New discussion thread for "grousing about" and letting off steam

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Posted by greenman
10/18/2021 8:07 am

There’s one way to stop seeing any posts from me here referring to yourself, Mongo: STOP ATTACKING PEOPLE.  Your own awful behavior gets you commented on, you pathetic loser, and nothing else.  And then you’re like those idiot Tennessee foo’baw fans over the weekend: you see me post and you lose your s—t and start throwin’  stuff.  It’s really kinda funny.

ps - talk about living in someone’s head rent-free…

Posted by greenman
10/18/2021 4:32 pm

How nice…the wretched turd has more thoughts to offer…

‘A simple message to BlewBoarders [sic] ....
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 18, 2021, 2:08 pm
... I really don't give a damn what you do ... you are going to do it anyway ... it is a terminal illness ... you simply cannot control it ... you have been doing it for years ... there is no vaxx for it ... so, own it and live your lives of silent desperation, cowering feverishly and hoplessly in a dark corner.


Love it when he pretends he doesn’t care…MAUAHAHAHAHA!!

Posted by Siagiah
10/18/2021 9:31 pm

He LOVES strife.  He DELIBERATELY broke the truce/peace.  He knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he went on the attack against you & I on his own board after Trish scolded him for his behavior on R&E. He cannot handle being expected to follow rules and he simply cannot stand not being in the middle of some idiotic battle with somebody.

If he's not trashing someone else, he's bragging or begging for attention.  He thinks that he's so much more cultured and educated than everyone else, not realizing that most just roll their eyes at his bragging nonsense and lame attempts to dazzle. 

Even his ridiculous header with the long list of names of posters, some of whom are long dead, most of whom are LONG gone, or who seldom ever showed up to ever be considered "regulars" is intended to impress folks as if his board is "so popular".  IF it once was (and THAT is a stretch), it sure as hell ISN'T NOW, so all he's doing is pointing out how DEAD it is now.  LOL. It never meant anything anyway.  I recall the first time I posted on his board, at Dain Ironfoot's invitation... I posted ONE response to something he'd posted and then left.  When I returned several months later, again at Dain Ironfoot's invitation, I was shocked to see "my name" in the header after ONCE posting a single sentence response.  I laughed out loud at the lunacy of adding me to the list of "regulars".  He's even added Pikes even though Pikes has NEVER once posted there.


Posted by Trish
10/19/2021 7:24 am

I don't like giving up, but I draw the line at being lied about repeatedly and coyly insulted (as if I am stupid enough not to notice) among other things. Here's the thread that broke the camel's back - no need to rehash it.

Posted by greenman
10/19/2021 8:57 am

Sad.  Just sad.  I really don’t care anymore, and would just as soon ignore the ravings on either board.  I’m attempting to train myself to completely ignore both, since one is saddening and the other, grotesque.

Why torture myself?  No good reason.

Posted by Trish
10/19/2021 4:15 pm

I know I have my "who gives a frigg" cape here somewhere ....

Posted by Siagiah
10/19/2021 8:48 pm

As annoyed as I am about it all, I also feel sad about this failure because Pikes so WANTED it, let go of his righteous anger to try to accomplish it, and has been heavily invested in its success.  This is a profound disappointment for him, let's not forget that.

As expected mongo failed to live up to the truce agreements from the get-go. Except with Pikes, for what should be obvious reasons.  (Pikes has a slam dunk lawsuit against him for libel, online stalking, and harassment)


Posted by Siagiah
10/19/2021 11:56 pm

Oh look, NOW he's really gone off the deep end!  HE is the one who is BEYOND EVIL --- calling me a MADAM (MULTIPLE TIMES NOW) as if I'm running a brothel and keeping "boy toys" ??  BULLSH*T !!   That kind of thing is HIS PROVINCE... HIS KIND OF LIFESTYLE, NOT MINE. HE'S the kind who is into trading wives and husbands  and who frequents that type of scene.

F*CK HIM. He's lower than pond scum. Gloves are OFF.

And clearly, he's JUST LIKE tRUMP with his transactional "friendships" that he refers to as "deals".   THAT is what "friendship" is to him -- A DEAL-- and, according to him, it's too damned bad if others have expectations that he not trash their friends or behave like an AH to them all the time.

THAT.IS.NOT.NORMAL.  Normal people aren't friends with someone who is hateful and nasty to their other friends and demands a clear path to continue it else the "deal is off".  WTF??

As for how his board members treat each other (he claims it's "well"), it's obvious that several aren't considered part of the board.  The ones who AREN'T treated "well".  That's what's wrong with his entire board... It's HIM and how he perceives the world and how it works amongst people.  It's perfectly fine for "his pals" to attack and shred those they consider "outsiders".  No wonder he has to invent more sock puppets to get the appearance of any new blood there.

Clearly, he doesn't get it that Trish & Ken don't like how he interacts with Merlin and others there.  He thinks it is none of their business how posters behave on R&E or if they don't approve of it.  WOW.  They should just suck it up because HE believes that there should be NO RULES on any boards --- for HIM... But others, well, that's a different story.

Little does he know how much he revealed about himself with these words. 


You are not banned here...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 19, 2021, 1:47 am, in reply to "As much as I hoped otherwise it is obvious"...

you are welcome here.

You have just let yourself become a victim of codependence orchestrated by a very wicked madam and her shrimp boy-toy. The sooner you realize that, the freer you will be.

She is beyond evil.

And, for heaven's sakes, quit worrying about Merlin and me. We will take care of our own issues.

One more thing. If friendship comes with forced terms of accepting a six-pack of other renegades who hate me, I don't need it. I will make my deals with one person at a time with zero add-on conditions, or there will be no deals. You will note that I didn't add additional conditions to my deals. There are some folks in your circle that I want nothing to do with, so they will never be any part of any deal.

I can walk away from the whole scene because I don't get much from it.

I love Poppet, and I want to stay friends with Pikes, Ken ... and you. It's a 2 way street.

BTW, I love the people on this board. We treat each other well.


Posted by greenman
10/20/2021 7:43 am

As funny as it may be to hear ME say this, I would try to ignore him as much as possible, Sia.  I’m annoyed by his nonsense too, but he’s obviously trying to divide us all.  Look at him talking about how ‘welcome’ Trish is after the way he’s treated her, how he ‘loves’ Poppet (surprised to hear him admit to that obsession) and how he’s made up with Pikes, all while smearing us.  Divide and conquer, favorite tool of manipulators everywhere.  Which is all he is.

He’s a turd.  Flush him.

Posted by Siagiah
10/20/2021 8:18 am

greenman wrote:

As funny as it may be to hear ME say this, I would try to ignore him as much as possible, Sia. I’m annoyed by his nonsense too, but he’s obviously trying to divide us all. Look at him talking about how ‘welcome’ Trish is after the way he’s treated her, how he ‘loves’ Poppet (surprised to hear him admit to that obsession) and how he’s made up with Pikes, all while smearing us. Divide and conquer, favorite tool of manipulators everywhere. Which is all he is.

He’s a turd. Flush him.


When you're right, you're right! Thanks for the reminder!

Little does he know, but his division attempts aren't working, nor will they ever work, because we aren't sociopaths who have transactional friendships like him.

BTW, he doesn't "love Poppet".  She's useful to him and until she isn't, he'll pretend to be her friend. Let her cross him in ANY way, and he'll immediately turn on her, spewing awful crap revealing his REAL thoughts.  He's done it way too many times to ever believe otherwise. In fact, he did it just a couple of months ago. SHE smoothed it over and he dropped his hate again.  For now.  That's how he operates. He "loves" NO ONE.


Posted by Trish
10/20/2021 8:37 am

I think all of us here have had our moments with each other, but nothing so nasty and manipulative. We found our path through and stuck to it afterward. I respect each of you for different reasons, and appreciate the support you've shown me (I don't think I've said that enough)

Posted by Siagiah
10/20/2021 9:17 am

Trish wrote:

I think all of us here have had our moments with each other, but nothing so nasty and manipulative. We found our path through and stuck to it afterward. I respect each of you for different reasons, and appreciate the support you've shown me (I don't think I've said that enough)


Backatcha Trish... You have been a good friend too!

Posted by greenman
10/20/2021 12:01 pm

OK…I didn’t want to do this, but this is ridiculous:

‘I have an idea:

Posted by Ken C on October 20, 2021, 11:31 am, in reply to "Oh, look, the Rabid Squirrel has gone Nuts."
You should have a rule similar to what DFM has on Ideas for America:

★ Complaints, problems, feuds, etc from other BBs are not allowed. Stay on Topic. Post gripes about other boards on those boards.

Blue Board forums should have a rule like that too.‘

I have an idea, too:  maybe you should run your own goddamned board, Kenny Boy, instead of worrying about others.  Especially when the guy you’re posting to is your own single biggest problem…and when the POST YOU ARE REPLYING TO is a vicious personal attack on Sia and myself.

Last edited by greenman (10/20/2021 12:22 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
10/20/2021 1:42 pm

WOW, Ken said that and nothing about mongo's vicious and absolutely untrue attacks? That is disappointing.

FTR, that rule IS in effect on the Blue message board. There's a reason why it's only allowed here and nowhere else.

Mongo spouts off on his own board against us all the time, so why should we not have an outlet for our anger at his lies and attacks? No one HAS to read here to enjoy our message board. One has NO CHOICE on his.

Also, every comment here has been the result of HIS horrible behavior.  No one here has ever been the instigator.

Posted by Ken C
10/20/2021 4:18 pm

greenman wrote:

I have an idea, too: maybe you should run your own goddamned board, Kenny Boy, instead of worrying about others.

Greenman, I don't call you "greenie boy".  Please stop calling me "Kenny Boy".  Based on how many times you have posted in this thread, it seems like you are spending more time worrying about other forums than I am.

Siagiah, I'm sorry if I offended or disappointed you.  I would understand if you were upset about something I said, but here you are upset because I didn't say something.  That seems unfair.  I have a full time job.  I have hobbies and a bicycle that requires maintenance.  I don't have time to condemn all the attacks or correct all the lies on these forums.  

Posted by Siagiah
10/20/2021 4:56 pm

Ken C wrote:

greenman wrote:

I have an idea, too: maybe you should run your own goddamned board, Kenny Boy, instead of worrying about others.

Greenman, I don't call you "greenie boy".  Please stop calling me "Kenny Boy".  Based on how many times you have posted in this thread, it seems like you are spending more time worrying about other forums than I am.

Siagiah, I'm sorry if I offended or disappointed you.  I would understand if you were upset about something I said, but here you are upset because I didn't say something.  That seems unfair.  I have a full time job.  I have hobbies and a bicycle that requires maintenance.  I don't have time to condemn all the attacks or correct all the lies on these forums.  


Ken, I am well aware of your time restrictions.  I expect nothing from you or anyone else in that regard. That's hardly reasonable to expect someone to correct every vicious lie a liar spouts off.

My disappointment was that you DID respond to an extremely hateful and vicious attack - full of flat out LIES and outrageous accusations that you know are wrong, but chose not to say anything at all about that, instead criticizing us for not having a rule on our message board that we DO, in fact, have on our board.

The Back Alley is the only place where posters are allowed to say anything they want to and NO ONE has to come read it because it's NOT on the main board, so they must go out of their way to see it. Plus, it's ALWAYS in response to something crappy he or someone else did somewhere.  There are NO preemptive attacks.


Posted by greenman
10/20/2021 4:58 pm

Get bent, Ken.  You’re not my friend.  Go play with Mongo.

Posted by greenman
10/20/2021 5:53 pm

Another Mongo sockpuppet (‘watching’  and ‘two cents’ are both sockpuppets, proving that his claim never to use sockpuppets on his own board is a lie):

‘Irrelevant , The woman fabricated a board

Posted by watching on October 20, 2021, 4:49 pm, in reply to "I have an idea:"
In which soul purpose is to attack , criticize , insult , and hurt others.

Hatred in ones soul stirs strife = Animosity = unforgiveness = mental disorders.

It would be my guess that she is on several types of medications for this mental disorder. Which is very sad indeed.’

To which I repeat, you little b!tch:

“There’s one way to stop seeing any posts from me here referring to yourself, Mongo: STOP ATTACKING PEOPLE.  Your own awful behavior gets you commented on, you pathetic loser, and nothing else.  And then you’re like those idiot Tennessee foo’baw fans over the weekend: you see me post and you lose your s—t and start throwin’  stuff.  It’s really kinda funny.

ps - talk about living in someone’s head rent-free…”


Posted by Siagiah
10/20/2021 10:32 pm

He's clearly just looking for attention and didn't get ENOUGH from real people, so made some extra ones up.  Big yawn.

I'm tired of his nonsense.  He's an absolute, egotistical  idiot who is SO not worth the bother.  He will get what's coming to him, he's not fooling anyone.


Posted by greenman
10/21/2021 9:24 am

‘So not worth the bother’ is so right. I apologize for breaking my own resolve, and will try to do better.  Their board is its own punishment, and theirs.

Posted by Siagiah
10/21/2021 12:35 pm

Agreed!  We ARE better people than him so shouldn't lower ourselves to HIS depths of depravity, although it can be difficult when he goes overboard with provocations.

It must suck to be as needy for approval and adoration as he so clearly is.  He thrives on attention of any kind. Depriving him of it is the best course.

He is SO dONALD tRUMP's apprentice... LOL


Posted by greenman
10/21/2021 2:52 pm

To complain about something else for a change… GOG is offering, over on Woodbine’s board, another batch of reasons most don’t want him as a poster.

He’s currently spamming threads as Adjudicator, Lilibet, and Blarney’s Stoned, if not more nicknames.  The usual stuff…himself, his precious Vaxx fantasies, and personal criticisms.  And fake religious entreaties.

Definitely one of the most annoying ever.  Really out standing in his field…LEFT field.

Posted by Poppet
10/21/2021 5:28 pm

greenman wrote:

To complain about something else for a change… GOG is offering, over on Woodbine’s board, another batch of reasons most don’t want him as a poster.

Yep: I made the right call when I decided no longer to to go there...

Posted by greenman
10/23/2021 9:03 am

Poppet wrote:

Yep: I made the right call when I decided no longer to to go there...

Can’t blame you.  I like Woodbine and one or two posters, but it’s so infested with trolls and fake nicks you either don’t know who you’re talking to, or don’t want to talk to them.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/23/2021 12:26 pm

greenman wrote:

Poppet wrote:

Yep: I made the right call when I decided no longer to to go there...

Can’t blame you. I like Woodbine and one or two posters, but it’s so infested with trolls and fake nicks you either don’t know who you’re talking to, or don’t want to talk to them.

Obscenity is when a poster, banned for excessive abuse of others, terms of service, and dangerous foment of lies, returns under another handle to continue and carry on, often even worse. It is as if to say, "I'm in your face and there's nothing you can do about it." Poppet did something about it. So did we through registration. Stopt it cold. Do these trolls need to be named? Hardly. Their posts sooner or later reveal their identity. One leapt onto opportunity to comment on my inflatable doll, like I need or have one. In response I produced an obscene Schrader valve and stem, and asked for inflation directions. Obscene drawing? No. Provocative. Lies are obscene, and posts beginning with false handles are obscenities. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/23/2021 12:27 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
10/24/2021 12:45 pm

Nothing like, in the wake of a human tragedy and ongoing investigation, seeing two idiots ranting and raving about how ‘it was all Baldwin’s fault, he needs to be taught a lesson’ because said actor Baldwin mocked their idol Donnie Trump, or has spoken out against American gun violence. 

Really makes you aware of the cowardice and obsessive political partisanship of the losers in question.  Idiot 1. ‘Teach him a lesson, ‘woodies [sic] are losers!’  Idiot 2. ‘That’ll teach him to point guns at people!’

Talk about clueless…

Posted by greenman
10/24/2021 6:10 pm

A dumbass doubles down:

‘Beyond irony.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 24, 2021, 2:48 pm
A dumbass anti-gunner idiot kills someone with a gun without checking to see if was loaded with live ammo.

Baldwin is a total jerk.’

Someone needs to explain to this jerk:

1. The meaning of irony.
2. How prop use works on movie sets.
3. That an innocent woman died, tragically.
4. What human decency is.

Of course, it wouldn’t do any good…

Posted by Siagiah
10/24/2021 8:20 pm

mongo is one disgusting piece of work.  No surprise that he's being hateful and unreasonable towards Baldwin.

I'm also not surprised that Sprout added his two cents to it.  He loves to pontificate without taking into account actual circumstances that make situations not so black'n'white.

Jerks, the both of them as well as the other AHs on White Whine who are no doubt spouting off similar crap.


Posted by greenman
10/25/2021 12:15 pm

Their ‘expertise’ is solely oriented toward trying to make hated Hollywood (or ‘ ‘Woodie,’ snicker) types, especially Baldwin,  look bad.

I doubt you-know-who knows a Glock from a glockenspiel…

Posted by greenman
10/25/2021 12:43 pm

LOL!  Now he’s spewing gun ‘expertise’ and continuing to use his silly, made-up term ‘Woodie.  Hilarious…and he claims he almost never reads this board!  He probably checks it all day long, every day.   He’s SO easy to bait.

Bet the only ‘woodie’ he gets is when he looks in the mirror…lol

Last edited by greenman (10/25/2021 12:55 pm)


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