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Posted by greenman
9/03/2022 9:52 am

SUM is absolute human garbage.  Note double violations of hatepost rules by Dr. Mongostein and iGOG:

‘I'm tired of the perverted public education system trying to teach little kids to be queers. - Summus™ Today, 6:14 am

Real queers do not need to be taught. - GOG Today, 1:10 pm’

I’m tired of this kind of TRASH being allowed a forum by loser board moderators too, but we don’t all get what we want…

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/03/2022 11:04 am

People generally write about who they are, and their choice of subjects and topics reflect that. Interesting people write about things, experiences, events, ideas... 
People who write about others, who relentlessly attack others, who relentlessly disparage and name call people they dislike, whether by initiation or response, are exactly what they do. They do that there because the platform has no standards, oversight or moderation. 
I believe our posts here are expressions of outrage in hopes of finding a solution. Time proved there is no solution to that problem other than simply to choose not to respond. If the disparager wants the last word in an argument, let him have it. 
Like the many efforts to blame this or that on Biden, or even Trump. Reality is they have little control over things like inflation, gas prices, unemployment, state of the pandemic, pandemic research... Blaming them for that stuff is stupid. The president does submit a budget, and Congress spends it. That is influential, and should be reported and discussed factually. OTOH life doesn't revolved around politics. We don't "live" for politics and politicians. Do we? It's a good way to more or less live in perpetual anger. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (9/03/2022 11:17 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
9/03/2022 11:26 pm

greenman wrote:

SUM is absolute human garbage. Note double violations of hatepost rules by Dr. Mongostein and iGOG:

‘I'm tired of the perverted public education system trying to teach little kids to be queers. - Summus™ Today, 6:14 am

Real queers do not need to be taught. - GOG Today, 1:10 pm’

I’m tired of this kind of TRASH being allowed a forum by loser board moderators too, but we don’t all get what we want…


GOG is gay.  Isn't it obvious?  He's Lindsey Graham to mongo --- and you know who mongo represents in that relationship, right?

GOG has never denied it when I've said it to him directly.  He obfuscates or comments that it isn't important.  Well, that's true enough because I have no problem with gay people.  However, I simply asked because I'm pretty darn sure of it and I just wanted confirmation that I am reading him right.

So, he's simply telling the truth.  Real gay people do NOT need to be taught to be gay.  They simply are who they are.  I believe that is why he finds it amazing that anyone would be "teaching kids to be gay" since it's:

1- Unnecessary, gays already know how to be gay

2- Pointless because people are who they are so "teaching them" won't make them gay.  It may only confuse them but somehow reduce the population (which is the reason he believes that it's being done).

Ridiculous on all counts because:

1- NO ONE is trying to teach kids to be gay as mongo claims

2- There is no conspiracy to turn children gay and other children into transgenders to lower to future population.


Posted by greenman
9/04/2022 10:55 am

I didn’t really suspect that about GOG, although it would make sense; he’s absolutely a sycophant to Mongo.    True Grit’s been calling him in that lately, and deservedly so.

I think that there is something to the idea that Progressives are indoctrinating schoolkids, not to be gay or transgender but to normalize their kowtowing to those identity groups.  I don’t think sexual matters have any business in elementary school, whatever they are.  Teach the kids the basics, don’t try to socially engineer them.  That’s my biggest single gripe with well-meaning but clueless lefties.

Still not as bad as the ‘who needs an education’ Right, of course..

Posted by greenman
9/04/2022 4:51 pm

No need to worry, the greenboard is gone again.  Sum, whoever the hell he is/was, abandoned his failed project:

‘Posted by Sum on September 4, 2022, 10:34 pm
Board Administrator
to moderate this board. I couldn't see any conversations that had any value. If I banned everyone that was acting like a child, there would be hardly anyone left. Most of you can still post at Ken's.’

Good riddance.

Posted by Siagiah
9/05/2022 12:36 am

Amusing... For sure, a few of them will have major withdrawals. 



Posted by greenman
9/05/2022 9:04 am

Siagiah wrote:

Amusing... For sure, a few of them will have major withdrawals. 



ARE having withdrawals on the Whineboard, in fact.  Blaming everyone but themselves, predictably enough.

Posted by Siagiah
9/05/2022 2:53 pm

Oddly enough, the whole top part of the green board is back to what it used to be. 

Somebody there is seriously into DRAMA.  All he had to do was MODERATE the board instead of ENCOURAGING the crap that was going on there.

I do have to laugh though, I've been expecting the shoe to drop on mongo and GOG once they got comfortable there, thinking THEY were the "protected & favored species" because they constantly failed to notice the ADMIN snarky comments about the behavior there that dissed THEM too, along with those they constantly fought with.


Posted by Siagiah
9/05/2022 10:30 pm

LOL, this is too funny!!  Deluded and self-absorbed idjits!


Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 5, 2022, 8:54 pm 

Over on the yellow board, that lying SchizoSia says you and I caused Woodbine/Sum to close down the green board.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

HeavyHemi (Trae), True Grit and KR followed us relentlessly with their filthy harassment.

KR got himself banned for harassing us and badmouthing the admin.

I asked Sum (admin) to instruct HH to quit posting to me. Sum instituted his 10/1 rule, but HH continued to violate it.

You and I were paragons of virtue."


Yes, we were paragons of virtue. All known troublemakers.  

Posted by GOG on September 5, 2022, 10:08 pm, in reply to "GOG" 

I could not go into detail at yellow due to possible censorship. My true thoughts were held in check. It seemed to me that the board dynamic changed in our favor. That was because SUM was fair minded. And our superior ideology. We had them on the run. My last post might have driven them mad. I just don’t know due to being absent for a few hours. My thought is Sir Real caused the shutdown. And that awful Trae (HH).


 ROFLMAO... It's almost like they CANNOT read... Sum spelled it out clearly that there was NOTHING there of the slightest value and that they were all behaving childishly.   Do they somehow think that Sum DIDN'T mean THEM?  LOL.

Sum was dissing them all along and letting them believe that they were golden.  I've been expecting the day that Sum yanks the rug out from underneath them.  LOL. 


Posted by greenman
9/06/2022 8:05 am

Saw that nonsense. Typical of those two and their little two-man circle jerk relationship.

They went over there and posted nothing but hate and lies for Biden and liberals, abuse of  other posters, anti-vaxxer BS, etc. and then whined to whomever was running the board about the ‘attacks’ on them by their critics. Got a couple of us banned, too, and patted each other’s rumps over that.  And Sum enabled them, don’t forget that.

They, and Mongo’s board, represent the dregs of humanity.  They know exactly what they’re doing, as do other garbage posters like Tex, DFM, SES and Deanna.  They’ve run so many of the intelligent posters off these boards, it’s a disgrace.

A real s—tshow.

Last edited by greenman (9/06/2022 8:07 am)

Posted by Trish
9/06/2022 9:38 am

Watching over the last two weeks, I'm not the least surprised it crashed and burned (again). No moderator is perfect, but when you encourage certain unacceptable behavior, directly or indirectly, what do you expect to get? 
Paragons of virtue, my patootie. 

Posted by Siagiah
9/06/2022 10:12 am

There's no chance that I will forget that the entire thing is the fault of SUM who is absolutely THE WORST administrator I've EVER seen.  He literally encouraged exactly what he got there and then complained about it.   He is grossly unfair and unreasonable. His arbitrary bans and deletions made no sense.  The ONLY rule actually there was to kiss his @$$. So that's exactly what mongo and GOG did so they could stay.  Sum made fools of both of them and they happily played along like the toads they are.  

He clearly set up the whole rug pulling and they were the only ones too dumb to realize what was coming.  I laughed out loud at dimwitted mongo threatening other posters with their supposed impending banishment if they kept up annoying him as if he wasn't just as bad,, if not worse.  He didn't get it that Sum banned posters for getting after SUM, not mongo or GOG. Greenman and KR blasted Sum and that's WHY he banned them.  Nothing to do with mongo or GOG.  HH and True Grit never spoke out against Sum so no matter what they posted, he let them stay, even after HH ignored his directive to limit only 1 attack in every 10th post. As if HH was going to do that. Sum couldn't stop HH from posting no matter what he did.  LOL

Given that Sum turned the board back to its original topper and didn't simply kill it likely means it's coming back sometime. Only fools will jump back on expecting anything but what it was.. 

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/06/2022 11:28 am

Trish wrote,"No moderator is perfect,"

That fits C&E as it became. When ever anyone mentioned or wrote about Blue Board and its members, I wonder if they realized their disparagement included me? What they did and do to you, they do to me. I can't say the goings on there were childish. They were petulant toddler. Threads were launched for the sole purpose of antagonization of each other. If you read one, you read them all. They will be back when Sum reopens the group. 

Sum's closure of the group and locked explanation was enforcement of mass-banishment. The most prolific authors were or are subjects of extended time out or banishment in other groups. Is that any surprise?

One wrote "we had them on the run." or something similar. I didn't know that was the goal, intent and purpose. Sad when people abuse their time and talents to that end. My engagement was limited, and I tried to keep that to the topic without making it personal. I was not alone in that. Can't say it was successful in any way. 

C&E's ship sank, was salvaged, and incredibly the rats hopped back on board to foment and enjoy a second sinking. Will there be a third? Will there be anyone to notice or care? 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (9/06/2022 11:32 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
9/06/2022 12:09 pm

When there are no rules enforced and virtually no moderation on a board, people eventually show everyone who they really are deep down.  We should believe them when we see it because that is their most honest self on display.  Of course, everyone can be tempted to overstep their usual boundaries a bit when there are NO restrictions, and that is expected to a degree, but when it just gets worse and worse, that IS their real self. Believe it. 

It is a waste of time trying to get through to anyone who can't recognize ANY of their own fault in a situation, so we know that they will never change, and they never have. 

Posted by Siagiah
9/06/2022 2:24 pm

ROFLMAO... and here it comes!
"Spineless Woodbine’s mea culpa. 

Posted by GOG on September 6, 2022, 1:29 pm 

That my take on his latest cop out at Green. Of course blocked so he does not have to commiserate with those who were his intellectual inferiors. Nor face questions and suggestions. Or get some answers for why his board became a paragon of free speech, a birthright he aschews. I thought SUM had the perfect approach. A lose set of rules and no flaming. Woodbine should implement SUM’s model for the psychological effect it had upon the unruly.. It worked. Almost self policing. As for Evolution, it’s a too confined of a topic and quickly flames out. There is only so much to discuss. I found that introducing the Bible concept drove him mad. Both are faith based. Always demanding proof. "


  • Me thought Boodwine a bit of an ass ...
  • Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 7, 2022, 12:53 am, in reply to "Spineless Woodbine’s mea culpa. 
  • . always insisting that one "prove" their beliefs, as if that is logically possible.

  • A wee bit overly tenacious, like a treacherous Mooray Eel locked on your wrist, anchored in a dank murky crevice, when you're gasping to come up for air.

    I finally had to shut him up on yaller by DNRing him, and he had a flippin' conniption fit and left the board.

    A really anal-retentive sort of bloke, stuck in a spot of bother at Whimsey on Why.


Sia: I just HAD to add this by mungo!  If you can't support your beliefs, THAT is illogical!


Last edited by Siagiah (9/07/2022 4:26 am)

Posted by Siagiah
9/07/2022 4:25 pm

And more:

LOLS:-))). “Whimsey on Why”  

Posted by GOG on September 7, 2022, 7:22 am, in reply to "Me thought Boodwine a bit of an ass ...

One could never offer enough proof in spite of one having proved a point of contention. And speculation was considered a magnet for derision. A gang bang by his sickofants. There was a bit of British snobbery, too. The board should have advertised that it only catered to PHDs and above. Instead, it catered to all manner of leftist losers given free reign to look stupid. Certainly the defunct lair was no bastion for free speech until SUM took on the thankless task.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/07/2022 6:05 pm

Siagiah wrote:

And more:

LOLS:-))). “Whimsey on Why”  

Posted by GOG on September 7, 2022, 7:22 am, in reply to "Me thought Boodwine a bit of an ass ...

One could never offer enough proof in spite of one having proved a point of contention. And speculation was considered a magnet for derision. A gang bang by his sickofants. There was a bit of British snobbery, too. The board should have advertised that it only catered to PHDs and above. Instead, it catered to all manner of leftist losers given free reign to look stupid. Certainly the defunct lair was no bastion for free speech until SUM took on the thankless task.

Perhaps he shoulda written about evolution and creation more, and leftists less. 
He didn't just write about leftists and their ilk which I resemble. He went on the offensive. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
9/08/2022 7:37 am

This is GOG now:

‘Truth will out. The narcissist Surreal was the cause of the collapse of Green.

Posted by GOG on September 7, 2022, 11:07 pm

He admits it in one of his long winded diatribes about how wonderful he is. Indeed, he practically admitted to being a troll. I wonder if he ever went barefooted as a child and stubbed his toe. Lord Fauntleroy of Crack Alley.’

How wonderful HE is?  Unlike, say, THIS guy?

‘Yes, we were paragons of virtue. All known troublemakers.

Posted by GOG on September 5, 2022, 10:08 pm, in reply to "GOG"

I could not go into detail at yellow due to possible censorship. My true thoughts were held in check. It seemed to me that the board dynamic changed in our favor. That was because SUM was fair minded. And our superior ideology. We had them on the run. My last post might have driven them mad. I just don’t know due to being absent for a few hours. My thought is Sir Real caused the shutdown. And that awful Trae (HH).’

Glad to see he didn’t break his arm patting himself and Boy Mongo on the

Posted by Trish
9/08/2022 9:08 am

When I read posts like this it reminds me of my mother's phrase "my tongue got in front of my eyetooth and I couldn't see what I was saying"
Any and all excuses to try to shift the blame elsewhere without taking any responsibility. When I screw up, I try to clean up. It's not perfect and you can't please everyone but a dose of humility would do several of these posters some good (not to mention manners)

Posted by Siagiah
9/08/2022 2:54 pm

It's pretty obvious that they are VERY upset about losing what they considered to be their "playground".  It's no big loss to anyone else, although it was somewhat amusing at times.

I saw what Sir Real wrote.  It was the same as the bunch of videos I posted giving him credit.  However, mongo and GOG viciously attacked him and his post while he was very low key about it since he wanted it to remain there for awhile.  So, essentially, if Sir Real was ANY part of the decision to kill Green, mongo and GOG caused it with their attacks ON Sir Real, NOT the other way around. 

Sir Real also did NOT "almost admit" to being a troll.  He acknowledged that he did not want his post to be removed, so he was very CAREFUL not to call any negative attention to himself or his post. 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/09/2022 9:24 am

Decline and demise of all these Boardhost boards is due to obscurity, inability to compete with more well known platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Tiktok, and participating personnel. It isn't that the personnel aren't interesting, but the petulant, childish sqabbles that day in, day out for more than a decade involved and largely originated from the same few. It doesn't take rocket science to quickly see that. 

Complaints about and blame for loss of the unmoderated and barely moderated playground came from the same people at the center cause of its closure. Their dialogue didn't cease because the playground is locked. It just moved.

We all lost the playground. You really can't discuss evolution or creation with people who are resolutely convinced they're right and everybody else is wrong. Not content to leave it there, arguments over differences declined into personal and individually targeted and focused disparagement. Similar discussions erupt at Religion and Ethics from the same people for the same reasons. For example, who can reason with Bauer or Gog about anything? The DNR list at page bottom is result of frustration with personally directed, written, incessant and targeted ridicule. The old dogs don't learn new tricks. I am unsure they can.

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (9/09/2022 9:29 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
9/09/2022 3:12 pm

Particularly GOG is a problem.  Look at him on green, yellow or any board he’s allowed on.  ANY opposition to his wacked-out anti-scientific drivel, or on any other issue, gets an instant attack post from him.  He can’t help himself.

Personal attacks, like politics, are SUPPOSED to be banned on yellow.  But take a look and tell me that happens!   Almost never.

Boards which allow - much less encourage - trash like Mongo, GOG or SES are doomed to failure, or at least never-ending brawls.  They are forces of chaos, and will ensure that result.  It’s their only real goal here.

Posted by Siagiah
9/09/2022 5:06 pm

The pathetic whiny boy is at it again.  LOL


"The vicious dialogue ...  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 9, 2022, 2:48 pm ... between SchizoSia and her boy-toy greenworm on Crack Alley is unbelievably insane.

Those demented, soulless beasts are in great need of psychological demon purging.

24 pages with hundreds of vitriolic posts about me and other people on this board.

Highly unusual. Nobody in their right mind does that."


Nobody with an ounce of sense keeps returning to see what "demented, soulless beasts" have to say unless he's a masochist whiny boy looking for something to whine about.  LOL

Notice he said NOTHING about Trish or Pikes, who both had nothing good to say about either mongo or GOG.  In fact, quite the contrary.  He also has a pathological need to make up lies about both Greenman and I, making idiotic claims suggesting a nefarious relationship that he knows quite well doesn't exist.  He's the most pathetic, tRUMPiest mental midget I've seen in a good long time. 

mongo and his boy-loving sycophant, GOG, can't stand not having Woody's board to trash with their @$$holery.  But they have mongo's trash heap so what's the problem?  No one is silencing their moronic nonsense there.

Posted by greenman
9/09/2022 6:31 pm

And not one word they can refute.  It is comical.  Even some on their own board, including the otherwise awful TEXRA, mock them for their obsession with other boards.

No wonder!  They’re like middle school girls worrying about what’s written about them on the wall of the girl’s restroom…lol

Last edited by greenman (9/09/2022 6:36 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
9/09/2022 7:20 pm

Yep.  I think it's quite amusing how we can make them dance to our tunes.  LOL.

Personally, I couldn't care LESS what they have to say, but mongo REALLY cares what WE say about them so it's fun to tease them both and make them dance on command.  It NEVER fails.  ha ha ha ha ha


Posted by Siagiah
9/09/2022 10:22 pm

HA HA HA... GOG is dancing to our tunes now!


"The devils, knowing they got skunked over at Green, shall have much wrath. 

Posted by GOG on September 9, 2022, 8:36 pm, in reply to   "The vicious dialogue...

 A bunch of whiners. Greenie is the worse of the lot. He is isolated at Blew. Thankfully. No doubt Surreal is in there. And the cut and paste magician."



Posted by greenman
9/10/2022 10:07 am

Now he’s on Yellow whining that Woodbine (and such Sum must be, since he posted a tribute to Queen Elizabeth) won’t let him post condolences about the Queen.

Which does he adore more, Putin or the British Royals?  He’s sure as hell no American.  Deport his scrawny a—, I say.

His desire to control every board he is on surely shows that he should never be permitted on one..

Posted by greenman
9/10/2022 10:10 am

Incidentally, thanks to Merlin for that Irish soccer chant, it really ruined GOG’s day I see…lol

Posted by Siagiah
9/10/2022 10:39 am

Ha ha ha ha ha ha 

I saw that and laughed out loud.  GOG is just SO weird.  LOL


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/10/2022 12:23 pm

Sum truly made his board one-way, and he had the last word three times. The complainers should be happy because we were all kicked off and banned. They may prefer to watch the fights from ringside and in the ring instead of the cheap nosebleed seats, but management cleared the crowd for a building cleansing beginning with a match. These parking lot discussions and wound licking from the North and South lots may be the last residue of the empty burning building in which flame wars burn in the crackle and echo of a well deserved condemnation. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

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