New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by Ken C
1/21/2022 9:13 pm

greenman wrote:

That post was in a reply to an attack on me by Kenny Boy,

Where have I attacked you?

Please post a link to any post where you think I have attacked you.

Posted by Siagiah
1/21/2022 9:15 pm

Of course you are entitled to express your opinion.  I hope that I didn't suggest otherwise?

This board is not formally moderated for anything other than straight up TOS violations. Things like criminal threats. Blatant racism. Hate speech. etc.  Everyone knows the score here.

My response was specifically to him calling me out. I wouldn't have weighed in on any of it if not for that.

As I've said, I do NOT want to be in the middle of a battle between the two of you.


Posted by greenman Online!
1/22/2022 8:29 am

Look, I’ll drop it if he will.  I’d rather not go on with it.  I don’t like what happened and I’ve said so, enough said.

Again, sorry if it made a mess here, Sia.

Posted by Ken C
1/23/2022 12:48 am


First I think we should go back and read this old post.  It was a long time ago, and people may not be remembering it correctly.

My comment specified "Blue Board forums", not message boards.  Do you think my comment was not accurate?

I used the word "should".  I'm sorry if you took it as criticism.  It was meant as a suggestion and not criticism.

I understand why you want to stay out of conflicts here and not take sides.  I hope you can understand why I want to stay out of conflicts between the Blue Board and Mondo's forum.

Siagiah wrote:

I've never gotten into the middle of you two's arguments about it for 2 reasons.

1- Ken, you're forgetting that I am not privy to what happened between you and greenman OR why you permanently banned him. So I wouldn't have a CLUE who might be lying or if it's simply a complete misunderstanding ??  Therefore, anything I might say would not be supported by anything factual and would likely only inflame things worse.

2- I like both of you very much so don't want to get involved in a conflict I cannot possibly help resolve and would only make an enemy of one or the other of you if I stuck my nose in. That's something I am loathe to do.  So, I simply don't respond rather than make things worse.

I also suspect that greenman doesn't know exactly what he said that offended you to the point where you banned him for life so that MIGHT be why he thinks that you did him wrong.  Perhaps you should tell him privately so there's no more confusion? Then he might still think it's unfair, but at least he will know WHY.

In addition, I was driving to my daughter's when most of it happened. By the time I got to read it, it had largely been resolved and Poppet had spoken up for your right to comment, in general. There was no need for me to restart the flames.

The difference between this circumstance and the one I was talking about on mondo's is that you DIRECTLY responded to the post full of lies about me on mongo's board and ADDED criticism to it by making a comment against our message board that wasn't accurate.

Also, my comment about the "preemptive attacks" was referring to mongo's attacks on us (and his sock puppets), that we hadn't started a problem with him, (not preemptively attacked) but had simply commented on problems HE started.  It had nothing to do with you.

  A couple of years ago, you pointed out to me that I'd participated in some slug-fests against you over here and that it hurt your feelings.  I hadn't considered that and felt terrible, so I apologized and since then have never added to anyone's complaints about you or how you moderate your board. In fact, I've stuck up for you a number of times on other boards when people made unfair comments.

However, LIS, I have NO IDEA what happened between you and greenman, so really can't comment, nor do I want to alienate either of you by butting in where it's none of my business.

If I've again hurt your feelings, I apologize. That is not my intent at all and I hope that I didn't.



Posted by Siagiah
1/23/2022 1:31 am

Yes, it was a long time ago and I had completely forgotten about it until you brought it up. I didn't go back to review it though. As far as I'm concerned, it's old news. Like my Dad used to say, "that was yesterday, today is a new day".

I DO understand why you want to stay out of conflicts between boards. That's why I said that I didn't expect you to defend me. No one should be "forced" to choose between friends. Anyone who'd expect that isn't a friend.  I just hadn't expected you to add to the flames is all.

I'm quite sure that you're being honest in saying that you'd meant it as a suggestion, not as a criticism. Unfortunately, in that situation, it came off as a criticism and those there most assuredly took it that way whether intended or not.

However, like I said above, that was yesterday. I'd like to move on from it and both of us recognize that neither of us wants to be thrust into the other's "battles" for similar reasons and for us both to get over what transpired before. There's simply no need to rehash it all because NO bad intentions were involved on either of our sides and THAT is what really matters.


Posted by Siagiah
1/23/2022 1:39 am

greenman wrote:

Look, I’ll drop it if he will. I’d rather not go on with it. I don’t like what happened and I’ve said so, enough said.

Again, sorry if it made a mess here, Sia.

You're forgiven.

I do hope that you can put your fury at Ken behind you and let it go. It is not healthy to hold on to grudges or anger, especially when all it does is make things worse for both of you.  Whatever did happen obviously  caused  both of you to have significant hurt feelings. There's no good reason to add to them.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/03/2022 6:28 pm

Time to lock a thread and post a warning?

Repeatedly SES is engaged in his favorite pastime and activity.

  • Or you could provide any pot shots that I took. Up to you.  Posted by SES on February 3, 2022, 5:55 pm, in reply to "It is likely the scorpion stung the small child who picked it up."Valued Poster I liked that accusation in this thread that people took pot shots at me AFTER I took pot shots at them, and then when asked to provide a pot shot that I took, it was a post that came AFTER all of the pot shots that people took.


    Here's a little tip for you all... well, for most of you.

    If you brushed that chip off your shoulder, you wouldn't be as likely to make yourselves look foolish by jumping to incorrect ass umptions about my intent. 

Since he finds it hilarious, and is likely ROFLHSAO, perhaps he should do it alone for a few days? His effort here is to troll, and he creeps right to the line short of direct personal attack, to broadbrush everyone with a pointed generality, and consequently skate through to do it again. Every thread SES launched devolved into this kind of sh!tshow. Clearly his intent demonstrated by frequency and chosen topic. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/03/2022 10:18 pm

Yeah, he's been a bit OBNOXIOUS lately with his targeted posts and deliberately partisan crap.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/03/2022 10:51 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Yeah, he's been a bit OBNOXIOUS lately with his targeted posts and deliberately partisan crap.

Can we lock that thread? It is a monster already. I'd like that toi be a group decision, but who knows when the group will see or be aware. Like the first hearing and reading, second hearing and discussion, and third hearing and decision method. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/04/2022 12:10 am

I locked 'em both a few hours ago.  Any one of us can lock a whole thread. If you don't know how to do it, I'll run through it with you. Basically, you go to the EDIT section and then scroll to the bottom of any thread and hit the LOCK/UNLOCK button to lock the WHOLE thread. To lock a single post, you'd open the post itself and lock it.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/04/2022 3:45 am

Siagiah wrote:

I locked 'em both a few hours ago.  Any one of us can lock a whole thread. If you don't know how to do it, I'll run through it with you. Basically, you go to the EDIT section and then scroll to the bottom of any thread and hit the LOCK/UNLOCK button to lock the WHOLE thread. To lock a single post, you'd open the post itself and lock it.

Thanks. I will try that next time, keeping this as an FYI. I still believe it important to have a consensus and agreement, so the most sound judgment can prevail, and will bring it to discussion before doing anything. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
2/04/2022 7:19 am

Posts can just as easily be unlocked, so it's an effective tool when something gets too large or is exploding into ugliness. I was busy with the girls so hadn't seen much of it. I couldn't believe the size of a couple. 

Back to sleep now. TTYL

Posted by greenman Online!
2/04/2022 9:21 am

Haven’t looked at the board yet, but just a reminder: this is how SES posts.  He is an abusive political poster, aggressive, mocking, hostile to ‘the Libs’ and far to the Right.  This is who he is.

Not only is it what everyone should’ve expected from day 1, but it will continue until some eventual final day.  I’m not telling anyone what to do - I think I’ve made it clear what I thought - but I’d either dump him, or keep him and enjoy it as best you can.  It won’t change.

Me, I’m not posting to the jerk until I get an apology for being called a ‘racist.’  So I guess I don’t come into it, except I have to read that drivel, or some of it.  And frankly, if I wanted to do that, I’d be on Mongo’s sh!tboard.


Posted by greenman Online!
2/04/2022 10:12 am

Today he’s posting blurbs touting the wonders of Faux Nooz.  I posted a comment to TW, and got this unsolicited BS back from Laughing Boy (who not so cleverly managed to call me an ‘ass,’ as he has others):

‘Serious question. Don't "ass ume" any malicious intent.

Posted by SESUser Info on February 4, 2022, 10:00 am, in reply to "Correction"
“Valued Poster”

How many hours of Fox News would you say you watch in a typical week?

Which shows do you watch?’

I didn’t post to him. I merely indicated my honest opinions about Fox to TW.  I don’t watch Fox anymore because I’ve watched enough of their crap to know better. 

Still no apology.  Therefore, no post.

Last edited by greenman (2/04/2022 10:14 am)

Posted by greenman Online!
2/05/2022 3:55 pm

Here’s what the Wretched Right think of the Pandemic:

‘Gov just announced 900K Covid Deaths!

Posted by Deplorable Terrorist Otis on February 5, 2022, 2:22 pm

if true...that's 0.2% of population.......SCAMDEMIC

No mention on number of Deaths from Flu‘

So not enough have died to qualify as a pandemic…and what about the flu, asks the idiot?

Shockingly, many worthy Americans have died of this disease…while white trash like Otis survive.  Sickening.

Posted by Siagiah
2/05/2022 11:21 pm

Otis is clearly just getting worse and more hateful.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/06/2022 3:01 am

"The problem isn't mine.It's everybody else's.
Problem isn't me. It's everybody else.
My kid's schools are great. Problem is everybody else's kid's schools.
Problem isn't my Senator. Problem is everybody else's Senator. 
Problem isn't in my backyard. It's in his. In everybody else's. 
I do my part to fight the pandemic. But when I don't have to wear a mask, I don't.
and nobody is going to make me. If I don't want the jab, nobody is going to make me get it. 

Who recently said the Insurrectionists charged with sedition were patriots treated very unfairly?
Who said the investigation into him and his is very unfair? 

SES and Trump know exactly what they're doing, when they do it. 
How much longer will they do this? What do we need before we can shut them down?
Should they be shut down? What is the cost to us, to shut them down? What is the benefit?
They both damage people to inflate their self worth, and clearly won't stop until they are stopt.
They're asking to be stopt. Taunting to be stopt. Relishing because we don't, we can't, or won't. When they get worse incrementally, they appear stalled. It is they who move our goalposts. Neither man is responsible for his abuse of free speech.


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (2/06/2022 3:11 am)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
2/07/2022 11:17 am

This thread was particularly rich:

-Cruz cheers on Canadian terrorist truckers  greenman Today, 9:32 am

-Troll much? - SES Today, 10:25 am

OK, ‘terrorist’ was a bit of hyperbole (although not much, as the article I posted showed) but this is BS coming from the Troll Himself.

Still no apology from him, either.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/08/2022 5:35 am

SES was warned to stop writing for and answering for people and apologizing on their behalf. 

  • LIS, meaningless.  Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 on February 7, 2022, 12:19 pm, in reply to "Correction: The source WAS provided. I ALWAYS provide my sources."ADMIN The next time you write for me,

  • No need to apologize. Just do better in the future.

    You will be in time out. You were warned about this before, and it won't be tolerated.

    I didn't read all the way through your sh!tshow. I don't live to wade through that sh!t piece by piece. Your sources aren't worth sh!t either.

I warned him before about this, and the fact he's back doing it again is solely for contempt. The fact is he offers no positive contribution, and efforts to encourage him to do so are ignored. This is not difference of opinion, or a healthy convervative liberal argument. It does not add to diversity of the board. It is the taunting behavior and expectation of a troll, trolling for pleasure. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/09/2022 1:57 pm

SES is in time out until Saturday, 12 February 2022 for repeated argument with intent to troll, particularly directed to dangerous spread of misinformation and disinformation by deliberate omission of full information regarding Covid-19. and its qualitative seriousness. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
2/09/2022 2:59 pm

Good call.

His persistent trolling on COVID - inspired, by his own admission, by Merlin’s frequent posts on the subject on Yellow - has become objectionable.

Stating anti-vaxxer and anti-masker opinions as facts is objectionable.  Everything’s about him.

Posted by Siagiah
2/09/2022 4:56 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

SES is in time out until Saturday, 12 February 2022 for repeated argument with intent to troll, particularly directed to dangerous spread of misinformation and disinformation by deliberate omission of full information regarding Covid-19. and its qualitative seriousness. 


I fixed the ban for you in the message board software. Banning an IP over here does absolutely nothing to the message board.  You had his ancient IP. You can find the right IP in the message board software under "activity log".   I can also send you the document I have with current IPs and emails for members.

Please remind me to lift it late Friday so I can do it just after midnight, else I'll forget.  I'm at my daughter's so it's not on the top of my mind.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/10/2022 12:32 am

Siagiah wrote:

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

SES is in time out until Saturday, 12 February 2022 for repeated argument with intent to troll, particularly directed to dangerous spread of misinformation and disinformation by deliberate omission of full information regarding Covid-19. and its qualitative seriousness. 


I fixed the ban for you in the message board software. Banning an IP over here does absolutely nothing to the message board.  You had his ancient IP. You can find the right IP in the message board software under "activity log".   I can also send you the document I have with current IPs and emails for members.

Please remind me to lift it late Friday so I can do it just after midnight, else I'll forget.  I'm at my daughter's so it's not on the top of my mind.


Will do, and thanks. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/14/2022 12:18 am

He's right back at it again.

  • So you start this thread talking about "Reactionary Politics" and...  Posted by SES on February 13, 2022, 10:39 pm, in reply to "On Sunday mornings, I like to watch "This Week" on ABC...."Valued Poster "...when you have people/parties making stuff up just to make the 'other side' look bad"; and then you proceed to make a bunch of stuff up to make the 'other side' look bad?

  • But I guess you think THAT'S OK because you think YOU'RE right, and the 'other side' is wrong?

    So, President Trump was all about racism, misogyny, and taking the country backwards? Putting homosexuals back in the closet? Making the country great for White Males?

    Just so you know... you're making all of that stuff up about the 'other side' to make them look bad.

    Yes, you have become your own worst enemy.

You want a crack at him this time?

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
2/14/2022 8:50 am

He didn’t show a single thing ‘made up’ by Skye, but demonstrably ‘made up’ some strawmen himself (“Putting homosexuals back in the closet? Making the country great for White Males?”) and attributed them to Skye.  Typically dishonest and abusive behavior.

Did anyone really think he’d learn anything?

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
2/14/2022 12:32 pm

I am done with this troll. He has three veiled personal attacks in three posts today..
Suggested I resign as a moderator.

  • I'm allowed to state my opinions, and to defend them.  Posted by SES on February 14, 2022, 12:21 pm, in reply to "Resumption of a political flame war?"Valued Poster I'm allowed to join discussions.

  • I'm allowed to debate, argue, converse.

    I'm allowed to respond when people respond to me.

    I'm allowed to disagree, even vehemently.

    I'm even allowed to use sarcasm and humor at times.

    YOU need to get off my back, and stop calling every comment that I make "resuming a flame war", or "trolling".

    And you don't get to ignore other people becoming "personal and accusatory" just because you agree with them.

    If you don't like it, maybe you should resign as Moderator.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
2/14/2022 1:11 pm

Yeah, that sucks.  I didn’t read it, but it’s worse than I thought.

He’s a manipulative troll and flamer. It isn’t just about his opinions or his politics.

He is who he is.

Posted by greenman Online!
2/15/2022 8:48 am

A lover of strawmen, for one thing.

‘It didn't occur to the Truckers that they were opposed to the Vaccine Mandates until...

Posted by SESUser Info on February 15, 2022, 7:39 am, in reply to "Yeah right! Everyone I know is a tool utilized by Russia. Everybody I know gets their marching"
Edited by SES on February 15, 2022, 7:39 am

...the evil Russians TOLD THEM to be.

Yeah. That makes sense. Not.’

Literally no one but him made that ridiculous claim.  And his top-post about Trump being ‘proven right’ regarding alleged snooping at Trump Tower was a tissue of lies.

He’s a Trump troll.  Is that the kind of poster we want?

Posted by greenman Online!
2/17/2022 4:01 pm

MONGO!  On the loose again! LOL

‘So, people from other boards can whine and complain on this board about the posts of others …

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on February 17, 2022, 10:51 am

… without having to eMail the Admin, and get a poster’s post deleted, but when a poster whose post was deleted complains about their post being deleted, they are supposed to complain to the Admin by eMail.

Seems like selective double standard, but I get it for what it is.

I just find it objectionable that someone from another board tries to monitor the posts of others here, especially the posts of those who have been DNR-ed by them.‘

I find your whiny, PMS-like approach to criticism objectionable too, MONGOloid, but I’ve tried to restrain myself from commenting about it. Until something like this shows up…lol

Last edited by greenman (2/17/2022 4:03 pm)

Posted by greenman Online!
2/18/2022 2:34 pm

This one excels even Mongo for stupid, pointless provocation, though:

‘The truth about the Truckers...

Posted by SESUser Info on February 18, 2022, 11:04 am, in reply to "Want the TRUTH about the Durham investigation, Canadian Truckers, & Ryan Zinke? "
Valued Poster [lol]

Dictator Trudeau: “If you don’t disperse we’ll revoke your Trucking License.”

Fascists: “Yay! ‘Cause they honk their horns!!!”

Dictator Trudeau: “If you don’t disperse we’ll see that you freeze to death in your trucks.”

Fascists: “Yay! ‘Cause they honk their horns!!!”

Dictator Trudeau: “If you don’t disperse we’ll take all of your money.”

Fascists: “Yay! ‘Cause they honk their horns!!!”

Dictator Trudeau: “If you don’t disperse we’ll take your children away from you.”

Fascists: “Yay! ‘Cause they honk their horns!!!”

Dictator Trudeau: “If you don’t disperse we’ll take your pets away from you.”

Fascists: “Yay! ‘Cause they honk... wait, what?” ‘

Brainless beyond belief.  I felt my IQ drop slightly while reading it.

Last edited by greenman (2/18/2022 2:35 pm)


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