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Posted by Siagiah
12/01/2021 1:20 am

and that is likely WHY Ken just flushed it all.  What begins with rule breaking automatically gets deleted. No questions asked. I'm not complaining because that's exactly what should have been done with it and I knew it would be gone quickly the whole time.

mongo is upset because he keeps breaking Ken's rules and it gets deleted. He expects other people's posts that DON'T break rules to be deleted too and that's just not reasonable.

He posted multiple blatant DNR violations and expects Ken to leave them. One, last night, was in direct response to my post about people who have influenced my opinions over time. I was honest in my list. Some were people with VERY different views than my own and some are people I don't particularly care for. But the truth is the truth and it would be wrong not to include them.

I'm quite sure that I had to have forgotten some names too, so added that comment. But then, it meant that I also had to mention that some were left off on purpose because of their posting styles that generally offer nothing but fluff, nastiness, or B.S. that I don't find any value in and often don't even open.

However, I didn't name anyone and figured that people left off the list SHOULD know if they fit the group left out on purpose without me having to be a jerk and naming them. To do so would have violated the entire intent of the post. 

The intent was to show that there ARE people on the boards who DO make a difference when they take the trouble to post valuable and informative things or simply offer another viewpoint of something.  Posting this now, reminded me of  others I inadvertently left off, which I just added now.

So, what does mongo do?  He posts a hateful comment to Ken where he adds the names of his buddies as shaping his views, you as well, but then goes on to NAME people he's learned nothing from and who he considers of no value, including ALL of his DNRs and Merlin.  Blatant DNR violations for that comment as well as a blatant DNR for essentially reverse copycatting my attempt at elevating posters by denigrating posters instead just because Ken said he appreciated that I am willing to hear people out, even if I wholeheartedly disagree with them.

So, it got deleted along with multiple other CRAP he posted.  He NEVER misses an opportunity to slam someone or to kiss up to certain people he hopes to charm. Does he REALLY think that people are that stupid that they can't see right through that malarkey from him?  I find that insulting and pathetic.

I didn't expect anyone to know or even care about my bad day. I only mentioned it to explain to YOU why I indulged in it, when I know better than to post to or even read that crap, simply because I care about your opinion. 

Whether someone had a horrible or a great day, there's just NO REASON for some people to be SO DAMNED NASTY all the time. 

OH NO... I just read what you said about your conductor.  I'm so sorry.  That does sound bad. I hope it's not though. That would be awful. REALLY awful. Much worse than my dumb bad day. That would be MANY bad days.  Damn.  I hope it's not a sign of bad sh*t coming.


Posted by greenman
12/01/2021 9:15 am

Sorry to hear about your terrible day, Sia. That does indeed sound awful, both the experience and the drive.  I’m not fond of night driving myself.

Hope things get back to normal, or as normal as possible.

Posted by greenman
12/01/2021 9:38 am

Incidentally, it was nice to see Ken speak up to and delete some of the crap the White Board Whiners brought to his board. 

And on a lighter note, I’ve decided that their chief needs a new name - ‘Mongo’ doesn’t mock his pretentious nickname (already a mixture of Italian and Spanish) effectively enough.

To make it all Spanish, how about ‘Mierda Fuego,’ or ‘s—t fire?’  (Or, I suppose, ‘hot s—t?’)

The other possibility, less scatological, was transposing some letters and calling him ‘Fungo McGoo?’ 

Posted by Trish
12/01/2021 9:43 am

And then, of course, a certain individual had to bemoan all the deletions. Really? Purposeful breaking of the rules, targeting posters (while pretending to play nice sometimes), and just being ugly doesn't cut it. BTW I am continuing to seek some sort of admonition for SES who constantly tries to skirt the rules with a nasty mouth too.

Posted by Siagiah
12/01/2021 10:29 am

greenman wrote:

Sorry to hear about your terrible day, Sia. That does indeed sound awful, both the experience and the drive. I’m not fond of night driving myself.

Hope things get back to normal, or as normal as possible.

Thank you. I appreciate that. It's going to be a few days before I feel "right" again. That annoys me because I'm leaving for my daughter's house to look after the girls in an hour and I don't want any of my health distress to affect them in any way.

Posted by Siagiah
12/01/2021 10:32 am

greenman wrote:

Incidentally, it was nice to see Ken speak up to and delete some of the crap the White Board Whiners brought to his board.

And on a lighter note, I’ve decided that their chief needs a new name - ‘Mongo’ doesn’t mock his pretentious nickname (already a mixture of Italian and Spanish) effectively enough.

To make it all Spanish, how about ‘Mierda Fuego,’ or ‘s—t fire?’ (Or, I suppose, ‘hot s—t?’)

The other possibility, less scatological, was transposing some letters and calling him ‘Fungo McGoo?’


Ha ha ha ha ha... Yes, let's all do that! 

Posted by Siagiah
12/01/2021 10:38 am

Trish wrote:

And then, of course, a certain individual had to bemoan all the deletions. Really? Purposeful breaking of the rules, targeting posters (while pretending to play nice sometimes), and just being ugly doesn't cut it. BTW I am continuing to seek some sort of admonition for SES who constantly tries to skirt the rules with a nasty mouth too.

Yeah, you've got some "infections" there.  fungo mcgoo ALWAYS goes OTT sooner or later, so I'm sure that he'll annoy Ken enough to be fed up with him long term without ANY help from others.  It's just who he is.

SES is another thing entirely.  He hides most of his snark inside of posts so they don't show up on your radar unless pointed out. WHO has the time to weed them all out?  But he's getting increasingly bold, giving Ken crap now, so he may find himself in the hot seat soon enough too. He's SO arrogant and sure of himself that he'll go OTT sooner or later.

Patience is a virtue. LOL


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/01/2021 1:44 pm

How utterly easy is it to disagree with someone without disparaging and degrading them to where their humanity is stript away? In this case, disagreement became and was an invitation to write things to and about people cowards never say face to face. People hid and hide behind screens of names and anonymity to do it. They sought to do it almost every day, any time opportunity was presented. Even the simple appearance of a name they dislike and disliked was enough to draw immediate response and comment. Demeaning and disparaging posts crept right to the edge of TOS violations, where steps were made into violations as tests whether enforcement could or would occur, When warned, or removed, second hand complaints appeared here and there challenging moderation and disparaging it simultaneously. 

Disagreement with someone doesn't make them ignorant or stupid, and isn't cause to degrade, hurl insults, and call people names. I don't know who first said, "Don't you have something better to do?" Maybe something a parent would say to a misbehaving juvenile. It certainly applies here. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Ken C
12/01/2021 2:02 pm

Siagiah wrote:

I spent 7 hours with needles stuck in me at the infusion center and then had to drive home, a half hour on busy highways, in the dark when I can't see well at night and avoid driving after dark because it's too dangerous with my vision issues.   

If that happens again, maybe you can get a ride from a Taxi, UBER, or Lyft:


Posted by Siagiah
12/01/2021 4:53 pm

Ken C wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

I spent 7 hours with needles stuck in me at the infusion center and then had to drive home, a half hour on busy highways, in the dark when I can't see well at night and avoid driving after dark because it's too dangerous with my vision issues.   

If that happens again, maybe you can get a ride from a Taxi, UBER, or Lyft:


If only those were actual options.  I live in a VERY RURAL AREA. There is ONE taxi in a 30 square mile area and zero Uber or Lyft.  There are all 3 available in cities here, but not nearby. There is NO public transportation either. But thank you for the offered help.

There are private transportation services for elderly people, but I don't qualify. LOL


Posted by greenman
12/02/2021 1:31 pm

Assume this will get SES some sort of long-term banning, since defying Boss Ken is why I was removed for 7 months:

U.S. COVID death count since January 20, 2021 - 351,897 - SES December 2, 2021, 4:56 am
Warning for Ken (ADMIN) - SES December 2, 2021, 10:04 am
Warning for SES: - Ken (ADMIN) December 2, 2021, 9:49 am
How can the virus be shut down - Mike Scalese December 2, 2021, 9:02 am
It was similar a few years prior.... - Sprout December 2, 2021, 7:05 am

His whiny, demanding comment:

‘If you're going leave the following BLATANTLY POLITICAL POST up, or not at least even provide a WARNING, then don't tell me there's even one tiny bit of fairness on this Board:

Posted by Thrinaxodon on December 1, 2021, 1:27 pm:

"Just 24% of Americans want Roe v Wade overturned.

Not even most fascist GOP members want it lmao." ‘

Aww, not even one TEENY TINY BIT of faiwness, wittle fewwa?  lol

Last edited by greenman (12/02/2021 1:35 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
12/02/2021 4:56 pm

He knows the rule about NOTIFYING admin there via EMAIL.  He KNOWS that they both work and have other responsibilities so NEED posters to email them when violations happen. He's a complete JERK posting that remark, particularly after being scolded by Ken about his insults, political remarks, and such.

Posted by greenman
12/02/2021 5:02 pm

I knew he wouldn’t be banned.  Ken is scared to death of him.  It’s comical to watch.  Ken and Trish are reduced to trying to be nice to the nastiest troll on the board.

Do they not know he’s a wuss, and it’s all bluster?  I thought by now…

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
12/02/2021 6:40 pm

greenman wrote:

I knew he wouldn’t be banned. Ken is scared to death of him. It’s comical to watch. Ken and Trish are reduced to trying to be nice to the nastiest troll on the board.

Do they not know he’s a wuss, and it’s all bluster? I thought by now…

Ever notice roaches that scurry along a wall edge, running under and out from baseboards are harder to step on and kill? When you spray, and they scurry under, you miss. Roaches belong to the order Blatteridae. Some people are Blather-a-day. They run in and out seeking protection under the boards. When nobody looks, they take a $h!t that stinks up an entire thread. 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/02/2021 6:42 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
12/02/2021 8:13 pm

greenman wrote:

I knew he wouldn’t be banned. Ken is scared to death of him. It’s comical to watch. Ken and Trish are reduced to trying to be nice to the nastiest troll on the board.

Do they not know he’s a wuss, and it’s all bluster? I thought by now…


Well, the problem right at the moment is that Thrinxy DID make that post and Trish responded, in spite of it being obviously political. So, Ken can't really ban SES for his comments about it without it coming off as personal animus rather than for "rule breaking" because Thrinxy wasn't banned and Trish let it pass for some reason. Maybe she reacted too quickly without fully reading it? IDK?

It's a fine line thing. I didn't expect that he was going to ban SES for the snarky criticism even though he could, but SES deserves it for his never ending repeat violations.

No doubt SES's day is coming.  Ken tends to have an incredibly long fuse, but then he strikes when he's had enough. Trish has already reached her point with him.


Posted by greenman
12/02/2021 8:58 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

greenman wrote:

I knew he wouldn’t be banned. Ken is scared to death of him. It’s comical to watch. Ken and Trish are reduced to trying to be nice to the nastiest troll on the board.

Do they not know he’s a wuss, and it’s all bluster? I thought by now…

Ever notice roaches that scurry along a wall edge, running under and out from baseboards are harder to step on and kill? When you spray, and they scurry under, you miss. Roaches belong to the order Blatteridae. Some people are Blather-a-day. They run in and out seeking protection under the boards. When nobody looks, they take a $h!t that stinks up an entire thread. 


True enough!

Posted by Trish
12/03/2021 9:12 am

Yeah, I responded in Trish mind rather than moderator mode (I do try and keep them separate). Then I got distracted by an emergency deadline for one of my clients. By the time I got back to it, the damage was done. Sorry guys.

Posted by Siagiah
12/03/2021 10:16 am

Trish wrote:

Yeah, I responded in Trish mind rather than moderator mode (I do try and keep them separate). Then I got distracted by an emergency deadline for one of my clients. By the time I got back to it, the damage was done. Sorry guys.


Oh, Trish, you need not apologize to us. I was simply pointing out the sticky wicket of the situation. No biggie.

Posted by greenman
12/03/2021 10:51 am

Agreed. My comments are criticisms of the denizens of the board and its Moderator, not you, Trish.  You have a pretty thankless job, and most there don’t deserve you.

Posted by greenman
12/06/2021 7:27 am

Now Mongo F—wit is simply posting racist lies on Kenny Boy’s board, apparently.  This is disgusting:

‘NFL players shouldn't have racist slogans on their helmets.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on December 5, 2021, 8:15 pm

Several Denver Bronco players have "black lives matter" on the back of their helmets.

The NFL should have uniform standards for game attire.

BLM is a racist organization, and has no place in American sports.’

Mongo is a racist liar, and has no place on Boardhost.  He should be permanently removed.

Posted by Siagiah
12/06/2021 10:47 am

I reported it to Ken around 1AM this morning.  It was cleaned up this morning along with several other crappy posts.


Posted by greenman
12/06/2021 10:56 am

It’s good that you report them and they get cleaned up, but you know it’s just a game to him.  He gets his racist or political or hateful posts out there, then eventually they’re taken down (after everyone sees them) with little or no punishment.  He essentially trolls Ken’s board under his own regular nick.


Posted by Siagiah
12/06/2021 11:50 pm

greenman wrote:

It’s good that you report them and they get cleaned up, but you know it’s just a game to him. He gets his racist or political or hateful posts out there, then eventually they’re taken down (after everyone sees them) with little or no punishment. He essentially trolls Ken’s board under his own regular nick.



I agree.  I pointed that out to Ken before regarding both mongo and SES who each do exactly the same thing.

mongo also is a nick-stealer. He got booted for a lengthy time for that the last time. The problem is PROVING it. If it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, and walks like a duck, on R&E it's NOT a duck unless it is using the name "duck" and the usual IP of the duck..


Posted by greenman
12/07/2021 12:49 pm

His latest from the White Whine Board, as his filthy sycophants dance around him adoringly:

Hey, Trish, I see you are gunning for SES. I will be sure to let him know. - Mondo Fuego™ December 7, 2021, 12:33 am
I am quite sure he knows - Trish December 7, 2021, 8:32 am
Certainly he does... - Sprout December 7, 2021, 10:21 am
Oh, and that dumb-ass greenmonkey tattles everything that goes on here. - Mondo Fuego™ December 7, 2021, 11:11 am
The Blew Board is Illegitimate. Stolen from Trudy, then stolen from a dead man by Siaskovich - Mondo Fuego™ December 7, 2021, 11:07 am
Your deletion of posts has gotten quite out of hand. - Mondo Fuego™ December 7, 2021, 9:50 am
Don’t you love this whiny b@stard’s hypocrisy?  In the VERY SAME THREAD in which JooJoo’s Boy Toy brags about telling on Trish to SES (a pointless, childish threat in the first place, since all SES could do is whine to Ken), he calls me out for ‘tattling’ on him!  lol

Asses don’t get much dumber than that.  That is NOT the behavior of an adult man.

Calling you out, Mongrel, as the hypocrite, liar, whiner, troublemaker and downright phoney that you are.  The day you joined R& E was the day its decline began.

Take a running leap.

Posted by greenman
12/07/2021 4:53 pm

His ‘reply…’

‘I go there occasionally to see what the nasty people are up to.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on December 7, 2021, 1:11 pm, in reply to "You tattle on everything there too"

And, they continue to be nasty ... 12 pages of filth with hundreds of regurgitations.

Unlike your AH friends, I don't repeat anything they say on other boards. I don't really give a sh*t what they say on other boards.

But, they and YOU are targeting DFM, SES, me and others from my board, and they are busy copying posts from this and Ken's board.

That goddam greenmonkey is a sick bastard. I don't see how any of you can stand his stench.

You have made your own bed over there, so go lie in it.

In the meantime, you are also making Ken's board a nightmare.‘

Your own board isn’t ‘another board,’ you stinking idiot?  I’d love to hear you talk like that to my face, you Tennessee hillbilly goat-molester. And why pretend you care about ‘Ken’s Board?’  You’ve spent years abusing it (when you weren’t banned there).

The ‘stench’ on Boardhost has always come from one source - Mongo F—-wit alone. You, punk.  Why don’t you grow up and go elsewhere?  Or do you like being what you imagine is a big fish in a small pond, boy?


Last edited by greenman (12/07/2021 4:54 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
12/07/2021 9:31 pm

LMAO... What a wanker...

I guess he's got his britches twisted up more'n' a little bit.  Good.  I hope he's gotten himself all upset about it given that he's whining about it on his board.  He sure spends a LOT of time over here.  As I said, I KNOW how often he shows up here to see what's going on. LOL. It's a LOT. It's NOT "once in a while". It's EVERY DAY, usually more than once.

I've got news for him. The more he whines about The Back Alley, the more determined I am that it will NEVER be closed. Wait until True Grit gets a log in. LOL. Wanna see some STEAM coming out of mongo's ears?  I'll give one to KR if he wants it too.

I find it amusing that he thinks that I spend a lot of time on the boards. As you know, I am often tied up with medical appointments, regular, several hours long infusions, and taking care of my 2 little granddaughters.

Clearly, HE spends a lot of time watching to see what we do though. LOL. He hates it that he's unwelcome and will NEVER be welcome.


Posted by Siagiah
12/07/2021 11:47 pm

Here's more. After reading your post, I looked to see and found this:

I plan to use the DNR more, against the scumbags that you protect.  Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on December 7, 2021, 9:28 pm, in reply to "You make me laugh" There's hardly any point in conversing with Merlin further. He is a stuck record, you and Ken favor and protect him, and you delete my retorts to him. Why bother.

Mugwumps is next on my list. I think this is HH.

That's all for now.

Have fun in your Crack Alley with your dumb-ass, low-life thugs.

 LMAO... He thinks that Mugwump is HH?  LMAO some more.  It's SJW, mongo dumbass!   What a DOPE he is thinking it's HH. They aren't even remotely similar, aside of hating his guts.

Also, Merlin shouldn't waste his time jousting with mongo or even responding to him, but he NEVER attacks him or gets nasty/vulgar, while mongo ALWAYS does. THAT'S why his stupid responses get deleted. He's always nasty to people.

CLEARLY, he LOVES the DNR that he claims to hate. But only when HE is using it against people to silence them after attacking them.


Posted by Trish
12/08/2021 8:48 am

MEH - the more DNRs the less he'll clutter up the board. Love how he tried to play nice-nice, started insulting people, and then wonders why those people have said "enough". If he were not posting the things documented here, we would not be fighting back. Kinda simple.

Posted by Siagiah
12/08/2021 5:14 pm

His crap is also documented in all of the emails, along with everyone else's crap. But he far outdoes EVERYONE else.

Posted by greenman
12/09/2021 6:46 pm

Incidentally, Poppet, since Woodbine took the top of his board off, and I didn’t get a chance to reply:

1. You don’t run his board anymore than I do.

2.  As long as said board has no apparent rules,
I’ll respond as I see fit to any and all attackers I run into there.



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