of threads. DFM only has 25%.

Posted by CE0802 on December 10, 2023, 9:37 am

Last time I checked, 35 to 25 is not a "tie".


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