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Posted by greenman
2/24/2022 10:17 am

Does Mongo’s board make everyone who posts on it dumber?

‘My president is being racist.

Posted by Ken C on February 23, 2022, 8:15 pm

He is only considering people from one specific race for an important job opening. I'm opposed to rascism. I think he should consider all quailified candidates whithout regard to their skin color. SOrry about any typos, my typing is worse when I'm angry.’

And when you’re being stupid and racist, Kenny Boi.  You don’t seem to get that there ARE qualified black women, that one has NEVER been a Justice, and that Mr. Biden has promised to remedy that situation. Instead you’re full of Trump-like fake indignation over the appointment of a black woman.

Maybe just stick to moderating your own pathetic board, instead of kissing up to Mondo?

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 Online!
2/24/2022 12:37 pm

Biden would have been smarter to say he's nominating the best candidate, period. Then at that time, introduce his choice, who happens to be a Black woman. If an idiot like me can figure that out, you'd think somebody at that pay grade could. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
2/25/2022 10:46 am

I would tend to agree, but as Sia has pointed out, it came at a difficult time for Biden in the primaries and gained him critical black support in S. Carolina.  That’s politics!

In any case, according to CNN he’s nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson as expected. She seems very qualified and well-thought of. It will be interesting to know how low the Right will go to oppose her.

And how low other posters on these boards will go, some of them…smh

Posted by Poppet
2/27/2022 12:43 pm

Poor woodbine. He's been largely absent for various reasons, and his board is effectively unmoderated. Banned posters and political trolls have been taking advantage of that (like the unprincipled vermin they are), and the board is an unholy mess of simpleton-tier American partisan politics and COVID conspiracist idiocy. The invasion from our linked boards that began ruining that quirky, fun place a good while back now has basically completed it's task: it's just another sh!tshow. This makes me very sad...

Posted by greenman
2/28/2022 8:36 am

I’m done with them.  Post to one idiot and more gather - yome, GOG and now SES are all over there.  What Woodbine wants to do with them is his deal, but I’m not contributing to their delinquency.

I quit dealing with SES on the Blue Board because he was so obnoxious. No reason to help him out with his political hatred fix somewhere else.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 Online!
2/28/2022 10:42 am

Poppet wrote:

Poor woodbine. He's been largely absent for various reasons, and his board is effectively unmoderated. Banned posters and political trolls have been taking advantage of that (like the unprincipled vermin they are), and the board is an unholy mess of simpleton-tier American partisan politics and COVID conspiracist idiocy. The invasion from our linked boards that began ruining that quirky, fun place a good while back now has basically completed it's task: it's just another sh!tshow. This makes me very sad...

I look there as a matter of routine, visiting these communities. But absence of moderation was and is invitation to trolls who take full advantage of identity change and no moderation to make it a pile of _____.  I don't speculate who some new nic really is, nor care. Sight of the new nic author of a topic or reply is sufficient cause to ignore it altogether. "Honest" people don't do that. How do you clean it? Woodbine could consult William Wallace, who'd advise, "Bern it!"


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
2/28/2022 12:04 pm

I wish he’d have membership only, but he might just get rid of all but his old regulars!  lol

I could hardly blame him, though…

Posted by greenman
3/02/2022 3:27 pm

God I hate SES..

‘The U.S. has written off Ukraine. As he said...

Posted by CE0802 on March 2, 2022, 12:09 pm, in reply to "The USA Government is recruiting and leading a group of major nations"

"Our forces are not going to Europe to fight in Ukraine, but to defend our NATO allies in the event that Putin decides to keep moving west."

Ukraine is on its own. No air support. No drone/missile support.

Oh, we'll piss away a few billion dollars of "support" that won't do one damn thing. Just like our awesome "sanctions" didn't do one damn thing to prevent Ukrainians from being slaughtered.’

He lies as if he were being PAID by the lie.  He lies as of Donnie Trump were his personal lying coach. He hates and lies as if he were a Trump son.

What a POS.  And he’s fouling Woodbine’s board as if he were a broken sewer pipe.

Cannot believe he was EVER invited to post here.  He’s one of the worst ever.  Pure Trump.

Last edited by greenman (3/02/2022 3:27 pm)

Posted by greenman
3/04/2022 9:37 am

Why doesn’t Ken ban this abusive poster?  I criticized and defied that twerp and got banned for life. Mongo does it to both moderators constantly, and gets a mild caution. Maybe.

‘Quit deleting my goddam posts,Trish.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 3, 2022, 9:56 pm
Go get a job. You are a blight to conversation.

Really. Leave!’

C’mon, Ken, show us you’ve got a pair. For once.

Posted by greenman
3/04/2022 10:46 am

Kudos!  Looks like Mongo got a little longer time-out this time.  Maybe telling Ken to ‘delete himself’ did it?

Some improvement at last.

Posted by greenman
3/05/2022 2:59 pm

The whining continues…

‘More evidence of Ken/Trish hypocrisy and favoritism

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 5, 2022, 10:19 am

They have let scumbag "True Grit" violate my DNR twice and violate the "do not refer to banned posters", all with zero disciplinary action.’

Two most worthless posters of all time: SES and Mondo.  One crapped all over the Blue Board and now Woodbine’s Board; the other all over Yellow and his own.  Wastes of skin.

Posted by Ken C
3/06/2022 4:42 pm

I'm angry and concerned about the war in Ukraine.  I'm so angry and concerned that it's hard for me to care about the minor conflicts we have here on these forums.  None of us have nuclear bombs.  None of us are genocidal liars.

In a few days I will be renting a Tesla for work.  I am excitedly looking forward to that.  That's another distraction that makes our minor conflicts here seem unimportant.  

If Mondo or anyone else has any complaints about my forum, they should send me an email.   I did recently delete something by True Grit.

Last edited by Ken C (3/06/2022 4:44 pm)

Posted by Poppet
3/09/2022 10:13 am

I concur, Ken: the reality unfolding in Ukraine makes our little squabbles here (and, frankly, most of our political conflicts) seem so very trivial. A sovereign nation has been attacked, people are dying, and the world moves a significant step closer to world war.

I think you're really going to enjoy your Tesla! I've driven a couple models and ridden in a couple more, and they're pretty wonderful. Be careful of your license, though: they're seriously quick, and the way they accelerate is addictive.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 Online!
3/09/2022 11:18 am

Effect of Putin's war is already global. Furthermore we have corporocratic oil company speculators aiding Putin by inflating price of oil based on fear speculation, that will initiate a global recession, if that didn't already begin. Every market around the globe plummeted in value every day since the war began.

Diplomacy and implementation in fear of acknowledgement of Putin's narrative fails because Putin can't be trusted, and cannot remain leader of Russia. Sooner than later he must be confronted, and the sooner, the fewer people will die because of him. People will die. Many already did. Diplomacy based on his continuation as Russian leader only delays the inevitable. 

Can we endure some economic pain the rid the world of this pest? I am willing. FWIW the Hang Seng lost 2-3% each day since Putin's war began. China can't be very happy with him. They love their money too much. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (3/09/2022 11:20 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
3/11/2022 10:41 am

GOG trolling Woodbine’s board with attacks on Zelensky.  I also saw one on the White Whine, although I doubt Mongo will say anything about it.

As if this POS wasn’t wrong enough on COVID, mocking and denying the death toll; now he’s spitting on the Ukraine.

His new name: GAG

He deserves a total Boardhost ban. For life.

Posted by greenman
3/16/2022 9:05 am

Here’s why Mongo Butthurt won’t be criticizing GOG anytime soon:


Isn’t it odd Ken’s board flies a Ukrainian flag while America goes to hell in a handbasket

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on March 16, 2022, 2:34 am

Crime out the roof
Inflation out the roof
Millions of illegal alien criminals roaming the nation
Broken supply chain
Rampant incompetency in the current administration

And Ken’s board prisoners can’t discuss the Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Schumer failure?



Yes, Mongo, yes you are.  An absolutely pathetic loser. But it’s no real surprise to see that someone more loyal to Trump than America is also more supportive of Putin than Ukraine.  As well as more whiny and demanding for yourself.

Posted by Ken C
3/18/2022 12:24 am

Poppet wrote:

I think you're really going to enjoy your Tesla! I've driven a couple models and ridden in a couple more, and they're pretty wonderful. Be careful of your license, though: they're seriously quick, and the way they accelerate is addictive.

Today I took a break from driving for work, and drove up in some mountains just for fun.  I like the sound the motor makes.  It's not loud like a sports car.  It makes a smooth quiet hum.  I could listen to that motor running at full throttle all day without getting tired of it.  Yes, I noticed I could easily get up to dangerously high speeds.

Some people think electric cars are just for conserving gas.  They are wrong.  Electric cars are also fun to drive.


Posted by greenman
3/25/2022 9:38 am

I still hope for Woodbine’s return to his board, but in the meantime I just don’t see the point of posting there.  The trolls- notably yome, GOG and SES (CE0802) - have stunk it up to the point where it’s turning into White Whine II.

Utterly repulsive. But I guess it’s all you can expect from those people.  Any unmoderated space will quickly descend into a kind of dimwitted anarchy.


Posted by greenman
4/07/2022 11:27 am

How bad are the racist, sexist attacks on Judge Jackson’s confirmation?  GOG, Mongo and DFM can tell you…especially Davy Boy:

‘Here is an idiot who cannot define "woman". She needs a bucket and a mop.

Posted by DFM on April 7, 2022, 8:21 am, in

reply to "Black women at Judge Jackson’s alma mater are celebrating this moment." ‘

Of course had someone made such disparaging comments about Jews, he’d have been quick to call them a ‘Nazi.’  David is what TDS does to the brain.

Posted by greenman
4/07/2022 3:18 pm

Follow up by Davy, the brilliant board intellectual:

‘Should be declared a national day of MOURNING.

Posted by DFM on April 7, 2022, 12:50 pm, in reply to "Senate Confirms Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court"
We now have an idiot on the Supreme Court that cannot define "woman".

The only jobs that she is qualified to perform require the use of a mop and bucket.’

What a POS racist loser this guy has turned into. A disgrace that Ken lets this garbage pass without comment.

He should be banned for six months.

Last edited by greenman (4/07/2022 3:20 pm)

Posted by greenman
4/18/2022 2:45 pm

Mondo’s latest on Yellow:


‘You erred in referring to the other practices as “faiths”.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 18, 2022, 11:43 am, in reply to "Mondo just a refresher"

“Faith” in what for what end?

For the most part, this board practices atheism combined with Christian-bashing. Don’t try to soft-pedal it.

All for what? Nobody here is trying to convert anyone else to Christianity. Nobody is bashing the other religious sects.

No, there are just some with anger issues and personality defects who bully others, as we have seen manifested over the past couple of days.

BTW, this is the only board out of the trio where this routinely occurs and is passively condoned. How do you explain that?’


Mongo believes that any views contrary to his own are objectionable, and supports any views which confirm his own. He ‘admires’ those who flatter or admire him.  He is not a ‘Christian’ in any recognizable sense of the word.

He routinely attacks posters he dislikes (Trish, Merlin, Sia, KR) while supporting only those who agree with him and coddle his bloated ego.

How his abusive garbage continues to pass muster on Yellow is beyond me.

A sad mess.

Last edited by greenman (4/19/2022 7:44 am)

Posted by Siagiah
4/18/2022 9:07 pm

greenman wrote:

How bad are the racist, sexist attacks on Judge Jackson’s confirmation? GOG, Mongo and DFM can tell you…especially Davy Boy:

‘Here is an idiot who cannot define "woman". She needs a bucket and a mop.

Posted by DFM on April 7, 2022, 8:21 am, in

reply to "Black women at Judge Jackson’s alma mater are celebrating this moment." ‘

Of course had someone made such disparaging comments about Jews, he’d have been quick to call them a ‘Nazi.’ David is what TDS does to the brain.


I saw both of those around the time that he posted them, I think a day later, and sent them to Ken & Trish to consider removing.  It wasn't removed.  However, mongo's insulting post was removed:Supreme Judge Booga-Booga Mujwambi Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 8, 2022, 12:30 am, in reply to "Another black with a weird name. "Don'chu be axin me 'bout no 'nishun o' wimmen. I ain' no bliologiss. I beez hanin' down da law wif lite sentunzs faw my bros.LOL
I only just now discovered that you'd posted here almost 2 weeks ago when I got the notification about today's post.  Weird.  Usually all moderators get emails if anyone posts on the forum.

Posted by Siagiah
4/18/2022 9:27 pm

greenman wrote:

Mondo’s latest on Yellow:


‘You erred in referring to the other practices as “faiths”.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 18, 2022, 11:43 am, in reply to "Mondo just a refresher"

“Faith” in what for what end?

For the most part, this board practices atheism combined with Christian-bashing. Don’t try to soft-pedal it.

All for what? Nobody here is trying to convert anyone else to Christianity. Nobody is bashing the other religious sects.

No, there are just some with anger issues and personality defects who bully others, as we have seen manifested over the past couple of days.

BTW, this is the only board out of the trio where this routinely occurs and is passively condoned. How do you explain that?’


Mongo believes that any views contrary to his own are objectionable, and supports any views which confirm his own. He ‘admires’ those who flatter or admire him. He is not a ‘Christian’ in any recognizable sense of the word.

He routinely attacks posters he dislikes (Trish, Merlin, Sia, KR) while supporting only those who agree with him and coddle his bloated ego.

How his abusive garbage continues to pass muster on Yellow is beyond me; but then again, that board is a virtual toilet. It needs a capable moderator, and bicycle-boy isn’t that guy.

A sad mess.


Sia:  I sent ALL of those insulting remarks by mongo to both Ken & Trish along with a seriously disgraceful post by KR regarding Jesus, where I spoke out against his post because it was so far beyond disrespectful that even I was offended for those who believe in Jesus and Easter. Easter is THE most important Christian holiday for believers and it's just wrong and unnecessary for anyone to be SO HATEFUL regardless or their personal beliefs. 

I also sent a few other people's hateful posts because there were several insulting and extremely disrespectful posts that passed between a number of posters there last night. A handful of people were tossing Christian insults and, of course, mongo was getting nasty with others, particularly with Trish, who didn't deserve any of it along with GOG who referred to Passover, Ramadan, and Trish's solstice celebration as circuses or "clown shows".  Equal insults and disrespect from those offended by the anti-Christian posts.

All Trish did was post about "Happy Spring Holidays" to recognize ALL of the celebrations because there were at least 3 major religious holidays that all fell on the same weekend as her Spring Solstice Pagan celebration. Easter, Ramadan, Passover, and hers were all this past weekend.   

Mongo seemed to think that Christians OWNED the dates and no one else should be celebrating theirs on Easter - actually telling them to choose another day!! Unbelievable.

IMHO, there was NO EXCUSE for anyone to trash those celebrating Easter who believe in Christianity AND there was NO EXCUSE for mongo's (and GOG's) hateful attacks either.

I'm GLAD that Ken & Trish wiped it ALL off the board.  It stayed there all night, but at least it's gone now.

I cannot fathom WHY some people cannot simply "live and let live" and show at least a little respect that other people have a right to their own beliefs.


Posted by greenman
4/19/2022 7:50 am

Siagiah wrote:

greenman wrote:

How bad are the racist, sexist attacks on Judge Jackson’s confirmation? GOG, Mongo and DFM can tell you…especially Davy Boy:

‘Here is an idiot who cannot define "woman". She needs a bucket and a mop.

Posted by DFM on April 7, 2022, 8:21 am, in

reply to "Black women at Judge Jackson’s alma mater are celebrating this moment." ‘

Of course had someone made such disparaging comments about Jews, he’d have been quick to call them a ‘Nazi.’ David is what TDS does to the brain.


I saw both of those around the time that he posted them, I think a day later, and sent them to Ken & Trish to consider removing.  It wasn't removed.  However, mongo's insulting post was removed:Supreme Judge Booga-Booga Mujwambi Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 8, 2022, 12:30 am, in reply to "Another black with a weird name. "Don'chu be axin me 'bout no 'nishun o' wimmen. I ain' no bliologiss. I beez hanin' down da law wif lite sentunzs faw my bros.LOL
I only just now discovered that you'd posted here almost 2 weeks ago when I got the notification about today's post.  Weird.  Usually all moderators get emails if anyone posts on the forum.

Wow, never saw that post. Unbelievably racist.  And that guy pretends to be a ‘Christian’ and demand respect for his ‘faith?’  Unbelievable.

I suppose KR was a bit over the top, at least on a Religion and Ethics board. Even if at least one response to it was a bit self-serving.

I also edited my post above to remove an unnecessary remark about Ken, sorry.

Posted by greenman
4/20/2022 7:53 am

Literally the most hypocritical post I have ever seen, from White Whine:

‘Ken and Trish, why do you let KR verbally abuse your posters with impunity.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 20, 2022, 12:50 am
He violates DNRs all the time.

What are you afraid of?

Ban the worthless SOB. He is useless poison.

He is permanently banned here.’

This from a creep who abuses almost everyone at one time or another on Yellow, including the Mods, and usually gets away with it (although he was given a short ban recently). 

Absolutely comical.

Posted by Siagiah
4/20/2022 8:38 am

greenman wrote:

Literally the most hypocritical post I have ever seen, from White Whine:

‘Ken and Trish, why do you let KR verbally abuse your posters with impunity.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on April 20, 2022, 12:50 am
He violates DNRs all the time.

What are you afraid of?

Ban the worthless SOB. He is useless poison.

He is permanently banned here.’

This from a creep who abuses almost everyone at one time or another on Yellow, including the Mods, and usually gets away with it (although he was given a short ban recently). 

Absolutely comical.


Sia: WOW!! From the SAME GUY who had HIS ABUSE of both KEN and TRISH removed over the weekend? Beyond hypocrisy !!

He CONSTANTLY abuses Trish on R&E. Looks like HE should get exactly what he wants KR to get!

He told other posters on R&E to DNR KR too, violating his own DNR against him.

He violates mine against him frequently too!

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 Online!
4/20/2022 11:54 am

For the first time ever, my Facebook account was restricted and punished for a post that violated their "Community Standards." Exactly what and why wasn't identified, nor was I given a chance to correct what ever it was. No moderator did this, nor was a complaint lodged by another poster. 

Actual text of the post

Photos in the post. All photos were scenery and wildlife on the mountain. 

When I see and sometimes receive abuse from trolls elsewhere in these Boardhost communities... words fall short of the contempt. But this is exasperation. One moderator said it might be the word "moon" caught by an algorithm. If so, to avoid the community standard violation, perhaps we must use words like Titan, Ganymede, Io, Phobos, and Europa? Can't use Luna- too close. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (4/20/2022 11:56 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
4/20/2022 3:47 pm

WOW, that seems totally crazy!

I've seen people's posts get bounced for violating "community standards" before, but they actually violated them. Yours doesn't seem to be a problem??


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 Online!
4/20/2022 4:07 pm

Siagiah wrote:

WOW, that seems totally crazy!

I've seen people's posts get bounced for violating "community standards" before, but they actually violated them. Yours doesn't seem to be a problem??


An algorithm finds it, and punishment is administered by another algorithm. No human being even responded or responds to my question, in what way did the post violate Community Standards? We- the mods and I believe the word "moon" triggered it. But that is only speculation, and no human being appears interested in confirmation. 

On the positive side, I may have finally found somebody or something
more ignorant than a trump-loving republican troll, with whom or which rational and reasonable argument and appeal is even more hopeless. Boardhost trolls are rank amateurs in comparison with feckless Facebook algorithm Nazi word police trolls. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (4/20/2022 4:09 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Ken C
4/22/2022 5:18 am

I had to ban myself from my R&E forum. 

My smartphone uses the same IP address as Rob Kettenburg.  Rob Kettenburg posted some violent threats on my forum.  After I banned him I tried to post from my smart phone and it gave me the message saying the admin blocked my IP address.  I can still post with my desktop computer. 

The threats from Kettenburg were so bad that I don't want to risk unblocking myself.  I live in a big city.  It's possible that Kettenburg lives in the same city and that's why we have the same IP address.


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