New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by greenman
2/02/2023 8:23 am

It’s really largely a tribute to Mongo himself, his misbehavior, his never-ending resentments, and his inability, even at such a very advanced age, to act it.

But it’s amusing to have a permanent, on-board residence in his fat head…lol

Posted by Siagiah
2/02/2023 10:16 am

Hey, let's call his new board the GREEN SLIME board!

Posted by greenman
2/02/2023 10:23 am

OMG, that’s a great idea! 

‘White Whine and Green Slime!’  lol

Posted by greenman
2/03/2023 12:28 pm

Thanks to posters like TEX, of course, White Whine is pretty slimy itself..

Here is a racist incident that no Democrat gives a damn about...

Posted by TEXRA on February 3, 2023, 8:28 am

...white girl, 9, beaten mercilessly by 2 black male thugs on school bus. It would look like misogyny also but, since they are most likely Democrats, they probably have not decided their gender yet.

Can you believe a human being uses a tragic attack like this (which of course should be fully prosecuted) for the racist, sexist political purposes he does?  Where do you start, the false claim that ‘no Democrat gives a damn?’ Or maybe with hypocritical whining about ‘racism,’  the use of the term ONLY against blacks (never white supremacists), the continued absurd attacks on gender issues, what? 

I suppose you’re in trouble the minute you start letting Faux Nooz do your thinking for you.

This was how Trump got so many votes…smh

Last edited by greenman (2/03/2023 12:30 pm)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/03/2023 12:51 pm

People who post most frequently for trolling each other are best ignored. 
If they dominate a board or site, ignore the site.
Troll posts are obvious. 
Apply the adage, "Seen one and you saw 'em all." 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/03/2023 5:25 pm

ROFLMAO... You go Merlin!  Looks like he's not too impressed.


SO WHERE IS THE Serious Bipartisan Political Debate?  

Posted by Merlin on 2/3/2023, 4:43 pm, in reply to "Biden won't give the press the time of day. RaggedyAnn is a useless puppet, deflecting every press ?

This is more like the trial of Jesus or the assassination of Julius Caesar conducted by clowns from the Colosseum.



Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/04/2023 12:59 pm

Many if not most threads on R&E contain insults, digs, pokes, and jabs that go back and forth, and appear more important than argument on a topic. 
One post questioned a challenger's "pink slip" with implication of of successful takeover by his side, and ouster of the other side, which happens to include me. 
Mission accomplished? Mission accomplished! It is what it is. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
2/04/2023 1:06 pm

There is little if ANY enforcement of the ‘no personal abuse’ rule.  For some reason, not saying bad things about other boards, or not being able to refer to someone you’ve a ‘DNR’ with by even a pronoun, are MUCH more important (eye roll).

A very hostile and increasingly crazy environment.  Not being allowed to post to X number of other posters removes the entire point of a damn discussion board.  Woodbine had that right, at least..

Posted by greenman
2/05/2023 10:43 am

Two blind men talking about the Elephant again:

Evolution is a house of cards - Devo February 5, 2023, 6:01 am

Evolution is a tool by which God is denied. - GOG February 5, 2023, 7:01 am


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/05/2023 12:13 pm

greenman wrote:

Two blind men talking about the Elephant again:

Evolution is a house of cards - Devo February 5, 2023, 6:01 am

Evolution is a tool by which God is denied. - GOG February 5, 2023, 7:01 am


Zealots are fools through which truth is denied. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
2/05/2023 1:36 pm

And fools beget lies and paranoia:

Is Damar Hamlin deceased? Something’s not right about the narrative.

Posted by GOG on February 5, 2023, 10:22 am

Was that a body double in the red hoodie? Given the CPR injures the rib cage [sic], how could that sky box “Hamlin”do those physical antics? And with that heart? Good luck!! His face was never shown from arrival to departure. Where was his oxygen. Why no wheelchair, why no medical personnel? His uncle says he died twice. Another fraud? Brought to us by Pfizer and the NFL?

Still the obsession over this fake news.  He can’t believe that someone (who may have gotten the dreaded ‘jab’) who was fighting for his life could recover - even though he’s a young, healthy football player!  It MUST be a conspiracy on the part of the NFL, Pfizer, and the Deep State!  Anything else would be UNBELIEVABLE!  And the sources are UNIMPEACHABLE!  lol

His posts are pretty damn comical, one must admit…

Posted by Siagiah
2/06/2023 7:02 pm

As expected, the Green Slime board is now The green slime HATE board.  The likes of SES, in particular, is one of the WORST offenders.  EVERYTHING he posts is a disgusting, hate-filled slam on Liberals and lefties or calling 'em liars or willfully ignorant.

No personal attacks?  LOL.  GOG gets a BZZZZT just once for attacking Merlin's intelligence, but his post remained! The rest of his CRAP is allowed to remain, no matter how insulting or idiotic.

You were banned for insulting mongo, who more than deserved it (after you'd already quit!)

Pure Stevil was banned for posting things mongo didn't like.

KR gets his post deleted and called out publicly in ALL CAPS. 

But not a WORD to SES or anyone else on the right, including himself when they slam posters, liberals, or Dems.

WHAT A JOKE.  There's a REASON why it's basically just a RW RANT & ATTACK BOARD now filled with RW CLOWNS spewing off FAUX NEWS OPINIONS and attacking/pig-piling on EVERYONE who disagrees.

As anticipated, there's ZERO "serious bipartisan political debate".  It's all INSULT and ATTACK, RW B.S., conspiracy, and nonsense.

WHY would anyone with a brain want to post there?


Posted by greenman
2/07/2023 9:29 am

SES/OU812 is the single nastiest poster on these boards, even over TEXRA, DFM, and Mongo himself.  He’s as happy as a pig rolling in it right now; he knows he’s a protected poster and can lie and smear to his black little heart’s desire.

As you say, no surprise it’s turned into a greenish version of White Whine.  The pretense of ‘serious bipartisan debate’ disappeared quickly, as I suspected it would. It’s a neo-fascist hate board, nothing else.  Honesty not wanted.

C’est la guerre…

Posted by Siagiah
2/07/2023 10:44 am

Ken dodged a bullet when he shut his version down within days.  No doubt, it would have rapidly turned into EXACTLY what Green Slime is right now. 

I know that you don't like Ken, but even you must admit that he would have TRIED to make it work and tried to keep up with deleting the endless violations until he finally shut it down in raging frustration that so many just ignored his rules and did whatever the hell they wanted, just like certain ones already do on Yellow.

My negativity in discouraging him was predominantly because I KNEW that's exactly what would happen to it in no time flat and also knew that he couldn't possibly keep up with and would bitterly regret it. 

Green Slime has already infected its members and they are bringing some of that ugly attitude back to Yellow.  The longer that Green Slime is in operation, the WORSE it's going to get on both boards.

Personally, I've never seen such hatred within for those with other viewpoints than I'm seeing with the RWers on that board, especially SES.  I truly cannot fathom the depths of it or HOW it brings them pleasure to indulge their WORST inclinations. 

It's purpose is clearly NOT "serious bipartisan political discussion" but a place to let hatred rip.


Posted by greenman
2/07/2023 12:17 pm

Oh, I agree -  Ken’s version would’ve been way better.  Ken and I have our differences, but he’s not Mongo.  He would’ve tried to be fair, I have to admit.

With Mongo it’s always the game-playing.  You can see that from the way he banned me  AFTER i walked away because of his abuse of you…and this after he’d said ‘come back anytime.’

An utter fraud.

Posted by Siagiah
2/08/2023 1:21 pm

greenman wrote:

Oh, I agree - Ken’s version would’ve been way better. Ken and I have our differences, but he’s not Mongo. He would’ve tried to be fair, I have to admit.

With Mongo it’s always the game-playing. You can see that from the way he banned me AFTER i walked away because of his abuse of you…and this after he’d said ‘come back anytime.’

An utter fraud.

Well, that's a given! 

I very much appreciated your support.  It was SO WRONG of him to both attack me like he did and to claim he banned you after you walked out.  He did exactly the same thing to me after I walked out of White Whine in 2008. 


Posted by Siagiah
2/08/2023 8:30 pm

Well, it looks like SES/CE0802 has put mongo and his rules in their place with this retort to being told that personal insults violate the rules... Looks like the inmates are ruling the asylum and mongo won't argue because he has so FEW particiipants that he doesn't want to lose him. I'm surprised that he even dared to scold him.  LMAO

Also, incredible how RWers get lightly scolded, if they are even challenged, while LWers get deleted, ALL CAPS SLAMMED, or banned.


Democrats have been telling that lie for decades. That makes them liars. 

Posted by CE0802 on 2/8/2023, 7:45 pm, in reply to

"ADMIN: Hey, CE0802, Rule # 3 - No Personal Attacks"

 They've been asked to prove that Republicans want to slice and dice Social Security and Medicare.

They never do. They just keep repeating the lie.

Calling a Spade a Spade is not a personal attack.

It's stating a fact.




Posted by greenman
2/09/2023 9:19 am

It’s definitely a Rightie echo chamber, or becoming one.  Mongo can tolerate nothing else.  He hates to be disagreed with or worse, proven wrong, so he doesn’t let people do that often.

SESticle (remember that nick?) HATES Libs and Dems, much like DFM or TEXRA do.  They’re psychopathic.  His favorite argument technique is to bait you into making an over-broad statement or one containing a partial error, no matter how tiny or insignificant.  Then he’ll pick at that, insisting it makes you ‘ignorant’ or ‘a liar’ (his two favorite attacks), and try to discredit your entire argument. 

He did that with me when I inadvisedly claimed Trump wanted to ‘build a wall across the entire Southwestern border,’ which was technically wrong (just most of it).  I even apologized for my error after he provided evidence.  But he kept bringing it up again and again to ‘prove‘ that I was ‘ignorant’ about Trump, politics, whatever.

‘Jerk’ hardly begins to define him.  He’s not nearly that pleasant.

Last edited by greenman (2/09/2023 9:21 am)

Posted by Trish
2/09/2023 9:39 am

The problem with removing some posts is that they have replies that become danglers with no context. Those go too. Man, yesterday was ugly

Posted by Siagiah
2/09/2023 2:05 pm

Trish wrote:

The problem with removing some posts is that they have replies that become danglers with no context. Those go too. Man, yesterday was ugly

It was more than ugly. Green Slime is seriously infecting several of your posters and it's spilling over on to Yellow.

It began with:

Generals have been known to lie. In fact, they are trained so to do.  

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 8, 2023, 2:00 pm, in reply to "My concern is with people who believed what they were told, without question."


"“So those balloons, so every day as a NORAD commander it’s my responsibility to detect threats to North America,” he told reporters at the Pentagon. “ I will tell you that we did not detect those threats. And that’s a domain awareness gap that we have to figure out. But I don’t want to go into further detail.”"


Even CNN refutes that 3 Trumper balloons cock'n'bull story:

After the Biden administration disclosed last week that a suspected Chinese spy balloon was hovering over Montana, the Pentagon said that similar balloon incidents had occurred during the Trump administration. In response, former Trump administration Defense Secretary Mark Esper told CNN on Friday that he was “surprised” by that statement.

“I don’t ever recall somebody coming into my office or reading anything that the Chinese had a surveillance balloon above the United States,” he said.

Former President Donald Trump also said on Truth Social this week that reports of Chinese balloons transiting the US during his administration were “fake disinformation.”

John Bolton, a former national security adviser under Trump, also pushed back on the assertion that balloons surveilled the US during the former president’s tenure, asking, “Did the Biden administration invent a time machine? What is the basis of this new detection?” but added he would take a briefing from the current administration on the Trump-era balloon discoveries if it was offered to him.

“The very fact, if it is a fact, that the Chinese tried this before, should have alerted us and should have caused us to take action before the balloon crossed into American sovereign territory,” Bolton said Monday on “CNN This Morning.”

The Biden administration official now says the incidents were not discovered until after the Trump administration had already left. But the official did not say how those incidents were discovered or when.



Just another leftwing "what-about-ism".


Posted by greenman
2/09/2023 3:36 pm

Mongo’s latest ‘message to posters’ on Green Slime is a huge laugh:

Just a Reminder
Posted by ADMIN on 2/9/2023, 12:48 pm
This is an adult bipartisan/multipartisan discussion board, not a free-for-all poster-bashing venue.

This board does not favor any particular political party or ideology, or any particular poster.

This board will treat all posters fairly and with respect, and you are asked to do the same.

The board rules listed at the top of the main page will be enforced across the board regardless of whether the poster is a Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian, Socialist, Communist ... whatever.

1. You must observe Boardhost and Internet Service Provider Terms of Service.
2. Illegal activity is absolutely not permitted.
3. There are to be no personal attacks, personal harassment or vulgarity.
4. You are expected to behave like a rational adult.
5. Posts which violate the above rules will be deleted.
6. Posters who habitually violate the rules will be put in time-out.
7. Posters whose sole purpose is to create havoc may be banned for a length of time depending on severity of havoc.

Posters who repeatedly make personal attacks, harass other posters and/or make vulgar remarks about other posters will summarily be banned and their posts will be deleted.

Political arguments can get heated, and sometimes it's tempting to bash the poster instead of their argument. It's a good thing to hold their feet to the fire and insist that they prove an opposing viewpoint with reliable and verifiable facts. But, if you get to the point where you just can't bide what someone else is saying about your favorite politician or political issue, just agree to disagree and breathe some fresh air.

This is your board to voice your opinion. Thanks for making it successful.

First, it’s only ‘successful’ as a loud, abusive right-wing echo chamber featuring Mongo, SES/OU812, and GOG high-fiving each other while attacking ANYONE who disagrees with them.  “Treat all posters fairly and with respect” is a a joke and a  LIE.

Second, Left-leaning and Democrat posters like myself, Stevil, Merlin, KR etc. have been either canned or mobbed.  It’s been clear for some time our views were NOT welcomed, while worthless Whiteboarders like Deanna are welcomed.

Third, it is in NO WAY bipartisan; it’s far Right, anti-gov, and anti lib.  As already noted, anyone else is shouted down and attacked, contrary to Mongo’s claims above.

Finally, it’s a haven for neo-Fascist disinformation; there’s no ‘discussion’ among the principals.  The thing’s a joke, as most of us knew it would be.

The Ego wouldn’t permit it to be any other way.  His lies just about me are beyond pathetic.  And like his God Trump, he encourages others to lie and abuse others.

Posted by Siagiah
2/09/2023 7:14 pm

If he actually believes a WORD of that, then he's crazier than imagined.

He should just give it up.  It's not even REMOTELY bipartisan and never will be.  Everyone willing to give it a shot already left.  The only "leftists" who'll ever show up there again are the hit and run type who aren't interested in discussion, but only in attacking idjits pretending to be having "serious discussion".


Posted by greenman
2/09/2023 8:23 pm

More wild talk from Crazypants, who may be suffering from early-stage dementia. My comments in brackets:

Ol' SchizoCrone and her Boy-Toy are having a Cow over there with the Blues.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 9, 2023, 6:58 pm
New politics board's got 'em in a stit!

They watch it like it is some kind of supernova, which it is. [A supernova isn’t a burst of flatulence, hillbilly]

Meanwhile, the ol' sanctimonious hypocrite trashes folks on ol' Yaller and pussywhips poor Ken and Trish into deleting posts that she doesn't like. And, she's meaner than a rattlesnake to DFM and GOG, not to mention some of the rest of us. [Only liars and abusers like you and your pets]

Folks, it's her whole life. 24/7/365.25. And the worm just wiggles with delight around her. He has to behave on Blew because it's the only board where he is not permanently banned. [I’m banned because of liars and backstabber s like you, Mongo]

Oh, and speaking of being banned, he couldn't last 2 days on the new politics board without violating every rule [Lie] and calling me a Motherfu*ker. [Filthy lie. Mongo falsely claimed I called MULTIPLE posters “liars and motherfu——-s,’ which never happened.  I called HIM ‘a liar’ once, after he lied about me violating his rules] He stormed off two or three times, [Once, after he attacked Sia viciously elsewhere] saying he would never be back. So the Admin [You, so don’t pretend someone else did it] helped him with the threat and banned him permanently, just like he is banned permanently here and on ol' Yaller. [More sick lies.  He told me when I left I would be ‘welcomed back,’ then slunk off to the Whineboard and subsequently announced that I was banned on Green Slime, abusing me as hatefully as ever] Ironically, he has been whining to his dominatrix ever since.

Now, the two incestuous cyberlovers will pick this up and copy it to Blue Crack Alley and fuss and fume some more.

I should charge them for therapy. -[You should GET therapy, you sick, perverted b@stard]

Pathetic. [You are indeed!]

Just hang out in your own dungeon with your whips and toys and your own dominatrix, and leave normal folks out of it.

GOG won’t mind, I bet…

Posted by Siagiah
2/09/2023 8:34 pm

Very predictable.  LOL. 

He's just upset because now BOTH of his boards are pathetic and beyond boring.  Green Slime has hemorrhaged posters until all that is left are the worst of the worst, including him.

He TRASHED R&E yesterday evening and he's complaining that it was all wiped out?  I'm surprised that Ken hasn't already banned him AGAIN for the rest of the year.  It's just a matter of time.


Posted by greenman
2/09/2023 10:22 pm

And again, he brays out his obsessive hatred..

As expected ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 9, 2023, 9:02 pm, in reply to "Ol' SchizoCrone and her Boy-Toy are having a Cow over there with the Blues."

... in record time, the pathetic little boy-toy, like a juvenile puppy, fetched the ball and brought it back to mommy so she could console him for being the wretch he is. He whined that he was banned from 3 or more boards because those bad old board hosts didn't like him. The real reason: he is a borderline psycho who has the most vulgar mouth on the planet, and he spews it on everyone.

Tootles, sonny boy Oedipus Rex and mommy Oedipushkinovna Cruella.

Yes, as expected. This sick, deranged, self-obsessed mini-dictator hollers again, as if someone stuck a pin in his fat derrière. 

Someone who’s been banned one time or another from every board he doesn’t run, someone who spews venom and vulgarity at every real or imagined opponent, then huffs and puffs his virtue and desire for ‘fairness’ and ‘civility,’ someone who lies about everything (even things he has no REASON to lie about), someone who routinely treats women like s—t, someone who hates this country, equality, and fair and honest government, and someone no one would trust as far as they could throw him on his cheap motorbike.

An embarrassment to Boardhost, and he’s PROUD of it.  Congratulations, Mongo Freako..

Last edited by greenman (2/09/2023 10:27 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
2/09/2023 10:50 pm

He HAS to lie because the truth convicts HIM.  He is a  filthy mouthed cretin who routinely lies about others trying to make himself look good. Except that everybody already knows exactly what he is.

Pathetic how desperate he is for attention. Apparently, he has never noticed that nobody on his board is the slightest bit interested in his idiotic F.O.S. posts about either of us.

Green Slime is on life support.  It'll NEVER be successful because HE is running it.  Like tRUMP, everything he touches dies. 

Mongo and Dee Dee routinely hang around her looking for stuff.  It's amusing, to say the least.  Both are here right now!


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/10/2023 1:36 am

There is something very sick and wrong with anyone who repeatedly obsesses and writes about somebody else that way. It is far beyond dislike. If you do that to one, you can do it to anyone. Is leaving it alone too much to ask? 

Ken identified a root cause of politics, and in effort to extinguish flame wars established a policy of no political discussion. In spite of that, political discussion continues in ways that fly just under the radar. Furthermore any other little cause of difference quickly if not immediately becomes personal. Little flames and fires burn all over, always between two people with a history of animosity against each other. They can't and don't resist. 

The distance between politics and personal is a very short fuse. The end result is almost always a burn out, a fire, or an explosion. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
2/10/2023 9:18 am

I’m done with the sicko.  I’ve said all I had to say to him, and meant every word.  Had enough of the scum that infest basically every other board here, too.

A fully moderated board is the only thing that keeps the trash out.  Let them stew in their own juices.


Posted by Siagiah
2/10/2023 10:08 am

Oh, and SCREW YOU YOME.  Using fake names doesn't disguise your pure ignorance of the English language while you spew trash talk against us.  Talk about phony Christians?  Thy name is YOME.

Posted by greenman
2/10/2023 11:12 am

Siagiah wrote:

Oh, and SCREW YOU YOME.  Using fake names doesn't disguise your pure ignorance of the English language while you spew trash talk against us.  Talk about phony Christians?  Thy name is YOME.

That one’s as ignorant as the day is long.  He’s like a Mel Brooks buffoon..


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