Posted by Trish ![]() 10/01/2021 2:14 pm | #151 |
Pikes your assessment is spot on. The on-going "food fights" and snitty comments get tiresome.
As for time, I'm not sure why you )Greenman) are laying into Sia. She's kept helping me A LOT, and I appreciate her keen eyes. Sometimes you do have to read every post because the lead is fine but sneakiness ensues. Then there are the unending handle changes. As for DNR YES we do have to take care of that if someone breaks it.
And of course life doesn't come to a screeching end because I'm moderating. Dogs need out, husband needs coffee, I need a pee break. Sheesh.
<wiping my feet at the door>
Last edited by Trish (10/01/2021 2:15 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 10/01/2021 5:06 pm | #152 |
Not attacking anyone, just offering some ideas and thoughts. As I’ve said before, I have no horse in this race. Best wishes to anyone who has to deal with that board, no offense intended.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 10/01/2021 7:43 pm | #153 |
In education we had one particular kind of student called a puppeteer.
S/he led others to misbehave, and then sat back to watch those others get into trouble, while s/he escaped notice. Puppeteers seemed to work in concert with Tattlers; small children who exploited any opportunity to tattle on another child s/he didn't like.
Puppeteers and tattlers are obvious on R&E.
They are the chief reason we required individual registration for group admission.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 10/01/2021 9:36 pm | #154 |
Who fits in which category?
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 10/02/2021 12:51 am | #155 |
He never changes. He LIES non-stop. He peeks in here REGULARLY. HE is the troll. They are names I've matched to HIS IP back on Webapps. Also, he's had PLENTY of nasty crap to say about us. Plus, I wasn't banned from his board, I left it voluntarily in 2008 when I'd had my fill of his and others there dumping their never-ending B.S.
I thought the Blue Board War was over ... Nope! Just as nasty as ever:Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 30, 2021, 6:49 pm I haven't said anything on this board or on any other board about the Blue Board or its members since April 2021, when someone deleted hundreds of nasty posts about me on their "Back Alley" board.
Took a look at the Blue Board "Back Alley" today and found 5 pages of vitriolic posts about me, SES, GOG and jb:
64 nasty references to me as "Mongo".
27 other references to me as "Mondo".
The main perpetrators are Sia and greenman.
They whine about posts by SES, GOG, jb and me on Ken's board. Sia whined that we have pretty much run her off there. Funny thing ... she has DNRed all of us and nearly everyone else on Ken's board ... looks like she has run herself off ... or at least painted herself into a corner.
They whine about posts on our board. What do they care? They don't post here ... because they can't ... they have been banned permanently. Nobody here ever mentions them.
They claim I use sock puppets on my own board, such as "sarge", "slick", "concerned" and "Fred Sanford". I know who all 4 of these posters are because I have access to their IPs ... the latter 3 are the same person as another poster here. I have known the first poster "Sarge" for 2 decades, back when Galadriel had a Voy Board. I would prefer that they stick to one name, but I don't have a lot of unnecessary rules here. We operate at the intersection of democracy and anarchy ... virtually total freedom ... which includes freedom from vitriolic posters.
Sia was banned here almost 15 years ago. Deanna knows all about it ... Sia attacked her, Aurora and others here on a daily basis.
greenman has been permanently banned from Ken's and our boards.
Maybe Sia and greenman will get over their compulsive sickness some day. They need professional counseling. I can't help them, and I am over having anything to do with either of them. They made their bed ... they can wallow in it.
Posted by greenman ![]() 10/02/2021 7:27 am | #156 |
LOLOL! I’d bet I know why that appeared.
I offered to step out for awhile on Woodbine’s board due to some stuff going on, mostly Mike Scalise’s appearance as Public Enemy. Then another troll appeared mocking me very childishly for ‘leaving,’ first calling himself ‘It’s Me’ and also using ‘LOL’ and LOLOL,’ both known Mondo sockpuppets (he used to use them to attack me on his board, though he lies and denies it). Woodbine deleted most of those. I asked one of these if it was Mongo, and whether he’d been reading the Back Alley again, so he probably rolled right over to find out what people were saying about him here.
I thanked his sockpuppets for appearing, and told everybody they were the product not only of an adult, but a pretty old guy at that…
The post you quote is the usual tissue of pompous, indignant lies sprinkled with a little truth. No wonder he loves Trump, their ‘character’ is virtually the same!
He’s so proud of kicking you and I off that s-—y board of his, Sia, but I for one wouldn’t post there for money. What a sick bunch of losers the core group is…
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 10/02/2021 9:51 am | #157 |
greenman wrote:
LOLOL! I’d bet I know why that appeared.
I offered to step out for awhile on Woodbine’s board due to some stuff going on, mostly Mike Scalise’s appearance as Public Enemy. Then another troll appeared mocking me very childishly for ‘leaving,’ first calling himself ‘It’s Me’ and also using ‘LOL’ and LOLOL,’ both known Mondo sockpuppets (he used to use them to attack me on his board, though he lies and denies it). Woodbine deleted most of those. I asked one of these if it was Mongo, and whether he’d been reading the Back Alley again, so he probably rolled right over to find out what people were saying about him here.
I thanked his sockpuppets for appearing, and told everybody they were the product not only of an adult, but a pretty old guy at that…
The post you quote is the usual tissue of pompous, indignant lies sprinkled with a little truth. No wonder he loves Trump, their ‘character’ is virtually the same!
He’s so proud of kicking you and I off that s-—y board of his, Sia, but I for one wouldn’t post there for money. What a sick bunch of losers the core group is…
Except that he DIDN'T "kick me off". He blew up when I turned on him after he screwed me over with the rest of the Blue Board mods. He made that claim a few years later and has stuck to it since. Everyone who was there then KNOWS it's a lie. I left there because I discovered that mongo was the troll attacking me while pretending to be my friend. I was already ready to walk because of SMartin, Deanna, Aurora, Shadow, and a few others whose names I've forgotten, who were SO NASTY to me all the time that I was constantly at odds with them. I'd had my fill, THEN discovered that it was mongo behind the worst attacks as a TROLL on his own board.
He's a lying AH, always has been. He CAN'T be trusted. I have NO DOUBT that it is HIM behind the random snark dished out to Pikes even now because that's how he operates. He uses sock puppets to attack his supposed friends because he's too much of a coward to use his own moniker. That's incorrigible. I've proven to Poppet that it was HIM behind attacks on her over the years. Ditto Pikes and others. No one actually TRUSTS him because they know exactly what he is, so everything is a shaky situation when it comes to him. HE may believe otherwise, but he believes WRONG.
That's funny about the Woodbine situation. I'd wondered what went down when I saw a few odd posts there.
mongo reads the back alley REGULARLY. I'll tell you how I know that privately, however.
As I've stated previously, I voluntarily dumped his board and would NEVER return for any reason whatsoever. He cannot be trusted and his board is a SEWER. I don't understand why ANYONE goes there.
You're entirely correct that he's just like tRUMP. Egotistical, "entitled", arrogant, FAKE, insecure, an attention wh*re, and a big fat liar.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 10/02/2021 11:11 am | #158 |
At a glance, R&E is something of a pissing-on contest. Reading in depth confirms that. I generally steer wholly clear of that, with no comment. I am trying to uphold my commitment to ease and diffuse hostilities in hopes the example takes root. A thread by the "wrong person" is followed by N ridicule, and/or N accusations of political content. These are the bulk of threads and posts on R&E. Truly you can say "read one, you've read them all." Both antagonism and response need to come to a halt. How hard is it to say, "I choose not to respond to this?" and then do it. I have patience, but also lost interest in R&E. Lately I read or glance and that's about it.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/02/2021 11:48 am)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 10/02/2021 12:17 pm | #159 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
At a glance, R&E is something of a pissing-on contest. Reading in depth confirms that. I generally steer wholly clear of that, with no comment. I am trying to uphold my commitment to ease and diffuse hostilities in hopes the example takes root. A thread by the "wrong person" is followed by N ridicule, and/or N accusations of political content. These are the bulk of threads and posts on R&E. Truly you can say "read one, you've read them all." Both antagonism and response need to come to a halt. How hard is it to say, "I choose not to respond to this?" and then do it. I have patience, but also lost interest in R&E. Lately I read or glance and that's about it.
Reading between the lines, I see that we are in agreement on what's wrong and generally who's responsible there.
Posted by greenman ![]() 10/03/2021 10:15 am | #160 |
The insanity of current R&E:
Is the “pandemic” really real? I ask this question because there are a - GOG October 3, 2021, 6:24 am
Did you see the Commander in Chief, talking to the Press? - SES October 3, 2021, 7:25 am
I believe I mentioned on this bbs my being verbally assaulted at - GOG October 3, 2021, 7:41 am
YES it is real. It is killing people. Please stop posting - Trish October 3, 2021, 7:10 am
So you will not discuss why massive numbers of government and - GOG October 3, 2021, 7:28 am
And what about the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal immigrants... - SES
October 3, 2021, 7:35 am
EXEMPT!! - GOG October 3, 2021, 7:45 am
Trish is trying here, but you can’t reason with the clinically insane, or people who routinely violate the rules with impunity. What a sad mess.
Last edited by greenman (10/03/2021 10:18 am)
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 10/03/2021 12:16 pm | #161 |
Some will come here no doubt to read what we discuss in private. The fact we have this site and discussion at all is evidence to them, the BB war rages on. There is no war. We discuss it here where they can't get in, because they have a long history of nothing but antagonism. Look at the lack of reasonable discussion on R&E.
The Mondo versus Merlin food fight on R&E rages. It is wholly boring and unnecessary. Nothing to read there. They both need to stop, back away and leave it alone.
SES is a perpetually angry man.
GOG exposure of R&E to conspiracy theory liability for covid19 lies is a concern. A groundswell of public discussion over role of social media including Facebook, and Boardhost boards including R&E began. When that gets legal or legislative attention, and its imiminent, expect action to curb, control, or stop it. Among remedies already available is right to hold irresponsible parties liable for actual, physical damages. If a person makes the decision not to get a vaccine because of what was read and learned on social media, then gets sick and injured, that social media may be held partly responsible for the injury and damages.
At that time, their ability to hide behind false names and aliases won't protect them.
In discussion here and elsewhere, expect certain parties to write about their rights again. Freedom is freedom is freedom... to do anything, say anything they want. The fact they argue proves they lack maturity to understand responsibility associated with freedom.
Posted by greenman ![]() 10/03/2021 12:37 pm | #162 |
“There is no war.” Exactly right. But that’s Mongo’s delusional process - he NEEDS a war. He lives for that conflict, even as he’s posing as a sophisticated Southern gentleman. Ha! No one is less qualified. His out-in-the-open racism and xenophobia, his political partisanship, and his constant barrage of personal abuse disqualify him as anything but a hypocrite. Ditto SES. GOG is simply nuts. Without those three, that board would right itself overnight.
Argument with sanity is possible. We do it pretty well on the Blue Board, which points out the absurdity of the ‘war’ claim. But you have to be able to restrict or control the crazy people, and your moderation has to be FAIR.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 10/03/2021 1:18 pm | #163 |
I am very disappointed Mondo won't leave the political issues alone. Almost anything Merlin posts, Mondo responds, and that response is predictable. Sometimes Merlin's posts flirt with politics, and sometimes has nothing to do with them. But assumptions are made and remarks follow. Merlin's posts almost appear selected with predictable intent to provoke Mondo, so he can't leave it alone, or resist. There on down, its another p!ssing contest. Seen one, seen 'em all.
Same thing applies to Mondo's posts. Once Merlin responds, out come the dicks and the pissing contest is on. Why can't they both just leave each other alone. Don't they have the self discipline? As smart as they both are, I can't believe they don't.
I maintain my end of our agreement, and hope he does the same. While antagonism of and by Merlin isn't specifically named, it contributes to doubts of sincerety. Merlin is just as much to blame for being a puppeteer. In fact his cut and paste of other articles makes his post surrogate news sites that could easily be read on site. I glance through them, far more interested to read what he writes in summary. Mondo posts as a puppeteer that attracts Merlin, and also invites contentious political argument. I simply don't respond to either.
I will be glad for the day when an honorable southern gentleman rises above the temptation to respond to antagonism... by leaving it alone.
Same goes for Mondo's Great Music threads. First, the history isn't new to me, and the cut and paste from Wiki or some other source is wanting. I far more enjoy reading what HE has to say about said composer, or artist. When he does, that is interesting.
He is not the enemy. Politics is. Politics has a way of ruining any discussion it enters. It separates friends, divides and ends friendships, and blocks to ensure friendship never form. My bowling team are all Republicans. They're Trump supporters, believe the election was stolen, covid19 conspiracy theories... although following a very severe covid19 illness some of that may be changing. But I don't discuss politics with them. Our friendship is too valuable for that. I'd much rather have that than politics and the foolish differences with which it separates us.
GOG and SES are different stories.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/03/2021 1:41 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 10/03/2021 2:27 pm | #164 |
Speaking of responses, how’s this for a foul one? And to Merlin of all people…
‘3000+ of your “close friends” didn’t get to join your cavalier party for grub and Guinness …
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 3, 2021, 10:14 am, in reply to "I was there when the first plane hit WTC #1 and watched the whole thing untril #1 dropped "
… some jumped … some burned … some suffocated … most were crushed.
Others suffered and/or died later from sequelae.
Your attitude speaks wonders that you didn’t care.
Piss off, turkey.’
I’d ban that POS for life for that. But then I don’t have Kenny Boy’s great wisdom and experience…smh
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 10/03/2021 5:35 pm | #165 |
There are times when before you hit "Enter" you should stop and think before you do. In fact, leave the page open and go do something else while you think about it. Give your moral clock and conscience a chance to work so when you return, you are refreshed from heat of the moment and perhaps realize "When in doubt, don't."
Posted by greenman ![]() 10/03/2021 5:45 pm | #166 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
There are times when before you hit "Enter" you should stop and think before you do. In fact, leave the page open and go do something else while you think about it. Give your moral clock and conscience a chance to work so when you return, you are refreshed from heat of the moment and perhaps realize "When in doubt, don't."
Very good advice.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 10/03/2021 9:32 pm | #167 |
greenman wrote:
Speaking of responses, how’s this for a foul one? And to Merlin of all people…
‘3000+ of your “close friends” didn’t get to join your cavalier party for grub and Guinness …
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 3, 2021, 10:14 am, in reply to "I was there when the first plane hit WTC #1 and watched the whole thing untril #1 dropped "
… some jumped … some burned … some suffocated … most were crushed.
Others suffered and/or died later from sequelae.
Your attitude speaks wonders that you didn’t care.
Piss off, turkey.’
I’d ban that POS for life for that. But then I don’t have Kenny Boy’s great wisdom and experience…smh
That was incorrigible and way out of line. It was obvious that Merlin was being sarcastic with his response to mongo's taunt simply because we've all seen Merlin's painful & shocked actual response to 9/11 and watching it happen. Then GOG piled on. Ken or Trish removed most of it after I sent it to them.
It's become a cesspool there because of SES, GOG, & mongo.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 10/03/2021 9:33 pm | #168 |
Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:
There are times when before you hit "Enter" you should stop and think before you do. In fact, leave the page open and go do something else while you think about it. Give your moral clock and conscience a chance to work so when you return, you are refreshed from heat of the moment and perhaps realize "When in doubt, don't."
Excellent advice, as always.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 10/04/2021 1:26 am | #169 |
Well, it appears that Ken has had enough of GOG's outrageous B.S. conspiracy nonsense so gave him the rest of the year off.
So what does mongo do? He posts THIS:
Ken, what was GOG’s infraction? Did he kill a liberal?
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 3, 2021, 11:10 pm
Your board has become irrational and desperate. Vagrants with no life outside this shitshow.
You would do well to shut it down for the rest of the year and give all the rabid squirrels a chance to find their buried nuts.
Just unbelievable. It was abundantly OBVIOUS what GOG's infractions were. He's been told time and time again to STOP with his Covid B.S. misinformation and he topped it off with 9/11 B.S. conspiracy nonsense.
mongo should worry about his own ability to remain there given that he broke TWO rules with that post. Making it political with the "liberals" remark and questioning Ken's board policy regarding banning GOG there (instead of privately by email) as if he has the right to AND in spite of Ken SPELLING OUT WHY ALREADY.
Can you believe he suggested that Ken shut down his board ???
Maybe mongo should go back to his own board , clean it up, and shut it down for a bit to let the nasty nuts there find some manners and a clue?
Posted by Trish ![]() 10/04/2021 6:28 am | #170 |
Between the two of us, I believe we've mopped up the *hit for now. I think every problem with the posters on the board all spilled out in one night SHEESH
Obviously, people can "be" anything they want on the internet, but they cannot post all manner of things without impunity. People want freedom without consequences, and that's not how it works (or at least that is not how it SHOULD work).
Posted by greenman ![]() 10/04/2021 9:12 am | #171 |
I missed that, must have been quite a dust up! You could feel the tension building towards something, the hate and hostility from Mongo, SES and GOG was spiraling out of control. Hopefully it will blow over now for awhile at least; but with the other two nasties still posting and ignoring the rules, you can’t expect much…
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 10/04/2021 9:45 am | #172 |
Proved freedom does indeed come with responsibility.
Posted by greenman ![]() 10/04/2021 11:01 am | #173 |
What I don’t get is why Merlin is being warned - to Mongo’s delight - not to post to him. Considering that the usual pattern is:
Merlin posts something interesting
Mongo attacks it
Merlin defends and attempts to deflect
Mongo gets angry and launches personal attacks
..I don’t know why that’s Merlin’s fault. Obviously Mongo should be banned. But we all know that’s not going to happen…smh
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 10/04/2021 1:23 pm | #174 |
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on October 4, 2021, 1:34 am
Unlike other boards that censor posters and ban topics, this board will remain open to all who …… earnestly plead their causes.
We will not be bullied by irrational tyrants who try to manage and repress the messages of others.
We will operate at the intersection of democracy and anarchy. This board is owned equally by all its members.
That having been said, we will not tolerate cyber terrorists whose sole mission is to disrupt peace and tranquility. They will be sent to hell in a straw hand basket.
ROFLMAO... So, IOW, he insists upon being allowed to make a filthy mess in OTHER people's "living rooms", but don't you DARE make one in his.
TYPICAL SELF-ABSORBED B.S. from the Monster in Chief.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 10/04/2021 1:25 pm | #175 |
greenman wrote:
I missed that, must have been quite a dust up! You could feel the tension building towards something, the hate and hostility from Mongo, SES and GOG was spiraling out of control. Hopefully it will blow over now for awhile at least; but with the other two nasties still posting and ignoring the rules, you can’t expect much…
Oh it was BAD!
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 10/04/2021 1:31 pm | #176 |
greenman wrote:
What I don’t get is why Merlin is being warned - to Mongo’s delight - not to post to him. Considering that the usual pattern is:
Merlin posts something interesting
Mongo attacks it
Merlin defends and attempts to deflect
Mongo gets angry and launches personal attacks
..I don’t know why that’s Merlin’s fault. Obviously Mongo should be banned. But we all know that’s not going to happen…smh
SPOT ON. Merlin is NOT the one following mongo around. mongo is following Merlin around. Merlin COULD and probably SHOULD choose to ignore him, but Merlin is NOT THE ONE getting nasty or trolling someone, THAT IS MONGO.
OBVIOUSLY, MONGO COMPLAINED, which everyone has a right to do PRIVATELY, but his complaint was B.S. since it is NOT MERLIN who is provoking him. It's the other way around.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 10/04/2021 3:05 pm | #177 |
Trish wrote:
Between the two of us, I believe we've mopped up the *hit for now. I think every problem with the posters on the board all spilled out in one night SHEESH
Obviously, people can "be" anything they want on the internet, but they cannot post all manner of things without impunity. People want freedom without consequences, and that's not how it works (or at least that is not how it SHOULD work).
Well, you've certainly gotten rid of one of the worst of the worst there. GOG is clueless as to appropriateness of remarks as well as extremely sick with conspiracy-itis.
However, the long-term cancer there still survives. I understand that there's little YOU can do about that.
Posted by greenman ![]() 10/04/2021 3:29 pm | #178 |
A side note about Mongo’s ridiculous ‘man of the world’ pretensions. He posted this as part of a lecture on liquor:
‘Tequila. No point in buying anything other than Cuervo Gold. Don't bother with expensive mixes .. Zing Zang Margarita mix in a can (all natural ingredients) and a squeeze of lime on ice, a dash of pink Himalayan salt, and you're all set to go. MMMMMMM.
Vodka: Ketel One is hands-down the best, but none of that flavored stuff. Finlandia (made from 6-row Barley instead of wheat) is excellent and half the price. Reyka is interesting. Tito's ... so-sos. Grey Goose is horrible. Absolute is garbage. All the rest are unnecessary (Chopin, Belvedere, etc.)
Cognac and Brandy are instant heartburn. ‘
Cognac and Brandy are the same thing (the former comes from a specific region of France) and not everyone gets heartburn from them, Gramps.
Second, Cuervo Gold? Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha! That stuff is crap (listening to Steely Dan again, Mongo?). ONLY buy 100% agave tequila. Also, if you’re truly an ‘expert,’ you MIGHT want to expound on the differences between blanco, reposado, and anejo tequilas…and there are significant differences in aging, among other things. And Margarita mix? Jesus H. Christ! Can you not mix tequila, triple sec, and lime?
As to vodka, there’s NO reason to buy anything more expensive than Smirnoff. Why? Because Vodka is literally ethanol. Aging and barreling and branding don’t even enter into it. It’s basically just straight alcohol of a certain proof.
What a tool…
Last edited by greenman (10/04/2021 7:51 pm)
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 10/04/2021 5:21 pm | #179 |
Merlin and Mondo simply need to stay away from each other for a while, if not indefinitely. Sometimes Merlin's threads appear almost selectively provocative to solicit a Mondo response. From then the pissing war is on until the men run out. While Merlin does post non political threads from time to time, they nearly always contain elements manipulable into politics. It's too much for Mondo to resist. If he chose a topic so far removed from politics, manipulation wasn't possible, another outcome might occur. I recall a few of those rather rare events where response was some kind of suggestion that led to another pissing contest. Winner zipped up after the last squirt and shake. KWIM? I don't recall Merlin posting on any Mondo great music thread. Why not? Too far removed to be political? What an idea!
I read a Back Alley complaint recently. Existence of this avenue is directly due to unsolicited and unwanted, personally directed misconduct. Any company has a management or accountability team in whose sight an occasional problem employee or customer enters, who merits discussion because misconduct and deportment are unacceptable and unmanageable. The customer or employee may complain bitterly, and it will advance him nowhere. He can chose either to change his behavior to an acceptable level, or leave. When the issue is his misconduct, regardless of who else may be pulled into it, that is the chief concern. I don't care who started it first, or who does it the most.
It would be better off for the whole board if one would request a DNR, if they don't have will or self discipline to enforce it themselves.
Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (10/04/2021 5:26 pm)
Posted by greenman ![]() 10/04/2021 6:58 pm | #180 |
That’s pretty much how I see DNRs, too - something for people with no will or self-discipline.
Well, except for those like Mongo who use it as a tool against self-created ‘enemies.’