New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by Siagiah
8/19/2022 11:37 pm

Well, for some boards, that's precisely true.  Thankfully, the Blue Message Board has few, if any, of those kerfuffles because we prevent the presence of those whose entire goal is to disrupt boards and cause strife amongst the rest.

Still, there's limited membership and participation because so many WANT the kerfuffles and the arguments.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/20/2022 10:35 am

Siagiah wrote:

Well, for some boards, that's precisely true.  Thankfully, the Blue Message Board has few, if any, of those kerfuffles because we prevent the presence of those whose entire goal is to disrupt boards and cause strife amongst the rest.

Still, there's limited membership and participation because so many WANT the kerfuffles and the arguments.


Blue would be littered by those arguments if not for registration. As a result, one can read one sided assaults all about Blue in the other forums, as seen by those who can't get in. Otherwise ALL the boards would look alike. There are no young people on any. These are largely retirement communities. Facebook is also dated so new interest is waning. Twitter is too short, and I have no idea about Tiktok. Then there is Truth Social dominated by the eleven year old off by ten years, who for two weeks + has been stoking fires against ... LAW ENFORCEMENT! And the base is too stupid to see anyone on the opposite side of that is obviously a criminal!  Predictably with lies, alibis stack up and conflict each other with ridiculous implausibility. No independence of mind and thought to be found there. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
8/20/2022 11:33 am

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

Well, for some boards, that's precisely true.  Thankfully, the Blue Message Board has few, if any, of those kerfuffles because we prevent the presence of those whose entire goal is to disrupt boards and cause strife amongst the rest.

Still, there's limited membership and participation because so many WANT the kerfuffles and the arguments.


Blue would be littered by those arguments if not for registration. As a result, one can read one sided assaults all about Blue in the other forums, as seen by those who can't get in. Otherwise ALL the boards would look alike. There are no young people on any. These are largely retirement communities. Facebook is also dated so new interest is waning. Twitter is too short, and I have no idea about Tiktok. Then there is Truth Social dominated by the eleven year old off by ten years, who for two weeks + has been stoking fires against ... LAW ENFORCEMENT! And the base is too stupid to see anyone on the opposite side of that is obviously a criminal!  Predictably with lies, alibis stack up and conflict each other with ridiculous implausibility. No independence of mind and thought to be found there. 



Sia:  True enough.  Those "one-sided" attacks are by particular posters who would do nothing BUT trash Blue if ever allowed in. 

What one of 'em always seems to forget is that by trashing Blue, (apparently believing that he's only trashing ME), he's ALSO TRASHING YOU, POPPET, and AMADEUS. 

The reason why these communities are so limited in membership is because no one is advertising for new members anywhere outside of these groups. 

Asking friends and relatives if they might want to join would certainly help increase participation and potentially introduce more interesting topics and POVs. 

So would advertising on other boards on Boardhost.  There are HUNDREDS of them. 


Posted by Ken C
8/22/2022 12:08 am

ADMIN, This forum is not notifying me of new posts.  I am subscribed to the topic, and it has my correct email address.  How can I fix that?

Posted by Ken C
8/22/2022 12:38 am

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

So you agree with Observer, this was a blatant, crass political post?

Observer was wrong, and on this, he is an idiot. The piece is fairytale satire
in the style of Borowitz. This is the first post of mine ever deleted due to alleged
political content and subject. The first ever. In fact, it's my first post published
on any forum anywhere at anytime, deleted by a moderator. 

Observer posts to cause trouble and delights when I am his target. If you
deleted the post, you made his day. The piece stands on CGD for anyone
to see and evaluate whether or not it is blatantly crass and political.

Too bad Observer is so poorly experienced with Grimm's Fairytales to not
recognize what was done here, and the play on Merlin's title. But then illiteracy
doesn't surprize me in this 21st century America. 


Pikes, I never accused you of being blatant or crass.  I never publicly criticized any of your posts. I did send you a private email saying "I'm happy to have you on R&E.  Most of your posts are great, but this one was too political.  I removed it."

The post was about "Don" and "Melania".  The post also mentioned "Mar a Lago".  Mar-a-Lago is the primary residence for Donald and Melania Trump.  The post also mentions "golden hair".  That's why I think it was mainly about Trump.  "Trump" is one of the topics restricted for being too political.  This is the applicable rule from the R&E prologue:
(Any post with titles including words like "Democrats", "Republicans", "Liberals", "Conservatives", "Leftists", "Rightists", "Trump", or "Biden" may be deleted. Posts that are mainly about those topics may be deleted.)

The post also mentioned "Hillary Clinton".  Hillary Clinton is a democrat, and a political topic.

If a post is satire, that does not excuse it from being too political.  Some satire is political.  I don't like to talk about politics.  I am trying to to keep the R&E forum on topic, and to prevent it from being too political.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/22/2022 8:51 am

Ken C wrote:

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

So you agree with Observer, this was a blatant, crass political post?

Observer was wrong, and on this, he is an idiot. The piece is fairytale satire
in the style of Borowitz. This is the first post of mine ever deleted due to alleged
political content and subject. The first ever. In fact, it's my first post published
on any forum anywhere at anytime, deleted by a moderator. 

Observer posts to cause trouble and delights when I am his target. If you
deleted the post, you made his day. The piece stands on CGD for anyone
to see and evaluate whether or not it is blatantly crass and political.

Too bad Observer is so poorly experienced with Grimm's Fairytales to not
recognize what was done here, and the play on Merlin's title. But then illiteracy
doesn't surprize me in this 21st century America. 


Pikes, I never accused you of being blatant or crass.  I never publicly criticized any of your posts. I did send you a private email saying "I'm happy to have you on R&E.  Most of your posts are great, but this one was too political.  I removed it."

The post was about "Don" and "Melania".  The post also mentioned "Mar a Lago".  Mar-a-Lago is the primary residence for Donald and Melania Trump.  The post also mentions "golden hair".  That's why I think it was mainly about Trump.  "Trump" is one of the topics restricted for being too political.  This is the applicable rule from the R&E prologue:
(Any post with titles including words like "Democrats", "Republicans", "Liberals", "Conservatives", "Leftists", "Rightists", "Trump", or "Biden" may be deleted. Posts that are mainly about those topics may be deleted.)

The post also mentioned "Hillary Clinton".  Hillary Clinton is a democrat, and a political topic.

If a post is satire, that does not excuse it from being too political.  Some satire is political.  I don't like to talk about politics.  I am trying to to keep the R&E forum on topic, and to prevent it from being too political.


Ken, I respect your opinion and you are the moderator. Merlin's "Grim" title was the inspiration and 
of course the satire was based on a Grimm's Fairytale. Observer, who has no sense of humor, lives
to be contrary. I suppose the argument could go either way. A coin flip. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
8/22/2022 11:22 am

Ken C wrote:

ADMIN, This forum is not notifying me of new posts.  I am subscribed to the topic, and it has my correct email address.  How can I fix that?

It keeps happening to me too. Try unsubscribing and resubscribing

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/25/2022 10:50 am

Did you see or pay attention to the corrected plug for CGD on E&C?

Please visit our friends at; The New Blue Bored - Or where science meets the unknown: Mysteries of the Universe

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
8/25/2022 11:38 am

Yes, I saw it a while ago.  I ignored commenting about it and then removed the link to woodbine's "bored" on Blue. 

Posted by Siagiah
8/26/2022 1:08 am

Pikes, did you remove one of your posts?  I got a notification of a post but it's not here?

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/26/2022 11:47 am

Siagiah wrote:

Pikes, did you remove one of your posts?  I got a notification of a post but it's not here?

No, I did not. 
I sometimes don't get notices of new activity either.
I just dismiss it to some quirkiness within the program 
algorithms, as it doesn't appear to cause any harm. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
8/26/2022 2:10 pm

I've missed getting them for nearly a month before unchecked, then rechecking the notification which restored them.. but never got notices for no posts..  perhaps it was a duplicate sent again later? IDK?

Posted by greenman
8/27/2022 11:20 am

Which is nuttier:

Mongo on Greenboard whining once again about ‘SchizoSia,’ or

GOG on Greenboard calling Heavy Hemi ‘Greenie’ because he think’s I’m still there?

lol…way to go, Woodbine.  Way to take a big dump on your own board…

Posted by Siagiah
8/27/2022 12:17 pm

greenman wrote:

Which is nuttier:

Mongo on Greenboard whining once again about ‘SchizoSia,’ or

GOG on Greenboard calling Heavy Hemi ‘Greenie’ because he think’s I’m still there?

lol…way to go, Woodbine. Way to take a big dump on your own board…


LOL.  I was wondering if mongo would ever take that bait.  Took him long enough.  ha ha ha... But it was TRUE.  It barely took me 10 minutes to get all the information AND post it simply by using the search function by date.  What an IDJIT.  He thinks he's dissing me while he posts my trashing of him himself and how pathetic HE is.  I don't have to post it there, he did it FOR me.  LOL

As for GOG, he's a lost cause.  He has moments of clarity and hours of fog.  He can't keep anything straight, but he obviously doesn't recognize his own cognitive decline.  It's no wonder that he's lost in the world of conspiracy nuts. 

WHO really cares if GOG-oboggle thinks that it's you?  EVERYONE ELSE knows that it's HH, including SUM, so who cares?  It's just one more thing to laugh at him for.

Amusing how HH is having so much fun there being let loose on those fools who deserve it.  Whenever I look in, I LOL at how he nails them and they simply don't get it how stupid he makes them look while they think they are getting the better of him.

No worries. It's fluff and nutters there.  No one else thinks it's actually you.


Posted by greenman
8/28/2022 12:12 pm

GOG’s latest ‘analysis’:

‘TRAE (He is either fat Hemi or green bean) [lol]
KR (A known board stalker with a inferiority complex)
True Grit (A Missouri hick and mule breeder)
Merlin (King Arthur’s butt boy)
Sia (Statistician and internet snoop)
Pikey (Likes to climb the rocks in his head)
Trisha (The peanut gallery)
Surreal (Narcissist)

My apology if some nincompoops were overlooked. You got what you deserved.‘

Trae is, of course, Hemi and he’s doing some good work there as a gadfly.  But obviously any smart, liberal-minded poster who lacks patience for paranoid nonsense is going to end up on this idjit’s s—t list.  So comical.  He truly exists in some sort of bizarre alternative universe.

Bad wishes to Sum/Woodbine for enabling the losers.

Posted by greenman
8/28/2022 6:08 pm

This says it all about GOG and his idiot ilk (from an article about Aaron Rodgers of the Packers, another anti-vaxxer moron):

‘As the reporter Ben Collins said last month, “No antivaxxer thinks they’re ‘anti-science.’ They think they’re following Super Scientists, a self-proclaimed elite set of YouTube doctors who believe they’ve been blackballed by Big Pharma for ‘knowing too much.’” ‘

Paranoia is a form of mental illness, of course.

Posted by Siagiah
8/29/2022 12:14 am

greenman wrote:

GOG’s latest ‘analysis’:

‘TRAE (He is either fat Hemi or green bean) [lol]
KR (A known board stalker with a inferiority complex)
True Grit (A Missouri hick and mule breeder)
Merlin (King Arthur’s butt boy)
Sia (Statistician and internet snoop)
Pikey (Likes to climb the rocks in his head)
Trisha (The peanut gallery)
Surreal (Narcissist)

My apology if some nincompoops were overlooked. You got what you deserved.‘

Trae is, of course, Hemi and he’s doing some good work there as a gadfly. But obviously any smart, liberal-minded poster who lacks patience for paranoid nonsense is going to end up on this idjit’s s—t list. So comical. He truly exists in some sort of bizarre alternative universe.

Bad wishes to Sum/Woodbine for enabling the losers.


LMAO... That's just too funny.  GOG is the WORST judge of character imaginable and he's lost his flippin' marbles.

Posted by Siagiah
8/29/2022 12:15 am

greenman wrote:

This says it all about GOG and his idiot ilk (from an article about Aaron Rodgers of the Packers, another anti-vaxxer moron):

‘As the reporter Ben Collins said last month, “No antivaxxer thinks they’re ‘anti-science.’ They think they’re following Super Scientists, a self-proclaimed elite set of YouTube doctors who believe they’ve been blackballed by Big Pharma for ‘knowing too much.’” ‘

Paranoia is a form of mental illness, of course.


Sia:  YES!!  That nails it!!

Posted by greenman
8/29/2022 7:28 am

I see that KR has now been booted from that board.  Whoever’s running it seems to be playing posters off against one another.  Only the mutants are allowed free reign to post constant propaganda, lies and political insults.

Oh well, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.  Pathetic.

Posted by Siagiah
8/29/2022 3:50 pm

greenman wrote:

I see that KR has now been booted from that board. Whoever’s running it seems to be playing posters off against one another. Only the mutants are allowed free reign to post constant propaganda, lies and political insults.

Oh well, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Pathetic.


KR...  Posted by Sum on August 29, 2022, 8:39 amBoard Administrator ...has been KO'd for insulting Sum.

Heavy Hemi, you will now have to take on the majority of the contentless childish insults in his absence. Out of my hands sorry.


Bye KR:-))))  Posted by GOG on August 29, 2022, 1:03 pm, in reply to "KR..." Never ever bite the hand that feeds you. Another of your friends did that at yellow and was banned for life.


You know..  Posted by Sum on August 29, 2022, 9:02 amBoard Administrator ...if someone insults you, you don't have to respond in kind. Grow up.


Sia: Downright pathetic all around.  CLEARLY, Sum is promoting the disaster going on there and apparently enjoying it.  That's why he's allowing it to continue.  I must acknowledge that it IS a bit entertaining to see how "Trae" (HH) routinely gets the better of them

One DOES have to wonder WHY Sum tolerates ANY of it given how it's fundamentally destroyed his board as anything but a sewer with nothing but trash-trolling.


Posted by Siagiah
8/29/2022 5:38 pm

KR knows how to use a proxy, making it nearly impossible keep him out for long. 

Posted by Siagiah
8/30/2022 8:31 am

Incredibly amusing how the MOST frequent visitors here are Mark and Woodbine. 

Posted by greenman
8/30/2022 8:55 am

Siagiah wrote:

Incredibly amusing how the MOST frequent visitors here are Mark and Woodbine. 

I hope Woodbine has seen my criticisms of him and his board.  I used to like and respect him, and only took part in the former board fracas because he’d apparently abandoned it.

To be banned by someone who is deliberately mismanaging that board, whether it’s him or not, caused me to lose all respect for it and him.  I assume he’s happy with a board dominated by some of Boardhost’s absolute worst posters.

✌️(not ‘peace,’ matey)

Posted by Siagiah
8/30/2022 9:12 pm

I guarantee you that he's seen it. 

What I think is a scream is GOG telling someone else to LEAVE because they are banned after HE spent MONTHS cluttering up Woodbine's board when he knew damned well that HE was banned, as did mongo!


Posted by greenman
8/31/2022 10:19 am

Oh yeah, that’s crazy.  Hypocritical as only GOG is capable of being.

Sum, whoever it is, is simply letting trash like Mongo, SES and GOG post propaganda while attacking and banning anyone who criticizes them.  He’d ban Trae/HH if there was any point in it.  He’s already warned him about limiting his posts.

What a sewer..

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/31/2022 7:33 pm

I am just not at all interested in about 97% of the activity on Evolution & Creation. Most isn't tolerated anywhere else that mixes political left and right together in the same sh!tshow. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
8/31/2022 10:52 pm

Woodbine's board isn't even amusing anymore.  It's White Whine on steroids because mongo is having a ball trashing others and starting fires all around, but can't ban anyone who disagrees with him. Although he's sure trying to by whining to Sum to protect him, while he continues attacking everyone else.

If he gets his way there, he'll tire of it with no one to attack, insult, or try to impress so he will simply leave as he always does once there's no "fun" for him anymore. 

That's precisely what he did to his own board. It used to be busy, even as it was always a trash heap.  But one by one he banned anyone to the left of him and others, like me and many others, just left in disgust.  Now, it's a demented echo chamber where the highlight of the day is an ancient, mental midget posting tweets.  Seriously?  How LAME is that?  LOL

That's basically why he so seldom bothers to post on his own board.  If someone points it out or he's banned everywhere else, he'll post a few things on his own board and bask in the "glory" of retreads praising or agreeing with him.

It's pathetic. 

Woodbine will quickly find out just how dead a ghost-town board can be once mongo and GOG run everyone off -- with his help.

Then he can well and truly kill it and ride off into the sunset never to be seen again.

Good riddance.


Posted by greenman
9/02/2022 2:35 pm

The obscene posts by Mongo (who appears to have lost his marbles due to his insane, irrational hatred of Biden) and GOG (whose mind was lost years ago) are allowed to continue, I see. 

One must wonder, is Woodbine running the show as ‘Sum,’ or merely allowing the insanity to continue under another mod?

Either way he is aiding and abetting a steaming flow of fascist sewage on that site.  I condemn him for it and demand that he either shut down the board, or open it to all.

I suppose it offers good insights into the twisted minds of pro-Trump traitors.

Last edited by greenman (9/02/2022 2:36 pm)

Posted by greenman
9/02/2022 2:40 pm

Of course, Ken’s board is little better.  The smelly mess that is R & E continues to worsen as GOG, DFM and Bauer dominate.  I suppose that the number of rational posters has decreased so much, though, that the irrational have to be allowed to fill in the empty spaces?

Posted by Siagiah
9/02/2022 6:43 pm

Well, it appears that now Sum is  deleting all of "The Classist's" posts.  Sum is awfully touchy and apparently unable to handle the slightest criticism.  Poor baby.  LOL

He's also continuing to protect mongo for some inexplicable reason ??? 

Truly SAD.  In any case, he'll reap what he's sown soon enough.  mongo WILL destroy his board and leave only those mongo likes there. 

Then he'll crow about helping get all of those who were banned off the board, as if HE isn't just as bad, if not worse.  ALL he does is  attempt to usurp authority on any board he infects, insult and attack others, drive posters off, and brag about himself, his schools, his state, his possessions, etc. as if ANYONE besides him cares.

THEN, he'll leave and go haunt some other board because there's no one left on green to joust with. 


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