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Posted by Siagiah
10/06/2021 8:27 pm

WHY on earth does he keep claiming that The Back Alley was "annihilated on April 16th because Trish deleted HER post that took out the giant thread? ONLY THAT THREAD was deleted and it was an ACCIDENT.  She thought she was just removing HER posts, not realizing that deleting the lead in post took it all out.  She certainly didn't mean to do that.  But The Back Alley has been there all along.  He also KNOWS he's LYING that he "just found it" because he's fussed about it between last April and now more than once.  Such a lying AH. Plus, his IP is all over StatCounter reports.

Making peace is always a good thing, but HE never REALLY makes peace with anyone.  He backstabs using proxies when he supposedly makes peace. Been there, done that so damned many times that I'll NEVER buy it again.


Posted by Siagiah
10/06/2021 8:45 pm

greenman wrote:

Mongo accusing me of making a silly, mocking post to him? What else would ‘it’s not easy being green’ mean?

Me Mongo. Me have tiny schlongo. - Mongo October 6, 2021, 4:31 pm

It's not easy being green. - Mondo Fuego™ October 6, 2021, 5:10 pm

Not my address, anyway. And I don’t use proxies, unlike him. Also, if he’s targeting me, he’s breaking the rule against posting about banned posters…


I don't know who that is, but someone using the name Phantomio registered on Blue with that IP address.

In any case, I reported it to Ken & Trish for removal.  It's obviously a troll.


Posted by Trish
10/07/2021 6:27 am

I am pretty sure HH was F***ing around and using other people's handles the other day. 
He's sloppy, which in a way is a good thing. 

Posted by greenman
10/07/2021 11:50 am

The final word (hopefully) from Mongo F—-wit, who has followed Pheoma’s lead and is pretending that he’s won something in this blowup which he started.  This is the last I intend to post of his vicious, hateful drivel, lies, and personal attacks.  Or look at his vile board full of dirtbags, for that matter..

‘Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 6, 2021, 6:02 pm, in reply to "You own him, don't let him own you"

about people with whom they have not had contact with in years and will never have contact with in the future.

People in mental institutions eventually get over their hallucinations and phobias ... not those two. She has been at it since 2008, when I booted her off the board this board for constant attacks against Deanna, Aurora, Sophia and others.

She and greenman are permanently banned from this board, and Ken banned him permanently from the yellow board. She ha DNRed just about everyone on Ken's board, so I don't know why she bothers to post there. The only people who post to her there are on her threaded board 24/7. It's like calling yourself on the phone. It's funny that she is trying to get Trish to patch up things with "Sir Real". If he is smart, which he appears to be, he won't have anything to do with her. She is boring at her best, and outright dangerous at her worst.

I see greenie got all defensive after trashing you. I'm glad you confronted the little jerk. He's like that cowardly cartoon character that slinks away sheepishly when confronted. "Just a little joshing back and forth there, no idea what you mean about ‘bait.’" ... No offense." Sure: No idea! He knows he was caught red-handed.

I hadn't visited that hell hole since someone deleted the "back alley" on April 16. I looked two days ago only to find what I suspected ... 7 hate-filled pages about me, GOG, SES and others.

Thanks for a great day of entertainment.’

A tissue of lies, obviously.  He hadn’t visited here?  Lie.  ‘Caught red-handed?’ Lie (I simply respected Pheoma a lot more than Mongo, and was puzzled why he’d take his side).  Sia ‘DNRd everybody’ on Kenny Boy’s board?  Lie.  ‘Booted Sia off my board?’  Lie.  I’m ‘cowardly’ and avoid confronting Mongo?  Lie.  I was booted from his nasty board for confronting his multiple sockpuppets.

And so on.  You get the idea, and know who and what Mongo is.  Obviously his pretense of ‘reporting’ this board to Boardhost was another feeble lie, which I should never have believed.  Good one, old boy!  You really fooled me, bet that was quite a thrill…lol

Bye, loser.

Posted by Siagiah
10/07/2021 10:34 pm

No doubt, if he DID report us, they'd be far, far more interested in the CRAP that goes on with mongo's board and his personal posts on other boards.  That's if they even care AT ALL.

I wasn't worried in the least because I KNOW the T.O.S. very well and make sure that our board follows it to the letter.  That's why the introductory post on Blue details the T.O.S. so everyone knows what they are as well as our rules.

It won't be the final word from mongo.  It never is.  But if he's willing to STFU with his ugly, nasty hatred for awhile until he falls off his own wagon again, then that's a good thing.


Posted by Siagiah
10/07/2021 11:23 pm

Well, if THIS don't beat all !! mongo increasing KR's "time out" significantly for making a snarky comment to him on ANOTHER BOARD (R&E)... What a joke! It is OBVIOUS that it is nothing but a personal vendetta that has little to NOTHING to do with KR's behavior on white whine. After all, the RWNUTS over there can say and do whatever they like, nasty, vulgar, idiotic, fake news, etc. without the slightest squeak from mongo. Let KR let loose with his form of snark and mongo is UPSET and BANS HIM. Then INCREASES it for something posted elsewhere. 

Such thin skin, BLATANT unfairness, and outrageous hypocrisy!

It is a non issue to smart people.
Posted by KR on October 7, 2021, 5:50 pm, in reply to "Just because it is a "non-issue" to you ..." 

Glad I could clear that up for you.

By the way… not posting on your board has given me much more time to report months of COVID and Vaccine misinformation to Boardhost. Thanks for that.


It has also earned you additional months of time-out without pay.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 7, 2021, 7:34 pm, in reply to "It is a non issue to smart people.

Keep it up. We will really miss you.

You will probably wear out your welcome over here too with your SMART remarks.


Posted by Siagiah
10/07/2021 11:46 pm

Oh, and he's REALLY CHANGED ... BULLSH*T !!  It's also a blatant DNR violation!

I know what it is.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 6, 2021, 7:15 am, in reply to "Sir Real - I have a message for you"
 I hope he doesn't fall for it. It's a trap.

Posted by greenman
10/08/2021 10:51 am

I’m amazed that KR lasted as long as he did there.  Unlike me before I got kicked off that board, though, he wasn’t getting into onboard fights, just posting one-liners - most of them recently just iterations of ‘fake news’ and mostly directed at GOG’s pandemic insanity. I suppose that bought him some tolerance.

He must’ve known, though, that threatening to report GOG’s nonsense to Boardhost would set off Mongo, and it did.  Not surprised that he added on more time off, in much the same whim-based way as I had my already unwarranted 7-month ban made permanent on Yellow. Some board operators are just power-mad dictators at heart.

As to DNRs, well, we know he only ever used those to serve his own purposes…

Last edited by greenman (10/08/2021 10:54 am)

Posted by Siagiah
10/08/2021 11:18 am

I am delighted to report that Sir Real ACCEPTED my request to drop our DNR.

Thank you Trish!


Posted by Siagiah
10/08/2021 11:30 am

greenman wrote:

I’m amazed that KR lasted as long as he did there. Unlike me before I got kicked off that board, though, he wasn’t getting into onboard fights, just posting one-liners - most of them recently just iterations of ‘fake news’ and mostly directed at GOG’s pandemic insanity. I suppose that bought him some tolerance.

He must’ve known, though, that threatening to report GOG’s nonsense to Boardhost would set off Mongo, and it did. Not surprised that he added on more time off, in much the same whim-based way as I had my already unwarranted 7-month ban made permanent on Yellow. Some board operators are just power-mad dictators at heart.

As to DNRs, well, we know he only ever used those to serve his own purposes…


KR at least offered some resistance to the echo chamber.  Apparently, now Trish fills that position enough to let him get rid of KR for awhile. 

PATHETIC really.


Posted by Poppet
10/08/2021 5:51 pm

greenman wrote:

I’m amazed that KR lasted as long as he did there. Unlike me before I got kicked off that board, though, he wasn’t getting into onboard fights, just posting one-liners - most of them recently just iterations of ‘fake news’ and mostly directed at GOG’s pandemic insanity. I suppose that bought him some tolerance.

To be honest, that's (mostly) all KR has ever done there: troll the arch-conservatives.  It works a treat, too, as they seldom fail to rise to the bait, although their reactions had become quite a bit less vociferous for a while, and largely as rote as the trolling posts to which they were responding. Even GOG caught on  and started replying with one-liners of his own. Probably the end of an era, although given how little effort it is to just troll people with one-liners, KR might start back up again. The threats of reporting of dangerous COVID misinformation to Boardhost, while virtually guaranteed to result in a ban, did represent actual participation (of a sort), and even demonstrated a sense of responsibility, as that nonsense might indeed buffalo a gullible person. I should probably have a chat with Mondo about that, as he and I both know full well that reporting stuff to Boardhost is about the biggest waste of time imaginable.

Sorry to see all this inter-board nastiness start up again. This crap just drains away all desire I have to even check in, to be honest.

Posted by greenman
10/08/2021 6:25 pm

I’m done with it, personally.  While it may be entertaining to get into these little blowups with the boards’ more prominent asshats, it’s ultimately pointless.  I don’t plan to ever be on Mongo’s or Kenny Boy’s boards again, for very good personal reasons as well as because they’re both pretty worthless.

I like the flakiness of Woodbine’s board (and occasional football talk), and politics and such on Sia’s well-moderated board.  The rest?  They can take a running leap.

Posted by Siagiah
10/08/2021 10:00 pm

I, too, am very tired of it.  It's disturbing to constantly see unpleasant B.S. dished out and the degree of it just seems to increase when certain individuals show up. If that would stop, I'd be delighted. I really hate being at odds with people and witnessing them constantly attacking other people.

Truth be told, I have ZERO interest in being friendly with mondo ever again.  I've been burned so many times that I just don't want to waste my time putting effort into it again because I already know that he cannot be trusted. He COULD prove me wrong, but it would take a VERY LONG TIME given how many times I've seen this very same show, only to see it blow up every single time. It also isn't going to be easy to get past some of the deliberate cruelty that he's dished out to me.  I am naturally very forgiving and willing to start over with people, even multiple times, but I cannot tolerate being deceived or someone using sock-puppets to attack, all the while pretending to be "friends" and lying about it when caught. Especially, using my friends and family to try to hurt me.  THAT is unforgivable!

HOWEVER, I'm perfectly FINE with the concept of  "live and let live", just not bothering one another -- which I'd hoped that a DNR and not engaging him would accomplish.  Obviously, that wasn't anywhere near as effective as I'd hoped.

At this point, as far as I'm concerned, PEACE between us is easily obtained by him simply leaving me alone and not constantly trashing me or encouraging others doing it, and behaving decently to other posters instead of how he currently behaves towards certain people. His endless attacks on people he disagrees with is just as objectionable to me. 

If THAT crap stops, I see NO reason why we can't all co-exist without unnecessary nastiness.

So, okay, I'm good with a truce, but I expect him to honor the terms.


Posted by Trish
10/09/2021 6:47 am

All I want for Christmas ♫ ... I think if the nastiness stopped for an extended period of time (meaning no sly mentions either LOL) we might even see some people return. I miss many of them. 

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/09/2021 6:50 am

That's my goal. We may not be able to mend hurt dished out over a long time, coupled with manipulations, deceptions, betrayal, false identities and other erosions that led to persistant, consistent personal attack, disparagement, flame wars, high and low blow pot shots. A few posters may be entirely uninterested in any kind of a cease fire, or peace. Maybe over time, in the right environment, that may soften. Those posters may be encouraged to contribute something positive. But if we don't make the effort, and set the example, nothing will happen. At the very least it may give a poster cause to pause, stop and think before submission of a low blow shot anywhere within "reading distance" and risk identification as "the one who ended the cease-fire and truce." 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Poppet
10/09/2021 7:55 pm
#226 just never ends.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/10/2021 11:01 am

Poppet wrote: just never ends.


I believe it will if we all want it badly enough. If people are in a habit of posting angry, vitriolic posts, they do. If we can produce and maintain another habit long enough, that may become dominant... at least for a while. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
10/12/2021 10:42 am

On the lighter side, what’s not to love about this exchange between Trish and jb on Yellow?  He never changes…or learns anything. 

Buddha in His Words: - jb October 11, 2021, 6:01 am

of the four essential texts which is this? - Trish October 11, 2021, 10:04 am

i don't think those are the four essential texts. quote some of them. - jb October 11, 2021, 10:07 am

So you haven't studied much. Here, "study" more! - Trish October 11, 2021, 11:36 am

i didn't study essays but Buddha's Holy Books. - jb October 11, 2021, 5:49 pm

so what were your studied texts if not the four I listed - Trish October 12, 2021, 4:48 am

HOLY BOOKS - jb October 12, 2021, 5:27 am

You couldn’t make this up…

Posted by Trish
10/12/2021 3:07 pm

I am not snipping, yelling, or putting him down in any way other than to turn him back on his own words for explanation. Specifity, my dear Watson. I know he won't change, but I keep hoping someday he'll understand he doesn't have all the answers (nor do I)

Posted by greenman
10/12/2021 4:03 pm

Oh, absolutely.  Your posts were proper and right on the money, asking smart questions.

Posted by greenman
10/14/2021 5:36 pm

Mongo lets his agenda slip: liberal nations need ‘speech control!’ 

DFM made some foolish post about ‘bow control’ in Norway after someone murdered several people with arrows (typical response from the more dimwitted type of gunner) and Mongoloid responded thusly:

‘Then speech control.

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 14, 2021, 1:49 pm, in reply to "Norway clearly needs bow control lelgislation, right?"
Government: [dopey meme]

What it does to sheeple: [another dopey meme]

Hmmm: [pro-gun meme]’

But certainly not a political post, right Ken?  No mentions of Trump, Republicans or Democrats! smh

Last edited by greenman (10/14/2021 5:37 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
10/14/2021 9:07 pm

It was certainly a dumb post, but it was only borderline political as far as making a complaint about it.  IMHO, obviously, YMDV.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/16/2021 6:44 am

How long did the cease fire last? Three days? 
They're back at it, shinging slit at and about each other. 
Poppet is right. Why bother? Disappointing. 
Are any of these "politicians" or "their issues" worth the fight and nastiness we seem unable to resist toward each other? After all, none of them give a flyin' flip about any of us, or our concerns. Why do we waste so much time and energy carring their baggage? 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/16/2021 5:50 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
10/16/2021 7:59 pm

But you do know WHO started it, right? 

What's ridiculous is that politics are NOT allowed but that doesn't stop some folks.  They constantly try to sneak 'em in, along with certain ones' potty mouths, deliberate provocation of multiple posters, and altogether NASTY SELVES dumped on everyone who doesn't immediately agree with them. 

It's VERY tiring and disheartening.  Obviously, some want others to leave THEM alone but they refuse to give the same in return.

I want you to be right and to get what you hope for.  I just don't have much faith that you will.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
10/17/2021 6:29 am

Almost no opportunity for sarcasm appears passed. 
If a single salt crystal of politics passable through a shaker hole
can be added to a soup, conversation, or topic, it is.
Both are topical drug word addictions. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Trish
10/17/2021 7:42 am

see my posts this am. I am actually going to talk to Ken. If people refuse to try and improve the tenor of the board, and abuse it by sneaking in all matter of little "salts" I think we need to give it a deadline. I would miss the idea of R&E but it is nothing like it used to be, and I am rapidly losing any iota of hope it can ever be fixed.  I can spend time with y'all instead :-)

Posted by greenman
10/17/2021 4:33 pm

Whiny boy’s reply:

‘It's because they attack me first here ... If they would STFU, I wouldn't give them the time of day

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 17, 2021, 2:26 pm, in reply to "Mondo: Please avoid chasing around Banned Posters"
Why didn't you call out the "all other posters" by name?

Always looking for an opportunity to jump my case and ignore the real offenders.

If they keep up their ankle-biting here, I will just DNR them. Howzat?‘

Amazing that some still think this punk is an adult male. Comical…lol

Posted by Siagiah
10/17/2021 9:48 pm

WOW... Now that's just too funny.

Posted by Siagiah
10/17/2021 9:51 pm

Trish wrote:

see my posts this am. I am actually going to talk to Ken. If people refuse to try and improve the tenor of the board, and abuse it by sneaking in all matter of little "salts" I think we need to give it a deadline. I would miss the idea of R&E but it is nothing like it used to be, and I am rapidly losing any iota of hope it can ever be fixed.  I can spend time with y'all instead :-)

I just have to wonder what it's going to take for Ken to finally put his foot down to stop people from trashing his board.  He's put a lot of years & effort into his board and it would be grossly unfair for him to lose it because of AHs who simply refuse to behave or follow his clearly spelled out rules.

Posted by Siagiah
10/18/2021 1:04 am

Well, the 10 day TRUCE IS OVER... He's bubbling over with LIES, DIRECT INSULTS, and deliberate MISREPRESENTATION in his newest attack!

There are not 8 NEW pages. He ALREADY complained about the 8 pages before the agreed upon truce on Oct 8 (which I KNOW that he saw since he pops in here regularly - his IP shows up in the stat counter reports EVERY WEEK).  There's barely a half page of new posts and most don't mention him at all !!  He NEVER stopped his nasty behavior, but NOW, he's gone all out to attack and LIE about me AGAIN and I'm SO DONE WITH IT !!

I agreed on Oct. 8th to a truce if he met the conditions outlined:

At this point, as far as I'm concerned, PEACE between us is easily obtained by him simply leaving me alone and not constantly trashing me or encouraging others doing it, and behaving decently to other posters instead of how he currently behaves towards certain people. His endless attacks on people he disagrees with is just as objectionable to me. 

If THAT crap stops, I see NO reason why we can't all co-exist without unnecessary nastiness.

So, okay, I'm good with a truce, but I expect him to honor the terms."

CLEARLY he has NOT met those conditions AT ALL. He NEVER stopped attacking Merlin, greenman, and several others, including me in his repeated sneaky DNR violations... But NOW, he's decided to directly slam me again.  So, I'm DONE and that's on HIM. This is EXACTLY what always happens every.single.time an attempt to get along with him is attempted or a truce is agreed upon. He got scolded on R&E for his awful behavior and so he strikes out at everyone else, AS USUAL. I'm not at all surprised, but it's still sad because it's something that Pikes has very much wanted.


I see I am still living rent-free in Blue Board heads ... What's with them?
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 17, 2021, 5:42 pm
Edited by board administrator October 17, 2021, 6:10 pm 

8 new pages of filthy venom after someone accidentally deleted the original vermin back on April 16.

8 friggin pages, dozens of posts per page.

I can hardly squeeze off a post before the green village idiot copies it and pastes it on their Back Alley. He obviously lives and breathes the opportunity to exist vicariously thru my posts ... prolly takes his tablet with him when he goes to the bathroom. Sick, I say!

And the house madam prattles on as she has been doing for years after I kicked her off this board back in 2008. I don't have a damn thing to do with her for over a decade, and she still trashes me daily. That's some kind of misguided hate in want of psychiatric therapy.

I don't know why any of the others hang there ... it's 99% madam/greenie verbal intercourse. He's her boy-toy.



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