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Posted by greenman
4/08/2023 11:56 am

Incidentally, at least one of the wrongly-expelled legislators will be reinstated:

‘Jones and Pearson were removed immediately and forced to give up their committee assignments, leaving their seats vacant. County legislative bodies can fill those vacancies — and in Jones’ case, the Nashville Metropolitan Council appears to have the votes necessary to reinstate him to his position, according to The Tennessean.
Twenty-three of 40 members on the council confirmed to NBC News that they’d vote to reinstate Jones. They could cast the vote as soon as Monday, during a special meeting set up to discuss the vacancy.
Jones told CNN on Friday that he doesn’t see it as the end of his political career.
“This extreme tactic to expel us and try to humiliate us has only put a spotlight of the world on Tennessee, and so I will go back because ... it’s worth whatever sacrifice that we have to give, whether it’s being expelled, whether it’s being in a hostile environment,” Jones said.’

Hope this puts an end to the racist clowning in the Tennessee legislature.  Sane people in that state need to vote Dems into office, and end the Reconstruction-era approach to governance (with Republicans replacing Dems as the bad guys)..

Posted by Siagiah
4/09/2023 11:32 am

I hope that voters there make the GOP idiots pay for this idiocy. sadly, I fear that too many of them will applaud them given that their districts support them and what they did.

The house is like that on both state and federal levels.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
4/09/2023 2:08 pm

As long as the expulsion exists and persists, this Tennessee Legislature is illegitimate.
The Tennessee GOP has trump disease. The only cure is surgical removal of trump. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
4/09/2023 5:46 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

As long as the expulsion exists and persists, this Tennessee Legislature is illegitimate.
The Tennessee GOP has trump disease. The only cure is surgical removal of trump. 

Well said!  This kind of partisan, unConstitutional action can’t be tolerated.  These are the people who loosened, almost eliminated gun laws there, when a red flag law might have prevented this atrocity.  THEY are the ones who should be punished, not those protesting.

Of course the Right’s account of the protest is hysterical, borderline racist, and makes prominent references to Jan 6th, for reasons of their own.

Posted by Siagiah
4/09/2023 6:45 pm

IOW, it's pure B.S.


Posted by greenman
4/11/2023 12:49 pm

More, much too much more from the Nashville Baloney Salesman.  Of course his state has manure all over it in the wake of the school shootings and Legislature takeover by fascist Republicans, so he’s got to deflect the blame.  Where better than Lord Donald’s fave target, the Media (not the RIGHT-wing media of course)..

The dishonesty and bias of the media

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 11, 2023, 11:31 am

1. Chicago had 725 murders in 2020, 751 murders in 2021, and 637 murders in 2022, and 125 murders YTD in 2023. Chicago alone, not the whole state of Illinois.

2. In 2022 in Chicago, 2621 people were shot but not dead (yet), and there were 2647 total shootings.

3. New York city had 488 Murders [more pointless big city crime stats redacted]

We don't hear much about these massive homicide numbers on the news. We have to dig into the bowels of Google to find anything. Why is that?

[Because you’re lying.  Not only are they on the mainstream news, your Right-wing sources post them CONSTANTLY as attacks on ‘big-city Liberal mayors’]

Because much, if not most of the homicides are black-on-black and black-on-white or black-on-Hispanic crimes, and the media would be accused of systemic racism if they did any extensive reporting.

[I accuse you and the Right of ‘systemic racism’ because you obsess hypocritically over ‘black on black crime.]

Also, in many of these cities, the police are weak on crime because the mayor and DA are soft on crime.

[Unsupported claims biased by further racism]

Now, take Nashville and Louisville. Seemingly decent cities, mostly low profile except for country music and horse racing. You have one shooting incident in Nashville and one in Louisville, and all you hear for the next month is Nashville and Louisville on the media 24/7 for a month or two.

[‘One shooting?’  LOL!  Many shootings, some police shootings of black suspects.  Are you both this bigoted and this ignorant?
Louisville - 160 killed in shootings 2022, 400 injured;  35 killed and 89 injured to date in 2023.

Nashville - very violent and criminal for a ‘decent’ city its size:

Don’t know much about your own city, huh?]

The media talking heads, the police, the DAs, the mayors, the Governors get on and talk for hours, giving each other credit and accolades for what they did, as if it were the Academy Awards, CMA Awards, Golden Globes, Grammys, Screen Actors Guild, CMT and Tony awards all wrapped up into one. The cops mourn their own ilk profusely, and mention the innocent civilian decedents like "also-rans".

[Nice rhetoric which means nothing, except that it indicates a total lack of respect for your own cops.]

Then, in the final act of dishonesty, they totally suppress what actually happened in the Tennessee Legislature. Two black male legislators and one white female legislator were escorted from the Legislative hall for blasting everyone for 30 minutes with a bull horn, taking over the speaker's desk and microphone, and otherwise grossly violating house rules. The media showed only the final moments when they were being escorted out of the legistative hall.

[Hysterical overreaction to protests in your own Legislature, well-deserved given the liberalization of gun laws which helped enable the school shootings by preventing red-flag laws from being enacted.  Also, Legislators do not lose their right to free speech in the Legislature. Also, what about the white female legislator NOT expelled?]

Then, the VPOTUS makes an unplanned political stop to stir up trouble, and the media goes wild with coverage.

[A vicious lie.  She showed up to indicate the Administration’s objection to the illegal expulsion of two black Dems who dared to protest.]

Then, the POTUS congratulated the ousted legislators for advocating gun control with a bull horn and defiance of house rules (by any and all means necessary).

[Last part is a lie (they didn’t SHOOT anyone, did they?) and the ouster was wrongly conducted and unnecessary]

Nobody, black or white, would be allowed to do that crap in the White House, Congress, US Supreme Court, Governor's office, State Supreme Court or at the Augusta Masters Golf Tournament. They would be quickly ousted and possibly jailed and charged with a misdemeanor.

[Your side actually did it at and inside our national Capitol Jan. 6, 2021, dumbass]

But it's OK in a Southern legislature?

[Non-violent protest?  Yeah.  Good North or South, Mr. ‘I’m still fighting the Civil War.’]

No, what was OK was for Danny Rogue-Cop-Pants to strangle and murder Eric Garner because that's the Big Apple, where might makes right.

[Unrelated gibberish and no, murder is not ‘OK’]

Now, the picture that the media has painted nationally is that Tennessee is a systemic racist state that hates blacks.

[A little too close to the truth, huh?  lol]

It's all part of the lie and plot to take down America.

Want a ‘plot to take down America,’ Junior?  Try the Trump-incited insurrection in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021.  Which I’ve never seen your Trump-loving ass condemn.

Last edited by greenman (4/11/2023 2:16 pm)

Posted by greenman
4/11/2023 2:33 pm

Incidentally, due to factors like lack of education, racism, economic inequities and lax gun laws, Tennessee is among the more violent, crime ridden states in America:

‘The FBI recently released its annual Uniform Crime Report, offering a statistical documentation of crime in the United States in 2021. Historically, the UCR has provided a comprehensive snapshot of crime in each of the 50 states, but this year, the picture is incomplete.

Due to a change in reporting systems – from the legacy Summary Reporting System to the new National Incident-Based Reporting System – many police departments across the country did not submit cime data to the FBI. As a result, nine states were excluded from this year’s UCR: Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, and Pennsylvania.

Whether or not 2021 crime estimates for these places will eventually be released remains to be seen – but for the states with available data, the latest UCR offers some useful insight into 2021 violent crime trends.

Violent crime is a broad category that consists of four types of the most serious offenses: robbery, rape, aggravated assault, and homicide. In Tennessee, there were 34,753 violent crimes reported in 2021, or 498 for every 100,000 people, the fourth highest violent crime rate among the 41 states with available data. Meanwhile, the national violent crime rate (based on the incomplete data) stands at 334 incidents per 100,000 people.

While it is not always the case, violent crime is often more common in economically disadvantaged areas with high poverty rates and lower levels of social integration. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2021 American Community Survey, the poverty rate across Tennessee stands at 13.6%, compared to the 12.8% national poverty rate.’

I guess the Legislature (Republicans, that is) have given up and decided to let Tennesseans police themselves?  Seems to be working out well!  lol

Posted by greenman
4/13/2023 5:06 pm

Oh, the superstition of the ‘Hunter Haters..’

Bill O'Reilly: In Your Face [Obnoxious, but unreliable]

Posted by KDM on the left coast on April 13, 2023, 12:37 pm

It was strange to see Hunter Biden hop off Air Force One in Belfast, living large at taxpayer expense.

[Strange that the President’s son would go with his father to Ireland, land of their ancestors?  No, just a perk of the job.]

Strange and provocative because Hunter is under investigation for serious crimes.

[Which alleged ‘crimes?’  ‘Under investigation’ by whom?  Any indictments?]

Of course, the American media underreports the story as they continue to prop up the Biden administration, which needs all the propping it can get.

[It really doesn’t need ‘propping up.’  And, um, any support for those claims about ‘serious crimes’ yet? Could that be why they’re ‘underreported,’ Bill?]

It would be unfair to convict Hunter Biden of anything. He's innocent until proven guilty. But you can't prove malfeasance if you don't even investigate, and that is certainly a possibility with the U.S. Justice Department compromised by politics.

[It’s not ‘unfair’ to smear or make false allegations though, is it Bill?  You can’t prove anything, but you keep on slanderin’!]

Anyway, President Biden's decision to take Hunter to Erie is certainly an "in your face" move.

[Erie?  And how is it ‘in your face?’]

As the world becomes more dangerous by the day, it is worth thinking about what is likely to happen. Our enemies will test us over the next year, no question in my mind.

[Do those include DOMESTIC enemies, Bill?]

Is the Biden administration ready for that?

You make the call.

[I’m confident in them.  Not in thugs like you, though.]

I’m calling BS..

Last edited by greenman (4/13/2023 5:09 pm)

Posted by greenman
4/14/2023 9:15 am

More self-serving Rightist drivel:

Let me guess. The New York Times, right? Yep.

[Real news is confusing…]

Posted by CE0802 on April 14, 2023, 6:34 am, in reply to "The Highest Court Has the Government’s Lowest Ethical Standards"

Justice Thomas:

"Harlan and Kathy Crow are among our dearest friends, and we have been friends for over twenty-five years.

"As friends do, we have joined them on a number of family trips during the more than quarter century we have known them. Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary, and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable.

"I have endeavored to follow that counsel throughout my tenure, and have always sought to comply with the disclosure guidelines. These guidelines are now being changed, as the committee of the Judicial Conference responsible for financial disclosure for the entire federal judiciary just this past month announced new guidance. And, it is, of course, my intent to follow this guidance in the future."

[Translation: ‘The Court has no system of ethics and Tony Scalia told me it was OK, so I took the money and guess what, suckah, I’m gonna KEEP taking the money!’]

Harlan Crow:

"The hospitality we have extended to the Thomas’s over the years is no different from the hospitality we have extended to our many other dear friends. We have never asked about a pending or lower court case, and Justice Thomas has never discussed one, and we have never sought to influence Justice Thomas on any legal or political issue. More generally, I am unaware of any of our friends ever lobbying or seeking to influence Justice Thomas on any case, and I would never invite anyone who I believe had any intention of doing that."

[Translation: ‘I’m a rich white guy and in America, that means I can buy all the friends and favors I want, and there’s really nothing you can do to stop me.  Sayonara!’]

And if you believe ANY of their smug BS, SES, I have bridge I’d like to sell you, CHEAP.

But you believe Trump, and you believe Fox, so why the hell wouldn’t you believe a lying, corrupt USSC ‘Justice’ and the Sugar Daddy who bought and paid for him?

Posted by Siagiah
4/14/2023 12:34 pm

I saw that.  Totally absurd.

Posted by greenman
4/14/2023 1:46 pm

Speaking of which:

Political post!! Partisan politics.

Posted by GOG on April 14, 2023, 11:28 am, in reply to "Harlan Crow, Clarence Thomas’s Benefactor, Is Not Just Another Billionaire"

If one cannot mention Feinstein then one should not be allowed to mention Thomas. Looks like statues your friends will not be able to tear down. Don’t you like Lenin? I suspect the good man bought these from various nations that had ideological second thoughts. It’s his collection and no business of the author’s.

First the whining, tattletale complaint about politics…hey, why not inform Ken instead of REPLYING to the thread, genius?

Second, note the resentment of the Confederate heroes’ monuments hitting the ground.  Nice distraction from Unca Clarence’s corruption!

Then the accusation of Leninism…hey, don’t you read the TIMES?

Anything but an honest discussion of the corruption of the Supreme Court.  Which is an ETHICAL matter.  Oh, and that includes ‘Liberal’ Justices too, Junior.


Posted by greenman
4/19/2023 9:03 am

Some comedy relief, courtesy GOG:

Damar Hamlin cleared to play Football - Muqwump April 18, 2023, 12:40 pm

If it’s really him. - GOG April 18, 2023, 5:33 pm

If there's a bizarrely irrational viewpoint to be had, you'll always adopt it. - Muqwump April 18, 2023, 6:26 pm

All about probabilities. What sick is you.   - GOG April 18, 2023, 7:05 pm

Thank God! - Merlin April 18, 2023, 12:46 pm

Yes. We cannot have disinformation crazies besmirching big pharma. - GOG April 18, 2023, 5:35 pm

I KNEW when I mentioned Hamlin that if he heard about it (thanks, Mugwump!) he’d stick to his bizarre conspiracy theory about Hamlin’s ‘death’ (or disappearance).  And so he did.

Note the reference to ‘probabilities,’ as if they were in his side.  As Mugwump pointed out, however, ‘If there's a bizarrely irrational viewpoint to be had, you'll always adopt it.’  And he does, and stubbornly sticks with it no matter what.

There’s no ‘disinformation crazy’ crazier than GOG.

Posted by greenman
4/25/2023 3:33 pm

Idiocy on whichever board it’s posted:

Biden Campaign Lies [sic]

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 25, 2023, 12:08 pm

He says he will run for reelection, arguing he has fulfilled the promises of his 2020 bid: renewing a degree of bipartisanship in Washington while also making significant progress on progressive priorities like fighting climate change and combating gun violence; beating back conservative threats to American democracy while steering the country to the other side of a pandemic.

Bipartisanship? Republicans fight him tooth and nail on every issue.

[Because he’s bipartisan, they aren’t.  Duh.]

Fighting climate change? Have you seen any Biden effect on climate?

[You don’t believe in climate change, and attack electric cars like they were Communists]

Combating gun violence? Gun violence has increased on his watch.

[Repukes slavishly support gun ownership for everyone, particularly in violent Tennessee]

Beating back conservative threats to American democracy? He’s tried hard to silence conservatives.

[You tried hard to stage a coup and keep Trump illegally in office]

Steering the country to the other side of the pandemic? Trump gave the country the vaccine. Biden imprisoned kids, stunting their educational growth.

Trump had literally nothing to do with the vaccine, but everything to do with quack ‘cures’ and attacks on masks]


Insane take on reality by a blowhard who hates Biden like poison.  Why?  Because somebody told him to.  No independent thought there at all, just partisan hoo-ha..

Last edited by greenman (4/25/2023 3:37 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
4/26/2023 8:26 am

Best to just ignore his idiocy.  He's beyond pathetic and DESPERATE for ATTENTION.  Don't give it to him.  Let him wallow in his insignificance instead.

Then, when he least expects it, SLAM his DUMB@$$ as hard as you can so his butt comes out his mouth.

Won't THAT be fun?


Posted by greenman
4/26/2023 12:29 pm

I had intended this to be a discussion board for ideas posted on other boards where I was banned (two of them Mondo’s).  He evidently takes it as ‘Backalley II,’ because, well, he doesn’t want actual debate of his own posts: never did.

You can bring a horse to water, but that doesn’t mean it’s anything but an ass..

Posted by greenman
5/04/2023 10:30 am

This is rich: the self-acknowledged racist GOG whining about the word ‘white…’

The term WHITE seems to be a red flag to some on this bbs.

Posted by GOG on May 4, 2023, 8:19 am

Why is that? Move to Africa if it’s offensive to you. Brooklyn is closer than say New Hampshire.
Glad to hear that some seem to be calling him out on his bigotry, but ‘move to Africa?’  That’s disgraceful.  Especially from a Confederate wannabe and apologist for slavery.

Racism..paranoia…pandemic propaganda (now shut down thankfully)…putinism…support for the Old South.  Not to mention science-related conspiracy theories.  What a buffoon.

Posted by greenman
5/05/2023 1:34 pm

CE0802 lying about Fauci, like the Trumpster revisionist he is:

There are people who STILL worship Lord Fauci. Go figure.

Posted by CE0802 on May 5, 2023, 10:38 am, in reply to "Birx’s true confession: To paraphrase “She and Fauci knew there was "

Fauci now: "First of all, I didn't recommend locking anything down."

Fauci then: "I recommended to the President that we shut the country down."

Why anyone still defends this jackass is anyone's guess
Fauci’s actual words last fall:

‘During the event, Fauci spoke with The Atlantic editor Ross Andersen in front of a live audience about his experiences as the leading medical professional working in the federal government during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In one segment of his talk, the doctor spoke about his guidance in instituting “draconian” pandemic guidance knowing full well there would be “collateral” damage stemming from it.

Before making his central point, Fauci first blamed the “divisiveness” of “social media” for turning every piece of his guidance during the pandemic into a confusing and controversial statement.

No, COVID didn’t come from a US lab — Lancet report continues the China coverup
“When you have a divisiveness in society where every time you say something, you have X number of people with social media looking to attack it, that adds to the understandable confusion when you’re dealing with an evolving outbreak,” Fauci stated.

He then justified his harsh COVID guidance, including pushing the federal government to mandate lockdowns, masking, and later, vaccination, because hospitals were being “overrun.”

“Of course, when you make recommendations, if the primary goal when you’re dealing with a situation where the hospitals were being overrun in New York, intensive care units were being put in hallways, you have to do something that’s rather draconian,” the doctor admitted. ‘

Here’s a recent comment:

‘Dr. Anthony Fauci struck a defensive tone during a recent interview in which he reflected on his and the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, admitting that mistakes were made despite his best efforts.

"Show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down. Never. I never did," Fauci said when asked about the consequences of "heavy-handed" public health policies in a New York Times interview published Tuesday. "I gave a public health recommendation that echoed the CDC’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that. But I never criticized the people who had to make the decisions one way or the other."’

So where’s his current statement that he ‘didn’t recommend locking anything down?’  Smells like a lie.  Just like the claim that ‘there are still people who worship’ him.

Last edited by greenman (5/05/2023 1:41 pm)

Posted by greenman
5/07/2023 1:47 pm

Here’s an ABSOLUTE LIE by TEXRA on White Whine, characteristic of fanatical Trumpsters and True Believers like himself, Mongo and others there.  An insult to America and to intelligence.

The Democrats used ballot harvesting fraud to steal the 2020 election,,,

Posted by TEXRA on May 7, 2023, 11:58 am
...what is more is that Mark Zuckerberg paid for it.
From Twitter via Catturd [consider the source] -

Real Robert - with attached video - Tucker Carlson “They rigged the election in front of all of us and nobody did anything about it”

16,000 hrs of surveillance video
Detroit Heilmann voting center

3 hrs and15 min after polls closed in Michigan Mules loading thousands of Bidens into a minivan with Indiana plates.

Not a SHRED of evidence to support this nonsense, just a baldly-asserted LIE like those told by der Trumpenfuehrer himself.

Mongo shouldn’t allow bald-faced, anti-American lies like this to be posted.  It’s absolutely irresponsible.

Luckily Hitchens’ Razor tells us ‘That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.’

I do dismiss this claim.

Posted by greenman
5/08/2023 10:40 am

GOG tops himself with an overtly racist post (his Martian ruins posts are merely comical):

Jordan Neely, the new BLM nominee for sainthood.

Posted by GOG on May 8, 2023, 7:06 am

40 arrests. Beating up a 67 year old woman, schizophrenic, violent. The White hero marine will be crucified by fat Alvin. However, let it be noted that two black citizens helped in subduing the violent Michael Jackson wannabe. That participation might save whitey from the racist tub of lard.


Absolutely despicable and a rules violation. 

The strawman about ‘sainthood’ (no one’s saying so), the alleged criminal record (need confirmation from a reliable source), the racist personal attack on the black DA (who offended GOG’s Trumpist sensibilities), and the ‘Michael Jackson’ and ‘whitey’ references.  Not to mention the lionizing of the person who murdered Neely.

Hard to get slimier than that…smh

[add.] The family of the victim made a good point re: the actions of the vigilante:

‘Daniel Penny "knew nothing about Jordan’s history when he intentionally wrapped his arms around Jordan’s neck, and squeezed and kept squeezing.” ‘

He strangled this young man.  He murdered him.

Last edited by greenman (5/08/2023 3:02 pm)

Posted by greenman
5/08/2023 12:34 pm

Looks like someone hit a nerve here:

Is Red State Gun Reform in Sight? Tennessee Is About to Find Out. - Merlin May 8, 2023, 9:57 am

Where is your post about all the crime in NY? Are there any red bows in the subway or in Buffalo? - Mondo Fuego™ May 8, 2023, 10:10 am

‘Look!  Look!  At anything but gun violence in my precious state (which has more of it than NYC, incidentally!)’

Is there a red bow in Mongo’s thinning hair?  lol

Posted by greenman
5/12/2023 1:06 pm

This is typical of the closeted racism of the (in this case religious) Right..

Witness went back to ‘thank’ Daniel Penny after Jordan Neely chokehold death, is ‘praying’ for him - Merlin May 12, 2023, 5:02 am

No Tears for Lundin Hathcock and James McDaniel either - BornToFarm May 12, 2023, 9:27 am

Some of us knew that THIS would happen, too. - CE0802 May 12, 2023, 7:22 am

Everything you know is after the fact and almost always totally wrong. - Merlin May 12, 2023, 9:27 am

How right you are. Hear hear.   - GOG May 12, 2023, 7:30 am

No tears for Lauren Heike - BornToFarm May 12, 2023, 7:00 am

Neely was killed b accident. Good riddance. - GOG May 12, 2023, 6:42 am

It is surprising that you have yet to spontaneously combust. - Muqwump May 12, 2023, 8:54 am
Lauren Heike was white and stabbed to death by a black man named Teasley, who had a lengthy criminal record.

This is who Lundin Hathcock and James  McDaniel are:

‘Carlton Gilford, who is homeless, allegedly shot Lundin Hathcock, 35, and James McDaniel, 55..’

Carlton Gifford is also black, his victims, white.  Racists like Born To Farm love to contrast things like the subway killing in NYC with killings of whites by black people.  It’s a kind of false equivalency, where every complaint about a white killing a black must be met by claims of ‘lack of concern’ about whites killed by blacks.  He’s the type who, whenever gun violence is mentioned, ALWAYS says ‘..but Chicago!’ as well as ‘but what about black-on-black shootings?’  Again, these references are race-baiting, plain and simple. 

And by an alleged ‘Christian.’

Last edited by greenman (5/12/2023 6:31 pm)

Posted by greenman
5/13/2023 2:24 pm

IDK if this is Woodbine or not, but some posters sure can’t resist his trolling..

Is it ok to teach evolution? - Devolution May 13, 2023, 9:00 am

Not only okay to teach it, but also okay to practice it. - Sir Real May 13, 2023, 9:07 am

Lol it's okay to teach and practice a myth? - Devo May 13, 2023, 10:12 am

then don't teach and practice Christianity - Trish May 13, 2023, 10:40 am

Christianity is the truth, evolution is a lie - Devo May 13, 2023, 10:56 am

you know you can't prove christianity - nope May 13, 2023, 11:13 am

God has already proved Christianity - Devo May 13, 2023, 11:33 am

No, idiot, I said it's okay to teach and practice evolution. RIF - Sir Real May 13, 2023, 10:22 am

Why teach and practice a myth? - Devo May 13, 2023, 10:33 am

Your idiocy is no myth. The answer to WHY you practice it is known only to you. - Sir Real May 13, 2023, 11:14 am

What idiocy of mine are you referring to? - Devolution May 13, 2023, 11:34 am

The content of your puny brain and your moronic eagerness to display it. - Sir Real May 13, 2023, 11:45 am

Lol it's okay that you call me a troll when you can't counter my posts - Devolution May 13, 2023, 11:49 am

This IDIOT has been posting his anti-evolutionary DRIVEL for years on Woodbine’s board and now, on R & E.  So why do posters respond to an idiot who’s an even bigger troll than BAUER?

I just have to laugh…lol

Last edited by greenman (5/13/2023 2:25 pm)

Posted by greenman
5/13/2023 5:21 pm

It continues - this trolling clown never offers a single fact, logical argument, or rational post.  His entire ‘method’ is posting a provocative claim - ‘Evolution isn’t real,’ let’s say - and then to agree idiotically with himself in the body of the post - ‘No it isn’t!’

A three-year-old could post this crap.

And yet the best and brightest on R & E can’t do more than post lazy attacks over and over, while he runs rings around them, mockingly.

Why?  Why do you post to him, and why does Ken permit this repetitive (and thus against the rules) trolling?

Baffling.  He seems to pull the strings while everyone dances.

Posted by greenman
5/16/2023 9:25 am

When a board is dominated by GOG, jb and Devo, you have problems.  Oh, what a merry dance they lead the others..

JB is someone I kind of gave up posting long threads with after some unfortunate encounters on Woodbine’s board.  On and on you go, and nowhere at all do you get with him.  He’s just clever enough to keep up the level of insults and provocations so that you’ll keep feeding his need for attention.

I see he’s posted his absurd list of ‘religious commonalities’ again.  Look at how he opens it:

“Not all Major Religions have all 20 Commonalities.”

Then they’re hardly ‘commonalities’ are they?  lol! Not only is this list trivial - it reads like Middle School intellectualism, like stuff off the top of his pointy little head - it’s highly selective, being linked only to the major monotheisms, which he seems to see as ‘Religions’ (capital ‘R’) while ignoring (in one post) even Judaism, not to mention EVERY POLYTHEISTIC RELIGION IN HUMAN HISTORY.  Which is most of human religious history, obviously.  And yet his list ‘proves’ the existence of God!  Amazing!

I see that a couple of the Christians on the board dismissed this twaddle, as they should.  He pretends to be knowledgeable about religion, but really seems to know very little.  His ‘vast readings’ and ‘expertise’ are nearly all bluster and BS…as are most of his arguments.

The continued plaintive demands for more attention featuring blatantly trolling posts are pretty comical, though.  He sure does know his audience, if nothing else!  lol

Last edited by greenman (5/16/2023 9:40 am)

Posted by greenman
5/16/2023 12:18 pm

The list, FWIW, and commentary:

(I am assuming the religions here are Judeo-Christianity, Islam and Baha’i - again, leaving out polytheism, which humanity has believed in and practiced for 10,000 years)

1.One God [Monotheisms only; not universal]
2.Creator [A single creator God? See above. Divine Creation?  Common]
3.Unknowable [God? I know of no such religion]
4.Can be known through the heart [False, usually through prayer in the above faiths]
5.Can be known through His Manifestations [Only Baha’i, AFAIK]
6.Sends Manifestations to teach all people
the same Spiritual Message. [Only Baha’i]
7.He loves all but that does not mean He loves what they do. [Sounds Christian; not universal]
8.Manifestations are recognized in infancy [Only Baha’i]
9.Manifestations foretell future [Only Baha’i] Manifestations especially One Who has come at the "End of Time", Baha'u'llah [Only Baha’i]
10.Major teachings: Clergy are ignorant. [I know of no such faith]
11.Be detached from material world [Some faiths; not universal]
12.Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. [Judeo-Christian; not universal]
13.Sacrifice material possessions as needed.[Some faiths; not universal]
14.Love everyone (with certain exceptions) [Neither is universal]
15.Obey God in all things. [Most faiths; Common]
16.Good go to Heaven. [Not universal]
17.Bad go to Hell. [Not universal]
18.Obey God's Laws. [See 15; Common]
19.No sex outside marriage [Common but not universal]
20.Males have sex only with females [Not universal]
21.Females only have sex with males. [Not universal]

Many of these, including ones about sexuality and Manifestations, are Bauer’s own biases and beliefs.  Some are not only not universal, but unknown.  There might be half-a-dozen or so that are common to many faiths.  This is simply the nature of human thinking and beliefs, as well as moral ideas, and prove NOTHING else.

Of all of these, five (2, 11, 13, 15 and 18) might be the most ‘universal.’  Five are solely Baha’i, two are exclusively monotheistic, two are total nonsense, and 12 are not at all ‘universal.’

An absurd list.

Last edited by greenman (5/17/2023 7:09 am)

Posted by greenman
5/18/2023 4:50 pm

Comical stuff about the Right to Keep and Bear.  Is it really necessary to lie, DFM?

Not unlike freedom of speech. These equity types cannot abide the BILL oF RIGHTS. - GOG May 17, 2023, 9:46 am

Re: Not unlike freedom of speech. These equity types cannot abide the BILL oF RIGHTS. - Christopher Blackwell May 17, 2023, 6:04 pm

homosexuals are worse. - jb May 17, 2023, 3:48 pm

Re: homosexuals are worse. - Christopher Blackwell May 17, 2023, 5:47 pm

GOD sets the boundaries and He has many times - jb May 18, 2023, 11:10 am

Re: GOD sets the boundaries - Christopher Blackwell May 18, 2023, 1:31 pm

Right to bear arms is FIRST among them. Freedom of speech and press is second. - DFM May 17, 2023, 2:39 pm
David can’t even count, apparently. 

Freedom of speech, religion and the Press are in the FIRST Amendment, while the right to form militias (the actual guarantee of the 2nd Amendment) comes SECOND.

Like many Righties, he cites the Constitution often without apparently having READ it..

ps - Bauer’s notorious homophobia also on display there, and as usual he’s never cautioned for that - or any other TOS violations.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/18/2023 11:07 pm

I doubt jb bauer has capacity to understand a TOS or DNR violation.
His emotional distress today is clearly evident in hastiy written responses where flying fingers weren't exactly nimble or accurate.
Somewhere at a beginning of this distress was somebody's written cause that launched it. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
5/19/2023 9:53 am

Do you think?  All I see are his own top-posts trolling people about religion, NDEs and such.  And of course his abusive tone towards anyone who disagrees…smh

Posted by greenman
5/30/2023 2:03 pm

This is how stupid GOG is.  Merlin posted a good critique of high grocery prices, and how the favorable deals given mega-stores like Wal-Mart hurt the small business.  Idiot boy’s response:

Interesting. Blames the small retailer. And does not address the root cause for why there is

Posted by GOG on May 30, 2023, 10:56 am, in reply to "The Real Reason Your Groceries Are Getting So Expensive"

across the board increasing costs for goods and services. The big boys buy in massive quantities at a discount. The little guy cannot. Thus his prices are higher to the consumer. Duh.

‘Blames the small retailer?’  Nowhere does it do that.  ‘Does not address the root cause’ of COURSE it does, that’s what  the piece IS ABOUT!

The last couple of sentences sum up the ENTIRE POINT of Merlin’s article, concluding with a ‘DUH’ which only demonstrates his own cluelessness.

Just shut up, GOG.  You don’t know what’s going on, and you’re lazy. as. hell.

Posted by greenman
5/30/2023 2:25 pm

Not to the outdone, CEOU812 decided to post an even DUMBER ‘I didn’t read it’ comment:

So groceries are more expensive because prices are going down?

Posted by CE0802 on May 30, 2023, 12:09 pm, in reply to "The Real Reason Your Groceries Are Getting So Expensive"

Typical moronic stupidity from your favorite news source.

???In what UNIVERSE does Merlin’s post say that, you incredible MORON?  We all know that you (like Mongoloid) HATE the NYTimes, but does it scare you so much you won’t even READ it?

Jesus, is there a poster over there capable of making an intelligent comment?


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