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Posted by Siagiah
10/25/2021 1:04 pm

In fact, he DOES check it religiously.  LOL.  If you want to know how I know, I'll clue you via email. 

Posted by greenman Online!
10/25/2021 4:12 pm

Oh, and when you’re evaluating DFM in future?

‘IMHO, Trump is the greatest president since JFK.

Posted by DFM on October 25, 2021, 1:07 pm, in reply to " Evil Cults that Convinced Idiots that They Are the TRUE Religion." ‘

Nutty as a fruitcake.  Seriously, he went badly wrong somewhere - probably why Zionist Boy demanded that these boards be referred to as ‘the Blew [sic] Board.’

Posted by Siagiah
10/25/2021 4:20 pm

It's a shame.  He used to be rational and reasonable.  That ended some time ago. IMHO, he's unstable. Sometimes he seems reasonable and other times he's just plain NUTS!

What bothers me more is that he is downright callous and doesn't appear to have an ounce of empathy, concern, or compassion for ANYONE outside of his immediate circle.

It  boggles my mind how cold he so often is.


Posted by greenman Online!
10/25/2021 7:47 pm

This boggles my mind:

‘Yes it does …

Posted by Mondo Fuego* on October 25, 2021, 12:18 pm, in reply to "That ,leaves you out. LOL ;-)"
… because I always keep my gun loaded so I don’t have to check it. I can see those beautiful brass quintuplets peeking out at me from their cylindrical crib, reassuring me of their readiness. They are my “sleeper cells”.   

What about you? Do you periodically check to make sure your pistol is full of water?’

…and suggests a deeply disturbed individual, one who fetishizes firearms (and considers them equivalent to harmless toys?) Glad I don’t live in his house or neighborhood, or town…

Posted by Siagiah
10/25/2021 8:10 pm

What a douche

Posted by greenman Online!
10/25/2021 9:12 pm

‘The answer is "no". Just 'Woodie arrogant incopetence.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 23, 2021, 11:57 pm, in reply to "Apparently there were some union types who walked off the set just before it happened"

The assholes in 'WoohHood think they own the world. Truth is their art is dead and they are hawking credit cards and drugs to stay afloat.’

The almost insane hatred of Hollywood comes out over and over…I guess it’s how they think, but given that their hero is a failed TV reality show star, it makes you wonder…smh

Posted by Siagiah
10/25/2021 9:35 pm

Is there ANY MORE DOUBT that he comes here REGULARLY to see what's being posted so he can copy and whine about it?  LMAO. 

He simply cannot resist and runs back to his nest with the "rat poison" and posts it.  LMAO.


Posted by greenman Online!
10/26/2021 10:51 am

More proof today, although I won’t post it. One of Mongo’s sockpuppets, or perhaps sycophants, ranting about ‘Crack Alley.’  And yet, we over here are the supposed ‘haters.’

And of course they never come over to see what’s said about them so that they can take it back and paw over it with their fellow hyaenas. 

Sure they don’t…  lol

ps - reply post incoming in 5, 4, 3…

Posted by greenman Online!
10/26/2021 12:39 pm

Latest burst of absurdity, showing his absolutely dishonest nature.  This of course characterizes most of his posts on Yellow, which consist either of personal abuse, politics, or self-worship:

‘It is absolutely amazing that the anti-gunners don't appreciate gun safety education.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 26, 2021, 11:58 am, in reply to "It's remarkable that they have so little to discuss over there that"

But, they love Hollywood using guns (without adequate gun safety measures).

Quite a paradox.

Oh, well, "stick to your guns".’

Um. Dumbass.  Not ONE of those things is remotely true. Like almost everything you post. Like almost everything you believe. Like your ‘knowledge’ of what public schools teach. Like your ‘knowledge’ of green technology.

Now call me names again from the safety of your sh!tboard, you yokel.  C’mon, boy!  You know you want to!  lol

Posted by greenman Online!
10/26/2021 6:35 pm

I guess he decided to go back to Kenny’s board and abuse posters there.  Why not, Kenny Boy won’t do anything - he thinks that ‘Mondo posts many intelligent comments!’

See his ‘intelligent posts’ below…

H L Mencken on Freedom of Thought: For KR and the other totalitarians - DFM October 25, 2021, 10:20 am [abusive lie by David, BTW]

Not relevant. - KR October 25, 2021, 10:35 am

Go back to bed. - Mondo Fuego™ October 26, 2021, 9:21 am

Fake News Enabler - KR October 26, 2021, 11:33 am

A ssho le - Mondo Fuego™ October 26, 2021, 3:15 pm

Violations of board rules over, and over, and over again.  Attacks on posters, some profane.  Attacks on mods.  Political posts. Whiny complaints about others’ alleged political posting.

Damn, they really broke the mold before they made Mongo!  lol

Last edited by greenman (10/26/2021 6:37 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
10/26/2021 11:08 pm

He's a predictable IDIOT. 

Posted by greenman Online!
10/27/2021 9:41 am

Speaking of, I am no longer posting to Thrinaxodon.  I’ve had more than enough of her abuse, hysteria and at times, outright lies.  I’ve been called both a ‘Nazi’ and a ‘racist’ on Woodbine’s board by her, and a ‘dick’ and a ‘racist’ on the Blue Board, and I’ve had it.  I NTRed a couple of posts, but will just ignore them moving forward.

I won’t defend an hysterical idiot troll anymore, even on the rare occasions she’s right about something.  Like petting a dog and having it turn and bite you.  Done.


Posted by greenman Online!
10/28/2021 2:36 pm

SES still not listening to or following the rules, just doubling down on racist BS:

‘Probably caused by the Left's 24/7 effort to make Blacks fearful of the Police.

Posted by SES on October 28, 2021, 12:10 pm, in reply to "Trooper Charged With Murder in Death of Girl, 11, in a High-Speed Chase"

What father, with his two kids in the car, argues with and then runs from the Police?

This is what happens when people do nothing but posts stories about the miniscule number of incidents involving bad Cops. It gets people killed.

Oh, but saying "Masks don't work" gets deleted.‘

It got deleted because it’s misinformation, asshat. And it doesn’t have anything to do with racist attacks on victims of police violence, either.  And also,attacking ‘liberals’ violates the TOS.

What a scumbag.  Let’s see if it gets deleted.

Posted by Siagiah
10/28/2021 6:41 pm

Last night he called Ken C a "Karen" for scolding him for his repeat vulgarity.  He's really something.  What a nerve.

Posted by Poppet
10/29/2021 5:33 pm

greenman wrote:

Speaking of, I am no longer posting to Thrinaxodon. I’ve had more than enough of her abuse, hysteria and at times, outright lies. I’ve been called both a ‘Nazi’ and a ‘racist’ on Woodbine’s board by her, and a ‘dick’ and a ‘racist’ on the Blue Board, and I’ve had it. I NTRed a couple of posts, but will just ignore them moving forward.

I won’t defend an hysterical idiot troll anymore, even on the rare occasions she’s right about something. Like petting a dog and having it turn and bite you. Done.


I saw the ban notice, and I went ahead and did some clean-up for you (since you were busy with family business...a far more important and satisfying activity!).

Posted by Siagiah
10/29/2021 5:49 pm

Most appreciated.  I deleted something like 60 posts but it was piecemeal getting them all as I had to read them be sure they were part of what needed to go.  It was UGLY... Very, VERY ugly what went down between her & greenman.  If she didn't EXPECT to be banished for the crap she posted, then she lives in la la land.  While it takes two to tango, SHE instigated it all and kept taking it to worse and worse levels AFTER being told that she was out of "lives" and NOT coming back the next time she got herself booted.

I was FURIOUS at her because it was SO BAD, so I had to keep wiping them out one at a time for 2 flipping hours while the girls were napping and then eating so I wasn't taking their time to get rid of it all since it was continuing to grow exponentially in the meantime.


Posted by greenman Online!
10/29/2021 6:33 pm

Poppet wrote:

greenman wrote:

Speaking of, I am no longer posting to Thrinaxodon. I’ve had more than enough of her abuse, hysteria and at times, outright lies. I’ve been called both a ‘Nazi’ and a ‘racist’ on Woodbine’s board by her, and a ‘dick’ and a ‘racist’ on the Blue Board, and I’ve had it. I NTRed a couple of posts, but will just ignore them moving forward.

I won’t defend an hysterical idiot troll anymore, even on the rare occasions she’s right about something. Like petting a dog and having it turn and bite you. Done.


I saw the ban notice, and I went ahead and did some clean-up for you (since you were busy with family business...a far more important and satisfying activity!).

Thanks for your thoughtful reference there, Poppet.  I suppose I could’ve done nothing while this trolling trash continued to attack me, y’know, waited for someone to come along and scrape the dog crap off the sidewalk, so to speak.  But no one was, so I had a little fun with the poster. Perhaps the board needed a little excitement.

Probably a bad idea to let extremists and trash spam the board without simply clearing them off in the first place;  but again, not my problem.  I always prefer sitting around and just watching some creep call me a ‘racist,  a ‘transphobe,’ a ‘Nazi’ and so forth over and over while waiting for Admin to show up. Eventually it happened, so we’re all good.

Maybe coming into it nobody knew what an asshat Thirinaxodon truly was.  My only regret is defending her, briefly, from criticism.


Posted by Siagiah
10/29/2021 7:33 pm

Was that going on earlier today when I responded to your email about it?  I hadn't had time to look at the board other than the very top posts when I responded to you so didn't know there was the stuff that I later deleted.  I thought there was only a sprinkling, which is why I asked you to send me links to them so I could get rid of them quickly when I had a chance to.  I had NO IDEA it was what it was like when I got a few minutes to look and then spent the next 2 hours deleting them one by one as I read them.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/29/2021 11:08 pm

Sorry I missed the fight, and was unable to help clean up. Must have been a barn burner.
A few smoldering embers remain. Should I extinguish them, or just leave them to become cold ash? 
We rarely have to do that. So rare, I need to review procedure in case it flares up again.
I withdrew my offer to make peace as it was predictably ignored. I am grateful I still have
my hand too.  


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/29/2021 11:10 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
10/30/2021 1:22 am

Cold ash is fine unless they are particularly egregious. 

No problem on missing it.  It wasn't something anyone would WANT to see. LOL. Thankfully, my daughter arrived while I was feeding the girls so I had some time to do some clean up.  Then Poppet finished it off.

You're right about no having to do clean up nowadays.  It's been so long that I'd all but forgotten about how much work it can be to determine what should go and what can stay without destroying the flow.


Posted by greenman Online!
10/31/2021 3:50 pm

The obsession continues:

‘He is a complete idiot.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 31, 2021, 12:46 pm, in reply to "I am sure he will over time"
Someone is dead as a result of his stupidity and incompetence.

Anti-gunners should never be allowed to touch a gun.

Hollywood is dead. Nothing worthwhile there any more.’

No, what he IS is a Hollywood actor and victim of a tragedy, which scumbags like you use to make cheap political points out of envy, and adoration of your Dark Lord Trump.

‘Anti-gunners should never be allowed to touch a gun’ is more of your gun-lust and gun-envy on display, little boy.  Go watch ‘Casablanca’ and stroke your favorite revolver.

Nothing worthwhile being typed online by you, chump.

Posted by Siagiah
10/31/2021 6:36 pm

Nothing mongo writes is of the slightest import. That he believes otherwise is extremely amusing and so it's occasionally fun to poke him with a sharp stick.

Posted by greenman Online!
11/01/2021 10:36 am

Absolutely true.  I’m sure his visits continue and he continues to work himself into a frenzy of hatred and resentment. 

After all, that’s what his board basically stands for…lol

Posted by Siagiah
11/01/2021 11:37 am

He's so desperate for attention that he makes crap up to get it. Truly pathetic.

Posted by greenman Online!
11/01/2021 2:07 pm

Look at this post in defense of racist white murderer Dylan Roof, and white supremacists in general:

‘You don’t miss a beat to run innocent white people down.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on November 1, 2021, 11:28 am, in reply to " Charleston church massacre victims settlement is a symbolic blow to White supremacists"

You and your commie media rags.’

Fascistic, murderous, and blatantly racist, a new low for this flaming bag of dog poo.  Instead of a fake (tm) after his nick, he should put a swastika.  Why would a decent board allow him to post there?

Posted by Siagiah
11/01/2021 4:45 pm

He's a monster. No doubt he sympathizes with Dylann Roof rather than with his victims. 

Disgusting! Not surprising though.


Posted by greenman Online!
11/09/2021 1:14 pm

Not on that board.  Noted this top thread today while passing by:

Alec Baldwin Suggests Solution To Stop Gun Accidents On Movie Sets - Merlin November 9, 2021, 7:44 am

Movie sets would be safer without SmartAlec Baldwin. - Mondo Fuego™ November 9, 2021, 9:47 am

How about having RATIONAL safety procedures? In other words, use common sense. - DFM November 9, 2021, 9:47 am

The right to bear arms forbids any such restrictions. - Merlin November 9, 2021, 9:53 am

Certainly NOT. You live in an all-or-nothing world. Do you have any common sense? - DFM November 9, 2021, 9:59 am

That is a ridiculous statement that could come only from an anti-gunner nut. - Mondo Fuego™ November 9, 2021, 9:58 am

He is also a Climate Change Crackpot. - DFM November 9, 2021, 10:00 am

Great idea! Police can arrest the person on the spot! - Pikes Peak 14115 November 9, 2021, 8:48 am

Mongo and Davy add SO MUCH to the general thoughtfulness and civility of the place, don’t they?  And I love climate-change crackpot DFM accusing others of the same…lol

Last edited by greenman (11/09/2021 1:15 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
11/09/2021 6:44 pm

mongo & SES have taken the civility level on R&E down so far that I'm afraid there's no going back. Every single thing that Merlin, KR, TG, and others post is ridiculed and suggestions made that it shouldn't be there. That's mongo's attempt to push people to leave R&E. WHO does he think that he is to constantly trash people, break rules, criticize mods, and complain constantly when his crap is deleted because it's either nasty, political, or out of line? mongo even repeat posts things deleted.

SES brings in the excessive vulgarity and pure hatefulness. 

The hatefulness is infectious and just getting worse.

and both mongo & GOG can't resist running over here to read everything we write and then run back to white whine to whine about it because there's NOTHING they can do about it.  LOL.  Must suck to be so impotent because they care SO MUCH that they can't resist constantly checking.

Posted by greenman Online!
11/13/2021 1:41 pm

Note that, after kissing up to Trish a few weeks back (part of his effort to divide his perceived ‘enemies’), Mongo F-wit reveals his true self when the rules are enforced against him:

‘I see "mommy" grasshopper is busy protecting her baby boy today.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on November 13, 2021, 10:32 am

Heh heh heh.’

Apparently he’s referring to some actions taken against him for crapping all over Merlin’s thread…smh


Posted by Trish
11/14/2021 7:39 am

Funny that he thinks all the deletions are mine. Also, a sock puppet (prolly Mike) decided to chime in on my calling out JB for lying about posters yet again. Somehow it's akin to picking on him. It's not. I simply won't abide willful lies.


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