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Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/08/2023 12:00 pm

greenman wrote:

Here’s a good one from White (and yes,
that was sarcasm):

Why would anyone watch the WNBA and why are the networks forcing WNBA on us?

Posted by TEXRA on July 3, 2023, 12:44 pm

Every time I turned on the TV this weekend there were America-hating black WNBA players and games goind on. Given all the trash talk about the US coming from WNBA players I would not watch it even if it were actually entertaining.

WNBA deserves no audience among REAL Americans.

First, how does a traitor-loving American fascist like Tex get to tell ANYONE who is and isn’t a ‘real American?’

Second, could this BE more racist, sexist, and above all, whiny? Since when did anyone have to watch a TV network, you yokel?


Does he receive only one channel? 
Doesn't he have a choice?
Is it more fun to complain?


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
7/08/2023 9:10 pm

Yeah, that's an incredibly dumb statement by mongo. 

Even dumber by TEXRA.


Posted by greenman
7/09/2023 11:54 am

Siagiah wrote:

Yeah, that's an incredibly dumb statement by mongo. 

Even dumber by TEXRA.


Mongo keeps TEXRA there so he has someone to feel intellectually superior to..

Posted by greenman
7/15/2023 9:32 am

Born toCharm takes his turn attacking the Administration:

murder suspect found from 12 years ago, but SS gives up on WH cocaine after a few days

Posted by BornToFarm on July 15, 2023, 7:42 am

Amazing arrest from Long Island murders. DNA from pizza crust. Hair recovered from burlap the one victim was wrapped with. Arrest made.

Meanwhile secret service gives up on WH cocaine after a few days. Cameras everywhere, but no one to be found. Their job is to protect the president and his family. Sounds like they are doing a good job.

Because murder is JUST as important as alleged White House cocaine in a public area! Because DNA!  Because SS are an investigatory org like the cops and FBI! Because what about HUNTER!  It’s an OUTRAGE comparable to MURDER!  Protect the President (snicker) and his family!

Trumpsters won’t rest before the election, they’ll keep the scandals coming, real or fake.

Last edited by greenman (7/15/2023 9:33 am)

Posted by Siagiah
7/16/2023 6:28 pm

He's become just like the rest of the GOP.  Unhinged

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/17/2023 11:17 pm

Let me see if I understood this correctly.
GOG posted something political and crass under an alias name that was promptly banned, and it turned out to be him because HE was banned as it was his IP address?
He apologized for getting caught?

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
7/18/2023 8:54 am

“An apology was issued,” according to his very passively-voiced reply…

Posted by Siagiah
7/18/2023 11:46 am

No. GOG violated my DNR by posting DNR VIOLATION to me using the name DNR VIOLATION to do it.  First of all, it wasn't a DNR violation by me (it was by him) and second of all, he didn't use his own handle.  I commented on the post by posting that Ken frowns on anonymous posters screaming at other posters about DNR violations.  I didn't know that it was GOG, but figured it was either him or mongo butting in so reported it to Ken also.  Obviously, Ken agreed that it wasn't okay, saying that posters might think it was him or Trish posting it, so he banned the IP.  He didn't know who it was because it was one of GOG's rotating IPs. 

GOG squawked about it and that's the end of the story.



Posted by greenman
7/18/2023 12:58 pm

News for Idiots from TEXRA (as usual) on White Whine:


JEEZUS H CHRIST! They are just making numbers up....

Posted by TEXRA on July 18, 2023, 10:23 am

...Democrat Congress members claim sea levels will rise 30 feet by 2100...

Of course, Fox News is not a legitimate news source, so there’s that.

And there’s this: it would probably be a 3 FOOT rise over 80 years (still catastrophic) say projections:

So could Fox have gotten it wrong?  Sure they could!  Especially since their story, which refers to this resolution as ‘legislation,’ does NOT cite the actual resolution or offer a way to research it.  It tells you what to think, instead, which is common with Fox.

And foolish people like TEXRA lap it up..

Posted by Siagiah
7/18/2023 1:50 pm

It's a given that Texra is an idiot.  So are the majority who call that place home base for posting.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/19/2023 10:51 am

Siagiah wrote:

No. GOG violated my DNR by posting DNR VIOLATION to me using the name DNR VIOLATION to do it.  First of all, it wasn't a DNR violation by me (it was by him) and second of all, he didn't use his own handle.  I commented on the post by posting that Ken frowns on anonymous posters screaming at other posters about DNR violations.  I didn't know that it was GOG, but figured it was either him or mongo butting in so reported it to Ken also.  Obviously, Ken agreed that it wasn't okay, saying that posters might think it was him or Trish posting it, so he banned the IP.  He didn't know who it was because it was one of GOG's rotating IPs. 

GOG squawked about it and that's the end of the story.



I woulda been real slow in correcting that one.
"Yeah, I'll get around to it when I get around to it." 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
7/22/2023 2:46 pm

Deanna accepting claims which connect to her own political biases:

Wake Up, USA!!!

Posted by Deanna on July 22, 2023, 11:14 am
Jonathan Turley

These professors are calling for Biden to declare himself the final arbiter of what the Constitution means and to exercise unilateral executive power without congressional approval. He is to become a government unto himself.

In fact, it’s the GOP trying to do this, as an examination of the facts, rather than a knee-jerk response to one story, could’ve told her.

Look up ‘Unitary Executive Theory’ and,
more to the point, who’s supporting it.

NOT Dems.

Last edited by greenman (7/22/2023 2:47 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
7/22/2023 4:24 pm

Exactly! I posted about that last night. Funny how the GOP is pushing the idea that Biden is doing what tRUMP is planning.

Posted by greenman
7/30/2023 12:46 pm

Another piece of idiocy from a climate denier (in this case accurately self-described ‘deplorable terrorist’ Otis:

Canceled ---(((((((GASP))))))))))

Posted by Deplorable Terrorist Otis on July 30, 2023, 11:58 am

Esteemed physicist Dr. John Clauser, who holds multiple degrees from the California Institute of Technology and Columbia University, won Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022.

As a scientific expert, Clauser does not believe there is a man-made global warming crisis. This doesn’t sit well with left-wing climate activists.

“I don’t believe there is a climate crisis,” Clauser explained. “The world we live in today is filled with misinformation. It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena.”

First, he’s a physicist, not a meteorologist. His credentials don’t make him an expert on climate.  ‘Scientific expert’ in a wide variety of fields isn’t really a thing anymore.

Second, no scientist ‘believes’ in a subject, he studies it, learns the facts, experiments, formulates hypotheses, etc.  ‘Belief’ is part of religion, not science.

Third, the vast majority of scientists DO accept that the globe is warming and climate is changing, including nearly all of the actual experts in the field.

Finally, how has he been ‘cancelled?’  No evidence of that.  None.

Go back to looking out your window at the weather, Otis.  You’re clueless.

Posted by greenman
7/30/2023 1:23 pm


‘[Dr.]John Francis Clauser is an American theoretical and experimental physicist known for contributions to the foundations of quantum mechanics, in particular the Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt inequality.’

He’s a real smart guy, but not a climate expert by any means.

As to ‘cancelled’:

‘Dr. John Clauser was to present a seminar on climate models to the IMF on Thursday and now his talk has been summarily cancelled," the Co2 Coalition said in a statement.’

Newsweek, courtesy the ‘CO2 Coalition,’ a bunch of climate deniers who think the more CO2, the merrier.  Take with the appropriate grain of salt, but evidently Dr. Clauser was ‘cancelled’ this one time at least, and for reasons unknown.

Posted by Siagiah
7/30/2023 1:36 pm

Maybe he was canceled because he's not an expert in climate science so they replaced him with someone who is?

Posted by greenman
7/30/2023 1:45 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Maybe he was canceled because he's not an expert in climate science so they replaced him with someone who is?

Differing claims, some making little sense like ‘His physics would be over the head of the person conducting the conference’ (yeah, but he was supposed to be talking about climate, not physics!).

Could’ve been political, or something else.  Who knows. But of course it’s ‘them eeeebull Liberals’ to Otis the Elevator Man.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/30/2023 5:07 pm

A pair of these showed up in my yard today, flying in the shade of the giant sequoia.
People lie. Butterflies don't. 
I have NEVER before seen this species here. Never.
Enodia anthedon
The fact there are a pair means they bred, and will breed. Iow, they are essentially now,
But there is no climate change. We're all just imagining this. 
Those who pay attention see it.
Those who don't, don't. 
Deanna dumbknutz can't even say the name of this creature,
let alone know what it is, or where it is SUPPOSED to be. 
You could wrap her,,, and them up in string so thick she'd resemble
a mummy, and after the fact she'd mumble, "There is no string." 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
7/31/2023 11:39 am

Damn nice pic of a striking butterfly.  Yes, climate is changing and insects and other animals are trying to adapt. 

There are more hummingbirds of different species heading up the left coast of America, too.  Some now get into Canada.  Canada?  Hummingbirds?  What’s going on?

DEANNA doesn’t know, that’s for sure.

Posted by greenman
7/31/2023 11:46 am

Here’s how the Conspiracy Right busies themselves these days…smh

Obama photographed with finger splints on left hand and black eye. - GOG July 31, 2023, 8:28 am

YouTube video has pic of Obama left hand and his bruised black eye. - GOG July 31, 2023, 10:58 am

The latest insanity?  Mr. Obama’s former cook at the White House drowned in a tragic paddle surfing accident.  So what was the Right’s first response?

If you said ‘sympathy,’ deduct a point.  You know better.

No, it’s to somehow pin his ‘murder’ on Mr. Obama, Michelle, the Dems, Biden and family, and anyone else you can identify as a ‘Liberal.’  ‘Lock ‘em UP!’  smh

This s—thead GOG is on both White Whine and Green Slime pushing this BS.  It would be comical if it weren’t so diabolical. And of course brain-dead types like Mongo, Deanna and TEXRA will lap it all up like the suckers they are.

Why do people like this get to vote?  Brain stem function should be a minimal requirement.

Posted by Siagiah
7/31/2023 9:19 pm

Pure idiocy!  and no surprise at all.

Posted by greenman
8/02/2023 4:34 pm

This is how Mongo Flitboy responds to calls for transparency in trying his Orange Overlord, Donnie Trump:

But we all know, this is just round 3 of "Trumped-up" fake charges to be tried in a kangaroo court.[Wrong, and wrong]

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on August 2, 2023, 3:17 pm, in reply to "Very True!"

The DOJ is so corrupt, and DirtBag Criminal Treasonist Biden [Comically hateful and deranged] is weaponizing the DOJ and other branches of our corrupt gummint [How, flit-boy?]  in a pathetic attempt to win a second term for an incompetent, incoherent, senile, nasty old career bureaucrat.[Still SO much better than traitor Trump, you Nashville meat biscuit!]

Almost insane, certainly another victim of TDS.  Get help, old man!  Get help SOON!

Posted by greenman
8/05/2023 12:35 pm

Comical post by perhaps Boardhost’s most obnoxious clown:

You're really a caricature. I mean, how can anyone be so totally uniformed?

Posted by CE0802 on 8/5/2023, 10:35 am, in reply to "Republicans are obsessed with destroying America"

Democrats are LITERALLY destroying our country - nearly every facet of our society.

Yet you are OBSESSED with the Republicans.

You are just so astoundingly incredibly uninformed and idiotic.

Unfortunately, jerk, tantrums aren’t FACTS, are they?  You know, those things you constantly whine that you have, but nobody else does?  Those things you claim ‘win arguments,’ as opposed to emotion?


What a steaming hypocrite…

Posted by Siagiah
8/05/2023 6:42 pm

On Green Slime?  It's not on R&E.  If so, it figures that mongo would let it stand because rules are only for the "opposition".

Posted by greenman
8/05/2023 9:05 pm

Yeah, Green Slime.  And yes, it’s indicative of his hypocrisy.  The board, far from being ‘bipartisan,’ has exiled most of his ‘enemies’ and is a right-wing extremist hate board.

Exactly what most of us knew it would turn out to be.

Hope he enjoyed the posts from ‘Scent,’ btw..;)

Posted by Siagiah
8/06/2023 8:29 pm

Ha!  Was that you?  After you mentioned it, I went to look/see. Too bad, mongo already deleted them.  I didn't see them before he X'd them out as I very, very seldom ever even peek in there.  Whatever for?  LYS, I knew from minute one what it would turn into and that's exactly what it is.

Posted by greenman
8/07/2023 7:18 am

I was at some business with different wifi, and tried an experimental post to White Whine to see it it would be accepted.  It was, so I made a few on each board. 

Of course idiot-head blamed True Grit, which made me feel a bit bad but TG does poke at him occasionally anyway, so…

Posted by greenman
8/14/2023 5:09 pm

Dangerously mentally ill?


Maui Hit by Directed Energy Weapons

Posted by Rebel on August 14, 2023, 5:23 am

Either ‘Rebel’ is GOG, or they’re as mentally disturbed as GOG. Whatever.

Posted by Poppet
8/15/2023 12:40 am

As best I can determine, Rebel is another conspiracist that GOG may have brought over to the White Board. Occasionally engages, but mostly just posts links. 

Posted by Siagiah
8/15/2023 6:21 pm

I don't look in there very often, but when I've noticed Rebel there, (s)he has a different style even though the same kind of conspiracy beliefs.


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