Posted by greenman ![]() 7/17/2022 11:55 am | #601 |
Siagiah wrote:
I just looked in on Woodbine's board. WHAT A CESSPOOL !!
Not much worse than Ken’s board, where they get to enjoy the comedy stylings of GOG (now with added racism!), the skilled trolling of halfwit homophobe bauer, and so forth. Who needs Mongo when you’ve got DFM lecturing on ‘science’ and sociological-political issues?
Hell, Ken came over and PRAISED Woodbine’s board. Evidently that’s the sort of thing he WANTS on Yellow.
Revealing, no?
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 7/18/2022 1:06 am | #602 |
Well, I thought it SO strange of a post that I fired off an email to him asking if he'd actually posted it or someone had stolen his nick. He actually posted it.
I pointed out what a disgraceful, un-moderated cesspool it is, full of hatred, misogyny, sexual harassment, conspiracy nonsense, and just plain CRAP. He didn't disagree with that, but only stated that he always looks for the positives (since everyone else looks for the negatives) and that, no, he hasn't read any of the posts there.
So, I'm not at all sure WHY he went to the trouble to post it, but perhaps he thought he was being supportive of Woodbine (because several people are trashing his board) and somehow, he hasn't recognized that Woodbine is nowhere to be found??
Posted by Trish ![]() 7/18/2022 10:00 am | #603 |
As the saying goes, the inmates are now running the assylum
Posted by greenman ![]() 7/18/2022 2:16 pm | #604 |
Kudos to you for cancelling a couple of political and misinformative posts on Yellow,
Trish, but having a board dominated by GOG, bauer and DFM is just as bad.
DFM’s LIES about global warming and oil pricing, and GOG’s paranoid lunacy (new claim: COVID created at U. of NC!) are just deranged. Ken seems good with making his and Woodbine’s boards identical (and both more like Mongo’s hateboard)..
Sia was wise to choose membership for blue.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 7/19/2022 1:34 pm | #605 |
It's really too bad that Woodbine didn't do the same before dropping off the edge of the world somewhere. His board is worse than a mess now. It's a real shame what mongo & GOG have made of Woody's board, especially since he BANNED BOTH permanently. White Whine is a disgusting board with absolutely NOTHING going for it and he's turning Woody's into the same damned thing. But hey, that's how they both LIKE IT.
True Grit is now posting like mongo with seriously ugly remarks and is disgracing himself as a result. Why would he lower himself to be LIKE mongo? mongo simply isn't worth the bother! mongo constantly makes up LIES about others and makes assinine claims that no one should take seriously. Most of the time, it's pure PROJECTION.
What's almost amusing is how hard mongo tries to get us to respond to him by constantly attacking us when we aren't even there. When I do pop in to see what's up, IF I even read his crap, I generally leave without bothering to respond because it's so obviously desperate attempts to irritate me into reacting. Instead, it's more of a "consider the source" or "who cares?" reaction that I feel.
That he actually seems to believe that I care one bit what he has to say or that I'm somehow "upset" about not posting on his board is downright PATHETIC. It's nothing but PROJECTION. The only reason I EVER respond is because it obviously eats him up. LOL
Fact is, HE is the one who is upset that he CANNOT get into Blue no matter what he does and that he HATES this forum, the back alley in particular.
Posted by greenman ![]() 7/23/2022 12:28 pm | #606 |
Wonder who this racist poster Blackbeard is? Making racist posts on Mongo’s board about ‘dumb Negoes [sic]’ and attacking Muhammad as a ‘pedo’ on Ken’s board.
Repugnant in any case.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 7/23/2022 10:29 pm | #607 |
Yeah, I saw that name and wondered who it was. Time will tell. Trolls and folks hiding behind new names ALWAYS give themselves away.
Posted by greenman ![]() 7/24/2022 6:47 am | #608 |
Well, Woodbine showed up. And he left a (presumably final) message.
As you may have noticed I have not been engaging with my, or any linked board. The reason for this is simple. I have nothing to say. The original aim for my board was to discuss the evolution creation "debate" and there was a time when this had some value but the DNA mapping of various species including the human genome project left no room for reasonable doubt regarding common ancestry which in itself is more than sufficient to debunk the Abrahamic creation stories, so the discussion ended there.
There was nothing much else to say.
The boards scope then naturally expanded to issues around ethics, morality and philosophy which is fertile ground for discussion, or, at least it should be.
An argument is made and the evidence supporting it is explained. Then the interlocutor can accept the conclusion or present a counter argument to which the proposer is similarly invited to respond.
To me, this back and forth is the basis of the discussion board and debate itself, but to many others here discussion is seen as something very different; counter arguments are seen as "hounding", using (my best efforts at) precise language is viewed as "insulting" and religious or spiritual (?) beliefs, no matter how bizarre or poorly evidence, are deemed sacrosanct and immune from question lest the believer become upset.
On one linked board I was actually sanctioned by the administrator for asking a person "why" they were proposing, what amounted to, an implausible conspiracy theory, and most posters agreed with the sanction. That was the Damascene moment for me.
I realised from that incident,and similar subsequent disagreements on my board, that what I want and expect from a discussion board is quite different from what most others want and expect.
This has drained my enthusiasm to moderate the board and as we can all see, left to the vagaries of poor arguments on an unmoderated board, it has descended into chaos, so I am left with no option but to close it down.
It may start up again but not with me as admin.”
So this went back a bit, apparently.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 7/24/2022 2:27 pm | #609 |
Yeah, I recognize everything he's talking about and feel badly about it.
He never got over being DNR'd by mongo on R&E for only asking him simple questions about his beliefs that caused mongo to DNR Woodbine in a snit fit over it ... or my unrelated criticism about "hounding".
Oh well, I'm sorry to see him check out, but glad he's okay and let everyone know that he is. I do hope that he pops in now and again.
We'll miss you Woodbine.
Posted by greenman ![]() 7/24/2022 3:20 pm | #610 |
DNR sucks. Even I had to laugh about GOG replying to posts he didn’t like on Woody’s board with ‘DNR.’ That was a bad idea from Day 1. A lazy way of moderating a board, and a good way of stifling honest debate.
Attacking Woodbine for ‘badgering’ posters who couldn’t answer his questions or debate him intelligently was pretty offensive. Especially when posters came over to HIS BOARD to do it.
Posted by greenman ![]() 7/24/2022 3:29 pm | #611 |
I would punch GOG in the mouth for this mealy-mouthed hypocrisy if I met him:
‘In the sweet bye and bye, we shall meet on that distance shore….
Posted by GOG on July 24, 2022, 12:45 pm, in reply to "Goodbye Woodbine - I enjoyed your board while you were there. Glad to know you are OK."
There were too many nut jobs using fake handles. They were utterly foul mouthed. Posts of substance were being assaulted non-stop. It degenerated and had to be done. Maybe SIA will pick it up as an auxiliary to Blew.‘
This from an ASSHAT who was BANNED on Woodbine’s board and yet befouled it daily.
Jesus H. Christ.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 7/24/2022 4:31 pm | #612 |
greenman wrote:
DNR sucks. Even I had to laugh about GOG replying to posts he didn’t like on Woody’s board with ‘DNR.’ That was a bad idea from Day 1. A lazy way of moderating a board, and a good way of stifling honest debate.
Attacking Woodbine for ‘badgering’ posters who couldn’t answer his questions or debate him intelligently was pretty offensive. Especially when posters came over to HIS BOARD to do it.
Except that is NOT what happened.
He specifically ASKED both on Blue and on his own board WHY posters were getting so p*ssy with him and I told him why. He disagreed.
Several months went by. Then he disappeared. How is that MY fault or me ATTACKING him? I did nothing but answer his question about other poster's attitudes towards him.
You may have noticed that he specifically said:
An argument is made and the evidence supporting it is explained. Then the interlocutor can accept the conclusion or present a counter argument to which the proposer is similarly invited to respond.
To me, this back and forth is the basis of the discussion board and debate itself, but to many others here discussion is seen as something very different; counter arguments are seen as "hounding", using (my best efforts at) precise language is viewed as "insulting" and religious or spiritual (?) beliefs, no matter how bizarre or poorly evidence, are deemed sacrosanct and immune from question lest the believer become upset.
On one linked board I was actually sanctioned by the administrator for asking a person "why" they were proposing, what amounted to, an implausible conspiracy theory, and most posters agreed with the sanction. That was the Damascene moment for me.
I realised from that incident,and similar subsequent disagreements on my board, that what I want and expect from a discussion board is quite different from what most others want and expect.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 7/24/2022 4:37 pm | #613 |
greenman wrote:
I would punch GOG in the mouth for this mealy-mouthed hypocrisy if I met him:
‘In the sweet bye and bye, we shall meet on that distance shore….
Posted by GOG on July 24, 2022, 12:45 pm, in reply to "Goodbye Woodbine - I enjoyed your board while you were there. Glad to know you are OK."
There were too many nut jobs using fake handles. They were utterly foul mouthed. Posts of substance were being assaulted non-stop. It degenerated and had to be done. Maybe SIA will pick it up as an auxiliary to Blew.‘
This from an ASSHAT who was BANNED on Woodbine’s board and yet befouled it daily.
Jesus H. Christ.
WOW, he is a pompous JOKE. Besides, NO, I would NOT pick up another board to moderate. No doubt Woody has someone like one of his regulars, Mark or David, in mind to take over for him. Who knows?
GOG is beyond a hypocrite for that post. HE trashed the board with his never ending B.S. that he KNEW that Woodbine did NOT want there.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 7/24/2022 5:07 pm | #614 |
Aaaaaand it gets worse... I wandered over to see what B.S. GOG might be saying elsewhere... He's just unbelievable. He blames YOU for it. Absolutely NO concept of his own or mongo's blame for the trashed board. Another suggested that someone emailed Woodbine about it. Woodbine doesn't DO email.
Woodbrain folds his board.
Posted by GOG on July 24, 2022, 9:20 am
Good. It was moribund from the start. His M.O. was to prove God is a human fantasy. He failed. That sad wasteland became infected with the dregs of internet society. My take is greenie was the overarching catalyst for the deterioration. Maybe SIA will reopen that board as an annex to Back Alley. Anyway, the personal benefit of the collapse is I no longer feel compelled to post there and make a fool of myself. RIP.
Message Thread
Posted by greenman ![]() 7/24/2022 5:58 pm | #615 |
Siagiah wrote:
greenman wrote:
DNR sucks. Even I had to laugh about GOG replying to posts he didn’t like on Woody’s board with ‘DNR.’ That was a bad idea from Day 1. A lazy way of moderating a board, and a good way of stifling honest debate.
Attacking Woodbine for ‘badgering’ posters who couldn’t answer his questions or debate him intelligently was pretty offensive. Especially when posters came over to HIS BOARD to do it.=========================================================
Except that is NOT what happened.
He specifically ASKED both on Blue and on his own board WHY posters were getting so p*ssy with him and I told him why. He disagreed.
Several months went by. Then he disappeared. How is that MY fault or me ATTACKING him? I did nothing but answer his question about other poster's attitudes towards him.
You may have noticed that he specifically said:
An argument is made and the evidence supporting it is explained. Then the interlocutor can accept the conclusion or present a counter argument to which the proposer is similarly invited to respond.
To me, this back and forth is the basis of the discussion board and debate itself, but to many others here discussion is seen as something very different; counter arguments are seen as "hounding", using (my best efforts at) precise language is viewed as "insulting" and religious or spiritual (?) beliefs, no matter how bizarre or poorly evidence, are deemed sacrosanct and immune from question lest the believer become upset.
On one linked board I was actually sanctioned by the administrator for asking a person "why" they were proposing, what amounted to, an implausible conspiracy theory, and most posters agreed with the sanction. That was the Damascene moment for me.
I realised from that incident,and similar subsequent disagreements on my board, that what I want and expect from a discussion board is quite different from what most others want and expect.
Nobody said his disappearance
was ‘your fault.’ Don’t get hysterical about it.
He left for his own reasons. His call. And nobody cares what that crazy little POS GOG thinks.
He can go to Hell.
Posted by greenman ![]() 7/27/2022 11:34 am | #616 |
Twice DFM has violated Ken’s ‘no more than two posts in a row’ rule, and yet Kenniboi is on the Blue Board stirring things up and making dishonest accusations instead of moderating his own board (which he cannot/will not do even with Trish’s help).
Why is this tolerated? Favoritism?
Posted by Trish ![]() 7/28/2022 7:46 am | #617 |
I probably just miss them. I can't spend a lot of time so I look for the worst issues
Posted by greenman ![]() 7/28/2022 10:05 am | #618 |
Trish wrote:
I probably just miss them. I can't spend a lot of time so I look for the worst issues
Not your fault, Trish. I should just completely ignore that board. It’s none of my business how it’s run. Laughing occasionally at some of the antics of posters is one thing, but it’s not my board anymore.
Posted by Trish ![]() 7/29/2022 10:07 am | #619 |
I wasn't upset with you. I appreciated you pointing it out. I see you're taking a time out from the boards. We'll miss you while you're gone
Posted by greenman ![]() 7/31/2022 8:59 am | #620 |
Trish wrote:
I wasn't upset with you. I appreciated you pointing it out. I see you're taking a time out from the boards. We'll miss you while you're gone
Thanks, Trish. It has just gotten too stressful. Too much conflict, not enough good posters to balance the bad. The last year’s been dreadful, boards dominated by people I can’t stand, dishonest arguments, harassment, etc. I don’t think I’m the only one - I see Ish is leaving R & E, too. Woodbine dropping out, then taking his board with him was a big blow, too.
Maybe I’ll come back sometime and see if it’d be worth starting my own board. Who knows. But until then, thanks for being one of the good posters, it’s been a pleasure.
Last edited by greenman (7/31/2022 8:59 am)
Posted by Trish ![]() 8/01/2022 8:23 am | #621 |
Hey has anyone heard from Poppet? Trusting she is well.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 8/01/2022 9:17 am | #622 |
Trish wrote:
Hey has anyone heard from Poppet? Trusting she is well.
Yes, she's fine. She's taking some "me time". I've noticed her popping (ha!) in and out on the board, perhaps just observing now and then. But she is perfectly fine, don't worry.
Posted by Poppet ![]() 8/01/2022 2:33 pm | #623 |
Siagiah wrote:
Trish wrote:
Hey has anyone heard from Poppet? Trusting she is well.
Yes, she's fine. She's taking some "me time". I've noticed her popping (ha!) in and out on the board, perhaps just observing now and then. But she is perfectly fine, don't worry.
She is indeed fine. I'm taking a break from most social media...quite possibly a permanent one, as I find I no longer "derive joy" from any of it very often. If anything, social media just depresses me at best, makes me angry at worst. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...
I'm still on Twitter, as it's my primary quick conduit to Japanese friends who are not so close as to be actual email correspondents (of which there are, like, three...). I still participate in a couple of philosophy groups (full of people gassing on in impenetrable jargon with more confidence than is probably called for, myself included). That's about it. I'm concentrating pretty hard on finishing a monograph and getting my business acquisition plan back on track for Japan. The latter is a real bureaucratic nightmare, so I don't need the further mood poison of social media right now.
If I don't return, the ones I wish well know who you are. Er...probably. I'm not good at making that sort of thing clear.
- Sara
Posted by greenman ![]() 8/01/2022 2:57 pm | #624 |
What she said.
(best wishes, Sara)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 8/01/2022 3:58 pm | #625 |
Well, the rest of us miss you guys. Be well and be happy whatever you wind up doing.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 8/01/2022 7:03 pm | #626 |
Woodbine's board has reopened. No idea why, but it is accepting posts again.
Posted by Ken C ![]() 8/02/2022 12:20 pm | #627 |
greenman wrote:
... Kenniboi is on the Blue Board stirring things up and making dishonest accusations ...
If I ever said anything dishonest on these forums, I wish someone would post a link so we can all review the evidence.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 8/07/2022 12:16 pm | #628 |
What the hell is going on over on SUM/Woodbine's green board?
MULTIPLE posts and even entire threads have disappeared, causing several threads to make absolutely NO SENSE at all with too much missing to follow the remaining responses.
Plus, what happened to THIS ONE? Is SUM regretting making public announcements against particular posters? (I hope so because, IMHO, it's a huge mistake to do that)
But then again, this one remains? What? Does HH not deserve the same courtesy of removing the thread announcing he's banned? and "he serves no useful purpose" is the reason ??? Really ???
CE0802/SES's post was deleted without comment, presumably because of his trashing of greenman, but why not simply EDIT it instead to preserve the thread's integrity? Or did SUM banish him too, but simply not announce it ??
Encouraging GOG to post his idiotic, implausible theories and threatening "annoying, but otherwise harmless" posters with banishment while declaring that administration will be capricious and inconsistently applied isn't exactly a recipe for success. The rules are completely different from just yesterday. I suggest everyone read them.
I have SERIOUS reservations about wasting my time there.
On top of all of this, that idiot, Scalese actually thinks that I am SUM. ROFLMAO. As if. If he had the slightest clue he'd know that I would NEVER make those "rules" and would not do nor post several of the things that SUM has done.
I first thought that SUM was Woodbine in disguise. I'm not at all convinced of that anymore. I have my suspicions, but won't voice them directly until I'm more convinced about who it might actually be.
In any case, the rules appear to be changing there on a daily, if not hourly pace. When it finally shakes out, I'll decide if I want to remain.
I'm simply spouting off here rather than there because I'm bewildered and disturbed by what's happening there, but don't want to antagonize the ADMIN by doing so in his/her backyard.
Thoughts? Theories?
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 8/07/2022 4:07 pm | #629 |
Well, this kinda settles it...
Color me unimpressed and not planning to spend much time there going forward.
Rules are unclear, inconsistent, and indicative of someone who's never run a board before so doesn't understand that it is imperative that there be consistency in rules as well as their application. To do otherwise is inviting rebellion and true accusations of bias. Hell, even doing your best to apply them consistency results in complaints, so why INVITE them by declaring that you don't intend to even try?
Zero warnings for first infractions and the use of humiliation in dealing with human beings is the fastest way to make enemies who will either trash the board at every opportunity or if not so inclined, they'll leave & never return, bad mouthing the board everywhere else. Either way, the board is damaged and potentially good members are gone with no effort to have positively modified their behavior before burning the bridge.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 8/07/2022 7:47 pm | #630 |
Maybe Woodbine sold the management rights to Deanna.