New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by Siagiah
8/07/2022 8:02 pm

Ha ha ha... Nah... I suspect it's someone who's been there for years and is still there now.  No certainty, so won't say publicly in case I'm wrong, but I have a strong feeling.

Posted by Ken C
8/08/2022 2:40 am

Siagiah wrote:

 Hell, even doing your best to apply them consistency results in complaints, so why INVITE them by declaring that you don't intend to even try? 

I kind of understand that comment in the rules.  If posters know what to expect, then they won't be disappointed.  Admin is admitting that Admin may make mistakes.  That might be better than promising to do a perfect job and then failing.

Maybe posters will complain less when they know what to expect.

Last edited by Ken C (8/08/2022 2:42 am)

Posted by Trish
8/08/2022 9:45 am

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

Maybe Woodbine sold the management rights to Deanna. 

Oh, please god no.

Posted by Siagiah
8/08/2022 12:18 pm

Ken C wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

Sia: Hell, even doing your best to apply them consistency results in complaints, so why INVITE them by declaring that you don't intend to even try?

Ken: I kind of understand that comment in the rules.  If posters know what to expect, then they won't be disappointed.  Admin is admitting that Admin may make mistakes.  That might be better than promising to do a perfect job and then failing.

Maybe posters will complain less when they know what to expect.


Sia:  No, it's an admission that there will be no EFFORT to be fair nor reasonable, so don't expect it.  It puts posters on a tipsy board where they can have NO expectation of even-handedness.  WHO wants that?  Even if you disagree with the rules, at least KNOWING what they are is preferable to having NO CLUE what might cause the ADMIN to banish you.  NO THANKS.

Do you actually think that THIS suggests someone who's going to TRY to be reasonable & fair but can't promise to always be fair/right?

"A laissez-faire, capricious and inconsistent attitude to administration will be taken but posts containing offensive language or opinions may be removed in line with Boardhost terms of service. Posts promoting implausible conspiracy theories or dangerous misinformation will remain. Really annoying people who are otherwise harmless risk being banned. "

No, that's someone who intends to rule by their random  MOODS.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/08/2022 3:37 pm

I can think of one particular person capable of being a moderator with many (capriccious) moods. 
Well, two. Three? OK, there are four. I stand corrected. At least five. Do I hear six? Gentleman over there
in the raccoon coat. Seven! Lucky seven. Is there an eight? Eight? Going once, going twice, Eight! 
Eight is the bid. Do I hear nine? Nine from the man in the blonde combover. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
8/08/2022 5:13 pm


Posted by greenman
8/08/2022 8:41 pm

After being accused of some nonsense over there by that POS Mongo, this after leaving that dump, I had a few words for him.

‘Keep my name off your s—posts, you f—-ing white trash clump of dung, or I’ll go to Boardhost and get something done about your worthless a—.’

Just in case the post is taken down by whomever is ‘moderating’ that board.

He was also once again making noise about this board, unsurprisingly.

I want nothing more to do with these boards, and won’t tolerate this craphound running his mouth about me on them.  He should be REMOVED, permanently.


Last edited by greenman (8/08/2022 8:42 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
8/08/2022 9:41 pm

 Mongo's attack on me on Woodbine's: 

It is interesting that this board had sunk to a marked low as a result of the

  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ a/k/a SUMMUS on August 8, 2022, 11:46 pm ...

hostility and antagonism spread by many of the people who are now acting so sanctimonious here now that the board appears to have been recently resurrected.

Those being mostly the same inhabitants of the yellow and blue boards. Curious the rush to plague this board again with the same kind of stuff that is routinely posted on those boards.

The allure of a new litterbox?

Wonders never cease.


Message to greenman and Sia re: Pikes  

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ a/k/a SUMMUS on August 9, 2022, 2:11 am 

The nasty post a while back about Pikes made by a poster named "cynic" was not by me.

You two, in your codependent state, just don't like it that Pikes and I have mended our fences. He is way above your pay grade and level of intellect.

Shame on you.

Please leave me out of BackAlleyGate.


Message to the POS calling itself ‘Mondo Fuego’  

Posted by greenman on August 9, 2022, 2:27 am 

Keep my name off your shitposts, you fu cking white trash clump of dung, or I’ll go to Boardhost and get something done about your worthless ass.


You will do nothing of the sort. You have zero standing with Boardhost.  

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ a/k/a SUMMUS on August 9, 2022, 2:50 am, in reply to "Message to the POS calling itself ‘Mondo Fuego’"

 You will continue to hide behind your cheap chiclet keyboard under your wet rock over in the Blew Board's Crack Alley where I have lived rent-free in your exhausted head in hundreds of your foul babble spanning 22 pages.

Quit making up unsubstantiated lies about me. Your veracity is at all-time rock bottom.

Now, trot along and quit defiling this board with your filthy language. People here don't want you around. I have nothing more for you.

Message Thread 



Posted by Sum on August 9, 2022, 3:08 am, in reply to "Message to the POS calling itself ‘Mondo Fuego’"Board Administrator ..

.third chance and last chance.

“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”   (Sia: obviously quoting GWB's malapropism)


Is that post for me or greenman?  

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ a/k/a SUMMUS on August 9, 2022, 3:13 am, in reply to "Sigh..

I don't understand letting his vile post stand.

I'm not looking for a food fight here. I just want people like greenman to quit making up lies about me.

We can all do better than this. 

Sum responded thus: 

(it's for) Greenman 

 Posted by Sum on August 9, 2022, 3:19 am, in reply to "Is that post for me or greenman?"Board Administrator 

I'm going to lock the thread now, and remove all replies in 10 mins



If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion to SUM? 

 Posted by Sia on August 7, 2022, 6:17 pm 

You MIGHT want to call attention to the changing rules up top so that participants are aware that they are changing DAILY...

Message Thread 

  • If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion to SUM? - Sia August 7, 2022, 6:17 pm


I don't plan to return there again.  Not to post anyway.  How disappointing.  I thought the person I solidly believe is moderating was a much better person than she is.  I was grossly mistaken about that.

As for mongo, he ROUTINELY makes up lies about me as well as greenman.  He's done it to HH too as well as anyone who "crosses him".  He accused Pikes of being a pedophile !! Ditto Merlin. Ditto HH.  I mean REALLY ??  He's upset that we pointed out his nasty post to Pikes using a sockpuppet name?  Something he's routinely done to several including me and Poppet.  He even did it on his own board this week trying to make people think that the name he used on Woodbine's wasn't him.  Well TOUGH. 

He routinely suggests an intimate relationship between greenman and I that does NOT exist and tries to pass it off as true.  That is what he DOES. LIES about people and pushes it until others believe it's true.  Exactly what he did to HH.   If people only knew what HE (mongo) really is.  No one would have to lie about it.  He's projecting his own sick thoughts on to others.

He accused ME of "trolling for conflict" after HE DELIBERATELY TROLLED FOR CONFLICT and GOG jumped right on his bandwagon, as usual.


Posted by Ken C
8/09/2022 12:19 am

Siagiah wrote:

...  that's someone who intends to rule by their random  MOODS. 

I don't like criticizing the people on these forums (but I do criticize products and companies a lot).

Maybe I am biased in favor of BBS admins.  I like running my forum, and I like helping other admins with their forums.

Posted by Siagiah
8/09/2022 12:56 am

I wanted it to work out well.  I still want it to work out for the new moderator.  I'm not hateful nor vindictive and won't do anything to cause him/her to fail.

However, I'm not keen on how EDIT [name removed because I was very wrong about who I thought it was] ** apparently wants to run it so I'm just not going to participate.  I already have a bad taste and that's not going to change because s/he's shown us exactly who/what s/he is and who/what s/he's "good with".  S/he's obviously clever and very funny, but she's also extremely inconsistent in moderating, which is a HUGE negative.

For starters, s/he gave me grief and told me to "grow up" when I made a mild comment to GOG about his nonsense conspiracies deserving deletion.  Ditto a few others for similar minor things.  Snarky commentary rather than polite but clear admonishments isn't conducive to establishing trust or good feelings on a "new board".

At least 2 were banned and multiple posts went missing because they were slightly "off" and not entirely pleasant, completely screwing up the continuity of several threads.  S/he deleted CE0802/SES's post without comment nor answering his legitimate question.  It deserved to be EDITED to remove the diss of greenman, but NOT to be removed.  Who knows if s/he also banned him without notice? 

That made it appear that s/he planned to enforce civility, which is cool.  I have NO problem with that, obviously and was very willing to go along.

S/he asked for a little help in identifying a few IPs so I gave her the help s/he wanted.  It's always good to KNOW who you're dealing with when people can be "anyone" they want to be.  S/he was also accusing greenman of doing what yome & mongo actually did on top of what he actually did. So, clearing that up seemed prudent. 

But s/he left mongo's hateful, FALSE comment against me intact and told him he could stay if he posted as mongo (instead of mondo? LOL).  S/he locked the thread though, so I couldn't defend nor dispute it.  S/he leaves some threads unlocked where posters go to town attacking certain posters but then locks others ?  No rhyme nor reason there either aside of it appearing that SOME are protected from their bad behavior while others are exposed to all kinds of hatefulness.

Then I noticed the rules changing radically up top and commented that it should be announced when rules were going to be significantly changed.  That made me "annoying" and a target of SUM.  What did s/he expect?  That quietly changing rules would go unnoticed by everyone?

But TODAY, mongo shows up and HE can deliberately attack, troll, and insult and THAT'S suddenly OKAY? 

Greenman attacked back and then mongo lobbed an insult back.  His insult was merely deleted but greenman gets his "final warning"?  Yet, he hadn't gotten the first or second one and had already been banned twice and then inexplicably reinstated without comment.  That's just dumber'n'dirt. 

However, Mongo gets NO WARNING for deliberately causing all kinds of problems?  As if.  HE is the troll and he is board POISON. Just because s/he apparently agrees with his viewpoints is NO REASON to give him multiple passes, without a single warning, after banishing others for the same damned thing!  He was CLEARLY looking for trouble.  I didn't answer him because he is nothing but troller-trash.

So, ultimately, the "rules" where s/he said it would be inconsistent and at her whim (paraphrased) is absolutely true.  There are clearly protected posters  and I will NOT be subjected to their hateful attacks and also be scolded by him/her multiple times for being "annoying" for asking questions and politely offering a very reasonable suggestion.

Neither will I tolerate being repeatedly told that I'm "annoying" and have it be encased in the rules that is somehow cause for banishment to be annoying, even if otherwise harmless. 

It's not "cute" nor "clever".  It's demeaning and WILL blow up in his/her face sooner or later when those s/he is currently sheltering turn on him/her for trying to rein them in. 

There's a reason why boards typically have specific rules (or none at all) and don't try to hide who is actively moderating. You CANNOT hide the identity of the mod(s) AND post as another 2 characters there too.  It always blows up.  It would have been better to admit it is him/her right up front and then just ASK for patience in getting his/her feet wet and figuring out how to proceed.  Posters would understand that and be more willing to tolerate mistakes and dumb moves. 

However, arbitrarily changing rules WITHOUT notice is just plain STUPID.

Trying to humble & humiliate posters and arbitrarily banning posters, without warning, is a newbie mistake.

Randomly announcing banishments is bad form, especially when there's ZERO warning process that makes any sense and few even know why, including the banned person.  It's also a recipe for causing hatred for the mod(s) and all kinds of problems later on.

It's even worse to just lift the banishment without comment, apology, or explanation.

Comments like "Heavy Hemi served no useful purpose so has been terminated" is just BEGGING for him to flood the board with crap because it was so unnecessary and in extremely bad form.

The bad taste will last for years for those s/he did it to.

I was trying to be helpful to the new admin and to establish what the rules were and what was expected. But they changed on a whim and today, I saw clearly that it was going to be EXACTLY like the White Whine board that I left in 2008 vowing never to return.  I never did aside of informing them of Dain Ironfoot's death when his widow contacted me.  (Dain and I had been friends and board moderation partners for several years prior).  It will be the same with Woodbine's... er... RMOVED NAME***... er SUM's board.  It's already gone downhill and pretty much the same direction that it was without moderation. 

So, there it stands.  If SUM wants the likes of mongo to be there, free to post any nastiness or trolling that pops in his head, well fine, then s/he's a fool.  However, I WON'T be there too.  I left White Whine for a reason.  I avoid mongo for good reason.  I was interacting with GOG attempting to get along, but the second his "master" arrived, he turned into "that guy".  So to hell with him too.

Not a threat nor a ploy to manipulate REMOVED NAME and whomever else may be moderating there.  It doesn't matter what s/he does now.  It's done.  I'm just not willing to subject myself to situations or people I abhor.  I abhor the likes of mongo and also situations with people who play intermingling, multiple roles, including pretending they AREN'T the admin as if the rest of us are all dumb and can't readily identify who they actually are.  Then posting as if s/he's just any old poster making comments or asking questions.

How insulting.

Whatever.  Carry on.



Last edited by Siagiah (8/14/2022 11:15 am)

Posted by greenman
8/09/2022 8:13 am

I can see I wouldn’t be welcome there long, given the threats over my posts and the tolerance of trash like I-GOG and his evil master, Dr. FrankenMongo.

And I see that I’d only get sucked down into the morass again if I resumed even limited posting on Boardhost for the purpose of sharing Wordle results.

So bye once again, I still have Sia’s address and she has mine should anyone wish to get in touch.  Best to all the good people on the boards..


Last edited by greenman (8/09/2022 8:24 am)

Posted by Siagiah
8/09/2022 10:14 am

This crap isn't worth getting eaten up over.  If you ever want to return, just show up.  If you don't, then take good care of yourself. 

Woodbine's board is "dead to me".  Same as the White Whine has been for the last 14 years. 

No great loss on either count.


Posted by greenman
8/09/2022 4:52 pm

Incidentally, I was banned on the new Green S—tboard being run by ‘Sum.’

I was going to leave a message for the pig (Ishkabibble?) in charge, but was unable to do so.

May that board die a painful death.  Woodbine was a fool to leave it in the hands of an imbecile.

Posted by Siagiah
8/09/2022 7:43 pm

greenman wrote:

Incidentally, I was banned on the new Green S—tboard being run by ‘Sum.’

I was going to leave a message for the pig (Ishkabibble?) in charge, but was unable to do so.

May that board die a painful death. Woodbine was a fool to leave it in the hands of an imbecile.


SERIOUSLY?  After being reinstated and told you'd gotten a third warning (without ever getting #1 or #2)?  It appeared to be left with you having your "final chance" to post there... so WHY were you banned again without a word?

THIS behavior is why that board will deserve what it will ultimately get.  Putting someone in charge who is clueless about running a board and dealing with people is just stupid.  It simply doesn't matter how nice they might otherwise be.


Posted by Siagiah
8/11/2022 9:37 pm


FTR, I didn't actually notice the comment about Ish above until now, but, IMHO, Ishkabibble is NOT "a pig".  She's always been pleasant, nice, and has excellent manners. A little dramatic at times,  a LOT dramatic at others such as her reaction to Amadeus last year.  Truth is, I actually like her and think that she's often quite amusing and clever.  In fact, I was very pleased posting with her on both GREEN and YELLOW -- until the sh*t hit the fan with mongo's arrival and deliberate trolling for trouble that he's been allowed to get away with, including libeling posters with impunity.  As long as posters don't use vulgar language they can write ANYTHING they want to.  They can troll and abuse others because "SUM" doesn't care.  NOT...AT...ALL


Posted by Ken C
8/12/2022 2:16 am

I do not like being lied about.    I wish someone here would either post a link to where I have made "dishonest accusations", or apologize.  This is my second request.

greenman wrote:

Twice DFM has violated Ken’s ‘no more than two posts in a row’ rule, and yet Kenniboi is on the Blue Board stirring things up and making dishonest accusations instead of moderating his own board (which he cannot/will not do even with Trish’s help).

Why is this tolerated? Favoritism?


Posted by greenman
8/12/2022 8:47 am

Just a little note for whoever is ruining Woodbine’s former board - thanks.  You did exactly as I wanted, and banned me, thus showing your true colors - those of a petty tyrant - and making it easier to forget the trashboard you’re building around Mongo, SES, and GOG over there.  What a disgrace.

As to Ken’s repetitiously whiny post, it speaks for itself. When did you lie, Kenniboi?  Among other times, when you invited every banned poster back on your board - then told me with your OTHER face I was banned for life because you had been ‘offended.’  I haven’t forgotten.  You’re a perfect example of the losers who host boards here.  Sia is literally the only person fit to do so.

So as Mongo likes to sneer, ‘Toodles!’  ;)

Last edited by greenman (8/12/2022 8:49 am)

Posted by Trish
8/12/2022 9:18 am

I have no idea what's going on over there. It's odd and spotty. Mind you, I can't moderate 24-7 either. I'm sorry GM I enjoy posting to you. 

Posted by greenman
8/12/2022 9:48 am

Trish wrote:

I have no idea what's going on over there. It's odd and spotty. Mind you, I can't moderate 24-7 either. I'm sorry GM I enjoy posting to you. 

Thanks Trish, and one amendment to my post - you’re certainly fit to moderate a board, as well.


Posted by Siagiah
8/12/2022 10:18 am

Ken C wrote:

I do not like being lied about.    I wish someone here would either post a link to where I have made "dishonest accusations", or apologize.  This is my second request.

greenman wrote:

Twice DFM has violated Ken’s ‘no more than two posts in a row’ rule, and yet Kenniboi is on the Blue Board stirring things up and making dishonest accusations instead of moderating his own board (which he cannot/will not do even with Trish’s help).

Why is this tolerated? Favoritism?



I'm sorry, I cannot help you with this.  I'm not sure what, exactly, the accusation was about and wasn't at the time either, so couldn't address it.  Several of the posts that occurred that day were deleted so they are gone besides so I don't think that ANYONE can produce "evidence" either way. 

It IS true that DFM constantly violates the rules on R&E.  I do think that the violations are eventually handled though.  I've sent enough of them to your attention to know that it might take a little time, but eventually they get removed and handled.  Perhaps G hasn't noticed them eventually being removed?  IDK?  I can't know what he's seen or hasn't.  I typically look again within a day to see using the links sent just to establish what is or isn't considered a rule violation so I don't waste anyone's time reporting things you don't see that way.  So, I KNOW that you two eventually react when you have time.

As for your honesty, I've never noticed you lying about anything anywhere.  I can vouch for your honesty in that way.   I've also never noticed Greenman posting deliberate lies either.  Both of you have expressed your personal OPINIONS about episodes that someone else might view as false, but neither of you have ever introduced dishonest "facts" about anything that I've seen.  IMHO, people should be very careful when tossing out the LIAR label because being mistaken isn't lying and expressing a viewpoint someone disagrees with about a situation isn't lying either. The accusation that someone is a  LIAR gets tossed out way too often by too many people.  Unless someone posts deliberate misinformation that they KNOW is false, it's an error/mistake/opinion if shown to be incorrect.

As for the specific accusations made, individual perceptions of any event are personal according to the accuser's world views, opinions, and experiences.  I didn't notice any dishonesty by anyone involved but also have no idea what G was referring to then or now. 

If he is so inclined, he may provide an answer, but I wouldn't hold your breath.  LIS, the "evidence" is long gone and he's chosen to leave the boards besides.  It would just come down to personal perceptions anyway, even if the evidence actually remained.  Whatever was posted, he perceived it as dishonest and you obviously didn't. Either way, LIS, I didn't notice any dishonesty by either of you, only vastly different opinions on the events that were being argued at the time.  That's the perception I'm left with from the moment in time and I've long forgotten what the unpleasant argument that was deleted was even about so I cannot reconstruct it? 

My best suggestion?  Consider letting it go ?  Whomever else saw it, they made up their minds in the moment too and certainly haven't given it a moment's thought since.

Going forward, I wish both of you only peace of mind and the hope that you can each move on from that ugliness and the bad feelings you each have towards each other.  


Posted by Siagiah
8/12/2022 10:56 am

greenman wrote:

Just a little note for whoever is ruining Woodbine’s former board - thanks. You did exactly as I wanted, and banned me, thus showing your true colors - those of a petty tyrant - and making it easier to forget the trashboard you’re building around Mongo, SES, and GOG over there. What a disgrace.

As to Ken’s repetitiously whiny post, it speaks for itself. When did you lie, Kenniboi? Among other times, when you invited every banned poster back on your board - then told me with your OTHER face I was banned for life because you had been ‘offended.’ I haven’t forgotten. You’re a perfect example of the losers who host boards here. Sia is literally the only person fit to do so.

So as Mongo likes to sneer, ‘Toodles!’ ;)


Sia:  I didn't see this before answering Ken's post so didn't take any of this into account.

Thank you for your confidence in me running Blue along with my 3 partners. 

As for R&E, I do think that both Ken & Trish are competent moderators too.  Like you, I don't always agree with their decisions, but, IMHO that doesn't mean they are incompetent.

I cannot comment on what happened that caused Ken to ban you for life as it happened off line, apparently via email, and I'm not privy to what it was that caused him to be so profoundly offended.  Neither of you have ever revealed what it was so no one besides you two are qualified to judge whether or not there was "good reason" for it or not.  I DO recall, however, that when Ken announced amnesty, he did NOT announce that you were an exception until after you'd tried to post and only YOUR ban had not been lifted.  I doubt that he INTENDED to "lie about general amnesty" or to trick you, personally.  I suspect that he'd overlooked that he wasn't including you in the amnesty for whatever reason he had for a lifetime ban.  However, I can understand why you felt "lied to" and have hard feelings about that. It seems that you've never been given a specific explanation so honestly don't know what it was that you said that caused him such great emotional harm.  However, LIS, I don't know because neither of you have ever spelled it out and I've never asked either of you for specifics.  It's NOMB.

I obviously think that mongo and whomever is running GREEN are both doing a terrible job. 

I noticed last night that Ish claims that it's not her but I do think that she IS part of the moderation team. I don't think that she's the ONLY moderator there though.  If she is NOT part of the moderation team, then I apologize to her for declaring it so, but she DID say that she was in her Eden's Serpent persona. 

She is CLEARLY fine with using multiple "personalities" and so are several there, including Woodbine who used to pretend the ADMIN was someone else.  So why would she be offended that someone might conclude as I have that she's part of the moderation team there?  Several "clues" had led me to that conclusion but I wasn't ready to say so until she joked about being a moderator there.  As her Eden's Serpent persona, the style of posting is incredibly close to SUM's and points DIRECTLY at her. 

Of course, it's possible that she's NOT.  But there's simply NO WAY to prove that.  Even SUM won't confirm nor deny it, which speaks volumes.

Either way, I wish Ish nothing but good things in life and I'll extend apologies for HOW UPSET she got over my expressed opinion.  She owns some responsibility for that though.  She SAID she is and then went out of her way to make sure EVERYONE saw my opinion on it.  She sure acts like she IS a moderator there. Not only in the style of SUM, but in so many other ways.  and SHE is the one who copied my post over here and pasted it on GREEN and YELLOW, calling everyone's attention to it.  If she HADN'T done that, few would have seen it.

Rather than going out of her way to post my opinion on 2 other boards, CALLING ATTENTION TO IT that it otherwise would never have gotten, I don't know why she didn't either email me or log in here to dispute it.  She HAS  a log in for both this forum and the message board AND access to an email to contact me.  Instead, she posted all kinds of stuff about it on R&E and Green, making a huge deal out of it, knowing that I wasn't going to see it unless I popped in to look.  I would have never seen it if I hadn't been told that it was going on so decided to look for myself.

It doesn't matter now anyway.  I'm disgusted with how GREEN is being run.  Posters can literally post ANYTHING:

libel against others
nasty attacks against others
total B.S. claims
dangerous misinformation
crazy conspiracies
pure spam

Provided they aren't VULGAR.  I mean REALLY?  It's White Whine Junior, only it's open to EVERY corner of the spectrum, ensuring that it will be mostly a cesspool of incivility and craziness.


If I've been unfair to Ishkabibble, then I apologize, but I still believe that she IS part of the moderation there, just not the ONLY one. 


Posted by Ken C
8/12/2022 1:26 pm

Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World (Original Spoken Intro Version)


Posted by Siagiah
8/12/2022 8:34 pm

A favorite song!

Posted by Siagiah
8/12/2022 9:36 pm

BTW, in case anyone is interested, 3 members of GREEN --- Woodbine, his Brisbane Australia pal, and Ishkabibble have all been  lurking here multiple times a day and have been for a while now. 

It makes sense that Ish would continue to do that given her upset about my speculation about her being a moderator on GREEN.

Still, WHY are Woodbine and his Aussie pal spending so much time here, WELL BEFORE I commented that I think that Ishkabibble might be the ADMIN on Green?

If Ish actually isn't "one of the mods", she might want to look in their direction because they've both been hanging out here for a little while now, Woodbine for much longer, popping in here and there for several months, but now multiple times a day... pretty much proving that Woody has NOT left the building.  I guess he can't be believed either. 

It's pretty clear that the admins over on GREEN actually like and are purposefully encouraging the hateful environment there. 



Posted by Siagiah
8/12/2022 10:24 pm

Ken C sent me a link to Ishkabibble's post on R&E and I responded thus:

I am profoundly sorry for all that has transpired because of  

Posted by Sia on August 12, 2022, 8:16 pm, in reply to "For Sia

What went on at the GREEN board and the misunderstanding regarding your what I now understand was just joking. Obviously, I took you seriously and I'm truly sorry that I did. I was SO ANGRY at what Sum was doing and allowing, so when you joked that it was you and I took you seriously, I spewed forth that anger. I wish that I hadn't now and had just stewed silently. I see now that I would have quickly dismissed my suspicions if I'd waited a little longer to see more of what Sum was going to do.

I now believe you that you are not Sum and I apologize and humbly ask for your forgiveness.

FWIW, I agree 100% with your post answering Sum about what you think. I went to see it after reading this post before answering. Reading your words that shows clearly that you are who I'd believed you to be and made me realize my mistake.

I'm so sorry. Thank you for your apology too.

That is in response to her post:

For Sia  

Posted by Ishkabibble on August 12, 2022, 10:08 am 

Ken said it was OK to post messages here from other boards as long as one doesn't turn it into a flame fest or (and this is my way of putting it) drag another board through the mud on his. Out of respect for Ken and the posters here, I hope I can do so. If I fail, it isn't intentional by any means and I understand if Ken selects to delete this post. Hopefully this post will stand. So here goes:

1. As to Blue and my account - I honestly forgot I had registered. I was unable to sign in years ago (2 or 3 years? I can't recall). I had no idea why my ID/PW were no longer recognized. Just so you understand where I am coming, I don't think you or anyone else deliberately locked me out - probably some type of wonky software issue. I never checked into it as your board was/is essentially political and interest in other topics was/is anemic at best. Since it has been a long long time since I participated there, I totally forgot that I had an account. Therefore my sincere apologies to you for stating that I was unable to respond to your comments on Blue. That wasn't the case. I just thought I was unable. I can see why you became confused on this.

2. My apologies for misleading everyone. I never intended for anyone to think I was Sum. I thought it clear that I was literally horsing around. As I said, I never made it a secret that I would also post under the handle of Eden's Serpent at times. I've also posted here under the handle Ennui (quite some time ago). I announced when I changed my handle. I assume that not everyone saw my post. That is why I tell posters to ask me directly in all seriousness and I will put the silliness aside and give an honest answer.

3. I am not Sum. I don't moderate on Green nor anywhere else for that matter. I never have. I don't have the time to make the commitment. I have no desire to slog through insult festivals on any board keeping adults in line. Rules are clearly posted at the top of the boards I visit and adults are capable of reading. One can also contact the administrator if clarity is needed. I will not wade through a sewer of vulgar insults and personal attacks. Adults really do know how to behave as adults. I will not be their nanny.

4. I can't prove that I am neither Sum, nor a moderator of any kind over there (or anywhere else). Sum refuses to confirm this. Thus I am either believed or not and that really is that. It is what it is.

5. All I will say here is that Green is not my kind of board. Out of respect for Ken and his wishes I will not elaborate any further. If you are bored and curious, you can see my thoughts regarding Green on that board. (Sum did ask: "What do we think?" So I answered). My response is still there as of now, but I can't say one way or the other if it will still be there in the future.

6. My only objection to your board is its political nature. I recognize posters have the right to post what they like and to not respond too. That's perfectly fine. Politics just isn't my thing - never has been.

7. I only withdrew from Ken's board as I got sick and tired of Bauer's harassment of atheists, pagans and others who don't think like him. Just ignoring him is limited because he often posts his insults in the subject line. Thus DNRs have their limits too. One can not scan this board for threads of interests without seeing his one-liner insults that are repeated in various ways again and again and again . . . Otherwise, I would still post here. But I see no reason to tolerate his insults. Since he is welcome here, my only option is to withdraw. So I withdrew.

That's all I can think of for now. I hope this post clears things up.

Again my sincere apologies. It was never my intention to mislead. I doubt I will be returning as I think things will remain the same on all three boards.

Be well.



Posted by Siagiah
8/15/2022 12:25 pm

A VPN didn't hide you very well Sum.  You know who you are and now, so do I.

NOW it makes perfect sense why you are hiding behind a new name and using a (failed) VPN. 

'nuff said... for now.


Posted by greenman
8/15/2022 4:52 pm

Just a word to whomever is running that board - you are a disgrace.  It’s nothing but another version of White Whine, with the board dominated by POS posters like Mongo, GOG, and SES.  I don’t know who’s running it, but if it IS Woodbine - and he HAS posted on it as ‘Woodbiner’ recently - he disgusts me.  I thought I had friendly relations with him, but he wouldn’t identify himself to me (in which case I’d have been cooperative and friendly) and banned me as soon as I defied the substitute I thought he was.  Now the board is sheer garbage, worse than ever.

As I say, I do not know who’s in charge.  But the board is a DISGRACE.  Literally no better than Mongo’s gutter board.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/19/2022 12:58 am

So you agree with Observer, this was a blatant, crass political post?

Observer was wrong, and on this, he is an idiot. The piece is fairytale satire
in the style of Borowitz. This is the first post of mine ever deleted due to alleged
political content and subject. The first ever. In fact, it's my first post published
on any forum anywhere at anytime, deleted by a moderator. 

Observer posts to cause trouble and delights when I am his target. If you
deleted the post, you made his day. The piece stands on CGD for anyone
to see and evaluate whether or not it is blatantly crass and political.

Too bad Observer is so poorly experienced with Grimm's Fairytales to not
recognize what was done here, and the play on Merlin's title. But then illiteracy
doesn't surprize me in this 21st century America. 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (8/19/2022 1:22 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
8/19/2022 2:56 pm

I took a look at Woodbine's board today just to see how bad it's gotten.  It's bad... Really, really ugly there.

Interesting factoids:

Of the 30 threads on page 1:

half (15) were STARTED by mongo (summus).
6 are started by Merlin
3 are started by GOG

That means that 24 of 30 (or 3/4) were started by just 3 people.

Page 2 has:

10 are started by GOG
6 are started by mongo (summus)
2 are started by Merlin

So, of the top 60 posts:

21 are started by mongo/summus
13 are started by GOG
8 are started by Merlin

So, 42 of the top 60 posts were STARTED by just 3 people, the majority by mongo/summus & GOG. 

However, in raw numbers of posts:

GOG has well over 100* posts in only 41/2  days
mongo/summus has well over 100* posts in only 5 days
Trae has 95 posts in 10 days
Merlin has 56 posts in 10 days
True Grit has 26 posts in 10 days

* (search won't show over 100 posts, but one can presume that it would at least double in approximately double the time to 10 days and it does.)

So, nearly 75% of the posts on Woodbine's board are by just TWO POSTERS.

But what's REALLY INTERESTING is that mongo hasn't posted a single thing on HIS OWN BOARD in over a week. 

I guess that tells us ALL we need to know about mongo's pathetic board.  Even HE doesn't post there anymore because it's SO BORING.


It's going to be REALLY FUNNY when Sum gets tired of him and takes away his "new playground" where he reroutes all of his sewerage and somehow imagines himself as "the top of the heap". 


Now, that's all the time I intend to waste on looking there.  Kids are napping and I'm waiting for my daughter to return, so figured I'd waste a few minutes on it out of sheer curiosity.  'nuff wasted now....

Carry on people.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/19/2022 10:23 pm

Is it any wonder or surprise why these Boardhost boards are stagnant and dying?
The same ongoing kerfuffles occur on all. 
Read one and you read them all.
Miss a week, tune in and <one minute you're up to date. 
Miss a month, and your uptodatedness might require two minutes. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

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