Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/19/2021 11:56 am | #91 |
Yes, I think that most know that you have very limited access to the guts of the R&E board and NO ability to ban IPs.
Can you lock individual posts? If so, then if you HAD to, you could lock smaller threads one post at a time IF you had the time, which I'm fairly sure that you do not.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/19/2021 12:14 pm | #92 |
BTW, I should add that you or Ken removed nearly EVERYTHING I send to you that blatantly breaks your rules or gets extremely nasty with someone. It's rare that either of you disagree as I don't send "fluff" to complain about.
I can't ask for more than that, aside of wondering when Ken will have had his fill of certain poster's CRAP and decide that enough is enough.
Posted by greenman ![]() 9/19/2021 1:20 pm | #93 |
Ken will ban someone for life for some alleged insult from MONTHS earlier; but a creep who’s been crapping on his board and his posters for YEARS gets a lifetime exemption from his own bad behavior in exchange for a little flattery.
That’s just Ken. And why his board is the way it is…smh
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/19/2021 5:48 pm | #94 |
I have NO idea what transpired between you two so cannot comment with any degree of knowledge. I DO know that Ken was extremely upset by whatever it was but that's all he said and I didn't push him since he made it clear that he wasn't about to elaborate on a private conversation or trash you to someone else.
But no one can find the rhyme or reason to why mongo continues to get away with his crap, least of all me.
Posted by Trish ![]() 9/20/2021 8:27 am | #95 |
I really don't understand it either. Mondo is bad, but SES has never even been chastised from what I can tell.
I just checked and there is a way to lock individual threads. However, they're ones Im probably gonna delete anyway. BTW I check your messages every morning and thank you.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 9/20/2021 8:49 am | #96 |
Woodbine needs help. His pooter may have done what my pooter did twice when I was locked out.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/20/2021 11:53 am | #97 |
Trish wrote:
I really don't understand it either. Mondo is bad, but SES has never even been chastised from what I can tell.
I just checked and there is a way to lock individual threads. However, they're ones Im probably gonna delete anyway. BTW I check your messages every morning and thank you.
I appreciate that and I know that you do your best.
BTW, check your email. I sent you some information that you might need.
Posted by Poppet ![]() 9/20/2021 12:04 pm | #98 |
It looks like GOG is back on R&E, and although many (if not most) of his comments have been deleted, he's immediately back to spamming ant-vax, COVID denial delusions. I know most of y'all don't care about Mondo's board, but GOG and his fellow conspiracist "Rebel" have managed to challenge a couple of the far-right zealots over there in the race to make that board unpleasant. There are good posters and good discussions to be had, but wading through the conspiracist twaddle (and the inevitable derision and insults to non-conspiracists it contains) is annoying AF. For the sake of R&E, I really hope GOG wears out his welcome (again) in short order. In the mean time, I'll likely be a bit merciless...
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/20/2021 12:17 pm | #99 |
I emailed them both the second I saw him there.
He had the friggin' nerve to ask me about my sister's surgery and if it was Covid or heart related. What a P.O.S. He obviously intended to use the info to add to his @sshattery !!
Posted by greenman ![]() 9/20/2021 1:05 pm | #100 |
GOG’s anti-vaxxer BS borders on the criminal, always has. And like most conspiracists, he takes any criticism as confirmation that he’s the one who’s ‘correct,’ and that his ‘secret’ sources of information, likewise. And SES is pretty much on the same page, if not quite so credulous.
Mongo’s s—board of course encourages GOG’s and much other garbage. No idea why anyone would think there are ‘worthwhile discussions’ there; other than Poppet and KR, those posting there are generally the very worst and lowest form of human being on Boardhost. Laughing Lady, Deanna, TEXRA, Ted and Otis barely have a hundred IQ points between them. TEXRA hates ‘this’ America; Otis gleefully admits to being a ‘deplorable terrorist.’ That’s what they say about THEMSELVES.
Hell, even Mongo doesn’t spend much time playing in that cesspool…lol
Posted by Trish ![]() 9/20/2021 1:20 pm | #101 |
Oh man, Sia I nearly blew a gasket over the post about her surgery. I wish there was a way to post little bomb images when something like that gets blown away. I may figure it out. Time to amp up the heat
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/20/2021 2:17 pm | #102 |
Trish wrote:
Oh man, Sia I nearly blew a gasket over the post about her surgery. I wish there was a way to post little bomb images when something like that gets blown away. I may figure it out. Time to amp up the heat
You could always edit the posts and put this inside inside of [img]and[/img]
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/20/2021 4:16 pm | #103 |
greenman wrote:
GOG’s anti-vaxxer BS borders on the criminal, always has. And like most conspiracists, he takes any criticism as confirmation that he’s the one who’s ‘correct,’ and that his ‘secret’ sources of information, likewise. And SES is pretty much on the same page, if not quite so credulous.
Mongo’s s—board of course encourages GOG’s and much other garbage. No idea why anyone would think there are ‘worthwhile discussions’ there; other than Poppet and KR, those posting there are generally the very worst and lowest form of human being on Boardhost. Laughing Lady, Deanna, TEXRA, Ted and Otis barely have a hundred IQ points between them. TEXRA hates ‘this’ America; Otis gleefully admits to being a ‘deplorable terrorist.’ That’s what they say about THEMSELVES.
Hell, even Mongo doesn’t spend much time playing in that cesspool…lol
Spot on IMHO...
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/20/2021 6:00 pm | #104 |
So, it turns out, GOG's ban ended months ago when it seemed the pandemic was over.
I guess that just one more reason to avoid R&E.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/20/2021 6:27 pm | #105 |
GOG had the f***ing nerve to pester me AGAIN about her, trying to get details to use in his insanity. He can go f*** himself.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/21/2021 12:21 am | #106 |
Buncha HORSE POO on mongo's board today. First time I wander over in eons and I find THIS CRAP...
Starring GOG as GOG
Mongo as SARGE & CONCERNED & FRED SANFORD & SLICK (as if we don't all know WHO it really is)
FYI = GOG isn't banned, he just got a ton of posts deleted.
Banned again at Yellow belly.
Posted by GOG on September 20, 2021, 11:54 am
Just when my March down the board was in full rout of the majority of morons over there. too. LOLS:-)). Sad, Ken cannot tolerate a full plethora of honest journalism backed by facts.
Message Thread
Posted by Trish ![]() 9/21/2021 8:02 am | #107 |
I am going to try something new with deletions - essentially a post saying WHY they were deleted so there's no hearsay, gossip, and other childishness from grown-ass people who should know better.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 9/21/2021 9:55 am | #108 |
A significant amount of abuse occurs, exists, and persists on R&E. Non political topics are made political, select people are hounded and attacked just because, and conspiracy theory and medical misinformation assault reason, common sense, and truth. Greenman's ongoing banishment for much less in face of this yells hypocrisy. Altogether reallty boring too.
Posted by greenman ![]() 9/21/2021 10:15 am | #109 |
I stand by my previous remarks about both Mongo’s and Kenny Boy’s boards, of course.
Two comments:
One, so glad to get a repost on Mongo’s board, thanks, ‘Sarge!’ Always glad to let you vermin know what I think of you!
Second, loved Kenny Boy’s ‘maybe I’ll do this, maybe I’ll do that, maybe I’ll do something else’ comment. It perfectly encapsulates his whole style of board moderation.
I just hope that his DRIVING isn’t that indecisive…
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/21/2021 10:44 am | #110 |
In all fairness, it seemed like Ken was being sarcastic. Maybe I misunderstood, but that's how I initially took it.
Posted by Trish ![]() 9/21/2021 4:23 pm | #111 |
Well the white board is certainly having a hayday. Maybe if we're lucky they'll pass out from the lack of oxygen getting to most of their brains. Whatever.
I will worry about contributing posters and the rest can either contact myself or ken, or not.
Last edited by Trish (9/21/2021 4:31 pm)
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/21/2021 7:31 pm | #112 |
Trish wrote:
Well the white board is certainly having a hayday. Maybe if we're lucky they'll pass out from the lack of oxygen getting to most of their brains. Whatever.
I will worry about contributing posters and the rest can either contact myself or ken, or not.
Oh? I haven't bothered to go look. I'm sure it just got nastier and nastier. As usual.
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 9/21/2021 8:44 pm | #113 |
Thank you Trish for steps to rein in the deliberate antagonism on R&E. Posts with intent to antagonize is a principal problem. Articles cut and pasted, not written in our own words, or even soliciting our opinion or response require so little effort, they clog the site... one can just as easily clog a toilet with massive wads of tp. I encourage you to apply the Newton truism of equal action to the opposite side, if not for C&P proper, for predictable antagonist response that illicits MOTS. Give the psychopathy and sociopathy a chance to really show and expose itself. Cause for the necessary following surgery should be easy to see.
Posted by greenman ![]() 9/23/2021 10:29 am | #114 |
Siagiah wrote:
Trish wrote:
Well the white board is certainly having a hayday. Maybe if we're lucky they'll pass out from the lack of oxygen getting to most of their brains. Whatever.
I will worry about contributing posters and the rest can either contact myself or ken, or not.-----------------------------------------
Oh? I haven't bothered to go look. I'm sure it just got nastier and nastier. As usual.
It is, at least when reading a lot of Mondo’s, Tex’s, and Otis’ posts. They’re loud Trumpist vermin, of course. Nothing but hate.
An amusing post was this one by GOG, which illustrates his pompous, arrogant side nicely…including a vaguely threatening closing comment.
‘Posted by GOG on September 22, 2021, 11:35 pm
Took off this morning early for Costco, and other outlets. This is my quarterly shopping sojourn for winter household items, and food basics. Towels, wash cloths, batteries, medical stuff, paper towels, etc.. Had a beer and fries with a friend. Later enjoyed a big scoop of chocolate Icecream on a cone. All very pleasant. Inflation is becoming rampant. Various staple items at Costco were missing from shelves, Some inferior substitutes. Packages getting smaller. Prices up. Ended up back at my locale after a four hour drive round trip. Went into local supermarket. Was verbally attacked by some jerk who claimed I was not six feet away. I was 5 1/2 feet. I basically told him to go ‘f’ himself, and shouted out that he and the cashier were commiserating a mere two to three apart feet up at the credit card insert thingy. We all wore masks. No doubt he has had both jabs given his hysteria.. At which point the moron threatened to tear my head off. LOLS:—))). Of course all the shoppers were wide eyed at this ruckus. . Finally he left the store. But not before stating the hat I was wearing, a very fine hand made Panama, did not look good on me. Hahaha. I laughed and said “that tells me you like my hat.” Of course he did. The entire tirade on his part was he was jealous of me looking so fine. He looked like shite with his long stringey hair tied up in a filthy looking pony tail. When I go out of here to the bigger small city, I make an effort to dress up. Polish cotton pants, new long sleeve T shirt top quality. Brand new high end shoes,, and a great looking hat. Pseudo Ivy League. People around here dress like slobs. Same old tired jeans, crap tennis shoes, cheap everything. The poor look is everywhere. Few bother having some pride of appearance. It’s pathetic. Anyway. I know who the moron is. It’s a small town. I take my time.’
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/23/2021 12:36 pm | #115 |
He's so weird and comes off like a complete AH.
He's a nasty sort, so of course no one wants him near them
Posted by greenman ![]() 9/24/2021 1:12 pm | #116 |
Latest Mongo lie…and (banned) political post:
‘Latest Government Lie ...
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on September 24, 2021, 10:32 am
"Spending plan is all paid for."
The "Spending Plan" will result in massive increases in national debt and inflation.
Increases in corporate tax will result in higher consumer prices because the corporations will pass the increased tax off to the consumer. That's inflation.
We are already seeing substantial increases in rents, housing, materials, supplies, food and energy. Grocery prices are skyrocketing.
Your federal government is your worst enemy in the long run.‘
But only if it’s DEM government, right, douchebag? Thought so…
Posted by Pikes Peak 14115 ![]() 9/24/2021 9:12 pm | #117 |
All pictures I attempt to upload from the imgbb appear with a broken picture icon.
I tried several remedies, but none worked. Occurs anywhere on Boardhost.
This is a new problem. Any ideas?
below this text should be a picture. All I see is a broken picture icon.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/24/2021 9:50 pm | #118 |
I see a moth or butterfly, brown
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/24/2021 9:54 pm | #119 |
How are you uploading pix? What is your process? Are you using the link at the bottom of the posting box? Or are you using directly?
I cannot use the link at the bottom of the posting box. It screws up every time. So I go directly to the page where I have a log in (you can get one too) and do it from there. Once uploaded from my computer, I just copy the link given and paste it directly. No need to configure it or use the pix box below the posting box as it's already configured on the img site.
Posted by Siagiah ![]() 9/24/2021 9:56 pm | #120 |
Here is your link. Can you see the pix? It's exactly what you posted and I CAN see the brown moth