New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by greenman
1/23/2023 11:01 am

I saw the followup attack; won’t post it.  Too disgusting.  Suffice to say no board should operate like that.

But then, a board takes on the character of its operator.  ‘Nuff said.

That’s why Sia’s board is so refreshing, because her character makes it a good place to be.  Thanks again, Sia, and continued rapid recovery from your operation!

Posted by Trish
1/23/2023 2:41 pm

I thought briefly about walking away, but I don't roll over for bold-faced, drooling bullies. He lied, threw out assumptions, and tried very hard to stand over me with his verbal baseball bat. What he doesn't know is that I am fully armored for the likes of him. For now, I stand my ground. 

Posted by greenman
1/23/2023 5:14 pm

TEX may not even be sane.  Arguing with crazy people (TEX, jb, GOG) is not only a waste of time, it’s bad for one’s sanity.

He thinks right-wing media are unimpeachable sources of truth.  Let him enjoy his delusions.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/23/2023 5:46 pm

I prolly won't return to R&E for a long, extended vacation. 
The last round of abuse was it. 
Every day away gets a little easier.
But for what's posted here, I don't think about it.
I have no interest in following a link for a looksee.
I don't need to see somebody else abused to remember what it's like. 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/23/2023 6:30 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
1/23/2023 7:39 pm

In this case, it’s on White Whine (Mongo’s trashboard), and it’s ongoing.  Shows his utter incompetence as a board mod, not that that’s  news, and why EVERYONE should boycott his posts.  Replying only encourages him to continue to disrupt Boardhost.

He is garbage, and he ENABLES garbage.

Posted by Siagiah
1/23/2023 8:11 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

I prolly won't return to R&E for a long, extended vacation. 
The last round of abuse was it. 
Every day away gets a little easier.
But for what's posted here, I don't think about it.
I have no interest in following a link for a looksee.
I don't need to see somebody else abused to remember what it's like. 



I know that DFM was a total AH to you on R&E, but HE isn't representative of the whole there.  By and large, Ken doesn't allow abuse there.  However, he does NOT read all of the posts, so they have to be sent to him to take care of.  I've no doubt that he didn't see it. 

mongo's board is another story.  That kind of thing is routine and perfectly FINE there.  I can't tell you how many times I complained to mongo about the abuse heaped on me and he essentially told me that his philosophy is hands off and for posters to take care of their own business.  IOW, too damned bad. 

Ken, Trish, and R&E are NOT like that.

FYI, I agree that we don't have to see the abuse of someone else to remember what it's like.  It was frequent enough to NEVER forget.


Posted by greenman
1/24/2023 9:01 am

Here’s Mondo’s announced new political board, FWIW:

I decided to try it to see how it goes, but no one else is obliged to, of course.

Posted by Siagiah
1/24/2023 9:35 am

greenman wrote:

Here’s Mondo’s announced new political board, FWIW:

I decided to try it to see how it goes, but no one else is obliged to, of course.


SERIOUSLY?   Well, good luck with that.


Posted by Siagiah
1/24/2023 9:40 am

mongo ruined his own board and pushed all dissent out.  So, what's this?  Another attempt to start a new board that will be EXACTLY like his board in no time flat?

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/24/2023 12:02 pm

I don't like to see people I respect be targets of abuse and ridicule. It is a pattern that appears repetitiously from the same sources and it doesn't stop. Ridicule is largely personal, based on who writes rather than what is written. When topical, it is reinforced by tie to conspiracy theory, or misplaced opinion by crank authority. Non involvement by choice influenced nothing. My non involvement moved to another level. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
1/24/2023 2:21 pm

Siagiah wrote:

mongo ruined his own board and pushed all dissent out.  So, what's this?  Another attempt to start a new board that will be EXACTLY like his board in no time flat?

Well, I’m cautiously giving it a chance.  Worth a short-term experiment, I guess.  We’ll see who shows up.

Posted by Siagiah
1/24/2023 5:01 pm

greenman wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

mongo ruined his own board and pushed all dissent out.  So, what's this?  Another attempt to start a new board that will be EXACTLY like his board in no time flat?

Well, I’m cautiously giving it a chance. Worth a short-term experiment, I guess. We’ll see who shows up.


Well, I wish you the best of luck and hope it works out for you.

As for me, I've tried and been kicked in the teeth TOO MANY TIMES.  I WON'T fall for it again.


Posted by Siagiah
1/25/2023 11:43 pm

CORRECT ME if I am wrong about Pikes' twice experience with COVID

  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 25, 2023, 7:52

am I want to clear up some mis-information, mis-understanding and mis-interpretation concerning what I said about Pikes' experience with COVID.

Based upon what Pikes posted here over the past several months, it was my understanding that Pikes got COVID twice, once before the vaccine, and again after the vaccine but perhaps before or somewhat concurrent with the booster, or maybe shortly thereafter ... I am not totally sure about the chronology of the booster. Correct me if I am wrong.

It appeared to me that the second bout with COVID was very severe, that his oxygen level had dropped well below 90%, and it took emergency surgery and oxygen therapy to keep him alive. Subsequently, he experienced diminished lung/oxygen absorption ability and was unable to climb mountains to the previous heights that he had experienced earlier in life.

Correct me if I am wrong in any of the foregoing.

When I said "The shots and boosters don't guarantee anything ... Just ask Pikes", I was commenting that, according to what he had posted here several months ago, he contracted COVID a second time AFTER the initial shots (but perhaps before the booster ... I don't recall when he said that he had received the booster). My sole point was that the shots and the boosters don't guarantee that you will never get COVID again. To further emphasize that point, I have several relatives who have contracted COVID a second time after the initial shots and booster.

I just want everyone to understand that I was not "Playing" Pikes, and I don't appreciate those who have tried to insinuate to him that I was "Playing" him. As far as I know, Pikes and I "mended fences" a while back, and I have shown respect for him, his incredible knowledge, talents and abilities ever since.I just want the Iagos of the world to know that and to quit poisoning the well. You know who you are. Sia is the sinister, abusive Ringleader over in her nasty "Back Alley" ghetto. JUST STOP IT!


Talk about being OUT OF LINE?  He should mind his own damned business!  It is an OBVIOUS DNR VIOLATION as well as discussing another board which is expressly against R&E rules !!!!

Pikes was OBVIOUSLY talking about mongo when he said he feels like he's being used and played because he commented that HE (Pikes) is being treated cordially while so many others are being trashed and dumped on.  WHO ELSE could he have meant because WHO ELSE IS DOING THAT?  I didn't "insinuate" anything.  Pikes said it straight up and I responded.

Too bad the MORON, mongo, doesn't get it that Pikes doesn't like how NASTY mongo is to everyone else. 



Key word: might

Establishment of another politics board solely for politics might lure some of the abuse

More and more frequently, especially since the New Year, I question if I am being used and played. Why is someone cordial with me, and so nasty with so many others?  ***

I attempted many times to establish a dialogue and camaraderie with DFM, which he largely ignores. Today he submitted a post after which he's dead to me. No more effort on my part. I remember somebody named DFM who posted wonderful material at Mysteries of the Universe. He and the person under that title on R&E can't be the same person can they? They're like Jekyll and Hyde. 

It is so easy for anyone to be anybody. I waste too much time in thought about this. 

 Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/19/2023 6:16 pm)


**** WHO COULD THAT BE BESIDES MONGO ? THAT IS WHY I SAID "OF COURSE YOU'RE BEING PLAYED BY MONGO".  That was BEFORE mongo's idiotic post asking about Pikes' bout with Covid.  mongo CLEARLY doesn't understand that Pikes abhors all of the anti-vaccine B.S. being posted and would be OFFENDED by being USED by mongo to try to support his claims that vaccines are of NO USE. 

Posted by greenman
1/26/2023 12:27 pm

After seeing his latest attack, I had to withdraw from his political board.  It’s not bad enough I’m still banned from HIS board, already a haven for psychopaths like TEX, GOG, Deanna and Rebel, but to have him continue to try to divide those on Blue while making vile and false attacks on them is too damn much.

I condemn Mongo’s behavior in the strongest possible terms.  He seems like he’s not right in the head.

Posted by Siagiah
1/26/2023 3:04 pm

WOW... I just saw this too

Positive proof that SchizoPsychoSia is poisoning the well with others against me 

 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 26, 2023, 11:50 am

 Scroll to the bottom of the following page:


It's obvious that Sia is "Playing" Pikes in the name of revenge for me booting her off this board permanently over a decade ago because of her chronic nastiness to other posters. She manipulates and weaponizes her "friends" against others. That's abuse of her friends. She spends 24/7/365 on these boards, stalking other posters, calling them names and posting filthy remarks about them in her demented "Back Alley". It's her whole life. She has made a career of maligning others. In the past 2 years, she has posted hundreds of nasty remarks about me and our other posters in 33 pages of diatribes, each of which contain dozens of ugly slurs. Can a person who devotes her life to this nefarious enterprise be sane? The answer is resoundedly: "HELL, NO!!!".


Along with this that you posted...

I must voluntarily withdraw. 

Posted by greenman on 1/26/2023, 6:20

am I can no longer participate in a board run by the kind of sick individual who would post this vile attack:

Boy, did I burn Sia's scrawny butt today. She is having a cow.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 26, 2023, 12:54 am
I called her out on Ken's board for all her piss'n'vinegar spite towards me and her manipulation of Pikes.

I caught her trying to weaponize Pikes against me ... again ... for about the 50th time.

Ya see, if anyone in her inbred cult has any kind of positive relationship with me, she p****-whips and guilt-trips them, then tries to make it look like I am "playing" them.

She can't stand it if any of her minions has any kind of friendship with anyone that she has shut out of her nasty blue dungeon.

She has a sick, sordid, twisted, sociopathic mind that fits Bates Motel pretty well.

33 pages of slander, libel and downright nasty diatribes about me, DFM, GOG and Deanna.

da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da Da DA Da da

..on a person still in recovery from a major operation and fighting for her health. It’s way outside the bounds of decency.



greenman  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 26, 2023, 12:25 pm I'm sorry to see you leaving the new political debate board so soon.

You were doing so well.

Your departure is what SHE wants.

Don't let co-dependence rule your life. She hasn't always been that good to you. Only when you do her bidding.

You're welcome back there any time.


Posted by Siagiah
1/26/2023 3:07 pm

greenman wrote:

After seeing his latest attack, I had to withdraw from his political board. It’s not bad enough I’m still banned from HIS board, already a haven for psychopaths like TEX, GOG, Deanna and Rebel, but to have him continue to try to divide those on Blue while making vile and false attacks on them is too damn much.

I condemn Mongo’s behavior in the strongest possible terms. He seems like he’s not right in the head.


Thank you...

There is something VERY WRONG with him.  He OBVIOUSLY doesn't get it that I did NOT put the idea into Pikes' head.  Pikes was already thinking it and I simply confirmed that he's right.  mongo IS using and playing him.  mongo hasn't changed ONE DAMNED BIT.  He simply doesn't want Pikes to go forward with his lawsuit so he's kissing up to him while continuing to be the complete AH that he so obviously is to everyone else.

He LITERALLY tried to USE Pikes' bout with Covid to support his ANTI-VACCINE beliefs.  If he understood a SINGLE THING about Pikes, he'd realize that he VIOLATED PIKES by doing that because Pikes ABHORS ANTI-VAX CRAP.

Even his stupid "new board".  He just wants greenman to stay because apparently NO ONE ELSE is interested aside of his own sock puppets.


Posted by Siagiah
1/26/2023 3:14 pm

WOW again.  THIS is what he wrote to your withdrawal...


Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 1/26/2023, 7:58 am, in reply to "I must voluntarily withdraw.

Where is your objectivity?

She has been posting lies about me while she is recovering from her major operation. Infirmity doesn't affect her vindictiveness at all.

It goes back well before her current medical predicament.

Have you not noticed the vile stuff she has posted about me and others in her "Back Alley" for years?

Where are HER "bounds of decency"?

She has not always been kind to you either.

Do you not wonder about the mental state of someone who hides in a cave and posts hundreds of nasty remarks about people 24/7/365 for years?

Do you not recognize the co-dependence she has brow-beaten into the people that follow her?

Your leaving here is exactly what SHE wants.

Surely you are smarter than that. Break the chains.

I hope you will re-consider.

You are welcome back here any time.


What's really ridiculous is that it is not ME who posts the majority of anti-mongo stuff.  He's trashing me for something that you often do as if you've never had anything negative to say about him.  So, now he's trying to play you against me, just like you said. 

He just can't help himself.  He HAS to be the complete AH that he so obviously is. 

There is a screw loose in his damned head.  I basically AGREED with Pikes'  comment about feeling like he's being played and used. 

 Co-dependence??  WTF?  Being friends isn't some form of co-dependence or requirement to dislike whomever the other dislikes.  That's CRAZY.  It's also beyond INSULTING to both you and Pikes in suggesting that neither of you are strong enough to be yourselves but are under "my control".  Unbelievable.

Posted by greenman
1/26/2023 4:51 pm

Siagiah wrote:

WOW again.  THIS is what he wrote to your withdrawal...


Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 1/26/2023, 7:58 am, in reply to "I must voluntarily withdraw.

Where is your objectivity?

She has been posting lies about me while she is recovering from her major operation. Infirmity doesn't affect her vindictiveness at all.

It goes back well before her current medical predicament.

Have you not noticed the vile stuff she has posted about me and others in her "Back Alley" for years?

Where are HER "bounds of decency"?

She has not always been kind to you either.

Do you not wonder about the mental state of someone who hides in a cave and posts hundreds of nasty remarks about people 24/7/365 for years?

Do you not recognize the co-dependence she has brow-beaten into the people that follow her?

Your leaving here is exactly what SHE wants.

Surely you are smarter than that. Break the chains.

I hope you will re-consider.

You are welcome back here any time.


What's really ridiculous is that it is not ME who posts the majority of anti-mongo stuff.  He's trashing me for something that you often do as if you've never had anything negative to say about him.  So, now he's trying to play you against me, just like you said. 

He just can't help himself.  He HAS to be the complete AH that he so obviously is. 

There is a screw loose in his damned head.  I basically AGREED with Pikes'  comment about feeling like he's being played and used. 

 Co-dependence??  WTF?  Being friends isn't some form of co-dependence or requirement to dislike whomever the other dislikes.  That's CRAZY.  It's also beyond INSULTING to both you and Pikes in suggesting that neither of you are strong enough to be yourselves but are under "my control".  Unbelievable.

“Play you against me” - yeah, pretty much.  That’s what it’s all about.

Posted by Siagiah
1/26/2023 5:39 pm

Greenman:  “Play you against me” - yeah, pretty much.  That’s what it’s all about.


Well, I'm glad that I didn't bother to post on his new board.  Still, I'm sorry that it didn't work out for you. 

I looked in after your post here and noticed that there's not much traffic.  Looks like most folks were either waiting it out to see or had no interest.
  It looks like you were trying hard to maintain civility and decent discussion.  Unfortunately, nothing that mongo touches remains civil.  NOTHING.


Posted by Siagiah
1/27/2023 9:37 am


Sia is a good Admin and good friend. Everything you said about her is wrong. 

Posted by Ken C on 1/27/2023, 2:41 am, in reply to "greenman

I'm busy with work, and I don't have time for internet arguments.

My Governor bothers me even more than any disagreements on these forums. I need to start a few more threads criticizing Gavin Newsom. He wants everyone to buy an EV, but he does not want to help the poor pay for their EV's. He lied on TV, and he was still reelected. California is so liberal that he did not need to campaign to get reelected.


Posted by Siagiah
1/27/2023 10:26 am

WOW, he just can't STOP.


Have you not read her nasty "Back Alley". Everything I said about her is correct.

 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 1/27/2023, 3:59 am, in reply to "Sia is a good Admin and good friend. Everything you said about her is wrong.

You are somewhat of a hypocrite, and she definitely has you p****-whipped on your board. She whines, and you hop to it.

I had to kick her off my board years ago because of her daily nastiness to Deanna, Aurora and other posters on my board.

Her nastiness lives on in her nasty "Back Alley", where she continues to malign me and Deanna, and she has added GOG and DFM to her hate list. I have even seen your name on someone's sh*t list over there.

And you claim someone like that as a "good friend". You are not very careful in your choice of friends.

It is entirely possible that her health problems may be inexorably intertwined with and caused by her sick, spiteful mind.

If she had any character at all, she would delete her Back Alley, and she would never hear from me again.

I can't figure out why Pikes hangs with that crowd on the Back Alley. He says he doesn't like the animosity that exists on your board, but he immerses himself in far more severe animosity in the Back Alley. He is way above the other blokes on the Back Alley in intellect, interests and accomplishments. Why waste his time and talent there?

 This is simply BEYOND the pale.  He is a LIAR and a vicious MONSTER.  How DARE he try to use my illnesses and injuries against me in such a hateful way.  I am nowhere near healed nor strong and I don't need this CRAP, which HE started. 

It's hard enough to be this helpless and in this much pain without a MONSTER doing his damndest to make it even WORSE because he can't handle the FACT that Pikes is questioning what he's up to with his butt kissing him and absolute AH behavior to everyone else, including Pikes' friends.  His claims of friendship and sudden admiration for Pikes REEKS of FAKE. No one is buying it.  We all know why he's playing Pikes - to stop an expensive lawsuit that is still going forward in spite of his games trying to snow Pikes into dropping it.  This is a routine we've ALL seen many times, ad nauseum.

ALL I did was agree with what PIKES said because it's true.  mongo IS playing him and DID use his Covid experience for his own evil ends. 

How DARE he try to manipulate Pikes, Ken, and greenman!  He is PURE EVIL.  He's also a bald-faced LIAR.  I left his board, he didn't kick me out.  I left it because of the pure hatred and venom that he, Aurora, SMartin, and others dished out to me on a DAILY basis.  THEY were the abusers and I finally had enough of it and wanting to retaliate.  I refused to become like them because they made me so angry, so I LEFT.

With his personal attacks on me there, he's ALREADY proven that his "new board" is the same as his old board and anything goes, including personal attacks, as long as HE is doing the attacking.  In short order, every left leaning poster will become cannon fodder.  Same old, same old. He can erase it, but it's perfectly preserved here, which is WHY I copied and pasted it.  In the past, he routinely lied about things that we all saw for ourselves after it was erased.  He can't do that here.


Posted by Siagiah
1/27/2023 12:15 pm

Truth is, I am not healing as fast as I seem to be.  I'm in unbelievable pain and really suffering from this.  I can barely get around, even with a walker or a cane, and can't do a damned thing for myself beyond lifting a cup to drink and eating a little.   I can type some and use my talk to type a lot.  

  I've lost 13 lbs now.  This neck brace hurts a LOT and my neck aches something wicked. I'm avoiding taking too much for the pain so I don't become addicted.  I don't want to be pitied, so do my best to project strength that I really don't feel nor have.

  What you're seeing is me using my minimal strength to fight back.  But it's not limitless. I'm basically feeling like curling up into a ball of hurt right now.  I'm SO angry and hurt, but helpless at the same time.  I just don't understand the hatefulness being dumped on me. 

  This whole thing with being so weak & in such pain has beaten me down to where I'm crying half the time because of it.  Then on top of it, the anger & frustration because of how unfair and cruel it is for him to be so relentlessly attacking me like this just because I said the obvious.  I don't have the strength to fight the despair at the cruelty that it generates too.  I didn't DO anything but agree with Pikes that  he IS being played and used.  I haven't torn mongo to shreds nor gone after him personally with the kind of venom and hatred he's dished out to me.  I've only commented on his ugly behavior and pure hatefulness.  NOW he suggests that I somehow DESERVE this injury & pain because I don't like nor trust him and said so ? 


WHY do I deserve this degree of hatred and shredding when he KNOWS that I'm weak, hurt, facing months more of it, and he's deliberately making it all worse?  He is nothing but a self-absorbed, hate-filled MONSTER.


Posted by greenman
1/27/2023 2:05 pm

Please take no notice of him.  He’s simply a bad, malicious person not worth your time.

I’ve walked away from his board and don’t intend to engage him anymore.  I’d urge you to do the same.  Everyone here cares about you; your board is more than enough to think about (but not to worry about).

I paid too much attention to such ravings in the past, but don’t care so much anymore.  You can dismiss him, too.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/27/2023 4:31 pm

I dislike sight of any personal attack. That was and is my position. I dislike sight of someone I grew to know, respect, and like become the target of personal animosity. To be angry is easy. To be angry at the right time, at the right person or people, for the right reason in difficult. Personal attack is anger. The lesson is to learn to control your anger. When in doubt, don't. If there is no doubt, don't anyway. 

Sia, heartache makes real physical pain worse, and delays healing. You know that from experience. My desire is for animosity to end, and if it cannot, then for self control to suppress it. If something doesn't need to be said, don't. This applies to me as well. 

Response to provocation usually feeds the wrong things. Best response is none. 

Animosity alone is bad enough. When practiced with intent to hurt someone, it is reprehensible. It rings like those narrowest of Christians who justify someone's pain and suffering the result of sin and uncleanness in their life. Some take it a step further and call it punishment from God. Really? When they stand on the sidelines cheering? Their god is no deity I want to follow, and they are friends to nobody. 

Playing people is never in their best interest. Most times it's in the player's interest. Not best interest because play of people has no best anything. 

This observation isn't limited to one or two. It describes many in the community. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (1/27/2023 5:00 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
1/27/2023 6:29 pm

He accused ME of starting it when it was mongo who started it by taking a comment to you here OUT OF CONTEXT and blowing it up into this whole thing.  It was mongo who posted a totally out of line post on R&E TWICE (that Ken removed) and on his own board in an effort to "get me" for agreeing with you that he is using and playing you.  That's AFTER he literally USED you as some sick support for his ANTI-VAX position, knowing full well that you OPPOSE anti-vaxxers and SUPPORT VACCINES for saving your life.  HE doesn't get it how WRONG he was to do that or understand that you straight up TOLD HIM that in your since deleted post that went out with his outrageous thread attacking me as if I was influencing you to believe what YOU said before I agreed with you, that set this whole thing off. 

It is also mongo who continues to continue adding vile, VICIOUS personal attacks and straight up LYING about me.  He seems to actually believe that HE has the high road.

I haven't attacked his humanity or posted in delight for supposedly "getting him".  I've merely copied HIS ATTACKS for posterity so he cannot deny that he posted what he did.  Somehow he thinks that regular people agree with his position and support his vicious attacks.  It should be noted that NO ONE HAS VOICED SUPPORT, but some have spoken up against it.

He kept going and wrote this crap after greenman asked him to STOP IT:

Please stop doing this.

Posted by greenman on 1/27/2023, 8:08 am, in reply to "Have you not read her nasty "Back Alley". Everything I said about her is correct."

You have three boards on which to post, please stop attacking Sia when she’s seriously ill. There is NO EXCUSE for this.


Sia must quit maligning me, DFM, GOG and Deanna on the nasty "Back Alley" board.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 1/27/2023, 9:05 am, in reply to "Please stop doing this."

You're supposed to be a bright guy.

Can't you understand that Sia's nasty "Back Alley" is the sole cause of the situation.

Also, nobody is forcing her to read my boards.


Tell her to delete the goddam board and quit posting about me, GOG, Deanna and DFM, and HER problem will go away. She will never hear from me again.


You don’t get to define free speech to others

Posted by greenman on 1/27/2023, 9:32 am, in reply to "Sia must quit maligning me, DFM, GOG and Deanna on the nasty "Back Alley" board."

…nor does ANYONE make you read it. You do that out of a compulsive need to see criticisms of yourself and to become enraged about them.

As she has pointed out, I have been more critical of you than she has. Your problem is that you are an extreme misogynist.
I don’t know the psychology behind that particular problem.


Nor do you and Sia.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 1/27/2023, 9:47 am, in reply to "You don’t get to define free speech to others"

Quid pro quo.

You said: "I have been more critical of you than she has.".

That's a direct admission of guilt.

Why would you continue to malign me? What's your purpose?

I don't see how you can rationalize your behavior. You do it to Ken too. It's abnormal.

I offered you an olive branch of peace to post here. You let HER overrule you.


Yeah, you’re a real prince.

Posted by greenman on 1/27/2023, 10:46 am, in reply to "Nor do you and Sia."

Attacking a woman just out of major surgery, you’re a real f—-ng Man of God, for sure.

Don’t break your f——-g arm patting yourself on the back.


She doesn't have to read here. Not only does she read ... she copies stuff here and ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 1/27/2023, 11:23 am, in reply to "Yeah, you’re a real prince."

... pastes on her nasty "Back Alley" board.

She's the one "just out of surgery" attacking me. She knows exactly what she's doing. She was evil long before her surgery. 33 pages full of vulgar spite posted over 2 years, following over a decade of verbal abuse of me and Deanna.

You're the one who started this thread, not I. You and she are definitely co-dependent, somewhat bi-polar, and definitely passive/aggressive. There's help for that. But there's no cure for your mean-spirited dominatrix.

I guess you couldn't go 2 days without causing a flameout.

You are not banned here, and you can come back any time you want, but please don't bring any of her crap over here ... I will just delete it.


This thread has exhausted any usefulness & is contrary to the spirit of this board. It will be axed

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on 1/27/2023, 11:32 am, in reply to "I must voluntarily withdraw."

at the end of the day.


He criticizes ME for reading what he wrote and copying it here.  HOW would he know any of that if HE wasn't reading here?  Plus, he routinely copies things from here!

While you're right that responding to his provocation doesn't help things, it's unreasonable to expect me to allow his vicious LIES to stand without protest or comment. 

You KNOW exactly what he is.  Your carefully written, barely concealed criticisms of what he's doing are NOT getting through to him.  He is incapable of self-reflection and doesn't get it that they usually apply TO HIM.  He's B.S. because I confirmed your feeling of being played and used but failed to recognize that you actually feel that way.  Somehow, that has to be MY fault, even though I didn't provoke it, it's YOUR observation and feelings.

His regular targets are nearly always WOMEN.  Every single "war" that he's waged has been on me, Poppet, or Trish.  Decades ago, it was other females that no longer post on the boards.  He is and always has been a misogynist.

You're exactly right that his animosity is with the INTENT to harm.  It couldn't be more obvious and yeah, it's reprehensible.

After my previous posts, I took a nap and 2 pain pills to get in front of the pain.  It was out of control and he just made it worse.  At this point, he could fall off the face of the earth to face-plant in hell... and I'd yawn.  He is irredeemable.

That's pretty much what I have to say about it.  As far as I'm concerned, we will NOT delete this board because HE doesn't like it.  He can simply STOP VISITING.  I don't waste my time reading HIS board unless someone calls my attention to something hateful he posted about me.  WHY does HE constantly monitor us here if it offends him so?  I know that no one told him about it because I can SEE that HE is the one reading it.

That said, you're right.  Bothering to engage or react to his hatefulness serves no good purpose and I shouldn't feed his sick need to attack me all the time.


Posted by Siagiah
1/27/2023 7:09 pm

greenman wrote:

Please take no notice of him. He’s simply a bad, malicious person not worth your time.

I’ve walked away from his board and don’t intend to engage him anymore. I’d urge you to do the same. Everyone here cares about you; your board is more than enough to think about (but not to worry about).

I paid too much attention to such ravings in the past, but don’t care so much anymore. You can dismiss him, too.

Thank you.  You're right.  He will NEVER change and his new board will be indistinguishable from his old board in no time flat.


Posted by Trish
1/28/2023 8:37 am

Here is my conundrum. He complains about the venting, and then turns around and does something he knows will cause more. For flames to die down you can't fan them

Posted by Siagiah
1/28/2023 10:12 pm

Well, he keeps fanning them.  Have a laugh at his latest squeal for attention.  A friend sent me the link. Looks like he wants my attention REALLY BAD. 

Obviously, he's not too bright since he somehow can't figure this out. Yesterday, greenman and someone else called my attention to what he was posting against me, so I looked... DUH.


Signs of an absolute nut.  

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 28, 2023, 7:37 pm

  Sia, in the same post in her nasty "Back Alley":

"He criticizes ME for reading what he wrote and copying it here.

I don't waste my time reading HIS board unless someone calls my attention to something hateful he posted about me."

Can't have it both ways.

She is her own worst enema enemy.




Posted by Siagiah
1/28/2023 10:48 pm

What a pathetic HYPOCRITE.  The epitome of a TERRIBLE ADMIN who not only tolerates abuse of posters, but encourages it says this about Ken & Trish to the obnoxious troll, jb... on R&E


You are beating a dead horse ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on January 28, 2023, 5:12 pm, in reply to "this is a place for discussions not for closed minds but some make no secret of their"

  ... these people here don't care about what you post. They make fun of you, they abuse you, and ADMIN puts up with it.

SMH Message Thread 


Posted by greenman
1/29/2023 8:44 am

Agreed.  His attacks on Merlin are just ongoing and never-ending, too.  Merlin caught him on the Pelosi matter, though - Mongo denounced Merlin for ‘politics’ when he’d already posted about the story himself (and stupidly: claiming that he didn’t know what’s happening in the video).

It’s a sad board which consistently lets posters violate its own rules against personal attacks (Mongo, jb, SES/OU812, DFM)..

Last edited by greenman (1/29/2023 8:50 am)


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