New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by Poppet
11/04/2022 10:25 am

Hammer's board died in large part because there was a deliberate effort on the part of a crew of posters to poison the discussion. These happened to be mostly right-wing (by American political standards) posters, but I'm not sure that politics was even the main motivator rather than just carrying on pre-existing personal grudges. Sound familiar...?

I have always been an advocate of the DNR rule on boards that lack a registration/sign-on system. Without it, we seem to invariably get "post stalking." That's when someone latches on to a poster they dislike and spams combative replies to each and every thing they post, often resulting in long, tiresome subthreads. This has the effect of isolating the targeted poster as no one else wants to get anywhere near those sh*tfest threads. DNR stops the stalker in their tracks.

It's easy to say "just ignore them." In practice, this basically never happens.

Posted by Siagiah
11/06/2022 3:36 pm

Poppet wrote:

Hammer's board died in large part because there was a deliberate effort on the part of a crew of posters to poison the discussion. These happened to be mostly right-wing (by American political standards) posters, but I'm not sure that politics was even the main motivator rather than just carrying on pre-existing personal grudges. Sound familiar...?

I have always been an advocate of the DNR rule on boards that lack a registration/sign-on system. Without it, we seem to invariably get "post stalking." That's when someone latches on to a poster they dislike and spams combative replies to each and every thing they post, often resulting in long, tiresome subthreads. This has the effect of isolating the targeted poster as no one else wants to get anywhere near those sh*tfest threads. DNR stops the stalker in their tracks.

It's easy to say "just ignore them." In practice, this basically never happens.


I don't really remember that much about the point that Hammer closed his board.  I think that traffic had dwindled down to so few posts that there were often weeks between them.  I recall it as simply becoming unnecessary because most flocked back to R&E once DNRs kept jb and mongo at bay.  That's when mongo was ridiculing him as far as my memory recalls.  There WAS a ton of assaults on posters by RWers who were hell bent on starting battles there prior to that though.  I DO remember that.

Agreed on why DNRs are a necessary evil.  I don't like having DNRs, but recognize the need for them sometimes.  mongo attacked EVERYTHING I posted and poisoned my posts as a result, so I DNR'd him and will keep it.  I had DNR'd both jb and SES at various times, but recently dropped them both.  SES constantly assaulted my posts with dismissive, personal, and often misogynist insults, so I'd had ENOUGH of him and DNR'd him so he could no longer trigger my temper to get the better of me, so I'd attack him back in similar terms.  I don't enjoy that and refuse to be manipulated into acting like a jerk because I've lost my temper.  After a year, I've dropped it.  SES is still somewhat obnoxious and always dismissive, but nowhere near how ugly he was like to me before, so I just go with the flow now for as long as that lasts.

jb was the worst imaginable pest to me for years, so I DNR'd him too.  I let it drop a few months ago just to see how it would go forward.  He's a pest but, so far, it's been somewhat amusing to smash his arguments and needle him a little now and then.  If he again becomes as obnoxious as he was before, I'll ask for another DNR, but I'd rather not have ANY DNRs that aren't absolutely necessary.  A DNR with mongo is absolutely necessary.


Posted by greenman Online!
11/07/2022 8:28 am

I respect others’ opinions on DNRs, but disagree.  Here’s another reason.

DNRs are SUPPOSED to make moderation easier, because they ‘prevent’ posters from harassing other posters. And indeed, if a DNR BLOCKED one poster from posting to another, they would.  But they don’t.

People violate DNRs all the time,
whether intentionally or unintentionally.  And since part of the rule is that you can’t post ABOUT someone with a DNR against you, that must be monitored as well.  That’s one reason moderators have to read so many posts - to find out if DNRs are being violated.

Whereas if you simply read down a page of posts and checked who posted to whom and the subject lines, you could SEE whether someone was being harassed, and warn the harasser/take down their post/suspend them as needed.  And of course the poster being harassed could always simply e-mail the mods to let them know.

My two cents…

Last edited by greenman (11/07/2022 8:29 am)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
11/07/2022 11:50 am

You know what Elon G. Musk and Twitter needs right now?
A Back Alley!
Registration to eliminate trolls and fake ID impersonators!
Moderation to ensure civil discussion!
DNRs to sever trolls from regular poster abuse.

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (11/07/2022 11:51 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
11/07/2022 7:15 pm

greenman wrote:

I respect others’ opinions on DNRs, but disagree. Here’s another reason.

DNRs are SUPPOSED to make moderation easier, because they ‘prevent’ posters from harassing other posters. And indeed, if a DNR BLOCKED one poster from posting to another, they would. But they don’t.

People violate DNRs all the time,
whether intentionally or unintentionally. And since part of the rule is that you can’t post ABOUT someone with a DNR against you, that must be monitored as well. That’s one reason moderators have to read so many posts - to find out if DNRs are being violated.

Whereas if you simply read down a page of posts and checked who posted to whom and the subject lines, you could SEE whether someone was being harassed, and warn the harasser/take down their post/suspend them as needed. And of course the poster being harassed could always simply e-mail the mods to let them know.

My two cents…


I can guarantee you that anyone driven to get a DNR monitors their own "opponents" and reports it.  Those who don't report via email DO report by posting a variation of "DNR VIOLATION". 

For some reason, I know the entire DNR list (probably because I help them find stuff that violates the rules) and notify them of every single one that I see.

DNRs absolutely cut back on the crap that would ensue without them.  Sure, people make mistakes here and there, but most who do quickly apologize because they  KNOW that multiple violations will get them a lengthy time out and it's better to tell on yourself than have the other report you.

The longer you are a moderator, the easier it is to recognize where you need to look and who to watch. 

At the same time, someone like mongo who uses them to prevent posters from dishing out to him what he dishes out to them IS a problem.  mongo uses proxies and disguised IPs to continue to attack his victims while they cannot strike back directly.  THAT is a problem. However, he messes up sooner or later and gets caught.  Every single year, he is banned for more than half of it because of things he does, so even though he's a problem with misusing DNRs, he's also a limited problem.


Posted by greenman Online!
11/09/2022 10:10 am

If you needed any more proof that DFM was a Trumpist wackjob, here you go:

‘What do you expect when paper and toner are so cheap and voting machines break down so conveniently?

Posted by DFM on November 9, 2022, 8:19 am, in reply to "Unfortunately, the Red Wave did not pan out. More like a ripple..."

"It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes." Falsely attributed to Stalin.’

Election didn’t go his way, so he’s pushing the Big Lie again. Of course this is the same person who supports ‘free speech’ claims for right-wing liars while attacking the speech of anyone who disagrees with him, so…smh

Last edited by greenman (11/09/2022 10:10 am)

Posted by Siagiah
11/09/2022 6:47 pm

No surprise there.  UGH

Posted by greenman Online!
11/10/2022 7:57 am

To be sure.  His arrogance just gets worse and worse, and his sources might as well come from GOG.  He slammed Merlin for trying to actually start a thread about morals and ethics, but most of what HE posts is stuff about either Russia and Ukraine or Israel and Iran.

And this latest on White Whine is intolerable - just a pathetic tissue of LIES.  He must get his ‘news’ straight from Trump:

I tried to get him to engage me on Woodbine’s board when it was up, but he of course chickened out.  A coward AND  a liar.  Just the content Mongo loves.

Last edited by greenman (11/10/2022 8:03 am)

Posted by greenman Online!
11/10/2022 10:18 am

And now GOG has joined him in lying about the election, before all of the results are even in.  A YouTube vid from some oily drifter making lame, vague, unsupported claims about the vote.  Now de rigeur in the Age of Trump, the Chief Election Molester.

Safe bet - if GOG believes in it, it can be safely rejected.

Posted by Siagiah
11/10/2022 2:53 pm

Of course they are. They cannot grasp thst more Americans reject them than like them, regardless of how they feel about Biden. 

tRUMPsters just don't get it!

Posted by greenman Online!
11/11/2022 6:43 pm

Love that GOG continues to crap on the Veteran’s Day thread without Kenniboi doing a thing about him.

His behavior is DISGRACEFUL.  No rational moderator would keep this POS around.  A   paranoid, disinformation-peddling Putinist raving LUNATIC.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
11/11/2022 7:50 pm

I certainly take issue with this:

Let’s recall the terror raids on the ancient city of Dresden. It’s well known who the maniac was who directed that storm. He was a war criminal. A psychopath. Burned up two to three hundred thousand. We should acknowledge that as an atrocity.

The terror raids of the ancient city of Dresden? Yes, that center of manufacture of Nazi military aircraft and rocketry?
To which maniac, war criminal and psychopath does this modern Nazi refer?
Roosevelt? Churchill? Montgomery? Eisenhower? Patton? Harris? 

GOG is on record quoting Holocaust denier David Irving, in his remarkable affinity for quacky reports and conspiracies. Is it any surprise he made that sh!tmark on Veterans Day on R&E? 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
11/11/2022 8:13 pm

greenman wrote:

Love that GOG continues to crap on the Veteran’s Day thread without Kenniboi doing a thing about him.

His behavior is DISGRACEFUL. No rational moderator would keep this POS around. A paranoid, disinformation-peddling Putinist raving LUNATIC.


It's all been removed (the anti-veteran crap).  Ken works all day and Trish quit, so stuff will stay until he gets done working or someone tells him about it. 

I'm glad that it is now gone.  His remarks were beyond disgraceful!


Posted by Siagiah
11/11/2022 8:16 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

I certainly take issue with this:

Let’s recall the terror raids on the ancient city of Dresden. It’s well known who the maniac was who directed that storm. He was a war criminal. A psychopath. Burned up two to three hundred thousand. We should acknowledge that as an atrocity.

The terror raids of the ancient city of Dresden? Yes, that center of manufacture of Nazi military aircraft and rocketry?
To which maniac, war criminal and psychopath does this modern Nazi refer?
Roosevelt? Churchill? Montgomery? Eisenhower? Patton? Harris? 

GOG is on record quoting Holocaust denier David Irving, in his remarkable affinity for quacky reports and conspiracies. Is it any surprise he made that sh!tmark on Veterans Day on R&E? 



What happened in Dresden was atrocious, but largely unavoidable given what the Nazis were doing there.  It is truly horrible when thousands upon thousands die horrible deaths, but let's not forget what was at stake and who was to blame for what was at stake.

Posted by greenman Online!
11/12/2022 8:16 am

greenman wrote:

And now GOG has joined him in lying about the election, before all of the results are even in.  A YouTube vid from some oily drifter making lame, vague, unsupported claims about the vote.  Now de rigeur in the Age of Trump, the Chief Election Molester.

Safe bet - if GOG believes in it, it can be safely rejected.

Gonzalo Lira was the ‘oily drifter.’  Remember?  The guy who faked his own disappearance once, the guy ‘reporting’ pro-Putin news from  Ukraine recently (also quoted by GOG at that time)?  Putin’s lapdog - at least until Russia started getting their butt kicked and he moved on to lying about our election.

GOG is a quisling, a fifth columnist pushing Putinist propaganda.  I doubt he’s paid - more of a ‘useful idiot’ - but what a disgrace.  Surprised that Mongo, who seemed sincere about honoring vets, puts up with that crap.

Posted by greenman Online!
11/12/2022 8:29 am

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

I certainly take issue with this:

Let’s recall the terror raids on the ancient city of Dresden. It’s well known who the maniac was who directed that storm. He was a war criminal. A psychopath. Burned up two to three hundred thousand. We should acknowledge that as an atrocity.

The terror raids of the ancient city of Dresden? Yes, that center of manufacture of Nazi military aircraft and rocketry?
To which maniac, war criminal and psychopath does this modern Nazi refer?
Roosevelt? Churchill? Montgomery? Eisenhower? Patton? Harris? 

GOG is on record quoting Holocaust denier David Irving, in his remarkable affinity for quacky reports and conspiracies. Is it any surprise he made that sh!tmark on Veterans Day on R&E? 


There are mixed opinions on the bombing of Dresden, ranging from ‘necessary targeting as a rail and manufacturing hub’ to ‘atrocious war crime.’  Certainly Irving at one time exaggerated the deaths by almost a factor of ten, and it wouldn’t surprise me if GOG followed him.

Of course you could’ve checked with the late Kurt Vonnegut, famously a prisoner of war there who lived through the bombing and write ‘Slaughterhouse 5’ from those experiences - including being forced to help the Germans try to dispose of the bodies.  He wasn’t too keen on the whole show.

This was the English translation of a leaflet dropped later by the Allies (the apologetic tone is unmistakable):

“To the people of Dresden: We were forced to bomb your city because of the heavy military traffic your railroad facilities have been carrying. We realize that we haven't always hit our objectives. Destruction of anything other than military objectives was unintentional, unavoidable fortunes of war.”

War is always horrible, evil, and wrong.  But some you have little choice but to fight.  I try never to blame soldiers, who like workers are simply the tools of the powerful, and exploited by them.

Posted by greenman Online!
11/12/2022 9:09 am

A lighter subject.  Was there ever a purer and more obvious troll than this?

i keep telling you but you don't get it, you have no idea who i am or what i am like.

Posted by jb on November 12, 2022, 5:40 am

And yet if one replied to this, it would create a 20-post-long and utterly pointless thread.

I know - I’ve DONE that.  Now I just shake my head…

Posted by Siagiah
11/12/2022 12:26 pm

greenman wrote:

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

I certainly take issue with this:

Let’s recall the terror raids on the ancient city of Dresden. It’s well known who the maniac was who directed that storm. He was a war criminal. A psychopath. Burned up two to three hundred thousand. We should acknowledge that as an atrocity.

The terror raids of the ancient city of Dresden? Yes, that center of manufacture of Nazi military aircraft and rocketry?
To which maniac, war criminal and psychopath does this modern Nazi refer?
Roosevelt? Churchill? Montgomery? Eisenhower? Patton? Harris? 

GOG is on record quoting Holocaust denier David Irving, in his remarkable affinity for quacky reports and conspiracies. Is it any surprise he made that sh!tmark on Veterans Day on R&E? 


There are mixed opinions on the bombing of Dresden, ranging from ‘necessary targeting as a rail and manufacturing hub’ to ‘atrocious war crime.’ Certainly Irving at one time exaggerated the deaths by almost a factor of ten, and it wouldn’t surprise me if GOG followed him.

Of course you could’ve checked with the late Kurt Vonnegut, famously a prisoner of war there who lived through the bombing and write ‘Slaughterhouse 5’ from those experiences - including being forced to help the Germans try to dispose of the bodies. He wasn’t too keen on the whole show.

This was the English translation of a leaflet dropped later by the Allies (the apologetic tone is unmistakable):

“To the people of Dresden: We were forced to bomb your city because of the heavy military traffic your railroad facilities have been carrying. We realize that we haven't always hit our objectives. Destruction of anything other than military objectives was unintentional, unavoidable fortunes of war.”

War is always horrible, evil, and wrong. But some you have little choice but to fight. I try never to blame soldiers, who like workers are simply the tools of the powerful, and exploited by them.

It is reasonable to believe that approximately 25,000 people actually died in the bombing of Dresden.  It was absolutely necessary to damage the German communications and more. 

My Dad was outside of the city when it was bombed.  From what he described, NOT bombing it would have further delayed the end of the war.  No one was HAPPY about killing 25,000 people during the bombing, but NOT doing so would have cost significantly more American and British lives. 

Germany waged the war against Europe and HAD to be stopped!  I've heard my Dad's stories about things he saw and losses his men suffered.  Soldiers were exhausted and severely traumatized by then.  They'd been through the liberation of France by then and also Austria and were working their way through Germany. 

Looking back 75+ years later, it's easy to overlook what was happening on the ground there and what the allies didn't yet know in order to attack the reasons behind it, but it's unfair not to also include factors that were in place when the decisions were made.

I wish it never happened as far as killing so many people, however, because my own Dad's life depended on eliminating German communications abilities as well as weapon manufacturing, I'm more than a little biased in favor of it being necessary. 

When I first learned about it, I was horrified and asked my Dad about it, knowing that he was in country at the time.  He let me know what was really going on there in Germany and how the German, French, and Austrian citizens he'd encountered were begging the soldiers to STOP Hitler and pointing directly at Dresden as being a hub of weapons manufacturing and communications, as well as citizens being forced to work there, who talked when they went home.


Posted by greenman Online!
11/12/2022 3:54 pm

I think that a lot of the resentment was over the fact that the city was bombed multiple nights in a row, and that incendiaries were used.  The entire city center, and many civilians, were simply incinerated by the resulting fire-storm.

But it was a hellish war, and hopefully the like will never happen again.  When civilian population centers become prime targets for EITHER side, it’s bad.  And of course the Nazis had to be defeated.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
11/12/2022 6:19 pm

The Dresden bombing was the Allies conventional destruction of the major German armament and munitions center, like the atomic bombs were for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At time of the Dresden bombing, nuclear capability didn't yet exist. 

Up to that time, German arms manufacture was beyond range and reach of aircraft flown from Britain. New bomber and fighter prototypes opened up that possibility, and Harris seized the opportunity. 

Point of the bombing was to hasten end of the war by destruction of the Nazi killing machine. While we can armchair debate this and Hiroshima for war ciminality and 20/20 hindsightm both these assaults pale before the atrocities committed by Hitler and the Nazis, and Japan's warlords who controlled Hirohito. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
11/12/2022 6:36 pm

greenman wrote:

I think that a lot of the resentment was over the fact that the city was bombed multiple nights in a row, and that incendiaries were used. The entire city center, and many civilians, were simply incinerated by the resulting fire-storm.

But it was a hellish war, and hopefully the like will never happen again. When civilian population centers become prime targets for EITHER side, it’s bad. And of course the Nazis had to be defeated.


And I don't disagree.  There were hundreds of American, Russian, and UK POWs there too along with thousands of German soldiers and sympathizers, a communications hub, and weapons manufacturing.  If there had been another way, I'm sure the allies would have considered it, but without an actual invasion into the city, costing thousands upon thousands more allied and civilian lives, there simply wasn't.  Soldiers were exhausted with the war and fresh slaughter of them by having to invade a heavily armed city like Dresden may have been a negative turning point.

There was probably war fatigue on all of the allied soldiers and who knows how bad a land battle in Dresden would have been?

Granted, incendiary bombs were especially brutal.


Posted by greenman Online!
11/13/2022 8:44 am

greenman wrote:

greenman wrote:

And now GOG has joined him in lying about the election, before all of the results are even in.  A YouTube vid from some oily drifter making lame, vague, unsupported claims about the vote.  Now de rigeur in the Age of Trump, the Chief Election Molester.

Safe bet - if GOG believes in it, it can be safely rejected.

Gonzalo Lira was the ‘oily drifter.’  Remember?  The guy who faked his own disappearance once, the guy ‘reporting’ pro-Putin news from  Ukraine recently (also quoted by GOG at that time)?  Putin’s lapdog - at least until Russia started getting their butt kicked and he moved on to lying about our election.

GOG is a quisling, a fifth columnist pushing Putinist propaganda.  I doubt he’s paid - more of a ‘useful idiot’ - but what a disgrace.  Surprised that Mongo, who seemed sincere about honoring vets, puts up with that crap.

No longer surprised.  Mongo is over there on the Whine claiming massive ‘fraud…’

More election fraud in AZ, NV & PA.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on November 13, 2022, 7:32 am
It's intuitively obvious.


Evidently his ‘intuition’ works like this:  ‘My candidates lost, so my intuition tells me there was fraud.’

Funny how, even though Trump didn’t even win a simple majority in 2016, almost NOBODY on the Dem side suggested Hillary was the victim of election fraud.  Nobody stormed Washington.  Nobody tried to call state and local officials to get the vote stopped or ‘recalculated.’

We mostly just said ‘Well, we just need a better candidate next time.’  So we got one.

GOP lies and corruption are getting to be a bad habit.

Last edited by greenman (11/13/2022 8:45 am)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
11/13/2022 10:36 am

Baseless claims of election fraud. 
Only when and where "their" choice loses. 
Why don't "complainers" get involved? Actually volunteer to work an election? Find out what is actually done, and the rigor attached to honesty and accuracy? 
They don't dare, for if they did, they would have nothing to complain about. 
Their attitude is precisely why Democrats held the Senate, and may still have a chance for the House. 
I really don't care if republicans take the House now. Rather that spending time productively, they will waste their time investigating everything possible about Biden with intent to impeach. When they think they found enough evidence, they'll try, and it will go nowhere. 
Can you think of a better use of their time? 
Meanwhile trump is fixiated on destruction of desanitizer. 
Even taylor green begged trump not to run or annouce at this time, for the good of the party.
We know how loyal trump is to party. He will do what he wants. Always did. 
Lindsey Graham cried in appeal for his party to back Herschel in his (their) crtical hour of need.
You know, those republican values? Walker paid for more abortions than most families have children. 
Walker destroyed himself years ago when he learned to lie. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
11/13/2022 10:56 pm

Idjit Gandy wrote:
Confidence in democracy erodes when it takes days to count ballots.  
Posted by Gandalf on November 13, 2022, 9:41 am, in reply to "More election fraud in AZ, NV & PA."

 Every hour that ballots are not counted after an election is an hour for bad actors to find a way to cheat. It’s all preventable.

Mail in ballots make it easier to cheat. How many households receive ballots that do not belong there? If it is one, it is too many. Every election there are stories of ballots being sold, destroyed, or duplicated for partisan purposes.

It is all preventable.

Vote in person on Election Day if possible.

If you can’t be there, vote with an absentee ballot postmarked on or before Election Day.

Require ID.

Count the vote the day of the election.

Confidence restored.


OBVIOUSLY, election workers are doing everything they can to count the ballots as quickly and carefully as possible.  It takes a very long time to count millions of votes.  Maybe some of them should volunteer to HELP them instead of sitting back criticizing and accusing those who've stepped up to count ballots of CHEATING.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
11/14/2022 12:26 am

The demography "Gandolph's" reform ideas hurt most are the US Military opting to vote in their hometown elections from where they're assigned or deployed. 

Your reflections in red reinforces my remarks in lines 3 and 4. The reason the count takes time is because accuracy matters. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
11/14/2022 12:53 am


Gandy's idea is grossly flawed with the "absentee ballots post marked on or before election day" remark.

DUH GANDY.  Posted after it are tossed out!  Posted ON election day take days to arrive to be counted.  He clearly didn't think through his "solution".


Posted by greenman Online!
11/14/2022 11:05 am

Siagiah wrote:

Idjit Gandy wrote:
Confidence in democracy erodes when it takes days to count ballots.  
Posted by Gandalf on November 13, 2022, 9:41 am, in reply to "More election fraud in AZ, NV & PA."

 Every hour that ballots are not counted after an election is an hour for bad actors to find a way to cheat. It’s all preventable.

Mail in ballots make it easier to cheat. How many households receive ballots that do not belong there? If it is one, it is too many. Every election there are stories of ballots being sold, destroyed, or duplicated for partisan purposes.

It is all preventable.

Vote in person on Election Day if possible.

If you can’t be there, vote with an absentee ballot postmarked on or before Election Day.

Require ID.

Count the vote the day of the election.

Confidence restored.


OBVIOUSLY, election workers are doing everything they can to count the ballots as quickly and carefully as possible.  It takes a very long time to count millions of votes.  Maybe some of them should volunteer to HELP them instead of sitting back criticizing and accusing those who've stepped up to count ballots of CHEATING.

He’s wrong, at best.

Lack of ‘confidence’ comes from the lies and propaganda of the Trump Right and their supporting ‘news’ networks.  It doesn’t come from honest concern about ‘cheating’ or ‘steals’ which aren’t happening.  Ah, except in that one a couple of elections back in NC, when Republicans tried to cheat out a Congressional win.  And as in that case, the only likely way such a steal could be pulled off is through ballot box manipulation, NOT through individual acts of fraud.  Thus, voter ID was never really a ‘solution.’

Want to talk about someone who DID TRY to steal an election?  Let’s talk Donald Trump. 

PS - absentee and mail-in ballots are essentially the same thing.

Last edited by greenman (11/14/2022 11:07 am)

Posted by greenman Online!
11/15/2022 8:08 am

DFM Idiocy of the Day (Yellow):

‘Except Kent State shooting was accidental.’

Utterly imbecilic.  I think his devotion to Trump has literally damaged his brain..

Posted by Ken C
11/16/2022 10:01 am

I posted something proving the Mayor of California lied, and I was disappointed there were so few replies.  Then I remembered all the lies and Misinformation from Trump.  Trump lied and spread misinformation, and he was elected president. He spread misinformation about the election results and caused the insurrection thing, and now some people still support him.  The lies are contagious. 

Politicians should be good honest moral leaders to set a good example for the rest of us.  It seems like they are the opposite.  It seems like they are  less honest than normal people.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
11/16/2022 11:46 am

Ken C wrote:

I posted something proving the Mayor of California lied, and I was disappointed there were so few replies.  Then I remembered all the lies and Misinformation from Trump.  Trump lied and spread misinformation, and he was elected president. He spread misinformation about the election results and caused the insurrection thing, and now some people still support him.  The lies are contagious. 

Politicians should be good honest moral leaders to set a good example for the rest of us.  It seems like they are the opposite.  It seems like they are  less honest than normal people.

They appear that way because they're more public. People vote for them, elect them, and re elect them just because. There is no question trump degraded the US presidency to be in a class all by himself, and exactly the polar opposite of his many presidential brags. His brags are full of lies. He learned to lie at an early age and never learned better or different. He is a criminal awaiting arrest, indictment, trial, conviction, and incarceration. While free, he is weaponizing the courts and Department of Justice through frivolous lawsuits and delays to postpone action against him until he can run out the clock and avoid accountability. He has decades of experience doing this, and but for six bankruptcies, avoided justice. He is criminally insane, and a very dangerous person. His following is like a cult, and while major candidate followers were defeated this election, some on more local levels were elected into office. That makes him a cancer. DoJ must indict to stop this while there is an America to defend and protect. The longer they wait, the more damage he and his base do. 

I missed the post on R&E, and revisited to find it and reply. But I didn't find it. 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (11/16/2022 12:25 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

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