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Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/03/2021 12:05 pm

Until boards in this format move to registration, or Boardhost expands to some kind of one-user system that locks one name to one IP address, anybody can be anybody and its anybody's guess who is who. 

I never posted under any name but my own. Sometimes dead giveaways are visible in written language, and there is documented evidence of some posters using multiple IP addresses, proxies, and maybe more methods of disguise. As long as the system enables this, we can expect trolls to come, go, shift, and be irritants. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
5/06/2021 3:07 pm

Does Ken know that Mongo has taken over moderation of his board? lol  I see him calling for Merlin’s punishment again for posting ‘political’ material.   As if there’s any consistent definition of what Ken accepts and doesn’t. It’s comical.  He and SES are like Tweedledum and Tweedledumber.

And since all-forgiving Woodbine has let Heavy Hemorrhoid back on his board, the attacks there have begun as well...smh

Posted by Siagiah
5/06/2021 9:39 pm

Yesterday it was Moishe he wanted "punished" for forgetting where he was posting and making an offhand comment about tRUMP.

Since the entire topic was about tRUMP's facebook situation, it  a legitimate mistake.  I don't know why it's okay to talk about something obviously  political as long as no specific names are mentioned, when everyone knows that it is something political anyway?

In any case, WHO does mongo think that he is? 

Since mongo's return, I've spent less and less time on R&E. It was already hard enough to ignore SES, yome, GOG, and jb, but mongo just made it all a ton worse. 


Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/07/2021 12:04 pm

Not everything with and about Trump or anyone else is political.
Just as we can't use the word niggardly in some circles,
we can't mention anyone once politically associated in another. 

Facebook's suspension of Trump is because he behaved like a 
troll, fomenting trouble based on lies, any way he could. His Twitter
account was terminated for the same reason. Both are private 
companies, and Trump violated their TOS. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
5/07/2021 1:26 pm

True...  and Merlin's post was strictly about the photo showing a crazy disparity in the sizes of the Carters and Bidens.  Whomever took the photo used an extra wide lens to take in the room, which caused the crazy size disparity.  It was interesting in HOW and WHY it happened, but not at ALL political.  Yet, Mr. Busybody felt that HE was the arbiter of what is and isn't okay on R&E, in spite of Ken AND Trish ruling it acceptable -- presumably as long as it remained about the photograph and its crazy appearance.

Posted by greenman Online!
5/12/2021 10:00 am

Post on Ken’s Board from our good buddy SES:

‘The Israelis should call up their reserves and end it already.

Posted by SES on May 12, 2021, 5:47 am, in reply to "The faces of Palestinians murdered by Israel in Gaza"

‘This is what happens when you think you're doing the right thing by avoiding all out war... you end up with dribs and drabs of violence that go on for decades.

Israel should just end it already. Declare war, attack, wipe out the Palestinian scum, and put the rest under imposed governance.

Enough with letting the Palestinians use their children as shields to convince the sheep that THEY are the oppressed.’

That’s a flat-out call for genocide, an international crime, which makes it a criminal post.  What would the result be if someone called for genocide against theJews?

Ken needs to take that down and ban SES.  He banned me PERMANENTLY for the ‘crime’ of having hurt his feelings, after all.

Posted by Siagiah
5/12/2021 10:54 am

WOW... That's HORRIBLE !!

Posted by Siagiah
5/12/2021 11:41 pm

Well, I sent K/G emails twice about the genocide post, but it's still there, so I guess they're okay with it? I'm surprised by that, but it's not up to me.

Posted by Siagiah
5/13/2021 8:23 am

Looks like they were busy and didn't see it or the email until this morning. It's gone now.

Posted by greenman Online!
5/13/2021 9:26 am

Good work, Sia. 

But it isn’t stopping his hateful posting. This from this mornin to Thrinxy, who mentioned that a girlfriend was Jewish but hated Israel:

‘Millions of Muslims would like to see your girlfriend dead.

Posted by SES on May 13, 2021, 6:06 am, in reply to "Plenty of Jews oppose Israel"

Only one side in this dispute passed a "Covenant" that calls to the complete annihilation of the other side in the dispute.

As an anti-Semite, I'm sure you know which side that is.’

The hate-crazed pro-Israel Right at its nastiest...

Last edited by greenman (5/13/2021 9:27 am)

Posted by greenman Online!
5/16/2021 12:28 pm

If I criticize SES for vile posts, Merlin deserves the same:

‘ You can't refute what Sanders said only attack him personally..maybe call him Zionist lackey kike?

Posted by MerlinUser Info on May 16, 2021, 1:17 pm, in reply to "You can’t criticize Israel. That’s the point."
Valued Poster

I see how it is.’

Any friendly relations between Merlin and myself are now at an end, and I consider him an opponent.  He needs a time-out for this.

Last edited by greenman (5/16/2021 12:29 pm)

Posted by greenman Online!
5/16/2021 3:29 pm

More lies from Merlin, the lying anti-Semite:

‘I was following the logic of the thread and trying to think like a member of Hamas or a Palestinian

Posted by MerlinUser Info on May 16, 2021, 4:11 pm, in reply to "ADMIN: C'mon Merlin, you can do better than deliberate provocation."
Valued Poster
‘I think that I have not said in essence anything that is not factual or contrary to anything that Senator Sanders said or did not say in his Guest Essay (formerly Op-ED) in the NYT.

Greenman has taken issue not only with my every post concerning the current outbreak of violence between Israel and Hamas over Palestinians, but also with Senator Sanders's Guest Essay on the same topic though he has repeatedly refused to state what exactly Senator Sanders' said that upset him and he took issue with.

Since I was termed a Z#### l%%% by greenman I asked a QUESTION of greenman, which I will not repeat as I am sure that it is still seared into everyone's memory who read it, of what Senator Sanders, who is Jewish, though not practicing I believe, would be called, a Z#### l%%% @@@@@@ ?

My intent for asking this QUESTION was solely to provoke reasoned civil discourse and I apologize if I have instead disturbed the equanimity of the board.

Jus' sayin' :-)’

One of the most dishonest, self-serving posts I have ever read.  “Reasoned civil discourse” from a Jew-baiting, trolling provocateur?  An honest administrator would ban him indefinitely for his post.

Posted by greenman Online!
5/17/2021 7:12 am

And Sia, if you’re suspending Thrinxy instead of Merlin, that’s absurdly unjust.  I will remove myself from the board for as long as she’s suspended, if Merlin is not suspended.

That’s not remotely acceptable.

Posted by Siagiah
5/17/2021 8:43 am

Thrinxy is CLEARLY not suspended.  She has been on probation for more than a month for multiple totally unrelated reasons.   

Posted by greenman Online!
5/17/2021 9:49 am

Siagiah wrote:

Thrinxy is CLEARLY not suspended.  She has been on probation for more than a month for multiple totally unrelated reasons.   

I know that now, however, she asked why she had been, thus, my enquiry.

I could only go by what I was seeing, which is why I asked you.

Still no comment on Merlin’s vile post, I see..

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/17/2021 11:19 am

greenman wrote:

Siagiah wrote:

Thrinxy is CLEARLY not suspended.  She has been on probation for more than a month for multiple totally unrelated reasons.   

I know that now, however, she asked why she had been, thus, my enquiry.

I could only go by what I was seeing, which is why I asked you.

Still no comment on Merlin’s vile post, I see..

Merlin usually has another shoe up his sleeve. So far this one hasn't dropped out. 

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by greenman Online!
5/17/2021 11:38 am

Yeah, I mean, I don’t know.  The whole thing’s bizarre, IMO.

I know he’s all about agitation, but he’s surely taken it to extremes this time.

Posted by Siagiah
5/17/2021 11:52 am

Thrinxy knows very well WHY she's on probation and guaranteed, it's NOT because of "one thoughtless post".  It's because of DOZENS of outrageously unacceptable posts plus attacks on moderators.

FTR, there are lots of posts full of nasty attacks on other posters on the board, some are yours. NONE of them were Merlin's.  He used a word that is unacceptable in a question to you and couldn't remain, but he didn't CALL anyone that name.  It was removed, as it should have been.


Posted by Siagiah
5/17/2021 11:57 am

greenman wrote:

Yeah, I mean, I don’t know. The whole thing’s bizarre, IMO.

I know he’s all about agitation, but he’s surely taken it to extremes this time.

I have NO idea what is in Merlin's mind as far as his repeated posts about Israel that are upsetting you and Thrinxy. 

Posted by greenman Online!
5/17/2021 12:55 pm

Wow.  You have no idea PERIOD, do you?

I assumed you’d kiss Merlin’s ass and let him get away with it, but trying to blame me for bad posts into the bargain - while IGNORING his blatantly anti-Semitic post -  tells me and EVERYONE exactly who and what you are.

Every single time I try to get along with you and certain others on this board I end up getting sh*t on.  Maybe it’s time to stop taking your sh*t.  Maybe it’s time to move on.

It’s not like I don’t have better things to do...smh

Posted by Siagiah
5/17/2021 1:49 pm

I have MORE THAN ENOUGH VERY IMPORTANT crap on my plate right now to deal with without doing THIS again. 

Merlin's post was NOT IGNORED. It was REMOVED.  But let's NOT turn it into something it wasn't.  He asked you a QUESTION... If you were going to call Bernie Sanders an anti-Semitic name after YOU called him:  "You’re a Zionist lackey. You make that clearer with every post.".  He responded by asking you if you were going to call Bernie Sanders (whom he was quoting in his posts) if he was a "Zionist K*k* Lackey because Sanders is Jewish.

So, STOP trying to turn it into something it WASN'T.  You've made a mountain out of a molehill.

This is absolutely RIDICULOUS.  If you want Merlin to be suspended for ONE infraction that WAS removed, then several others will also have to be suspended for their poor word choices and repeated ugly attacks on other posters.  That would include you too. 

That is obviously unreasonable.  If we had to do that, I'd just shut the damned doors once and for all.

I don't have TIME nor ENERGY for this.  If you have to go, then fine... Go in peace.  I hope you're well and content doing whatever else it is that you prefer to do.


Posted by greenman Online!
5/17/2021 2:14 pm

I don’t have the time for your and Merlin’s lies, denials, smears, and political bullshit.  Enjoy.

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
5/17/2021 3:45 pm

greenman wrote:

I don’t have the time for your and Merlin’s lies, denials, smears, and political bullshit. Enjoy.

Chill and be patient.
No need to burn another bridge.
This prolly isn't what it seems or appears. 


You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony
Posted by Siagiah
5/17/2021 3:49 pm

Pikes Peak 14115 wrote:

greenman wrote:

I don’t have the time for your and Merlin’s lies, denials, smears, and political bullshit. Enjoy.

Chill and be patient.
No need to burn another bridge.
This prolly isn't what it seems or appears. 


It most assuredly ISN'T how he's portrayed it. 

Posted by Siagiah
6/20/2021 11:28 am

Sia: Yeah, there's been a "reset" over there.  Sure, Sure.

Not everything is a "This or that" perspective
Posted by Trish on June 19, 2021, 4:31 pm

I can agree that police reform is necessary without disrespecting the fine people in uniform.

I can disagree with a statue being erected without undermining the reason it came to this point.

There are many other similar concepts but apparently some here are unable to see past their hatred.

  -------------------------------- tRUMP tRASH tEXRA --------------------- Responded with:

Go to hell. YOU hate REAL Americans. You are a pathetic human being.
 Posted by TEXRA-NOT MY AMERICA ANYMORE! on June 19, 2021, 10:13 pm, in reply to "Not everything is a "This or that" perspective" …

The Police are NOT the problem. The criminals who fight the police are the problem. George Floyd, Michael Brown and the ilk would be alive today if anyone had taught them any respect for the law. They are no great loss to anyone.

If you hate the police so much just don't call 911 when you need protection from the George Floyds of the world. Call some nice ommunity group that offers social workers. 20

Message Thread 

Posted by greenman Online!
7/23/2021 8:08 pm

I see Mongo is still being allowed by Ken to stink up the Yellow Board.  ‘No political posting’ but he does it all the time, dancing around Kenny Boy’s lenient definitions.

He’s over there calling Christine Ford  ‘lying, gold-digging hag’ because they’re asking more questions about the Kavanaugh travesty, and then dragging into it an attack on Avenatti (who is trash, admittedly) because you guessed it, they’re both enemies of Trumpublicans.

Meanwhile, that creep GOG continues to fill his own board with pandemic and vaccine misinformation.  Absolutely disgusting.

Posted by Siagiah
7/23/2021 9:09 pm

I reported it all as blatantly POLITICAL and flat out NASTY

Posted by greenman Online!
7/25/2021 8:09 am

I suppose I should just stop reading Ken’s board and commenting on it as well.  I’m just disappointed, as a long-term poster, at what a mess it is and how it’s been allowed to decay.  The type of posters and the posting that’s allowed, compared to what it USED to be, is sad. As is the moderation, IMO. Although I know Trish does her best.

Ah well, life moves on.  Best to look forward.

Posted by greenman Online!
7/26/2021 12:13 pm

I stand by the above, but Mongo’s posts about his own trashboard…lol:

‘ PhDs and other brilliant people post on my board.
Posted by Mondo Fuego™ on July 26, 2021, 7:03 am, in reply to "Too conspiratorial for my tastes."
We're talking IQs ≥ 2, 3 or even 4 σ.

‘People are free to pick and choose their interests with little to no flack or censorship from the host: me 

We have always operated pretty much at the intersection of liberty and anarchy.

In defense of conspiracy theories, It is not an altogether undesirable trait to have the intelligence and imagination to envision and expound upon what possibly could be a connection of dots, as long as one remains mostly tethered to reality.

I, for one, suspect that nefarious agents are tinkering with "designer" viruses and other biological hazards, for the capability so to do truly exists, and abuse of technology is well rooted in today's culture. Do I dwell on it? No. If proof comes to light, then I will merely have my "aha!" moment and carry on.’

As you know, his board has occasional posts from Poppet and DFM, the one highly intelligent and the other increasingly erratic if not insane.  It’s not just full of conspiracies, including anti- vaxxing and pandemic posts by GOG which might actually be actionable, but full of far-Right political extremism by people who deny not only the last election’s vote totals  but their country as well (‘Not my America!’) as well as proudly branding themselves both ‘deplorable’ and ‘a terrorist.’  Human garbage, basically.

And personally I can’t post there because he invited me in with similar disingenuousness, then set upon me with his fellow thugs until my angry responses enabled him to justify my banning.

Sorry, but anyone who trusts Mongo is a FOOL.

Last edited by greenman (7/26/2021 12:15 pm)

Posted by Pikes Peak 14115
7/26/2021 2:18 pm

I am doing what I can to mitigate and end the unproductive animosity. In response to a proposal and plea that became real and serious, that I took as real and serious, steps were taken on both sides to end the conflict. In that area I watched change unfold and took incremental steps to support. The relationship changed. Of course I remain cautious as always. But also knowing meaningful change also requires risk, I was willing to take that risk. So far, so good.

I do not engage in political discussion, because not only to those views remain opposite, but engagement with and about them would surely undo good done. Agreement to disagree without making it personal means more or less to leave it totally alone. Therefore when something is written where response might ignite renewed animosity and inflict more damage, as well as reopening old wounds, my response is to leave it alone. 

I highly encourage you to consider finding a way. Make a gesture or offer to repair damage, agree to disagree, and find things you have in common, about which you can share and write. In some circles, politics becomes little more than a fuse into a bomb. Key is not to light the fuse. If an OP ignites it, let it burn out without response. 

I was wrong about Mondo. I believe he saw something of value, important, and wanted to change and soften heart. I too saw that in him. Common ground that could be a new and different beginning. Don't get me wrong, I recall all that led to brink of a precipice. All that hasn't been trashed, but tabled. He wrote things and so did I. Things of which not to be proud. That could be continued indefinitely and unproductively, or it could be changed for something better. Echo and residue of the old animosity isn't gone. It is a reminder to be careful and cautious, and to make effort to avoid, and not renew, rekindle, and regrow it. 

I hold out, extend, and offer the possibility, that if THIS relationship could be repaired with movement and effort on both sides, that might be exemplary with encouragement for anyone and everyone. Don't have to act on it right away. But consider it. Don't let judgment cloud it. Make an offer. See what response it gets. Steps begins with a first. Who makes it doesn't matter. 

I have not and don't post on CPD because others would almost certainly invite an unwanted tag team gang thrashing, doing nothing but damage to steps taken by two people on what essentially is neutral ground. They made NO offer of reconciliation, nor do I expect that. Chief effort is not to agree or disagree, but to leave it alone. 


Last edited by Pikes Peak 14115 (7/26/2021 2:27 pm)

You can look away from a painting, but you can't listen away from a symphony

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