Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/22/2022 2:18 pm | #481 |
WOW that's crazy! Can't you allow your precise IP with the fourth digit or ban all but your 4 digit IP in that segment?
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/22/2022 2:20 pm | #482 |
You should also report him to his IP and his page to his server
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/23/2022 4:53 pm | #483 |
Is this lengthy, raging rant and self-congratulation in any way related
to reality?
‘Surly Surreal Unreal Sir Real has a major, flagrant DNR violation, tantrum & meltdown on Ken's board
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 23, 2022, 2:56 pm
This is a priceless manifestation of the Pompous Pauper Prince of Punctuated Parenthetic Posts. Painfully long, extended chatter chosen from a lexicon of emotional, hysterical, incoherent babblecircumlocution.
I am surprised Ken and Trish let this garbage-mouth's posts stand, but they think Sir Real is cute, so they give him a pass, over and over. Quite actually, Surly UnReal is the rudest and most offensive poster on the planet because he tries so hard to imply that he is above everyone else, as he sits with his electronic Roget.
Get your pizza and beer ... here goes:
• The story behind to hymn sing on a plane. - BornToFarm April 21, 2022, 10:42 am
o .The mindfulness of the Pastor made all the difference - Trish April 21, 2022, 12:57 pm
..I see the guy as sorely lacking in that particular commodity. - Sir Real April 22, 2022, 12:07 am
…It does seem that way, for sure. - Sia April 22, 2022, 8:05 pm
…Topics where discretion is wise. - Pikes Peak 14115 April 22, 2022, 10:18 am
….Your last paragraph: You are describing mainstream news. - GOG April 22, 2022, 12:39 pm
Truer words… - Skye April 22, 2022, 12:17 pm
…I can't believe I am reading this stupidity - Mike Scalese April 22, 2022, 7:27 am
….LOLS:-)). So true. - GOG April 22, 2022, 12:40 pm
…..Kindly shove your DNR VIOLATION straight up your worthless, insane, lying ass. - Sir Real April 22, 2022, 1:14 pm
….Thanks for demonstrating how to post the mindless grunts of a tantrum-tossing infant. - Sir Real April 22, 2022, 10:49 am
…..The darkness of atheism - Mike Scalese April 22, 2022, 3:40 pm
……Exactly what was it that got you banned for months and months and months last year? - Sir Real April 22, 2022, 8:24 pm
……Umm ... - Mondo Fuego™ April 22, 2022, 7:41 pm
…….Ummmm ... speaking of DNR violations, the one below is typical of the perp. - Mondo Fuego™ April 23, 2022, 5:00 am
……..LOL ... - Mondo Fuego™ April 23, 2022, 11:52 am
…….You can shove your DNR-violating post straight up your ugly nasty blowhard narcissistic ass. - Sir Real April 22, 2022, 8:17 pm
……..Re: "Ummmm ... speaking of DNR VIOLATIONS, the one below is typical of the perp." - Sir Real April 23, 2022, 7:06 am
……The Darkness of Public Enemy Governor Scaley d'Eggo - Sir Real April 22, 2022, 7:19 pm
……Reminds me of Dracula. Light is the enemy. So is garlic. Sometimes I wear it depending. - GOG April 22, 2022, 6:44 pm
..Your point is valid, but - Trish April 22, 2022, 6:22 am
…Exactly. It’s not as if they decided to begin bellowing out a hymn. - GOG April 22, 2022, 12:43 pm
….For the other passengers, it was "bellowing out a hymn" - Sia April 22, 2022, 8:15 pm
…..They sang on the Titanic. I bet prayers accepted during a nose dive. - GOG April 23, 2022, 7:27 am
o ..story behind "the" hymn sing - BornToFarm April 21, 2022, 10:43 am
…Hymn sings are wonderful bonding experiences - Pikes Peak 14115 April 21, 2022, 11:15 am
….Music and words of hope, joy and inspiration are good, ….IMO.... - Skye April 21, 2022, 12:21 pm
Posted by Sir Real on April 22, 2022, 1:14 pm, in reply to "LOLS:-)). So true. - GOG
Kindly shove your DNR VIOLATION straight up your worthless, insane, lying ass.
Make the world a better place: FOAD, birth defect.
Posted by Sir Real on April 22, 2022, 10:49 am, in reply to "I can't believe I am reading this stupidity" - Mike Scalese
Thanks for demonstrating how to post the mindless grunts of a tantrum-tossing infant.
For an example of a thoughtful, substantive, intelligent contribution to this board see Pike's post above.
Please make an effort to emulate such quality in the future to the best of your admittedly severely limited abilities.
Posted by Sir Real on April 23, 2022, 7:06 am, in reply to "You can shove your DNR-violating post straight up your ugly nasty blowhard narcissistic ass."
Re: "Ummmm ... speaking of DNR VIOLATIONS, the one below is typical of the perp."
The DNR-violating post above (see "Ummmm ... speaking of DNR VIOLATIONS...") makes a SPOT ON point regarding typicality.
ENTIRELY unlike the contributor of the aforementioned violation, NEVER on this board. have I EVER posted an unprovoked DNR violation. There are only the occasional, utterly typical technical violations that "even the score" in reaction to a repeat offender's latest unprovoked violation, as is obviously the case here. If such counter action were not taken, an unscrupulous individual would be free to take DNR-violating shots at whomever that individual pleases with impunity, aside, of course, from being subjected to the utterly impotent "penalty" of deletion of such violations hours after they have impacted and left behind their lingering stench. The unscrupulous individual himself recognized the inadequacy, the sheer impotence of the imposition of such a toothless "penalty" in his DNR-violating, sanctimoniously hypocritical whine targeting KR, a poster whose recent trickle of DNR violations makes for a molehill-to-mountain comparison to the unscrupulous individual's own lengthy rap sheet.
Congratulations to the sanctimonious hypocrite on the effectiveness of his recent whine prompting Ken to threaten with disciplinary action a far less frequent offender than himself.
Posted by Sir Real on April 22, 2022, 7:19 pm, in reply to "The darkness of atheism"
The Darkness of Public Enemy Governor Scaley d'Eggo
70 years on the planet and in all those years what have you learned? NOTHING.
You and you alone are to blame for your stunted growth, for your failure to mature beyond the embryonic mental state in which you STILL find yourself at your advanced age.
You are a born loser. Born a loser, you've taken zero initiative to change your status as a loser. I have no sympathy for you.
'Also spracht Surly UnReal'
Ken should ban his sorry ass like I did over here. He is just another abusive troll with puffed-up delusions of adequacy.’
If Ken any actual control over his board, EVERYONE from White Whine, starting with Mongo F—-wit, would be permanently banned.
Sadly, Ken is susceptible to flattery and intimidation, and Mongo uses both to manipulate him. What a sad state of affairs.
I almost don’t blame Sir Real for blowing up. It’s almost inevitable when you have to deal with trolling, provocative gutter trash like Mongo, DFM, SES, and GOG.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/23/2022 5:01 pm | #484 |
When one examines the thread in question, it’s clear both Mongo and his hunchbacked lackey GOG had DNR violations. So what exactly is Mongo complaining about?
I will say it again, he should be banned for life from Boardhost.
And that the whole idea of DNRs SUCKS, and is a substitute for effective moderation.
Last edited by greenman (4/23/2022 5:01 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/23/2022 9:16 pm | #485 |
Yeah, I reported the DNR violations last night. Obviously mongo and GOG are the perps. Sir Real merely pointed them out.
I don't know why they weren't removed, but I asked Ken if he missed the emails about them this morning in response to an email from him. I've been busy all day so haven't looked to see if they still remain though.
No one violates DNRs more than mongo
Last edited by Siagiah (4/23/2022 9:18 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/24/2022 10:53 am | #486 |
The Whine Board tantrum continues, with nodding, gurgling agreement from his little dog GOG:
‘Sia has always been nasty, but gets away with it because she has Ken & Trish gaslighted.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 24, 2022, 8:44 am, in reply to "At the end of that thread SIA issues me a GFY. Surely she will apologize. "
That's why she was permanently banned on this board over a decade ago. She was nasty to Deanna, Aurora, Shadow and others.
And, they call that cesspool over there "Religion and Ethics". What a joke.
This is classic SchizoSia:
Posted by Sia on April 23, 2022, 7:22 pm, in reply to "They sang on the Titanic. I bet prayers accepted during a nose dive."
Losers, Inc.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/24/2022 11:56 am | #487 |
BOTH NEGLECTED TO SHOW WHAT MY RESPONSE WAS TO. He'll NEVER get an apology from me. I very rarely get nasty with anyone and NEVER without just cause provoked by my target ... There isn't a single definition of the word that he called me that is anything but NEGATIVE.
They sang on the Titanic. I bet prayers accepted during a nose dive.
Posted by GOG on April 23, 2022, 7:27 am, in reply to "For the other passengers, it was "bellowing out a hymn"
"Get real grench.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 4/24/2022 12:08 pm | #488 |
It is the essence and nature of both politics and religion to bring out the worst in people, and why their discussion is generally frowned on in RL public settings and occasions. Impersonal disagreements quickly become personal, self control is lost, and from then on, nothing is solved. At best, agreements to disagree become temporary cease-fires. In RL settings such disagreements led to war. Ukraine is strong evidence how and why the lesson remains unlearned. Russian damage sofar done there will last decades and beyond, just as ruins persist all over Europe from the last world war. Right now there isn't enough spare money in the world to pay for what Russia did. Cause of the division is religion and politics, and the warring sides justify their actions and belief on religion and politics. People needlessly die, and friendships are needlessly forever soured because of religion and politics.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/24/2022 1:55 pm | #489 |
Siagiah wrote:
BOTH NEGLECTED TO SHOW WHAT MY RESPONSE WAS TO. He'll NEVER get an apology from me. I very rarely get nasty with anyone and NEVER without just cause provoked by my target ... There isn't a single definition of the word that he called me that is anything but NEGATIVE.
They sang on the Titanic. I bet prayers accepted during a nose dive.
Posted by GOG on April 23, 2022, 7:27 am, in reply to "For the other passengers, it was "bellowing out a hymn"
"Get real grench.
He’s still whining on both boards. I’d laugh, but seeing an ostensibly grown man cry like a schoolgirl because of ‘unfair treatment’ like that is pathetic.
When you let a drama queen post on your board, then there will be drama. Simple, really…smh
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/24/2022 5:15 pm | #490 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
It is the essence and nature of both politics and religion to bring out the worst in people, and why their discussion is generally frowned on in RL public settings and occasions. Impersonal disagreements quickly become personal, self control is lost, and from then on, nothing is solved. At best, agreements to disagree become temporary cease-fires. In RL settings such disagreements led to war. Ukraine is strong evidence how and why the lesson remains unlearned. Russian damage sofar done there will last decades and beyond, just as ruins persist all over Europe from the last world war. Right now there isn't enough spare money in the world to pay for what Russia did. Cause of the division is religion and politics, and the warring sides justify their actions and belief on religion and politics. People needlessly die, and friendships are needlessly forever soured because of religion and politics.
Sia: The cause of the Ukraine war has nothing to do with politics nor religion, but everything to do with GREED and a DESIRE FOR POWER.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/25/2022 12:34 am | #491 |
greenman wrote:
Siagiah wrote:
BOTH NEGLECTED TO SHOW WHAT MY RESPONSE WAS TO. He'll NEVER get an apology from me. I very rarely get nasty with anyone and NEVER without just cause provoked by my target ... There isn't a single definition of the word that he called me that is anything but NEGATIVE.
They sang on the Titanic. I bet prayers accepted during a nose dive.
Posted by GOG on April 23, 2022, 7:27 am, in reply to "For the other passengers, it was "bellowing out a hymn"
"Get real grench.He’s still whining on both boards. I’d laugh, but seeing an ostensibly grown man cry like a schoolgirl because of ‘unfair treatment’ like that is pathetic.
When you let a drama queen post on your board, then there will be drama. Simple, really…smh
Sia: I often wonder WHY Ken continues to allow mongo to post on his board given the flat out hatefulness and blatant disrespect mongo has repeatedly posted against both Ken and Trish.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 4/25/2022 10:01 am | #492 |
Siagiah wrote:
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
It is the essence and nature of both politics and religion to bring out the worst in people, and why their discussion is generally frowned on in RL public settings and occasions. Impersonal disagreements quickly become personal, self control is lost, and from then on, nothing is solved. At best, agreements to disagree become temporary cease-fires. In RL settings such disagreements led to war. Ukraine is strong evidence how and why the lesson remains unlearned. Russian damage sofar done there will last decades and beyond, just as ruins persist all over Europe from the last world war. Right now there isn't enough spare money in the world to pay for what Russia did. Cause of the division is religion and politics, and the warring sides justify their actions and belief on religion and politics. People needlessly die, and friendships are needlessly forever soured because of religion and politics.
Sia: The cause of the Ukraine war has nothing to do with politics nor religion, but everything to do with GREED and a DESIRE FOR POWER.
Politics and religion are permeated with greed and desire for power, especially in leadership. Both are used by Putin to justify his war in Ukraine. They're why Trump had his photo op in front of that church, holding a Bible, and his appeal to the American Christian religious right has them convinced he is God's tool for ushering in both the last days, and restoration of righteousness in America from the heathen left.
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/25/2022 12:18 pm | #493 |
Now he’s just lying outright about what Ken says. Amazing, the ego and hypocrisy on display. Of course he accuses others of the same.
‘Ken says he doesn't care what vulgar language Sir Real, KR and Sia use on his board.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 25, 2022, 11:53 am
When I call him out on their vile DNR-violating posts, he says:
"I don't have time to read all your childish whining, and I don't care."
Perfectly obvious. But he always has time to delete my posts and call me out when I am being abused by DNR-violating hot-heads like the verbose, pompous, arrogant Princess of Parentheses Sir Real. LOL.
The Yellow board is the only board that tolerates vile posts and vicious DNR-violating attacks on others.
It's always the Blue-Boarders that are the offenders on the Yellow board, but they don't allow that kind of outrageous behavior on their own board. Total hypocrites.
Fact: Mongo has repeatedly violated DNR.
Fact: It is Mongo who is most likely to make ‘vile posts’ attacking others.
Fact: It is Mongo’s White Boarders who are the most obnoxious posters, and the most political.
Fact: Mongo repeatedly attacks, and violates DNR, against Sir Real.
Fact: Ken didn’t even mention, much less OK, the use of vulgar language on his board.
So often I’ve found that a post ending in a loud claim of ‘FACT’ contains little or nothing of the sort.
Last edited by greenman (4/25/2022 12:20 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 4/25/2022 3:32 pm | #494 |
Two further POS posts from Mongo and his buddy, Zionist asshat DFM:
In addition, "Sir Real" makes vile anti-Semitic posts. - DFM April 25, 2022, 1:02 pm
Ken has already said that he doesn't care. He gives his lib friends a pass. - Mondo Fuego™ April 25, 2022, 1:33 pm
Mayer is of course quick to lie and play the anti-Semite card against any critic of his precious Israel, as Sir Real has been. I myself have been called a ‘Nazi’ and kicked off of Davy Boy’s board for such criticisms.
An absolute waste of time, as is his enabler Mongo.
Last edited by greenman (4/26/2022 9:24 am)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 4/25/2022 6:14 pm | #495 |
I have NOT violated any DNRs. Nor was I vile. I wrote GFY to GOG where he attacked and insulted me. That's the only time I ever have besides. The fact that GOG was upset about it pretty much confirms that. If it was normal, he wouldn't have been surprised and upset. Mongo is nothing but a hypocritical, bsld-faced LIAR! HE is the one violating DNRs along with GOG. Both violated Sir Real's and today, mongo violated mine! AGAIN!!
Posted by greenman ![]() 5/02/2022 12:22 pm | #496 |
White Whine wonderfulness. In response to an already nasty post by TEXRA about public assistance (and forced vasectomy), we get this even more vile comment from Sprout:
‘I think sterilization should be standard for anyone not paying
Posted by Sprout on May 2, 2022, 11:56 am, in reply to "Okay, I know a gal who is living in public housing with 1 kid..." by TEXRA
for their kids.’
When did Libertarianism start to look like Naziism? Incredible.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/02/2022 2:13 pm | #497 |
WOW !! I can see expecting them to do some work or giving them a time limit to find some work or something "reversible", but FORCED STERILIZATION??
He's crazy.
Posted by greenman ![]() 5/03/2022 8:25 pm | #498 |
Mongo’s latest knee-slapper on Yellow:
‘There's no excuse for the abusive posts on this board.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 3, 2022, 6:12 pm
The other boards don't allow abusive posts. They ban abusive posts.’
First, which ‘other boards?’ Only Blue. Your nasty board just bans non-extremists, you abuse others all the time. Woodbine’s board is unmoderated.
Second, of course, you yourself are the WORST abuser. Merlin almost never posts without getting petty, abusive comments from you. Neither do any Blue Board posters, for that matter. And others as well.
I know you’re just trolling, Mongo, by all means keep it up. Maybe Ken will actually ban you (someday).
Last edited by greenman (5/03/2022 8:25 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/03/2022 10:16 pm | #499 |
Agreed. His lap dog, GOG, added his whine to it, even though he was JUST AS ABUSIVE.
But mongo whining about abuse on a board? REALLY? His HATE BOARD is the WORST offender around. He only protects his pals from abuse. But he not only tolerates, but adds to the abuse of anyone who isn't a RW NUT.
Posted by greenman ![]() 5/04/2022 6:20 am | #500 |
Siagiah wrote:
Agreed. His lap dog, GOG, added his whine to it, even though he was JUST AS ABUSIVE.
But mongo whining about abuse on a board? REALLY? His HATE BOARD is the WORST offender around. He only protects his pals from abuse. But he not only tolerates, but adds to the abuse of anyone who isn't a RW NUT.
I know it well. He once INVITED me over there, and it turned out to be nothing but a setup - himself (using sockpuppets, which he falsely denies) and his henchmen attacking my posts non-stop.
When I got irate and replied in kind, I was accused of ‘abuse’ and banned. It was shortly afterward he abandoned his pretense of being anything but a right-wing echo chamber.
It’s how he rolls…
Posted by Ken C ![]() 5/04/2022 9:06 am | #501 |
KR has some abusive posts too. I'm not defending Mondo, I'm just trying to add balance and show that he is not the only abuser.
I deleted this post by KR:
Go back to the sh*t board, ignorant hag. Posted by KR on May 3, 2022, 5:27 pm, in reply to "Move To A State That Allows Abortions, If You Are So Concerned!"
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/04/2022 10:36 am | #502 |
Ken, you know that I sent you KR's post too. No one is saying that ONLY mongo & GOG violate civility rules, but THEY were the ones complaining about it when they feature at the TOP of the incivilty heap, especially mongo
Posted by greenman ![]() 5/04/2022 2:21 pm | #503 |
Ken C wrote:
KR has some abusive posts too. I'm not defending Mondo, I'm just trying to add balance and show that he is not the only abuser.
I deleted this post by KR:
Go back to the sh*t board, ignorant hag. Posted by KR on May 3, 2022, 5:27 pm, in reply to "Move To A State That Allows Abortions, If You Are So Concerned!"
He sometimes does, Ken, and no one could object to you taking a message like the above down, or cautioning him.
Posted by greenman ![]() 5/10/2022 10:21 am | #504 |
But then there’s this comical Mongo post:
Mlessage Thread
"Please do not post more than 3,000 new threads in a row." - Sir Real May 9, 2022, 10:18 pm
Some people believe that rules are for other people - Sia May 9, 2022, 10:47 pm
The five in a row are surely accidental. - GOG May 10, 2022, 4:55 am
How many non-owner people are micromanaging this board? - Mondo Fuego™ May 10, 2022, 8:16 am
How many besides YOU, you mean? lol
Posted by greenman ![]() 5/11/2022 9:04 am | #505 |
Predictable response by that POS GOG to Merlin’s powerful post about antivaxxers:
‘!! Total disconnect. It’s shocking to me how
Posted by GOG on May 11, 2022, 6:51 am, in reply to "I Lost My Baby. Then Antivaxxers Made My Pain Go Viral."
ignorant the normies really are. She loses her baby from what? Who knows. Maybe it’s because her baby was already shot up with 12 vaxxxcines out of the starting gate. She surely could have adduced that those and the VAXX just might create a unhappy outcome for her baby? Who would allow a clinical trial elixir to be injected while pregnant. It’s her fault. No one else is to blame. So much verbage wordage to try and evoke community division. Furthermore why do you get to post this tripe while I am banned from discussing life saving information that had this blamer listened to me her baby would be alive and your tedious article unnesssry to have been hatched.‘
Mongo’s brainless blaming of the victim for posting her story was almost as bad. Really helps explain why the R&E Board is such garbage these days…GIGO, after all.
Posted by greenman ![]() 5/11/2022 10:39 am | #506 |
Here’s the kind of absolute lying and projection we’ve seen from Mongo for years:
‘People like you attack people like GOG and me for pointing out flawed articles copy/pasted by you.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 11, 2022, 8:25 am, in reply to "People like you and gog hatefully attack them with lying venomous accusations. WHY?? Because."
You don't like rebuttals to your plagiarism [sic].You can't deal with opposing viewpoints. You are the proverbial inflexible liberal yuppie, Captain Obvious. Your perceived "brightness" comes from the works of others. Without the NYT and your exceedingly small audience here, you would be lost in your life of silent desperation.’
Once again the perpetrator - who attacks virtually EVERY POST made by Merlin - whines that he (and his little dog GOG) are the ‘victims.’
Virtually EVERYTHING HE SAYS here is true of himself, NOT Merlin. Except perhaps that he is the only one who ‘perceives’ his own brightness.
This post is a shameful personal attack and a violation of Ken’s rules - which in fact Mongo violates with impunity almost DAILY.
Utter garbage. As is the anti-Palestinian bigotry of Zionist thug and Trump lackey DFM.
Minus those three posters, that board might have a chance to recover
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/11/2022 11:29 pm | #507 |
I don't know why Ken allows them to keep posting there. GOG and mongo are both incorrigible, hateful, and tone deaf. mongo is just plain NASTY.
Posted by greenman ![]() 5/13/2022 10:00 am | #508 |
Mondo’s blackface Minstrel Show on Yellow:
‘You mean MainScream
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 12, 2022, 10:58 pm, in reply to "Blondie Makes Rap Mainstream | This Week in Music History"
Rap bees horrible crap ... rap ... rap.
But I duz it wif da bes' o'm.
Original c~rap by Mondo:
Byzantine Egyptian Queen
Ridin' in a limousine
Livin' off a slot machine
Always tryin' to make da scene
Cocaine Jack, her Daddy's black
Livin' in a tin roof shack
Dealin' in methyl crack
He no care she ne'r come back
Niggas on dope
Ain' got no hope
Ain' that a shame
But who's to blame
Der be mo
but I no get rent
P-Diddy squat
White boys can' do no rap
Dey soda cracker wif no zap
Leave it to da bros to key da tap
Dat be all you gits from dat.
Niggas on dope
Ain' got no hope
Ain' that a shame
But who's to blame
You axed fo it.‘
I’m not overly PC, but that’s blatantly racist. That should get him a lengthy vacation.
Posted by greenman ![]() 5/13/2022 12:04 pm | #509 |
Not to mention his Whine Board attack on Ken, to his face:
‘The fact remains that you let KR, Sir Real and Sia verbally abuse posters and you do nothing about i
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 13, 2022, 11:27 am, in reply to "Deanna and SIa are both welcome on my R&E forum."
That is cowardice, pure and simple.
Glad you can live with that.’
While Ken IS a coward, as his tolerance of Mongo’s constantly abusive conduct proves, the fact remains that Mongo is a cancer on whatever board he infests.
I was banned for offending Ken, who’s attacked far more often and viciously (as is his board and it’s posters) by Mongo than I ever did.
Calling you out on that, Ken. Why the hypocrisy? Mongo got dirty pictures of you or something? lol
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 5/13/2022 1:17 pm | #510 |
How about this farcical post?
After years of abusive posts and language, and after being kicked off this board, Madam Sia is ... Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on May 13, 2022, 8:08 am ... still going "postal" on Deanna ... the only difference ... it is now on Ken's Yaller board, the only board where verbal abuse and vulgar posts are tolerated because Ken is too weak to discipline his leftwing lib-nutz cronies.
Sia can't carry on a civil conversation ... she has to bludgeon her political opponents.
Posted by Sia on May 12, 2022, 6:26 pm, in reply to "Just Admitting That The Media IS"
Acually, YOU and your EMAIL B.S. are what is waaaaaay off base
If you bothered to read the REAL article that I posted from, you'd KNOW that YOUR piece is pure, unadulterated BULL SH*T. But you don't care. It suits your agenda so you'll stand by it until the end of time, regardless of being PROVEN WRONG.
As usual.
If you don't know that by now, sorry, I cannot help you figure out which side is up because you sure as hell DON'T KNOW.
Posted by Sia on May 12, 2022, 5:42 pm, in reply to "LOLOL"
So you're admitting that you're nothing but a TROLL?
It's about time... Not that we didn't all already know that.
Sia then receives "benedictions and choral responses" from the vilest, most abusive trolls on the planet, KR and SurlyUnReal (the pwinth of pawenthetical punthuwathion), both of "what" (not "whom") are permanently banned here.
And then, ol' blunderbus Trish staggers in with unattributed garbage to criticize Deanna for an unattributed humorous post that Deanna got in an eMail.
Radlibs have no sense of humor. They are attack dogs that respond viciously to lighthearted jabs from sane people.
Ken's board has slipped off the proverbial slippery slope into the slimy slough of despondency. His favorite trolls are living lives of silent desperation while flapping their angry jaws, like blind dogs in a meat locker. Airing their aimless rhetoric on a board with less than a dozen misfits is the highest level they can achieve in Forensics. Nobody outside that padded cell hears a single word of their guttural tripe. Nobody would care. Pathetic!
Sia: Amusing that he defends the indefensible and fails to include the comments made by Dee Dee Dumb Dumb to give context. My comment about 'not being able to help her' came DIRECTLY from the insulting remark she lobbed at me for calling her out on her admission that she was trolling.
White Whine is a CESSPOOL and Ken is LETTING them turn his board into one as well. I have no idea what you said that upset Ken so much, but I rather doubt it could possibly be as outrageously offensive as mongo CONSTANTLY IS to him.
mongo is also turning R&E into the HATE BOARD that SJW labeled it. That's a shame.