New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by Trish
1/29/2023 10:47 am

It's easy to delete rudeness in a subject line because it's obvious. When it's hidden in text, not so much so. I know Ken doesn't open many posts. So I still think taking a moment to email is worth it. 

Posted by greenman
1/29/2023 10:59 am

Trish wrote:

It's easy to delete rudeness in a subject line because it's obvious. When it's hidden in text, not so much so. I know Ken doesn't open many posts. So I still think taking a moment to email is worth it. 

I’ll leave that to the regulars; I doubt he’d look at any e-mail I sent him…lol

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/29/2023 11:55 am

I have little interest or motivation to post on R&E. The endless petty personality squabbles and feigns of politics sometimes disguised and sometimes blatant combine to ensure entrapment in and by both. 

The trouble and problem with both religion, and politics is almost everyone believes they're right and everyone else is wrong. They can't even agree to disagree. Too many times they can't disagree without some disparagement, hurling some barb, name calling, or all. It persisted for years and appears endless. Clearly participants have insufficient motivation to do different. The only thing on which I learned I can depend is either my post won't be read, or it will draw a waste of time insulting response with intent to cause hurt. Therefore the conclusion is "why bother?" 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/29/2023 12:53 pm

Trish wrote:

It's easy to delete rudeness in a subject line because it's obvious. When it's hidden in text, not so much so. I know Ken doesn't open many posts. So I still think taking a moment to email is worth it. 


As you know, I email you two with violations all the time when I'm able to peruse the board.  Every time, I find several that I forward to you both.  You guys nearly always remove them.

I've developed a radar to find them over the years.


Posted by greenman
1/29/2023 1:40 pm

This whole thread is obscene disinformation as WELL as political:

Paul's video is off the top ... weird ... - Mondo Fuego™ January 27, 2023, 4:08 pm

S and M. B and D. Sex slave. Role playing. Drugged. - GOG January 28, 2023, 9:29 am

You have a very freaky imagination. - Just asking January 28, 2023, 6:36 pm

"Golden Showers" ... LOL - Mondo Fuego™ January 28, 2023, 9:43 am

They are leaving the “ Golden State” for the Sunshine State”. - GOG January 28, 2023, 10:25 am

Just more tag-teaming by two right-wing crazies from White Whine (not to mention a pair of cuddly sycophants who seemingly think uncomfortably alike)…

Posted by Siagiah
1/29/2023 2:38 pm

I agree.  I cannot fathom WHY it remains.  It has ZERO redeeming value and it's gross.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/29/2023 4:34 pm

"It" just doesn't end.
"It" doesn't even slow down.
Not only are responses made based more on personality, and less on content, they're predictable in the targeted personage.
It's like that old Three Stooges piece on "Niagara Falls!" Sight of the name, mention of the word sends one of the three on a predictable path of retaliation, where insults are shuttled back and forth like a badminton bird. Seen one and you seen 'em all. They're like those little brown birds, the LBFs. One appears and suddenly they're everywhere. Stepping into one is like swimming in the old Cuyahoga. Swimmers don't die; they decay. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
1/29/2023 6:31 pm

Incidentally, I posted this for Mongo on his newest s—-board:

You mean ‘criticisms of you,’ don’t you?

Posted by greenman on 1/29/2023, 6:15 pm, in reply to "Yep, read the rules above. Personal attacks will be summarily deleted."

Look at this POS post on Yellow, and tell me you’re not a filthy liar:

[Mongo post on Yellow]
‘Listen my children and you shall hear, of the midnight ride of Paul …
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 29, 2023, 2:53 pm
... Pelosi.

Calls 911. Says not really needing help at the moment.

Cops show up, door already open. Paul backs away from cops instead of asking them for immediate help.

Drink in hand, smile on face.

Really, what's going on here?’

You’re lying, THAT’S what’s going on here. How do I know? Because unlike you, I watched the goddamn video.

Shameless loser! There’s NO lie you will not tell, whether about the Pelosi case or about Sia.

Go to hell.

I’m sure he’ll delete the above, but I’m so disgusted with that loser…

Posted by Siagiah
1/29/2023 8:43 pm

He really is a waste of skin. 

His new board is already the same as his old board because he's running them.  Trash begets trash.  He will protect his buddies and delete anyone who disagrees with him. But he'll indulge in violating all of the supposed rules with impunity.


Posted by greenman
1/30/2023 12:15 pm

I told him I wasn’t coming back after he claimed I’d ‘violated the rules three times (a lie).’ Next step would’ve been a ‘timeout,’ which in Mongo-speak means you’re banned.  That just happened to Stevil on White Whine, I believe.

He’s ‘welcomed’ a couple of others onto the new board, but I know from experience that any disagreement with HIM means you’re ‘violating the rules.’  He simply cannot tolerate disagreement of any kind.


Posted by Siagiah
1/30/2023 12:35 pm

greenman wrote:

I told him I wasn’t coming back after he claimed I’d ‘violated the rules three times (a lie).’ Next step would’ve been a ‘timeout,’ which in Mongo-speak means you’re banned. That just happened to Stevil on White Whine, I believe.

He’s ‘welcomed’ a couple of others onto the new board, but I know from experience that any disagreement with HIM means you’re ‘violating the rules.’ He simply cannot tolerate disagreement of any kind.



Your inability to follow rules and resignation from the board are duly noted. Posted by ADMIN on 1/30/2023, 12:04 pm, in reply to "Another lie." Please refrain from posting here.

Thank you.

HA HA HA HA HA HA   Please refrain from posting there.  HA HA HA HA HA HA HA  Like you were going to hang around?

Posted by greenman
1/30/2023 2:58 pm

He’s banned me, unsurprisingly.  Even though I’d told him I wasn’t coming back, his smalldickenergy problem told him to try to gain the upper hand - and some of his long-lost manhood - by attacking after the fact so he could pretend (as he does with you and White Whine) that HE had been the one to ‘ban’ me.  It’s quite comical!

He posted this self-righteous diatribe on his own broken-down excuse for a board:

A special and final message to greenman

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 30, 2023, 1:44 pm

I am not going to put up with egregious personal attacks on a board which has posted rules forbidding such obnoxious and antisocial behavior.

You couldn’t last 3 days on a new board without calling a poster “liar”, “motherf*****”, etc. [I called him a liar because he lied.  I never called him - or any other poster there - a ‘motherf——r.’  That is also a lie]

You are unable to control your sociopathic nature. It’s beyond your diminished mentality. That is why you have been relegated to one board where your continued existence is dependent on staying in lockstep with the dictates of a neurotic dominatrix who thrives on obsequious adoration and evil gossip in a dank barbaric cave.

I’ll not give you another chance to offend posters on boards that I administer. [to be honest, the only one ‘offended’ was Mongo]

Furthermore, as to PureStevil and timeout, repeated nick-stealing and verbal abuse of posters are sufficient causes for a 1 month all-expense-paid vacation, and it is none of your concern as you have no standing on any platform except in a dismal cave.



Is there any wonder he’s a Trumpster?  He’s almost exactly as childish, arrogant and thin skinned as Orange Fat Boy!  lol

Last edited by greenman (1/30/2023 3:31 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
1/30/2023 7:17 pm

How PATHETIC.  He loves to claim that HE booted someone who left on their own.

He claims he booted me when he knows damned well that he didn't.  He even tried to get me to return.  He insists that he did BECAUSE I DID BAN HIM FOR LIFE from Blue and he can't accept that so made up lies about why I left his board.  That was after I'd given him multiple chances to correct his behavior, which he simply could not do.  Donatello had already banned him for life prior to me doing so, but LIS before, I convinced him to give him another chance because mongo lied to me about how it was all so unfair, yada yada yada... Donatello, A.J., and Merlin reluctantly agreed when I pushed hard for it.  mongo KNEW that I'd gone way out on a limb to get him another chance and WHAT did he do?  Within less than an HOUR, someone pissed him off and he went ballistic, trashing the board, all of us,  and all the regulars.  Of course, I looked like an enormous fool (which I was) because I'd bought his lies and promises to behave himself.  I was furious on top of being humiliated and he was again banned for life by Donatello.

Notice how he doesn't hate Donatello even though Donatello ALSO banished him for life?  mongo is a misogynist pig. That's why.

 He just flings insults and ridiculous claims about people that he thinks others will believe.


Posted by greenman
1/30/2023 9:11 pm

He’s a real peach, for sure.  Why has Boardhost attracted psychopaths like him, jb and GOG?  I suppose there are certain weirdos on every public board.

That’s why I think you’re wise to maintain the membership system on blue.  Keeps the riff-raff out.

I just laugh about his behavior now.  I try not to let such things bother me - or surprise me, which this did not.  The volatility factor made it nearly inevitable, in fact..

Posted by Siagiah
1/30/2023 9:25 pm

Well, you know that I said from the start that it would come to this.  Normally, I'm inclined to always give someone the benefit of the doubt and another chance if they ask for it.  But not him.  NO WAY.  He's burned me too damned many times.  There's never a doubt in my mind what will happen with anything that he is in charge of no matter how much he insists otherwise.  He cannot escape himself so everything he touches is doomed to become the same as everything before it.  Just like tRUMP.

Posted by Siagiah
1/30/2023 9:40 pm

If one of the boards was going to succeed, it would have been Ken's.  It WON'T be mongo's.  If he keeps it, it will be a trash heap or it will wither and die.  Probably both.  It's unnecessary.  He already has a political board.  Anyone interested in wasting their time on a board he runs already does. 

His purpose was to get those of us who won't set foot on his board to go to that one because he desperately misses the bipartisan arguments and variety he doesn't have on his own board and that Ken won't allow on R&E.  Too damned bad. 

He destroyed his own board a long time ago.  Making a new one isn't going to change a thing.  Those who despise him will still despise him. His ONLY hope of getting what he wants is if someone else runs a board that allows politics and lets him on it too.  Anything HE runs will be JUST LIKE WHITE WHINE.  Everyone who irritates him will be banned sooner or later and/or deleted all the time until they just leave.  He will allow his favorites to abuse others and he'll do it with 'em... then, pretend to take the high road and delete it all once they are getting the better of him. 

What a surprise.  NOT.


Posted by Siagiah
1/31/2023 10:04 am


Out of curiosity, I looked to see what is happening over on the "new green political board".  Looks like mongo has messed it up BIG TIME by deleting top posts and leaving their contents hanging in mid air. Responses should have black squares, not black circles, yet there they are.  LOL.

Several top posts aren't marked properly anymore, several appear to be responses rather than top posts, are indented like responses with blank circles instead of black circles, while dividers are piled up where threads have been deleted improperly and then missing where they should be.


THAT is what you get when you start messing with threads, deleting posters and trying to get rid of their presence. A big fat mess.

Maybe it will crash into a ball of the unusable crap that it so obviously is.


Posted by greenman
1/31/2023 11:40 am

Here’s hoping.  Hopefully intelligent posters will start boycotting it once they see the posts - and posters - disappearing, and Mongo’s behavior in other contexts (especially toward you).  It’s one thing not to want to antagonize him, quite another to participate willingly in his vicious circuses of self-celebration.

Funny to watch GOG follow him around like a little dog too, nodding his head and barking his agreement assiduously with everything his Master says.  Of course he CONTINUES to post bizarre misinformation on every subject he addresses.  The latest was his assessment of the ‘false flag operation’ on Jan 6, 2021. 

Conspiracies for sale!  lol

Last edited by greenman (1/31/2023 11:41 am)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/31/2023 12:55 pm

"Heh heh heh... Waz dat?"
"Looks like dogsh!t"
"Pick it up."
"You pick it up."
"No, you pick it up."
"Smell it."
"I said smell it."
"You smell it."
sniff, sniff sniff. 
"Smells like dogsh!t."
"Taste it."
"Taste it!"
"You taste it!"
Blech! Ikh Sptooey!
"Tastes like dogsh!t?"
"Yeah, Tastes like dogsh!t"
"I think it is dogsh!t."
"I think so too."
"Good thing we didn't step in it!"


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/31/2023 1:38 pm

LMAO... You're too funny Pikes.  We didn't taste, sniff, nor pick it up.  We just observed it.  Walked around the dog sh*t.

Posted by greenman
2/01/2023 9:54 am

Latest Mongo comedy performance-‘I know,
I’ll attack ‘Wordle’ and pretend I’m superior again!’  Note how he then agrees with his own post..

Wordle is too easy. - Mondo Fuego™ February 1, 2023, 12:36 am

Yup: Wordle is too easy. Try WORDSCAPES. - Mondo Fuego™ February 1, 2023, 6:48 am

What’s a five-letter word for ‘jackass?’


Posted by Siagiah
2/01/2023 10:26 am

greenman wrote:

Latest Mongo comedy performance-‘I know,
I’ll attack ‘Wordle’ and pretend I’m superior again!’ Note how he then agrees with his own post..

Wordle is too easy. - Mondo Fuego™ February 1, 2023, 12:36 am

Yup: Wordle is too easy. Try WORDSCAPES. - Mondo Fuego™ February 1, 2023, 6:48 am

What’s a five-letter word for ‘jackass?’



LMAO  Like anyone cares what he thinks? 

Freecell and Minesweeper? MOST of us conquered those more than 2  DECADES ago. Hell, my Dad, who was in his 90s at the time, conquered Freecell.

He likely took your SPOILER and used it to "prove" he can play Wordle.  LOL


Posted by greenman
2/01/2023 1:35 pm

While my ‘method’ sometimes works well, it’s FAR from infallible.  It will turn up at least one vowel, but there might still only be, say, two letters after three words.  It’s helpful, but FAR from infallible.

I see now that SES/OU812 has decided to make sarcastic comments about Wordle.  As if he posts anything but sneering Trumpist resentment.

DFM, SES, Mongo, Sprout - ‘I’m smarter than you!’  lol

Posted by Siagiah
2/01/2023 3:30 pm

I'm the one who's always advocated getting all of the vowels FIRST in two guesses.  RAISE & POUTY do that for me. 

Virtually no one else plays that way, at least not to my knowledge.  So, it's amusing that he'd post that is the "best way" to always win.  His PIANO and EUROS don't get the Y so it's a fail.  LOL.  He's so friggin' pretentious it's laughable.

Posted by greenman
2/01/2023 5:24 pm

The ultimate conflict troll.  Which makes THIS post all the funnier:

Are you trolling for conflict again?

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 1, 2023, 1:16 pm, in reply to "Thanks. So many people were asking for your opinion."


His picture should be in the dictionary next to the word ‘hypocrisy…’

Posted by greenman
2/01/2023 5:31 pm

In response to an innocent Skye post about Freecell:

Caesar conquered Omnia Gallia 2000 years ago.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 1, 2023, 1:19 pm, in reply to "Freecell is too easy, too."

And, he didn't have a PC or a smartphone.

Sometimes I think he’s drunk when he posts..

Posted by Siagiah
2/01/2023 7:34 pm

He's clearly trying to troll me for saying that I conquered free cell 20 years ago. 

He got rid of you and PureStevil on his dumb new board.  Now he's after Merlin.  It's nothing but White Whine Junior with a pretentious slant.  (it's a "grown up board" unlike R&E according to mungo)

He's a moron.

TALKING ABOUT MERLIN.  Apparently, it's OKAY for mongo to personally insult posters. He also scolded Merlin for using a meme to make his point saying it's a cartoon and doesn't belong there.  Gonna be amusing how he tries to backtrack on his OWN behavior as if HE is above the supposed rules.


I think he thinks he's on the Yellow Board ... 

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 2/1/2023, 7:47 pm, in reply to "Wow. Well thought out response." ...

where silly answers are the rule.

This is a nore grown-up board.



Posted by greenman
2/01/2023 8:42 pm

Some things are a given:

1. Mongo will not accept any personal criticism

2. He will tolerate you only so long as you agree (more or less) with him

3. His rules and interpretations of those rules are all which apply

4. His beliefs and ideologies rule; contrary notions aren’t welcome and will eventually get you banned

5. He will ban me anytime he has the chance, based on his personal hatred of me (likewise, obviously)

His own personal abuse of Merlin is a long-standing embarrassment on Yellow.

Posted by Siagiah
2/01/2023 9:18 pm



If they are beneath your threshold of worthiness ... 

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 2/1/2023, 8:53 pm, in reply to "Au contraire, the responses I received are silly and typical of the GOP representatives" ...

you could save some energy by not responding at all unless you have something of substance to lend.
Silly cartoons and smug one-liners are not what this board is about.


Well, unless he or one of his pups decides it is.



Posted by Siagiah
2/01/2023 11:26 pm

LMAO... He simply CANNOT resist...

The new politicsboard has ol' blew in a stitt.
  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 1, 2023, 9:13 pm

 The gossip and slander is churning at a feverish pitch.

greenslime wonders why he is not allowed to visit with civilized folks ... his recidivism rate is off the charts ... a one-pump chump who couldn't last 3 days ... but he seems happy being a boy-toy go-pher, fetching gossip fodder for his dominatrix gerbil.

The ignominious tome is now a 34-page testament to socipathic depravity.


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