Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/10/2023 8:13 pm | #1051 |
greenman wrote:
That one’s as ignorant as the day is long. He’s like a Mel Brooks buffoon..
He's also as two-faced and hypocritical as it gets. He constantly uses fake names to hide behind. However, his illiteracy cannot be disguised.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/10/2023 8:17 pm | #1052 |
Pikes should know that mongo actually posted this on his trash board.
Someone in Crack Alley said this:
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 10, 2023, 6:58 pm
"There is something very sick and wrong with anyone who repeatedly obsesses and writes about somebody else that way. It is far beyond dislike."
Could it be about SchizoSia and greenworm and their nasty 35-page diatribe containing hundreds of venomous maligning posts about others. It's their life's work.
Surely they weren't talking about anyone here.
Might want to walk that one back.
What I don't understand is why someone with such rich talent, knowledge and cultural background would want to hang with a sinister gang of scoundrels.
Might want to think about that.
Pikes was talking about MONGO and mongo is suggesting that Pikes "take it back" and abandon his friends. WOW.
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/10/2023 9:20 pm | #1053 |
Mongo Flako’s fave hobby, Trying to divide up others. I suppose if no one likes or respects you, you might resent others’ relationships enough to try to sabotage them out of sheer maliciousness. Or boredom.
The obsession continues…smh
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/11/2023 12:41 pm | #1054 |
The company I keep is largely influenced by the kind and quality of conversations I have and enjoy with people. Sia never did or said anything to cause me grief. We don't always agree on topics or perceptions, but disagreements are never cause for disparagement between friends. The fact Mondo and I patched animosity is in many ways unexpected and remarkable. But to be caught in the middle of a war, where I have to choose one side over another is a grossly unfair and unreasonable expectation. I can't and won't do that.
Like when a friend suffers a loss or tragedy of some serious kind, I don't know what to say. I think about this a lot, and time has yet to provide any answers or insights. I am not smart enough to figure this out, What ever I say or write, the only certainty I know is words fall short. I have to choose whether to turn my back on a friend who I see disparaged repeatedly and often to preserve a relatively new and fragile friendship and understanding, or risk a bitter disappointment and renewal of an old animosity full of disparagement. A friend would not put another friend in that situation or predicament.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/11/2023 12:42 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/11/2023 12:58 pm | #1055 |
Pikes, rest assured, you need not make such a choice on my behalf. I am secure in your friendship, value it highly, and don't require that you make such an unfair, unwinnable choice to "prove it".
Clearly, mongo does, so that's on him. Like you said, what kind of friend would attempt to force such a choice upon another friend?
It is sad that he's forced you to have to say anything, potentially risking his wrath for not doing as he's demanded.
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/11/2023 1:42 pm | #1056 |
I tried to make a reasonable choice there (‘Sorry, but I have to walk away from this board’) and at first, I thought he was BEING reasonable (‘Come back whenever you feel like it’).
Then he had a massive hissy-fit, launched a vicious diatribe against me on White Whine, and ‘banned’ me. Because he’s an effeminate, grandstanding weasel.
Oh well. No skin off my nose.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/11/2023 2:03 pm | #1057 |
and the obsessive compulsive, vulgar hog is baaaaack sneaking in to read how we've reacted to his never ending attacks... That's his LIFE... 24/7/365
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/11/2023 3:18 pm | #1058 |
Sigh…I didn’t want to look, but now I see the SOB is just lying AGAIN - this time in hopes of impressing Poppet, another perennial obsession of his.
You are entirely correct ...
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 11, 2023, 1:28 pm, in reply to "Someone has to take the first step."
... what is so pathetic, after I take the first step, the personal slurs and malignment will continue there as usual, and a year from now, there will probably be 100 pages of piss'n'vinegar, mostly from Sia and greenman because they will not be able to curtail their innate personal flaw of hate. It will eventually consume them.
He has NEVER taken the first step, that’s a lie. From my own POV, and i n the rare occasions I’ve been allowed/invited to post on his boards, I’ve ended up being attacked and banned.
The only board he’s obsessed with is blue, specifically Back Alley, because he CANNOT STAND CRITICISM, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT’S BEYOND HIS CONTROL. When he can’t ban or DNR people, he’s furious and starts trying to cause trouble for them.
The hate is self-generated, Mongo. Cut it out and most of your problems will cease. If you really WANT them to, that is..
Last edited by greenman (2/11/2023 3:20 pm)
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/11/2023 4:09 pm | #1059 |
Siagiah wrote:
Pikes, rest assured, you need not make such a choice on my behalf. I am secure in your friendship, value it highly, and don't require that you make such an unfair, unwinnable choice to "prove it".
Clearly, mongo does, so that's on him. Like you said, what kind of friend would attempt to force such a choice upon another friend?
It is sad that he's forced you to have to say anything, potentially risking his wrath for not doing as he's demanded.
It simply has to stop. I encouraged it to stop. It hasn't and doesn't.
Therefore I choose to limit response, or not to respond at all.
My absence from R&E is largely due to the many sarcastic posts that
volley back and forth and contribute nothing to camaraderie or humanity.
The last time I was on the receiving end of somebody's disparagement
was the last time. I have not been back since.
When I see self discipline to resist and control temptation to turn topics
and posts into causes for the tiresome, ongoing flame wars that never
die, I will reconsider.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/11/2023 4:14 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/11/2023 5:14 pm | #1060 |
So, yeah, I wondered what else the AH might be spouting off:
Just for clarification ...
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 11, 2023, 1:04 pm, in reply to "Someone in Crack Alley said this:"
... I am not asking anyone to forfeit their allegiance to vicious people for my sake.
I am just curious why someone who is really bright and talented would want to hang with a seedy bunch of vitriolic gossipers.
It is abundantly clear that a public board with 36 pages filled with hundreds of abnormal nasty posts and personal attacks about me and other posters here is not something with which a +3σ illuminati would normally seek affiliation.
Jus' sayin'.
The foregoing notwithstanding, I am totally amazed at the knowledge and talent of said individual. I look forward to future conversations about anything other than what's going on over yonder.
pax vobiscum.
Why don't you tell SchizoSia to ignore what I post instead of going off on me 24/7/365
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 11, 2023, 12:31 pm, in reply to "Try ignoring it"
like an insane idiot with her boy-toy greenworm.
No wonder the old bat has health problems. Anyone who spends their entire life maligning people that they don't even know will end up with bad physical and mental health problems, and it shows.
36 pages full of venomous attacks is extremely abnormal, even for a crazy person.
What is abundantly OBVIOUS is that HE is the antagonist.
HE is the one who makes up B.S., FILTHY LIES about both greenman and I, with vulgar innuendo designed to denigrate us both, for NO GOOD REASON.
HE is the one who makes fun of my severe illnesses and suggests they are due to the fact that I despise him and refuse to take his attacks without comment.
HE is the one who routinely ridicules anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with him and goes out of his way to be both cruel and horribly vindictive to anyone who displeases him.
HE is the one who LIES constantly.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/11/2023 6:01 pm | #1061 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Siagiah wrote:
Pikes, rest assured, you need not make such a choice on my behalf. I am secure in your friendship, value it highly, and don't require that you make such an unfair, unwinnable choice to "prove it".
Clearly, mongo does, so that's on him. Like you said, what kind of friend would attempt to force such a choice upon another friend?
It is sad that he's forced you to have to say anything, potentially risking his wrath for not doing as he's demanded.
It simply has to stop. I encouraged it to stop. It hasn't and doesn't.
Therefore I choose to limit response, or not to respond at all.
My absence from R&E is largely due to the many sarcastic posts that
volley back and forth and contribute nothing to camaraderie or humanity.
The last time I was on the receiving end of somebody's disparagement
was the last time. I have not been back since.
When I see self discipline to resist and control temptation to turn topics
and posts into causes for the tiresome, ongoing flame wars that never
die, I will reconsider.
Well, fortunately, you need not respond to any of it because he's not attacking, maligning, nor vilifying you (anymore), even as he's chosen to essentially say that you've made poor choices in who to be friends with and dared to suggest that, if you were "normal", you wouldn't be affiliated with any of us.
I know, from decades of experience, that ignoring mongo's endless, vicious attacks on me changes NOTHING. He will attack me ANYWAY, ramping it up nastier and nastier trying to provoke a reaction saying outrageous lies and extremely cruel comments. So why should I just take it without comment?
He's been doing to to me for decades. If it's not me, it's another of his favorite targets.
Cross him just once, and it'll be you again. You've seen what your last response resulted in -- where he feels free to pass negative judgment on you for being friends with us. So, it's much better if you just DON'T respond.
As far as I'm concerned, he can simply fall off the face of the earth. I haven't the slightest use for the fat, self-absorbed AH
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/11/2023 7:16 pm | #1062 |
I’d he would just STFU, I’d be happy to ignore him. If I’m not reading the other boards, I have no reason to even look for any of his idiocy and filth. I’d be happy not to ever read another word from him.
Ball’s in your court, Mongo. Silence is golden.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/11/2023 8:15 pm | #1063 |
greenman wrote:
I’d he would just STFU, I’d be happy to ignore him. If I’m not reading the other boards, I have no reason to even look for any of his idiocy and filth. I’d be happy not to ever read another word from him.
Ball’s in your court, Mongo. Silence is golden.
Me too. I have absolutely NO USE for him or his endless b.s.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/11/2023 11:57 pm | #1064 |
I choose and make friends based on two things. First is how I am treated. I return kindness with kindness. I don't care how smart or accomplished the other person is. Humility and humanity go a long way. Second is how others are treated. If a person is kind to me, but not to others, I have concerns. When a person makes a habit of unkindness to another, or worse, several others, or many others, it makes me nervous and I become extremely cautious. If a person posts something controversial, and they have a history and reputation for personal disparagement, I don't reply. Been burned too many times by too many people. I have three DNRs on R&E to stop those three from targeting me. There are a few more really close to crossing that line; like the next disparaging post they direct toward me. By staying away, I remove that opportunity. True to form, they have others to target and do. Some set up opportunity as a trap to spring. Snap!
Posted by Poppet ![]() 2/12/2023 12:28 am | #1065 |
I'll reiterate what I said over on Mondo's board: there are times when the only sane response to a feud that will obviously never end, to a "broken fence" that will never, ever be mended, is for each party to behave as if the other doesn't exist, regardless of provocation.
Yeah, easier said than done. So are a lot of things worth doing...
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/12/2023 1:14 am | #1066 |
I would very much love to be able to pretend that mongo doesn't exist. However, he makes it impossible.
First, because he constantly violates my DNR on R&E, by trashing me EVERY chance he gets. Ask Ken and Trish how many of them they've removed just since his return on Jan 1st? I posted a few of them up above from the other night when he TRASHED R&E with both politics and vicious & vulgar attacks on me for everything I posted there. NONE had ANYTHING to do with him, yet he attacked me anyway! I've even considered leaving R&E until after he's inevitably banned for the rest of the year again (as he is EVERY year) because it simply WON'T stop. He does whatever the hell he wants to do, whenever the hell he wants to do it regardless of the rules or what I do. Plus, he ridicules and attacks just about everything that Merlin posts and tag teams others with his lap dog GOG. It's unpleasant, to say the least.
That's not even mentioning the endless, vicious attacks against me that he makes on his own board. He's not content to just criticize what he doesn't like about me. He makes up vulgar lies about both greenman and I on a regular basis and takes it to levels WAY BEYOND normal or warranted. He's NASTY and NOTHING is off limits to him. I have never been so vicious or hateful to him like he has been to me.
Fact is, I'm still recovering from major surgery on my neck, unable to do much of anything for myself since I have ZERO strength in my arms and have not recovered enough from the fusions to even think about beginning PT to build any strength using different muscles to do the work. The muscles that normally affect and in some cases control arm movements were all severed during the surgery and are NOT healed yet, so everything is difficult or impossible to do for myself. I can't even carry a mug of coffee to the table! It's still too heavy. Teaching alternate muscles to do the work is HARD. Plus, it will take upwards of 18 months for those muscles to heal and grow back together again and then it will be another round of PT to get them back to normal. In the meantime, other muscles have to take over for them, which is no easy thing to do. The pain is unbelievable. I'd wish it on NO ONE. Making hateful comments suggesting that I deserve that infuriates me and cannot be ignored.
Plus, I'm also facing another major surgery on my lumbar spine just as complicated as the one on my neck in the next 6 weeks. It cannot be put off much longer. At this point, I'm only able to stand for 5 minutes MAX because of my lumbar spine damage and pretty much confined to home as a result. There is virtually NO relief from the severe pain from that either. Taking double Percocet barely takes the edge off of it so I can at least fall sleep. But I wake up every few hours needing more. So, it's NO picnic for me right now.
Expecting me to ignore an AH who is deliberately & relentlessly maligning and attacking me with vicious LIES and who has the nerve to suggest that I somehow deserve all of this because I refuse to take HIS SH*T and fight back totally infuriates me. So yeah, it's a lot easier said than done to ignore him as if he doesn't exist since he insists upon being noticed with his relentless attacks.
I would be happy if he just left me the hell alone and stopped violating the DNR every time he sees me post there. I have absolutely NO desire to ever engage him again. I wish he'd simply fall off the face of the earth so I would never have to be bothered by him again.
However, HE insists upon constantly targeting me in the most vicious ways possible. He lies about me (and greenman) all the time, making vulgar insinuations and accusations that he KNOWS are complete LIES and goes out of his way to provoke both of us the same way he does it EVERYONE he decides to target. There is a reason why there are so many lawsuits against him for his horrific behavior towards other people. He is out of control and he LIKES the endless strife. Of all people, you KNOW how much he likes his squabbles and how vicious he can get.
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/12/2023 10:47 am | #1067 |
Mondo is principally to blame here, and there can be no doubt about that. He’s a vicious, hateful person at bottom. And he makes EVERY board he’s on a worse place. And I’ll admit it pisses me off that he’s free to post on Yellow while I’ve been banned for life there, though I’ve never been REMOTELY as abusive as he is, or broken remotely as many DNRs. I can’t imagine at this point ever again posting agreeably with someone so nasty.
But it’s not about me, it’s about him, and what to do with him.
He has to take the lead here and back down (and, I would say, apologize to Sia) on a permanent basis. I’d be willing to see the Back Alley ended if that would help, but he has to give up his obsession with it, too.
It’s all very well to talk about ignoring people and ending feuds, but all parties have to agree. And all parties aren’t always equally responsible. This is on Mondo now.
Posted by Poppet ![]() 2/12/2023 12:17 pm | #1068 |
greenman wrote:
It’s all very well to talk about ignoring people and ending feuds, but all parties have to agree.
That was kind of my point though: when it's clear that the feud is simply going to continue forever, then the choice becomes either accepting that this is the case (and accepting the psychological stress and damage will not abate) or to elect to behave as if the other party doesn't exist, regardless of what that other party does. No one is going to "win."
In any case, I can see that my effort here is unwanted, so I'll drop the matter.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 2/12/2023 12:48 pm | #1069 |
Poppet wrote:
greenman wrote:
It’s all very well to talk about ignoring people and ending feuds, but all parties have to agree.
That was kind of my point though: when it's clear that the feud is simply going to continue forever, then the choice becomes either accepting that this is the case (and accepting the psychological stress and damage will not abate) or to elect to behave as if the other party doesn't exist, regardless of what that other party does. No one is going to "win."
In any case, I can see that my effort here is unwanted, so I'll drop the matter.
Quite the contrary. Your effort and opinion matters. I share it. Doesn't matter who ignores who first, or if the back door is opened by way of third party people. Non response to the war and its contributing factors is best.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/12/2023 12:52 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/12/2023 1:12 pm | #1070 |
Poppet wrote:
greenman wrote:
It’s all very well to talk about ignoring people and ending feuds, but all parties have to agree.
That was kind of my point though: when it's clear that the feud is simply going to continue forever, then the choice becomes either accepting that this is the case (and accepting the psychological stress and damage will not abate) or to elect to behave as if the other party doesn't exist, regardless of what that other party does. No one is going to "win."
In any case, I can see that my effort here is unwanted, so I'll drop the matter.
I’m not looking for a win. I just want the little POS to stop abusing other posters.
But it’s true, it may not ever be possible to do that, and completely ignoring him and refusing to post to or about him might be the only recourse.
I suppose that even looking at his boards or at his behavior on Yellow is simply staring at a freak show. It’s hardly an enlightening experience.
Probably this board would have to come down, too.
Worth thinking about.
Posted by Poppet ![]() 2/12/2023 1:39 pm | #1071 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Quite the contrary. Your effort and opinion matters. I share it. Doesn't matter who ignores who first, or if the back door is opened by way of third party people. Non response to the war and its contributing factors is best.
Thanks...I don't think I was helping, but that was my intent.
Sia, I'm really worried about you with all that you're going through with your health, and no way this feud can be anything but an impediment to recovery. I don't need to tell an experienced healthcare giver like you how critical a recovering patient's mindset is.
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/12/2023 2:40 pm | #1072 |
Poppet wrote:
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Quite the contrary. Your effort and opinion matters. I share it. Doesn't matter who ignores who first, or if the back door is opened by way of third party people. Non response to the war and its contributing factors is best.
Thanks...I don't think I was helping, but that was my intent.
Sia, I'm really worried about you with all that you're going through with your health, and no way this feud can be anything but an impediment to recovery. I don't need to tell an experienced healthcare giver like you how critical a recovering patient's mindset is.
Yeah, that worries me too. ‘Don’t let the b@stards drag you down’ is a worthwhile consideration here.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/12/2023 3:34 pm | #1073 |
Poppet wrote:
greenman wrote:
It’s all very well to talk about ignoring people and ending feuds, but all parties have to agree.
That was kind of my point though: when it's clear that the feud is simply going to continue forever, then the choice becomes either accepting that this is the case (and accepting the psychological stress and damage will not abate) or to elect to behave as if the other party doesn't exist, regardless of what that other party does. No one is going to "win."
In any case, I can see that my effort here is unwanted, so I'll drop the matter.
Of course your efforts are wanted. I'd like nothing more than for his hatred to END and to never have to see it or him again.
I'm more than willing to ignore his 2 crappy boards. However, your expectation that the burden is fully on me/us to ignore him, with NO effort on his part is basically unreasonable in some specific regards.
HOW am I to ignore ENDLESS DNR violations and relentless, vulgar attacks on R&E unless I don't ever post or read there? How is THAT a resolution that is fair or reasonable to me? I have to stop posting somewhere because HE is an AH?
It's no sweat to ignore him/them on White Whine or Green Slime. I needn't ever look there and seldom do as it is. But NOW I'd have to ALSO not read nor post on R&E TOO because HE refuses to act like a civilized human being and follow the damned rules there?
As it is, I already don't read the majority of what mongo posts because I am not even remotely interested in his opinions, just as I typically ignore GOG, jb, SES, and a few others whom I find irritating or who relentlessly attack others.
Non-response may be best, but it's a helluva lot to expect from folks being relentlessly and viciously attacked by someone who delights in it.
For the record, THIS BOARD IS NOT COMING DOWN. It may be ignored and not used much if things go well, but it is NOT coming down. I will NOT grant his demands, and especially not when he's putting ZERO effort in to stopping this CRAP.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/12/2023 3:44 pm | #1074 |
greenman wrote:
Poppet wrote:
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
Pikes Peak 14115: Quite the contrary. Your effort and opinion matters. I share it. Doesn't matter who ignores who first, or if the back door is opened by way of third party people. Non response to the war and its contributing factors is best.
Poppet: Thanks...I don't think I was helping, but that was my intent.
Sia, I'm really worried about you with all that you're going through with your health, and no way this feud can be anything but an impediment to recovery. I don't need to tell an experienced healthcare giver like you how critical a recovering patient's mindset is.------------------------------------
greenman: Yeah, that worries me too. ‘Don’t let the b@stards drag you down’ is a worthwhile consideration here.
Thanks, I appreciate your concerns. You're entirely correct that it doesn't help me one bit on the road to recovery.
He's here right now reading in spite of supposedly being on vacation.
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/12/2023 5:35 pm | #1075 |
‘What’re they saying about me? Wait, JuJu, I gotta know what they’re saying!’
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/13/2023 5:15 pm | #1076 |
BTW Woodbine, your log in to the message board is still valid and active. If you've lost your password and want it reset, email me at CPD.MONITORS@GMAIL.COM and I'll reset it for you.
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/15/2023 4:02 pm | #1077 |
Why is this loony racist b@stard allowed to continue posting/sniping on Yellow? He’s obviously mentally ill..
‘Another long winded diatribe about white racism. Figures: New York Times.
Posted by GOG on February 15, 2023, 12:51 pm, in reply to "Buffalo Gunman Sentenced to Life in Emotional and Dramatic Hearing"
Gee, you think the murdered college students the other day was not black racism? As a fact whites are a tiny minority of the mass shooters.[As a matter of fact, they’re the vast majority] Mexicans, Chinese, blacks. Oh dear. I must be racist for noticing the hypocrisy of the NYT. [Yes, you’re a self-admitted racist] Can anyone really think this goofball moron is a member of anything much less an alleged white radical racist network?? Get real. BLM is a racist network. [uh, no it’s not] Let’s diatribe about that disgusting cancel culture terrorist organization. Still not answered are the questions about his Deep State handlers.[WTF?] Can you say psyops?‘
No, but I can say ‘psycho.’ And ‘racist.’ And that this freak should be medicated, not allowed to post with sentient beings..
Last edited by greenman (2/15/2023 4:04 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/15/2023 8:17 pm | #1078 |
Looks like it was quickly removed because it's no longer there.
Posted by greenman ![]() 2/16/2023 9:46 am | #1079 |
Siagiah wrote:
Looks like it was quickly removed because it's no longer there.
Yep. And appropriately so.
I think he’s got another comment up suggesting that the poor white kids at MSU were murdered by a ‘black racist,’ but one can’t expect any better from an admitted racist.
I’ll stop reading it now…
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 2/16/2023 11:55 pm | #1080 |
I try to avoid most of what GOG posts because it's always annoying, racist, INSANE, and/or pure blather.