Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/05/2023 11:15 am | #1111 |
Spot on! He either violates it outright like in that thread or he uses one of his sock-puppets and an anonymous proxy.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 3/05/2023 12:05 pm | #1112 |
GOG could not resist desire not just to respond to me, but make it derogatory about me.
While he did not post directly to me because of the obvious DNR, he attempted to do it
back door indirectly, and then question why it was a DNR.
Thread after thread on R&E is wrecked by that activity and is why I seriously limited my
activity and even reading there. When you see one of those little flame wars erupt between
two combatants, content of posts is predictable. If you read one, you've read them all.
I don't post to invite or provoke exchanges like those, nor participate in those I see.
Like when DFM wrote in his title 'You obviously flunked biology' about my point not
to get hung up with speciation in discussions about evolution. That was the last DFM
post to which I will respond. Many years ago a well known and respected biologist gave
me that same advice, and I took it to heart. Since I read from many others, the same
thing. Don't get hung up on speciation. Evolution is the science of how life adapts to
changes of and in environment. Agreement of what constitutes species, or a species
isn't concrete, and nowhere is that more clear or argued than entomology. Two camps
exist; splitters and lumpers. Splitters say there are many species. Lumpers say many
are variations of one species. In the general Agrias and Heliconius, that is especially true,
and species are so fluid, it even provoked reconsideration about what a species
really is. Taxonomists are constantly argue and change minds about it.
DFM is hell bent to prove and promote the rightwing belief climate change isn't real,
not anthropogenic, and unsupported by "real science." He finds the 1-5% of online data
to prove his point with scientific sounding graphs and conjecture, while ignoring the
95-99% of mainstream science that says otherwise. He uses his expertise in science
as unchallengeable authority in fields where he clearly has little experience or expertise.
It would be like me using my expertise in composition, or the piano, as authority about
cello playing. or podcast sound engineering with Reaper or some other online language
I barely speak. I know ABOUT it a little But authority? No way Jose.
It doesn't take long to see DFM's bias. Israel can do nothing wrong, and everyone against
or opposed to anything Israel does is antisemitic. He has an attitude of superiority I see
frequently in some Jewish people. His is product of a family and culture who nurtures that.
I support him in many ways, like his opposition to Putin. But he barely ever had the time of
day for me, and when he did, like above, it was mean, uninvited, untrue, and destructive.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (3/05/2023 1:01 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/05/2023 12:31 pm | #1113 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
GOG could not resist desire not just to respond to me, but make it derogatory about me.
While he did not post directly to me because of the obvious DNR, he attempted to do it
back door indirectly, and then question why it was a DNR.
Thread after thread on R&E is wrecked by that activity and is why I seriously limited my
activity and even reading there. When you see one of those little flame wars erupt between
two combatants, content of posts is predictable. If you read one, you've read them all.
Sia and Observer were questioning his behavior elsewhere, and wondering if it was some sort of affliction - his obsessive need to stink up every thread and put his (largely worthless) 2 cents into discussions of which he’s not been a part.
I agree. Along with his paranoia, he’s a born disruptor. A pointless kibitzer who can’t avoid annoying others, and in fact appears to enjoy it immensely.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/05/2023 1:16 pm | #1114 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
I don't post to invite or provoke exchanges like those, nor participate in those I see.
Like when DFM wrote in his title 'You obviously flunked biology' about my point not
to get hung up with speciation in discussions about evolution. That was the last DFM
post to which I will respond. Many years ago a well known and respected biologist gave
me that same advice, and I took it to heart. Since I read from many others, the same
thing. Don't get hung up on speciation. Evolution is the science of how life adapts to
changes of and in environment. Agreement of what constitutes species, or a species
isn't concrete, and nowhere is that more clear or argued than entomology. Two camps
exist; splitters and lumpers. Splitters say there are many species. Lumpers say many
are variations of one species. In the general Agrias and Heliconius, that is especially true,
and species are so fluid, it even provoked reconsideration about what a species
really is. Taxonomists are constantly argue and change minds about it.
DFM is hell bent to prove and promote the rightwing belief climate change isn't real,
not anthropogenic, and unsupported by "real science." He finds the 1-5% of online data
to prove his point with scientific sounding graphs and conjecture, while ignoring the
95-99% of mainstream science that says otherwise. He uses his expertise in science
as unchallengeable authority in fields where he clearly has little experience or expertise.
It would be like me using my expertise in composition, or the piano, as authority about
cello playing. or podcast sound engineering with Reaper or some other online language
I barely speak. I know ABOUT it a little But authority? No way Jose.
It doesn't take long to see DFM's bias. Israel can do nothing wrong, and everyone against
or opposed to anything Israel does is antisemitic. He has an attitude of superiority I see
frequently in some Jewish people. His is product of a family and culture who nurtures that.
I support him in many ways, like his opposition to Putin. But he barely ever had the time of
day for me, and when he did, like above, it was mean, uninvited, untrue, and destructive.
DFM is one of the great disappointments of these boards. I used to at least respect his knowledge, but I clashed increasingly with him over Israel, and in turn got called a ‘Nazi’ and ‘anti-Semite.’
He’s an IT guy who acts as if he knows EVERYTHING because of some science background. And his infection with the Trump spores has made him rabid about taking an anti-warming position, among other extremist positions. He’s quite rightly being called to account, I see, over his ridiculous support for a climate denialist book.
Everyone who doesn’t agree with Davy is an ‘idiot’ or a ‘liar.’ I’ve never seen anyone as arrogant. His opposition to Putin is admirable, but his pro-war cheerleading is ghoulish. You get the feeling that a cease-fire would really disappoint him.
DFM and SES are two of the most angry, doctrinaire people on Boardhost. No toleration for differences of opinion.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/05/2023 4:56 pm | #1115 |
In response to an ignorant GOG post about modern art NOT EVEN DIRECTED AT HIM:
More rude abuse?
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 5, 2023, 1:36 pm, in reply to "That’s Hamhocks over to the right. Yes, beautiful. Pleasing. An allegory?"
You get it right and left here. Mostly left.
Ken does nothing about it.
You weren’t being ‘abused,’ fool. Your boy-toy GOG was abusing his brain cells with some nonsense about art (a subject he’s incapable of understanding). Are you drunk?
You trash Ken but are seldom punished. I defied Ken over a GOG DNR, and was banned for life (post hoc). But sure, Ken’s a GREAT moderator..
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/05/2023 5:11 pm | #1116 |
EDIT: I wrote this hours ago in response to Pikes and failed to hit SUBMIT.
Yeah, when I saw that, I made my post pointing out that it was a DNR VIOLATION, I emailed it to both Ken & Trish (who maintains the ability to moderate when available) around 4pm. It still remained until around 1:30 am when I unexpectedly woke up, surfed a little while waiting for pain meds to kick in again and noticed that it had suddenly disappeared.
Several hours later, like 5am Ken finally got rid of mongo's DNR violations, even though I'd sent the links around 11pm so figured he must have seen them when he removed GOG's. No idea why it took so long to get rid of them, but at least he finally did.
Did you ever report GOG's violation?
Last edited by Siagiah (3/05/2023 5:33 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/05/2023 5:14 pm | #1117 |
Siagiah wrote:
Yeah, when I saw that, I made my post pointing out that it was a DNR VIOLATION, I emailed it to both Ken & Trish (who maintains the ability to moderate when available) around 4pm. It still remained until around 1:30 am when I unexpectedly woke up, surfed a little while waiting for pain meds to kick in again and noticed that it had suddenly disappeared.
Several hours later, like 5am Ken finally got rid of mongo's DNR violations, even though I'd sent the links around 11pm so figured he must have seen them when he removed GOG's. No idea why it took so long to get rid of them, but at least he finally did.
Did you ever report GOG's violation?
Nah. I don’t report things to Ken, for what I would assume are obvious reasons..
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/05/2023 5:32 pm | #1118 |
greenman wrote:
Siagiah wrote:
Did you ever report GOG's violation?
Nah. I don’t report things to Ken, for what I would assume are obvious reasons..
Sorry, I'd intended that to be posted directly to Pikes. I composed it hours ago and thought I'd hit submit. Oops.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/05/2023 5:45 pm | #1119 |
BTW, check your email.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/06/2023 3:50 pm | #1120 |
LOL… so funny
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 6, 2023, 12:23 pm, in reply to "“Words hurt”."
I have noticed that some of the posters on this board have become very rude and sarcastic towards others.
What's with their anger?
No life elsewhere?
Otherwise silent desperation?
Why does a suave ‘gentleman’ obsessed with ‘luxury’ and pleasing his female, er, companion worry so much about OTHER people’s lives? Is it that he’s simply an online fraud who poses as a sophisticate, Tennessee-style?
And as to ‘’anger,’ lol…
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/06/2023 4:57 pm | #1121 |
Now Mongo’s gone all GOG, attacking Fauci because, well, it’s what the neo-fascist Right TELLS you to do. And SES, but of course that’s the same thing.
Why does anyone ever post to this POS?
Maybe it’s his sophistication and love of ‘luxury…’ 😜
ps - the POS has posted it on his boards and Ken’s, too…
Last edited by greenman (3/06/2023 5:14 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/07/2023 11:38 am | #1122 |
He just wants attention and he REALLY enjoys strife and antagonism. It's what makes him feel alive. Now that he's pert near ancient, pushing 80 and losing steps.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/07/2023 3:01 pm | #1123 |
This is hilarious:
You could help some of your posters clean up their language and eliminate their rudeness.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 7, 2023, 11:22 am, in reply to "Pikes and Sia, thanks for helping Christopher."
Their debating skills have been drastically reduced to desperate shouts of "liar", "MYOB", and "fake news", not to mention the "c" word.
Ad hominem attacks are the manifestation of exhausted minds rooted in lives of silent desperation.
All I can do is quote Mongo:
Get a load of this arrogant little worthless prick.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 2/23/2023, 10:09 am
Scroll down and click "Continue reading" to see the video. The little cocksmooch can't even answer the press. Totally inept and worthless, just like the rest of the Admin.
Because fuggedabout his homophobic, neofascist, Trumpist anal exhalations. He is the chief hypocrite of Boardhost.
Last edited by greenman (3/07/2023 3:02 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/07/2023 3:22 pm | #1124 |
Yeah, he simply cannot resist being a classless hypocrite. Obviously, he doesn't grasp how ridiculous it is for HIM to post that.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/08/2023 8:51 am | #1125 |
Green Slime is filling up with his own posts (he has the top 5) as others realize what kind of board it is - not the ‘Serious Bipartisan Political Debate’ board he pretended it would be, but what most of us expected it would turn out to be - an ‘Angry Partisan Asshats Board.’
I mean, when your top post is an attack on a dying Jimmy Carter, you KNOW that the mod is a POS…smh
ps - the number six post is a racist diatribe by SES, too..
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/08/2023 9:00 am | #1126 |
On the lighter side, a jb top-post on DFM’s ‘Ideas for America Board’ (now pretty much another neofascist political board, except for KR’s humorous one-liners):
david i am sorry to say i don't think you are the person to lead American reformation
Posted by jb on January 11, 2023, 7:25 am
you have too many prejudices and your eyes are blind to the Spiritual World. We need the Spiritual World to solve mankind's problems. and you can't see that.
Even jb and his ‘spiritual’ vision can see through DFM’s right-wing nonsense…lol
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/08/2023 5:29 pm | #1127 |
That really is pretty funny!
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/10/2023 10:54 pm | #1128 |
Guess who is here spying again? Looking for something to pitch a fit over so he can get attention from his pinhead minions. Too bad most couldn't care less. LOL
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/11/2023 2:00 pm | #1129 |
Figures. Here he’s poking at Mugwump on Yellow:
Meanwhile, you and your ilk take it upon yourselves to be nasty to jb ... while ...
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 11, 2023, 10:15 am, in reply to "JB is probably borderline, but harmless except as a persistent pest."
... you contribute nothing of value to this board ... ever. [oh, irony!]
Note the Deanna-like finish there..
Mongo loves to encourage other troublemakers and trolls like jb and GOG. They do his job for him, including against people he has DNRs against.
I also see that jb’s become more obstreperous with people questioning his ‘beliefs’ and his ‘conversations.’ Sometimes…he’s simply a jerk.
Last edited by greenman (3/11/2023 2:00 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/11/2023 4:07 pm | #1130 |
Note his response, too, to Merlin’s posted article about addiction, in which Mongo speculates -with no basis whatsoever - that the author, Maia Szalavitz, may be ‘transgender’ (I see no evidence that she is, nor would that have affected her examination of the question) because, quote, “Looks can be deceiving.”
To Mongo, of course, no female is worth the time of day unless she’s ‘attractive.’ Not that any such woman would involve herself with an aging, misogynistic asshat..
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/12/2023 6:06 pm | #1131 |
Oh look, not only is Mongoloid upset again, he’s proven Sia’s point about his obsession with this board!
This is hilarious ...
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 12, 2023, 5:49 pm
Seen in "The Crack Alley":
The Back Alley (a/k/a "The Crack Alley") [aka ‘grow up, little boy] on the Blew [sic] Board
From: New England, U.S.A.
Registered: 2/16/2019
Posts: 1,743
Re: New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam
‘Guess who is here spying again? Looking for something to pitch a fit over so he can get attention from his pinhead minions. Too bad most couldn't care less. LOL’
Of course, the old bat doesn't see the hypocrisy that her "Crack Alley" contains 38 pages full of hundreds of posts where she and her Boy-Toy greenworm [sic] slander board.
That's pretty demented to post thousands of threads [sic] about people who they don't even know and who don't want to associate with them.
Noteworthy: They both have been permanently banned here for years, and the Boy-Toy [sic] is banned virtually everywhere. Ken banned him permanently on Yaller about 2 years ago.
Got'ta throw them a few scraps every now and then. [scraps of your failing intellect?]
I'm sure we will see this copied over on the Crack Alley. [correct, since evidence of this old fart’s dementia usually is documented here]
A bit of history: Trish actually started The Crack Alley [a fact: You invented the term, child]
‘Waaa-aaaaah! They spied in me first!’
So sobs the SOB who posts constant attacks on his OPEN BOARD attacking this semi-private complaint forum for criticizing his own wrinkled, thin-skinned ass. And then spies in this board some more. And then whines about others ‘spying’ and ‘copying’ as if he were nine years old.
When will Mongo Halfwit quit obsessing about Back Alley (correct name)? Never, as long as he comes over to spy on it looking for criticisms of himself to whine about. He is banned from the Blue Board because of his own horrid past record of trolling, harrassment and spamming, of course.
The bottom line here - which I’ve pointed out many times - is that Mongoloid CANNOT TOLERATE the slightest criticism of his pathetic, thin-skinned, aging self.
No news there to anyone who ever was insulted, slandered, banned, or harassed by Mongo Numbnuts (who TWICE invited me to post to boards of his, only to drive me off and ban me later). Everyone knows who and what he is. The stench alone gives him away.
Last edited by greenman (3/12/2023 6:20 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/12/2023 7:39 pm | #1132 |
Yup on all of that.
One thing though, Trish did NOT start the Back Alley. I created this ENTIRE FORUM, including the Back Alley. He CLEARLY doesn't have a clue how Boardhost Forums work. That is like me claiming that Texra actually created his board, not him, because Texra began a thread. LOL.
I created several boards within the forum with the intention of offering them to various posters to run them so they could all stay within one large forum. It's easier to keep up with a group of boards that are all in the same forum platform because I set up the software to allow posters to get a list of all the new posts they haven't already read so they don't have to go hunting for them from board to board. This forum is set up for members to individualize all kinds of things to their own preferences. But that didn't work out as planned because posters prefer the other format on the message boards.
Only the administrator of a FORUM can set up the forum, create boards within the forum, delete boards, set up how it operates, etc.
Trish also isn't and never was a moderator OR an administrator on either this forum or the message board. She is a valued MEMBER of the forum and message board.
Trish began a SINGLE THREAD on this board that she deleted a year + ago, accidentally wiping out everyone else's posts in THAT THREAD along with hers because if the lead post is deleted, the entire thread goes with it. She didn't know that when she did it. She thought she was just deleting her own posts.
He's SUCH an idiot.
He's also the nastiest poster on these boards. He gives SES a run for his money, but overall, he's worse than him. His attacks are RELENTLESS on those he dislikes, but he cries like a baby when he gets it all back.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/12/2023 11:41 pm | #1133 |
Oh, and he came rushing back over after he posted that to see if anyone noticed it. LOL
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 3/13/2023 4:47 am | #1134 |
Mongo must be bored because "green slime" is a colossal FAILURE with maybe 1 or 2 posts a day, often NO posts in a day! The "white whine" board is equally failing and an enormous waste of anyone's time given the low caliber of the majority of its posters and lack of actual discussion.
Everything the ancient whale touches dies. Just like his hero, tRUMP.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/13/2023 8:16 am | #1135 |
Yep, another pile of his droppings has appeared on the dying White Whine Board. It’s as predictable as the sunrise; criticism = spying = reporting it with glee and throwing of the feces, like a monkey at the zoo.
I won’t bother to repeat the senile insults; I’m sure anyone who reads them would be embarrassed for him. I mean, isn’t it time for the elderly care facility, for heavens’ sake? Or don’t his family come around much anymore, except to check on whether he’s made a new will?
Sad…just sad.
Posted by Trish ![]() 3/13/2023 1:02 pm | #1136 |
It's confusing. He wants the flame war to stop, but then adds fuel to the fire. I try to remind him of that, because I have been trying to stay off the insults, but this seems like an attention seeking behavior
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/14/2023 8:58 am | #1137 |
Trish wrote:
It's confusing. He wants the flame war to stop, but then adds fuel to the fire. I try to remind him of that, because I have been trying to stay off the insults, but this seems like an attention seeking behavior
It’s also deliberately DIVISIVE behavior. You’ve probably noticed his latest post, in which he’s trying to drive a wedge between you, Poppet and Pikes on the one hand and myself and Sia on the other. He thinks you three should come join his failing board because you’ve been ‘nicer’ to him. And he knows Sia and I will NOT EVER be ‘nice’ to him.
We’ve all seen it before. A self-centered, manipulative hater who works to drive others apart instead of being friendly and welcoming to all. Of course, we’ve also seen how his ‘welcomes’ end, when the ‘Mr. Hyde’ side of him shows up.
Sad and pathetic.
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/14/2023 11:47 am | #1138 |
How shameful is the White Whine? Shameful enough to post this racist, sexist drivel from the board’s chief moron:
Civilized Personal Discussion
Rich lying useless squaw all upset because bank customers got their money back...
Posted by TEXRA - the REAL one... on March 14, 2023, 11:04 am
...but college idiots still have to pay their loans.
‘Squaw’ is a racist, sexist term for Native American women. This is a vicious, sexist attack on a fine and capable female lawmaker, as well as a dishonest conflation of two separate situations (bank failure and student loans).
That TEXRA is an idiot and uneducated imbecile we all knew; that Mongo would fail to take this disgusting post down says it all about his loser ass.
Why would anyone post to that s—tboard?
Posted by greenman ![]() 3/14/2023 3:01 pm | #1139 |
Bongo’s latest attempt to control the Yellow Board:
This board seems hungry for political discussion ... here's a solution ...
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 14, 2023, 12:40 pm
It's imperative that participants follow the rules.
You can praise or bash any political figure you choose, but you cannot bash each other or your post will be neutered and/or deleted.
‘Change your rules to the rules of my Green Slime Board, and let me smear Joe Biden all I want! Then things will be GREAT!’
‘Neutered’ is what this louse wants every other board to be..
Posted by Trish ![]() 3/15/2023 8:29 am | #1140 |
he's looking for more traffic. That board is pretty stuck