New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by greenman
5/13/2022 2:02 pm

He will ALWAYS LIE and misrepresent himself, and he will ALWAYS defend the thugs and morons of his board against ‘the enemy,’ the Blue Board.

He represents the worst kind of black/white, us v. them thinking, and is childish beyond belief for a man of his advanced age.

I thought it amusing that Ken recommended people go to White Whine for open political debate.  Ha!  Mongo quit tolerating that long ago.  It’s a virtual echo chamber now.

Last edited by greenman (5/13/2022 2:02 pm)

Posted by greenman
5/16/2022 2:20 pm

Aww, Mongo finally getting his?

(from White Whine)

Ken just banned me on the Squallor Board for objecting to nasty posts by Aten and WugMumps. - Mondo Fuego™ May 16, 2022, 1:12 pm

Aten and WugMumps are anit-semitic extreme leftists. - DFM May 16, 2022, 2:04 pm
That is SAD !! - Deanna May 16, 2022, 2:10 pm
I sent Ken this eMail on May 10, and the little coward never responded. - Mondo Fuego™ May 16, 2022, 1:38 pm
As a result (and "professional courtesy"), I am banning him for all of 2022, and Trish thru 06/30 - Mondo Fuego™ May 16, 2022, 1:20 pm
Some of you might want to boycott Ken's Squalor board for a while. He doesn't like most of us. - Mondo Fuego™ May 16, 2022, 1:26 pm

Instructing your lunatic aubjects to boycott Ken, after your own constant personal attacks got you banned?  Banning Ken and Trish for protecting their board from your s—t?  Only you, Mongo. 

Although DFM’s Zionist slanders of anyone who disagrees with him are also repulsive.  He had to run to Yellow to top-post some adoration of Jewland to make himself feel better.  Simply playing the anti-Semite card wasn’t enough.


Last edited by greenman (5/16/2022 2:21 pm)

Posted by Ken C
5/16/2022 3:41 pm

On Mondo's forum there was a recent post complaining about R&E.  It said "...  it is now on Ken's Yaller board, the only board where verbal abuse and vulgar posts are tolerated ..."  I thought about that for a while, and decided to take action and ban the worst offender.

Last edited by Ken C (5/16/2022 3:42 pm)

Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/16/2022 4:07 pm

Ken C wrote:

On Mondo's forum there was a recent post complaining about R&E.  It said "...  it is now on Ken's Yaller board, the only board where verbal abuse and vulgar posts are tolerated ..."  I thought about that for a while, and decided to take action and ban the worst offender.


I'm glad to see that you finally booted him.  mongo does nothing but damage your board.  He's the worst offender for every violation there is aside of GOG's propensity to post ridiculous conspiracy nonsense.

That he banned you back, Trish too, for absolutely NO REASON WHATSOEVER, aside of him being angry that you gave him precisely what he was begging for shows his true colors.  Don't be surprised when he starts making up things about you and claiming you did things that you didn't do.  That's precisely what he did to me when I kicked him out for his horrible behavior on Blue. He rewrites history all the time, so don't let it bother you. His intent is to upset you,  cause you to defend yourself & deny his lies, and then wriggle his way back on to your board where he will go right back to doing what he always does. 

He KNOWS that you have very limited time to read everything so he tucks his crap inside of his posts while CAUSING most of the ruckus that goes on there. Of course, he's not the ONLY offender, but LYS, he's the WORST offender and he defiantly believes that it's fine because it's HIM.


Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/17/2022 1:38 am

* * *
Sia:  Looks like he's DRUNK again...MONGO STRIKES AGAIN PRETENDING TO BE HH... It's OBVIOUS who it really is... The COWARD is mONGO trying to blame his sh*t fit on HH instead of owning it himself. 

It's not your board, AH. Fukc off, Crone.

Posted by HH on May 16, 2022, 10:51 pm, in reply to "Mentioned?"

You are an overbearing AH



Fukcx you, nasty bitch. You are the scourge of the Internet.

Posted by HH on May 16, 2022, 10:44 pm, in reply to "What is wrong with you? Twice posting politics when you KNOW it's verboten..."



Perhaps you need to fukc off, AH.

Posted by HH on May 16, 2022, 11:04 pm, in reply to "Perhaps you need new glasses?"


Sia: The ONLY WAY Ken is going to rid himself of mongo is registration.  He will continue harassing him and his board with his proxy. The scumbag is trying to blame HH for HIS hatred. Given that he's saying essentially the same thing about Ken on his board, it's pretty damned obvious who it really is. 

Ken, the P*ssy, is the biggest coward on the Internet.

Posted by HH on May 16, 2022, 10:48 pm

Effin' hypocrite of the highest order. F*ck you, p*ssy boy. 



Aten, you are a fukcing jihad AH.

Posted by HH on May 16, 2022, 10:53 pm, in reply to "The Turks Enter Anatolia"

Go hump your camel.

As  predicted... It is OBVIOUS who it is.  

You are the dumbest, nastiest fukc on the planet. 

Posted by HH on May 16, 2022, 11:10 pm, in reply to "“Black supremesist” is only a thing in the tiny minds is red neck simpletons."

 sh*t for brains.



  • Black-on-White violence in Brooklyn subway.
  •   Posted by HH on May 16, 2022, 11:08 pm, in reply to "White-on-black violence in Buffalo"
  • Black motherfukcer supremacist tried to kill dozens.
  • Fukc you, jihad bastard.

    Go molest your camel.



Sia: THERE WILL BE MORE... BET ON IT... What is most bewildering is that he appears to actually BELIEVE that HE is somehow a victim when he is unquestionably THE WORST OFFENDER of all. 

Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/17/2022 1:57 am

It's OBVIOUS who it was trashing R&E simply by reading the RUBBISH he posted on his own board.

Ken just banned me on the Squallor Board for objecting to nasty posts by Aten and WugMumps.
  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 16, 2022, 1:12 pm

  I got this pathetic eMail today:

"Please do not post on my Religion and Ethics Board for the rest of this year. Some of your posts are very interesting and intelligent, but you posted too many attacks and too much abuse. I am trying to cut down on the verbal abuse."

Ken is a cowardly hypocrite. He lets Aten, Sir Real, KR and Mike Scalise post all sorts of "verbal abuse" and does nothing about it.

He let his radical leftwingnuts post all manner of abuse about Trump, but when this incompetent, senile jackass Biden with his Laughing Hyena VP stole the election, all of a sudden, nobody could talk about American politics.

'effin' cowardly hypocrite.


Posted by greenman
5/17/2022 6:58 am

Typically dishonest projections by Mongo.  Other than Trump, I’ve NEVER seen anyone who so consistently accuses others of his own crimes.  It’s amazing.

Of course those other posters have criticized him, occasionally even in a ‘nasty’ way.  BECAUSE HE’S ATTACKED THEM. He does it almost unconsciously, I think - a product of his nastiness and arrogance.  He’s a bully by nature, and can’t act any other way.

I remember him being that way almost from the start on R & E.  Nice until you crossed him in ANY way, then suddenly nasty.  Hasn’t changed in 20 years or so.

Thanks be to Ken for doing the right thing.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/17/2022 12:31 pm

How disappointing.
I hoped the adage, "When in doubt, don't!" would be practiced until ingrained with the necessary pause before "Submt" or "Enter" was tapped. 

We each have faults and idiosynracies that make us somewhat predictable. But when the shortcoming to relentlessly and unprovokedly attack others becomes the dominant expectation, everybody loses. Repetition of this same cause resulting in active moderator editing, or more serious intervention shows either incapacity to learn, or contempt. 
Sooner or later even the most patient and lenient moderators have no choice but to intervene. To challenge that authority on its home turf is an invitation to an inevitable forced exit. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/17/2022 8:08 pm

Sia: Well ANY hope that mongo might calm down and shut up about his pathetic whining about being booted from R&E for CAUSE went out the window... 

Ken should NEVER let him post there again.  He CLEARLY doesn't respect him and is NOT even remotely his "friend".  He never wastes an opportunity to TRASH Ken or R&E. 

He TOTALLY deserves to be PERMANENTLY BANNED from R&E.  Whatever greenman said to Ken to get banned for life CAN'T be worse than mongo's ENDLESS TRASHING of Ken in PUBLIC.

What's REALLY FUNNY is that mongo has his OWN board to post ANY DAMNED THING HE WANTS TO, INCLUDING POLITICS.  But he WANTS to post them on R&E and to attack posters on Ken's board who WON'T set foot on his board.  That's because White Whine is the BIGGEST BORE around. 

Here he goes again...


Ken's "Religion and Ethics" yallow squallor board has turned to sh*t 
 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 17, 2022, 7:36 pm

 Edited by board administrator May 17, 2022, 7:46 pm 

A bunch of mostly leftwing rabid squirrels who hate each other, led by Merlin, the mindless NYT copy/paste parakeet, and Madam Sia, the overbearing, ill-tempered micromanager who has no administrative function on the board, just the resident horse's ass.

Then, there's KR, the nastiest poster on the planet, Aten, the johnny-come-lately Jihad Joe, True Grit, the simpleton ankle-biting troll, and the arrogant Sir Real, the Pwinth of Pwedominately Pawenthetical Pwoth.

After years of letting his unruly hellions trash and bash Trump, Ken has hypocritically forbidden any complaints about senile incompetent Brandon Biden and his laughing Hyena Harris, and their constant series of screw-ups, from Afghanistan to baby formula. People can discuss global politics ad nauseum, but are punished for discussing the ramifications of the most important politics of all, American politics.

Ken is the wimpy, spineless cab driver who doesn't have time to manage his board, so he hires heavy-handed Trish to bludgeon posters who don't adhere to board speech restrictions.

Of course, the few conservatives (I include Deanna, DFM, GOG, CE0802, BornToFarm and Sprout in this category) who regularly post there are vastly outnumbered and don't stand a chance of getting any meaningful, rational conversation understood by the woke/BLM diehards. If they try too hard, their posts are called out by cantankerous Madam Sia ... maybe deleted ... maybe even put in time-out.

The only moderate liberals of significant worth over there are Pikes and 7:77, both of whom have far too much talent and intellect to waste it there.

If I left anyone out, they are probably too nice and polite to post over there.


Posted by greenman
5/17/2022 8:15 pm

LOL! as Deanna would gurgle, I just saw that. 

How comical - but a lengthy ban was always going to drive him nuts.  His own board’s an echo chamber, but he needs people to bully!  And he can’t do it at Yellow!  What’s a poor boy to do?

Better watch out or he’ll be stinking up Woodbine’s board.  If he isn’t already one of the trolls there.

What a clownshow!

Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/17/2022 8:26 pm

No doubt the pathetic giggle box hyena will chime in to add to his idiotic whine about being booted. 

His problem is that he wants to control R&E and use it as his toilet.  He can't get anyone new or interesting to post on his boring, loon board and he desperately wants to be able to attack others, so being able to do it on R&E is what he lives for.  He blames everyone but HIMSELF for his terrible behavior and repeat bans because he simply cannot grasp that it is HIM that is the problem. NOT everyone else he whines about.

As Dee Dee Dim Wit would say, "Poor thing". 


Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/17/2022 8:34 pm

This is what Sir Real had to say about Mongo's pathetic attacks last night on R&E to my post telling mongo to use his own name instead of trying to blame HH for it.

Couldn't be more obvious who the deeply disturbed sicko is.
Posted by Sir Real on May 17, 2022, 12:02 am, in reply to "USE YOUR OWN NAME LOSER."

Reminds me of one of those "true crime" TV show episodes where the crime scene investigators find a victim bludgeoned beyond recognition and stabbed something like a hundred times and conclude that CLEARLY, this was PERSONAL.

Can't conceive of anything at all that happened on this board either today or yesterday that Heavy Hemi could possibly have taken so PERSONALLY that it suddenly sent him flying into a psychotic rage. Nah, it wasn't HH. Not a chance.

Anyway, hope this poor old drunken mentally ill SOB who is too cowardly to identify himself gets the help he so obviously, desperately needs.

Lott: Guess How Many Violent Crimes Actually Involve Guns? - DFM May 16, 2022, 5:19 pm


Posted by greenman
5/18/2022 6:18 am

Another laughable lie by whining, pathetic Mongo:

‘The overriding reason that I kicked some of the Yellow and Blue Boarders off this board

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 17, 2022, 11:54 pm, in reply to "I prefer discussion boards that celebrate freedom of expression."

was they were repeatedly abusive to other posters without provocation or cause. Most continue to be habitually abusive elsewhere.

I don't understand why Ken tolerates that kind of abuse. He is too weak to confront his abusive crony ilk.

Merlin is the exception ... he is rarely verbally abusive ... he just runs things into the ground ad nauseum with repetitive copy/paste garbage from NYT and elsewhere, with little-to-no meaningful commentary. Hundreds of similar articles on woke, racism, COVID, white supremacy and other redundancies. He seems to have become even more shallow and vapid over time. I often wonder if he is ADHD.’

Every person who left his board, ‘kicked off’ or not, did so after being repeatedly insulted, mocked and attacked by Mongo, his oavish posters, and his sockpuppets (another subject about which he lies).  He invited me there under false pretenses, and when I started swinging back at them, I was given a ‘time-out’ which became permanent on a whim.

And the pretense that OTHERS are ‘abusive’ on Ken’s board, not himself and his cronies,
we all know is laughable. Sheer projection.

Funny he’d flatter Merlin at all, given his CONSTANT attacks on the latter’s every post. When did Mongo ever try to discuss any of them intelligently?  Never.

Boardhost’s biggest loser he remains. The Champion: Undefeated.

Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/19/2022 1:10 am

mongo has apparently been complaining about being banned and trashing Ken/R&E on multiple boards. The only constant is that most ignore him.  Surely they know that HE is the guilty one who gets himself banned for cause.  All they need do is look for themselves.  His whining has been going on for decades now. 

That's one of the FIRST things I noticed when I first came to webapps was that he'd start trouble on other boards and then come sliding into his own, out of breath, telling ridiculous stories of what had transpired, laughing at how he'd "told them", trashing them, and lying his butt off about what had happened.  Of course, I'd go look and recognize that he more than deserved to be booted.  But you know me, I always pointed it out that he wasn't innocent and suggested that he not do those things, which annoyed him. 

However, instead of telling me himself that he didn't appreciate my comments, he'd unleash his sock puppets to trash & attack me for it.  It was amazing how fast those sock puppets would show up to defend him when he was annoyed by someone.  (sarcasm dripping)  When I unknowingly complained to him about the troll attacks, he'd tell me that I should grow a thicker skin, that he didn't believe in rules or deleting anything. A few years later, I discovered & proved that it was HIM doing the troll attacks all along.

So, HE is the cowardly liar.  He PRETENDS to be someone's pal, but uses his sock puppets to trash and attack them because that way, he doesn't have to own it and can continue pretending to be friends.  He's done it to Pikes and Poppet since "befriending them".  It couldn't be more obvious WHO is behind it but he doesn't want either of them to turn on him or know it was him.

However, if either of them begins refusing to go along with his crap, heavily challenges him, or criticizes him for the crap he does, he'll turn on them in an instant, just like he did with me and just like he does to Ken regularly.

He "hates" me BECAUSE I won't be his friend and openly criticize him since learning exactly what kind of person he is.  I guarantee you that if I decided to let him on Blue (NEVER WILL, don't worry) or to be friends, he'd praise me to the moon instantly as if he'd never said ANY of the things he routinely says about me nowadays.  It's happened in the past, so I already know how it would go.  Plus, I've watched it with others many, many times.

He has SERIOUS mental and emotional issues, plus he's a malignant narcissist with delusions of grandeur.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/19/2022 9:50 am

I am aware epiphany isn't limited to behavior change toward one or two people, and not others and everybody. I stayed out of the kerfuffles with hope they'd soften and change. Made a deal or two to table hostility with cease fire that lasted no more than a few days at best. When I see that effort and olive branch extended toward everyone, then I will know epiphany is real and sincere. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/19/2022 3:50 pm

Hopefully, you aren't holding your breath or onto the slightest hope for a real epiphany ever happening.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/19/2022 4:15 pm

If it happens, then we'll know something. 
If it doesn't happen, we'll know something else. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/19/2022 4:33 pm

It's been more than a YEAR... This is a pattern.  Just don't have high expectations that anything is going to change.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/20/2022 9:52 am

Each time I read a hurled flame aimed at somebody else, "hope" dies a little.
Suffice to say hope is on life support. 
I steer clear.


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/21/2022 12:31 am

MORE whining by mongo... Rude, vulgar, and nasty.  All of the things that he's complained about, HE IS.  No doubt, he's DRUNK AGAIN.

Thank you assholes Ken and Trish for cutting off my conversation with Pikes 

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 20, 2022, 10:25 pm 

He is far too good for your crap board. Most of the liberal dumbasses here have no clue about music or anything associated with fine arts. You sit and masturbate over Merlin's copy/paste posts about woke, racism and Covid.


Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/21/2022 12:49 am


Sia, you are the worst AH e'er to defile these boards.  

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 20, 2022, 10:39 pm, in reply to "Federal workers pay a share of their healthcare, just like MOST American workers" 

You are the face of evil. Your "Back Alley" speaks everything that is needed to know about you.

I kicked you off my board over a decade ago because of your abusive behavior. I have your posts where you admit to such.

You continue to abuse posters on this board, and wimpy, spineless Ken gives you a pass.

Just wanted you to know my sentiments.


I hope that you don't think that I give a rat's patootie what YOU think?  

Posted by Sia on May 20, 2022, 10:42 pm, in reply to "Sia, you are the worst AH e'er to defile these boards."

  You are a big fat LIAR and a pathetic crybaby who rewrites history because you can't handle the TRUTH..


and you have NO SUCH THING because that's a LIE that you "kicked me out"  

Posted by Sia on May 20, 2022, 10:44 pm, in reply to "I hope that you don't think that I give a rat's patootie what YOU think?"

  I LEFT, disgusted by your filthy, nasty board because the trash there was so hateful that it was triggering me to retaliate and I didn't want to be like any of you!


Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/21/2022 1:11 am


No, I really don't. You sure stay up late looking for conflict. Must be a lonely life.

  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 20, 2022, 11:02 pm, in reply to "I hope that you don't think that I give a rat's patootie what YOU think?"

 It's too bad that you are an incurable AH. We could have been friends, but you have been a jerk for years. You have to be the dominatrix who can't stand for anyone to be more than subservient to your oppressive domination. You are Hillary and Pelodi personified.

You are a pathetic ragdoll compared to your far superior Poppet. She and I have had our moments, but, unlike you, she is able to rise above the occasion and build a relationship on respect. You rule your minions on fake concern, like worrying about whether underemployed Ken is too busy driving his cab. You suck all the air out of the room on a board that you don't even own, and you conned a dying man into giving you control over his board that he stole from Trudy. How can you be proud of something that you had no authorship?



My response:


  Posted by Sia on May 20, 2022, 11:05 pm, in reply to "No, I really don't. You sure stay up late looking for conflict. Must be a lonely life."

  You REALLY are so pathetic.

Sober up!



Not a drop to drink. Just concerned about your insomnia and addiction to that keyboard.

  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 20, 2022, 11:20 pm, in reply to "LOL..."

 I am watching a movie and concerned about your mental health.

Me:  Is he for real ??After his comments prior, he thinks I'm going to buy this??? 

Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/21/2022 1:20 am


"It was triggering you to retaliate ..." Thanks for your confession.  

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 20, 2022, 11:17 pm, in reply to "and you have NO SUCH THING because that's a LIE that you "kicked me out""

  Realization is the first step towards halfway house.

You were abusive towards Deanna, Aurora, Shadow, Chris and Elizabeth.

You are still abusive towards people to this day.

You have an anger management problem. I can't help you with that. I am working on my own insufficiencies.

I could have been friends with you, but you are too into control. I always admired your daughters and liked hearing about them. They are super kids.

I liked hearing about bobcats and wolves in your back yard. I liked your art.

So, where did we go wrong?

Poppet and I have been able to rise above the occasion.

What would it take?



You just can't help yourself, can you?

  Posted by Sia on May 20, 2022, 11:33 pm, in reply to ""It was triggering you to retaliate ..." Thanks for your confession."

  Even when you're attempting to bamboozle me (once again) into believing a word you say so that you can pretend to be friends, while stabbing me in the back every chance you get, you toss out lies and insults in the very same breath, completely oblivious to everything you've done over the years to prove to me that you CANNOT be trusted and are NO ONE'S friend.

I already know what you are. You've burned me WAAAAAAAAY too many times to buy ANYTHING you have to say now. I did not engage you. I did not attack you. YOU ATTACKED ME. You came over here, KNOWING that you're banned, attacked Ken, Trish, & I and then pull THIS CRAP?

Here is the deal... You leave me alone, stop the lies and unprovoked attacks on me and I'll continue to leave you alone. I have NO desire to do battle with ANYONE. But I sure as hell won't LET you lob unnecessary and unprovoked attacks on me without giving it right back to you.



OK, delete your vile "Back Alley" that you have carried on for years without provocation.   

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 20, 2022, 11:48 pm, in reply to "You just can't help yourself, can you?"

 Tell me that you are sorry for all the nice things that you have said about me.

I forgive you in spite of all your faults.

Love ya, Toots. Really do.



Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/21/2022 2:19 am

Well, I THOUGHT he was leaving... After everything above this, he tacked THIS on...

Oh, and get this: I don't give a rat's ass about wimpy Ken and Atilla the Hun Trish.

  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 21, 2022, 12:06 am, in reply to "You just can't help yourself, can you?"

 They mean absolutely nothing to me.

Ken is a pathetic dweeb who let's liberal assholes run all over people on this board and does nothing about it, and Trish is just a troublemaker looking for conflict.

I have zero respect for either. They let everyone trash Trump, but when this senile, incompetent interloper Brandon Biden stole the election, nobody could talk about him. F***ing hypocrisy.

Message Thread 

Posted by greenman
5/21/2022 6:44 am

He’s either drunk, or seriously mentally unstable.  Nobody goes from ‘you’re the biggest AH’ to ‘we could’ve been FRIENDS!’ like that if they’re rational, and sober.

IMO, he’s not.  He’s a sad old man with problems.


Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/21/2022 9:51 am

He wasn't content to leave it there and spare himself further embarrassment, he had to try to drag someone else into it to recharge it...  Worse, his conclusion is NUTS. 

GOG, I see that your antagonists, Sia and Merlin, are still peeling bananas over Robert E Lee

 Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 21, 2022, 8:08 am

 What's really ironic: Merlin's state of residency, New Jersy, was the last state to abolish slavery.

Those two nutcakes live in the past because they have no future. They live lives of noisy, redundant desperation.


Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/21/2022 11:37 am

Hee hee... Looks like he was REALLY SERIOUS about "wanting to be friends".  ((rolling eyeballs))

Sia and her vile minions have managed to rack up 18 pages full of venom about us

  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 21, 2022, 10:54 am

 Last time I visited her monument to her insanity, "The Back Alley", there were only 7 pages of trash. Now, it's up to 18 pages ... thousands of nasty posts about many of us.

These pervs are mostly sick deviates. There's a couple who shouldn't be lowering themselves to post there. Wonders never cease.

Within minutes after I post something here, Madam Sia lurks and copies it to her filthy rat's nest to share with her loopy Boy-Toy paramour, green-weenie.

She is on her and Ken's boards 24/7/365. It is perhaps the worst case of chatboarditis addiction I have ever seen. Those two boards, plus her constant paranoid lurking here, constitute 100% of her empty life.

Here's Page 18 of Sick-o SchizoSia's "Back Alley"... from there, you can navigate to the other 17 pages:



Sia: He was offered peace.  He doesn't want that.  Really sad.


Posted by greenman
5/21/2022 11:50 am

Just more hatred, resentment and projection.  He’s a hater, it’s all he has.

Maybe the ‘citizens’ of his trashboard need to stage an intervention.  Get him some counseling or something.


Posted by Siagiah Online!
5/21/2022 1:36 pm

Yep... I'm shocked that he'd actually WANT folks on his board to see what he did last night by posting a link to it.

I copied it because I'm TIRED of his trashing nonsense just being deleted as if it never happened while he pretends that HE is the victim of other people like all of us.  HE is ALWAYS the attacker, ALWAYS vulgar and hateful. 

Notice that I didn't respond in kind to his vulgar, hateful attacks in spite of him constantly claiming that I'm the one who does those things. 

It appears that his denizens aren't remotely interested in his nonsense.  LOL


Love ya’ll

Posted by Deplorable Terrorist Otis on May 21, 2022, 12:59 pm

 but bickering between boards has kinda gotten childish…think I’ll take a break for a while….. be nice.

Life is short. There is an amazing world out there.
  Posted by Arwen on May 21, 2022, 12:07 pm, in reply to "About us? But I don't even know Sia.... "

  It is profoundly sad to me that seemingly mature adults would waste a single minute engaged in this type of dialogue.

Who, on their death bed, will look back and wish they had wasted more time acting like a junior high school drama queen?

  14Message Thread

Posted by greenman
5/21/2022 7:10 pm

Their relies to him suggest weariness at his eternal carping, and his attempt to ‘rest his case’ and pretend the comments justifed HIM were comical.

The whole thing needs to end.  He needs to stop spying on a board which is not his and none of his business, and I for one am willing to stop even looking at his board.  It’s repulsive.


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