Posted by greenman ![]() 3/29/2023 8:33 am | #1 |
This will not be a place for attacks on anyone, but criticisms of their arguments. It’s unfortunate when others hide from argument through banning or DNRing, but there you are.
Mondo pushes a no-doubt Fox News-inspired agenda on the Nashville killings on his boards; that trans/mental illness is to blame, not guns. This is nonsensical for several reasons.
The major reason is the vanishingly small number of mass killings by trans people. This Newsweek article suggests four such killers in the last four or five years:
‘ "4 shooters out of over 300 mass shooters since 2009 are transgender or non binary. That's just 1.3 percent of all shooters," Anthony Zenkus, a lecturer in social work at Columbia University, wrote on Twitter. "You just proved our point: 99 percent of mass shooters in the United States are cis gendered." ‘
So, about the number you’d expect, based on transgenders in society? Then how do Righties justify hysteria based on these stats? Benny Johnson of Turning Point USA does!
‘The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non binary.
The Denver shooter identified as trans.
The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans.
The Nashville shooter identified as trans.
One thing is VERY clear: the modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists.
6:16 PM · Mar 27, 2023’
The conclusion simply doesn’t follow from the cited statistics, as I’ve already shown. Benny is either a bigot or a fool, or both.
There’s NO evidence that trans people are more likely to commit acts of mass gun violence, and lots of evidence that they themselves are likely to be the VICTIMS of various forms of violence-especially when it is whipped up against them by creeps like Tucker Carlson, who is preaching a ‘war’ between trans and Christians - based on this ONE incident.
Mondo is right about one thing - that we need red flag laws to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. The trouble is when there’s NO sign of mental illness ahead of time, no ‘manifesto,’ no tip-off. In a society where anyone can buy any gun because the Right considers it an ABSOLUTE right, violence is going to remain endemic. I continue my call to ban assault weapons.
And while I have questions about some aspects of transgenderism and it’s agenda, we cannot allow this to turn into some violent conflict. Hitler started that way - by looking for a scapegoat. He found the Jews useful. Don’t let it be transgenders in America.
Last edited by greenman (3/29/2023 10:55 am)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/29/2023 11:14 am | #2 |
I agree. Blaming trans instead of the prolific weapons is wrong. Her own parents knew she shouldn't have guns. If she had had NO ACCESS, trans or not, also being mad at the church school for what they presumably did to her, this would NOT have happened.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/29/2023 11:35 am | #3 |
Siagiah wrote:
I agree. Blaming trans instead of the prolific weapons is wrong. Her own parents knew she shouldn't have guns. If she had had NO ACCESS, trans or not, also being mad at the church school for what they presumably did to her, this would NOT have happened.
I saw where Melissa Joan Hart the actress helped some kids across the street at the school - her own kids’ school is next door (but not in session Monday). Worse? She moved there from Connecticut, where they had lived down the street from Sandy Hook! Twice her family was too close to a school where a shooting had taken place!
That’s too many shootings…waaay too many.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/29/2023 11:43 am | #4 |
How traumatic AND tragic!
A reporter covering Nashville shooting survived her own school shooting a few years ago.
THIS is crazy.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/29/2023 11:44 am | #5 |
We can also discuss this on the message board where everyone has a log in?
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/29/2023 12:12 pm | #6 |
Siagiah wrote:
We can also discuss this on the message board where everyone has a log in?
Right. I was ‘discussing’ it with Mondo in regard to his post on his political board, which I’m banned from.
Kind of a little experiment to see if he’s actually interested in discussion, or will continue to ‘ignore’ this board.
I also figured it would get such discussions out of the way, since the other thread’s pretty long.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/29/2023 7:36 pm | #7 |
Ahhh, gotcha!
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Trouble doing that lately.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/29/2023 8:15 pm | #8 |
Siagiah wrote:
Ahhh, gotcha!
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Trouble doing that lately.
Understandable. Recovery is a difficult process, especially what you’ve been through.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/29/2023 10:28 pm | #9 |
((Happy smiles))
I appreciate people cuttijgv me sone3 slack.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/30/2023 11:06 am | #10 |
Another post on the Political board:
…suggests in a very paranoid way (well,
it’s GOG) that the Nashville Police are ‘hiding’ something, and that the release of the Manifesto could ‘clear the air.’ Couple of problems here.
One, what would it ‘clear?’ Six are dead in a mass shooting. How would knowing the shooter’s reasons - assuming that’s even what the ‘Manifesto’ is about - change anything? Does the poster hope for more reason to attack the shooter, or transgenders, or the ‘evil Liberals?’ It seems possible.
The Manifesto may contain evidence still being sifted by police. Has the poster considered that? What does he think the cops would be ‘covering up?’
Finally, the shooter is dead, and deservedly so. Why give them a platform for what might simply be a hateful screed? Why listen to their voice, or give them any further publicity?
These reasons seem more than enough to account for a hesitancy to release this document. To rational people, anyway.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/30/2023 12:22 pm | #11 |
One more, on a post by Mondo:
One undeniable huge difference
Posted by Mondo Fuego. on 3/29/2023, 4:23 pm, in reply to "This is kind of like "which would you rather have: a tax audit or a root canal?""
T: No war
B: War, aggression, world tension, possible nukes
[Absurd. Trump was fighting the Afghan war like his predecessors, and he and his Sec’y of State badly bungled the ‘peace settlement,’ which they then blamed on Biden. In addition, Biden stood up to Putin, who Trump adored and would have allowed to take Ukraine. The ‘nukes’ are blustering threats by Dictator Putin.]
Most big business guys are narcissistic.
[Which of course doesn’t excuse Trump, who was the President and no longer a ‘big business guy.’]
That doesn't bother me. They don't sign my paycheck.
[The President works for US and is paid by US. Does it bother you if he’s a crook? A rapist? An incompetent?]
Narcissism drives high energy and productivity.
[And corruption, greed, and insurrections.]
But Biden is a dangerous loose cannon because he is weak and clueless.
[False. He stood up to Putin, unlike Trump who rolled over for him.]
He was elected out of pity ... a career politician with no executive experience and no notable accomplishments. After 50 years on the public payroll and multiple attempts at the presidency, yup, people felt sorry for him and delivered the presidency to him as a consolation prize.
[Absurdly false. No one votes anyone into office out of ‘pity.’ He was quite rightly seen as a competent alternative to the incompetent, crooked and divisive liar, Trump.]
J-Jill is a zero as a FL. J'ever read her dishshurtashun? Lots of gramur an' spailin' prollemz, and lyt on contaynt. They ooze lower middle class from every pore. LOL!
[As insulting and sexist a comment as it is stupid. You offer NO examples or evidence for your claims. As to ‘lower middle class,’ that’s nothing but cheap snobbery. And no one’s is cheaper or more obvious than yours.]
[Left out investment ‘advice’ from a Trump supporter, which seemed sketchy]
Last edited by greenman (3/30/2023 12:25 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/30/2023 7:26 pm | #12 |
Here’s a gem from Observer:
How does someone who is ostensibly a ‘Christian’ post Trumpist dreck like this? What HOLD does he have over them? Again, if I believed in an Antichrist..
‘ How bad can it get? What kind of awful eventualities can happen
Posted by observer on 3/30/2023, 7:33 pm
when our dysfunctional politics run the gamut playing the “low goals are attainable” game.? Consider this, if the persecution of Trump results in his being elected solely because Americans will not put up with the Democrats’ extraordinary power grab [sic], the next incredible possibility is that Trump could pardon himself. Is this the high road of intellectual comprehension of the law, of freedom, of democracy, of equality. Men made in the image of God act instead like animals because they believe that’s what we all are.
With apologies to the gentler animals on the planet.’
‘Act like animals’ for indicting a whoremonger who paid off his floozie? Are you serious? ‘Persecution’ of an individual who TRIED TO OVERTHROW AN AMERICAN ELECTION? What?
I mean, if you’re trying to PROVE our politics dysfunctional - and they are - OK, but how can you take this THUG’S side and call yourself a Christian?
Utterly baffling, and totally disappointing.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/30/2023 7:46 pm | #13 |
greenman wrote:
Another post on the Political board:
…suggests in a very paranoid way (well,
it’s GOG) that the Nashville Police are ‘hiding’ something, and that the release of the Manifesto could ‘clear the air.’ Couple of problems here.
One, what would it ‘clear?’ Six are dead in a mass shooting. How would knowing the shooter’s reasons - assuming that’s even what the ‘Manifesto’ is about - change anything? Does the poster hope for more reason to attack the shooter, or transgenders, or the ‘evil Liberals?’ It seems possible.
The Manifesto may contain evidence still being sifted by police. Has the poster considered that? What does he think the cops would be ‘covering up?’
Finally, the shooter is dead, and deservedly so. Why give them a platform for what might simply be a hateful screed? Why listen to their voice, or give them any further publicity?
These reasons seem more than enough to account for a hesitancy to release this document. To rational people, anyway.
Also, it's the dumbest thing ever to release the manifestos or to make a big deal about WHY they murdered people.
Giving them a platform just encourages others.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/30/2023 7:51 pm | #14 |
Agreed. I can’t think what purpose releasing ‘manifestos’ of mass murderers serves.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/30/2023 7:59 pm | #15 |
greenman wrote:
Here’s a gem from Observer:
How does someone who is ostensibly a ‘Christian’ post Trumpist dreck like this? What HOLD does he have over them? Again, if I believed in an Antichrist..
‘ How bad can it get? What kind of awful eventualities can happen
Posted by observer on 3/30/2023, 7:33 pm
when our dysfunctional politics run the gamut playing the “low goals are attainable” game.? Consider this, if the persecution of Trump results in his being elected solely because Americans will not put up with the Democrats’ extraordinary power grab [sic], the next incredible possibility is that Trump could pardon himself. Is this the high road of intellectual comprehension of the law, of freedom, of democracy, of equality. Men made in the image of God act instead like animals because they believe that’s what we all are.
With apologies to the gentler animals on the planet.’
‘Act like animals’ for indicting a whoremonger who paid off his floozie? Are you serious? ‘Persecution’ of an individual who TRIED TO OVERTHROW AN AMERICAN ELECTION? What?
I mean, if you’re trying to PROVE our politics dysfunctional - and they are - OK, but how can you take this THUG’S side and call yourself a Christian?
Utterly baffling, and totally disappointing.
Agreed. tRUMP's crimes are public. HOW can she NOT recognize that he is a low life cheater, swindler, thief, and LIAR who's broken MULTIPLE laws?
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/31/2023 9:37 am | #16 |
A real winner from DFM here. In the wake of yet ANOTHER mass killing, including children, how can a human being post this?
Total BULLSHIT. [Profanity violation?] These deaths are trivial compared to deaths from tyannical governments [Says a supporter of would-be dictator Trump].
Posted by DFM on March 31, 2023, 5:48 am, in reply to "How Can We Be a Country That Does This to Our Children?"
Look at RUSSIA today. Look at China today. Look at the mass murders by these regimes.
Guns are our defense against tyranny, compared to which random murders are unimportant.
Unless they’re YOUR kids. And unless you realize that a lot of those ‘defenders of Liberty’ were on TRUMP’S SIDE when he tried to overthrow a democratic election. If you don’t know what ‘Liberty’ is, all the guns in the world won’t help! They may THREATEN our freedoms, in fact!
What you’re talking about is the fetishization of guns as a (false) symbol of ‘freedom.’ And you’ve put that ideology ahead of the lives of the citizenry, even the children.
Last edited by greenman (3/31/2023 10:46 am)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/31/2023 1:08 pm | #17 |
I'm purely disgusted by thst post. WOW
Obviously, mass murder in the millions is a greater evil and concern than 6 deaths, but he's conflating unequal things.
Those with all the guns in America are predominantly RW with exceptions like me and Poppet. My husband is the gun LOVER in our house. I enjoy shooting them but I'm not crazy about them.
My point is that those who claim to fear a rogue government that will strip citizens of our rights and who osn the majority of the guns are the very people who support a guy who WANTS to become all-powerful!
Not only thst, but civilian weapons pale compared to our military so it's a paranoid belief driving them that they even COULD fight them off.
It's fsr more important to elect decent people who actually respect our constitution and rule of law. THST does not include tRUMP or tRUMP-lite (DeSantis). There are literally thousands of Republicans out there who decent folks. Promote them in tge ranks and support them to RID the party of all of its rogue RATS!!
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/31/2023 2:20 pm | #18 |
Another delightful ‘Christian’ post from ‘Born to Farm:
Therein lies the problem. She and everyone like her already have him guilty. How can he ever get a jury that hasn't already made up its mind?
[Nancy Pelosi isn’t Speaker of the House, or in charge anymore.]
The jury pool is hopelessly tainted. Some think and hope he is guilty and could never be persuaded he is not guilty. Other see it as pure politics and would never give the other side a victory by finding him guilty.
[No evidence for this nonsense. You’re clearly one of those seeing it as ‘pure politics.’ Trump is your God, he cannot be guilty for you.]
A trial determined by judge is just a bad as they are all political pawns who owe one party or the other for their job.
[You simply repeat Trump talking points against the judge.]
It will be a real circus, that's for sure. One can hardly call it justice. But it will divide our already divided country, and some want that.
[You literally have no idea of what ‘justice’ is, believe Trump innocent of every charge, and blame ANYONE who seeks to bring him justly to trial. Perhaps Trump shouldn’t have ‘divided’ us by paying off a porn star?]
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/01/2023 8:12 am | #19 |
What do you suppose this is supposed to mean?
And when the attorney generals of the border States bring their
Posted by observer on 3/31/2023, 1:07 am, in reply to "Alvin Bragg is doing his job as the Manhattan District Attorney."
indictments against the Administration for dereliction of duty re protecting our country from the cabal attacks, drug and human trafficking, illegal immigration et al, what will your argument be then?
So, what has changed since Trump in regard to illegal immigration or trafficking?
What ‘cabal’ is attacking us across the border?
How do border state AGs have authority to ‘indict the administration’ for any of these alleged failures?
Where is Trump’s wall, again?
What does the situation at the southern border have to do with Trump’s (allegedly) criminal actions in NY?
I mean, the only message here is ‘We’re gonna get you back for indicting Trump.’ The politics of vengeance, which is about all angry Repubs have these days…that and blaming the ‘evil’ George Soros for everything. Which is comical..
Last edited by greenman (4/01/2023 8:14 am)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/01/2023 11:57 am | #20 |
TRUMPitis infects even normally rational RW posters.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/01/2023 4:53 pm | #21 |
Indeed. You have only to look at Mondo’s constant invocations of ‘but, Hillary!’ on his Political Debate board to see someone who cannot make even a rational accusation, much less cite a crime, but still idiotically wants to ‘lock ‘er up!’
The Libs - no indictments without valid charges
The Right - all Libs are guilty ‘cause we SAY so!
Argue with them and they delete your posts and/or ban you.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/02/2023 2:46 pm | #22 |
Problems with faith..other posters have these problems, too.
What proof would be more convincing than the life of Christ?
- How is the varying Biblical account of ‘his life’ any more plausible a source of belief than the life of Buddha, or Muhammed, or Baha’ullah?
Posted by observer on 3/31/2023, 12:06 pm, in reply to "In discussions with Atheists and Agnostics one point comes up"
‘It has been proved Jesus lived.
- It has not. It is assumed he lived based upon the Gospels and other secondhand references. FWIW, I believe that someone fitting his general description lived. I have little real proof of that.
The Bible records his story. It comes down to choosing to believe it, or not. But only some will make that leap of faith, choosing to believe.
- Correct, it is a matter of faith. But we have no way of independently verifying the New Testament’s varied accounts of his life.
Part of the mystery of Christian faith is that the proof follows belief, but it is primarily spiritual truth.
- ‘Mystery’ is often a valid basis for religious belief, mystery religions were common among the Greeks. But belief is unique unto itself, it can never ‘prove’ anything in the literal sense.
Those locked into a purely materialistic mindset come up with nothing in this regard. Two realities: one is materialistic, the other spiritual but recognizing the material and its limits. The difference is that spiritual world view is informed by God. The materialist only worldview is informed by man.
- A materialistic approach is the only logical and rational approach to the real world, for many of us. ‘Spiritual’ is a word almost without meaning which is used, conveniently, to justify unsupportable beliefs. Claiming it is ‘informed by God’ is a meaningless phrase. Man ‘informs’ everything invented by Man, from moral codes and laws to religious beliefs.
I believe the time will come when the scientific facts and the truth of God will be universally understood as one and the same.
- I believe religion will eventually die out as a primitive relic of distant times. We’ll see.
It’s one thing to state your beliefs, another to support them with facts.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/02/2023 10:12 pm | #23 |
greenman wrote:
Indeed. You have only to look at Mondo’s constant invocations of ‘but, Hillary!’ on his Political Debate board to see someone who cannot make even a rational accusation, much less cite a crime, but still idiotically wants to ‘lock ‘er up!’
The Libs - no indictments without valid charges
The Right - all Libs are guilty ‘cause we SAY so!
Argue with them and they delete your posts and/or ban you.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/02/2023 10:43 pm | #24 |
greenman wrote:
Problems with faith..other posters have these problems, too.
What proof would be more convincing than the life of Christ?
- How is the varying Biblical account of ‘his life’ any more plausible a source of belief than the life of Buddha, or Muhammed, or Baha’ullah?
Posted by observer on 3/31/2023, 12:06 pm, in reply to "In discussions with Atheists and Agnostics one point comes up"
‘It has been proved Jesus lived.
- It has not. It is assumed he lived based upon the Gospels and other secondhand references. FWIW, I believe that someone fitting his general description lived. I have little real proof of that.
The Bible records his story. It comes down to choosing to believe it, or not. But only some will make that leap of faith, choosing to believe.
- Correct, it is a matter of faith. But we have no way of independently verifying the New Testament’s varied accounts of his life.
Part of the mystery of Christian faith is that the proof follows belief, but it is primarily spiritual truth.
- ‘Mystery’ is often a valid basis for religious belief, mystery religions were common among the Greeks. But belief is unique unto itself, it can never ‘prove’ anything in the literal sense.
Those locked into a purely materialistic mindset come up with nothing in this regard. Two realities: one is materialistic, the other spiritual but recognizing the material and its limits. The difference is that spiritual world view is informed by God. The materialist only worldview is informed by man.
- A materialistic approach is the only logical and rational approach to the real world, for many of us. ‘Spiritual’ is a word almost without meaning which is used, conveniently, to justify unsupportable beliefs. Claiming it is ‘informed by God’ is a meaningless phrase. Man ‘informs’ everything invented by Man, from moral codes and laws to religious beliefs.
I believe the time will come when the scientific facts and the truth of God will be universally understood as one and the same.
- I believe religion will eventually die out as a primitive relic of distant times. We’ll see.
It’s one thing to state your beliefs, another to support them with facts.
You cannot argue with those who are "convinced" whether by religion, racism, conspiracy theories, etc.
Their beliefs have circular arguments that protect them from recognizing any errors, inconsistencies, or missing information to where you simply cannot change their minds. Their powerful beliefs PREVENT them from even hearing your argument.
In each case, their beliefs usually include warnings against some form of evil entity that is trying to steal your peace, beliefs, a/o trust.
They can get so wrapped up in fighting back that they fail to see how silly they look making circular arguments... Ex: The bible is true because it says so in the bible.
All true believers in religion, conspiracy, racism, etc. fail to recognize that the "authority" they are quoting means NOTHING to thoe who are NOT "true believers". You are simply wrong and they feel sorry for you.
It would be amusing if it wasn't so often dangerous because true believers demand that their beliefs be respected a/o baked into secular laws.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/03/2023 11:38 am | #25 |
All very true, sadly…
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/03/2023 11:48 am | #26 |
Sad, really, how many Right-wing extremists like Tex simply don’t GET it..
‘TRAGIC GLOBAL WARMING EFFECT! Gun violence now attributed to warming....
Posted by TEXRA on April 3, 2023, 11:31 am other words, more unadulterated bullsnot from the climate change dumbasses. Just guessing but I believe it is probably racist too.’
Uh no, TEX, but you often are. This time, however, you’re just being ignorant - and possibly refusing to read or recognize obvious facts.
‘ Nearly 8,000 gun shootings can be attributed to extreme temperatures, according to research published by JAMA Network.
The study analyzed 100 major U.S. cities with the highest proportion of gun violence between 2015 and 2020. It found that out of 116 ,511 shootings, roughly 6.85% (or 7,973) were attributable to above-average temperatures.
Gun violence, as well as other types of violence, such as road rage, is known to worsen in the summer. Warmer temperatures increase the body’s stress hormones in the nervous system, which may heighten violent impulses.
People also spend more time outdoors when the weather is warm, which makes encounters with others — and the potential for lethal clashes — more likely.’
People have loooong known that hot weather breeds more violence. It’s really just that thing you so often cite, but have so little of - common sense.
And since climate change/warming is real, and measured, and since higher temps are known to lead to more conflict and violence, then anyone but an idiot would EXPECT gun violence to increase as global temperatures and duration of warm seasons do.
But if it sounds ‘lie-beral,’ TEX does NOT wanna hear it..
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/05/2023 11:12 am | #27 |
This is a good example of the level of intellectual excellence involved in criticism of the Trump trial in NYC..
‘And Fat Alvin The Chitmunk will get his comeuppance in December.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 4/4/2023, 10:18 pm, in reply to "Trump pleads not guilty to 34 felony charges, reports say"
He is an arrogant jerk.’
Upon seeing one of these immature posts, I thought ‘Chitmunk’ might merely have been a mistyping. Now from multiple examples..
..I see that it’s likely a racist slur based on the poster’s notions of black speech. Thus making the whole attack on Alvin Bragg even more vulgar and reprehensible, not to mention a violation of Boardhost rules.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 4/05/2023 11:41 am | #28 |
People who habitually and chronically call others names have no argument.
They may think it clever, and themselves smart for being so creative. But
any deviant small child who doesn't know any better can do that.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/06/2023 1:03 pm | #29 |
This is the very embodiment of the Trump Cult:
‘It worked well.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 6, 2023, 6:28 am, in reply to "How does it work?"
‘Awesome show of strength. Arriving in a personal jumbo jet filled with lawyers, friends, reporters and determination, responding to a baseless, constitutional-violating, ego-driven reality show.
Majestically play their game and make them look like petty, fame-seeking fools.’
The ‘petty, fame seeking fool’ here has ALWAYS been Donald Trump. He sought the Presidency for reasons of vanity and revenge (the stinging mockery by Barack Obama is often cited), may not even have expected/wanted it, and bungled the assignment like no President in modern times - climaxing with an actual attempt to overthrow an American election.
He’s clearly guilty of the LESSER charges, of manipulating his business finances in order to pay off a former mistress. Whether more serious, felony charges will be upheld is yet to be seen, but they’re plausible.
Idiotic accusations of a ‘witch hunt’ only repeat the outward utterances of a cult obsessed with this person’s political identity. There is NO violation of the Constitution in charging a criminal ex-President with his crimes.
An absurd post unconnected with reality.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/08/2023 11:34 am | #30 |
This is embarrassing, but unsurprising:
Tennessee Legislature ousted 2 black protesters.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 8, 2023, 9:12 am
1. You cannot storm the White House or a Governor’s Office, blast everyone with a bullhorn, pound on the podium and encourage others to riot. CNN and FOX reporters do not steal the White House Press Secretary’s mic and take over … well except for Jim Acosta.
[Thise things didn’t happen. And you’ve defended the Jan. 6 insurrectionists, so shut up.]
2. You cannot storm the USSC or a State Supreme Court, blast everyone with a bullhorn, pound on the the judges’ bench, and encourage others to riot.
[More fantasy.]
3. You cannot storm the US Capitol or State Legislature, blast everyone with a bullhorn, pound on the podium and encourage others to riot. We saw how this got a bunch of renegades put in prison as a result of January 6, 2021.
[Why keep posting the same lies again and again? What are these claims proving?]
Each branch of government has rules of decorum and procedure, including provisions for discipline for rules violations.
[Yes. And that would include sending such matters to a legislative ethics committee, which Republicans did NOT do.]
The two black legislators who were ousted stormed the speaker’s bench, took over the mic, blared everyone with a bull horn for 30 minutes, encouraged spectators to get vocal and rowdy. The Sargent at Arms begged them for 30 minutes to cease. The Capitol Police had no choice but to break up the foray.
[Your version is not only biased, it leaves out the white female legislator who was protesting but was NOT removed. That decision appears racially motivated.]
It does not matter whether the perps were black, white, green or blue. Break the rules, out you go.
[I think we both know it matters. BTW, which actual rules did they break?]
The problem is that the news doesn’t care about how the fracas started, and they won’t show the offending scenarios. They just show the Capitol Police escorting the perps out of the house chambers, and try to infer that it was systemic racism.
[Who said it was ‘systemic racism?’ It does appear to be racially biased, but since when do state legislators give up their First Amendment rights when they take their elected seats?]
That’s how dishonest the media is. They should air the whole 30 minutes and let the viewers get the true picture.
[Don’t blame ‘the media’ again, that’s a lame excuse. The Tennessee legislature is both partisan and racist.]
What would your state legislature do?
First, my state legislature is Republican, so don’t give the morons any ideas. So far they’ve been a lot more Constitutional than Tennessee’s.
Secondly, the ‘arguments’ you post are lame and unconvincing. Once again, when you’re on the GOP side, you’re on the WRONG side.
Last edited by greenman (4/08/2023 11:36 am)