Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/24/2023 7:59 pm | #1171 |
Thank you. That's very kind of you.
I thought everyone knew that I am still hospitalized? Those kibds of complications don't resolve very quickly. It takes time to be sure that organs are really functioning properly and and will continue to. It takes time to measure potential permanent damage and that nothing else is gearing up to fail.
I've begun eating again so can rebuild strength now.
The hope is that possibly next week I can be transferred to an acute care rehabilitation hospital where I can get skilled nursing care along with heavybduty PT & OT to get strong enough to go home.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 3/24/2023 11:12 pm | #1172 |
Siagiah wrote:
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
SIA: Pikes, I am STILL in the hospital. I am not yet even "stable", but much better than last week's coma.
I posted for any lurker who can't keep eyes off this executive session.
I believe your healing and recovery will take time; Like you, I would like it to go faster.
The fact you're here at all is a Godsend. I am not surprized you're still in the hospital.
A little surprized that you're able to post here from there.
I would like "word" to get around so if people can't say something nice to you, or about you,
knowing the ordeal you are going through, maybe they can just show some restraint and
discipline and say nothing.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/25/2023 7:54 am | #1173 |
That would be nice! I didn't do or say anything deserving the major flip-out attack directed at me.
No doubt there was more than has been posted here but I'm not going to look.
Mongo's cruelty, hatred, and mental depravity knows no bounds.
Posted by Ken C ![]() 3/25/2023 10:51 am | #1174 |
Siagiah wrote:
WHAT?? MONGO has been routinely violating MY DNR since his return and he's gotten nothing g but a gentle reminder not to vookate his DNRs!!
That is unacceptable discrimination again BOTH HH & me in favor of mongo!!!!!!!!
I have been attacked and lied about on your forum for over two years, and you won't even let me have a DNR.
For over two years I have suffered lies and unprovoked attacks here. I requested a DNR but you denied my request.
I tried reasoning with greenman, but that seems to make him even more angry.
I tried to ignore greenman, but he continues to post unprovoked attacks and lies.
I do not attack greenman or anyone else on some private "back alley" like you do with Mondo.
I do not make up derogatory fake names for people I disagree with, like you people do with "Mongo" and "Kenniboi".
I do not allow any attacks directed at any other forums like you do here.
I do not allow any attacks directed at posters on other forums like you do here.
I don't want to argue about this, I don't even have time to argue. Please approve my DNR request.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/25/2023 11:47 am | #1175 |
Aww, what happen Kenniboi? Someone ruffle your panties, did they? lol
You’re no better than Mongo. You’re a thin-skinned p——k who can’t take criticism, and then angrily DEMANDS the right to censor any POV which offends you. You belong in charge of a board about as much as a fox belongs in charge of the henhouse.
THERE ARE NO DNRs HERE, Kenniboi. Sorry, but you can’t suppress me or turn me off, anymore than your butt-buddy Mongo can. And I’m sure it was on his Whineboard you read an uncomfortable post which reiterated the truth about how I feel about you. And incidentally: I do NOT LIE about you, punk.
Pull up the big-boy panties and act like a man, Ken, if you can. And spend more time policing the Yellow Board and less time fussing (like Mongo) about what others think of you.
Last edited by greenman (3/25/2023 11:53 am)
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/25/2023 1:16 pm | #1176 |
Y’know what? Enough already. It’s just not worth it anymore, I’m only on here to trash idiots on other boards. And those boards aren’t worth my time or effort.
Please take down my login and password off this board on a permanent basis. I’ll stick to the regular Blue, and ignore all the rest.
Let someone comment about that stuff who still cares. I’m disgusted.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/25/2023 1:26 pm | #1177 |
I wish everyone could be kinder to each other. It makes me sad to see people attack and be attacked. Especially people I like and consider to he friends.
ANYWAY, my doctor is taking my devices away for a few hours so I can rest, hopefully sleep, and bring my B.P. down to a safe level. This is all so upsetting.
See you later on
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/25/2023 8:53 pm | #1178 |
As readily predicted, Mongo just CANNOT exercise self-restraint and hasn't a single ounce of compassion or humanity within him. He WANTS and LOVES strife and vicious cruelty.
F*ck him and the camel he rides!! A pox upon his house that an incurable & virulent jock itch strikes him
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/25/2023 11:07 pm | #1179 |
Mwdical Update
Posted by Sia [User Info] on March 25, 2023, 11:30 pm
Edited by Sia on March 25, 2023, 11:57 pm
So, I've been abnormally sleepy for the last couple of days and ny temp has been moderately elevated for the last week.
I have other symptoms too that I'd just as soon kerpnto myself, but I pushed the attending doc here to discuss with my neuro-surgeon about runnibg some tests for infectio. I'm quite sure that something is amiss even though they weren't too worried. My health has long been fragile and I'm in tune with anything out of the ordinary for me.
My neurosurgeon ordered several tests.
Preliminary tests show an infection is brewing, big time.
I'm glad that I'm not afraid of insisting that docs listen to my recognition that I'm out of whack somewhere. Doc said he'd not have run tests yet if I hadn't insisted that I can feel an infection brewing. It's something I'm far too familiar with tonignoee. My temp runs low (96.4 - 97.4 on average) yet it's been 98.9 to 99.9 all week.and I'm exhausted and falling asleep mid-day.
Prwliminary tests show whacked out resukts, both for blood and urine.. So tomorrow I get to have more specialixed tests to narrow down what it is.
Right now, tge suspicion is that my kidneys are infected, and maybe other organs that were compromised and put me into a coma last week.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/26/2023 1:47 am | #1180 |
Ken C wrote:
Siagiah wrote:
WHAT?? MONGO has been routinely violating MY DNR since his return and he's gotten nothing g but a gentle reminder not to vookate his DNRs!!
That is unacceptable discrimination again BOTH HH & me in favor of mongo!!!!!!!!===============
I have been attacked and lied about on your forum for over two years, and you won't even let me have a DNR.
For over two years I have suffered lies and unprovoked attacks here. I requested a DNR but you denied my request.
I tried reasoning with greenman, but that seems to make him even more angry.
I tried to ignore greenman, but he continues to post unprovoked attacks and lies.
I do not attack greenman or anyone else on some private "back alley" like you do with Mondo.
I do not make up derogatory fake names for people I disagree with, like you people do with "Mongo" and "Kenniboi".
I do not allow any attacks directed at any other forums like you do here.
I do not allow any attacks directed at posters on other forums like you do here.
I don't want to argue about this, I don't even have time to argue. Please approve my DNR request.
From the write up of the Back Alley!
"The Back Alley - Unmoderated Discussion
This is the ONLY BOARD where posters are not required to be civil to others ... We don't actively moderate this board so DON'T COMPLAIN if you post OR read here! No one forced you to. If you want to respond or have your say, submit a membership request. "
NO ONE is permitted to mistreat you on the message board. Here? They are and they will. So STOP reading here.
Posted by Trish ![]() 3/26/2023 8:01 am | #1181 |
Well, y'all had quite the night here. First, Sia, a board is just a board. Take care of yourself first. Getting angry or upset can definitely affect your health.
Ken, I have personally seen posters attack other forums, especially R&E, with unabandoned glee and no apology. And, of course there are attacks on posters. You cannot prevent them other than by deletion, and after several cases of abuse toss them out for a while. Letting people continue in this manner only "divides and conquers)
As for the two feuds brewing (Sia/Mondo) (Greenman Ken), Perhaps just stop talking about it. A fire can't burn if there is no kindling left. There is no use in posting about it. Such posts GNDN and eventually riles up other posers who have nothing to do with the issue. Yes, I know it's easier said than done. I have pushed "send" too quickly periodically and regretted it later. But it's been years.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/26/2023 8:59 am | #1182 |
Trish wrote:
Well, y'all had quite the night here. First, Sia, a board is just a board. Take care of yourself first. Getting angry or upset can definitely affect your health.
Ken, I have personally seen posters attack other forums, especially R&E, with unabandoned glee and no apology. And, of course there are attacks on posters. You cannot prevent them other than by deletion, and after several cases of abuse toss them out for a while. Letting people continue in this manner only "divides and conquers)
As for the two feuds brewing (Sia/Mondo) (Greenman Ken), Perhaps just stop talking about it. A fire can't burn if there is no kindling left. There is no use in posting about it. Such posts GNDN and eventually riles up other posers who have nothing to do with the issue. Yes, I know it's easier said than done. I have pushed "send" too quickly periodically and regretted it later. But it's been years.
You are correct thst MONGO TRASHES R&E on a regular basis. He attacks Ken too. He is worse in his attacks than greenman is. WORSE. Yet he never alologized and Ken has never publicly demanded an apology. Just one more thing that mongo gets a pass on while Ken demands it from me. I've never trashed R&E that I can recall. I've criticized specific things. That's not trashing.
Well you take a look/see not only WHO started it with calling me SchizoSia (among other insulting names- that apparently are fine with Ken, since he complained about "mongo" and "Kenneboi" but NOT mongo's neverending insulting names for me) when I protested that he is allowed to do EVERYGHING that Just Asking was banned for, with nothing but a watered down scolding for violate DNRs after mongo has done it on a DAILY basis and always gotten away with it!
ALL I did was make a comment that my DNR on R&E was being violated constantly yet mongo whined about J.A. and got him banned for what mongo does every day there, including lowering civility. Why Ken is okay with someone driving posters away boggles my mind.
Mongo CONSTANTLY lies about me. Absolutely outrageous lies. I didn't have a meltdown on R&E. I simply protested uneven application of the rules in mongo's favor. Mongo makes it so damned umpleasant to even read R & E that I cut back by 3/4.
I did NOT defend J.A. either. I have NO IDEA what, if anything J.A. said in his violations, yet mongo claimed I was defending all kinds of stuff I never saw nor defended. I was in a freakin' coma then! If J.A. deserved a ban, so be it, but my POINT was thst so does mongo. Either they both do or neither does. Fair is fair. Mongo silenced his claimed attacker while my attacker (mongo) skates off whistling. All Ken did was muddy the water with his own unrelated complaints)
I'm also livid that mongo is suggesting that I have an intimate relation with greenman when we are merely friends. Perhaps I should make up my own lies about him having illicit relationship with Deanna?? (That is grossly untrue and she certainly doesn't deserve that, but HE DOES)
mongo posted two mild comments to GOG as "proof" how supposedly nasty i am. Then claimed that all kindsvof other really nasty things I supposedly said were deleted. THAT IS A BALD FACED LIE!!!I challenge you or Ken to produce something nasty that I posted that was so bad it was deleted. I don't thinkt therewas EVER something like that.
He makes up so many lies about me and conflate thing into me defending what I never defended and sais/agreed with stuff I never said. I am not greenman or anyone else who makes comments against him. So WHY is he claiming otherwise? Notice that a dozen+ say the SAME things about him, but only he tells lies about me. Which is more likely? That he is the AH who can't get along with anyone? Or me? Not everyone is my friend, of course, but how many go ballistic writing hateful diatribes full of lis, besides him? Compare how many say that he is a complete AH to others?
Now Ken is demanding something from me that NO ONE can have. A DNR here. This forum is CLEARLY where things may be said that someone won't like. The warnings couldn't be more clear.
He knows that greenman says mean things about him here and that we don't censor here and aside of boardhost rules, there are NO RULES. But he constantly checks to see if someone has asid something about him.
Mongo does the same thing. He can't resist barging in so he can start a firestorm somewhere, even if he has to fabricate most of it. There isn't any redeeming value in what he's been doing for years.
This all basically stopped yesterday afternoon. Except for on his end. He came back repeatedly looking for something to keep it going. So WHO IS REALLY AT FAULT?
HE attacked me when I was mere days out of a coma. I'm still hospitalized and struggling to get stabilized, yet HE is doing his damndest to hurt me. WHY? I've done NOTHING to him.
I merely complained that he's allowed to violate my DNR every time I post on R&E to where I've been avoiding it. If Ken is good with me just quitting him forum, then so be it.
He even joined mongo's attacks on me by demanding special treatment here in the forum. He cannot have it here.
On the message board, I remove every single attack on him as soon as I see it. I don't wait days to get around to it, or just ignore it. (exceptions when I'm hospitalized or in a coma - sheedh)
So yeah, I'm pissed off. He ignored what mongo does against me, but JUMPED when mongo complained.
Privately, I will tell you something else thst has bearing on this situation, but I'm not willing to be public with it to spare the harm it might cost someone if it was public.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/26/2023 9:45 am | #1183 |
I’m done with this feud nonsense.
First, I apologize for the unnecessarily harsh caricatures of others on Boardhost (especially Sprout, who really didn’t do anything to deserve criticism). They were originally meant to be funny and kind of acerbic, not vicious.
Second, I’m willing to suspend hostilities with Mondo if he is, and basically end comments in that direction. I’ll just stop worrying about others’ boards.
Finally, I apologize to Ken for the caricature and comments towards him. I’m more than willing to live and let live.
Whether or not I like others or they like me, we should all act more civilized. Let me know if this is amenable to all.
My chief concern is with Sia’s health here, and no one - NO ONE - should be causing her further difficulties.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 3/26/2023 11:29 am | #1184 |
Sia's health and recovery is her top concern, and our friendship and support are needed. The fact she can read and post from the hospital and does shows how much the board, and we, its members mean to her.
As for the perennial flame wars and troll activity that we don't allow and stopt with the requirement of registration, all successful social media platforms take active measures to curb them and it. Facebook has algorithms that intercept key words, identified as common troll language. User restrictions are automatically imposed and range from reduction of visibility to time out to outright banishment of the IP address. Human moderation exists for appeal of wrongful restrictions, but they also say they have limited powers of intervention.
I was restricted once for a month from Facebook for use of the word "moon" when I suggested passers by the Mt. Bross closed summit sign by the bypass trail might want to "moon" that summit as response to the irrational closure. As of last week three more mountains in that group were closed indefinitely and permanently to all climbing, by a landowner following advice of his attorneys regarding liability. But that is another issue.
Consequently I am more careful about what I write on Facebook, and find that somewhat similar to speaking or writing in a foreign country without protection of free speech, like the former USSR or Communist China today.
I have a cautious view of Facebook, but did not rebrand it to Farcebook like the target trolls of this discussion. It appears they were reprimanded by Facebook algorithms and possibly moderators, and are identified as trolls. A common demeanor and language exists. Perhaps they're banned. Perhaps Facebook has ability to block their IP addresses regardless of the number or proxies and names used in effort to bypass restrictions in effort to troll more.
It is both unfortunate, and not too surprising they found a home at R&E where desperation for conversation and traffic gives habitual trolling a pass. They would be here too. Before we had registration, we often had daily clean up wastes of our time finding and deleting their messes, made with no other intent except to disrupt the board and waste our time. For example one troll would go back in the oldest archives and post tiny little nothings, difficult to find in volume of an old shelf creaker discussion, taking advantage of the ability of new posts to kick a thread to top of the lead page for visibility and relevance. These trollposts were always made in the dead of night for us to find and clean up the following morning.
With our registration requirement, that abuse ended. Our conversations did not diminish or wane. They increased in quality. We don't attract many new members, probably because in this social media world we're tiny and obscure. Across the board, our members tend to be older too. But we proved and prove by existence, we can survive and hold our own, even with the requirement of registration. In fact, maybe especially because of it.
Back Alley is especially attacked relentlessly by the same trolls, some of whom repeatedly tried to get in by use of multiple names, proxies, and IP addresses. Thwarted and frustrated, they respond by calling the place various names, and they try to persuade others to think like them. That practice is unchecked, and goes hand in hand with what trolls do. Farcebook, Crack Alley, Blew Bored... name calling is all they have. They're clever, but only in their own eyes.
They're unlikely to change. Efforts to extend olive branches of peace rarely lasted more than a few days. They don't change because they don't have to. A few others also lure and goad them into troll activity with their own brand, and once a dispute starts, it ignites like pouring gas on a fire to extinguish it. They get away with trolling activity that gets them banned from other social media including Blue Board.
Back Alley isn't going away anytime soon. The best thing the target trolls could do to kill it is change their trolling behavior. As long as they thrive and troll, Back Alley will be here for anyone to vent frustration about it.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (3/26/2023 1:54 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/26/2023 3:40 pm | #1185 |
greenman wrote:
I’m done with this feud nonsense.
First, I apologize for the unnecessarily harsh caricatures of others on Boardhost (especially Sprout, who really didn’t do anything to deserve criticism). They were originally meant to be funny and kind of acerbic, not vicious.
Second, I’m willing to suspend hostilities with Mondo if he is, and basically end comments in that direction. I’ll just stop worrying about others’ boards.
Finally, I apologize to Ken for the caricature and comments towards him. I’m more than willing to live and let live.
Whether or not I like others or they like me, we should all act more civilized. Let me know if this is amenable to all.
My chief concern is with Sia’s health here, and no one - NO ONE - should be causing her further difficulties.
Thank you very much. Kudos for the apologies offered without conditions.
I'm good with your suggestions. If he leaves me AND everyone else alone, then I'll have nothing to say, will I?
However, this board will REMAIN in place. It is not negotisble.
I have no confidence that mongo will stop his dirty dance after all of these years. There is zero reason to believe he EVER will. However, if he defies the odds and manages to change for the better, I will recognize it.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/26/2023 3:46 pm | #1186 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Sia's health and recovery is her top concern, and our friendship and support are needed. The fact she can read and post from the hospital and does shows how much the board, and we, its members mean to her.
As for the perennial flame wars and troll activity that we don't allow and stopt with the requirement of registration, all successful social media platforms take active measures to curb them and it. Facebook has algorithms that intercept key words, identified as common troll language. User restrictions are automatically imposed and range from reduction of visibility to time out to outright banishment of the IP address. Human moderation exists for appeal of wrongful restrictions, but they also say they have limited powers of intervention.
I was restricted once for a month from Facebook for use of the word "moon" when I suggested passers by the Mt. Bross closed summit sign by the bypass trail might want to "moon" that summit as response to the irrational closure. As of last week three more mountains in that group were closed indefinitely and permanently to all climbing, by a landowner following advice of his attorneys regarding liability. But that is another issue.
Consequently I am more careful about what I write on Facebook, and find that somewhat similar to speaking or writing in a foreign country without protection of free speech, like the former USSR or Communist China today.
I have a cautious view of Facebook, but did not rebrand it to Farcebook like the target trolls of this discussion. It appears they were reprimanded by Facebook algorithms and possibly moderators, and are identified as trolls. A common demeanor and language exists. Perhaps they're banned. Perhaps Facebook has ability to block their IP addresses regardless of the number or proxies and names used in effort to bypass restrictions in effort to troll more.
It is both unfortunate, and not too surprising they found a home at R&E where desperation for conversation and traffic gives habitual trolling a pass. They would be here too. Before we had registration, we often had daily clean up wastes of our time finding and deleting their messes, made with no other intent except to disrupt the board and waste our time. For example one troll would go back in the oldest archives and post tiny little nothings, difficult to find in volume of an old shelf creaker discussion, taking advantage of the ability of new posts to kick a thread to top of the lead page for visibility and relevance. These trollposts were always made in the dead of night for us to find and clean up the following morning.
With our registration requirement, that abuse ended. Our conversations did not diminish or wane. They increased in quality. We don't attract many new members, probably because in this social media world we're tiny and obscure. Across the board, our members tend to be older too. But we proved and prove by existence, we can survive and hold our own, even with the requirement of registration. In fact, maybe especially because of it.
Back Alley is especially attacked relentlessly by the same trolls, some of whom repeatedly tried to get in by use of multiple names, proxies, and IP addresses. Thwarted and frustrated, they respond by calling the place various names, and they try to persuade others to think like them. That practice is unchecked, and goes hand in hand with what trolls do. Farcebook, Crack Alley, Blew Bored... name calling is all they have. They're clever, but only in their own eyes.
They're unlikely to change. Efforts to extend olive branches of peace rarely lasted more than a few days. They don't change because they don't have to. A few others also lure and goad them into troll activity with their own brand, and once a dispute starts, it ignites like pouring gas on a fire to extinguish it. They get away with trolling activity that gets them banned from other social media including Blue Board.
Back Alley isn't going away anytime soon. The best thing the target trolls could do to kill it is change their trolling behavior. As long as they thrive and troll, Back Alley will be here for anyone to vent frustration about it.
I concur.
It is obvious who you are referring to. LIS all along, some folks are incapable of change because they LOVE what they do and abd the trouble they constantly cause.
They can be decent to one person here or there, but not to society at large because they basically hate everyone else. It shows in his daily behavior.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/26/2023 10:59 pm | #1187 |
It appears that the king of trolls deleted a mass of venom from his stinky board. Too little. Too late.
Better than nothing, I suppose, but the damage is still done. Just luke when Ken deletes a vicious mongo dropping from R&E, DAYS after everyone on the collective boards have already seen it. BFD.
Posted by Poppet ![]() 3/27/2023 3:54 pm | #1188 |
Wow...the whole R&E forum just got locked, w/ Ken posting that it's "on strike."
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/27/2023 7:02 pm | #1189 |
Wondered about that…what’s up? Did he finally get fed up with the posters there? Or is it about the shootings?
Last edited by greenman (3/27/2023 7:07 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/27/2023 7:20 pm | #1190 |
Sad that some idiots are actually blaming this forum. Crack Alley indeed..
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 3/27/2023 8:11 pm | #1191 |
Gone all day.
Didn't see this 'til now.
I am not surprised.
Are you?
Did somebody actually blame Back Alley?
Ken has his hands full. Trish too.
It's a largely thankless job.
We didn't have time to monitor and clean up all the messes
before we chose registration.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/27/2023 8:18 pm | #1192 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Gone all day.
Didn't see this 'til now.
I am not surprised.
Are you?
Did somebody actually blame Back Alley?
Ken has his hands full. Trish too.
It's a largely thankless job.
We didn't have time to monitor and clean up all the messes
before we chose registration.
New ‘Silly Ass Bipartisan Political Debate’ or whatever. Mongo Flitboy is over there under a fake name calling me a tranny and so forth, a little dog-and-pony show with his mistress, who calls himself ‘GOG.’ So much for letting bygones be bygones.
Yellow Board on strike. No posts allowed. - GOG 3/27/2023, 5:09 pm
"CRACK ALLEY" gossipers I suppose ? - Crack Alley Spectator [Mongo] 3/27/2023, 6:52 pm
Yes, I thought the same. So much whining. Clearly there is a downer for anyone to read through. - GOG 3/27/2023, 7:41 pm
Greenman ? - Crack Alley Spectator [Mongo] 3/27/2023, 9:09 pm
Is he the he that was once a she ?
Was going to let it go. Not anymore.
Last edited by greenman (3/27/2023 8:42 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/27/2023 10:34 pm | #1193 |
GOG needs to shut his G**D*** mouth!
My problems are related to a fractured neck from a car accident with several years of damage making it worse plus a broken back from the same accident that has just expanded into my spinal column being damaged and requiring screws and rods to repair. It's NOT vaccine related!!!
His IDIOCY regarding my health infuriates me!!! It's like suggesting HIS mental and physical decline in his old age is because he ate eggs for breakfast sometimes. IOW, A LUDICROUS CONCLUSION!!
My spinal cord and spine were damaged in a car accident years ago that time has just exacerbated!
My UTI has NOTHING to do with the vaccine.
I have an a tumor on my left adrenal gland. Does he blame that on the vaccine too?
I have Crohns and rheumatoid arthritis and have for decades before the vaccine. Is the vaccine to blame?
I have some spinal cord damage that caused some health problems my docs are trying to address now. NONE of his business!
I have multiple screws and pins holding my spine together. Does he blame the vaccine?
As for what Ken is up to, I have NO CLUE what's up. We'll all just have to wait tonfind out. Hopefully everything is okay with him and he'll tell everyone what's up soon.
In the meantime, all the best to him
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/28/2023 6:55 am | #1194 |
Mongo deleted it all so no reference to offer for my fury
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/28/2023 8:49 am | #1195 |
Well, yeah, GOG’s a loony. Although his anti-vaxxerism and paranoid COVID conspiracies are annoying, you have to kind of laugh at him. And jb as well. Neither one is quite right in the head, and I think a lot of others either just humor them, or enjoy the disruptions they create.
Not worth much bother. Get some popcorn and watch the clown parade..
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 3/28/2023 11:48 am | #1196 |
I would like to see Back Alley die too.
But the causes for Back Alley are alive and well,
As long as they do what they do, Back Alley will exist.
The more they do it, the more Back Alley thrives.
As I illustrated, other social media boards and communities do not allow the trolling and name calling regularly and routinely led by posters who not only have derogatory names for Back Alley, but likewise for other social media where they're not permitted to do what they do on Boardhost forums. Trolling kills boards. Trolling upsets people so much, they may do dramatic things from frustration. Donald Trump was banned from Twitter and Facebook because he trolled them with conspiracy theories, lies, and disparagement. He is a chronic, habitual, serial liar, a psychopath and sociopath with criminal tendency so ingrained, they are inseparable from the man. He developed alternate facts and fake news to promote his lies as alternate facts. They're not. They're lies. He began Truth Social because people like him need a place to troll. They don't and won't follow rules. They enjoy trolling too much to change their behavior. They insist on following their own rules. Rules are laws, and troll respect neither.
Trump is a social outlier. The vast majority of us don't constantly think about and implement new ways to steal and swindle from people. We don't grab women by the pvssy because we can, or we think they really enjoy it. We don't overinflate value of our assets to get bank loans and lending favors, and then discount those same assets to cheat on taxes. We don't hire people to work for us, and then stiff them. We don't require everyone with whom we have any kind of professional discussion where they may be privy to our unethical activities from signing binding and threatening non disclosure agreements.
A post can be about a man and not be political simply because it's about him, and he happens to be a politician.
Crimes and lies aren't political, and neither is trolling. Calling them political does not protect them, or make them acceptable. This isn't about politics; it's about human behavior, and in particular behavior civilized society will not tolerate.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (3/28/2023 11:52 am)
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/28/2023 1:08 pm | #1197 |
No one here is telling other Boardhost boards how to operate, what they can say, etc. Some other forums’ operators or posters have come in for criticism, most of it deserved, but controlling those opinions is none of their business.
NO other forum’s Moderator has the right to monitor, moderate, or harrass this forum. Period.
The obsession with monitoring and attacking this board on the part of some on Boardhost is unacceptable. The watchword should be ‘MYOB.’ Mind your own business.
No other board operator has a right to moderate THIS board, any more than this board has the right to moderate or control other boards.
It’s time for this nonsense to END.
Last edited by greenman (3/28/2023 1:12 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/28/2023 1:18 pm | #1198 |
greenman wrote:
No one here is telling other Boardhost boards how to operate, what they can say, etc. Some other forums’ operators or posters have come in for criticism, most of it deserved, but controlling those opinions is none of their business.
NO other forum’s Moderator has the right to monitor, moderate, or harrass this forum. Period.
The obsession with monitoring and attacking this board on the part of some on Boardhost is unacceptable. The watchword should be ‘MYOB.’ Mind your own business.
No other board operator has a right to moderate THIS board, any more than this board has the right to moderate or control other boards.
It’s time for this nonsense to END.
You'd be shocked how many and who thinks they CAN make demands and attempt to moderate or at least influence this forum. 'Nuff said about that. Needless to say, I don't take kindly to tgst sort of thing.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/28/2023 1:41 pm | #1199 |
Does this have anything to do with Ken’s ‘strike?’
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/28/2023 3:15 pm | #1200 |
greenman wrote:
Does this have anything to do with Ken’s ‘strike?’
Not directly. No.
I'm just squawking about some folks feeling free to offer unsolicited suggestions as if someone asked or wants them.