Posted by greenman ![]() 11/14/2021 9:08 am | #301 |
They hate any kind of moderation of any board. GOG (posting as Gidgiddy) is on Woodbine’s board expressing thankfulness for lack of registration there. Their type can’t crap all over boards which require it.
One way you can tell a troll and/or problem poster, as I’m sure you know…
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/14/2021 5:14 pm | #302 |
Yeah, he was whining about that, except that it was KEN who removed it after I sent him emails about it.
Even so, mongo has NO BUSINESS posting criticism of R&E's mods/admin or how they moderate there. It's not his place and violates the rules((To report a violation, or for any questions or complaints, please email and Ethics BBS and and Ethics BBS )) It is normally removed so I have no idea why Trish even responded because Ken usually deletes it.
Anyone who bought into mongo's "kissing up to Trish" is a fool because even there it was obvious that it was nothing but an attempt to keep her there as he's got so few posters and hopes that she wouldn't remove more of his crap from R&E.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/14/2021 5:21 pm | #303 |
Weird, I wrote that days ago and it just now appeared?
Posted by greenman ![]() 11/14/2021 7:52 pm | #304 |
Less odd is that the sh!tweasel responded furiously on White Whine, as was predictable. The thread:
Hey, Trish, your stupid idiot friends, Madam and GreenWorm, say ... - Mondo Fuego™ November 14, 2021, 5:59 pm
Let's see, today at 6PM CST, we have 14 posters on page 1, and the Blew Board has 11 posters. - Mondo Fuego™ November 14, 2021, 6:04 pm
The baboon’s top post:
‘Hey, Trish, your stupid idiot friends, Madam and GreenWorm, say ...
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on November 14, 2021, 5:59 pm
... 'Anyone who bought into mongo's "kissing up to Trish" is a fool because even there it was obvious that it was nothing but an attempt to keep her there as he's got so few posters and hopes that she wouldn't remove more of his crap from R&E.'
Smooch! Smooch!
It isn't working. You are deleting the crap out of my posts over there because the love couple is whining behind the scene.
Do you feel like "I am keeping you here because I have so few posters"?
Let's see, today at 6PM CST, we have 14 posters on page 1, and the Blew Board has 11 posters. Madam is full of sh*t, as usual. [how many of his posters are sockpuppets?]
And, she and her boy-toy continue their secret crush, hidden under a dark, wet rock in the crack alley. Exceedingly strange sociopathic/psychopathic behavior.
You are always welcome to post here. I have never banned you or put you in time-out. You are one of the few sane people on the other boards. You would do well to distance yourself from madam and boy-toy. They are a serious detraction from your integrity.’
Says a weasel with ZERO integrity. Not only does he prove your point about his attempts to divide Trish from you and others on this board, but note how sexist and sexualized his response is? How he is trying to manipulate Trish here? He acts like a twisted little boy who doesn’t understand normal, friendly relationships between men and women. Who’s ‘psychopathic’ after all?
I have to wonder, is he at all a normal person, or is he more a weirdo with a mother complex like Norman Bates? Maybe inquiring minds down in Volunteer country should be searching his aging mansion on the hill…lol
Last edited by greenman (11/14/2021 7:55 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/14/2021 8:55 pm | #305 |
OMG, that's just TOO FUNNY... It's SO EASY to make him dance and SO PREDICTABLE. LMAO@him
We also have actual discussions on Blue.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/14/2021 8:56 pm | #306 |
Oops. It looks like I forgot to change the daylight savings time again.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/14/2021 9:13 pm | #307 |
Well, it won't update, so posts will be ahead an hour until I figure out why the forum refuses to update the time for daylight savings time.
Posted by greenman ![]() 11/16/2021 8:34 pm | #308 |
Mongo’s latest spew of vomit:
‘ ‘'T'was your Madam that said "he's got so few posters".
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on November 16, 2021, 5:38 am, in reply to "I didn't realize"
Ditsy ol' broad had lost contact with reality ... hate has rotted her brain.’
No one’s brains on Boardhost are as rotten as ol’ Mongo’s; I honestly think he’s in the early stages of senility. I’d be willing to bet that when he’s not shouting abuse at Merlin (or Sprout, or True Grit, or…) on Yellow, he’s on his porch with a rusty old unloaded shotgun screaming at kids to ‘GET OFF MY LAWN!’
Pathetic. Of course the hatred is all his, projected…
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/16/2021 9:58 pm | #309 |
LOL... Well, there's certainly SOMETHING wrong with him. It very well might just be dementia... or Alzheimer's even. He's as old, if not a little older than Joe Biden which is why I LOL about his comments about Biden being "senile", which, of course, he is not.
mongo's problem is that he thinks that he's special and he demands special treatment. When he doesn't get it, he seems to be convinced that's because someone else is getting it. It NEVER occurs to him that HE is the problem and what HE does is why he gets deleted or banned. It's always someone else's fault.
But then, who really cares all that much what he thinks or says? It's just amusing to watch him dance and get all upset about it.
Posted by Ken C ![]() 11/18/2021 1:32 am | #310 |
Rittenhouse Jurors Finish Second Day of Deliberations - Merlin November 17, 2021, 3:28 pm
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/18/2021 1:54 am | #311 |
Ken C wrote:
Rittenhouse Jurors Finish Second Day of Deliberations - Merlin November 17, 2021, 3:28 pm
- No doubt you are a total AH, I think. Wait! I know. - Mondo Fuego™ November 17, 2021, 9:20 pm
- Even if it is a unanimous decision - BornToFarm November 17, 2021, 6:07 pm
- Remember this from the trial? - TJ November 17, 2021, 4:33 pm
- Kyle Rittenhouse a hero? No, he was a callow, foolish boy who had no business being in Kenosha - Merlin November 17, 2021, 5:20 pm
- Screw ###### Davie Fwanch, and you are a total AH.
- Mondo Fuego™ November 17, 2021, 9:26 pm
- If the BLM protest was so violent why was Rittenhouse the only person to kill people? - True Grit November 17, 2021, 4:27 pm
- Cold blooded killer.
- Merlin November 17, 2021, 4:54 pm
- Two assholes of a kind. True sh*t and MerlieBoy. - Mondo Fuego™ November 17, 2021, 9:29 pm
Classic mongo. Vulgar, foul mouthed and arrogant with a total disregard for your rules and common courtesy.
He WONDERS why he gets deleted so often, more than just about ANYONE else? No one else wonders.
I've gone there less and less because I'm sick and tired of how horrible he is to anyone he disagrees with. He's WORSE than SES and that's a damned hard thing to do.
I'm not alone in that either. I got Christopher Blackwell to come back after leaving more than a year ago because of so much of that crap. I noticed last week him saying that he'll look in again in awhile to see if it's still as awful as it's been, with never ending attacks and arguments about the same things over and over and over again. He's just ONE who said it publicly. There are others. Shadow for one. Others haven't said so publicly, so I won't mention them, but any observant person can see who posts less and less or doesn't post at all.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/18/2021 10:55 am | #312 |
Local News: Ken Banned Me until after Thanksgiving; Madam Sia & Boy-Toy GreenWorm 11 Page "Romance"
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on November 18, 2021, 9:40 am
Ken banned me on the yellow board until after Thanksgiving for calling Merlin an "AH". I can't think of a more accurate description or I would have used it. Page after page is filled with that sociopath's redundant and boring NYT copy/paste articles on woke, white supremacy accusations, Rittenhouse-guilting and South-trashing, and Ken lets him run wild. Much of which Merlin posts is out of contact with reality, and he does this night and day just to attract attention. I kicked him off this board 2 years ago, not because he hates Trump, but because he posted 12 to 20 copy/paste articles a day on Trump-hating.
In addition to Merlin, Ken has added 2 more of our vile board rejects: KR and True Grit. It's beginning to look like a repeat offended colony over there.
Meanwhile, Madam Sia and her secret lover, Boy-Toy GreenWorm, have written 11 pages of love letters to each other bashing me, jb (Bauer), DFM, Deanna, SES and others. This, after someone accidentally deleted dozens kore nasty pages back in April. Hypocrite Sia accuses me of being "vulgar" for calling Merlin an "AH" when she is the past-master of vulgarity and vicious gossip. She continues her nearly 2 decade long hate for me for kicking her off this board long ago, and she continues to write about it. Sick woman.
Sadly, Ken has joined the "Crack Alley" over on the Blew Board. I thought he was above that sort of thing. It was enough just overly favoring his lefties on the Yellow Board and turning over control to a lefty who deletes posts by the dozen with a virtual fly swatter.
Just another day in boardland.
Were the Crack Alley not enough, she created a dozen or so pretentious topic boards focusing on subjects ranging from Politics, Religion and Ethics, the Sciences and Cooking to Philosophy. None of these additional boards have been used in a year or two.
In addition, she has published an "index" to some of her abusive Crack Alley posts.
Madam is a busy little beaver.
ROFLMAO@mongo. Not only is he a lying scumbag making unhinged accusations and assertions, but he's a pathetic whiner posting his personal gripes about well deserved actions taken against him all over his equally pathetic board as if ANYONE there gives a crap. TOO FUNNY.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 11/18/2021 2:23 pm | #313 |
Almost every "fight" on R&E and anywhere else on these Boardhost boards is repetative, incessant, repulsive, and wholly uninteresting. Instead of living up to higher standards, participants live down to low ones, and sometimes the bar is so low, worms can actually tunnel over it. If you miss a fight, not that they're not worth missing, you can read a recap of it somewhere.
Then there is also expectation and application of double standards. These come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. If one double standard doesn't fit, another might. Seems like they all get tried until the Bargain Bin is a disheaveled mess.
It is more than disheartening to watch post after post in disparagement and taunt of someone appear and be exchanged until they dominate a "discussion." They are discouraging. Even when I feel compelled to add my two cents, better judgement says to keep the change in pocket, for even two cents is a waste of good money on any one of these many hundreds of arguments.
It's like "How many farts does it take to stink up a room?" First, one must recognize his own don't smell bad to him. Or if they do, the offense is brief. Does it drift away, or do we get used to it? When there are two, stink is both unmistakable, and lasting. Consequently many threads might be better called sewage storage plants.
Ten species of farts are recognized. Fizz, fuzz, fizzfuzz, poop, antipoop, rattler, rumbler, bubbler, hummer, and tear-ass. In any thread of arguments, anywhere in the Kingdom of Boardhost, all ten may be in play at once. While farts are generally assumed 2B invisible, on Boardhost they're not. Are farts deadly? Three above are recognized as silent but deadly. They're so sharp, they cut right throug panties, briefs, jeans, trouses and skirts and don't even leave a hole. Sometimes they do leave a mark.
Is it better to use another sense in discussion of farts? For example, instead of "Look! He farted!" one could say, "Smell! He farted!" Or "Listen! He farted!" If you feel a fart, it darned well better be your own, otherwise the OP is much too close for comfort. As for taste of farts, to each his own.
Farts are wholly more interesting than fights. In dialectic pronunciation of certain regions, the spoken terms "fight" and "fart" are barely indistinguishable. "The faht began" said the Bostonian. "It was a li'l furt" responded the Texan.
If one feels a [strike]fight[/strike] fart coming on, the least he can do is stick his ass out the door and let it rip outside. Whether yours is the first, middle, or last, they all stink up the room and then some. In polite societies, when a <strike>fight</strike> fart begins or erupts, it is common courtesy to say "Excuse me!" Resist the tack-on for somebody you dislike, "Excuse me! I meant to $h!t!"
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (11/18/2021 2:32 pm)
Posted by Trish ![]() 11/18/2021 4:02 pm | #314 |
Pikes I love reading your posts. You missed a calling as a satirist. Fart is one of those words you can't really say among adolescents without getting a giggle. I once thought to write a list of fart divination meanings. I did not see what happened the night of the banning, but if Ken took action I can only assume it was bad.
I really don't know what to do anymore. I try to keep the flame wars from erupting. I endeavor to be clear cut with JB, but ya know how that goes. There are posts here and there worth exploring. I may start responding to them at the TOP of the board when they're buried under farts :-)
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 11/18/2021 6:21 pm | #315 |
Trish wrote:
Pikes I love reading your posts. You missed a calling as a satirist. Fart is one of those words you can't really say among adolescents without getting a giggle. I once thought to write a list of fart divination meanings. I did not see what happened the night of the banning, but if Ken took action I can only assume it was bad.
I really don't know what to do anymore. I try to keep the flame wars from erupting. I endeavor to be clear cut with JB, but ya know how that goes. There are posts here and there worth exploring. I may start responding to them at the TOP of the board when they're buried under farts :-)
Thank you. Satire-day Knight Live at your service. If farts produce giggles from adolescents, the r contingency on R&E should be awash in giggly laughter. However we know a vast difference exists between gaseous farts and the solid kind they frequently float in the pool.
I honored the non aggression agreement without exception, but lament and regret the kind of respect it allows isn't better and broader applied. One mean placed or mean meant provocation follows another. Furthermore, other efforts to find common ground and a place of agreement and respect with one or two others fell flat as a fathering flounder fart sandwiched between two stacked panes of glass.
Sooner or later children mature. Maturity might require seven or eight decades for some. Maturity isn't smart, knowledge, what you know or can do. It is how you respect and treat each other. Among human beings who regularly and routinely play with each other, only among petulant, spoiled toddlers do we see more petty little kerfuffles and acts of antagonism, and then only if space is too small, or the daycare provider only set out one toy with which to play.
How often do their diapers need changing? Depends. Oops.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (11/19/2021 11:15 am)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/18/2021 6:36 pm | #316 |
Trish wrote:
Pikes I love reading your posts. You missed a calling as a satirist. Fart is one of those words you can't really say among adolescents without getting a giggle. I once thought to write a list of fart divination meanings. I did not see what happened the night of the banning, but if Ken took action I can only assume it was bad.
I really don't know what to do anymore. I try to keep the flame wars from erupting. I endeavor to be clear cut with JB, but ya know how that goes. There are posts here and there worth exploring. I may start responding to them at the TOP of the board when they're buried under farts :-)
He posted it above what mongo posted all in one thread. It's the same sort of thing that he regularly posts, but all in one thread was obviously too much.
Mongo can also hope all he wants to that this board will just disappear, but it's NOT going to happen. He can stuff that wish where the sun doesn't shine.
If he doesn't like it, then he can stop coming here EVERY SINGLE DAY MULTIPLE TIMES to see what's been written about him. (He can try to lie about that, but it's permanently logged in the forum's database of visitors IPs, every single time he or anyone else shows up. Boardhost Forums have a BOATLOAD more features to them than their message boards do).
So, THAT is 100% on him and he ensures that posters on his board know about because he cannot resist posting about it. Half the time, we ignore what he posts about us as just more of his stinky noise. He NEVER ignores what's written about him when he behaves like a jack@$$. He more than deserves it.
Posted by Trish ![]() 11/19/2021 7:53 am | #317 |
I had to laugh this morning. Posters complaining about language.... have they even LOOKED at their own board?
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/19/2021 11:46 am | #318 |
Trish wrote:
I had to laugh this morning. Posters complaining about language.... have they even LOOKED at their own board?
Just c&p the post Ken put above full of mongo vulgarity. There are hundreds of them from over the last year on your board. He can deny it, but it's difficult to deny direct quotes from his posts removed for HIS VULGARITY. He deliberately types out the F word using the little trick to make it post ALL THE TIME on R&E.
BTW Pikes... FYI and FTR, Bostonians do NOT say "Faht" for both fight and fart. Faht is right for "fart", but Bostonians say FITE for fight.
Posted by greenman ![]() 11/29/2021 2:53 pm | #319 |
Mongo sure does love him some DNRs…
Thank you, Ken, for getting rid of pests. - Mondo Fuego™ November 29, 2021, 11:44 am
Thank you Ken for running such a great board. - True Grit November 29, 2021, 11:21 am
Mondo Fuego™ and True Grit have been added to the DNR list. - Ken (ADMIN) November 29, 2021, 10:57 am
If Kenny Boy really got rid of the ‘pests,’ Junior, you’d be first to go…lol
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/29/2021 11:06 pm | #320 |
WOW... I HATE having to have DNRs. I have three ONLY because jb, mongo, and SES are incorrigible and annoyed me no end every single time I posted. I would NEVER post there if DNRs didn't exist.
mongo LOVES them. He's the KING of DNRs. He uses them as weapons and then violates them by deliberately quoting those he has them with... So does SES for that matter.
IMHO, mongo AND SES should be gone gone gone and everyone else would manage to make it work without constant hateful posts.
Posted by Trish ![]() 11/30/2021 8:27 am | #321 |
If memory serves, Mondo fought tooth and nail against the DNR. He continued to make negative comments about it. So when he uses it, I can't help but giggle a bit.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 11/30/2021 10:56 am | #322 |
Siagiah wrote:
Trish wrote:
I had to laugh this morning. Posters complaining about language.... have they even LOOKED at their own board?
BTW Pikes... FYI and FTR, Bostonians do NOT say "Faht" for both fight and fart. Faht is right for "fart", but Bostonians say FITE for fight.
Thanks. I knew that.
I deliberately took some autistic lie sense and libterdty. I thought faht was fought. It was meant to be silly, I think. If I recall right, which I prolly don't.
I tire from all the fahting fite-ing fighting, fahrting. I generally don't read them when they begin, or inside. They truly are 'seen one you seen em all' material. They're not fun, not entertaining, not enlightening, not philosophical, unscientific, uncompelling, undignified wastes of time... Why can't the participants just leave it alone? Not seize the opportunity to waste space and time responding and find fault?
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/30/2021 11:57 am | #323 |
Ha ha. Well fought is FOT. No problem though.
Posted by greenman ![]() 11/30/2021 4:05 pm | #324 |
Siagiah wrote:
WOW... I HATE having to have DNRs. I have three ONLY because jb, mongo, and SES are incorrigible and annoyed me no end every single time I posted. I would NEVER post there if DNRs didn't exist.
mongo LOVES them. He's the KING of DNRs. He uses them as weapons and then violates them by deliberately quoting those he has them with... So does SES for that matter.
IMHO, mongo AND SES should be gone gone gone and everyone else would manage to make it work without constant hateful posts.
More evidence as to why Mongo should be banned:
‘Why are school shootings predominately in blue states?
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on November 30, 2021, 12:15 pm
Kind'a like looting, arson and murder.’
I know he’s a trolling asshat, but you just want to see the POS hate-crimed for s—t like that.
Last edited by greenman (11/30/2021 4:07 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 11/30/2021 7:24 pm | #325 |
Again, Kenny Boy…why is this POS on R & E when I was banned for a silly DNR fuss with GOG and for supposedly ‘offending’ you?
‘I'm glad I have a lot of DNRed Turkeys.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on November 30, 2021, 4:15 pm, in reply to "Hmmmm????"
All they do is strut around, go Gobble Gobble, and add nothing to the conversation.
A fargin' bunch of deadbeats.
One is so damn long winded, adds a lot of parenthetical expressions, delusionally thinks he's really smart, farts around a bit, then disappears for months.
One recent turkey is a redneck with poor English.
One has a degenerate paramour in a back alley.
One is an impetuous, lonely bloke across the pond.
One is a foul-mouthed hick who drives Jeeps.
Can you pick out who's who? They are almost indistinguishable.‘
Mongo is indistinguishable from any other nasty, bigoted flame troll. Why do you let him keep breaking your so-called ‘rules,’ Ken?
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 11/30/2021 11:43 pm | #326 |
DEE DEE DUM DUM violated her own DNR with that entire thread.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 11/30/2021 11:46 pm | #327 |
In the thread in question is post after post about how much more intelligent "Republicans" are than "loony lefties," "dimwitted democrats," "poor old disgruntled snowflakes," "run of the mill snowflake," "You all DNR we intelligent Republicans," "Poor things" "I hear your whine Karen, poor thing" "leftwing nuts," ... it goes on and on, and I must believe I am one of the pack whose collective IQ is about 68.
That entire thread is degenerate from beginning to end. There is no high ground in it anywhere. Any invitation for response was and became an opportunity for wholly and entirely political partisan insult in violation of almost every condition set forth in the expectations of personal conduct and decorum at R&E.
I try to avoid these fights altogether, inclusive of reading any posts. I didn't read them all. I read enough however. More than I wanted, when I'd rather not have read any. To "be man enough" to "talk" about my DNR is also a challenge that could not possibly have meant anyone else but me, and does everything possible to violate that agreement and those terms, except mention me by name... and my name was mentioned elsewhere in connection.
Meanwhile I see people I know and respect demeaned, degraded, disrespected and relentlessly attacked in dredge of the old tired bottom material that never dies. Names were and weren't mentioned, and they weren't necessary. Intent was all too clear. Like the many times before when I see these things ignite, I stood by in silence, letting that silence and refusal to jump in, dive in, and step in speak. Who listened?
Am I "man enough" to put it here, but not violate terms of a DNR and write about it there? Is that definition of a man, that matters? A person? The challenges and violations grow louder, more intense, and frequent, and while not directly named, there can be no mistake about implication.
Tonight was one of the most spectacular sunsets I ever saw. It is everything that thread is not.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 11/30/2021 11:54 pm | #328 |
Siagiah wrote:
DEE DEE DUM DUM violated her own DNR with that entire thread.
Looks like the WHOLE THING IS GONE NOW.![]()
Yep. All of a sudden, the entire piece is gone. Snap! Back to the nothing it always was.
How much time and energy did that waste?
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 12/01/2021 12:34 am | #329 |
I sent it to Ken & Trish an hour beforehand. I knew it was going buhbye so indulged in giving DeeDee DumDum some of what she asked for.
Of course it wasn't high brow in ANY shape or form and there's NO defense for indulging in giving her exactly what she asked for. But I'll give you an explanation, such as it is. I might have ignored it on another day. However, THIS day was awful for me and I'm wicked cranky. I spent 7 hours with needles stuck in me at the infusion center and then had to drive home, a half hour on busy highways, in the dark when I can't see well at night and avoid driving after dark because it's too dangerous with my vision issues. I had no choice, so I did the best I could, but it was a helluva nightmare. My husband was stuck at work because one of the guys broke a water pipe supplying water to multiple businesses and homes, so he HAD to stay until it was repaired and so he wasn't home to come fetch me and I couldn't get ahold of him as he'd accidentally left his phone in his vehicle. I couldn't stay to wait for him because they closed, so I had to figure it out and I did. UGH.
They were doing a new infusion with a new prescription for new medication that is normally a 4 hour infusion because one of my biologics just isn't working for me well enough. However, I suddenly had a severe reaction to it and had to be pumped full of prednisone and Benadryl to stop the side effect reaction so they could finish the Rituxan infusion and get to finally go home. All of that crap plus the heavy duty prednisone was bad enough, but I have paradoxical reactions to many meds, Benadryl for one. Instead of getting sleepy and mellow, I get wired, anxious, and wicked jumpy. So, combined with the rest of the day, it seemed harmless enough to unload on that frothing, mouth breathing moron with exactly what she deserved for that disgraceful, insulting, and DNR violating BULLSH*T since I knew it was all going buhbye soon enough.
It was obvious WHY she posted it. To cause trouble an to stick up for the idiot who runs the white whine trash-board. Thing is, she thinks that she's "so smart" but then she can't figure out why she got the responses that she did to what has to be one of the STUPIDEST questions imaginable.
So, what I'm saying is that I'm sorry for disappointing you, but I kinda sorta wanted to give her crap and I'm not all that sorry that I did it, other than being sorry for upsetting you. I might be more sorry for it tomorrow, but I'm not right now because I'm STILL very cranky and miserable and she deserved every word of it.
That said, she is completely wrong about her comments about people "being man or woman enough" to own the DNR crap. If I had my druthers, as the asker, I'd be FINE with my name listed first because I DID ask for the DNRs. I don't do things that I'm unwilling to own. Obviously. But that's NOT how it works so that's that. Same with yours and she KNOWS it. So it was completely pointless for her to complain about it on top of her ridiculously STUPID question that she somehow thought said what it did not say.
Anyway, that looks like a LOVELY sunset. I'd much rather have seen that than experience THIS day, but as I said, it is what it is and this too shall pass.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 12/01/2021 12:49 am | #330 |
The fact its all gone is for the better.
More than unfortunate after your day, you would be subject to that.
Of course "they" didn't know and could not know what kind of day you had,
or I had, or anyone had. Not that it matters, for when one has a crappy day,
of a fine day, for somebody else to crap on it with the petty, pointless content
that thread began with and declined is abusive.
It began with abuse and fomented abuse. Sole intent was the illicit exchange of
abuse. I saw the thread when it was one post, and even though I was mentioned by name,
I had no interest or intent to respond. I didn't think about how it violated the DNR, because
I just don't think about the DNRs. But in the 20/20 vision of hindsight, since the thread
began with that, it was prudent to obliterate all of it. Good riddance.
The sunset was over 14,203' Mt. Princeton west of Buena Vista.
A few minutes later, it was this:
It was 66F today. Supposed to be 71F tomorrow. No snow in sight.
Our conductor submitted a letter of resignation. Bad things are happening.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (12/01/2021 12:55 am)