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Posted by greenman
2/17/2023 11:40 am

And then, there’s SES/OU812:

‘COVID deaths have exceeded 3,000 a week for the last five weeks.

Posted by CE0802 on February 16, 2023, 1:24 pm

The data is through the week ending February 8th.
Oh well. Nothing to see here.’

Followed by:

‘Someone at work has COVID. PANIC!!!!

Posted by CE0802 on February 17, 2023, 8:09 am
I only had to work Monday and Tuesday this week.

On Wednesday my Boss sent me a text saying that someone in the office had come down with COVID, and AAAHHH!!! if we weren't vaccinated we'd have to wear masks to make sure we weren't killing anyone if we were also infected.

She's one of those COVID terrified lunatics who still wears a mask at work.’

I mean, ONE DAY APART he’s both moaning that no one takes significant COVID deaths seriously, then mocking people who take the threat seriously.

Unbelievable he gets away with this crapola.  But spite and mockery are pretty much all he’s got.

Posted by Siagiah
2/17/2023 11:55 am

I'd be curious what his boss would say if she saw what he wrote. 

Posted by greenman
2/17/2023 12:40 pm

Siagiah wrote:

I'd be curious what his boss would say if she saw what he wrote. 

Really.  I doubt she’d be very happy with that, somehow…

Posted by Siagiah
2/17/2023 2:57 pm

He has a habit of posting crappy things about real life people in his life online.  It was pretty amusing when one of his old girlfriends caught him and responded to it on the old Blue, totally blasting him for it. 

Posted by greenman
2/23/2023 2:45 pm

The latest from the ‘serious, bipartisan political debate’ board that is Green Slime:


‘Get a load of this arrogant little  worthless p—-k. [Pretty good self-own there]

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 2/23/2023, 10:09 am

Scroll down and click "Continue reading" to see the video. The little c—ksmooch can't even answer the press. Totally inept and worthless, just like the rest of the Admin.


This is Mongo Fapwit’s idea of ‘serious, bipartisan debate.’  Cheap, vicious, and in this case homophobic attacks on Biden and Biden Admin. officials.  And of course the halfwits from the Whineboard who comprise most of the posters there follow idiot boy’s lead.

It’s like White Whine, only worse.  So glad I got out of there before the tantrums started; my responses to this fascistic, bigoted idiot dreck would’ve gotten me banned sooner or later  anyway..

Last edited by greenman (2/23/2023 2:46 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
2/23/2023 5:32 pm

and THAT'S why he'll NEVER have serious debate, never mind bipartisan. 

Vulgarity is not allowed there... Well... unless...


Posted by greenman
2/26/2023 3:46 pm

What is WRONG with this freak?

The Brave Man Whom Putin Wants to Kill - Merlin February 26, 2023, 4:45 am

Nice to see a white blond family. Refreshing imo.  - GOG February 26, 2023, 12:27 pm

Blatantly racist, white supremacist posts OK on the Kenboard?  GOG should be banned for life.

Whiteboard, Kenboard, Slimeboard.   All completely fascist GARBAGE.

Posted by greenman
2/26/2023 6:02 pm

This is GOG, though:

Merlin posts way more than me.

Posted by GOG on February 26, 2023, 1:07 pm, in reply to "Let’s face it. Your religion is Conspiracy Theory"

Further my comments are short and sweet. Easy to digest. Not time consuming 40 paragraphs of intellectual horse pucky spinning reality into dendrite-damaging nonsense. What do you have to offer? Nothing. He likes my posts. They offer diversity.

‘Diversity.’  This is the key to GOG.  Not whether something is true or not, but whether it offers a ‘diversity of opinion.’ Because facts are irrelevant; only a diversity of opinions matters.  In the Marketplace of Opinions, one post is as good as any other.

And don’t criticize any opinion; all are equally good in a world where nothing means anything.

Posted by Siagiah
2/27/2023 12:01 am

GOG is a racist pig and he's damned proud of it.  He's absolutely NOT diverse.  EVERYTHING is a flippin' IDIOTIC conspiracy.  Nothing new under the sun with that one.  It's going to be OFFENSIVE no matter what the topic.

Posted by greenman
2/28/2023 10:41 am

But still not as bad as this guy:

No, jb is sincere in his prophesylization [sic] There are two other pricks here who......

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 28, 2023, 12:19 am, in reply to "JB?"

... are self-proclaimed superior schidts [sic] one who usually has 3 word replies, and the other who tosses exhaustive word salads with piss'n'vinegar dressing.

No, he’s not talking about himself, DFM, or SES, all of whom fit that description.  He’s talking about a poster(s) who calls him out repeatedly on his own BS. 

As always, Mongo cannot stand disagreement and wants to suppress every other poster from doing so.  And he continually violates the rules to agitate against such posters, or bans them if he’s in charge (and DNRs them if not).

Almost comical..

Posted by Siagiah
2/28/2023 3:34 pm

Yeah, that was removed.

He was talking about KR and Sir Real, his superiors.


Posted by Siagiah
2/28/2023 3:37 pm

HERE'S HIS OTHER B.S. POST where he again attacks KR and Just Asking


There is at least one poster here who ...
 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 28, 2023, 12:05 am, in reply to "I’m curious."

  ... suggests that all except the said poster are ignorant, usually followed by "now you know" or "you are dismissed".

Arrogant prick.

Then, he has an evil twin

Guess who

Posted by greenman
2/28/2023 3:58 pm

He IS that evil twin…

Posted by greenman
3/01/2023 5:33 pm

More evidence?  Sure!

I see Pervey Peetey is back from "Maternity Leave" & bravely solving the crisis in East Palestine .

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 28, 2023, 10:55 pm

Only 2 problems:

A month overdue.

The people on the border in Syria wondered what he was doing there.

The bigotry and stupidity here are almost unbelievable. 

Buttagieg is a gay man with a husband.  That doesn’t make him ‘pervy’ unless you’re a sick homophobe, which we all know Mongo is.

Buttagieg and husband became adoptive parents a year and a half ago.  I have no idea where Mongo is getting his claim that he’s taken some length of time for what Mongo calls ‘maternity leave.’  Mongo seems to think parental leave is ‘funny’ when it applies to gay people, which again is sick and bigoted.

The ‘Syria’ imbecility appears to be an attempt at a joke, trying to pretend that Buttagieg doesn’t know where E. Palestine, OH is.

An honest discussion of whether Buttagieg has done a good or bad job as Sec’y of Transportation in relation to the Ohio train disaster, and whether he or Trump are more responsible for it, would be possible were Mongo actually interested in facts.  He is not.

No one would let Crazy Boy post this filth on their boards.  This is why he posts it on his own garbage boards - that and the fact that he’s a worthless, hateful partisan loon who has walled himself off from most criticism due to his fragile ego.


Last edited by greenman (3/01/2023 5:34 pm)

Posted by greenman
3/03/2023 6:38 pm


Some other loon posting as ‘Me’ (Mongo?) sympathizes with bigoted idiot ‘TEXRA’s’ reference to Mr. Buttagieg as ‘Petey Buttplug’ and claims that the Maryland Mayor (College Park) in trouble over child porn is his ‘boyfriend.’

False, obviously.  Mr. Buttagieg is married, and not to the person in question.

But lies and slander on that board will continue without intervention by the moderator, one assumes. Facts aren’t important if your hatred is in the Right place..

Posted by Siagiah
3/03/2023 7:55 pm

They are disgusting over there.  It's unhealthy to look in too often to see what awful people they are.

Posted by greenman
3/03/2023 8:56 pm

True.  Thanks for the reminder.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 Online!
3/03/2023 9:34 pm

I tested the R&E waters.
A little piece on science and evolution.
Got the response I expected. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
3/03/2023 10:03 pm

I found it interesting.  Thanks for sharing it.

Posted by greenman
3/04/2023 8:04 am

Siagiah wrote:

They are disgusting over there.  It's unhealthy to look in too often to see what awful people they are.

Got a comment from yome, who thinks gay men are child molesters.  I guess that’s sometimes true back up in the holler where he’s from.  Maybe he was converted by ‘laying on of hands’ by his pastor, who knows?

I don’t want to..

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 Online!
3/04/2023 1:38 pm

greenman wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

They are disgusting over there.  It's unhealthy to look in too often to see what awful people they are.

Got a comment from yome, who thinks gay men are child molesters. I guess that’s sometimes true back up in the holler where he’s from. Maybe he was converted by ‘laying on of hands’ by his pastor, who knows?

I don’t want to..

Are religious nuts the most frequent violators of rules and laws? 
They believe they act in name of God, so they won't stop until they're stopped. 
GOG saw fit to violate my DNR by responding to Sia with ignorant, religious based 
remarks expressing his opinion, directed at me. 

He and others step outside the direct rule all the time, in thread after thread, 
with contempt, impunity, and knowing moderator intervention achieves nothing. 
The only effective intervention is their suspension or outright banishment once
they irritate the moderators one too many times. Otherwise its the same old same
old repeatedly. My choice of absence from R&E is because of the handful of trolls
who make issues personal, and don't and won't stop until stopped. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
3/04/2023 2:31 pm

A shame, but you’re right. It’s a handful of hostile trolls, essentially, people who like to upset and harass others and roil the waters.  We all know who they are.

DNRs will never solve that problem.  You have to push them out the door, or put up with it.

Posted by greenman
3/04/2023 3:01 pm

On a more amusing note: I nominate this as one of the posts of the year:

some of the Re: With psychiatric help, there may be hope for youeople i alked to

Posted by jb on March 3, 2023, 8:58 pm

runs, musical equipment, sells french fries in bulk, Ukrainian, martician, longevity dr., bartender, nurse, runs refinery, preacher, semi driver, vixhinb boat captain, and all happy to talk to me.

That’s french fries in bulk, folks.  That’s real genius…

Posted by Siagiah
3/04/2023 4:19 pm

The weird remark about "with psychiatric help etc." is something that SJW posted to jb lower down on the board.  Obviously, jb copied it to his own clipboard for some reason and then accidentally pasted it into his new, idiotic thread.

Why ANYONE responds to him boggles my mind.  He tosses out bare hooks, sans bait, and STILL gets dozens or responses.  It's INSANE.


Posted by greenman
3/04/2023 5:45 pm

Him and Devolution/Devo/Woodbiner.  Talk about bare hooks…his posts are the most obvious of trolls.  An annoyingly dumb comment, followed in the body of the post by a smug little agreement with himself.

And he gets replies.  Go figger.

Posted by Siagiah
3/04/2023 8:01 pm

Agreed. It's the craziest thing.

Posted by greenman
3/05/2023 9:30 am

Mongo still not happy with people hurting his li’l buddy GOG’s feelings - oh, and he wants more dupes on Green Slime:

See what I mean in my thread above?

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 4, 2023, 8:23 pm, in reply to "Temper temper. The article over at Zerohedge spells it out. Shoplifting."

Civility has gone to hell in a hand basket over here. That’s why I started a new board, and I don’t let anyone get away with abusive posts. [LOL]

Everyone is welcome, but I will banish troublemaking trolls in an instant.

Translation: ‘I’ll banish anyone who offends or disagrees with me or the idiots who hang out with me…like I’d like to do on Ken’s board’ (the civility of which improved noticeably while Mongo was bannned from it).

He’s Boardhost’s single biggest problem..

Posted by Siagiah
3/05/2023 10:18 am

That is the final remnant of THIS DNR VIOLATION which got deleted in the middle of the night.

There are a lot of rude posters on this board, male and female. Why are they so angry?  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 4, 2023, 7:57 pm

  Calling each other “liars”, ”arrogant “, etc.

Then one said “It's about JUDGING OTHERS HARSHLY” as they judged another harshly.

It don’t get any more hypocritical than that.


Posted by Siagiah
3/05/2023 10:24 am

GOG's DNR violation against Pikes was deleted then too. 


Posted by greenman
3/05/2023 10:44 am

He expects others to respect DNR, but ignores it when it suits him.  Such a manipulating, troublemaking coward.  A real blot on Boardhost.

Not to mention a misogynist and homophobe..


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