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Posted by Siagiah
7/26/2021 4:48 pm

I do have to warn you that I've been through EXACTLY what he's doing with you, multiple times, and I mean MULTIPLE times, only to have it blow to pieces sooner or later, as have Poppet and others, so I'm not holding my breath that it will be any different "this time" for you.

But, that said, I do wish you the best and hope that you get to be the one whose experience is different.


Posted by greenman
7/26/2021 5:01 pm

Your attitude does you credit, Pikes, and I think it works and is fine for you.  I hope you never have cause to regret it.

I still see too many posts from the nasty Mongo - even on Kenny Boy’s board, where personal attacks are supposedly ‘forbidden’ - and too much extremist, hateful, racist commentary on his own vile board ever to trust him.

I don’t think he’s really capable of change.  YMMV…

Last edited by greenman (7/26/2021 5:03 pm)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/26/2021 7:33 pm

Siagiah wrote:

I do have to warn you that I've been through EXACTLY what he's doing with you, multiple times, and I mean MULTIPLE times, only to have it blow to pieces sooner or later, as have Poppet and others, so I'm not holding my breath that it will be any different "this time" for you.

But, that said, I do wish you the best and hope that you get to be the one whose experience is different.


I know that and am aware of the history. I value your friendship and experience considerably. Time will tell, and I have the patience. Maybe this is the time?
I know if no effort is made, then there is no hope, and no chance. I am not just 
doing this for me, but for you, and all of us who had bad experiences. I can't and
won't let go of the fact those happened. What is important is what happens now, 
and in the future. If this peace is sustained, and can be grown, then it is well worth 
the effort. 

Your attitude does you credit, Pikes, and I think it works and is fine for you.  I hope you never have cause to regret it.

I still see too many posts from the nasty Mongo - even on Kenny Boy’s board, where personal attacks are supposedly ‘forbidden’ - and too much extremist, hateful, racist commentary on his own vile board ever to trust him.

I don’t think he’s really capable of change.  YMMV…

Greenman, likewise. You have cause to be cautious. Let's see what happens. I too am cautious and see other posts, result of strong opinion and habit. But I see other posts clearly moving away from that causticity. They can and should be encouraged. I have no interest in changing his political thinking, and that doesn't matter. We can agree to disagree and leave that alone, and believe we have. I made mistakes too, and best I can do is learn and try not to repeat them. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
7/26/2021 9:15 pm

and THIS is why you are such a special person whom I'm honored to call my friend.

I honestly wish you success in your fledging friendship regardless of whether anything else changes or not.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/27/2021 9:11 pm

Siagiah wrote:

and THIS is why you are such a special person whom I'm honored to call my friend.

I honestly wish you success in your fledging friendship regardless of whether anything else changes or not.


I'm humbled. I cherish you and always will. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman
8/26/2021 4:24 pm

I’m sorry, but the ERUPTION by the two major right-wing nuts on Kenniboi’s board just cracked me up.

Will someone tranquilize Mongo and SES, please?  lol


Posted by SES on August 26, 2021, 2:11 pm
For FOUR YEARS this Board was all anti-Trump, all of the time. Every lie and distortion was puked up on here, ad nauseum, for FOUR FRIGGIN' YEARS!!!

And now we are in the midst of the most colossal foreign policy DISASTER that this nation, and possibly the WORLD, has EVER SEEN!


And to protect the Libs' fragile grip on reality, the "no politics" censorship will continue.

WE all saw this coming. The incompetence. The senility. The apathy. The lack of energy.

You all have blood on your hands. You all voted for this Jackass, when it was OBVIOUS that he was not up to the job.

And now we have DEAD MARINES!!!!!



Merlin laughed at him, and he should.  If they’re not both suspended, Ken’s an even bigger joke than I’d assumed…

Last edited by greenman (8/26/2021 4:26 pm)

Posted by Siagiah
8/26/2021 5:40 pm

WOW, and it's still on the board??

Posted by greenman
8/26/2021 6:36 pm

Yep.  Poppet called them out on it, but of course Mongo just agreed with it.  He loves to hate on Merlin, obviously…

Posted by Siagiah
8/26/2021 8:08 pm

I sent a message to Ken & Trish about it, but can't respond to either of them due to my DNRs against them.

Absolutely OUTRAGEOUS that they'd not only deliberately break Ken's rule about no politics, but blame Biden for attacks by ISIS-K as if he had ANYTHING to do with them being in Afghanistan.  They warned everyone to LEAVE that area last night due to anticipated attacks, what ELSE could he do?


Posted by greenman
8/26/2021 9:27 pm

Mongo’s over there calling Merlin ‘an insensitive a—hole’ (not censored) and attacking Kenny Boy to his face about the board.  Can’t wait to see if there’s a reaction.  Normally he seems afraid of Mongo, who of course has been spewing politics and insults there for months…

Posted by Siagiah
8/26/2021 11:51 pm

Typical behavior from him.

Every single day he proves that his supposed "change of heart" is as fake as it gets.  He obviously just doesn't want Pikes to continue his lawsuit against him, even if he has discovered that Pikes is a very accomplished person whom he was grossly wrong to attack the way he did.

NOTHING else has changed with him. He's the same AH he always was.  No surprise there, but still. One could hope that it might have been true. However, obviously, it's not.


Posted by greenman
8/27/2021 7:39 am

Nope, nothing has changed. He’s now DNRd Woodbine for his “self-righteous bulls—t,’ which is a minor masterpiece of hypocrisy.  Really means that he can’t deal with disagreement, of course, and that he uses DNR offensively just as he always has.  I remember that from years ago, and it was why I always hated DNRs.

Hyaenas never change their spots…

Posted by greenman
8/27/2021 11:55 am

The hysteria continues on the White Whine Board, as Trish pokes the hyaena with a stick…lol

‘Ummm ...

Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on August 27, 2021, 9:19 am, in reply to "says someone who worships a would-be despot"

... your girls went "bonkers" over there.


It seems that they want to micromanage the board. Since you are so busy, why don't you turn it over to them?

And now Mikey is turning into an ALL-CAPPER busybody.

You are always welcome here. Gives you a chance to blow off some steam that builds up from being bottled up over there. Nice board ... up-tight posters. This is the umpteenth time Sara has gone postal on me. I think she grossly overestimates what she actually contributes to the relationship.

Oh, well, life goes on.‘

So amusing what ‘relationships’ this loser thinks he has.  There’s more, but this is an adequate sample of this particular whine vintage…

Posted by Siagiah
8/27/2021 2:10 pm

Yeah, he's a waste of skin... I went to see what you are talking about and saw this too.

The "girls" did no such thing Mondo  Posted by Trish on August 27, 2021, 10:38 am, in reply to "Ummm ..." 
I have already discussed the issues with Mike with Ken by email. Waiting on reply. I am the only female moderator. Your issues with Sia and Poppet - well, let's say your language had your slip showing.

You try to micromanage as much as everyone else (you know this... you're a smart guy).

Wrong …
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on August 27, 2021, 10:57 am, in reply to "The "girls" did no such thing Mondo" 
It all started with that hateful, snippy, moral busybody whining about Ken's John Adams quote in the board heading, then she violated her own DNR by referring to SES --- and Mondo -----.

"I'm a little curious why a NON-POLITICAL board has a blatantly political meme up top??

It kinda sets the stage for people's thoughts to go directly TO POLITICS, which isn't allowed... Well, unless your name is --- or -----.

Just wondering is all..."

She wasn't "wondering". She has a nasty habit of trolling for conflict, and you and Ken let her get away with it. I think both of you are deathly afraid of her. She tries her damndest to sabotage my relationship with people. That little back alley board was filled with her spiteful, downright nastiness.

I don't think anything I said was out of line. I haven't had any conversation with nasty Sia in years. I don't want to have anything to do with her.

I love Poppet, but she is an emotional blowhard, difficult to establish any meaningful relationship with, and prone to go postal at the slightest provocation. She got what she wants. She is free to come and go here. I will be around if she ever needs me.

"Stay calm and carry on"

Well, you got one thing right about me there (but, alas, only one).
  Posted by 7:77 on August 27, 2021, 12:23 pm, in reply to "Wrong ..." 
I am indeed "difficult to establish any meaningful relationship with." As I've made clear more than once, I'm a "high-function borderline sociopath" (to use some outdated clinical language), and it takes years for me to get close to people. I doubt it's even possible for me to do so in a strictly online situation. Guilty as charged...but that's who I am; people have to take it or leave it.

As for the rest, I think we both know that's nonsense. You brought this on by reacting, as you so often do, to the slightest hint of criticism or disagreement (over non-trivial matters) by attacking. You responded to being called out on deliberately violating R&E's "no politics" rule with a sexist retort, suggestion to "get a life," and an admonition about trying to tell Ken what to do on his board (something you've never been the least bit reluctant to do yourself). That's Merlin-tier trolling for conflict, and you bloody well know it, Mondo. If you thought I was going to stand for that, then you really don't know me at all.

This was the last thing I wanted, obviously. I have to respectfully (and I mean that very much) suggest that the emotional one in this case wasn't me...I'm not the one who let their anger over a political matter cause them to attack a friend. This is regrettable...but I'm not going to be the one to (yet again) extend the olive branch. Not this time.

Be well.

MY comment about the meme was honest confusion over WHY a blatantly political meme was atop a forum that doesn't allow politics.  My dig at SES and MONGO about being "allowed" to post politics was sarcastic. They aren't ALLOWED, they both just keep DOING it in complete disregard for the rules of R&E.  At that moment, there were 2 or 3 blatantly political threads one or the other started there, knowing full well that it was a rule violation. Both were called on it. Both made excuses.  mongo had done it twice the night before and some of it was STILL there because Ken & Trish were too busy to take care of it at that time. It's beyond ridiculous how BOTH OF THEM constantly go political in full defiance, THEN COMPLAIN about their posts being deleted.  WTF? 

So, he can SHOVE IT up his wazoo.  Instead of owning up to blatant disregard for the rules, he attacked both Sara and I commenting that the "estrogen" presence there was too high as if we were commenting on HIS bad behavior because we were suffering hormonally rather than he and SES being complete AHs for deliberately violating rules on a DAILY BASIS.

Both deserve to be banned for their rules violations and never ending attacks on others.  There's simply NO EXCUSE for it.  R&E has gone down the tubes again BECAUSE OF THEM.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/27/2021 9:49 pm

Politics ruins everything. A new super lubricant may be described as

"Slippery like lies rolling off the tongue of a politician."

It brings out the worst in people until they become the worst people. 

Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (8/27/2021 9:51 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
8/27/2021 10:14 pm

It certainly CAN bring out the worst in people if they cannot respect that other people also have the right to have an opinion.  I have NO problem with people totally disagreeing with my own politics. But a LOT of problems with people who are disrespectful or nasty about it.

What transpired last night was outrageous and there was absolutely NO EXCUSE for it.  Then, going ballistic over being called out on it?  Beyond ridiculous.


Posted by greenman
8/29/2021 10:16 am

Mongo’s still posting threats to ‘Mike Scalise,’ I see.  Woodbine called him out on it as well on his board. Mongo acts like he runs Ken’s board, which at times he seems to.  Pretty much destroys the notion that Ken doesn’t let posters use DNRs to stifle opposition - it’s ALWAYS been what Mongo used them for.

I’ve always considered DNRs to be truly useless.  An attempt to make moderating a board easier, but all they do is stifle discussion - which HAS to allow disagreement in order to exist.  R&E’s decline originally began with the implementation of that rule, IMO.

Posted by Siagiah
8/29/2021 12:09 pm

Well, without the DNR, I wouldn't set foot on R&E ever again.  mongo, jb, and SES are THE WORST and they'd hound and troll me relentlessly. No matter what I posted, they'd be right there attacking personally and/or derailing everything I posted. It didn't matter that I ignored them, it was never ending, making the entire experience SUCK. 

That's why I support DNRs.  I don't support them to silence anyone.  But I'm better able to ignore their presence if they aren't responding to or attacking me directly.  I also have one with Sir Real, but I've requested that Ken remove it  (Ken can't until he gets a new monitor because it's too hard on his cell phone) as it was only requested because of a bitter argument between us that had gotten out of hand and needed to stop. However, it was always intended to be temporary on my end. Unfortunate situation, but it happens.

mongo DOES seem to think that HE runs every board he's on, but especially Ken's. 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/29/2021 12:28 pm

A DNR is something of a board reprimand. It should notify a poster his behavior needs correction, and gives him opportunity to make that correction. It also gives moderators cause to ban a poster if s/he continues harassment that led to it. Weight of that harassment is left to the poster who requests it, and that clearly has unequal and disproportionate levels of tolerance, poster to poster. In a way it measures thickness or thinness of skin. 

Poppet brilliantly wrote the slipperist lubricant of politics and particularly political lies is also a penetrating oil, able to pass through the thickest of human skulls. Politics really is a liars profession that attracts professional liars, followed by liar wannabes who emulate the skill. 

Take the situation in Afghanistan. A few short years ago the most prolific liar American politics ever knew said ISIS was wiped out. His administration oversaw forces that wiped ISIS away, giving American forces, his administration and himself overwhelming victory. 
Yet just a few days ago ISIS claimed responsibility for the airport bombing that killed Americans and Afghani alike. Did somebody lie when he said ISIS was destroyed? Did ISIS pull a "Jesus" to rise from the dead? Did it resurrect? 

I don't know and don't really care. We should never have been there in the first place. "We" did not learn the lesson the Afghani taught the former USSR. 

Was a DNR ever requested or granted because of harassment that didn't somewhere begin with politics and political disagreement? It appears even the most stable and rational people may tip unbalanced on the slippery slope of the slickest lies known. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
8/29/2021 5:59 pm

Yes.  DNRs began with jb and it was never political. At one time, jb had so many DNRs against him that he was limited to maybe 3 posters who hadn't DNRed him.

DNRs are NOT "punishments".  Ken does not decide who's right or wrong. He simply grants them when posters request them because they feel that there are major issues between them and another poster that can't seem to be resolved.

USUALLY, they are the result of someone being a jerk to someone else, but not always.  mongo absolutely uses them to silence others. 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
8/29/2021 6:01 pm

True. jb trolls for religion, which as he leads it is same as politics, and why in face to face social situations one best not discuss either. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Poppet
8/29/2021 8:17 pm

Obviously I fully support the DNR rule: it did a lot to alleviate an absolutely intolerable state-of-affairs on R&E (although it was first implemented on Hammer's board), one in which the stalking/trolling/harassment had become ridiculous. Is it sometimes abused to try and silence opposing viewpoints? Sure...but that really shouldn't work at all, since each half of the "DNR pair" is free to advance that viewpoint, either in a new thread, or as a response to another poster in a thread where the other half is posting. Not posting to or about them is, imo, a pretty minor restriction...unless your actual goal is to have a go at them. In which case I couldn't care less if someone is stymied in that...

And yes, Pikes, Sia called it. There were DNRs issued between people who were arguing over religion or just because they were incapable of getting along. This frequently occurred when someone was being didactic and narrow about their religious POV being the only valid one, or just jb being jb (that is, an insufferable asshat). The board wasn't nearly as political back then as it became: 9/11 changed everything. That's more-or-less when the partisan political bickering began in earnest. And yes, I was vigorously complaining about that from the start. ;)

Posted by greenman
8/30/2021 10:04 am

I posted this on Woodbine’s board, but I’ll put it out here as well, and FWIW:

‘I know I said I wasn’t going to say anymore..but a quick point here. Look at the DNR list:

GOG (Smoke Jumper)/Sir Real
DFM/Sir Real
Deanna/Pikes Peak 14115
GOG (Smoke Jumper)/Skye
GOG (Smoke Jumper)/Sophia
Mondo Fuego™/Sia
Mondo Fuego™/Sir Real
jb/Sir Real
Sia/Sir Real
Mondo Fuego™/woodbine

Thirteen of them. Thirteen pairs of people who aren’t allowing themselves to talk to each other. Of those, NINE involve three problem posters - jb, Mondo, and GOG. I believe GOG is at least temporarily banned, so one is temporarily fixed. The other two are problems because the moderator won’t ban them permanently, even though they’ve been chronic offenders for YEARS.

Of the others, at least two are Sir Real’s, (one, if Sia drops hers) because he’s kinda thin-skinned and intolerant of criticism (I know, ‘pot-kettle-black’). That could be worked out between posters, though; he’s also highly intelligent. And the problems with Deanna (who doesn’t post there), SES, and DFM could be fixed with good moderating. SES in particular is given FAR too much leeway to abuse others, supposedly a TOS violation.

So what do you need DNRs for? Nothing, really, as it turns out.

I will close by saying that Donatello’s Blue Board remains my gold standard for open boards; he took things in hand, was fair, and got tough only when he had to. And he never had DNRs.

Food for thought (I’m leaving out memberships, which of course is the ULTIMATE solution to the whole mess)…’

Last edited by greenman (8/30/2021 10:04 am)

Posted by greenman
9/01/2021 1:20 pm

greenman wrote:

Mongo’s still posting threats to ‘Mike Scalise,’ I see.  Woodbine called him out on it as well on his board. Mongo acts like he runs Ken’s board, which at times he seems to.  Pretty much destroys the notion that Ken doesn’t let posters use DNRs to stifle opposition - it’s ALWAYS been what Mongo used them for.

I’ve always considered DNRs to be truly useless.  An attempt to make moderating a board easier, but all they do is stifle discussion - which HAS to allow disagreement in order to exist.  R&E’s decline originally began with the implementation of that rule, IMO.

As to what Mongo tolerates on his OWN board, let’s listen to TEXRA, shall we?

‘Only 7 DUMPofcrap LOSERS killed in Chighetto this last weekend...

Posted by TEXRA-NOT MY AMERICA ANYMORE! on September 1, 2021, 12:42 pm

...we may need to collect money to send them more ammo.’

One wonders why, if it’s “not my America anymore,” this racist fleshwad continues to live here?  I know, it’s Texas, but still…

Posted by Siagiah
9/01/2021 3:36 pm

Texra is clearly an absolutely useless waste of skin.  I have no use for someone so hateful towards anyone who doesn't see the world as he does.  If he just held different views, without the hatred, that would be different.

mongo fails to recognize that he not only espouses hatred himself, but he tolerates and even encourages it on his own board.

FYI, Donatello used to often blow his cork about certain posters and those of us moderating with him behind the scenes used to often talk him down from booting posters who pissed him off, particularly a few whom he couldn't stand.  He WAS a great guy and he always tried to be very fair, but he did lack a certain amount of patience with some characters.  He was always open to other mods' opinions though.  He'd talk us down when we'd get angry too.  That's the benefit of having a TEAM. Each moderator has strengths, but also weaknesses that others can make up for.  That was Donatello's "genius" in running a board. We've kept it because it is such a useful method.


Posted by greenman
9/18/2021 10:40 am

Mongo abusiveness on the Yaller board…will he ever be banned?

One hundred and fifty nine years ago this week, in 1862, - Merlin September 18, 2021, 4:58 am

More false bullshit from that homely tree-hugger, Miss Cox. - Mondo Fuego™ September 18, 2021, 8:11 am

I suspect that that deleted post from ‘Onlooker’ earlier was also Mongo, suggesting that Merlin ‘hated America.’

What a POS…

Posted by Siagiah
9/18/2021 12:05 pm

mongo is beyond horrible.  He is THE most abusive poster on R&E.  SES isn't TOO far behind, but even he isn't as bold and outright abusive as mongo.

Hopefully, one of these days, Ken will bounce the two of them, at least for awhile, and then he'll see what a HUGE difference it will make there. Maybe then, Skye will come back to posting again.


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
9/18/2021 12:30 pm

It is a huge disappointment to me to read those posts. They demonstrate little apparently changed. The board is becoming a shitshow again. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
9/18/2021 5:22 pm

I've sent them links to all of it. They've been removing it pretty regularly.  Hopefully they'll tire of it and boot them.

Posted by Trish
9/19/2021 11:44 am

I just wanted everyone to know that I do not have the ability to lock threads or ban posters. I do talk to ken about issues, particularly SES and Mondo of late, but I never fully understand his reasoning. I just handle the matters to which I have access


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