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Posted by greenman
6/20/2022 8:19 am

Siagiah wrote:

greenman wrote:

I see a post by Kelt, of all people, on Ken’s board. Something appropriately sarcastic in reply to Ken’s dumb question about whether or not we should have a nuclear war.

One thing which seems to confirm it’s by him is the use of the expression ‘totes mcgroats,’ which seems very Kelt-like…lol


But HOW did he find the board? 

Did Ken delete his post?


I din’t know why it would’ve been deleted, but I assume he still had the address from the old days.  He probably ‘finds the board’ to be as big of a clusterf**k as I do, though…🙄

Posted by greenman
6/20/2022 8:24 am

Note Mongo’s somewhat obvious performance as Inspector Clouseau on Woodbine’s board.  He’s not even trying to hide who he is, just being nasty and venomous as usual.

Can’t get any sympathy on his own board, so he goes elsewhere to attack.  What a disgusting worm.

Posted by Siagiah
6/20/2022 8:57 pm

But is it REALLY jb?  It all seems OFF to me.  At first, I thought it sounded like him, but something is off now.  I wonder if it's really john bower (which is the correct spelling of his name, btw)  and not some jerk troll pretending to be him.

Posted by Siagiah
6/20/2022 9:01 pm

greenman wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

greenman wrote:

I see a post by Kelt, of all people, on Ken’s board. Something appropriately sarcastic in reply to Ken’s dumb question about whether or not we should have a nuclear war.

One thing which seems to confirm it’s by him is the use of the expression ‘totes mcgroats,’ which seems very Kelt-like…lol


But HOW did he find the board? 

Did Ken delete his post?



I din’t know why it would’ve been deleted, but I assume he still had the address from the old days. He probably ‘finds the board’ to be as big of a clusterf**k as I do, though…🙄

It wasn't deleted.  I finally found it.  However, it's not possible to have the address from the old days.  It's not even the same platform.  Webapps is LONG GONE and the old boards with 'em.  The new boards have only existed since 2019. 

I suppose someone could google the name of the board to find it again, but the old address is to a dead link.


Posted by Siagiah
6/20/2022 9:03 pm

greenman wrote:

Note Mongo’s somewhat obvious performance as Inspector Clouseau on Woodbine’s board. He’s not even trying to hide who he is, just being nasty and venomous as usual.

Can’t get any sympathy on his own board, so he goes elsewhere to attack. What a disgusting worm.


He's worse than pathetic.  He posted that STUPID top post about ignoring us to get attention and has since NOT IGNORED US.  All he wanted was OUR ATTENTION so he could post his venom and hatred for us again.

Ho hum.  He's a fat, predictable, ancient BORE.


Posted by greenman
6/21/2022 8:04 am

He’s not only attacking under  his own name on Woodbine’s board, the usual venomous hatred, but I suspect that’s him on Ken’s board posting anti-Biden stuff as ‘RtheB’ as if he were Robert the Bruce (at least I assume it’s not Brucie, that seems less likely than Kelt).

Mongo has really lost what’s left of his tiny little mind.

Posted by Siagiah
6/21/2022 5:35 pm

Didn't he sign as RthB and not spell it out? Him showing up is just as crazy as Kelt, LYS. 

and yeah, the political post was deleted, but it's title still remains under search... Posting about Biden's daughter is the SAME THING he posted on his own board... It's OBVIOUS that it's mongo behind it.  He probably pretended to be Kelt too. 

He likes stealing people's nics.  He's probably the one who keeps stealing yours on Woodbine's.  Sir Real said it's been done to him too. 

It's amazing how STUPID some are in buying into it.  DFM welcomed him back as if it was reasonable to buy that RthB came back after what? 12 or 15 years?  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.


Posted by Trish
6/22/2022 4:29 pm

One oldie showing up is a surprise, two is not a coincidence. I do believe it's nic stealing (there are certain word patterns a person cannot escape and will eventually show the truth). I am very sad about Woodbine's board, but there is nothing we can do until or unless he makes himself known again. Mondo is never going to change his ways. So be it. It's rather a miserable way to live, but his choice. JB, well... I am backing off from posting to him anymore. It's so easy to backslide but it's not doing him, or the board, any good.

Trust you are all well. We've been down sick for 3 weeks with bronchitis. I am building abs, I'm sure of it!

Last edited by Trish (6/22/2022 4:29 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
6/22/2022 7:48 pm

Trish wrote:

One oldie showing up is a surprise, two is not a coincidence. I do believe it's nic stealing (there are certain word patterns a person cannot escape and will eventually show the truth). I am very sad about Woodbine's board, but there is nothing we can do until or unless he makes himself known again. Mondo is never going to change his ways. So be it. It's rather a miserable way to live, but his choice. JB, well... I am backing off from posting to him anymore. It's so easy to backslide but it's not doing him, or the board, any good.

Trust you are all well. We've been down sick for 3 weeks with bronchitis. I am building abs, I'm sure of it!


Sorry to hear that you've been down sick!  Hope you're all much better now?

You're absolutely right about the "oldie" surprises.  It's just pure B.S.  The speech patterns (and targets) are also pretty damned useful in pinpointing who it is.

I'm also not fully buying into it even being jb.  Something is just OFF.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
6/23/2022 11:21 am

The ongoing problem with no registration is anybody can be anybody. It happens a little at R&E and much of the time at E/C.

On R&E, DFM has not yet learned you can't discuss anything with bauer/jb. On C/E there are enough new names to make a small town phone book, and their posts are fine examples of dysfunctionality. Little wonder Wood washed his hands of it. 

Anyone can fall into the trap of witing/posting something they shouldn't. If you write something you know will spark a flame war, before you submit or tap Enter, stop and think about what it will do. Will it change somebody's mind? Prolly not. Will the insult thrash and humiliate them to the brink of suicide? Prolly not. If in doubt, don't. Pause. Stop and think. Give the post time. If you must, save it for tomorrow. Before you click submit, or tap Enter, go get a beer. An iced tea. Make a sandwich. Go pull some weeds. Don't you have some work to do? Or click out and read on. Find a positive thread and go there. If there isn't one, make one. If nobody reads it, or replies, consider what they're saying. Some people prefer to fight, and if you disarm their ability or reason to hurl insults, you remove their incentive. 

We're like any small town breakfast diner in the morning. Full of old retired farmers, workers, and townspeople catching up on the latest outrageous gossip, and renewing yesterday's. That plaque on the wall, with the gold spray painted cow chip and blocks of names below of the annual cow chip throwing champion summarizes why the small town doesn't grow. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
6/23/2022 12:24 pm

Of course extremist Zionist DFM is celebrating the Supreme Court deciosion for guns, but that’s gotta be a banned Mongo under him:

Gun Rights Wins the BIG ONE. Sullivan Law overturned - DFM June 23, 2022, 9:54 am

NY Governor really whining, thinks she and NY are above Constitution and USSC. - Spot Onsky Raskolnikov Yerkxi June 23, 2022, 10:14 am

Typically imbecilic Trumpist extremism.

Last edited by greenman (6/23/2022 12:25 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
6/23/2022 11:12 pm

greenman wrote:

Of course extremist Zionist DFM is celebrating the Supreme Court deciosion for guns, but that’s gotta be a banned Mongo under him:

Gun Rights Wins the BIG ONE. Sullivan Law overturned - DFM June 23, 2022, 9:54 am

NY Governor really whining, thinks she and NY are above Constitution and USSC. - Spot Onsky Raskolnikov Yerkxi June 23, 2022, 10:14 am

Typically imbecilic Trumpist extremism.

Of course it's mongo.  He is so bored on his own board that he's invading every board he can using made up names and nic stealimg.  Typical. Pathetic too

Posted by Siagiah
6/23/2022 11:25 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

The ongoing problem with no registration is anybody can be anybody. It happens a little at R&E and much of the time at E/C.

On R&E, DFM has not yet learned you can't discuss anything with bauer/jb. On C/E there are enough new names to make a small town phone book, and their posts are fine examples of dysfunctionality. Little wonder Wood washed his hands of it. 

Anyone can fall into the trap of witing/posting something they shouldn't. If you write something you know will spark a flame war, before you submit or tap Enter, stop and think about what it will do. Will it change somebody's mind? Prolly not. Will the insult thrash and humiliate them to the brink of suicide? Prolly not. If in doubt, don't. Pause. Stop and think. Give the post time. If you must, save it for tomorrow. Before you click submit, or tap Enter, go get a beer. An iced tea. Make a sandwich. Go pull some weeds. Don't you have some work to do? Or click out and read on. Find a positive thread and go there. If there isn't one, make one. If nobody reads it, or replies, consider what they're saying. Some people prefer to fight, and if you disarm their ability or reason to hurl insults, you remove their incentive. 

We're like any small town breakfast diner in the morning. Full of old retired farmers, workers, and townspeople catching up on the latest outrageous gossip, and renewing yesterday's. That plaque on the wall, with the gold spray painted cow chip and blocks of names below of the annual cow chip throwing champion summarizes why the small town doesn't grow. 


Several posters have yet to learn to just IGNORE jb. It is POINTLESS to engage him in ANY discussion.  It's going to be a cluster-you-know-what no matter the topic.  DFM is amongst the WORST offenders with that.

IMHO, registration is the ONLY way to go. WHY put up with the CRAP that goes on with the trolls?  It's work no one has time for that is absolutely unnecessary.

WHY do some not want to use registration?  They somehow think that they'll lose posters.  They won't. Anyone who's unwilling to register to be a member of a board they frequent is usually refusing for nefarious reasons.  There's NO personal exposure and NO risk. 

Those who object do so because they like to use alternate names, troll, and disrupt and won't be able to with registration because their own tag will be stuck to them.

Of course, we are all free to change our tags/nics anytime we want to. But there's a record of it and that's what they don't want. They (mongo, GOG, in particular) want to post under fake names so they can post things they don't want associated with their regular names.

I think that registration also helps people behave better and more civilly.  Anonymity allows folks to be complete AHs with impunity, especially using proxies.  Even though we use fake names to post on registration boards, it is still US and our reputations will suffer so posters think twice about what they post. That's a GOOD thing.


Posted by Siagiah
6/29/2022 1:20 am

Make sure that you check out all of the other resurrected threads.  Let's have some fun with history here.  LOL

Posted by greenman
7/01/2022 7:50 am

Well, the s—t trolls run Woodbine’s board now.  I left and told the bastards why.

There had been a concerted effort to drive me off, probably let by Mongo and involving trash like GOG, yome, SES, probably Scalise, and others.  And after awhile there’s no point in putting up with them. They would disrupt ANY thread, making normal posting impossible.

Don’t know if Woodbine just got tired of it, or he’s gone for some other reason.  But his board’s been completely trashed.

C’est la vie.

Posted by Siagiah
7/01/2022 8:35 am

Yes, they sure do.  It's mostly mongo & yome using other names and GOG usually using his own. 

Do yourself a favor though, don't bother telling them that you're done with 'em or leaving.  Just do it.  That way, if you have a change of heart later on, no one can give you crap for returning. 

I'm fed up with them all too.  I indulged a bit of arguing with them for a day or two, but it brings me NO JOY so it's just not worth the bother, IMHO. 

Leave them to their B.S. and watch them quickly get bored with no one to harass.


Posted by greenman
7/01/2022 10:30 am

Not only another DFM political thread, but evidence he is completely deranged:

We seem to have a one-sided fanatical interest in Jan 6 incidents ignoring worse events. - DFM July 1, 2022, 6:41 am

Those were not instigated by a sitting president. - KR July 1, 2022, 7:47 am

They were instigated by the Democratic Party and constituted insurrection. - DFM July 1, 2022, 8:18 am

The ‘worse events’ Davy Boy refers to are what his meme calls ‘the BLM riots,’ which he believes the Dem Party instigated.

Zero credibility, that’s how much he now has.  Trumpism at its most virulent.

Last edited by greenman (7/01/2022 10:30 am)

Posted by Siagiah
7/01/2022 2:04 pm

He simply CANNOT follow simple rules.  Ken C should give him a TIME OUT and then one more chance to smarten up before levying a much longer ban.

Posted by Trish
7/02/2022 9:36 am

I saw that. I posted a note about "rephrasing." Decided against naming names because then the finger-pointing begins. 

Posted by greenman
7/02/2022 1:28 pm

This story might be what bauer’s been talking about re: his relative,‘Kenrick.’

‘According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Bruce Stroud, 40, Bobbi Stroud, 39, husband and wife and residents of Prosper, Texas, and Kenric Griffin, 52, of Frisco, Texas, jointly owned and operated four orthotic brace suppliers: New Horizons Durable Medical Equipment, Striffin Medical Supply, 4B Ortho Supply, and Grace Professional DME.‘

Of course bauer claim’s he’s innocent; victimized by judge, lawyer, jury, whatever.  I would put little faith in that.

But it is interesting.  Maybe the Manifestations would intervene?  lol

Last edited by greenman (7/02/2022 1:32 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
7/03/2022 3:31 pm

I never read his posts, but did scroll by one with that name in the title.  It's since been deleted.

There was an origination thread about it on page 2, however, that is still there.  Something about getting him a REAL lawyer.

I'm surprised that you even open his posts.  LOL


Posted by Trish
7/04/2022 9:45 am

The end of the post went south by bringing up leftism. But any post by him that's not egocentric is worth peeking at 

Posted by greenman
7/04/2022 7:04 pm

Mongo post about Pikes on Woodbine’s board:

‘You hang with a real idiot when you run with a blooming AH like Pikes.

Posted by Cynic on July 5, 2022, 12:48 am, in reply to "Looks more like mongo"

You really degrade yourself if you believe the things he peddlers. He is insane.‘

Hypocritical POS, fake human being.

Posted by Siagiah
7/04/2022 9:31 pm

greenman wrote:

Mongo post about Pikes on Woodbine’s board:

‘You hang with a real idiot when you run with a blooming AH like Pikes.

Posted by Cynic on July 5, 2022, 12:48 am, in reply to "Looks more like mongo"

You really degrade yourself if you believe the things he peddlers. He is insane.‘

Hypocritical POS, fake human being.

 Yeah, that sure sounds like how mongo used to talk about Pikes.  I'm not familiar with anyone else who deeply dislikes Pikes enough to make such a hateful comment against him, mongo's fake friendship aside.  That's SO TYPICAL of him and exactly what he did to me all the time when I thought we were friends. 

Posted by Siagiah
7/05/2022 12:07 pm

Trish wrote:

The end of the post went south by bringing up leftism. But any post by him that's not egocentric is worth peeking at 


Not to me, but I accept that you feel differently. 

Posted by Trish
7/07/2022 9:13 am

I get frustrated with him, but honestly, he's not the biggest PIA on the board. I "believe" he truly thinks he's right. He just has no social skills whatsoever and a pretty substantive ego. Once in a while, tho, he starts a good thread, or a thread that leads to a good thread. He will never change, I know that. 

Posted by greenman
7/07/2022 2:06 pm

Not many good threads there, sadly..

New York Enacts Ridiculous New Gun Laws In Response To Supreme Court Ruling - DFM July 7, 2022, 10:20 am
Another “woke” idiot. Meanwhile businesses and people - GOG July 7, 2022, 11:10 am

Serious Suggestions On Police Reform - DFM July 7, 2022, 9:30 am
A lot of common sense there... - Sprout July 7, 2022, 9:56 am
I copied your response to my "Ideas for America" website giving YOU full credit. - DFM July 7, 2022, 11:46 am
Excellent Response. You are right on target. - DFM July 7, 2022, 10:17 am

it seems to me 2nd Amend. is talking about a well ordered militia NOT - bauer July 7, 2022, 9:17 am
It seems to me that you do not understand the word "militia" as used at the time. - DFM July 7, 2022, 9:24 am
a bunch of men with rifles isn't it. - bauer July 7, 2022, 9:43 am
Which was due to the fact there was not formal military at the time. Also..... - KR July 7, 2022, 9:32 am
You misunderstand that phrase. - DFM July 7, 2022, 10:15 am
LOL... Yes, many of our founding fathers hated the idea of a standing army... - Sprout July 7, 2022, 9:59 am

Russia’s Medvedev warns US trying to punish a nuclear - GOG July 7, 2022, 8:31 am
How do you feel about Genocide? - Ken C July 7, 2022, 8:55 am
The US did zero to stop the Hutus and the Tutsis. - GOG July 7, 2022, 11:08 am

are the posters here terrified of knowledge? even DFM seems to be! - bauer July 6, 2022, 6:49 pm
Explain Baha'i Religion Briefly. That is appropriate for this website. - DFM July 6, 2022, 7:49 pm
The Baha'i Faith may be the most widespread Religion in the World, based on Love not power. - bauer July 6, 2022, 9:08 pm
Comments & Criticisms - DFM July 6, 2022, 10:26 pm
Re: Comments & Criticisms - bauer July 7, 2022, 4:47 am

Georgia Guide Stones blown up. - GOG July 6, 2022, 6:07 pm
Pic - Pic July 6, 2022, 6:32 pm

Bauer, GOG, and DFM start the majority of threads, and they’re all intellectual misfits (although kudos to bauer for questioning the interpretation of the 2nd amendment preferred by DFM). Merlin is about the only consistently intelligent poster, and the White Board Thugs attack him regularly.

What a mess.

Last edited by greenman (7/07/2022 2:08 pm)

Posted by greenman
7/07/2022 6:56 pm

Top NINE posts are now by Bauer, Mayer and GOG.  A Trump propagandist and two crazy people.

Now THAT is a quality board…lol

Last edited by greenman (7/07/2022 6:57 pm)

Posted by greenman
7/09/2022 5:19 pm

Interesting article about the Fed er al Courts, Baha’i, and splinter groups (from 2010):

Not quite what Bauer was claiming…

Posted by Siagiah
7/16/2022 9:55 pm

I just looked in on Woodbine's board.  WHAT A CESSPOOL !!



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