New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/15/2023 12:54 pm

The same flame wars between the same players, pre Boardhost, since MSN days, persists.
It never ends because they don't want it to end. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
3/15/2023 5:08 pm


Empty proposition.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 15, 2023, 3:16 pm, in reply to "I am pretty sure there re people in your life who I wouldn't"

You don't know anyone in my life, so your proposition is speculative at best. But to shoot down your wild speculation, there are no people in my life who cower in darkness and spew forth vitriolic rampages 24/7/375 against people that they don't even know IRL.

You know the culprits with whom you choose to associate, and their actions are obviously deplorable by any standard.

They are nice to you solely because you adhere to their low standards. Were you to slam the door in their faces, you would become subject to daily abuse too.

You are projecting once again, Mongo.  Everything you say about people on this board criticizing your own sleazy behavior applies to YOU.

YOU are nice to people who adhere to your low standards.

If a poster on YOUR board slammed the door in your ugly face, they’d be subject to daily abuse (as Sia and I have been).

We know YOU are a culprit, and your actions deplorable.

The only ‘person in your life’ who ‘cower(s) in darkness and spew(s) forth vitriolic rampages 24/7/375 against people that they don't even know’ is YOU, obviously.  What others in your life think of you I don’t know and couldn’t care less.

Why not just try being less of a jackass to everyone?  It’s as simple as that.

Posted by greenman
3/17/2023 7:41 am

Here’s another way not to be a jerk: Don’t use Ken’s board to attack the Blue Board by posting attacks on Wordle.

How pathetic is that?  Literally NO ONE is trying to get you to play Wordle, Mongo.  Play your own little game and shut the hell up.

More evidence of his pathetic jealousy of positive relationships among others, and his desperate need to disrupt them.


Posted by greenman
3/19/2023 2:56 pm

Another hilariously hypocritical response for which he faces NO criticism, somehow:

Exactly. But, why all the abusive responses? I would think rational people would just ignore the ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 19, 2023, 12:21 pm, in reply to "The burden of proof is entirely on the claimant in cases like this."

... repetitive unproven rants, but after 2 decades, posters here end up creating gargantuan response threads, as if they have nothing better to do than spend 2 decades making repetitive abusive responses.

I think that is more of a reflection on the responders than on jb.

This board has become very abusive in general. I don't have to name names ... the abusers are quite evident.

Your own name would be at the top of them, thus your numerous bannings there.

You enable jb and post twaddle like this because he does your job for you - disrupts the board and annoys people whom you hate.

JB is a mental case.  What’s YOUR excuse, Jim!?

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/19/2023 3:28 pm

Conversations in and of insanity that persisted for more than two decades across two or three different host platforms. Expectation that will change is the insanity of a different outcome from repetition of the same conversations, if they can be called that. A few trite lines of disparagement and insult, or endless cut and paste articles to steer and direct conversation, over a few paragraphs of meaningful personal experience predictably attracts more "traffic" and more "conversation." At a glance this cast of characters and their topical arguments seldom changes or varies. Most aren't worth a glance. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
3/21/2023 7:55 am

You’re right about the history of the place, of course. The veterans aren’t going to change,
whether I chide them, you or Sia do, Ken, or anyone. 

Merlin still is going to post endless NYTimes articles (to be fair, most are more interesting than the ‘personal experiences’ of most posters there), Mongo and his little dog GOG are still going to attack them and Just Asking and KR attack THEM, in turn.  Nobody’s going to enforce rules against personal attacks, and every loooong thread ends up an argument or denunciation.  And crazy religion, and politics, and disinformation, will predominate.

Just watch the circus, I guess, as someone recently said.  Never mind all the manure..;)

Last edited by greenman (3/21/2023 8:00 am)

Posted by Trish
3/21/2023 2:33 pm

FWIW I am trying to spend more time taking out the trash. People dogging Merlin only to insult are being deleted. "I'm right, you're wrong" is being deleted. Self-aggrandizing and attention seeking is being deleted. I'm sure the people who insist on such posts will think the moderation will get lax and go away. The only thing holding me back is the inability to read every post. I'm trying to write my new book and hold down 4 clients. So be patient with me and tap my shoulder if I miss something in my scans

Posted by greenman
3/22/2023 9:01 am

You’re doing the Lord’s work over there, Trish.  Not thanked very much for it, perhaps, but you definitely make it a better place.

Hope things are going well with your work, too.  It’s obviously much more important (for you and for readers) than these boards…

Posted by Siagiah
3/22/2023 6:43 pm

Life is too short and too fragile to worry so much about idjits that obviously crave and can't live without the attention of strangers.  They enjoy trolling. Screw 'em all with an incurable crotch itching pox.

Posted by greenman
3/22/2023 7:52 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Life is too short and too fragile to worry so much about idjits that obviously crave and can't live without the attention of strangers.  They enjoy trolling. Screw 'em all with an incurable crotch itching pox.

Hah!  That’s telling them.

Posted by greenman
3/23/2023 2:47 pm

Mongo continues his favorite practices-using the DNR to prevent criticism, violating it at will, then whining about ‘violations’ against him. 

Anyone know who is this "Just asking" as—hole on Ken's board?

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 23, 2023, 2:33 pm

I suspect it's HeavyHemi under disguise.

Proof # 39416 that Mongo simply cannot tolerate disagreement, only cares about his OWN DNRs, and doesn’t belong on any board he doesn’t operate.

Whiny b@stard.

Posted by greenman
3/23/2023 4:30 pm

Circles of Hell

First Circle: Hateful Betrayers

Mongo - Uses every opportunity to place bans on me, tries to get my posts banned or eliminated due to tiny penis issues; bigot, racist, misogynist, Trumpist, and a gauche, pretentious twat.

Ken - banned me for no reason; cannot keep genuine filth like Mongo away…[EDITED FOR UNFAIR COMMENTS]

Second Circle: Loony Loopers

GOG: Boardhost’s single craziest, most paranoid and out-there poster.  A Trumper who won’t admit it; a self-righteous ‘Christian’ who sees the Apocalypse - and black helicopters - right over the horizon.

jb - The all-time champion troll; does he KNOW he’s trolling or does he just do it because he can’t help it? is a question which may never be answered.  Most annoying Baha’i and religious zealot in the history of Boardhost and antecedents.  Not someone you want to run into in a restaurant.

Third Circle: Pedants, Jerks and Creeps

DFM - A non-religious Jew whose religious yearnings take the form of adoration of the State of Israel and militarism in general, and violent denunciations of anyone less dedicated than himself.  Self-appointed ‘expert’ in everything, even though he’s just an annoying IT Dilbert.  ‘You’re an idiot.’  You’ll just have to deal with it.

SES/CEOU812 - A sad little bureaucrat probably henpecked by whatever woman’s in his life.  Retired but keeps himself busy - annoying and insulting anyone not devoted to the cult of Trump.  Occasionally feels like a man when he pretends to be a Civil War soldier.  A pecksniffian quibbler by nature when it comes to arguments.


Fourth Circle: Others

Any of the regulars from the White Whine Board. Just don’t.  Not worth it.

Last edited by greenman (3/27/2023 7:20 am)

Posted by Siagiah
3/23/2023 4:53 pm

Mongo needs to get a life outside of these boards. He's pathetic. "Poor thing" (a la DeeDee DumbDumb)

HH is there with Ken's full knowledge. Too bad mongo doesn't like it. Overall, Mongo is a dozen times more toxic than HH will ever be.

Mongo is 80ish. Surely THIS crap isn't all he has to entertain himself with? 

He doesn't ever really discuss anything like most of us do, even other disruptors, on the boards. All he does is criticize, attack, and disrupt any place he sees functioning decently. He's that fat, nasty punk on every city block who looks for anyone else enjoying themselves or any group functioning well to smash or disrupt it so they are as unhappy as he is. His daily life sucks, so yours has to as well.

He brings NOTHING of value to any board. His droppings are toxic OR designed to "impress" to feed his starving ego! Most just yawn at his bragging and laugh at his ridiculous pretentiousness.

He sucks in and consumes all of the oxygen on any board he wanders on to. It's PATHETIC how desperately needy he is for attention or admiration from total strangers he has absolutely no respect for. Imagine how much he grovels for a photo with a celebrity or pretty woman so he can pretend that they even know his name. It speaks volumes about his desperately low self esteem. 

He's a JOKE.

He's tRUMP's proverbial twin.

Posted by Siagiah
3/23/2023 5:12 pm

Regarding your poster descriptions: All are decently accurate IMHO EXCEPT for Ken.

I understand and accept how you feel about him, but don't agree with how you've described him. To me, he is my friend and I think he us basically a good person who tries his very best to be fair and reasonable. However. His time limitations sometimes cause him to fail to see the whole picture. He Can't always see the Forest for the (squawking) trees

Does he have faults? Of course, we all do.

Has he made mistakes sometimes? Well yeah. Who hasn't?

FTR, I ALSO disagree with his highly negative opinion of you.

IMHO, you are both good people who just don't mix well.  Unfortunately, episodes between you two have been so toxic that neither of you can get past it to start over. That's a shame, but it is what it is.

You are a fire-brand who is passionate about your views and values. Getting into a wrangle with others you vehemently disagree with doesn't bother you at all. 

Ken is the opposite. He is extremely shy and hates conflict. Getting into a fight with him REALLY upsets him. Stuff doesn't just roll off of him like a duck. He absorbs the injuries from aggressive conflict and that unsettles him to where it takes him far longer to get over the attack. Enough attacks and he can't deal with whomever it is constantly unsettling him.

That's just a bad mix, but you are both good people IMHO

Posted by greenman
3/23/2023 5:30 pm

I respect your opinion.  I used to like and respect Ken.

Not anymore.  IMO he not only backstabbed me, but acted dishonestly, then blamed me for being angry.

I could run that board better than him, too.  But so could an anteater..

Last edited by greenman (3/23/2023 5:51 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
3/23/2023 6:35 pm

Well, with my admittedly limited knowledge about what went down between you two that resulted in your perma-ban, it's still abundantly obvious thst it could have been handled much better than it was.

There was a lack of communication about his decision regarding you posting there that happened, so I totally get why you feel betrayed and mistreated.

I honestly don't believe there was a deliberate effort by him to leave you in the dark or to humiliate you in public.  However, that doesn't change the fact that yiu WERE blindsided, publicly embarrassed and still don't know exactly what you said that so deeply injured him that he felt he had to permanently ban you. You feeling wronged by thst is entirely legitimate IMHO.

I'd venture to guess that whatever it was that you said to him via email, it severely hurt him and he just doesn't want to discuss it because revealing it will leave him more vulnerable. He is clearly deeply wounded. Surely you know that your words can be very harsh and deeply hurtful when you're angry. So he feels that a perma-ban is entirely legit.

I'm not on board with a perma-ban for hurt feelings, but he doesn't want to deal with you going forward. I don't knowvwhat caused that so can't offer an educated opinion on it.

In any case. BOTH of you did the other wrong in some of your words and actions. It's not all on you nor all on him. It's just a sad situation on every level.

Posted by greenman
3/24/2023 8:30 am

Ah well, it’s not like the board’s that worthwhile a place anymore.  That’s the only reason I look in - it’s a trainwreck, hard to look away from.

ps - I see Mongo got HH/just asking banned for three months - for the kind of DNR violation Mongo is guilty of there all the time.  I was initially banned SEVEN months because of a DNR Ken imposed on GOG and myself. Any wonder I hate DNRs?

Last edited by greenman (3/24/2023 8:33 am)

Posted by Siagiah
3/24/2023 9:17 am

WHAT?? MONGO has been routinely violating MY DNR since his return and he's gotten nothing g but a gentle reminder not to vookate his DNRs!!

That is unacceptable discrimination again BOTH HH & me in favor of mongo!!!!!!!!

Posted by Poppet
3/24/2023 9:32 am

greenman wrote:

I see Mongo got HH/just asking banned for three months - for the kind of DNR violation Mongo is guilty of there all the time.

To be fair, the DNR violations was only one of the stated reasons: "I'm tired of your abuse, insults, and DNR violations." 

I think Ken is looking at overall post content here. That is, Mondo posts a lot of things that are not attacks on other posters. Yes, some are thinly-veiled politics, but if that got posters banned, the forum would be nearly deserted. But my point is that there is other content. HH, on the other hand, seldom posts anything other than attacks, although also to be fair (to a poster I have a long history of conflict with), I noticed that he was actually contributing real content lately. I think this is a critical differentiation, although that's obviously for Ken to say.

Posted by greenman
3/24/2023 9:51 am

That’s not what I’ve seen lately.  Posting as ‘just asking,’ he’s been indistinguishable from a couple of more moderate/left critics (such as KR or Sir Real).He stuck to one nick as Ken asked, and wasn’t his usual angry drive-by self. 

And Mongo posts a combination of self-advertisements, thinly-veiled politics, and abusive attacks on Merlin and others.  In addition to frequent DNR violations, of course (they are only supposed to work to HIS advantage, of course).

Clearly he’s just lassoed Ken into doing his bidding again.  Oh well.  Not my problem.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/24/2023 10:31 am

Poppet wrote:

greenman wrote:

I see Mongo got HH/just asking banned for three months - for the kind of DNR violation Mongo is guilty of there all the time.

To be fair, the DNR violations was only one of the stated reasons: "I'm tired of your abuse, insults, and DNR violations." 

I think Ken is looking at overall post content here. That is, Mondo posts a lot of things that are not attacks on other posters. Yes, some are thinly-veiled politics, but if that got posters banned, the forum would be nearly deserted. But my point is that there is other content. HH, on the other hand, seldom posts anything other than attacks, although also to be fair (to a poster I have a long history of conflict with), I noticed that he was actually contributing real content lately. I think this is a critical differentiation, although that's obviously for Ken to say.

Select posters predictably respond to other posters with nothing but snarky criticism or disparagement, and they dominate discussion. A few deliberately launch threads with predictable material that draws snarky criticism and disparagement. It is a vicious circle ongoing for decades that never ends. They appear bound and determined to do this until they die. 

Two days ago I posted a piece about a concern permeated with ethics issues. Three poster against whom I have DNRs are incapable of any kind of rational response to this or any other issue. The others either don't care, are more concerned about protection of their politics and political leaders than the loss of American freedoms at the hands, beck and call of the American oligarchy, or want to show everyone how smart they are. 

I am not very smart by complaining about this. Smart people fled a long time ago and are doing something else. We may have a tiny speck of agreement or support, which may keep us coming back, hopeful that our perspectives are more commonly American than it appears. We're also mostly elders who lived and experienced the free democratic republic of The United States, expressing our concerns about its relentless erosion at the hands and influence of the American oligarchy.

It broke my heart to learn These "people" acquired these mountains as their private property due to alleged ownership based on mining claims and land grants that predated Colorado statehoood, or establishment of public lands through the National Forests, and Bureau of Land Management.

Several other Colorado 14er summits were located on mining claim land, and CFI members raised money to "buy" a few summits with intent to keep them open.

One newcomer landowner, an assh0le from Texas bought the Silver Pick mine claim property and attempted to extort $200 per climber from those crossing his land to access Wilson Peak, Mt. Wilson and El Diente. That closed the Silver Pick access. The best alternative since was a very long trek from other relatively distant trailheads to loose, dangerous sides of these mountain, unsuitable for safe climbing.

My take as a native is these peaks are our heritage, and they should not be privately owned. For years and years, Decalibron was never an issue. But thanks to a few *&^%$#@! lawyers and a feckless land owner... who also happens to own Colorado's oldest tree and is building some access road somewhere ABOVE the tree that threatens it, while not allowing ANYONE to even SEE the tree, a 3,600 year old bristlecone pine, our mountain heritage is threatened with the exact same practice why public land is so scarce in the east.

free photo upload
This is one of the three mountains that closed to public access earlier this week. Mt. Lincoln, 14,293'. Imagine if Mt. Rainier, Mt Shasta, or Mt. Hood was suddenly privately owned due to a pre existing mining claim that predated the State and National Forest and National Park, and the landowner closed them due to liability risk? Problem is so much corruption is happening, we can't fight it all. Not enough of us, and we lack the resouces. Furthermore, the opposition has a quiver of "alternate facts" supportive of the corruption.

Join that with the mindless snarkyism of back and forth R&E exchanges, the American oligarchy wins. America loses. Soon we'll be dead and we handed off to our children an American dream turned into a nightmare. 

14,150' Mt. Democrat, closed, privately owned by the same American oligarch

14,178' Mt. Bross, closed, privately owned by the same American oligarch. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (3/24/2023 11:12 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
3/24/2023 11:21 am

Pikes, rhat is a tragedy! I don't even know what to say or do. There are no words.

Posted by greenman
3/24/2023 11:31 am

Agreed.  Privatizing of nature is the OPPOSITE of what should happen (and what more progressive American leaders like Teddy Roosevelt have always done)…

Posted by Siagiah
3/24/2023 11:34 am

Poppet wrote:

greenman wrote:

I see Mongo got HH/just asking banned for three months - for the kind of DNR violation Mongo is guilty of there all the time.

To be fair, the DNR violations was only one of the stated reasons: "I'm tired of your abuse, insults, and DNR violations." 

I think Ken is looking at overall post content here. That is, Mondo posts a lot of things that are not attacks on other posters. Yes, some are thinly-veiled politics, but if that got posters banned, the forum would be nearly deserted. But my point is that there is other content. HH, on the other hand, seldom posts anything other than attacks, although also to be fair (to a poster I have a long history of conflict with), I noticed that he was actually contributing real content lately. I think this is a critical differentiation, although that's obviously for Ken to say.

SIA: to be completely fair, EXACTLY the same things can be said about mongo, yet he has a golden crown that allows him to be an absolute AH on R&E then whine about getting the same in return!!

Posted by Poppet
3/24/2023 1:37 pm

Pikes: I'm outraged that this sort of thing happens...there's so much crap resulting from 19th Century mining laws in this country. 

Posted by greenman
3/24/2023 3:40 pm


This is s—t..  Even by Mongo’s low standards:

SchizoSia, the Internet's greatest WhineBaby, just had a meltdown on Ken's Yellow Board ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 24, 2023, 2:19 pm

... as she defends and takes up for the second-nastiest poster on the planet, "Just asking", who was banned by Ken (for only 2+ months) for his filthy, abusive, DNR-violating posts, second only to SchizoSia's Boy-Toy greenworm, the absolute nastiest poster on the planet, who is permanently banned on every board except SchizoSia's nasty Blew Board that she stole from a dead man, the home of "Crack Alley", where she and greenworm have posted thousands of vitriolic diatribes about posters on  [EDITED OTHER GARBAGE]…Sia would take up for "just asking", and actually harbor her Boy-Toy greenworm. [note the sexist, perverse and repetitious whining]

Henceforth…..[EDITED] He needs to be permanently taken off of Boardhost...

End of story.

Last edited by greenman (3/27/2023 7:25 am)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
3/24/2023 4:44 pm

Sia, who was in the hospital for spinal surgery to relieve her from chronic, debilitating pain she endured for years, from a bad accident, who sank into a coma with multiple organ failure, and is just now recovering well enough to read and be here a little. What a lovely "welcome back!"  It take some kind of person to kick another when down and injured. 

Poppet, it's more than just the 19th century mining laws. They're combined with the late 20th Century, early 21st Century land acquisition practices and methods to not only further enrich the rich, but enable them to do close "their" land, free and open to Americans for generations until "they" arrived. This feckless piece of ____ is a trump republican, literally behind the efforts of Lauren Boebert all the way. Surprized? 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Poppet
3/24/2023 5:16 pm

Pikes: No, that's not surprising in the least, is it? Disgusting...

Posted by Siagiah
3/24/2023 6:49 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Sia, who was in the hospital for spinal surgery to relieve her from chronic, debilitating pain she endured for years, from a bad accident, who sank into a coma with multiple organ failure, and is just now recovering well enough to read and be here a little. What a lovely "welcome back!"  It take some kind of person to kick another when down and injured. 

Poppet, it's more than just the 19th century mining laws. They're combined with the late 20th Century, early 21st Century land acquisition practices and methods to not only further enrich the rich, but enable them to do close "their" land, free and open to Americans for generations until "they" arrived. This feckless piece of ____ is a trump republican, literally behind the efforts of Lauren Boebert all the way. Surprized? 


SIA: Pikes, I am STILL in the hospital. I am not yet even "stable", but much better than last week's coma. 

I did NOT defend anything HH posts.  I have no idea what he'd posted. My ISSUE is that mongo CONSTANTKY violates my DNR against him, basically with impunity. Big deal, his crap is removed a day or two later, when it's already half way to falling off the page. NOTHING ever said to him. Finally, after I complained that it was too little too late, Ken posted a friendly reminder to him not o violate DNRs. B F D! He got away with it and he will CONTINUE to get away with it forever. I feel as you do. WHY BOTHER WITH R&E when mongo constantly attacks me regardless of my DNR, but FLIPS OUT when HH does it to him??

WHY is Ken afraid to put mongo in his place?

As for his idiotic claim that greenman is the worst of the worst, that's a flat out lie! Greenman can be unpleasant when angry. But NO ONE is as vicious as mongo.  Even HH. as nasty as he can be, does NOT go to the lengths mongo does.

I did NOTHING but complain that it is not fair to coddle mongo in spite of his terrible behavior and relentless attacks, but punish someone for doing EXACTLY what mongo constantly does.

WHY should only mongo get "justice"???

Speaking of my healing, it appears that my kidneys are working and likely don't have any permanent damage. Ditto my liver. Can't say the same for my intestines or bladder. Didnt need blood transfusion today. Hemoglobin seems to have stabilized finally. My temp has been 3 points over normal all week and white blood cells gone crazy. I'm staring down an infection, but so far, not sure where yet.

Posted by greenman
3/24/2023 7:06 pm

So glad to hear you’re healing.  I didn’t even realize you were still in the hospital, however, which makes me feel bad over this whole thing.  I’ll shut up about it for awhile, at least.

I don’t want to cause you troubles or involve you in these silly arguments.  That board is what it is.  Sorry.


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