New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by greenman
12/29/2021 11:27 am

Thanks!  Much appreciated.

Posted by Siagiah
12/29/2021 12:00 pm

Of course. 🙂

Posted by greenman
12/29/2021 1:43 pm

Of course, GOG is over on Woodbine’s board whining about how your mentioning my nick was ‘breaking a rule’ on Yellow.

Tattling fool…

Posted by greenman
12/29/2021 3:36 pm

Also, that whole thread under Merlin’s relatively innocuous post about the plantation wedding question was a complete disgrace, intellectually speaking.  The number of strawmen, exaggerations, and various examples of hyperbole would embarrass a ninth-grader.  DFM and Sprout in particular (the latter with his absurd ‘tear down the buildings and sow the fields with salt?’ nonsense) should be ashamed of their intellectual dishonesty.  Even Mugwump embarrassed himself.

Sad.  Just sad.

Posted by Siagiah
12/29/2021 7:19 pm

Yeah, the whole thing is pretty whacked. I don't understand what they DON'T understand.

It's FINE if that's what someone WANTS to do (have a plantation destination wedding) but they SHOULD know what it's all about (the good, the bad, and the downright UGLY).

If people are turned off by it and don't want to go, they should at least understand WHY, even if they don't agree. 


Posted by greenman
1/10/2022 3:56 pm

Kenny Boy decided to accept a challenge to use the New Year to end various bannings and allow posters back onto his board.

Only thing is:

‘The new year is a good time to set aside conflicts from the past.

Posted by Ken C (Admin) on January 10, 2022, 12:31 pm, in reply to "Suggestion for Ken C"

There have been many anonymous one time trolls who were blocked. I've also blocked a lot of automated spam bots. Now the banned list is so long it may block a few welcome posters.

I will remove all the old IP blocks. It's a long list and there is no easy way to do it, so it will take me a while.

There are still TWO people permanently banned, and one person on a break for the first 3 months of this year. They know who they are. Please do not mention their names.‘

So, myself and maybe…Hemi on the ‘let their names be unspoken!’ list?  lol

Figures. The little weasel was going to allow me to post after last New Years, but turned around and told me I was permanently banned instead.  And again, it’s NOT that I want to post to his increasingly crappy board, it’s his own lies and treachery that I condemn.  Two-faced is putting it mildly.

Happy New Year, Ken, and get bent!  ;)

Posted by Ken C
1/10/2022 4:26 pm

Look how greenman has attacked and insulted me in the post above when I did not say anything about him.  Notice how many other times before this greenman has attacked me and my forum while I just ignored him.    That's why he is permanently banned.  greenman should have realized his ban would be extended because of the way he treated me.

Posted by greenman
1/11/2022 9:11 am

It’s like this, Kenny.  My anger at you concerns last January, when, after you’d sworn to let EVERY banned poster back onto the board, you took my first post down (it concerned January 6) and told me you had decided to permanently ban me.  Even though you had clearly removed me from the list of banned posters, you claimed you had ‘forgotten’ to tell me and re-added it.

Between the earlier seven-month ban and that time I had NOT been insulting you.  I’d mostly ignored you (after my initial anger over the ban) but, as I recall, had once or twice posted something neutral to you on Sia’s board.  I still thought I would be allowed back on, and deliberately avoided antagonizing you (even though the seven month ban was absurdly long and arbitrary).

Now?  After January?  I don’t give a damn what you think.  Believe me, I have nothing but contempt for you and your board.  And like your ban, that’s probably permanent.


Last edited by greenman (1/11/2022 10:01 am)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/19/2022 2:25 pm

I believe we need an executive decision to terminate this poster. He refuses
to separate his politics from reality of the pandemic and his self justification
of statistics to make his case. He is insensitive and disrespectful to a fault,
and uses these quotations of statistics in the same way GOG uses conspiracy
theories to promote dangerous misinformation. Furthermore he weaponizes them
for use in harassment and antagonization. I am the next man, and after what I've
been through, you'd think SES would have just a shred of humanity to leave it alone
and show some humanity, respect, and courtesy. He isn't interested in any of that. 

He shows every indication that he will continue and persist. His arguments already turned
the board into a shitshow revolving around him. 
My recommendation is terminate him. 

  • "Politics" "politics" "politics". Blah blah blah.  Posted by SES on January 19, 2022, 1:43 pm, in reply to "The N95 mask keeps your virus mostly in you. " It isn't "politics" to look at the data and determine that Elementary School children are not at significant risk from COVID.

  • That's statistical analysis.

    As of today, the CDC's website says that only 225 children age 5 to 14 have died from COVID in two years.

    And that a majority of them had some other serious medical condition that contributed to their deaths.

    Based on THAT, there is NO Scientific reason why 40 million Elementary School age children should be REQUIRED to wear masks in school to protect THEM.

    And if "Scientists" insist that 40 million Elementary School age children SHOULD be required to wear masks in school to protect THEM, it simply is NOT based on the Science.

    Some people will scream "Politics!!!"

    But that's because they either see "politics" or "racism" anytime anyone disagrees with them.

    It's strictly statistical analysis and assessment of risk tolerance.

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
1/19/2022 4:53 pm

IMO there was never a reason to let him ON the board, given his known, long-term behavior at Yellow.  Literally like letting Mongo onto the board.  Worse in some ways.

It’s not so much what he says as the nasty, smarmy, disingenuous way he says things.  But he does love to cite unsupported ‘statistics,’ does nitpick, does engage in constant condescension, and does push a right-wing Trumpist line while insulting and attacking Dems and the President.

I don’t like him.  I vote ‘remove.’

Posted by Ken C
1/19/2022 10:23 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

terminate this poster. 

Instead of that, you could give a warning, or a temporary time-out/break.

Termination seems like an extreme step, but I don't read this forum very often, so I don't know how serious the problems are.  

Posted by greenman
1/20/2022 8:00 am

Mind your own board’s business.  You seem to have more than enough to do there.  Just because you tolerate his bullsh!t doesn’t mean this board has to.

No everyone’s afraid of him…

Posted by Ken C
1/20/2022 9:01 am

greenman, mind your own business and please stop posting to/about me.  I agree to not post to/about you, unless I am replying to something you say about me.

Posted by Trish
1/20/2022 9:39 am

Ken you said:
Termination seems like an extreme step, but I don't read this forum very often, so I don't know how serious the problems are

I would like to gently point out that I've suggested giving him a time out on several occasions now via email illustrating the whys. He keeps doing his sneaky political snarks, rants about masks, and insults because he feels he can get away with it until it's deleted.

Please consider this another request to give him a time out (3 months at least)

Last edited by Trish (1/20/2022 9:40 am)

Posted by greenman
1/20/2022 9:49 am

Ken C wrote:

greenman, mind your own business and please stop posting to/about me.  I agree to not post to/about you, unless I am replying to something you say about me.

Not your board, asshat.  I’ll post to/about you if I damn well please.

It’s Sia’s decision who posts here and when.  I will accept her guidance on that and hers only.

Get lost.

Posted by Siagiah
1/20/2022 11:01 am

Can we all take a breath and STOP THIS discussion about SES posting on the Blue Board PLEASE?

Pikes is still recovering from severe Covid and not feeling well. He has a hair trigger right now.

He requested an examination on SES's behavior. He's getting one. There is NO NEED to argue about it. Any decision made will be based on actual facts and rules. NOT on who does or doesn't like him.

Any conclusion will not be public unless he is banned.

Posted by Poppet
1/20/2022 12:20 pm

greenman wrote:

Mind your own board’s business. You seem to have more than enough to do there. Just because you tolerate his bullsh!t doesn’t mean this board has to.

No everyone’s afraid of him…

Ken is a participant on this board and has as much right to weigh in on these topics as any other participant.

And on this particular topic, that should be "not at all," as Sia has requested we drop it, m'kay?

Posted by greenman
1/20/2022 12:28 pm

That post was in a reply to an attack on me by Kenny Boy, and both took place BEFORE Sia made her post.

Apparently you’re upset because I indicated I would only accept Sia’s guidance, which I was doing before you made this unnecessary post.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
1/20/2022 12:56 pm

IMO termination at this time is both extreme, and unfair. But there is misconduct to address. First is outright mockery of and to any poster, including speaking for that poster with answers not his, because in SES' opinion the poster is determined by SES incapable of answering his question. Second is the ongoing badgering of posters, in particular with repetition of the same statistical material used to justify selfish and reckless demeanor regarding covid19 and public interaction in public. Danger of not wearing a mask in public came home to me over the last week, affirmed by my doctors and nurses. 

I brought this issue here specifically for group and administrative discussion, because two heads are better than one. This is a matter of and for reason, not emotion. 

No action was yet taken, and this issue is still in discussion, because it is important the right decision be made, and correct action taken. 

I am inclined to believe a warning is adequate, with specific address of mockery and badgering other member posters, and the correct action at this time. This is a proposal. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Poppet
1/20/2022 12:57 pm

greenman wrote:

That post was in a reply to an attack on me by Kenny Boy, and both took place BEFORE Sia made her post.

Apparently you’re upset because I indicated I would only accept Sia’s guidance, which I was doing before you made this unnecessary post.


Bullsh*t. Your initial post telling Ken to "mind [his] own business" came directly after a post by Ken that had nothing whatsoever to do with you, a response to Pikes about the possibility of banning SES. Don't pretend to be the innocent victim here (since it's transparently false). Rather than make inane, incorrect assumptions about my motivations (lol), perhaps consider your own knee-jerk defensive responses to any hint of criticism. FFS...

Posted by greenman
1/20/2022 1:07 pm

Of course it’s my fault, that’s a given.  Ken can sh!t on me, but any criticism of him or any expression of my opinion of him or his board is somehow an ‘offense.’  Blah, blah..

Meanwhile, you keep the whole thing going, after sticking your nose into it unnecessarily in the first place!

‘Comedy gold,’ as you’re so fond of saying.

I (still) have nothing further to say as long as I don’t have to deal with another pointless personal attack.


Posted by Poppet
1/20/2022 2:24 pm

greenman wrote:

Of course it’s my fault, that’s a given. Ken can sh!t on me, but any criticism of him or any expression of my opinion of him or his board is somehow an ‘offense.’ Blah, blah..

Meanwhile, you keep the whole thing going, after sticking your nose into it unnecessarily in the first place!

Doubling (tripling? quadrupling?) down with yet another insipid strawman doesn't exactly help your credibility in this. I pointed out - verifiably...just look at the f*cking timeline of posts - that you were the one to initiate this latest round of fireworks between you and Ken, and that's somehow unfair? Cry me a river.

Also, the irony of you b!tching about me "sticking my nose into it unnecessarily" when that's precisely what you did with that unprovoked attack on Ken is palpable. 

But don't worry: this is boring the sh*t out of me already (The Crow reference ftw!), and I'll go back to walking on eggshells around you.  Ta ta.

Posted by greenman
1/20/2022 2:30 pm

Bored of everything except having the last word, huh?


Posted by Trish
1/20/2022 2:51 pm

Sia I apologize. For some reason I thought this had to do with R&E (although it does indirectly). Sorry for hopping into a discussion with the wrong perspective.

Everyone is getting heated, which only stresses IMO the "triggers" involved. I will simply say I have been at the receiving end, and it's not pleasant or productive. 

I trust in your ability to measure and meter :-)

Posted by greenman
1/20/2022 3:24 pm

I assumed it was to do with whether SES should be banned or not.  The quarrel between myself and Ken was something else, and would normally have just fizzled out (ahem).

You’re not in any way to blame, and I apologize for having gotten annoyed with Ken and caused unnecessary conflict.

Please resume play…(whistle)

Posted by Siagiah
1/20/2022 3:34 pm

Trish wrote:

Sia I apologize. For some reason I thought this had to do with R&E (although it does indirectly). Sorry for hopping into a discussion with the wrong perspective.

Everyone is getting heated, which only stresses IMO the "triggers" involved. I will simply say I have been at the receiving end, and it's not pleasant or productive. 

I trust in your ability to measure and meter :-)

You're fine.  No worries.

Posted by Ken C
1/21/2022 3:59 pm

Siagiah wrote:

Ken C wrote:

Siagiah, I'm sorry if I offended or disappointed you.  I would understand if you were upset about something I said, but here you are upset because I didn't say something.  That seems unfair.  I have a full time job.  I have hobbies and a bicycle that requires maintenance.  I don't have time to condemn all the attacks or correct all the lies on these forums.  


Ken, I am well aware of your time restrictions.  I expect nothing from you or anyone else in that regard. That's hardly reasonable to expect someone to correct every vicious lie a liar spouts off.

My disappointment was that you DID respond to an extremely hateful and vicious attack - full of flat out LIES and outrageous accusations that you know are wrong, but chose not to say anything at all about that, instead criticizing us for not having a rule on our message board that we DO, in fact, have on our board.

The Back Alley is the only place where posters are allowed to say anything they want to and NO ONE has to come read it because it's NOT on the main board, so they must go out of their way to see it. Plus, it's ALWAYS in response to something crappy he or someone else did somewhere.  There are NO preemptive attacks.


That is not true.  I have been preemptively attacked here.  

You did not respond to correct the lies about me here.  Why do you expect me to defend you on Mondo's forum when you will not even defend me here on your own forum?

Usually I understand when people want to stay out of conflicts.  I'm not upset with other people who choose to stay out of things, but you expected me to defend you on Mondo's forum, while you just ignored the way I have been attacked and lied about here.  I don't understand this.

Posted by greenman
1/21/2022 4:42 pm

I would assume I have not been falsely accused of ‘telling lies’ here about Ken?  Because I have not done so.

If this in one regard to someone else, please disregard.

Posted by Siagiah
1/21/2022 5:51 pm

I've never gotten into the middle of you two's arguments about it for 2 reasons.

1- Ken, you're forgetting that I am not privy to what happened between you and greenman OR why you permanently banned him. So I wouldn't have a CLUE who might be lying or if it's simply a complete misunderstanding ??  Therefore, anything I might say would not be supported by anything factual and would likely only inflame things worse.

2- I like both of you very much so don't want to get involved in a conflict I cannot possibly help resolve and would only make an enemy of one or the other of you if I stuck my nose in. That's something I am loathe to do.  So, I simply don't respond rather than make things worse.

I also suspect that greenman doesn't know exactly what he said that offended you to the point where you banned him for life so that MIGHT be why he thinks that you did him wrong.  Perhaps you should tell him privately so there's no more confusion? Then he might still think it's unfair, but at least he will know WHY.

In addition, I was driving to my daughter's when most of it happened. By the time I got to read it, it had largely been resolved and Poppet had spoken up for your right to comment, in general. There was no need for me to restart the flames.

The difference between this circumstance and the one I was talking about on mondo's is that you DIRECTLY responded to the post full of lies about me on mongo's board and ADDED criticism to it by making a comment against our message board that wasn't accurate.

Also, my comment about the "preemptive attacks" was referring to mongo's attacks on us (and his sock puppets), that we hadn't started a problem with him, (not preemptively attacked) but had simply commented on problems HE started.  It had nothing to do with you.

  A couple of years ago, you pointed out to me that I'd participated in some slug-fests against you over here and that it hurt your feelings.  I hadn't considered that and felt terrible, so I apologized and since then have never added to anyone's complaints about you or how you moderate your board. In fact, I've stuck up for you a number of times on other boards when people made unfair comments.

However, LIS, I have NO IDEA what happened between you and greenman, so really can't comment, nor do I want to alienate either of you by butting in where it's none of my business.

If I've again hurt your feelings, I apologize. That is not my intent at all and I hope that I didn't.


Posted by greenman
1/21/2022 8:56 pm

It started with #396, where I commented on a post Ken made on his board about ending all bans except two. It was clear I was one (no idea who the other was).  I commented harshly on it out of resentment over my treatment there. I make no bones about that, the complaint was justified, this board is FOR criticisms and complaints, and that’s that, as far as I’m concerned 

All Ken does in turn is come over here and complain about being complained about, which i consider both pathetic and unjustified.  He seems to think I have no right to complain or hurt his little feelings.

To which I again say, ‘pathetic.’

Not sure why anyone else is concerned, but there we are.  I believe I am entitled to express my opinion.  Or is that not so?


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